Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1719 Neither this month nor another day!

In the savage forest, there was a moment of silence.

Jiang Wang let go of his red hand, let go of his sword, and hid his star building. But that killing intent, which was as real as it was, didn't dissipate... Like a huge stone, it fell into his stern eyes.

"Is he dead?" Fourteen asked aloud.

"Lei Zhanqian is dead, this Zhang Linchuan is not there yet."

I don't know where Chongxuan Chuliang's life-cutting knife is kept. He has seen too much in his life, and there is no emotional turmoil. He only frowned slightly: "This person is not simple. Humanity is not humane, and divine way is not divine. A puppet body is not a puppet body, and seizing a body is not a seizing body...Maybe someone A magical power based on numerology."

If it's someone who seizes a home, he can see through it at a glance. How dare this evil spirit come to board Qi State's boat?

Judging from the performance of this supernatural power alone, Zhang Linchuan is almost Lei Zhanqian himself, so it can be seen that it is in line with the theory of fortune, and he has inferred for some reason.

Chongxuan Sheng said: "Could it be that even you can't kill him completely?"

"How could it be that easy? He didn't really stand in front of me. It's just an existence similar to a clone..." Chongxuan Chuliang said softly: "I only cut off three parts of his body when I used a sword in another life. The century-old Shouyuan cut him off from the rank of true god."

Fourteen blinked her eyes, this was a force she could not imagine.

"Then can you locate Zhang Linchuan's real body?" Chong Xuansheng asked, "Where is he now?"

Even putting aside his relationship with Jiang Wang, his killing intent towards Zhang Linchuan was extremely intense.

This leader of the cult is really vicious and terrifying.

If it wasn't for Lin Youxie a few months ago, Shisi would have had the accident!

He didn't feel much about Lin Youxie's disappearance before, and all his efforts were for Jiang Wang. After knowing what happened, he also has a responsibility for Lin Youxie's death.

Lin Youxie's death was of course a great misfortune. But he also clearly realized how rare it is to be able to break through this cancer hidden in Lushuang County in advance.

Zhang Linchuan's prudence, planning, and disguise are all first-class.

Just imagine that without Lin Youxie's unexpected thought, Zhang Linchuan, who had no loopholes, would have a loophole. When Zhang Linchuan really wiped out all the disagreements, he re-developed in Qi State as Lei Zhanqian.

With this body, the talent of obtaining the top supernatural power Leixi, and Zhang Linchuan himself has reached the vision of a true god, plus his wisdom and forbearance, plus Lu Shuanglei's innate close relationship with the royal family...

What kind of terror Zhang Linchuan can develop into in the end, and what kind of enemy he becomes is really unimaginable!

Especially for such a person, there is a fundamental contradiction with Jiang Wangben, and they cannot be at odds with each other. It's a life-and-death relationship.

Since it is a life-and-death relationship...

Of course I want you to die, but I live.

So he couldn't wait to ask Zhang Linchuan's real body.

Chongxuan Chuliang shook his head: "This person's numerology-like supernatural powers are quite weird. Before he exposed himself, I couldn't even find that he had replaced Lei Zhangan. After the Shinto world, the connection with Lei Zhanqian's body was established through many transfers by believers, and there is no way to trace it.

Can I cut off his original life, or through the entanglement of his original body and the fate of this physical body, the identity can be plundered, but the life limit is one. But he also made a decisive decision and gave up. In the end, what he talked to Qingyang was nothing more than a lingering thought.

Destiny is a journey, not my specialty. If Supervisor Ruan is here, maybe he can figure out something..."

Chong Xuansheng didn't say anything that he knew earlier, those words didn't make any sense. Directly crushed the summons decree in his hand.

Not long after, there were one after another auras approaching Savage Forest.

The leader, Qing Zhuan, flew over quickly, penetrated into the forest, and half-kneeled on the ground: "What orders does Hou Ye have?"

Chong Xuansheng said directly: "Accept the seal of the Marquis, mobilize the county soldiers nearby, control the county guard Luo Zhengchuan, seal off Lei's ancestral house, and investigate the remnants of the cult. At the same time, Zhou's family, Zhou Qingsong, and all the members of the party will be arrested together. They will also be reported to the patrol inspection The government asks for the crime! The demon has used his body to cause chaos for more than a year, and the key figures in Lushuang County cannot absolve themselves of responsibility!"


Qing Zhuan led the way and left.

Chong Xuansheng then looked at Jiang Wang: "What do you say?"

Fourteenth, Chong Xuan and Chu Liang also looked over.

In today's game, Zhang Linchuan lost a lot, is that enough?

The body that Zhang Linchuan replaced with some kind of supernatural power died on the spot, and the painstaking efforts in Qi State went to waste. Is that enough?

Zhang Linchuan was cut off a lot of life by Chongxuan Chuliang who controlled the terrifying path, and temporarily knocked down the rank of the true god. Is this enough?

Jiang Wang, who had been silent for a long time, just pointed at the night sky with his blood-stained hand, "I will not share this month with Zhang Linchuan, nor will we share another day."

This is not an exclamation, this is a statement.

His voice was very cold and therefore very firm.

Below the true God, there are false gods.

For Zhang Linchuan, who can no longer reproduce the combat power of Dongzhen level in a short period of time, this is an excellent opportunity to kill him!

Chong Xuansheng raised his eyes to look at the solitary moon, and only said: "The moon is as bright as this night, so don't let him see it too many times."

Jiang Wang turned and walked out.

The coercion of the strong man gradually dissipated, and the bones on the ground were also taken away.

The evening wind hits the dead leaves that have long been unable to tie the residual branches.

This late night in Savage Forest is so lonely and cold.

so lonely.



September 2, 3921 in the Dao calendar was an ordinary day.

But because of an open letter from Jiang Wang, Marquis of Wu'an in the Great Qi Dynasty, it is no longer common.

On this day, Marquis Wu'an of Qi signed and printed, wrote a letter with his own hand, dipped in blood into it, and passed it on to Tianxingya, Jingshitai, and even the world!

In this open letter, he lamented the harm of evil religions, especially pointing out that those who are known as "No Life Sects" have committed many evils and disrupted the order of the world. They cannot be tolerated by the laws of heaven, let alone the world.

He called on people from all over the world to suppress Wushengjiao together. He also listed high rewards for the top-down leaders of Wushengjiao. Vow to uproot this cult.

Taking Zhang Linchuan, the Patriarch of Wusheng as an example, the price offered by Marquis Wu'an was a total of 20,000 primeval stones, plus a promise to sell with all his strength!

The world marveled at the financial resources of Marquis Wu'an of Qi State, and felt the weight of this hatred even more.

It should be known that one primordial stone can buy a storage box and exchange for a first-class pulse opening pill. Mo family's very popular fine-quality squirrel box only needs three primordial stones.

Overseas, a scorching sun flying boat was blown up by the Hai clan because of Jiang Wang, and Ding Jingshan only asked Jiang Wang to pay 3,000 primordial stones. The Scorching Sun Flying Boat is as famous as the Thorn Boat, and it is truly a big killer on the battlefield!

The weight of the 20,000 primordial stones can be seen from this.

Even for Jiang Wang now, if he wants to take out so many stones at one time, he needs to pledge Desheng Commercial Bank and Taixujiaolou.

It can be said that he gave up his family and swore to kill Zhang Linchuan.

And Marquis Wu'an's promise to make a single shot with all his strength is even more important.

Today's Marquis of Wu'an is already one of the most powerful masters in the world. It is completely predictable to become a real person in this world, and once achieved, it will not be an ordinary real person.

It's a promise with infinite potential for added value.

And in this open letter, Jiang Wang also described Zhang Linchuan's state in detail, listing all the information he has shown so far, such as Lei Fa, supernatural powers to replace others, and good at hiding... It is clear that he has been beheaded by the murderer, The combat power has already fallen to the level of Dongzhen.

In other words, a cult leader who is at most only at the level of God's Promenade can exchange for 20,000 primordial stones and the promise of Marquis Wu'an of Qi State.

Once this letter was handed down, the world was shocked!



"Jiang Wang lost his mother when he was young, and his father when he was young. The same is true of fate, and he has never complained.

I only hope that you can reward your hard work with hard work, succeed in righteousness and courage, go your own way, and be able to love yourself and others.

At the age of seventeen, encountering the cult of the Bone Dao caused disasters. Overnight, the country was lost, all relatives and friends died, and there was no one who knew anything!

After that, there was no day when I could rest in peace.

Hundreds of thousands of mourning were heard, and blood and tears in the eyes were endless.

God's will is not merciful, but I am the only one who hates this. "

In the Huai State Duke's mansion, a handsome young man in Chinese robes was reading a letter in his hand, he paused a few times before he had to continue——

"Wandering thousands of miles, this body is not tied, but a close friend, so I entered the Eastern Qi Dynasty.

Although I am young and weak, my talents are shallow and my wisdom is weak, I am born with red blood and dare not give up, and God has given me a body of seven feet and dare not give up.

Walk thousands of miles, try your best.

Lift the three-foot sword and do the three-foot righteousness!

Bloody battles in the lost world, fighting against disasters, slaughtering demons in the wilderness, not falling behind.

Murderer, blood-sealer, dare to be the first!

Gratitude must be repaid, and faith must be practiced. I, Jiang Wang, refused to betray others all my life, but my good friend Lin Youxie died for me, Jiang Wang!

With the integrity of the green card, investigating the crime, and tragic death at the hands of the pope of the cult...

I hate my heart and blood, and I am so sad! "

The beautiful woman sitting across from the handsome young man, her eyes turned red at some point.

Hearing the boy read again——


The Tao of bones in the past, today's lifeless teaching!

Bewitching people's hearts, turning to evil ways, spreading poisonous thoughts, causing widespread disasters, is the law of heaven tolerable?

One messenger, one evil scripture, hastily prolong the disaster for several years.

An altar and a statue of a god are often tormented for hundreds of miles.

If you believe in this evil god, you will sacrifice your life with blood. There are many people who are decrepit and ruined, and there are countless people who have lost their families!

With the mighty blue sky and the bright red sun, can the righteous people in the world endure this evil?

I come from the world, looking up to the sky and bowing down to the ground.

Do not believe that the sky has no eyes, do not believe that good and evil have no reward!

If it does, I will personally report it.

It will be reported to pieces!

Today is the famous Zhang Linchuan, the former envoy of bones, today's ancestor of lifelessness... Jiang Wang swears to the sky that he will not share the sun and the moon with him! "

Zuo Guangshu grasped the letter tightly, but he couldn't read any more.

It was hard for Xiong Jingyu to imagine that this open letter was actually written by Jiang Wang, who had lived in the Duke Huai's mansion for many days. Such a gentle, polite, sincere and trustworthy child has experienced so much suffering...

She has seen too many people, because of the sufferings she has suffered, she complains about the injustice of the sky, cynical and inhumane. From then on, she becomes extremely hostile to the world, commits all kinds of evil, and wishes to drag the whole world to be buried with her...

But Jiang Wang has burdened so much, but he only has one sentence: "Fate is like this".

The eldest princess of Chu calmed down her emotions, and then asked: "What else is written later?

"A reward for Wushengjiao." Zuo Guangshu replied in a low voice, then raised his head again: "No, we want to increase the reward in the name of the Huai State Government, and also spread this letter in the southern region. If grandpa refuses, then in my name..."

His voice swallowed, because an old man in court clothes was standing outside the door at this moment.

"Nonsense." Da Chu Huai Guogong frowned: "You are young, and you can't talk about the whole southern region. Who do you think you are?"

"Grandpa!" Zuo Guangshu said with red eyes, "Brother Jiang..."

Zuo Xiao only stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the letter."

Zuo Guang reluctantly handed out the letter in his hand.

"Where did this letter come from?" Zuo Xiao asked while shaking his hand away, reading it.

Zuo Guangshu replied: "Brother Jiang handed over to Tianxingya and Jingguo Jingshitai, and demanded that Wushengjiao be declared a cult, and the whole world was called to suppress it... I asked someone to copy and send it..."

"Okay, don't worry about this matter anymore, stay at home and read your book!" Zuo Xiao folded the letter in his hand, and he turned and left the mansion just after he came down from the court meeting.

"Mother!" Zuo Guangshu was annoyed when his grandfather disappeared, "What do you mean by this old man? I can't ignore Brother Jiang's affairs."

"Okay. Listen to your grandfather, go study." Xiong Jingyu patted the back of Zuo Guangshu's head, and said softly: "If your grandfather doesn't care, mother will come to the palace."

Not to mention how the little grandfather of Chu turned the book over and over again and couldn't read it, and how he drew back and forth in the illusory world, and finally lost a single word...

Before the sun set on this day, the Great Chu Empire issued a letter of credence, declaring it to the world.

The state of Chu, one of the hegemonic countries in the world, officially listed Wushengjiao as a cult, and it was the worst first-class cult.

Spreading the teachings of this religion to a scale of more than 20 people is the same crime as murder. Those who turn a blind eye to Wushengjiao's missionary activities and fail to report them in time will also be held accountable.

The Duke of Huaiguo even offered rewards to leaders at all levels of the Wusheng Sect. Those who kill the core believers of the Wusheng Sect can not only go to the Wu'anhou Mansion and Bowanghou Mansion of Qi State to receive the reward, but also go to Da Chuhuai to receive the reward. The government received the reward.

For a while, the southern region trembled.

Everyone in the Wusheng Cult yelled and beat them, and even a small orthodox Taoist temple called "Small Wuxiang Life and Death Temple" was smashed by the excited common people.

This vigorous action to exterminate Wushengjiao originated from Lushuang County of Qi State, and with the support of Wu'anhou Mansion and Bowanghou Mansion, it gradually affected the whole country and even the Eastern Region.

Outside the Eastern Region, the Great Chu Empire took the lead in responding, listing Wusheng Cult as a cult, and ordering the entire country to exterminate it.

At this time, Mu Guo also released the news that the Wusheng Cult had caused disasters in the grasslands and blasphemed the highest gods, and designated it as a cult with the level of "must be suppressed", declaring that "everything illuminated by the divine light of Cangtu must not be tolerated." born evil".

Si Yu'an, the master of the Jiange Pavilion, publicly stated that Marquis Wu'an is a very polite young man, and he is very optimistic about Marquis Wu'an's future. If there is a chance for him to run into those little mice of Wushengjiao, he would not mind making a living. extra money.

However, Wu Bingji, the great master of Legalism, made a public statement about Lin Youxie, a disciple who will not be able to enroll in Judi Palace in the future, and put Zhang Linchuan's name on the death list, calling on the disciples of Legalism in the world to kill him. The teacher was completely beaten into a street rat!

Zhang Linchuan never imagined that Junior Brother Jiang, who was coaxed by him in the past, has such a huge influence today.

A piece of thin paper, because of the name of Marquis of Wu'an, it has a great potential.

It was just an open letter, and since then, in the Eastern Region, Southern Region, Mu Country, and Chu Country, there will be no place for Wu Shengjiao!

In just a few days, more than half of his Earth Demon messengers were killed or injured. Even the guardian king's wing ghost was in an ambush and was in danger of encountering accidents.

A large number of believers under the sect quit the religion, like a landslide, and the missionary work suffered a devastating blow.

This was not only a blow to his career, but also directly related to his personal cultivation and extraordinary power, and it was at a critical moment when he was beheaded by Zhong Xuan Chuliang!

In a trance, just overnight, with the help of the inanimate world, which spreads wildly in the darkness and has tentacles almost all over the world, the Inanimate Cult is in danger of being overthrown!

Jurisprudentially, the Wusheng Sect has been defined, and the orthodox sects will not tolerate the growth of evil spirits and heretics, and the existence of evil religions will absolutely not be allowed in the national order.

And Jiang Wang offered a reward with 20,000 primordial stones plus his promise to make a full shot...


He, the trinity of the inanimate patriarch, not only has to be alert to the dangers of the outside world, even in the inner core of the sect, some eyes are green and glowing with hunger!

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