Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1720 national enmity

"If there is someone who coaches the ancestor Zhang Linchuan's head to the east, Jiang Wang, Marquis of Wu'an, would like to offer 20,000 primordial stones in return, and promise to do his best once without violating the premise of righteousness!"

This is definitely the most important reward offered by all countries in the world in recent years.

It's not that Zhang Linchuan's weight is heavy.

It is the strongest in the world, and few people can be affected by the reward.

Just like Jiang Mengxiong, if he could be killed, no matter how many primordial stones Jingguo had, he would be willing to produce them. But who dares to hang this bounty? Who dares to take it?

Only leftist monsters like Zhang Linchuan, once identified, are street rats, and everyone shouts and beats them.

And his way of growing up is destined to attract believers, and he must expand his teachings. Even if there is an inanimate world as a gap, there will inevitably be some traces left behind.

Because of his usual caution and the secrecy of the inanimate world, he can still hide himself. But the sub-altars in various places were destroyed one after another, and the emissaries of the Earth Sha who preached gave up their jobs and fled. If they ran slower, they would be beheaded to receive the reward.

For example, the wild expansion of the local ghost messengers in the Fengtai city of Chengguo, and the open competition with the orthodox sects such as the Lingkong Temple will never happen again in the eastern and southern regions.

Once it is classified as a cult, it is no longer qualified to grow in the sun.

Jiang Wang had already thought about dealing with Zhang Linchuan. Seriously thought about it many times.

To deal with everything that walks in the dark, no matter how strong, evil, or cunning he is, he can directly crush it with a brilliant momentum.

Demons and sprites, where can they hide?

It's just that before Lin Youxie's accident, he didn't see the possibility of completely eradicating the Wusheng Cult, and he didn't want to scare the snake away. Against an enemy like Zhang Linchuan, small fights are of no avail. What is important is that if you don't move, you will be done, and if you move, you will be wiped out in one fell swoop.

But unexpectedly, Zhang Linchuan sneaked into Qi State, and with his strange numerology supernatural powers, he replaced Lei Zhanqian's identity... They were close at hand, but he didn't know it!

Just like when he was in Fenglin City Taoist Academy back then, he never knew that Senior Brother Zhang Linchuan, who was superb in Leifa and good in nature, was actually a person of the Tao of Bones.

There is absolutely no life and death enemy waiting for you to grow up in this world.

If it weren't for Lin Youxie, the outcome of this round would be unpredictable.


In the savage forest, a lonely grave was erected.

The tomb was not very magnificently built, but it was exquisite in every aspect, obviously with great care.

Lin Youxie, a genius blue card, rests here.

There are no corpses, no souls, just clothes as graves...

Even the clothes were taken from the sealed old Lin's house.

The original case files that she has cracked over the years are also buried in the tomb, or there are not many traces of her in this world. The dossiers still left in the Beiya are all duplicates—these dossiers were sorted out and delivered by Zheng Shangming himself.

Lin Youxie's funeral was handled by Jiang Wang himself.

Every part, inside and out, is hands-on.

He originally wanted to bury Lin Youxie on Tianxingya, because Sanxing Palace was the last place this girl wanted to go.

But she has not really left Qi Tu, nor has she really joined the Sanxing Palace. And as the only descendant of the Qingpai family, she has a special status. The Qingpai family, which originated from the time of Emperor Wu of Qi, has become extinct with her, and has completely become history.

Although not many people cared about her before she was alive, no one knew about her disappearance for several months. However, the burial place after her death still needs to consider the perception of Qi people and the impact on this country...

This seems to be a kind of fate, which has been doomed since she was born.

Chong Xuansheng persuaded him seriously. Moreover, the momentum to wipe out the Wusheng Sect must also originate from Lin Youxie, a native of Qi, starting from Lushuang County of Qi State, and sweeping the world...

After comprehensive consideration, Jiang Wang decided to set up a grave for Lin Youxie at the place where the two separated.

It can be regarded as telling her that she waited until the old man came to find him.

Today is the day when the tomb is completed, and the funeral rituals and music have all been dispersed.

Lin Youxie likes to be quiet and not noisy, so he didn't invite anyone.

Even if there is someone who wants to cling to the relationship, no one dares to touch his bad luck at this time.

That is to say, Chong Xuansheng, Shisi, Li Longchuan, Yan Fu and a few friends rushed over specially to burn a few sticks of incense.

They've all left now.

September is high autumn, Wu Zhi draws the sky in a mess, the old crow makes a few sounds, and gradually flies away.

He stood alone at the tomb.

Stayed quietly for a long time.

The tombstone was carved by him himself, chiseled into the stone with his fingers. After thinking for a long time, in the end, only the three characters Lin Youxie were engraved without any prefix or suffix.

Those so-called honors and so-called commemorations are all implicated by Yu Lin Youxie.

In her life, she has been trapped by too heavy a net of dust. Ideals, relatives, and family glory are all very heavy. She doesn't live for herself for a moment.

It's never been easy.

What remains in Jiang Wang's memory now are only the sound of smashing medicine, the figure waving away from the back, and the black cat shattered in Xinque's eyes.

Set up a clean tombstone with the words Xia Lin Youxie engraved on it.

There are not many people in the world who care about her, and I hope that after she leaves, they don't have to care about the world.


The sound of dead branches cracking gently shattered the emotions.

Qingzhuan, who has been busy with the affairs of Lushuang County for a while, walked into the forest worriedly: "Master Hou, I just received the news from Linzi that you are ordered to return to Linzi to participate in the court meeting."

The recent investigations surrounding Lushuang County were jointly carried out by the Lushuang County Garrison and the Inspection Office. The person in charge of the Beiya is Qi Huaichang, deputy inspection envoy, a member of Donglai Qi's family... This is of course a gesture of controlling the situation, and it is hard to say whether there is any other meaning in it.

Qingzhuan's worry has its own reasons.

An open letter from Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi caused an uproar in the world.

Reactions vary from place to place.

Although Chu and Mu spoke out, and San Xing Gong and Jiange expressed their views, Jiang Wang's face was not sold everywhere in the world.

For example, Jingguo Jingshitai is an organization that belongs exclusively to Jingguo, but because of Jingguo's special status and the influence of the central empire, it is also the responsibility of monitoring the world on its own on weekdays. The ancient covenant of killing demons is often invoked to eliminate foreign thieves and kill evil spirits.

But on the matter of Wushengjiao, they didn't make a sound.

Even Jiang Wang's open letter was delivered to the door. All the evidence about Wushengjiao's evil law was sent to him. This organization that monitors the world's evil and sycophants has also remained silent.

It is said that Jing Shitai cannot act rashly, and it will take time to verify the nature of Wushengjiao and Zhang Linchuan's specific information...

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye knows that what is reflected behind this incident is more the dissatisfaction of Jing Guo and Qi Guo, and the intentional neglect of Jing Shitai and Qi people. As Jing Shitai of Jingguo, he didn't want to give Qi Guowu'anhou more momentum.

If you send a letter from the Marquis of the Qi State, I, Jing Shitai, will come forward immediately. Who is really ruling the world today?

Jing Shitai did not make a sound, and the central region covered by Jingguo's influence, and even the subordinate countries of Tianxia Dao, naturally also remained silent.

The external political environment is like this, even within the state of Qi, it is not monolithic.

Although it is said that there are evil cults and monsters, everyone can get them and punish them. But it is not so simple to use the strength of Qi to promote this matter. Politics sometimes exists beyond positions.

Jing Shitai was unwilling to let the matter led by Jiang Wang gain more momentum.

Is everyone in Qi State looking forward to Jiang Wanghao?

It is true that with the current political status of Marquis Bowang and Marquis Wu'an, it is not impossible to implement a decree targeting a specific cult in Qi State.

But in terms of efficiency, it will definitely not be very fast.

After all, they are not the Duke of Huai who has been in charge of a thousand-year-old family, nor are they the Empress Dowager who is favored by the Empress.

And to completely wipe out the Wushengjiao, the most important thing is speed.

With Zhang Linchuan's wisdom, it is impossible to imagine the evil consequences of his failure in Qi. Even if he miscalculated Jiang Wang's influence, he must have made a lot of preparations.

If he was given enough time, it would be hard to say whether he would be able to safely transfer the beliefs of the Wusheng Cult and create another organization of the Undead Cult or something. He was already at the level of proficiency in resurrecting the soul from a dead body.

Therefore, Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng took two steps in the pursuit of Wushengjiao.

Jiang Wang's open letter was sent directly to the Sanxing Palace, and the Holy Land of the Legalists was invited to notarize it. The many evidences attached to the letter are enough for San Xinggong to see the matter clearly.

Because of Lin Kuang and Ulie's past contributions to Xing Ming, Jidi Palace has long reserved a place for Lin Youxie to study, and Lin Youxie was killed in the process of tracking down the pope of the heretic sect... The style of acting is that it will not avoid this matter no matter what.

Of course, the statement made by the great master Wu Bingji, who is in charge of Jidi Palace, was unexpected by Jiang Wang.

He originally thought that for a cult of Wushengjiao's scale, it would be enough for Sanxinggong to send a true biography of God's level to speak out, and even real people don't need to come forward. Not to mention that Wu Bing has personally spoken out, calling for the execution of legalist monks all over the world... It can only be attributed to the legacy of Lin Kuang and Ulie.

On Chong Xuansheng's side, he started from Lushuang County, blaming Wu Shengjiao for all the actions Zhang Linchuan did in Lushuang County after he replaced Lei Zhanqian. Starting from the "victims" in Lushuang County, a large-scale wave of extermination of cults was triggered.

A large part of these "victims" can actually be said to be losers under reasonable competition. Because Zhang Linchuan borrowed Lei Zhanqian's body to get on the big ship of Qi State, not to cause any damage from the beginning. So in all kinds of struggles in Lushuang County, he was very disciplined.

However, these people were indeed suppressed by Zhang Linchuan, the ancestor of the Wusheng Sect, and there was nothing wrong with using them to sound the death knell for the Wusheng Sect.

Specifically regarding Jiang Wang's open letter and the huge repercussions it caused, there have always been different voices within Qi.

Among them, the one who shouted the loudest was still named Ruer Fengming.

This person wrote three articles in a row, titled "Should Lingyang Be a Great Responsibility?"

In the last two articles, you can roughly know what they are talking about just by looking at the names. The "Lingyang" in the first article is the Marquis of Lingyang during the period of Emperor Wu of Qi. He was confiscated by Emperor Wu for private use of public equipment.

The first article scolded the Marquis of Lingyang, which was a test of the waters.

Using the past to remonstrate the present, the literary talents are flourishing.

Immediately after the second and third articles, the wording became more and more severe, and they directly pointed the finger at Jiang Wang.

Er Fengming represents, of course, more than Er Fengming. But it is also difficult to force him to be classified as a party. This wonderful pen, and the madman attitude that anyone dares to scold, are his philosophy of survival.

The cunning of knowing who can scold and who can't, and the thick face of shrinking his head and closing his account when encountering difficulties are the prerequisites for him to live a better life than Xu Fang back then.

Some people seek good fame, some seek notoriety, dragons and snakes have their own ways, and they can all thrive.

These three articles were really wonderfully written, causing a lot of discussion between the government and the opposition.

In the political affairs hall and the military affairs hall, no big figures came out to express their views, but since then, the noise has become more and more intense.

As one of the most prominent figures in Qi State today, Marquis Wu'an mobilized state resources to pursue and suppress an unknown cult, which has also become a hot topic of discussion in the streets and alleys.

The memorials related to it are more like raindrops.

There are supporters and there are opponents.

To this day, the emperor clearly ordered Jiang Wang to participate in this court meeting.

It is probably to make a final conclusion for the material discussions that have been raging during this period of time.

Qingzhuan was worried about this.

Jiang Wang was very calm, and when he heard the news, he only said: "Got it."

There are some things that are actually not arguable, but some people's faultfinding and other people's fueling are always irresistible.

If you focus on provoking, you can always find a reason. Standing to block my sunshine, lying down to block my way.

He has long been used to it, and it is nothing more than facing it.

He only took one more look at Lin Youxie's tombstone, then stood up and fled into the distance... The blue clouds are blossoming towards Linzi.


Ziji Hall is the hall where civil and military officials of the Great Qi Empire discussed their affairs.

The local government affairs of this great empire can be done in the Sheriff's Office. The imperial court is usually only responsible for monitoring.

Political affairs involving the whole country, as well as some government affairs that cannot be decided by local governments, are often enough to be properly resolved at the stage of deliberation among hundreds of officials.

Further up is the collegial meeting of the political affairs hall, and finally the emperor reads it.

After all, how can such a huge empire, thousands of miles of territory, and billions of people be able to work hard?

In history, it is common for emperors to rule every half a month, once a month, or even for a year or so.

Only today is the day when the emperor sits very diligently, as long as he is not on an expedition, it will be rain or shine. He often sits high in the Ziji Hall and listens silently to the quarrels of officials. He doesn't participate in discussions on non-major matters, but he has to go through all the matters discussed by the officials, so no one dares to be careless.

After possessing achievements comparable to Taizu and Emperor Wu, the same is true, and he has not slack off for a day.

He sits in the supreme position, behind the peaceful bead curtain, the heart of the emperor that no one can see clearly is also his gaze on the whole world.

All great emperors must seek greatness. Obviously, the Great Qi Empire, which spans the southeast and sees the world as a tiger, has not been able to fill his ambitions.

It has been fifty-seven years since he ascended the throne.

The Yuanfeng year is enough to be named great, but the story about this year is still going on.

It is different from the majestic, quiet and great high bank imagined by many ordinary people.

Most of the time, Ziji Temple is no different from the vegetable market. The two parties in the quarrel each said their own words, and there were not a few people who were red-faced.

Today is no exception.

This means that the agricultural tax not only needs to be reduced, but also should be converted into money, so as to avoid the loss caused by the process of collecting grain.

The one who said that 30% tax is already a mighty grace of the emperor, you have to consider the national conditions when you make any decision, if you collect money and collect money, your mother is about to starve to death, can you eat money?

It was so noisy.

Until the golden gourd warrior outside the hall announced together - "See you, Marquis Wu'an!"

Immediately, Ziji Hall seemed to have dropped a silence enchantment, and everyone shut up.

The eyes of some people seemed to fall on the famous Confucian who stood in the queue on the right side of the hall with his arms folded... Er Fengming, who did not hold any official position.

At this time, Marquis Wu'an, wearing a purple Nine Python Tunyunhou uniform, strode into the hall with his long sword in his hand, without taking off his shoes.

The boots echoed crisply in the hall, today he is not as gentle as before, his eyebrows and eyes are sharp, and his breath is steaming like clouds, it seems that the famous sword in the world has been unsheathed at his waist!

He walked in the passageway separated by the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, without squinting. In the tall and wide Ziji Hall, there is a graceful appearance supporting the dome. Step by step, he walked up to Danbi.

"Exemption." Da Qi, who was sitting on the dragon chair, only raised his hand.

Song Yao in the queue of the Zhengshitang was expressionless, and Yi Xingchen, who was holding a memorial beside him, was so fixed that he didn't even rip a hair out of his corner of the eye.

I know everyone is a little confused.

Neither those who supported Marquis Wu'an nor those who supported Er Fengming could grasp the emperor's attitude.

If you haven't worshiped yet, you will be exempted from the ceremony?

Is the Son of Heaven satisfied, or dissatisfied?

Hold it high, do you want to beat it down hard?

Those who want to go to see the champion Hou who is also known as the double pride of the empire with Wu Anhou, but see this white-clothed Hou Ye in the honorary queue, his eyes are slightly closed, he is still immersed in his own practice world-"stand guard" at the court meeting , It is indeed the privilege of these two young military meritorious lords.

Jiang Wang didn't care about that at all, and didn't speculate about anything, he just stood there, with his spine straight like a sword, standing on the ground to support the sky.

The emperor's gaze fell, and his voice enveloped the hall: "Marquis Wu'an's letter is very well written, it can be seen that I have put a lot of effort into studying recently."

Jiang Wang replied: "I just can't help myself. I just write and write. I don't know what words are good or bad."

The emperor looked at him, and said in a calm tone: "Recently, there are a few articles, citing scriptures and allusions, and Chinese rhetoric. Reading it is like tasting fragrant tea. Have you read it, Marquis Wu'an?"

"If it's a recent article, I probably haven't read it."


"there is no time."

"What are you busy with, Aiqing?"

Jiang Wang replied calmly: "Busy about my friend's funeral."

The emperor had something to say, but suddenly he didn't want to say it.

Then he waved his hand: "Mr. Er, I have invited Marquis Wu An over here. If you have any questions, you might as well ask them face to face."

The atmosphere in Ziji Hall was a little tense.

Er Fengming was clearly prepared, with his sleeves fluttering, he walked out of the queue calmly and walked to Jiang Wang's side.

He was unarmed, with only white socks on his feet, and his momentum naturally lost several chips.

But with a calm face, he saluted the emperor first, then bowed to Jiang Wang, and said sincerely: "The grass people have always respected the martial arts of the Marquis, and today I will try to say that if there are fallacies, please don't forgive me. If it is not enough to relieve the anger, the blood will splash three steps, and the grassroots will have no complaints."

Facing the famous Confucian who repeatedly scolded himself bloody, Jiang Wang slightly raised his eyebrows: "Please tell me."

Er Fengming straightened up, brushed both sides of his big sleeves, but he also had the charm of a celebrity: "Dare to ask the Marquis, whether the country hates the private enmity, which is more important?"

"What is national hatred? What is personal enmity?" Jiang Wang asked back: "Mr. Er, why not say it clearly, what is cutting Xia? What is suppressing Wushengjiao?"

Er Fengming said: "Naturally, the attack on Xia is for the country's hatred, and the suppression of the Wusheng religion is for personal enmity."

Jiang Wang looked at him calmly: "Has the Suppressing Wusheng Cult affected Ben Hou Faxia?"

Er Fengming was stunned for a moment, knowing that he had fallen into a language trap, he felt an absurd sense of astonishment... Didn't it mean that Marquis Wu'an would only be full of old punches at every turn?

But he quickly realized: "That's not what I said. If the Wusheng Cult is a cult, it should indeed be suppressed. I also hate cults. But how should I suppress them? How much effort will it take?"

"A mere non-life religion is like ants on Xiongshan Mountain. Is it worth my Daqi's consumption of such national power?"

He came to the state and became more and more excited: "For a small sect, it is enough to post a list and offer a reward to the inspector's office! But Hou Ye set off a huge momentum with hatred. Now the whole country is saying that there is no life sect, and everyone wants to kill that Linchuan sect. The head. The whole court is used for the personal hatred of the prince, so is the prince really not a little uneasy?"

Jiang Wang stared at him for a while.

It can be seen that Er Fengming is a little dazed, the agitation of devoting himself to the country has subconsciously weakened.

But he still straightened his spine, and said with a literati style: "Where did the grass people say something wrong, Lord Hou just speak up."

Jiang Wangdao: "If you want to talk about the harm of Wusheng Cult, you can say a lot. The danger of Zhang Linchuan, the ancestor of Wusheng Cult, is enough to list one, two, three, four. You may understand, you may not understand, or you may pretend not to understand. But None of this matters today."

He sighed: "You said personal hatred, that's right."

"The Wushengjiao has a gnashing of teeth hatred for the Marquis, and it will be solved after he must be killed... In front of His Majesty, in front of all colleagues, I can't deny it."

He turned around, no longer looked at Er Fengming, and only paid homage to the Emperor Daqi on the dragon chair: "In the past, the palace was right, Your Majesty had a question, but I couldn't fully answer it. Today I will try to say—"

Although he bowed his body, he said in a high voice: "I know the honor of a hegemony and the nobility of a prince! Four years of fame, I am willing to use it for selfish hatred! I hope Your Majesty will allow it!"

He didn't explain or refute, he admitted that dealing with Wushengjiao and Zhang Linchuan was more of a personal hatred with him. He admits that he is not the kind of person who is selfless and only has the country in his heart. He admits his love-hate relationship as his own.

Now, he is willing to use everything he has won through desperate fighting in the past four years to make this exchange!

The present world is too vast, and there is still a place for the Tao of Bones in the world. He wants to invite Emperor Qi to issue a letter of credence!

The hall was silent.

Chong Xuansheng was also silent, which was not in line with his previous suggestion, and also made it impossible for him to make full use of his follow-up preparations. The result of today's court meeting has become confusing. Is a blessing or a curse? Is it right or wrong?

Er Fengming opened his mouth to speak, but finally closed it.

Jiang Wang admitted that he suppressed Wushengjiao out of selfish hatred, and admitted that he was a person who didn't understand the overall situation. So what else can he say?

It just depends on the attitude of the emperor.

Today, there is no grace or punishment.

There can be extreme grace and extreme cruelty.

So what kind of attitude will he have towards a military meritorious prince who doesn't put state affairs first?

Regardless of princes, generals, veterans and nobles.

Everyone held their breath.

Even Chong Xuanzun, who was silently "standing guard", opened his eyes.

But the voice of the emperor raised his voice: "Do you mean selfish hatred?"

He fell down slightly again: "You are the prince of the country!"

"You said you already understood the value of a prince, but I don't think you understand."

He looked at Jiang Wang on the dragon chair, and said slowly: "You are the prince of Daqi, the honor of sharing the same glory with the country. Your private affairs are the affairs of the state of Daqi!"

Today's 6,000 words, one of the chapters, is for the Ashgagen Creditors Committee. (1/10)

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