Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1721 Is the universe the Qing Dynasty of the East?

"—Here is a heresy cult called 'No Life', extremely vicious and poisonous.

Doing evil in Mo and Cheng, and acting evil in Yong and Luo, polluting the grassland and harming Xiongqi.

Lu Shuang Lei's family, the emperor's relative. The Lei family is in charge, and the pride of the country is also. The Lin family is evil, after Tian Luobo, the successor of Qingpai, a descendant of a famous family. And Zhang Linchuan harmed him, arbitrarily using supernatural powers to replace Lei's son!

Dirty and evil, dare to mess up a big country.

Treacherous and reckless, actually looking for Qi Yin!

No demon atmosphere, the rising sun patrols in vain.

If you don't kill this beast, how can God survive!

The world is not unique to the law, how can the universe be the Qing Dynasty of the East?

In the name of the Eastern Kingdom, he summoned the world to destroy this cult!

Wherever the sun shines and the human traces remain, those who obstruct will be punished, and those who are hermits will be investigated.

Those who dare to protect him are the enemies of Daqi!

Daqi has been in existence for two thousand years, and the upper hand has reformed the evils of the past for thousands of years, and the lower hand has treated the sufferings of hundreds of millions of Li and common people.

It is vertical to the southeast and even across the sea.

The most important thing for a big country is Germany's responsibility!

Disasters and disasters in the lost world are also taken care of, as are demons and treacherous evil spirits.

Teach the world that there is no hatred for blood, and don't let the blue sky see evil spirits.

Therefore, this book is passed on to the world to teach the knowledge of the world.

All followers of Wusheng religion will be slaughtered together! Don't leave anything behind! "

The issuance of this sternly worded letter of credence from the Great Qi Empire is not just a single stone that stirs up thousands of waves? It was like a landslide and tsunami.

After Wu'anhou's open letter and San Xinggong's public statement, those countries that still did not respond responded one after another. Dongshen and Xixue, Liao and Iron Five Kingdoms in the north, Xuanqiao and Nanliang to Liyue...all confirmed the cult status of Wushengjiao through official documents. Under the general trend of Huanghuang, no one dares to be the "blocker" or "hermit".

For example, the two great powers of Qin and Jing, although they did not publish their official documents, silently listed the Wushengjiao as a cult, and ordered the supervisory agencies in the territory to clean it up, so as not to lose the "importance of a great country" because of its population.

From this day on, Wusheng Sect can almost be expelled.

Although the world is big, there is no room for it.

Interested people noticed a detail——

In the open letter of Marquis Wu'an, he clearly mentioned that the predecessor of the Wusheng Sect, the Bone Road, caused disasters for the country and destroyed a city, causing him to leave his hometown and wander alone.

In this letter of state of Qi State, Mo, Cheng, Yong, Luo, and the countries in the western region are mentioned in a large circle, but Zhuang State, which was the most scourge of the Bone Road, was not mentioned. Back then Marquis Wu'an traveled thousands of miles alone, could there be some hidden secrets?

Guessing, arguing, exploring, this is of course a logical line of development.

However, Jing Guojing Shitai's reaction had already come before those scattered objections had time to form a wave of public opinion.

Fu Dongxu, deputy head of Jingshitai, publicly stated——

After many investigations by Jing Shitai, many sub-forums of Wusheng Sect were destroyed, three emissaries of Disha were captured, and some of Wusheng Cult members were educated, and a deep analysis of Wusheng Sect's preaching classic "Wusheng Jing"...confirmed that Wusheng Cult is indeed a cult. .

Zhang Linchuan, who is the trinity of God, Taoist, and leader of Wusheng Sect, is indeed the former envoy of the Tao of Bones. The Tao of the Bone Bone is an evil religion that believes in the god of the ghosts, the Evil God of the Bone Bone, and the Zhuang Kingdom of the Dao genus once suffered greatly from it!

The Zhuang Kingdom suffered from the torment of the Bone Road for hundreds of years. Fortunately, the monarch and the people were united and tried their best to kill the evil. It was not until Zhuang Gaoxian, the king of the three generations, that he was completely wiped out.

As early as four years ago, Zhuang Guo had already issued a letter of credence to pursue and suppress the Bone Road with all his strength, and he would never die with him. There are also records in Yujing Mountain. The so-called "it's a pity that the country is small and weak, and it has not received the response of the world, and it is not as many as the Eastern Kingdom."

Four years later, Qi State was able to participate in the hunt for the remnants of the Bone Path, and pursue the resurgent Wusheng Cult. This is because it has a keen understanding of cults, and it also reflects the responsibility of a great country. Kyung Setai respects that.

A few words are repeated and beaten, and the words are impeccable, and they even compete with the Qi State for "fame".

Wushengjiao can be suppressed, and they can be suppressed together, but who is in charge of this matter can still be discussed.

At the same time, Zhuang Gaoxian, the king of the Zhuang Kingdom, engraved the inscription on the stele of life, and for some reason, it was also spread to all the countries in the world.

The so-called "In the winter of the fourteenth year of Yongtai, the country lost its land, and I lost my people..."

The so-called "the pain is so deep, how can it be like this! It's like a thousand knives, this heart is fried..."

This inscription was indeed engraved four years ago, and every word is indeed crying blood.

It was widely praised for a while, and it was called "the heartbreaking words of the past ten years" together with the open letter written by Jiang Wang, Marquis of Wu'an.

The two names Zhuang Gaoxian and Jiang Wang were also held together for the first time by the world.

Pei Xinghe, the commander-in-chief of the Jingguo disaster-killing army and a native of Yujingshan, commented that these two articles share the same sincere feelings and heart-wrenching blood. Cover your books and close your eyes, as if you are about to face a tragedy." It's the so-called "Heretic religions are a disaster, and if they come to this place, the righteous people in the world must investigate!"

He did not belittle Jiang Wang, Marquis of Wu'an, so his recommendation of Zhuang Jun and Zhuang Gaoxian was more acceptable.

People were surprised to find that the strong leader who led Zhuangguo Zhongxing turned out to be such a kind and compassionate person! Because of this, there are not a few people who want to serve in Zhuangguo.

Du Ruhui, the Prime Minister of the Zhuang Kingdom, also publicly stated that they failed to protect the people of their own country, so that Fenglin City was lost, and only Jiang Wang escaped to a foreign country. It was all his fault as the Prime Minister. At the beginning, he was trapped in the pain of Fenglin City and couldn't extricate himself. After seeing some one-sided evidence, he misunderstood Jiang Wangtongmo and once hated him to the bone. Fortunately, San Xinggong clarified the truth so that the misunderstanding did not continue. Although he has been flogged and learned the lessons he deserves, he still feels ashamed and hopes to have the opportunity to apologize to Marquis Wu'an in person.

At the same time, he understood Jiang Wang's distrust of the country and Zhuang Ting. Jiang Wang was only seventeen years old, and it was unrealistic for him to understand the country's difficulties.

Yan said: "Although Jiang Wu'an's hometown is Jiang Wu'an's homeland, the country is small and weak. He has not fulfilled his role, he has not grasped his heart, and he has not fulfilled his duty to protect the people. Now Jiang Wu'an has made great achievements in the Eastern Qi Dynasty and enjoyed a great reputation. Very comforting. The pain of Fenglin's dead soul also has a refuge."

He was very pleased that Jiang Wang had made such great achievements in Qi State, and on behalf of Zhuang State, he expressed the respect of Qi State, the hegemonic country in the world, and wished Jiang Wang a better future in Qi State, saying, "A good man does not have to be in the country to succeed. In the homeland, a real man can make a name for himself in another land.”

From Jing Guo to Zhuang Guo, from Pei Xinghe to Du Ruhui, this set of actions was smooth and smooth, instantly reversing the unfavorable public opinion that Jing Shitai encountered because of his previous silence.

Jing Shitai is not silent at all, and never targets a specific person. Jing Shitai has a greater sense of responsibility and a greater commitment, so naturally he must be more cautious and not act rashly!

For a time, Wushengjiao was called and beaten by everyone, and its notoriety spread far and wide.

And Zhuangguo's monarch and ministers get each other, and the monarch and the people are of one mind. Zhuang Jun, Zhuang Gaoxian, and Jiang Wang, who was born in Zhuangguo, stick to their homeland while the other traveled thousands of miles. They are both working hard to avenge the evil cult and the pain of hundreds of thousands of innocent souls. The same return is really touching. Zhuang Guo's thoughtfulness and care for the wanderers abroad is even more well-known.



Zhuangguo, Xin'an City, is not a magnificent Xiangguo's mansion.

"...that's how things are."

Du Ruhui sat at the main seat, speaking slowly.

The once full head of black hair has been mixed with silver threads at some point.

It is said that God is not old, but he is too worried about the country.

Since Dong A's death, it has been a long time since he found a person who can share the state affairs.

Fu Baosong is too straightforward, Li Jianqiu is too boring, and Lin Zhengren is too unreliable.

While managing state affairs, he takes responsibility for the monarch, and at the same time cultivates talents... There was once a hope for truth, but now it is getting farther and farther away.

Fortunately, Zhuanguo's national power is growing stronger day by day, so it's not impossible for him to have more sustenance in the official path, and he doesn't have to rush to inherit the political power.

He sat sadly, talking to several young people: "Now Jiang Wang is stealing a high position in the overlord country, and he has won the trust of the emperor of Qi. Then Jiang Shu will definitely spare no effort to attack the Taoists for the sake of the hegemony of the Qi country, so he must He will protect Jiang Wang's reputation at all costs and speak out for Jiang Wang.

The real person who testified for Jiang Wang at the beginning was Yu Beidou's old acquaintance. Yu Beidou has been lingering in the Qi State for many years in order to find a way out of the art of divination. It is self-evident who he is speaking for and what he is asking for...

We are not as powerful as others, and because we have always been self-reliant, we don't get more support from Jingguo.

Back then, the truth could only go to Yujing Mountain to be tortured, but now, it can only conform to the raging material opinions in the world. "

He sighed heavily: "Not only can we not expose him, but we also need to help him lie. Otherwise, the pot of dirty water that Bai Gudao made a disaster in the first place will be poured on my Zhuanguo."

The young people sitting here are all very promising, and many of them are from the National Academy of Sciences, and they were once listed as the "Six Elites of the National Academy of Sciences".

Of course, now that they are officials in the court, they are scattered in the military, political circles, and criminal investigation departments, and the old name will no longer be used. There are new talents coming out of the State Council, and they are also beginning to emerge.

The six young people gathered in the Prime Minister's Mansion today are all listed among the "Eight Talents of Xin'an".

The so-called "Xin'an Eight Talents" are the eight talents recognized by the government and the public, two of them are talents from other countries who have come to work, and most of the rest are from the National Dao Academy...Because they show their talents, they are widely expected .

For example, Lin Zhengren, the leader of the Eight Talents in Xin'an, who is widely praised for his benevolent and courteous image, once made it to the main match in the Yellow River Games. It's a pity that he fought too much for the country, and was attacked by vampires, so he couldn't make further progress.

For example, Li Jianqiu, the successor of the late Deputy Prime Minister Dong Ah, the third of the eight handsome men. One-handed swordsmanship is unearthly and refined, and the divine way method is rare in China.

For example, Fu Baosong, the fourth of eight handsome, smelly and hard...

"Why did the Prime Minister say..." Fu Baosong pondered, "Did the National Assembly of Qi pour dirty water on us?"

For those who dare to question Du Ruhui's judgment face to face, there is probably only one Fu Baosong in Zhuangguo.

This person is not humane, only accepts death, and is often tabooed by his colleagues.

Lin Zhengren often told people that although he admired Fu Baosong very much, Fu Baosong's character was prone to accidents in any dynasty. That is to say, today's Zhuang Guojun is a wise and virtuous person, so that a person like Fu Baosong can rise to the top... People at the time deeply believed it.

Du Ruhui glanced at Fu Baosong, and said calmly: "Counting all the evils done by the Tao of Bone Bone, I committed the most crimes in our country. The Wusheng Sect originated from the Tao of Bone Bone. But in this letter of state of Qi State, there is no mention of it at all. The name of our Zhuang country. If we ignore the past, this is a hole, and Jiang Wang can tear in through this hole at any time in the future, slandering us for collusion with the Bone Road... we must guard against it."

Fu Baosong said: "So you have to fill in this hole yourself, reveal the scars of hundreds of thousands of people, sympathize with Jiang Wu'an, and help him promote the suppression of Wushengjiao. We must focus on killing Zhang Linchuan, and we can only acquiesce in this. Especially since you invited Jing Shitai and Pei Dashuai to stand for us..."

"It's hard to say whether to invite or not. This means that those who have the right will get more help than those who have lost the right." Du Ruhui continued, "Yujing Mountain is also well aware of the sufferings of the people of our Zhuang Kingdom."

"But Baosong is blunt." Fu Baosong said: "In recent years, we have not done anything against the Tao of Bones. We have even ignored the Wusheng Sect. How can Jing Shitai take all the credit for us? What about satirizing the state of Qi and picking up people's wisdom?"

There was a moment of embarrassment in the house.

Du Ruhui sighed in his heart, and he deliberately blocked Fu Baosong's words, but this guy can still speak like this... I don't know what the meaning is.

Everyone said that Fu Baosong was upright and upright, and he was carved out of the same mold as the late Deputy Prime Minister Dong Ah. Jijiu Zhangren of the National Dao Academy is also very optimistic about him, saying that he is a sincere gentleman and expecting him to achieve something.

But besides being upright, Dong A will also be flexible for the country. This Fu Baosong went straight to the dark, sticking to the truth in his heart. How far is it from Dong A?

"How cruel is the struggle between great powers?" Lin Zhengren took the initiative to reply on behalf of the country: "Qi State can suppress the Dao vassal state by any means, and Jing State will naturally fight back. There is no reason to speak of it. Baosong, we I know that you have never rubbed sand in your eyes, but this matter is not something you and I can discuss. Besides, Qi State has hidden evil intentions first, so why should we talk about rules and morals? Is it the integrity of you and me that is important, or ours? Is the national security of the Zhuang Kingdom important?"

Fu Baosong was at a loss for words for a while, and only said: "Lord Lin, I can't say enough."

"It's simply hateful! The people of our country have been harmed by the Bone Road for generations. The monks of our country have fought for the eradication of the Bone Road. No one is more qualified than us to raise this banner! After all, this basin of dirty water , How can it still be poured on our Zhuanguo?!" The one who spoke angrily was Jiang Liuyue, who ranked last in Xin'an Bajun: "Could it be possible for Qi to reverse black and white and confuse right and wrong?"

"This is a world of power, how can there be justice?"

There are some things that are inconvenient for Du Ruhui to say, but for Lin Zhengren, there is no problem. He also consciously came forward to teach Jiang Liuyue: "Jiang Zhisi, we can have our own ideal world, but we can't expect others to have the same. Naive. Since Jiang Wuan wants to cover up his evil deeds, he must put us to death. But Qi Guoxiong dominates the Eastern Region, swallows the sun and destroys the summer, and does all kinds of evil, so why would he care about us?"

After Jiang Liuyue graduated from the National Dao Academy, she worked in the Criminal Investigation Department. Now I've gotten used to it for a while, and I'm about to let it out to be the director of Qinglan City. So he calls it that.

Jiang Liuyue gritted her teeth and couldn't hold back her anger, but she respected Lin Zhengren and cupped her hands: "Young brother has been taught."

He had learned from Lin Zhengren's lesson earlier, and some of his ideas were inconsistent with him. Later, he worked hard and made his mark in the National Academy of Sciences. Brother Lin Zhengren, who is the number one member of the National Dao Academy, apologized to him personally. Speaking of it, it was all military affairs at the beginning, and it was also for the victory of the national war, so he could understand that the grievances in his heart had long since disappeared.

Brother Lin's cultivation and character are all first-class, the more he gets in touch with, the more admirable he is.

Now, in his opinion, the most trustworthy person is of course Senior Brother Fu Baosong, but the second is Senior Brother Lin Zhengren. So Lin Zhengren called himself an official, but he called himself a junior.

Du Ruhui sighed again in his heart.

Lin Zhengren can really be said to be good everywhere, and he is a very usable talent, except that he is not trustworthy...

Now, with his cultivation of divine presence, he can still firmly suppress this person, but on the day of Lin Zhengren's divine presence, who else in the court can restrain him?

I can't say that at that time, I have to...

"Jianqiu, what do you think?" He looked at Li Jianqiu who was always silent.

Li Jianqiu had the peach-branch sword hanging from his waist, and he sat there upright. He just said, "Jianqiu doesn't have any opinions. But for the sake of the country's long-term plan, Jianqiu will do what the Prime Minister says."

Before asking, Du Ruhui knew it would be such an answer.

He was not surprised, but asked again: "You and Ye Hu are both from Maple Forest City, what do you think he will think?"

Du Yehu, who ranked second in Xin'an Bajunli, was not in the prime minister's residence at the moment. Unless he was strictly required, he would not participate in these private gatherings, and he rarely even participated in court meetings. Board and lodging are all in the barracks, and every day is training soldiers and kung fu. Among these young talents in Zhuangguo, they are known for being withdrawn and reticent.

And how many people know that Du Yehu was the most noisy when he was in Fenglin City?

Jiang Wang knew, Zhao Rucheng, who was in Muguo, knew, and there was himself...

Li Jianqiu sighed slightly in his heart, and just said: "Master Xiang has his own judgment in his heart, why should Jianqiu talk too much. But I think, one thing, His Majesty believes, Master Xiang believes, Jian Qiu believes, Fu Baosong believes... the whole country is convinced Believe it, why does General Du not believe it?"

"Who would disbelieve what they saw and heard with their own eyes, but believe in other people's one-sided words? Besides, the last time in Unredeemed City, General Du would have died if it hadn't been for the Prime Minister's action!" Lin Zhengren said, "If Jiang Wang didn't Relying on the demon clan, colluding with the Bone Road, sacrificing the people of the whole city, and using the demon method to obtain the talent of the wronged soul for his own use, An Neng has such a cultivation base today?! You know that when I was in Fenglin City, I couldn't touch it with a single finger! He was never a genius who was able to crush him to death, but he did all kinds of evil things and got a name by chance, but he was respected by the people of the world! It can be seen that the common people are ignorant, and only the strong are judged."

"Shut up!" Du Ruhui scolded: "Can you say such things casually? If there is no evidence, just keep your mouth shut! Have you forgotten the humiliation that Zhenxiang suffered in Yujing Mountain?"

Lin Zhengren snorted: "He has washed himself clean now..."

In the end, I stopped talking.

But it also caused hatred in the hearts of young people like Jiang Liuyue.

They have never seen Jiang Wang before, they have never been in contact with Jiang Wang, but a paintbrush has already drawn Jiang Wang's specific appearance in their hearts--young, but old in the city, good at hypocritical performances, is an insider Heinous hypocrite.

Whether it is Lin Zhengren or Du Ruhui, after several fights, they already have a certain understanding of Jiang Wang. It is very clear that Jiang Wang will return to Zhuangguo one day.

Jiang Wang, who is now the Marquis of Wu'an in the Great Qi, is no longer something they can solve with diplomacy. With four years of hard work, Jiang Wang won the golden body protection body for himself.

After the failed attempt to frame the devil, they could only wait passively. The higher Jiang Wang stood, the more passive they were.

Times change!

Now that Jiang Wang can already represent Qi State, his personal enmity was said by Qi Tianzi as national hatred.

They took the momentum of Xinxing Zhuangguo, but they could only hide under the wings of Jingguo.

But when it comes to giving up, no one is the one who will give up.

Everything they are doing now is just one of their many preparations.

On the day Jiang Wang comes to Zhuangguo, he will know who he is standing against...whom he is fighting against!



"Junior Brother Jiang's letter, I feel a little sad after reading it."

In the dark underground palace, Zhang Linchuan, who is not bad, neither beautiful nor ugly, sits loosely on the stone steps.

Of course, the stone steps were wiped clean, as smooth as a mirror.

A few steps behind him was the pope's throne, but he didn't bother to sit on it.

There are no more than a thousand believers in the church, and all of them have gone underground, sneaking around like mice.

He didn't even dare to mention Wusheng's name again.

What's the point of this Pope?

For a sect whose sub-altars from all over the world once expanded to hundreds of thousands of people, it was really a drastic change. Many senior leaders in the church took suicidal actions because they could not accept this point... which led to even crueler strangulation.

He does not contact any branch forum at all now, and he will never respond to any believers with the inanimate world, because any trace of it is enough to cause his death.

It is said that it is the supreme god, it is the great Taoist, it is the ancestor of the inanimate, and it is said that it is through the holy body of bones and huge beliefs that it succeeded in standing on the position of the true god at a young age. It seems that it is not inferior to the genius of Taoist Li Yi ...

But under the general trend of Huanghuang, he is no more than an ant.

Even the "No Life Sutra" compiled by him with painstaking efforts, has gradually lost its divine support and has become a dead pool without living water.

Overnight, the career that he had struggled for for many years, his current cultivation, and his future path were all severely damaged.

It must be unacceptable for anyone.

And he is sitting here now, with a very indifferent expression, and he even has the leisure to comment on that Junior Brother Jiang's writing skills.

"It's no wonder so many inexplicable people are crazy about it..."

"But there's one thing I don't understand," he said.

Zhang Linchuan raised his eyes, quite puzzled: "Shouldn't I be credited for the destruction of the Dao of Bones? Why did you beat me into a remnant of the Dao of Bones?"

Standing not far in front of him was a tall and thin man with a gloomy face.

He is the Winged Ghost, one of the five great protectors of the Wusheng Sect.

Standing in the shadow of the lampstand with his back arched and his eyes pressed down, he had a dark and murderous look about him.

Hearing the sound, he sucked his teeth, and said, "This is putting a shit bowl on you."

Zhang Linchuan looked at him and slowly frowned. "That metaphor is disgusting."

Wing Ghost shrank his neck, and said dryly: "Hold... sorry, I will change..."


The gloomy thunder that jumped up suddenly had already surrounded him.

It was a shadow-like existence, but it had the sound of thunder and lightning!

The sound lasted only for a moment.

After You Lei dissipated, there was only a scorched skeleton left in place, still maintaining the posture of bowing its back and shrinking its neck, ready to pounce...

Zila, Zila.

Zhang Linchuan brushed off the dust that didn't exist on the corner of his clothes, and stood up.

"Come on," he said calmly.

There was a huge bang from far away, and soon it was the sound of a large group of people pouring into the underground palace.

And in this gloomy hall, there were also a dozen powerful monks who took off their disguise and came out of the shadows.

Today's 6,000 words, one of the chapters, is for the Ashgagen Creditors Committee. (2/10)

It's already the limit...

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