Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1722 Mutual bait and hook

In the underground palace that was almost reduced to ruins, corpses were lined up in a dense array.

The blown heads, broken limbs, and charred remains... together constituted a strange picture in the ruins. Everything is static, only the scarlet blood is flowing everywhere, like a spiritual blood snake, greedily seeking for something in the darkness.

Among the broken walls and rubble, Zhang Linchuan sat on the only big chair that was intact. He was wearing a black religious robe with white stripes on it. His religious robe and his throne looked spotless.

In front of the pope's throne, several corpses that still had a tyrannical aura were scattered on the stone steps.

Among them, the corpse closest to the Pope's throne is a strong woman. His hair was covered with blood, and he was lying face down, but he stretched his right hand forward as hard as he could, as if trying to grab something.

Only two steps away, her hand could cross the end of the stone steps and approach the throne of the cult pope. Unfortunately it is no longer possible.

Zhang Linchuan probably didn't care about all this, the stone steps were already dirty, so he had no choice but to sit here. Holding a handkerchief embroidered with bamboo leaves in his right hand, he was slowly wiping his bloody left hand.

His movements are very meticulous, every knuckle is wiped clean and pale, even the nails are taken care of.

"The Wing Ghost wants to kill me, I can understand."

he said calmly.

While speaking, the dark thunder light jumped between his hair.

He treats his fingers as if they were fragile china.

So he continued: "But he still disgusts me, I can't accept it."

It was very quiet in the underground palace.

"When did it arrive?" he asked again.

"When the leader killed the last woman." Lu Yan, the former Second Elder of the Bone Path, floated down from the figure. A wisp of agile black air surrounds his body, and his feet remain in the air.

"Then why didn't you do anything?" Zhang Linchuan asked with great interest.

Lu Yan replied with a vicissitudes of life: "I may not receive the reward, after all, I am also a remnant of the Dao of Bones."

At this time, Zhang Linchuan had wiped off the blood on his hands, raised his left hand in front of him, and checked it over and over again. He said in his mouth, "I'm asking, why didn't you help me. You are my chief protector, my old friend who has been fighting with me for many years."

Lu Yan said: "If you can't even handle this situation, you will be captured and killed by the Sanxing Palace sooner or later. I don't see any need for me to help you."

"You have confidence in me." Zhang Linchuan put down his left hand and looked at Lu Yan.

Lu Yan said calmly, "If I don't have confidence in the leader, I should hide like other dharma kings, or like a winged ghost, I should turn to the light and bring some people to you."

Zhang Linchuan flexibly moved his fingers, carefully folded the blood-colored handkerchief, and put it into a special storage box.

"Maybe that's right," he said.

"At least Wing Ghost has proven him wrong." Lu Yan said.

Zhang Linchuan couldn't help laughing: "The Wing Ghost was almost beaten to death just by drinking breast milk, and he was so frightened that he turned around and wanted to betray me, the leader of the cult, to atone for his sins... This is understandable. "

"Should I ask my subordinates to find out who led the raid on the underground palace?" Lu Yan asked.

"Why is it necessary? The source of the matter is not here."

Zhang Linchuan turned his right hand, and the storage box had shrunk into an extremely small cube and disappeared between his fingers.

On this solitary pope's throne, he raised his legs and crossed his fingers, resting on his knees.

Action is loose and even leisurely.

He looked at Lu Yan quietly, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were extremely indifferent.

Lu Yan is already an old man and a high-level cultist. He has experienced a lot in his life. What kind of evil owl has he never seen? It's a little unnatural at the moment.

"What is the leader going to do next?" he asked.

"Is there anything the old man can do for me?" he added.

I don't know if Zhang Linchuan was moved by this nervousness.

"What else can I do?" Zhang Linchuan twitched the corners of his mouth: "If you can't recruit tens of thousands of believers, you can kill tens of millions of them. You can still become a Taoist."

The number of tens of millions of people sounds flimsy, as if it were a joke. But Zhang Linchuan's eyes definitely didn't look like he was joking.

Even Lu Yan has committed all kinds of crimes these years, killing people like mowing grass, and even participating in leading the sacrifices in Fenglin City... At this time, I don't know what to say.

There is no need to say anything about some illusory divine punishment.

Although Wushengjiao is already miserable now, it is a street mouse in this world, and everyone shouts and beats it.

But if Zhang Linchuan really wanted to kill tens of millions of people, it would not be as simple as a mouse crossing the street, but the life and death enemy of the human race!

All the three major palaces will be mobilized, and the heads of the three palaces will personally arrest the murderer. Even the Three Sacred Lands of Taoism and even Shushan, all of them have to come!

It was really heaven and earth, and there was nowhere to hide.

"Okay, I'm joking with you." Zhang Linchuan said with a light smile.

In Lu Yan's eyes with complicated emotions, he added: "Maybe you don't need to kill so many."

His eyes scanned the corpses on the ground earnestly: "For people of today's level, just kill a little more."

The expression on Lu Yan's face changed from stiff to relaxed, and back to stiff again.

In the end, he grinned unnaturally: "So the leader deliberately gave the Winged Ghost a chance, just to let him gather more masters to kill you?"

Zhang Linchuan looked at him quietly without speaking.

Lu Yan was silent for a moment, then said: "Too many murders, I'm afraid it will hurt the peace of heaven."

Saying this sentence, he himself felt awkward.

Is this still something that the top leaders of the cult should say?

Has he ever cared about killing people, caring about peace?

"I mean... the killing of millions or tens of millions may be targeted by God's will. The leader is a person with great hope..."

Zhang Linchuan smiled: "In terms of practice, you are a senior, many years earlier than me. But do you understand God's will?"

Lu Yan hurriedly said: "I'm just a little older. The leader studies heaven and man. Naturally, I don't understand as well as the leader."

"Don't be so serious." Zhang Linchuan smiled and said: "We should all know that people live in this world to fight against God's will. Otherwise, thunder, rain and dew are all God's grace, why do you want to dodge?"

"Cultivation is something that goes against the sky. Birth, old age, sickness, and death are the cycle of heaven, and you don't want to grow old, get sick, or die, and you want to keep breaking your lifespan... Is this what God likes to see? ?

The limit of life is the limit, but practitioners don't think about the limit.

The more advanced the cultivation base is, the more he can swallow the heavenly mountains and spit out the sea of ​​gods. With every gesture, move mountains and fill rivers. How much vitality can be mobilized between breaths? So what's the benefit to heaven and earth?

If I kill these people who defy the will of heaven, kill these practitioners who defy the sky, isn't it just obeying the fate of heaven? Isn't the more the better? I deserve the favor of God. "

Lu Yan had already chopped up these words in his mind, not daring to really listen to them.

Because he knew that Zhang Linchuan had his reasons. Zhang Linchuan's avenue is really in it!

If he listens to it, he will easily lose himself and lose his way. And he is not the kind of person who has no self and only seeks strength.

He didn't even dare to listen to it in his heart, so naturally he couldn't object. Finally, he reluctantly said: "The leader has his own reasons."

Zhang Linchuan spread his hands indifferently: "And look, I can't do anything about it. My Junior Brother Jiang is too cruel. I just wanted to leave an evil seed on his friend, but he actually wanted to kill my whole family. Oh no, Quanjiao .”

He lowered his eyes, and his tone was a bit weird: "But it's almost the same, my whole family is gone long ago. The sect is my family... now it's all gone."

The corner of his mouth grinned: "In this way, Junior Brother Jiang and I have a hatred for destroying the family!"

Things finally returned to the part that Lu Yan was relatively familiar with.

Of course, the top leaders of the cult kill people like hemp, of course they do all kinds of evil, of course they should engage in some conspiracy and tricks, and sacrificing hundreds or thousands of people is not a big deal. But the number of "tens of millions of people" too much. He didn't even know how Zhang Linchuan was going to do it!

In order to prepare for the matter of Fenglin City, he, as the high-level executive of the Bone Road at that time, did not know how long it was planned. In the end, Zhuang Gaoxian picked the peaches, and the Tao of Bones also died.

He would never dare to be involved in such a heinous thing.

"What is the leader going to do with him?" he asked.

Compared with the goal of massacring tens of millions of people, it is more specific to deal with Jiang Wang.

Zhang Linchuan said softly: "It's not your place to ask."

Lu Yan then understood that Zhang Linchuan had his own ideas. He really couldn't figure it out, under the current situation, Jiang Wang was overwhelming others with great momentum, for example, how could Zhang Linchuan have a chance of making a comeback.

But this person is Zhang Linchuan after all...

He only said: "Then is there any place where the subordinates can serve?"

"Let me think..."

Zhang Linchuan looked up at the dome above, there was nothing there. After thinking about it seriously for a while, he said, "It seems not."

Looking at the young patriarch in front of him, Lu Yan almost forgot the bones envoy who respected him back then. The memory of the past is as long as a wisp of smoke, sinking in the gray and white scroll.

But he always knew how to correct his posture, just like his devotion to the evil god of bones.

"Then the subordinates will not bother the leader...Leave first." He then said.

Zhang Linchuan didn't speak.

After saluting, Lu Yan cautiously flew out.

"Wait." Zhang Linchuan said suddenly.

Lu Yan paused.

Turning around slowly: "What orders does the leader have?"

At this moment, he regretted very much, why did he come to the underground palace? Why do you have the idea of ​​waiting in the wings? It should have been the same as the other dharma kings, find a place to hide, and remain anonymous until all the dust settles.

Having been with Zhang Linchuan for so long, this person is still like a cloud of thunder, unreal and extremely dangerous, how could he be lucky?

"Don't be nervous." Zhang Linchuan reassured him again, and then said, "Do you still remember the secret method I promised you? The secret method that allows you to safely enter the nether world to find your dead wife."

Lu Yan almost suspected that he had heard it wrong, and said in surprise and joy: "Of course I remember!"

"At this time, you can still think of coming to see me, which makes me very gratified, and should be rewarded... We are old acquaintances!"

Zhang Linchuan said kindly, flicked his fingers, and a wisp of electricity exploded in the air, revealing a thin black book, which flew into Lu Yan's palm.

"This secret method should be able to do it."

He smiled and said, "I've been thinking about it for a long time, and when I was sitting here just now, the last inspiration suddenly came to me."

If Zhang Linchuan conceived it temporarily in the short period of time just now, Lu Yan would not be surprised, because he is very aware of Zhang Linchuan's talent in Taoism.

The reason why Wusheng Cult can develop so fast is Zhang Linchuan's personal scripture "Wusheng Sutra" and a set of "Wusheng Xuanshu" created by himself, which can be said to be the greatest contribution.

But he believed even more that Zhang Linchuan had already completed this secret technique. It was only thrown out today.

He took the black book, and said sincerely, "I'm sorry, the Lord, please take care of me!"

Wasn't it all about finding the soul of his dead wife who didn't know where to go when he joined the Road of Bones and later took refuge in Zhang Linchuan? He only knew that his wife's dead soul failed to enter the source pool, and he didn't know where he was suffering. Although it is said that death is like a lamp being extinguished, he still has the obsession to meet again.

It's just that he thought that Zhang Linchuan, like the Bone Cthulhu, was just using that matter to hang him and drive him to work hard. He had already given up hope on those things. Since the day he betrayed the Bone Cthulhu, all he wanted was to move forward with his own strength, and he had been working hard for it. The process of developing Wushengjiao is also the process of him constantly strengthening himself...

Unexpectedly, when Wushengjiao was about to be completely destroyed, he waited for the secret technique promised by Zhang Linchuan.

This made him have mixed feelings.

Zhang Linchuan, who was on the throne, just waved his hands indifferently: "We owe nothing to each other."

Lu Yan bowed and saluted: "May the great cause of the leader be successful, or we may meet in the dark."

"By the way." Zhang Linchuan said again: "Before you go to Netherworld, remember to find Moon Rabbit for me first."

The current Wushengjiao Yuetu, who used to be the bone-dao rabbit-bone face, is naturally an old acquaintance of Lu Yan.

He only said: "Okay, what orders does the leader give her?"

Zhang Linchuan said softly, "Help me kill her."

Even though Lu Yan is such a person who has seen through human nature long ago and thought he was completely cold-blooded and heartless, he was a little stunned.

Because Yuetu is definitely the most loyal person to Zhang Linchuan in the entire Wusheng sect!

Back then, he dared to take the initiative to attack and kill Longmian for the sake of Zhang Linchuan, who hadn't shown his strength yet. Those who betrayed with Zhang Linchuan all had their own wishes. Only Yuetu was purely loyal to Zhang Linchuan.

Now that Wushengjiao is almost destroyed, she is the only one who is struggling to support the entire Wushengjiao's top management, maintaining the last meager belief for Zhang Linchuan.

But Zhang Linchuan wanted to kill her...

"Why?" Lu Yan knew she shouldn't ask, but she couldn't help asking: "She is loyal to the leader."

"Yes, she is loyal to me." Zhang Linchuan looked at him indifferently, and said: "This is the reason."

At this glance, Lu Yan didn't dare to say anything, but lowered her head: "This subordinate takes orders."

"Go." Zhang Linchuan waved his hand.

Lu Yan turned around and flew away, this time he really left.

He quickly flew out of the underground palace, eliminating traces along the way. Following the route planned long ago, he crashed into the continuous mountains. It flew close to the ground for a long time, and finally passed through the formation and landed in a valley.

This place is not beautiful, the scenery is very mediocre.

It is the hiding place he found in his early years.

He landed on the bank of the gurgling clear stream, looking at himself reflected in the water.

Finally, he let out a mouthful of stale breath that he had been holding back for a long time.


The gray and white turbid air swept away the water lines.

He was a little stiff, and took out a delicate doll from his arms.

He tapped the puppet's chest with his fingers, and the puppet's chest cracked open, and a living heart jumped out.

He calmly pressed the heart into his chest. Thus the hands were exchanged——

That was naturally another heart that had just stopped in his body.

And this heart... has been manipulated beyond recognition.

Zhang Linchuan is simply an expert at manipulating people's hearts, so that a guy like him who is old in the rivers and lakes can be happy and worried, frightened and frightened. He knew very well that in that state, Zhang Linchuan had ten thousand ways to do something to him.

Fortunately, he has not worked in vain for so many years. Before going to the underground palace, he used such a secret technique to protect himself.

The hearts that Zhang Linchuan played with from the beginning to the end were just the puppet's heart. Even if there is any means, it should only be on the puppet...

At this moment, Lu Yan's eyes turned white, and she carefully checked again with her natural dark eyes, and then pressed the fragile heart that had been manipulated into the doll's body.


The puppet was thrown into the stream.

Still using hands and feet, struggling for a moment, like a drowning living person.

In the end it was silent.



A swimming fish leaped out of the water, arched in the air and fell again.

After a while, the ripples dissipated.

Reflected in the water are two figures, one fat and one thin.

Thin people can't actually be said to be thin, and their stature is more suitable.

It's just that it's hard for most people in this world not to look thin when they stand beside Bowanghou today.

On the stone bridge in Bowanghou's mansion, only Bowanghou and Wu'anhou are standing next to each other.

"The Son of Heaven intends to help you heal Zhuangguo's old affairs and take your heart completely, so he deliberately left a button. But Jingguo's response was very timely, and Zhuangguo's response was even more decisive...We must now concentrate on killing Wushengjiao, I really don't have the time to argue with Zhuang Guo. But ignore them, it will be even harder to become famous in the future."

Chong Xuansheng held onto the stone railing and sighed, "How come there are no fools in this world?"

Jiang Wang said calmly: "The hatred between me and Zhuang Ting can't be solved with words. It's best to ruin them. If not, it's nothing. In the end, there is only life and death."

He once wore the mask of King Biancheng and participated in Yin Guan's revenge battle.

Youguo Zhao Cang and his son, under the circumstances of insufficient strength, used all available factors.

Of course he will learn from it.

He never expected the lower limit of Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui, because he knew that this pair of wise kings and ministers could do anything.

But no matter how wise Zhuang Gaoxian is, what kind of minister Du Ruhui is, what kind of reputation they have, how much they are loved. It will not affect his killing intent.

All reputation, status, power, background, and interests cannot become amulets for these two people.

In this matter, he has no overall view, and there are no other considerations.

When all hatred comes to an end, there are only two words of life and death.

Just like his answer to the bitterness at the beginning - "It's enough to kill, and I'm dead."

Chong Xuansheng is well aware of the difficulty of this matter, if it is just an enemy in the real world, it will not be difficult to deal with. It was nothing more than pestering my uncle to cut him a few more times. But Zhuang Gaoxian, as the lord of a country, is also listed in the Dao vassal state system, and standing behind him is the most powerful central empire in the world.

Mu Guo's cutting was prosperous, but he was still disgraced and suffered heavy losses.

How could Jing Guo allow others to get involved in Zhuang Guo?

Just like this time, Qi Guo only left an opening to vent his anger for his own country, but Jing Guo immediately blocked it.

The attitude is not hard.

And Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui are all wily and calculating people, it's really not easy to peel off their shells. You only need to look at Zhuang Guo's response this time, it's amazing, where is there any flaw?

"This matter still needs to be discussed in the long term..." Chong Xuansheng sighed.

Of course Jiang Wang understood, so he just frowned and said, "Speaking of which, why didn't Yong Guo take the opportunity to speak out this time? Zhuang Ting has been ambiguous with the bones since Zhuang Chengqian's time. How could Yong Guo not notice? Isn't this the time to attack Zhuang Gao? Is it a good time to envy the emperor and ministers?"

Chong Xuansheng said: "Yes, it is indeed a good time. But it is a good time deliberately set aside by Zhuang Guo. Sometimes it is not only about the opportunity, but also about the situation. Now Yong Guo has the support of the Mohists, and it is the Mohism's participation in the state system For the first time, Jing Guozheng worried that he had no excuse to suppress them."

"Now it is Jing Guo who is protecting the Dao country below, and has blocked our Qi State from attacking Zhuang Guo. Once Yong Guo gets involved in such a dispute, it will definitely usher in Jing Guo's relentless attack. That is Zhuang Guo What the monarchs and ministers are happy to see. How can Yong Guo be allowed to put his beak in the game of great powers?"

"As for Zhuang Chengqian and Baigudao, I don't know... How many years have people been dead, and it's just a verbal quarrel, how much damage can it do to Zhuangguo? I believe that Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui must have prepared a way to prove themselves. I specifically mentioned the The history of the struggle on the Path of Bone Bone only waits for someone to take the bait..."

He glanced at Jiang Wang: "Han Xu is a very smart king, and he would never take the bait so easily."

Jiang Wang understood the tactful advice: "So you stopped me from going to Yanyun Mountain because you thought it was a bait?"

Yanyun Mountain is between Dan State and Song State.

No one would have thought that the Wusheng Cult built an underground palace there.

Yesterday, in that underground palace, more than ten divine experts, together with more than two hundred extraordinary monks, were massacred by Zhang Linchuan. The scene was horrible.

This incident shocked the two domains of the Southwest.

The news also reached Jiang Wang's ears.

Chong Xuansheng said: "People seek tigers, and tigers also seek people. Regarding Zhang Linchuan, now we have an absolute advantage, and Wushengjiao has no possibility of revival. Son of a thousand gold, you can't sit down, you are already the prince of Daqi, you don't have to personally get involved risk."

Zhang Linchuan's sect has been destroyed, but Jiang Wang's career in Qi still has more possibilities. Chong Xuansheng is right, time is on Jiang Wang's side.

But they all know that Zhang Linchuan's special numerology-like supernatural powers may be attached to other people, so wait, the future is actually not so clear.

They know better... Although there are many people in the world who suppressed and killed the Wusheng Cult, most of them came for rewards. When the disparity between danger and reward is no longer so great, besides Jiang Wang, who else has the determination to swear to kill Zhang Linchuan?

Except for Jiang Wang, who single-handedly destroyed the Wusheng Sect, who can arouse Zhang Linchuan who is now hiding in Tibet... the biggest murderous intention?

If Jiang Wang has been hiding in Linzi, he will only offer rewards to drive people away, so that the world will search and kill Wushengjiao. The battle at Yanyun Mountain might be Zhang Linchuan's last move.

And it is also impossible for him to bring a real person with him, or let some extremely powerful person watch him all the time. One is that no one has that kind of spare time, and the other is that if there is no hope of killing him, Zhang Linchuan will never show his face.

Jiang Wang's trip was both fish and bait. He left Qi, and Zhang Linchuan was fishing with each other.

Of course Jiang Wang also understands this.

But he looked at Chongxuansheng quietly for a while, and just said: "You sit in the mansion, collect information from all sides, and dispatch the siege. If you have something to contact through the illusory realm."

He pressed the long sword in his hand, turned around and walked away from the stone bridge.

"This world is too big. If I miss this time, I don't know when I will find him again. I don't want to...give him a chance again."

"If this is the bait that Zhang Linchuan prepared for me, let's see how sharp his hook is, how hard his fishing rod is, and...whether he has the same determination as me!"

Today's 6,000 words, one of the chapters, is for the Ashgagen Creditors Committee. (3/10)

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