Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1723 Where Are You When I Come Here Today

The long river of time naturally has a charming Shiba.

A wisp of water rippled away the photos of too many people.

Lu Yan had been flying away for a long time without making a sound. In the dark ruins of the underground palace, Zhang Linchuan suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a piece of broken internal organs.

There was no expression on his face, he just took out another handkerchief and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

If he had already decided to kill people to seek Taoism now that Wushengjiao was doomed to perish, then he shouldn't have let Lu Yan go just now.

But Lu Yan is not a simple god-facing monk. He is born with dark eyes, and he is not comparable to these strong men from the Central Territory Xiaozong who flock to take advantage of Jing Shitai's order.

Jingguo wants to overwhelm Qiguo's limelight and show his presence in this evil action. The best way is of course to wipe the Wushengjiao clean with your own hands.

A god-lin Tianjiao from Jingguoli Tianfu hit it off with the frightened Wing Ghost, and summoned a large number of Xiaozong monks to play a game of pressing eggs with boulders, goshawks fighting rabbits, and hunting Yanyun Mountain. Eleven gods come!

After the First World War, I'm afraid that these Xiaozong will be expelled.

If it wasn't for his consciousness hidden in Wing Ghost, if he didn't want to face this situation on purpose, if he didn't have to set a disaster for himself, how could he give a fool like Wing Ghost a chance?

The holy body of bones that he had painstakingly obtained was almost flawless.

The reason for saying "nearly".

It's because this body only got four supernatural powers, but failed to achieve Tianfu.

It's not that the Holy Body of Bones doesn't have such potential.

But the evil god of white bones at that time was still tabooed by the will of the world. The body of the world, the raft of the sea of ​​bitterness, that he created for himself in the world, God's will could not make it perfect!

There are still hidden dangers in this holy body of bones, which is based on Wang Changji's physical body and refined with the evil spirit of the battlefield.

This kind of hidden danger is very subtle, and it will not have any impact at ordinary times, but it will affect whether God's will reject him when he reaches the top!

Since ancient times, how difficult is it to climb to the top? In the process of climbing, adding a feather to the body is like overwhelming!

Who can climb to the top with the rejection of God's will?

In other words, this body is actually hopeless.

The original Bone God could not care about this, and he could move forward when he came to the holy body. He is far from being able to.

Without the vision and means above the peak, it is impossible to easily erase this hidden danger.

He even became aware of this hidden danger after becoming a true god, and he didn't even have the qualifications to discover it before!

The reason why he took the risk to replace Lei Zhanqian was to take the big ship of the Qi State, and he also wanted to use the background of the hegemony to find a way for himself to survive safely.

It is even said that this is the most important reason.

Because of his special family background, Lei Zhanqian has great room for development in Qi State. He can indeed use Lei Zhangan's identity to climb to a very high position.

But no matter how good Lei Zhanqian's body is, it is impossible to compare with his own body of bones.

And in the life of a substitute, it is never possible to surpass oneself. If the cultivation base of the original body does not advance, the replacement body can only stop before the corresponding cultivation base.

Therefore, finding a way to safely solve the hidden dangers of the holy body is his greatest desire. Because it is related to whether he can become enlightened in the end.

Of course, Lei Zhanqian's status is too good, even if his body can only reach a real person, he has the confidence to fight for the position of commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers.

Such a position is more realistic than the Wusheng Cult, which has grown to hundreds of thousands of followers. Use the resources of the hegemony as much as possible, and seek the way alone.

Everything he did in Lushuang County has a clear context to follow, and it is all towards the final goal. It should be said that every step is very solid, except for the excellent opportunity that I suddenly saw that day, I wasted my time...

He really didn't expect that all of this would be ruined by a Qingpai catcher in the inner court.

After confirming that Lei Zhanqian's fate could no longer continue, he immediately switched to a stop loss plan. Deliberately exposing his identity and causing Jiang Wang's mood swings is only to plant an evil seed...

The fat man's intelligence surprised him a little.

Ji Tu's fighting power surprised him a little.

The movement that Jiang Wang can make is far beyond his imagination.

He didn't expect Jiang Wang to have such determination, such hatred, and to use such resources.

It can only be said that no one can count everything in the world, especially when people's hearts are so complicated.

Since he decided to have a son in Qi State, he can completely accept everything that results from it, whether it is good or bad.

Shouyuan was beheaded, cultivation base was knocked down, and the Wusheng Cult, which was created and strengthened by one hand, collapsed overnight——

When Wusheng Sect develops to tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of believers, use the immeasurable and huge power of faith to wash away the body, make up for the "flawed will of heaven" with "human will", and finally achieve greatness. One of the ways I conceived for myself.

Now this road is also blocked.

At least one thing he didn't lie to Lu Yan——

He also has no choice.

And this method, of course, is not what he told Lu Yan, to kill tens of millions of people. That may really be a way, there is really a little possibility... But even if one becomes the way of extension, it is a dead end.

He just wanted to become stronger, not court death.

His last solution is the [Nine Tribulations Method] which he has researched long ago but has been shelved.

Instead of waiting for the "maliciousness" of the will of this world to officially fall at the moment when it reaches the peak, it is better to take the initiative to greet it and induce "robbery" in advance. If you are prepared, you may turn danger into good luck. This is the fundamental idea behind the creation of this method.

However, "God's will is flawed", it is not a catastrophe that cannot be eliminated.

The Nine Tribulations method is to wear down the "maliciousness" of the way of heaven, to fight against the will of heaven nine times in a row, and to face the catastrophe. But every catastrophe is a narrow escape.

Who can be sure that he has experienced the desperate situation of life and death nine times, and can still find that elusive glimmer of life?

So although he had an idea long ago, he has been shelving this method and is not going to use it. A person can only live once. When given a choice, of course one should choose a more secure way.

until now...

The Wusheng Sect was declared destroyed, his hard work was destroyed, and his path to enlightenment was also cut off.

The exposure of replacing Lei Zhanqian will definitely make the world's top forces have more scrutiny on their own Tianjiao. In other words, it was already extremely difficult for him to reproduce Lei Zhanqian's trajectory.

Today, unless he plans to hide forever, hide in the ditch forever and never show his face, just watch Jiang Wang step by step in the dark...

How could he be willing to stop?

Simply start the Nine Tribulations directly in such a desperate situation!

The law of nine calamities is a gamble of nine times and one life.

If you fail, everything will be suspended.

Once it is successful, the hidden dangers of the holy body will be gone, and the way of extension will be smooth!

Today is the first calamity.

God's will is related to Xuanwei, he can't interfere too much, otherwise robbery may not be counted as "robbery".

It doesn't mean that finding a group of people to surround and kill him is to create a catastrophe for himself. There must be a real unpredictable danger and face the crisis of life and death.

When he gave Winged Ghost a chance, he didn't know what kind of lineup Jingguo's Arrogant God would bring. Will he just invite a real person to accompany him like that shameless fat man?

Even in the face of a real person, he may not have no chance to escape. If the other party can even invite a true king, even to hunt down and kill a cult leader who is only temporarily cultivated in the realm of the gods, and has to invite a Taoist celestial master to accompany him, then his fate should be like this.

He only dealt with it as death!

It was a lot of fighting in the dark underground palace, those little sect gods lacked means, except for two extremely vicious ones, most of them were not worth mentioning. And Jingguo Tianjiao is worthy of being Jingguo Tianjiao, who caused him great harm at the moment of life and death.

But it wasn't until Lu Yan suddenly appeared that he realized that this was the whole picture of the first catastrophe!

Lu Yan was also part of the massacre.

Once given the chance, Lu Yan would never mind killing him.

Just as he is familiar with Lu Yan, Lu Yan must have never relaxed his observation of him in the past few years.

He used to support the Road of Bones with one hand, and in the past few years, with the expansion of Wusheng Cult, he fought east and west and killed countless people.

Lu Yan, who is familiar with Zhang Linchuan, Bone Secret Art, Lifeless Mystery Art, and Thunder Forbidden Art, has made a lot of secret preparations in the past few years... Now that he is seriously injured, it is not so easy to deal with.

So he talked a lot about killing people to achieve enlightenment, and talking about killing tens of thousands of people, all in order to finally send out the secret technique and let Lu Yan leave.

Now that this piece of bloody internal organs is spit out, what he feels is a kind of ease that is being reborn.

Although at this level of cultivation, it is extremely difficult to make up for the physical injuries.

But the pain of the body can be completely washed away by the joy of the soul.

The first catastrophe is over!

And because of this, he has a deeper understanding of the "catastrophe of God's will", and then knows how to trigger it and how to deal with it.

In addition, the reason why he killed so vigorously in Yanyun Mountain was that he chose to make his first catastrophe so grand. It is indeed a signal to Jiang Wang——

Since you said you would not share the sun and the moon with me, I am here today, where are you?

He was looking forward to Jiang Wang's coming to him, so that he could make up for one of his nine calamities by the way.

Somehow, he felt that it was a very important step.

He fully believed that it would be an extremely dangerous battle, and he also fully believed that he would win the final victory.

Chen Pu said that "a hundred calamities have never turned back", and he is looking forward to where he can go after nine calamities.

Folding the bloody handkerchief carefully, he walked out of the underground palace calmly. Leave those lifeless pieces of meat behind.

The harsh sunlight made him a little uncomfortable, but instead he stood still and looked up at the sun hanging in the sky.

How can the scorching sun not shine on me?

After looking at it for a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He has already decided on his next destination.

The battle here in the underground palace will soon spread, and the countries of Dan and Song who are close to Yanyun Mountain must be heavily guarded...

He decided to go to Wei Guo for fun.

Wu Xun, the great general of Wei State, is a famous general in the world. There is the strength to kill him, the wisdom to kill him, and the determination to kill him will never be lacking.

Such a hero is very suitable to host his second life and death tribulation.



Smile, chuckle, laugh.

The smile is like a flower, blooming in the bronze mirror.

This smile was a bit unreal, and the woman who was dressing in the mirror carefully adjusted it for a while before she smiled naturally.

Laughed like a country.

"Where is Jiang Wang?" She asked without looking back.

The maid behind her was just looking at the bronze mirror from a distance, she was so dazed, she came back to her senses after hearing the sound: "I just passed Xingyueyuan not long ago."

"So fast? It seems that he is really determined to kill this time."

Ye Lan'er, the number one beauty in Dachu, stood up from the vanity mirror and turned around.

That extremely gorgeous long dress suddenly darkened.

The so-called shame destroys the flowers, the so-called bright moon covers the face.

It is the person in the painting who has come to the world.

Without any other actions, the eyebrows, eyes and hair ends carry the scenery.

"I'll meet him again."

She was naturally dissatisfied with the escape of someone in the "Meet My Building" earlier. Today's Jiang Wang has stronger strength, higher status, and greater influence...and is more challenging.

The maid opened the door sideways, she was very sensible and said nothing.

Ye Lan'er then went out.

But as soon as he stepped out of the threshold, he stopped.

Because there is a person standing outside the door.

a woman.

The face is covered with a light veil, but there are seductive eyes.

With a swipe of the red lips, the tulle is even more vivid, which is so swaying.

It's just the two pairs of beautiful eyes looking at each other, giving people the impression that emeralds, white jade, and amber pearls complement each other, making them extremely beautiful.

"At this time, don't bother him," said the woman standing outside the door.

Her voice was extremely lazy, as if Haitang had just woken up after sleeping in spring.

It's more like a plea than a warning.

Ye Lan'er, who was standing in the door, still had a nearly perfect smile and said in a near perfect voice: "What do you mean my sister? I'm going to help him, not to disturb him."

Her pronunciation of each word and expression of each expression have undergone countless trainings, so she can be so close to perfection.

She is so beautiful that in Chudi, where there are so many beauties, she is known as the number one.

"Sister, just listen to me." The woman outside the door walked in, turned her eyes, and waited for the maid to leave silently before she closed the door behind her backhand.

"He is very dangerous now..."



Apart from life and death, there is no big deal, those who cherish life always have to fight for life and death.

Jiang Wang's open letter triggered the suppression of Wushengjiao all over the world. The biggest impact brought about by this is to make the whole world realize the influence of this peerless arrogance.

The unparalleled influence of the younger generation!

He has been the focus of the world's attention since he won the first prize at the Yellow River Meeting.

Afterwards, Qi Tianjiao defeated Jing Tianjiao in the battle of Xingyueyuan, and he suppressed disasters in the battle of Qixia, and became a marquis in the first battle.

His fame has reached a certain limit——

What honor could be more sensational than a 21-year-old overlord who was granted military meritorious service?

Is there any story that is more moving than a young man with a bright future who risked his life to save countless people from disaster?

Until this open letter is sent out...

The whole world responded, and the entire world set off a wave of extermination of cults.

How much more than lifeless teaching?

In just a few days, countless cults have been destroyed in the world!

People scrutinize and watch out for every suspicious preacher, those heretics and shady cults, all of them tuck their tails to be human. The difficulty of preaching during this period is almost like being in Qionglu Mountain - in the hometown of the living gods, with The gods in this world compete for their beliefs, can they not be crushed to death by the little hairy god behind them?

Most people can't see the great power game behind it, can't see the brilliant trend borrowed by Jiang Wang, can't see the endorsement of the Sanxinggong.

They only saw that Wu'an Marquis Jiang Wang sent an open letter, that is, a flag was set up between the heaven and the earth, and all the countries in the world responded one after another. From now on, wherever the sun shines, there will be no place for Wushengjiao to stand!

What kind of prestige is this? What kind of influence?

And the powerful blow he triggered against the cult has saved many people in the world from fire and water, and saved many broken lives.

People do not hesitate to praise and praise. Some people have already shouted the slogan of "the world's most arrogant", without even adding any prefixes such as inner mansion, outer building, and divine presence.

Of course Jiang Wang didn't dare to accept it.

He knew that he was far from that kind of strength, far from that kind of influence, and it was just a coincidence that he was pushed to the forefront.

But this time he flew out from Linzi and went to Yanyun Mountain, what he faced was indeed very different from the past.

The whole world is full of kindness!

He flew straight all the way, unimpeded.

Even if there is some kind of martial law pass, you only need to report your name, and after a little verification, you will be released immediately.

There are constantly people who know people who don't know, and summarize all the information about Wushengjiao to him, and help him describe the trajectory of Zhang Linchuan's actions. Encouraging, supportive, wanting to follow.

Overnight, friends everywhere!

"How lucky to see Marquis Wu'an today! Please go this way, and I will open the way for you!"

"Quickly switch for Marquis Wu'an!"

"See Marquis Wu'an! Here is a copy of the missionary classics of the Wusheng Cult, I hope it can help you fight against the cult..."

"You just go forward, I have sent a message ahead, there will be no people who don't have eyes."

"You are the person I admire the most in my life. I deliberately picked off the head of an Earth Sha envoy. Please step on this head and walk over there. This trip will go smoothly, and I will definitely kill the Wusheng Sect demon!"

He didn't seem to be going to a life-and-death struggle, but he seemed to be inspecting the great mountains and rivers in the world, and there were flowers and applause along the way.

But the more so, the more silent he became.

Flying all the way to the west, only the sword in his hand has never been let go.

When Zhuang Guojun and his ministers accused him of possessing demons, Jing Shitai was publicly wanted, and the world was full of curses——he told himself, I want to recognize "me".

Lucky to set off a torrent, standing in the tide of the times, when the world worships him as a god, he also tells himself - I want to recognize "I"!

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