Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1725

That time was in the task of tracking down the evil cult monster.

Before leaving Tangshe Town, Zhang Linchuan sighed casually.

Of course, he knew later that Zhang Linchuan himself was the leader of those cult monsters they were chasing at that time.

That trip to Tangshe Town meant more testing and examination. At that time, Zhang Linchuan's cold personality was hidden under the mask of "Brother Zhang Linchuan", watching him coldly.

See how angry he is, how mad, how desperate he is.

Check out the hidden dangers for the last action of Baigudao, and there is a possibility of crushing him to death at any time.

These pictures of the past, thinking about them now, simply send chills down the spine.

But at that moment, when I heard Zhang Linchuan's emotion.

He was truly silent.

At that time, he was thinking, a talent like Senior Brother Zhang, with such a good background and talent, is actually so anxious about the future, so uneasy, so eager... Why does Jiang Wang have any reason to slack off?

That sentence, the mood at that moment, has been used by him to spur himself to work hard for a long time.

Looking at it now, the unintentional sigh at that time was indeed Zhang Linchuan's mood.

He is indeed such a person with a sense of urgency, that's why he later fought for food and competed with God. It was only in just a few years that the Lifeless Cult spread wildly.

While developing the Wusheng Sect, he also replaced Lei Zhanqian, so he has laid out many ways for himself, I don't know how many.

In all these years, he has indeed never wasted a single moment.

Thinking of this sentence now, Jiang Wang seemed to understand Zhang Linchuan better.

Judging from the desire to become stronger, why don't they have something in common?

Become stronger……

Jiang Wang had a flash of light in his heart.

Zhang Linchuan will not do meaningless things. The most important thing for Zhang Linchuan now is to restore his true god realm and even move to a higher place.

In the final analysis, strength is the foundation of dealing with everything.

The four realms of gods are false gods, true gods, yang gods, and respected gods.

Stepping out of each realm is a world of difference.

Zhang Linchuan was chopped down by Ji Tu Geshi, and now he can only be regarded as a false god, Mao God.

The Wusheng Cult was destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of believers who once spread all over the world died, retreated, and imprisoned. Above his faith, he has no hope at all. Unless he is given a few more years to establish a new religion and make a comeback.

So what did he do when he went to Wei Guo?

First, a small town was slaughtered. Second, the blood book provoked Wei Guo and set off his personal revenge against a country.

As for the first point, it seems that it is not difficult to sort out a thread when it is related to the old incident of Bai Gudao offering sacrifices to Fenglin City, and then related to the Rendan incident in Danguo——

It is very likely that Zhang Linchuan regained his strength by killing people!

Either offering sacrifices, or devouring, or being related to the mysterious inanimate world.

On the second point, Zhang Linchuan declared his evil deeds with a blood letter, threatening revenge against the Wei State, and he has the courage to be an enemy of the world.

Just like Yin Guan became enlightened by mantra. Does Zhang Linchuan have some kind of secret method of practicing hatred? Could it be that the more people hate him, the more power he can draw?

These are Jiang Wang's own speculations, and he is also thinking about his response to these possibilities.

At the same time, the latest news about Zhang Linchuan, and some speculations about it. He wrote letters in time and sent them to Chongxuansheng through the illusory realm.

After all, "one person counts the short, one fat counts the long."

Chong Xuansheng had an overview of the overall situation in Linzi, so he might be able to think more clearly.

So far, Zhang Linchuan's lightning method, Zhang Linchuan's supernatural powers similar to "Seven Souls for Life", and even all kinds of things he showed in Yanyun Mountain's underground palace, Jiang Wang has a certain degree of understanding.

But what attracts the most attention and is the most mysterious is always the inanimate world controlled by Zhang Linchuan alone.

So far, all the kingdoms of the world have destroyed all the branch altars of the Wusheng Sect that were publicly established, and the seventy-two earth demon messengers have all died in sevens and eighties. For example, the protector of the Dharma King is also dead and dead, and Tibetans are hidden. But still no one can explain the specific situation of the inanimate world.

The only thing people know--

All the charisms of the Inanimate Cult use the inanimate world as a bridge. But Zhang Linchuan, as a divine master, has always descended unilaterally. The non-living world, which the followers of the non-life religion longs for and hopes to live forever after death, has never shown its true colors in front of the living.

Now it is not difficult to find that Zhang Linchuan was ready to cut off all the believers at the beginning of the establishment of Wusheng Cult.

Is it due to cautious nature, or did he foresee this day long ago?


On the south bank of the Changhe River, the State of Wei took over a small section of the Yellow River bank, and even included the entire riverbank line between the seventh town and the eighth town of the Changhe River into the country.

The so-called "Qi An is the door of the Wei Dynasty, and the long river is a lonely waist."

When Emperor Wei was the prince, he ascended the Wangjiang Tower and uttered this exclamation, which is still praised by the people of the time, and it is regarded as the voice of the hero.

Wei State and Jing State faced each other across the long river, and there was a Longmen Academy between Song State and Guxia in the east, and Xiongchu in the south.

It can be said that it is in the place of the four wars, and there are no weak players on all sides. Without certain strength, it is impossible to stand firm.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the people of Wei State have developed a fierce folk custom. The people like to fight privately, and when soldiers go into battle, they are often brave and not afraid of death. Dong Guobao's desperate fight on Guanhetai is just a glimpse.

There is also a special feature that Wei Guo is the first country to fully implement martial arts practice before a complete road has been opened up in martial arts!

Almost all cultivators in this world will practice martial arts to temper their bodies before they achieve extraordinary achievements. But the martial arts after Chaofan has never been a smooth road, and it is not considered a complete road so far.

Under the sole leadership of Wu Xun, Emperor Wei dared to be the first to promote martial arts as the mainstream of practice. As a result, the state of Wei became a special place among all the countries in the world.

But the effect has not been very good. Since the full implementation of martial arts, the national power of Wei State has even declined.

Gein's current mainstream practice has been verified by history and has been perfected by countless strong men in the past. All over the world, there are profound foundations. There are countless solutions to each hurdle of practice.

And the final journey of martial arts is still being explored, and the bumps and omissions along the way cannot be fully described. Which practitioner who is interested in the future is not afraid that he will go the wrong way?

Looking at the Yellow River Meeting in 3919 of the Taoist calendar, Dong Guobao and Yan Shaofei who played in Wei Guo were not martial arts practitioners. From this, we can see that Wei Guo's choice is probably not solid enough.

However, the contemporary Emperor Wei is obviously also a dogmatic figure. He firmly believes that martial arts is the future, and he refuses to change the national policy at all.

Wei Wuzu is a well-known powerful army in the world, under the command of Wu Xun, it is powerful in the southern region. And Wu Xun is also firmly implementing his own ideas. In recent years, he has gradually replaced officers at all levels with potential martial arts officers.

The practitioners who were replaced and stuck to their original path were all merged into the other army. It is said that it is also cultivated as a strong army, but the actual resources are far inferior to Wei Wuzu.

After all, the national strength of the Wei State is there, how can it afford two powerful armies in the world?

In any case, the will of Emperor Wei and the general is very firm, and the government and the opposition are unstoppable.

Compiled by Wu Xun himself and supplemented by Wei Huang, the "Tongdian of Martial Arts" is also popular in all levels of martial arts schools in Wei State, and has become a compulsory martial arts book for young practitioners in Wei State.

If Wang Ao is the number one martial artist recognized by most people in this world, then Wu Xun, the general of the Wei State who was born in a military family, is a figure who is regarded as the best among martial arts monks in the world.

A body of cultivation is no small matter.

So why did Chen Siwu feel that Zhang Linchuan was courting death?

It can be said that as long as Zhang Linchuan meets this great general face to face, he will be unlucky and no one can save him.

Unless he could make Wu Xun never find him, but how could he not leave any traces of such evil things in Wei State?

Chen Siwu didn't think Zhang Linchuan had a chance to escape.

But Jiang Wang only felt that Zhang Linchuan's real purpose seemed to be separated by only a layer of window paper. It looks like a shadow, but it is already close at hand.


The place where the accident happened this time is called Wansang Town.

Because the pursuit of Zhang Linchuan was known all over the world, Jiang Wang was not hindered when he entered the Wei State, and he was stopped by the red-eyed Wei soldiers who blocked the place until he reached Wansang Town.

So pass on the name and wait for the generals of the Wei army to welcome them.

Yan Shaofei went to the country with his sword, and Dong Guobao died in battle on Guanhetai.

Wei Guo's younger generation is no longer a prominent figure. Tan Wenqi, who appeared in front of Jiang Wang at this time, was a cultivator of God's presence at the age of forty-three, and this year he was sixty-seven—a person under God's presence was really not qualified to handle this matter.

Achievement at the age of forty-three, is actually a genius-level figure, who has consolidated the peak state of his prime, and will not decline until death, and is not a weak hand in God's presence. But compared with the peerless geniuses like Jiang Wang, who achieved God's presence at the age of 20, they are not at the same level of talent at all.

In the entire Wei Kingdom, if one were to talk about the young Tianjiao, only Yan Shaofei, who traveled far away with a proud sword, could be compared with Jiang Wang. But since the meeting of the Yellow River, there has been no news of him, and it is not known whether he is still alive.

This world is too vast, and there are many stories that have no chance to be heard.

As soon as he saw Jiang Wang, Tan Wenqi stepped forward to meet him: "General Qin Wenqi was ordered by the General to seal off the scene of Wansang and verify the murder. Marquis Wu An came here for the evil leader?"

This incident has indeed alarmed Wu Xun!

I don't know where Zhang Linchuan got the confidence to do such evil things in Wei State and meet Wu Xun's pursuit?

"My condolences, General." Jiang Wang saluted, and then went straight to the point: "Is there any trace of that evil head here, General Tan?"

Tan Wenqi said in a shameful voice, "I never caught that villain!"

After Qin Wenqi's narration, Jiang Wang knew the details of the incident.

Wansang Town was massacred, covering the entire town area, tens of thousands of people were killed cleanly, leaving nothing but chickens and dogs. And Wei Guo only discovered the tragedy after a full two hours!

Wei Guomin's style is aggressive, and there are often armed fights, and bloody corpses are often seen.

For the sake of public security, patrols are set up in all counties of Wei State to patrol everywhere, and sometimes they will temporarily serve as litigators to preside over neighborhood disputes.

In the state of Wei, this kind of patrol riding is very respected, and it is called "mountain riding" by the common people. Only the best people in the yamen are eligible to be listed.

This time, the patrolmen came here, found the tragic image, and reported the matter layer by layer, which alarmed Wei Ting, but the local county guard was the last to know——

It shouldn't have been.

The State of Wei is a country that stands firmly on the ground of the Fourth World War and has built a large array to protect the country. It is not a weak country or a small country.

Wansang Town belongs to Moucheng, and Moucheng belongs to Xinlan County.

The entire Wansang Town was massacred, and there was an immediate response from the Sheriff's Mansion of Xinlan County. Those who believed in the seal of Lan County, the county guard, could feel the lack of a large amount of popularity.

But on the day of the incident, the sheriff of Xinlan County took his newly-accepted concubine to hunt in the remote suburbs, and his mind was not on the sheriff's seal, so he didn't notice it at all.

Of course, no matter how negligent. It is impossible for the sheriff of Xinlan County to ignore the change of his sheriff's seal. The only explanation is that his perception of the sheriff's seal was tampered with in advance——

This is the typical Zhang Linchuan style. No matter how exaggerated and crazy he behaved, he was still very careful and calm in his actions.

Behind the massacre of the people in a town and the open provocation of Wei Guo, it was he who calmly arranged every link, leaving a relatively sufficient escape time for himself.

It is by no means easy to play tricks on the sheriff of Xinlan County. It is impossible to hide it for too long if it confuses the perception of the sheriff's seal.

Therefore, this evil deed by Zhang Linchuan actually needs a very precise time to execute. It is definitely not a temporary act of venting anger.

Jiang Wang pondered for a moment: "Is it convenient for me to go in and take a look?"

Qin Wenqi didn't hesitate, and directly ordered his sergeant to unblock the blockade and make way.

The country of Wei is not a military empire, but its style is very militarized. Unlike those countries influenced by Confucianism, the imperial court does not pay attention to being respectful. They have the courage to face their own mistakes-correcting or not correcting is another matter.

Therefore, Qin Wenqi would tell Jiang Wang, a native of Qi, very frankly that their Wei soldiers had never caught the murderer. When Zhang Linchuan massacred the people, their county guard was hunting leisurely with his concubine.

Their inner pain, powerlessness and anger, seriousness, they are also open.

It was Jiang Wang's first visit to Wei State, and he had left a deep impression in his heart.

The blockade of the military formation was lifted, and Jiang Wang walked into Wansang Town. The first thing that hit his senses was the strong smell of blood. It almost smelled like a mess.

It is so heavy, clear, and cruel.

A whole town with tens of thousands of people.

Falling on the paper and listening to the ears, it is just a number.

Smelling it in the nose, seeing it in the eyes, it was a period of cut off...ordinary life.

The so-called "the east corner of the lost, the mulberry elm harvested", Wansang is really a very beautiful name. The setting sun in the evening falls between the mulberry and elm trees, which is the meaning of the name. It is also the beauty that people should see at this moment.

But the people who really endowed them with beautiful meanings are no longer there...

"All the corpses are left here, and all the dead souls have disappeared. They should have been pulled into the inanimate world." Tan Wenqi walked beside Jiang Wang, and tried his best to be as calm as a soldier asked: "We initially suspect that , Zhang Linchuan is using this to cultivate and become enlightened by killing. In other words, such things are likely to happen again in the future."

Jiang Wang didn't speak.

Before such a tragic image, any words are pale.

Qianyang Chitong silently inspected every detail.

The people in Wansang Town all died within a very short period of time. Everyone's expression before death was very painful.

Many people vomited blood before they died, and there were very sticky traces of blood in their eyes, ears and nose, so they left such a strong smell of blood without any sharp instrument damage.

Jiang Wang could probably imagine the scene when Zhang Linchuan finished the final arrangement and pulled the souls of all the people in Wansang Town out of his body. Ordinary people can't bear that kind of pain at all, the seven orifices bleed, the liver and gallbladder are broken first, and many people even choose to kill themselves first...

Before that, Zhang Linchuan might have lived in this small town for several days.

Maybe you already know a lot of people. He watched everything casually, and amidst the enthusiasm of the people in the small town, he healed his wound leisurely and was ready for action... Then, at a set time, he executed the last step with precision.

"Who is this person?"

Jiang Wang saw a man with loose hair hanging from a flagpole on the street in the middle of the town.

Tan Wenqi didn't even look at the man, he just said, "Magistrate of Xinlan County."

No matter how many reasons there are in the process and how difficult the enemy is to deal with, according to the laws of Wei State, if he is in his duty and has not accepted his responsibility, so that the best time for hunting is delayed, the head of the sheriff of Xinlan County will definitely not be able to keep of.

Jiang Wang didn't look at him again, and only asked Tan Wenqi: "In the huge Wansang Town, did Zhang Linchuan really not leave any clues?"

Qin Wenqi said: "Our criminal department found 27 clues that pointed to it, but in the end all of them proved to be misleading."

The bloody battle in the underground palace of Yanyun Mountain, the massacre in Sang Town in the late Wei Kingdom...

Zhang Linchuan's various actions seemed to be an evil owl who had come to a dead end and started to go crazy.

But in these specific and subtle details, it can be clearly seen that he is terribly calm!

Jiang Wang asked again: "There are so many blood debts here, the blood has not yet cooled, and the resentment has not been blown away by the wind! Can you ask a divination master for divination?"

Qin Wenqi didn't hide it: "The general ordered the master of the Dragon and Tiger Altar to come here to do the hexagram. Master Dongfang said that Zhang Linchuan is not only a skeleton body with difficult to calculate, but also possesses some kind of supernatural power to block cause and effect. Jumping out of the world of mortals is not in the karma. Combining the two, with his old man's cultivation, it is impossible to predict!"

Wei Guo also has a strong man of astrology and astrology. He is the Gua Dao Zhenren oriental teacher, who was appointed as a national teacher by the Wei Emperor and presides over Wei Guo's dragon and tiger altar.

This person took action himself, which shows that Zhang Linchuan really angered Wei Guo.

It can be said that the entire Wei State, except for Emperor Wei, who has become a Taoist, has already mobilized the highest level of power that can be mobilized.

But even Master Dongfang did his own calculations, and he couldn't find Zhang Linchuan!

The only gain is to learn that Zhang Linchuan has an unknown supernatural power, which at least has the effect of "blocking cause and effect".

Zhang Linchuan's confidence in coming to Wei State to seek death probably came from it!

Jiang Wang was silent.

Before his eyes, he seemed to see again, the Zhang Shi Liangcai who was killed by lightning and fell to the ground while fighting for Fenglin in the Three Cities Discussion...

Everything is a disguise.

Zhang Linchuan, Zhang Linchuan, how many surprises do you have for me?

Qin Wenqi looked over.

This look has a typical Wei style, straight to the point.

Jiang Wang actually understood what that meant.

Wansang Town is no different from the Savage Forest and the Yanyun Mountain Underground Palace before. The blood is still fresh, and there are too many dead people. It is very possible to trace the cause.

It's just that the Oriental master failed to grasp that possibility, and others may not be able to.

There are not many people in the world who can outperform Dongfang Shi in hexagram calculations.

It so happened that Jiang Wang knew two of them.

One is Yu Beidou, who has the highest computing power among real people in the world, and the other is Zheng Ruan Yu, the Qintian Supervisor of Qi State.

Even Yu Beidou is not safe, because Master Dongfang is also a Gua Dao real person, but he got nothing in Wansang Town. And the Bone Body is the ultimate means.

Qin Wenqi hoped that he, Marquis of Wu'an of the Great Qi, could ask Ruan Yu to make a move!

But what kind of character is Ruan Yi?

Qin Tianjian is just a state-level existence, observing the astrology all the time, he guards the fate of the country, focuses on the world, reads the history, and calculates the future. It is a battle against the world's hegemony.

No matter what, he can be moved.

No one can bother him.

What you think is a big thing may be just a breeze to people on another level.

In Jingguo, there was a God Lin Tianjiao who was killed by Zhang Linchuan, and it was not seen that Jingguo's Gua Dao Zhenjun made a fortune-telling, that's why.

How precious is such a person's computing power?

What can he hope for?

Killing a cult leader at the level of God's presence is like killing a chicken or a dog in this world, so why would you use such a knife to slaughter the world?

In particular, he had nothing to do with Ruan Yu before, and there is no such thing as a deep friendship now. It's just that they worked together for a short time in the Qixia battlefield and in southern Xinjiang.

Ruan Yu gave him a knife coin, but it was for the secret of the floating land world and nothing else was involved.

What's more, the hexagram is a calculation, and it always pays attention to the reciprocity of cause and effect. There is no free divination. If money is not used, something more precious may have to be given.

When Yu Beidou figured it out, he fought a bloody battle in Duanhun Gorge and became disabled.

What price can he pay for asking a divination master of Ruan Yu's level to make a move?

And he understands a little better.

No matter how terrible Zhang Linchuan behaved now, how shocking the things he did. It is at the cost of constantly exposing himself that he accomplishes these incredible things.

The more Zhang Linchuan is exposed now, the greater his chances will be when he finally catches him.

He has become the enemy of the world, the more he struggles, the more he has nowhere to go.

He can completely ignore Zhang Linchuan's ups and downs, and just follow up slowly, advance steadily, and win the final victory that is more sure.

But in the eyes of Qin Wenqi, the unfamiliar general of Wei State, he just said: "I will write a letter, please send it to Nanxia Governor's Mansion through Wei State's channel. But will Supervisor Ruan agree?" , I'm not sure either."

Qin Wenqi thumped his breastplate: "That's enough. No matter what the hexagrams required by the great master, Wei Guo is willing to pay for it!"

At present, he held his palms as a platform, gathered his blood into ink, and took the bone of Xinlan County Sheriff's bone as his pen... personally handing over the pen and ink to Jiang Wang.

"Thieves do evil things, this person has unshirkable responsibility, and cause and effect are related. Use this as a book, and the great master may be able to predict it!"

Wu Xun was obviously really angry, and gave Tan Wenqi enough authority to even say the words "no matter what the hexagram is paid for".

Without hesitation, Jiang Wang picked up a pen and wrote it off.

He understands that the tide is on his side, and time is also on his side. The more he knows, the less opportunities Zhang Linchuan has.

But this "knowing" is achieved if more people sacrifice. Then he would rather not be so sure.

The corpses of these innocent people who were massacred in front of them lay here, and their resentment almost gathered into clouds, and it is possible to perform divination.

Then he should seize this possibility.

With his current status, he added weight to these lives.

If Ruan Yu refused, then he would ask Yu Beidou to take action again, even if he lost his limbs again.

As for the price Ruan Yi should pay if he agrees to the fortune-telling...

He will give what he can, and he will find a way to give what he can't.

In short, Zhang Linchuan must die, and he cannot live another day!

Today's 6,000 words, one of the chapters, is for the Ashgagen Creditors Committee. (5/10)

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