Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1726

As soon as Wei Ting learned of the tragedy in Wansang Town, he had already activated the national protection formation and sealed off the border, but obviously failed to lock Zhang Linchuan.

With all the experts of the Criminal Department of the State of Wei, in a very short period of time, they have eliminated the twenty-seven pointing clues left at the scene one by one, but they failed to find the real trace of Zhang Linchuan... Even where did he go? Those who escape in the direction cannot be determined.

After all, when the murder case was discovered, it was too late. There is too much room for manipulation in this.

Jiang Wang sent the letter to Nanjiang, but he himself followed the arresting team sent by General Wei Guo, and searched for Zhang Linchuan in the southern region for two days according to the most likely escape route analyzed by the Criminal Division.

The result is also nothing.

Zhang Linchuan seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, completely out of Wei's intelligence network. It did not appear in anyone's field of vision again.

He is like an evil beast in the dark night, sneaking into the dark night after sunset.

During these two days, Ruan Yu didn't respond at all. On the contrary, Chong Xuansheng's analysis was conveyed in time through the illusory realm.

"Your intuition is right. Zhang Linchuan is indeed covering up something. Zhang Linchuan absorbed innocent souls in the state of Wei to supplement the inanimate world. Everyone will think that Zhang Linchuan is 'using killing to become enlightened'. It should not be his Purpose."

In the Xinghe Pavilion, Chongxuan Sheng said: "Because if he wants to achieve such a goal, what he has to do is to hide himself as much as possible instead of exposing himself. His first action should not just kill tens of thousands of people. People. When you are not being guarded, you should kill as many as possible for the first time. If you want to use killing to become enlightened, with Zhang Linchuan's wisdom, you will definitely be able to make more vigorous actions."

Jiang Wangdao: "I feel that he is very calm, and he treats his own life as well as the lives of others."

"We have temporarily reached a consensus on Zhang Linchuan's judgment." Chong Xuansheng narrowed his eyes and said, "Let's take a look at what Zhang Linchuan did in Wei State——Tu Zhen, the blood letter provoking Wei State, representing Wusheng The Patriarch admitted this and declared that this was just the beginning of the Wusheng Cult's revenge. What do you think is the point?"

He stopped, gave Jiang Wang some time to think, and then answered by himself: "The point is irreplaceability. Of all the things he did in Wei, the only irreplaceable thing was his provocation to Wei. Where is the murder?" You can kill them all. Revenge against the destruction of Wusheng Cult can also be carried out in other countries. Under the current situation, no matter where he committed the crime, his evil deeds will definitely be spread quickly, so there is no way to say that it cannot be produced More hate."

"So let's think about this question. If it's just for killing people and plundering souls, to fill the inanimate world, why didn't Zhang Linchuan just find a small country? Why didn't he go to Chengguo and Moguo? Anyway, they were massacring civilians. What is the difference between Cheng Guo doing such an evil thing?

After thinking about it, there is only one point that is very strange and difficult for people to figure out - he will be in danger in Wei State, but not in countries like Cheng State and Mo State. "

Chong Xuansheng said: "The difference between choosing Wei Guo and Cheng Guo is the reason why Zhang Linchuan chose Wei Guo, whether it makes sense to me or not, this is the only answer.

I don't know what the connection is here. But we now know two things. First, Zhang Linchuan's main purpose must be to restore his cultivation and strengthen himself. Second, he chose to do such a thing in Wei State, which is related to 'danger'.

From this, we can conclude that Zhang Linchuan's way of recovering his cultivation and strengthening himself requires the existence of factors such as 'danger'.

Chen Siwu told you that Zhang Linchuan seemed to be looking for death, and he was not wrong.

But he didn't really want to die, otherwise he should have chosen to go to Chu State to kill Tu Town.

His action strategy should be to 'put himself in a dangerous enough situation to achieve a certain purpose, and finally lead to the result of his recovery and self-strengthening'. At the same time, his choice must avoid the situation that will make him die. place. "

The context of this is indeed very clear. Jiang Wang listened, and his specific understanding of Zhang Linchuan became a little clearer.

The first is self-confidence. Zhang Linchuan is more confident than he knew or imagined. Whether it is the evil god of bones, the overlord of the Eastern Region, or any other powerful people and powerful countries, he dares to face anyone, and dares to plot against anyone. It seems that there is no word of awe in his life.

Therefore, he has superhuman courage. Disregarding the life and death of others is not bravery, and sometimes it is a kind of cowardice to disregard one's own life and death. Only those who are very obsessed with 'living' can calmly deal with death and calmly face danger... This kind of person can be said to have the courage and strategy beyond the world.

On this basis, Zhang Linchuan is ruthless and far-reaching.

Being an enemy of such a person must not be taken lightly.

"Will Zhang Linchuan take any action? Has his goal been accomplished? I don't know." Chong Xuansheng said: "But if he still has the next move, Song Kingdom, Dan Kingdom, Longmen Academy, Nandou Hall , Jiange, these five places are the most likely. The two countries of Yue and Zhuang are the next most likely."

He paused and looked at Jiang Wang: "I hope Zhang Linchuan is a few steps away from his goal, otherwise he may not show up again."

Jiang Wang got up abruptly: "I will go to Song State now to remind Chen Siwu that if Zhang Linchuan has already gone to Song State, it is just to tell them to catch the turtle in his urn. For the rest of the places, I will ask Guangshu to help me send a letter to inform them, and ask them to arrange in secret. Be lenient and strict, so as to attract Zhang Linchuan into the game."

Chong Xuansheng thought for a while, and said: "Marquis Wu'an's way of doing things is already very appropriate... Please take care of yourself."

But Jiang Wang didn't say anything, and his figure had disappeared in Xinghe Pavilion.


Time cannot be chased, Jiang Wang will never waste it, and he will not give Zhang Linchuan more room to move. Withdrew from the Illusory Realm, briefly explained a few words to the person in charge of hunting in Wei State, and then left for Song State.

Flying all the way, running around non-stop.

For Jiang Wang's arrival, Chen Siwu was obviously very surprised, but also received him very politely.

With the highest courtesy of a literati, Jiang Wang was invited to his study for a conversation.

The house is full of rare books, but it's a pity that the visitors didn't pay much attention to them.

It was Zhang Linchuan who was chatting in the Yanyun Mountain Underground Palace, and it is Zhang Linchuan who will be chatting this time. It seems that Zhang Linchuan is more important than these ten thousand years of literary romance... It is a pity to call Chen Siwu.

But he is polite, Fengya only asks for himself, and will not force others. Then he communicated with Jiang Wang about Zhang Linchuan.

Hearing Jiang Wang's explanation of the situation in Wei Guo's side, he also said with emotion: "How can Wei Guo not catch any trace of doing such evil things in Wei Guo's side? Zhang Linchuan is really a bit evil. .”

Jiang Wang got straight to the point: "I'm here to remind brother Chen to be careful with Zhang Linchuan and Wan. He must have a plan for making waves like this. The next target is likely to be Song Guo."

"Thank you Brother Jiang for your concern." Chen Siwu is obviously full of confidence in the defense of Song State: "Since the incident of the Yanyun Mountain Underground Palace, our country has entered a state of alert. From Shangqiu to border towns, strict investigations must be carried out , even a strange fly can’t fly over. Yousi departments are on standby for twelve hours, if Zhang Linchuan dares to come to this place of Wenhua, he will be buried here!”

As soon as Jiang Wang heard this, he knew that Chen Siwu didn't really take it to heart. He obviously didn't think that Zhang Linchuan dared to come to Song Dynasty to act wildly at this time.

But when it comes to strict inspections at the passes and vigilance everywhere, isn't it the same for Wei Guo?

In the end?

Zhang Linchuan still committed evil deeds, managed to escape and disappeared without a trace.

"Brother Chen, please pay attention to this matter." Jiang Wang said very seriously: "I have always known that the people of the Song Dynasty are outstanding and have a profound background. But Zhang Linchuan is very cunning, devoid of human nature, and cannot be judged by common sense. I even doubt that he Maybe they have already infiltrated the Song Kingdom by now."

Immediately, he explained Chong Xuansheng's analysis and Zhang Linchuan's relevant information he had summarized to Chen Siwu in detail, and his words were extremely sincere. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is earnest.

Talking about the defense of other countries is easy to make people feel bad for pointing fingers. But Jiang Wang's attitude is so sincere, and Chen Siwu has a tolerant personality, so he really listened to it.

He pondered for a long time, bowed to Jiang Wang, and said solemnly: "Brother Jiang's analysis is reasonable, Zhang Linchuan is indeed not to be underestimated. I will immediately promote the secret screening operation within the entire Song Kingdom. If Zhang Linchuan has sneaked into our country, he will definitely It is impossible for him to escape again!"



"If I catch Zhang Linchuan's tusk, I will peel his skin, eat his flesh, and chew his bones!" The red-eyed general of Wei State in the army tent said viciously.

The discussion, analysis and cursing of Zhang Linchuan is not just one person in one place, let alone for a while.

A circle of generals sat around the brazier, and the flames danced, illuminating their gnashing of teeth.

"Okay." Tan Wenqi said: "Zhang Linchuan can't be scolded to death."

He especially looked at the one with the loudest voice, and said in a cold voice, "Who allowed you to drink while performing official duties? Go back and take responsibility for yourself!"

The general who was pointed out did not protest, but gritted his teeth bitterly and said: "Brothers are not reconciled!"

Zhang Linchuan's escape is already a fact, and this is what those of them who are still fighting for it must face.

Qin Wenqi was silent for a while, and then said: "Marquis Qi Wu'an left without any letter, probably he didn't invite Ruan Zhenjun. Tomorrow, you take people back first, and I will go to Mount Sumeru to see if I can talk to Zen Master Nian. .”

Zen master Xumi Mountain Xingnian is the highest achiever in the world of "Future Constellation Tribulation Sutra". On the way to peek at fate, he will not lose to Ruan Yi.

But even so, he knew in his heart that the chances were slim.

One thing, the more time passed, the weaker the connection between Wansang Town and Zhang Linchuan became. Even for Zen Master Xingnian, it is far more difficult to trace the whereabouts of the monster now than it was a few days ago.

Second, how can a person like Chan Master Xingnian care about his feelings? He doesn't really care about Wei Guo's face either. No matter how much merit money you bring, the other party will probably dismiss it. Apart from the future of Mount Sumeru and the Buddhist Dharma, I am afraid that there is nothing worthy of Chan Master Xingnian's action. He said that he was worshiping the mountain on behalf of the state of Wei, but he might not be able to see the real Buddha.

But if he didn't give it a try, how could he be willing?

Although Wei Guo's pursuit is still going on, it is still quite powerful. But Zhang Linchuan had already escaped!

Wei Guo will not give up pursuing Zhang Linchuan, but for such a cult leader at the level of Mao God, the resources that can be mobilized are quite limited, and it is impossible to spend the whole country on this matter.

And the limited resources... are simply not enough to strangle Zhang Linchuan.

This is a paradox, but it is also a reality that he has to face.

Hearing what Tan Wenqi said, these generals under his command also gritted their steel teeth, swallowed their blood and tears, got up gradually, and turned around to command the troops.

In this military tent stationed in the wild, soon there was only Tan Wenqi left.

Only at this moment did he show signs of fatigue.

A veteran on the battlefield like him is not afraid of the charge of thousands of troops, nor how brave the enemy will be. It's nothing more than opening up the battle and fighting hard.

But for an opponent like Zhang Linchuan, he really felt like a mouse pulling a turtle, unable to make a move.

If you can't find anyone at all, how can you deal with it?

This person has no relatives, no reason, no family and no friends, and the Wusheng Cult that he created with one hand is gone. If he wants to follow the vines, he has no vines to touch.

Even if all these existed, it would not be possible to affect Zhang Linchuan.

During this period of time, so many people died before and after Wushengjiao, how many devout believers cried and asked God to save them? Zhang Linchuan didn't even have a white smoke.

Such destructive people don't care about anyone at all.

Tan Wenqi silently looked at the brazier in front of him, feeling furious that he wanted to kick it over. Even he felt that there was nowhere to display all his strength, and that he was full of hatred and could not release it.

full of hatred...

He felt his anger filling his chest.

bang bang!

He felt his heart beating fast and heavy.

not good! Tan Wenqi, who had been through battle for a long time, sensed something was wrong at this moment, and suddenly woke up, and the soldiers rose like a tide.

But in the next moment——


His sternum directly tore through flesh and blood, opening to both sides like a door. His chest cavity was directly cracked, and a bright red heart jumped out!

Tan Wenqi stared at his heart, and saw that the heart also spread dense cracks, and then broke open like a flower petal, and a pale white seed jumped out of the middle.

The seed just jumped in the air, rose when it saw the light, and turned into a man with an unremarkable face.

"Zhang, Lin, Chuan?" Tan Wenqi saw that his eyes had been cracked open, and he heard his own voice sounding in such pain.

Even though he had never seen this person with his own eyes, even though his eyes were covered with blood, he was very sure that the person who appeared in front of him at this moment was Zhang Linchuan, the Patriarch of Wusheng.

Zhang Linchuan left a total of twenty-seven pointed clues in Wansang Town to mislead the follow-up, and designed to interfere with the sheriff of Xinlan County, buying himself more time to escape.

But these turned out to be just a cover.

Zhang Linchuan was hiding in Wansang Town at all, in the heart of his Tan Wenqi at all, and never fled a step away. No wonder the entire Criminal Department of Wei State went crazy and couldn't find any traces of the ancestor of Wusheng!

When is it? Qin Wenqi was thinking painfully... Was it the first time he entered Wansang Town, smelled the bloody smell, and felt angry for the first time? Was it when he personally hanged the Sheriff of Xinlan County, wishing he could cut him with a knife?

He couldn't remember exactly when he got the trick.

Worse than a sternum tearing a chest, or a cracking heart—

He sealed off Wansang Town, watched the plight of the people in his country, vowed to avenge those innocent people, participated in the pursuit of Zhang Linchuan and spared no effort, but in the end he personally sent Zhang Linchuan out of Wei State!

And at this moment...

Zhang Linchuan opened his eyes, and there was a very short moment of blankness in those eyes, as if he had just woken up.

But seeing Tan Wenqi's appearance and hearing Tan Wenqi's voice, he has already taken back the sealed "self".

The "evil species" had already harvested Tan Wenqi first, disintegrating Tan Wenqi's ability to resist.

He didn't talk nonsense, he just raised his hand and pressed Tan Wenqi into the ground, turning it into a pool of mud mixed with flesh and bones.

This time in Wei State, he did not fight against Wu Xun, nor did he even experience any fierce battles. But the danger of the process is many times more dangerous than that of the Yanyun Mountain Underground Palace!

During the whole process of living in evil seeds, sealing himself up, and hiding in Tan Wenqi's body, he knew almost nothing about the outside world.

As long as it is discovered, it will be the result of death immediately.

Once Wu Xun came in person, and Dongfang Shi, who once presided over the Dragon and Tiger Altar, was nearby to make calculations. It can be said that as long as he left a little bit of flaws and exposed a little bit of flaws, he is already dead beyond death.

He is in danger all the time, not just walking on the edge of a narrow escape?

Although he does every move impeccably, the final concealment is also near perfect. But the perfection of God's Promenade level is full of mistakes and omissions in front of real people. He has a vision of the real level, and he can only "fill in the gaps" as much as possible, but it is impossible to "fill in the gaps".

But which real person would deliberately gain insight into Qin Wenqi, a general who has achieved God's presence for many years?

It was almost a shame to show Tan Wenqi naked to the public.

Zhang Linchuan knew very well that once the incident in Wansang Town was discovered, Wei Ting would definitely block the border first. A strong man like Dongfang Shi should also give priority to sealing the checkpoints in various places to prevent the murderer from fleeing.

Because the murderer has given himself time to escape, according to normal logic, blocking the escape route must be the most important step. Sealing off the scene and investigating evidence is the second most important thing.

What he hit was this time difference, quietly planting evil seeds on Tan Wenqi's body, and then sealed himself up and hid in it.

Of course, even if the plan is achieved to this extent, he will be in a life-and-death crisis for a long time.

As long as Tan Wenqi has a little self-awareness, if Master Dongfang looks at Qin Wenqi more, maybe he will confess to Wei Guo...

Fortunately no.

What he expected earlier was that he would kill Tan Wenqi and leave after Wei's alert level was lowered.

But I didn't expect that Tan Wenqi, as one of the persons in charge of chasing Wu Sheng Patriarch, left Wei State and took him directly away from the dangerous place. It was a result that couldn't have been better.

Is it true that killing too many people has been favored by God?

This really made him feel a little humorous.

Turning these indifferently in his heart, Zhang Linchuan withdrew his palm, and only said: "The second catastrophe is over."

His aura was obviously stronger.

With just one touch of the pale palm, he used [Rootless] supernatural power to break the connection, and then disappeared into the military tent.



Jiang Wang was sitting at Chen Siwu's home, waiting for the results of Song Ting's nationwide secret screening.

Zuo Guangshu has already helped him send the reminder about Zhang Linchuan to important figures in Dan Country, Longmen Academy, Nandou Hall, Jiange, Yue Country, Zhuang Country and other places through the channel of the Huai State Government.

Yes, even Zhuang Guo had Zuo Guangshu notify him.

Because what he hated was never the people of the Zhuang Kingdom, but only Zhuang Gao envied Du Ruhui who regarded the people as food for cultivation, bargaining chips, and dirt.

He and Zhuang Gaoxian Du Ruhui's account can be settled at any time, but they can't just sit back and watch Zhang Linchuan go to Zhuangguo to wantonly slaughter the people.

Now he only hoped that Zhang Linchuan had infiltrated the Song State, or was about to infiltrate the Song State.

So that he can end all this as soon as possible.

The bloody turmoil has lasted for too long, and the people of the world should not be confused for a long time by Zhang Linchuan, an inanimate patriarch. He shouldn't let Lin Youxie's memory wait too long.

The reason why I chose to come to Song Dynasty.

It is because Zhang Linchuan has taken risks many times and is good at using people's psychological blind spots to play "black under the lights". Song Guo is the most likely place for him to appear in his next move——

The premise is that he really has the next move.

Hate can blind one's eyes, and so can anger.

So Jiang Wang told himself again and again to calm down. To deal with an enemy like Zhang Linchuan with a cold calm similar to that of Zhang Linchuan.

He constantly builds "Zhang Linchuan" in his heart like a dream order.

Not only the image of this person, but also his character, his spells, his supernatural powers, his speech and behavior.

He must understand his enemy as he understands himself.

Ye Qingyu sent a lot of information about the Bone Path, Zuo Guangshu has a lot of news about Wushengjiao, Chong Xuansheng is based in Linzi, and is constantly integrating information from all parties...

These are very helpful.

Jiang Wang was studying Zhang Linchuan seriously with an almost obsessive attitude, as if studying a top secret technique.

He has imagined thousands of times, how he will make his first sword...just wait for Zhang Linchuan to appear in front of him.

At this moment, the old knife money that had never moved on his body suddenly jumped out, drawing a mysterious trajectory in the air, hanging not far in front of him.

It seems that it is within reach, but it seems that it is not in the five senses.

The voice of Qin Tianjian's Zheng Ruan Yu sounded from the knife and money——

"it's me."

The letter sent to Nanxia Governor's Mansion fell like a stone, and Jiang Wang thought Ruan Zhenjun had already rejected him.

He had also thought about asking Yu Beidou to do the divination, but he couldn't contact Yu Beidou at all with the new knife money that Yu Beidou gave him.

He had no choice but to stop relying on expert divination, and continue to fight Zhang Linchuan's wits and courage from other aspects.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Ruan Yu's news came.

"Master Supervisor!" Jiang Wang immediately sat upright.

"I'm tired of ordinary things, so I have some free time now." Ruan Yu didn't waste time, explained a sentence, and then said: "If the fortune is calculated, cause and effect must be paid. Please take action, the old man. The price is very heavy. Marquis Wu'an, you have something Are you ready?"

Jiang Wang only clasped his hands and said, "I would like to ask Mr. Jianzheng to be generous. Jiang Wang is ready. If money is available, Jiang Wang is willing to spend all his wealth. If it is only available, Jiang Wang is willing to do the work of a dog."

Cause and effect must pay is the rule of Gua Dao. Even if Emperor Qi asked Ruan Yi to take action, he would have to pay something, and of course he, Jiang Wang, was no exception. Whatever Ruan You wanted, he would give.

"Four years of fame are all for selfish hatred." Ruan Yu sighed, "I know Marquis Wu'an's determination."

The astrology master didn't talk about the price, but said: "I have read your letter with my own eyes, and the bones and blood are very clear, and it can reflect the scene of Wei Guowan Sang Town."

He changed the subject: "But the dead in Wansang Town, I can't take them."

Jiang Wang was a little stunned: "Why?"

Ruan Yu said with emotion: "I am afraid that the people in the world have underestimated this inanimate patriarch. There is still a situation in the game. I can't take it, because none of the dead souls in Wansang Town actually entered the inanimate world, but were put in the Netherworld. Zhang Linchuan relied on the Bone Body to do evil, used the specious Bone Secret Technique, and pointed the killing at the Netherland, if any divination master really got to the bottom of it, it would not be Zhang Linchuan, but the Bone Evil God!"

Today's 6,000 words, one of the chapters, is for the Ashgagen Creditors Committee. (6/10)

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