Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1727 The Three Truths Chase Evil, Peace and Prosperity

Jiang Wang knew very well that even though he and Zhang Linchuan did not share the same sun and moon, he also swore to destroy the evil god of bones. But the enemy's enemy is still the enemy, Zhang Linchuan and Bone Cthulhu are also enemies of life and death!

Zhang Linchuan is now an enemy of the world and has nowhere to go, but in an extremely dangerous situation, he still made this move, borrowing the enemy as a dead bone!

It can be said that every step of the way is full of murderous intentions, and every step has a plan. It is almost equivalent to picking flowers and blowing snow while running all the way on the edge of the cliff. How far-reaching is the calculation.

The Bone Cthulhu is a supreme existence in the nether world.

It is Ruan Yi, how can it be counted?

If you calculate rashly, you may be hurt.

And if anyone can count on Nether, overwhelm the Bone Cthulhu, and go to Nether to fight... that would be a good thing for him, Zhang Linchuan. He was afraid that the Bone Cthulhu would be beaten to the bone with someone, or beaten to death by someone.

Jiang Wang suddenly thought of one thing...

Although he has personally experienced the ending of the eternal calamity, he understands that the God of Bone Bones has probably been born into the world now, and he has begun his brilliant life recognized by the will of the world.

But Zhang Linchuan didn't seem to know about it?

After all, at that moment, only he, Zhuang Chengqian, and Bone Zunshen were the only ones who experienced all that. At most, an unconscious true demon Song Wanxi would be added.

And Zhang Linchuan, as a betrayer of the Bone God, must not have dared to touch the netherworld in the past few years, so it is reasonable to not know the real situation of the Bone God.

This is also understandable, why he would play this game, thinking of using the bone god in the nether world as a trap.

No, Zhang Linchuan might not be completely ignorant of the current situation of the Bone God.

Time is not worth mentioning to the Bone God. Although it is inferred according to common sense that God Bone, who has already solved the rejection of God's will, should have been born in the world now, but it does not rule out that he wants to stay in the nether world for a few more years to plan other things.

Or to put it another way... the Bone God, who has lost a son for hundreds of years, may have set up some means in the Nether World even if he has been born in this world.

Zhang Linchuan lured the souls of the dead from Wansang Town into the Netherworld, and he used one stone for two purposes, leading two tigers to fight each other. It is not only aimed at the enemies who chased him down in this world, but also at the Bone God. It is a dangerous killing game, or it is also a test for both parties.

See what these enemies are willing to do to kill him. Also look at how the Bone God is doing now.

"I'm sorry, Zhenjun Ruan, I didn't mean to put Zhenjun in danger on purpose." Jiang Wang was a little scared, and after a while, he asked: "The real Dongfang..."

Ruan Yu's voice said: "Some dangers exist only when you see them. So ignorance is not a bad thing. Orient masters are not good at learning, can't see so far, or don't dare to calculate deeply. These It’s hard to tell, and there’s no need to worry about it.”

"I'm thinking..." Jiang Wang thought from the perspective of the country of Qi, "Could it be that the people of Wei deliberately induced me to ask you to make a fortune, in order to hurt you? Before I write to you , Wei Guo people said, no matter what the hexagram is worth, Wei Guo is willing to pay for it."

There was a smile in Ruan Yu's voice: "Unexpectedly, Master Dongfang didn't have the guts. It was hard to tell when we were far away in the past. Now that Wei Guo looks east, what he sees is not Xia Guo, but our Great Qi Southern Border."

Jiang Wang breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Zhang Linchuan has already offended the people of Wei. If General Wu Xun had a chance to see Zhang Linchuan, he would have killed him long ago."

Ruan Yu said again: "But the matter of repayment is really a joke. I'm trying to figure it out for you. Which round will they get the repayment, and what cause and effect is involved? Master Dongfang shouldn't make such a joke, think I hate it so much... They owe you this time."

Cause and effect reciprocate, there is no reason to be related to others.

What's more, in Ruan Yu's state, most of the time, what the fortune tellers ask for is not something that can be filled by money, but the "fruit" of the person involved, to repay the "cause" of looking forward to the long river of fate.

Jiang Wang only said: "Even if there is no such thing as a Wei Guoren, I would also swear to kill Zhang Linchuan. Whenever there is a chance to make a fortune teller, I will also think of inviting you. After all, you are the highest achiever in the hexagrams in my knowledge... …so there is no question of whether I owe it or not. I do it voluntarily.”

Ruan Yu didn't say anything more about it, but said: "I can't occupy the dead in Wansang Town, but I can also see a little detail from it--Zhang Linchuan can send those dead souls to the Netherworld silently, avoiding the death of the dead. Kai Dongfang's divination and setting up such a dangerous game within the game cannot be explained by Taoism. He must have a supernatural power that penetrates yin and yang.

This supernatural power can help him freely travel through the nether world, and it should also be a bridge for him to connect the Shinto world and believers. Didn't it mean that he suspected that he could bestow pseudo-supernatural powers on the Earth Sha messenger through the inanimate world? It should be done through this supernatural power.

His Shinto world named "No Life" has at least two supernatural powers involved... one penetrates yin and yang, and the other blocks cause and effect. "

As expected of a great master of astrology, a figure standing on the pinnacle of the extraordinary.

Master Dongfang came to the scene in person, and only saw Zhang Linchuan's supernatural powers. Ruan Yi saw through Zhang Linchuan's in-game situation just by reading a blood-soaked letter, and also saw more of Zhang Linchuan's roots.

Zhang Linchuan's supernatural powers and Zhang Linchuan's inanimate world have a clearer outline.

Jiang Wang said very consciously: "This news is very precious to me. I will immediately ask Marquis Bowang to send the hexagrams to the Guanxing Tower."

Ruan Yu's voice was noncommittal, and he only said: "I won't go to the Kingdom of Wei, and it is difficult to enter the Netherworld. If you are sure that you are ready, after you meet Zhang Linchuan, you can find a way to take his blood and contaminate it." On top of the knife coin I gave you. I will help you figure out his cause and effect, and never let him go back."

Then the knife coin fell back into Jiang Wang's hands with just one turn.

Ruan Yi's words were as calm as saying "come to my house for a meal when you have time", but it easily determined the fate of the Wusheng Patriarch who caused Wei Guo to fly.

This so-called extraordinary peak, the words of Yan Dao Zhenjun, can last thousands of miles and thousands of years.

This is also the dilemma that Zhang Linchuan had to face when he first chose to establish Wushengjiao, and to move forward with the Taoism.

Without Jiang Wang, sooner or later he would face other Tianjiao.

It is what the Buddhists say, "Evil cause bears evil result".

Although Jiang Wang's journey has been bumpy and bumpy, he has walked on a dignified and righteous path. After going through thousands of miles, the future is infinitely bright.

So far, Jiang Wang has known Zhang Linchuan's three supernatural powers.

The first supernatural power is most likely to be the legendary Seven Souls Substitute.

The second supernatural power has the ability to isolate cause and effect. Cooperating with his bone body, it can almost prevent him from being affected by divination.

The third supernatural power, able to penetrate yin and yang, can easily travel to and from the underworld, and it is also a bridge for him to connect to the inanimate world.

It can be said that each of the supernatural powers is very powerful, and they have all been developed by Zhang Linchuan to perfection. Moreover, the second door and the third door of supernatural powers are all related to the inanimate world. Then the characteristics of the inanimate world can also be guessed from this. For the cracking target of the inanimate world, some clues can also be found from here...

I don't know how many supernatural powers Zhang Linchuan has picked off, and whether he has achieved Tianfu. As far as these things are exposed, he is already an existence that is extremely difficult to be completely killed.

Jiang Wang never minds using all the resources he can use.

Including Ruan Yu, as well as the Song Kingdom where he is now.

"Brother Jiang!"

Chen Siwu's voice sounded outside the house.

When Jiang Wang heard it, he just pushed the door open and entered.

The expression was very serious: "Wei State general Qin Wenqi was killed in the wild, it was Zhang Linchuan's revenge. He has been hiding near the border of Wei State and has not fled far!"

Jiang Wang was startled, because it wasn't long before he parted with Tan Wenqi.

Does this mean that he has also been in Zhang Linchuan's vision?

"It's too late to say more." Chen Siwu said eagerly: "Zhang Linchuan has already gone crazy. First he slaughtered Wansang Town, and then killed the general of the Wei State. I don't know what to do. I also invited the monk who moved Mount Sumeru to set up a net this time. This thief is in my southern region, and I am about to go to support and compress Zhang Linchuan's range of activities. Brother Jiang and I..."

Jiang Wang, who was supposed to be the most eager to chase and kill Zhang Linchuan, stood still and only asked, "Is the monk from Mount Xumi who Daoist Dongfang asked to move, the Chan Master Xingnian?"

"Of course not." Chen Siwu said: "It seems to be the practice of Zen Master Zhaohuai, a real person in the world."

In addition to Jingguo's real person who has gone after him somewhere, there are already three real people who participated in the pursuit of Zhang Linchuan, and it would be difficult for any one of them to break the situation. But because of the particularity of the Bone Sacred Body, because of the supernatural ability to block cause and effect, because Zhang Linchuan himself has the vision of a true god...Even a real person in the world can't force him with force, so he can only play this game of cat and mouse with him.

Zhang Linchuan was dead when he was caught, but so far no one alive has touched the corner of his clothes.

"How did the news about Tan Wenqi being killed in the wild come out?" Jiang Wang asked again.

Chen Siwu said: "It was the general who followed him to hunt down Zhang Linchuan, and found out at dawn the next day...why?"

"Zhang Linchuan is by no means a person who will be disturbed by his emotions. He will kill for no reason, but he will not cause trouble for no reason. Under the current situation, there must be a reason for him to kill Tan Wenqi. Zhang Linchuan is still making trouble now. If there is movement, it means that his goal has not been achieved, he still has a few steps to go, and he still has some risks to take."

Jiang Wang had a vague feeling in his heart that maybe Tan Wenqi had something to do with Zhang Linchuan's successful escape from the Wei Kingdom, but it's not easy to say this kind of speculation, because it will tarnish the name of the deceased.

He just said resolutely: "The news of Tan Wenqi's killing has reached you. I believe Zhang Linchuan is no longer there. He must have picked his next target!"

Chen Siwu stopped the steps that had already gone out: "Song Guo?"

Jiang Wangdao: "The smartest person in the world has analyzed that Song Guo is one of Zhang Linchuan's most likely targets at this stage."

Chen Siwu murmured: "Then we won't participate in the siege, and just wait for him here."

"No, we are going." Jiang Wang said as he walked out: "And we must go as fast as possible, and we must make Zhang Linchuan feel that our attention has been drawn away by him...With Song Guozhi's strength, we must go as soon as possible. Under the prepared circumstances, there should be no possibility for Zhang Linchuan to escape, right?"

Chen Siwu understood it, and stood up decisively: "Of course not!"

The two powerful gods immediately flew across the sky and left the Song Kingdom.

On the way of flying quickly, Chen Siwu certainly used a special method to make arrangements in Song Guoyao. Jiang Wang also split a ray of mind to enter the illusory realm, and kept passing letters with Zuo Guangshu.

"How are the preparations for the Yue country?"

"Ge Fei, who has become a god, is presiding over this matter. He said that he has secretly laid a net, and Zhang Linchuan will be caught as soon as he enters the country." Zuo Guangshu replied in the letter.

Jiang Wang silently marked the Yue Kingdom with doubts in his heart. He knew Ge Fei's strength. Even if he had achieved God's presence now, he could roughly estimate the scope of his combat power. If he is not arrogant or impetuous, and fully mobilizes the national power of the Yue Kingdom, he is not afraid that he will not be able to deal with Zhang Linchuan. But such confidence is full of promises, but things are not reliable.

"The latest news about Tan Wenqi's murder, you also let them know. Ge Feixin has become a god, and what kind of god is Qin Wenqi? Let them pay more attention... How is the situation in Nandou Hall?"

Dan Kingdom, Longmen Academy, Nandou Hall, Jiange, Yue Kingdom, and Zhuang Kingdom.

Among the goals listed by Chong Xuansheng.

On the Jiange side, he had personally communicated with Ning Jianke, and he knew that Pavilion Master Si was sitting in Tianmu Peak, and there would definitely be no problems.

On Zhuangguo's side, Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui both understood the principle of the lion fighting the rabbit very well, and they were also very cautious in character. They would not give Zhang Linchuan an opportunity when they were warned. Maybe they will set a trap in reverse, to ambush Zhang Linchuan, in order to win Jiang Wang's promise - they will not miss things that can disgust Jiang Wang.

Zhang Linchuan and Zhuang Gaoxian's battle of wits and courage, of course, is a good show.

But Jiang Wang doesn't want to see it now. If that scene really happened, he would find a way to get in and pursue the best ending where Zhang Linchuan beats Zhuang Gaoxian and Du Ruhui.

He wrote to ask Zuo Guangshu about a few things that he was not sure about.

Zuo Guangshu replied in the letter: "Chongxuansheng may not know much about the situation in the Southern Territory, so he included the Nandou Palace in Zhang Linchuan's goals. The entrance of the Nandou Palace is very hidden, and entry and exit are very strict. Zhang Linchuan wants to be in the Nandou Palace. It is very difficult to do evil in the sphere of influence of the temple... But I have already notified it, and Ren Qiuli, the real person of Tianji, said that he will pay attention to it."

What Zuo Guangshu said made a lot of sense, and Chongxuansheng must have a reason for Chongxuansheng. But since Ren Qiuli is paying attention to this matter, no matter what, the problem of Nan Dou Hall will not be serious.

"Thank you, Guangshu. Where is Dan Country?" Jiang Wang asked again.

This time, the little grandfather Zuo was very angry in the letter: "I told them to loosen the outside and tighten the inside, so as to give Zhang Linchuan an opportunity to catch the turtle in the urn in the end. They have a man named Zhang Jing who replied That's what people say, it's called Zhang Jing. It's the trash Zhang Jing that Chu Yuzhi said, what a trash! For some reason, this incident made a big splash, and even the border towns of Dan Kingdom were plastered with Zhang Linchuan's poster. Portraits. What else is there to do besides scare the snakes?"

Jiang Wang was also a little angry, but he forcibly calmed down and thought about it, and he could probably understand the reason why Zhang Jing did this.

Danguo doesn't care whether Zhang Linchuan, the inanimate patriarch, is stirring up trouble, courting death or going crazy. As long as Zhang Linchuan doesn't go to Dan country to make trouble, it's none of their business.

What Zhang Jing did was to startle the snake! Let Zhang Linchuan, the vicious python, avoid them from a distance.

Strictly speaking, Zhang Jing's response was not stupid, but rather selfish.

Such a choice is really disappointing. Jiang hopes to remind them of their painstaking efforts.

But it is impossible for him to change Dan Guo's decision. After all, people have their own ambitions, and each country has a different understanding of responsibility.

Jiang Wang remained calm, and wrote back to ask, "How about Longmen Academy?"

As one of the four major academies, the strength of Longmen Academy should not be underestimated, and it should not have been included in Zhang Linchuan's target selection.

But within the sphere of influence of Longmen Academy, outside of the academy, there are also a large number of school fields, a large amount of land, and a large number of farmers who support scholars. After all, Longmen Academy is not a national system, and there is no large formation that can cover the entire sphere of influence. It is difficult for these ordinary farmers to protect them comprehensively.

If Zhang Linchuan took this as his goal, it would be impossible to guard against it.

Mugu Academy, which is also one of the four major academies, does not have such a problem. Mugu Academy is more supported by several nearby countries, but does not have too many school fields and people under its rule. And it is located at the foot of Shushan, not to mention Zhang Linchuan, even if the bones returned to the peak, he would not go there.

Zuo Guangshu replied: "Longmen Academy attaches great importance to Brother Jiang's reminder. Their true disciples who are still in the academy, and most of the teachers, have all been released, disguised as farmers, and participated in the autumn harvest of the school field. There are still a few All the great Confucians are paying attention. If Zhang Linchuan goes to Longmen Academy, I don’t think he will have a chance to find another target.”

From this point of view, the country of Yue is the most insecure. I hope that Zhang Linchuan won't be chosen by such a coincidence to go to Yue.

Jiang Wang also emphasized in the letter: "The Shenlin masters you helped organize are divided into two teams, one team is close to the Yue State, and the other team is coming to the Song State. Sneak and hide, don't startle the snake, and be ready to meet me at any time. Zhang Linchuan should He is very aware of his situation, so he is very anxious now, and the next move will not wait too long."

Zuo Guangshu only replied "I'll take care of things, don't worry".

Jiang Wang thought about it seriously, and made sure there was nothing missing, so he ended the correspondence with Zuo Guangshu, and continued to fly to the field where Tan Wenqi died with Chen Siwu.



After finishing the discussion about Dan Dao Ge Ding, Zhang Xun returned to the mansion exhausted. Not surprisingly, the Ruo family's house was still brightly lit, and in this dark and cloudy night, it was still as bright as day.

During this period of time, Zhang Jing has become more and more domineering.

Flying eagles fight dogs every day, running rampant in the capital. He caused trouble everywhere outside, and he didn't restrain himself when he returned home. It was common for Yingge Yanyan to dance all night.

Originally, he also knew to close the door and set up a soundproof circle, and only played in his own yard. Now the entire Zhang family has left traces of his unscrupulousness.

In this case, the old man even delegated power to him to handle some affairs at the national level.

This gave him a great sense of accomplishment and a lot of self-confidence.

Once after drinking, he even said—"My brother Zhang and I are no different except for cultivation. Just wait for the next Liusense Pill!"

This remark should be a joke, but now in Dan Country, no one laughs at him anymore.

Compared with Zhang Xun, no one dared to laugh, that's all. Such things as the default Liuzhi Dan should have caused an uproar, and no one dared to laugh.

Public outrage has clearly smoldered to a certain extent.

And Zhang Xun has always focused on his cultivation, so he naturally doesn't know what his younger brother is doing. Occasionally he saw a few words of scolding, but it didn't help. After all, he is busy with affairs, and the occasional concern is also the sympathy of the elder brother to the younger brother-it is indeed sympathetic.

After all, Zhang Jing didn't have a good life for a few days.

It's time to reap the notoriety that has been cultivated for so long.

Recently, Zhang Xun has been busy with the reformation of alchemy. He wants to change the way forward of the country, elevate the status of Fadan and Yaodan, and promote it along with the current mainstream of alchemy in the alchemy country.

After such a long period of hard work, it has also received the support of various domestic forces.

Once it is finally completed, the road ahead that has been dark for a long time in Dan Country may open up a new sky.

But things like renewing the old and ushering in the new must have a vigorous start——

Zhang Xun killed his relatives righteously, counted Zhang Jing's twelve deadly crimes, and killed his own brother, who was very vicious, with his own hands. Then he realized the past evils of Dan Kingdom, and determined to revolutionize the world starting from Zhang Jing's case. Then he took over the power of the Zhang family and opened a new era of simultaneous development of Fadan, Yaodan, and Fudan.

How is this not vigorous?

How is it not a good story?

Such classic articles have already written the plot.

And including Zhang Xun, it is just a life flowing through the pen.

He doesn't mind being arranged, he just hopes that everything he pays for it will be rewarded. I only hope that Dan Country can really have a future.

He couldn't forget Xiao Shu's silence. And this kind of silence is just the epitome of those who have been loyal to the country for many years in the past.

Zhang's mansion, which occupies a vast area, is still singing and dancing tonight.

The country of Dan is in a peaceful and prosperous age, and the Zhang family is a famous family.

The young girl has a delicate body, and a peachy mature woman plays the stringed piano. The noodle-faced rabbit sang Xiao Dan, and his sleeves swayed with the wind. The singing is melodious, melodious... everything is like last night, like the night before, like many nights in the past.

The only thing is that Zhang Jing's yelling and embarrassing voice is missing.

"Where did Zhang Jing go to get into trouble again?" Zhang Xun asked a random person.

The dancing girl obviously drank a lot, her face was flushed, and she giggled: "Mr. Zhang, he... he drank too much, dragging that so-and-so, and that sleep!"

While talking, he posted it closer.

Zhang Xun reached out and pressed her face, pushing her aside.

Suddenly, the palm of his hand was licked.

Suppressing his nausea, he didn't bother with these messy people, and went straight through the noisy crowd to his own yard.

But in the middle of walking, he turned around suddenly and walked towards Zhang Jing's room.

Maybe it was because a major event had already been decided, and Zhang Xun suddenly wanted to say a few words to this younger brother tonight—when he was drunk.

The noisy sounds in the courtyard made Zhang Xun a little annoyed, but it didn't show on his face.

Can accommodate so many absurd things, can't it accommodate a few actors and actresses?

It can accommodate the sky covered with dark clouds, and it should also accommodate the drunken night.

It's just that when he walked outside Zhang Jing's room, his actions were a little rough——

He didn't even say hello, just pushed open the door.

The door opened, and the light of the orb swayed for a while. Then he saw that the messy skirt stretched all the way to the bed. On the bed, there are several people sleeping together.

His own brother is in there.

But his eyes were not there, but fell on the only chair in the room that was upright.

There was a person with indifferent eyes, neither good nor bad, who was sitting there...

Eye to eye with him.

The three naked people wrapped in quilts on the bed had no signs of life.

It is difficult for Zhang Xun to describe his mood at this moment.

It should be said that he was already prepared to face Zhang Jing's death. I also thought about how indifferent I would be when that moment came.

But Zhang Jing did not die at his hands.

Instead, he died so sloppily on a night that was no different from the past.

He looked at the strange man in Zhang Jing's room coldly, with a killing intent that was too cold, rising with every strand of sword silk.

But first heard the other party's complaint——

The man sat with his legs crossed, his back straight, his pale fingers intertwined, and his expression was dissatisfied: "You use my name to refine human pills.

He also casually killed one of my Dharma kings to take the blame.

Have you ever considered the mood of my inanimate leader? "

When I was writing this chapter, I went back and read carefully the play of Zhang Xun and Zhang Jing I wrote before, and I thought it was really well written...


Reel up.


Today's 6,000 words, one of the chapters, is for the Ashgagen Creditors Committee. (7/10)

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