Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1728

Cold sweat gradually broke out on Zhang Xun's forehead.

He can't wipe it off.

However, I can clearly feel the vellus hair on the back of the neck, and there is an overwhelmed drooping feeling, unable to stand the cool wind outside.

The sounds of silk and bamboo and laughter outside the courtyard became very far away. So far away that it seems like a lifetime ago.

The palm that was licked by the dancer before, the slippery nausea feeling became more and more intense at this time.

The dead brother was ugly physically, but the beauty next to him was curvy. And a thin quilt covered their corpses, embellishing their decency at such an unseemly moment.

There is a kind of opposition and contradiction from the inside out, which is reflected in every aspect and in all the details.

The spiritual domain that he was protecting close to him was also a little shaky, like a candle in the wind.

Since stepping into this room, his connection with the world has become estranged. And all kinds of feelings have become complicated.

Zhang Linchuan, the Patriarch of the Wusheng Sect, was sitting there, still feeling aggrieved: "I know that your Dan Kingdom is dying now, and you need to think of something. It is not uncommon for you to go to the doctor in a hurry. But if you think of a way, you will find a way, and if you do bad things, you will do it." It's a bad thing... find another reason."

"Don't put all the bad things on Wushengjiao's head... Damn, is Wushengjiao a chamber pot for you honest gentlemen?"

"I'm a little bad, but I'm very particular about what I eat. I don't eat anything clean. Cannibalism is something that animals do. How dare you accuse me?"

"The reputation of Wusheng Cult has been ruined by you people from Dan Kingdom!"

This is Dan Country. This is Zhang's ancestral home.

Zhang Xun reminded himself in his heart.

He knew that all this was not over. Although he was negligent in his own home and made a wrong step, there was still a chance. No matter what kind of opponent it is, it is impossible for him to give up struggling.

There are some arrangements in the ancestral house that can be used.

We only communicated with Fei Xiang not long ago, and we have to discuss it again tomorrow. If we last until then, Fei Xiang will definitely notice the problem...

"My dear friend." Zhang Linchuan said again: "This is in your own home, why are you so indifferent and silent?"

Zhang Xun looked at him fixedly, and his voice was inexplicably hoarse: "Wei Que has a nest, and Wei Jiu lives in it."

"I don't have any education, so I really don't understand what you're scolding." Zhang Linchuan said a little funny: "It's only natural to pay back the debt. I came to collect debts, how did I become a bad customer?"

Zhang Xun only said: "I heard that three real people have participated in the hunt for you, and the southern border and the western border will probably be screened all over...How long do you think you can hide here?"

Zhang Linchuan didn't seem to care about it: "Of course real people are worthy of respect, but they must also give Dan Country a face and won't check your territory inch by inch... Look, isn't it great that I live here for a few days?"

"Being an enemy of the world is doomed to death." Zhang Xun said: "If I were you, I would find a deep mountain and hide in an old forest, wait for a hundred or eighty years, and when the limelight passes, I will change my appearance and come out of the mountain."

"You're right. I shouldn't have been able to escape. There are so many countries and forces in this world. They work independently and compete with each other, which gives people like me room to move around." Zhang Linchuan was unusually calm: "So you have to know that the relationship between people is the obstacle between people."

"You are so confident that you can kill me silently?" Zhang Xun asked in a deep voice.

Zhang Linchuan did not answer his question, but said: "Actually, the most important thing is that these people don't hate me enough. If you don't regard me as a life and death enemy, it will be difficult to become my confidant. I have a good way, you Do you want to hear it?"

I don't know why the autumn night is so cold.

Zhang Xun raised his toes lightly, but he never took this step.

Zhang Linchuan seems to be full of flaws, and also seems to be full of traps.

"They don't hate you enough, but someone hates you enough." In the end, he still stood where he had just stepped into the threshold, and said.

He is like a part of this door, with the bright moon behind him and facing the house lights.

Of course Zhang Linchuan knew who Zhang Xun was talking about, but he just smiled: "Are you talking about you?"

"It can also be me." Zhang Xun said.

Zhang Linchuan turned his head and looked at the deceased on the bed: "Why do you have a deep relationship?"

"He is my own brother." Zhang Xun said in a word.

Zhang Linchuan laughed twice: "If you don't tell me, I almost forgot. This is Zhang Jing. Before he died, he asked me to leave a word for you."

"What did he say?" Zhang Xun asked.

"He said..." Zhang Linchuan cleared his throat, and imitated: "Zhang Xun, you son of a bitch, I spent eight lifetimes of bad luck before I came out of the same womb with you!"

He moved his eyes back, with a puzzled expression on his face: "Aren't you brothers, why does he seem to hate you more than me?"


Zhang Xun couldn't hold his body any longer.

Tens of thousands of frosty white sword threads broke out!



At the time when Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi was mobilizing resources from all parties, the whole world was chasing and killing Zhang Linchuan, the ancestor of the inanimate sect.

At the same time that Jing Guoqiu Tie, Wei Guolonghu altar host Master Dongfang, and Zen Master Xumishan Zhaohuai, these three real people brazenly joined the hunt.

There are a few pieces of news that are earth-shattering and spread throughout the world!

It was the ancestral house of the Zhang family, a first-class famous family in Dan country. It was burned overnight, and the whole family suffered misfortune. Zhang Jing, a well-known playboy of the Zhang family, ran naked in the downtown area, shouting, "Fake, fake, Yuan Shi Dan will be fake, Tian Yuan Da Dan is fake, Liushi Dan is fake, everything is fake! "

Then Qiqiao bleeds to death.

Another person saw Zhang Xun, the genius of Dan Kingdom, flying across the valley plain, shouting over the already wasteland of the river valley plain—"Recklessly refining human pills, I will definitely die!"

He turned his palm and killed himself, leaving his body and soul gone.

What is fake? Who is Dan?

Zhang Jing is a waste, it doesn't matter how he died. Although Zhang Xun was a genius, a dead genius is not considered a genius, and it doesn't matter. The important thing is that the message that the interested people want to convey through them is known by the people who should know it.

Some things just can't stand investigation!

It's okay if you don't doubt it, but once you have doubts, it's a leak everywhere.

Almost overnight, the more secretive news about Yuan Shi Dan Hui and Ren Dan has spread throughout the Western and Southern Regions.

That's how people know—

Known as the "Red Emperor", the Patriarch Yan Renxian, the True Monarch of the Dan Kingdom, has not heard from him for a full eighty-seven years. Twenty years ago at the Yuan Shi Dan meeting, the great scene of handing down alchemy from generation to generation was simply an illusion carefully constructed by the people of Dan country. In order to hide the world that time, a real person in the country of Dan even sacrificed himself.

Yan Renxian didn't retreat in the imperial city at all, and he didn't travel outside the sky to seek the Tao at all. Instead, he died long ago, and his soul returned to the source pool!

The Yuanshi Pill Association of the Dan Country has long been ineffective, and the Dan Country will never be able to refine the Tianyuan Great Pill or the Six Senses Pill! Pill Kingdom refused to purchase pills from Jing Kingdom, Qin Kingdom, and Chu Kingdom, not because of the strength of Dan Kingdom or any external balance considerations, but because they no longer have the ability to refine top-level pills!

So Zhang Jing who swallowed the Tianyuan Great Pill is still mediocre.

That's why Xiao Shu, who stole Liushen Pill, failed to attack Shenlin in the City of Unredeemed.

For eighty-seven years, there has been no true king in Dan Country, and no new true king has achieved it.

And the kingdom of Dan has kept it from the world for eighty-seven years!

What kind of country is Dan country?

To the north is a small country like Cheng, to the south is the deserted river valley plain, to the east is Yanyun Mountain, and across Yanyun Mountain is the Song Dynasty. And not far to the west is the powerful Qin who sees the world as a tiger!

Economically, nearly 30% of the pill business in the entire western and southern borders is owned by the Dan Kingdom.

It is true that Dan Country needs to pay extremely high pill tax to Qin State and Chu State in exchange for the right to pass through the western and southern borders, but it does not affect that it is a very rich country.

Both the geographical environment and the country's wealth required Dan to be a powerful country.

Otherwise, there is no reason for the naughty boy to hold gold in the busy market?

The high-level combat power of a Yan Dao Zhenjun, three real people, a powerful army built with a lot of money, the ability to stably refine top-level pills, and a complex network of interests built by relying on pills... These are the things that the Dan Kingdom stands on. Reliance in the northern part of the valley plain.

However, that True Monarch has disappeared for eighty-seven years. The ability to refine top-level elixir has long been lost in the country of alchemy.

The decline of strength is happening imperceptibly, and this decline is even all-round.

Dan Kingdom's silence behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, its weakness in international affairs... There have been so many things that have gone wrong over the years, and in retrospect, it is almost leaking from all sides.

However, in order to refine the top-grade elixir, Luo Zhongmin, the real person of the Dan Kingdom, adopted the taboo method of elixir under the circumstances of insufficient materials and exhausted inspiration!

This matter was once revealed by the victim who escaped by chance, but was quickly suppressed by Dan Kingdom officials. In the end, he arrested a Dharma King of the Wusheng Sect to take the blame, and took advantage of the trend to hype up the name of Zhang Xun, the arrogant Zhang Xun.

The "Human Pill" matter has thus become one of the many evil deeds of Wushengjiao. Of course, the "informed people" who spread the story at that time were all victimized by Wusheng Cult as a matter of course.

This incident was publicized at this time, and immediately detonated the situation.

Jingguo Qiutie, Weiguo Dragon and Tiger Altar Master Dongfang, and Zen Master Xumishan Zhaohuai changed their lanes on the spot and rushed to Danguo.

Anbo Weiqiu of Qin Guoyi and Zhongli Zhaojia, Patriarch of Zhongli Clan of Chu State, were dispatched almost at the same time, meeting in King Dan's City.

Fu Zhaofan, the Minister of Nandou Palace, Tu Weijian, the Prime Minister of Song Guoguo, and Chen Sui, a famous Confucian of Longmen Academy, followed closely behind.

Eight real people gathered in Dan Country!

And these, of course, are just foreplay.

These people who rushed to Dan country ahead of time were all to occupy the righteous status of acting on behalf of the heavens in advance.

The country behind them and the forces behind them are what they rely on to stand here.

The country of Dan has neither a real king nor a strong supporter. It has violated the justice of the world, rebelled against the law of heaven and human has lost its power.

At this time, the situation gathers together, and dragons and tigers compete with each other, so it is natural to divide and eat!

The person in charge of the Xingren Palace in the Three Punishment Palaces, Yan Dao Zhenjun Gongsun Buhai, also arrived overnight to capture Tianpin alchemist Luo Zhongmin for questioning.

None of the various countries and forces dispatched a true monarch-level existence in the first place. Of course, it was to give Sanxinggong a face and let Gongsun Buhai deal with it fairly.

And after the treatment of the Sanxing Palace is over, they should also tactfully get out of the way. Let go of this big cauldron, and let the heroes who have already been seated share the food.

This is the ceremony of dining, and it is also the situation in the world.

As for Zhang Linchuan, the Patriarch of Wu Sheng, he was temporarily forgotten by people.

Such a big Dan country, lacking morality, righteousness and power, the fat deer is delicious, and naturally the world competes for it.

What can be gained by killing a mere cult leader at the level of Mao God? If you encounter it, you can kill it easily, if you don't encounter it, you can kill it too late!



The country of Dan is also a big country in the region. The world never thought that it would collapse overnight. Trance is just a blink of an eye, and the sky is turned upside down, and the earth is turned upside down.

Yesterday, it was peaceful and prosperous with singing and dancing, but today it is precarious and facing the crisis of being dismembered.

Of course, speaking of it, the Tianzhu collapsed overnight. But it was just a pustule that had been covered for eighty-seven years. It gradually deteriorated in the rancid environment, and it had already reached the point where it was life-threatening and could no longer be concealed. Dan country's many actions, left and right, are just delaying the time for this pustule of death to explode.

But when it was detonated in such a bad way, let alone the Zhang family of the Dan Kingdom, let alone the real person Luo Zhongmin, and the Prime Minister Fei Nanhua. Even the lord of Dan country can only wait for the result in the next time, and has no ability to affect the situation.

They can't even decide how they die!

Dan Kingdom's disintegration came too suddenly.

Like a gigantic firework, it exploded at the western foot of Yanyun Mountain.

It attracted the attention of people all over the world, and gathered all the eyes of the world, and the aftermath would be more than thousands of miles away?

Even in Linzi, the state of Qi in the far east, some people suggested that Marquis Wu'an temporarily put aside the matter of arresting the murderer, and go to the state of Dan on behalf of the state of Qi, so as to occupy a good seat for the state of Qi that could not get this piece of meat pie. ...was suppressed by Chong Xuansheng.

Not to mention far away, it is in this southern region.

Chen Siwu also turned back on the spot, and as the pride of the country, he would cooperate with Song Ting's next arrangement at any time.

Zuo Guangshu, in the name of the Duke of Huaiguo, helped Jiang Wang convene two teams with a total of nine divine presence experts, and most of them resigned and wanted to rush to Danguo.

In the collapse of such a large country, the biggest fat must be divided among the strongest parties. But in the entire Dan Kingdom, from the capital to the localities, there are too many places where you can speak! Every bite you take will leave your mouth full of oil. Isn't it better than risking your life to hunt down a murderous and cunning cult leader all over the world? It may not be possible to catch up!

The few people in the team who didn't choose to leave were also limited by the face of the Huai government.

A cultivator at the level of God's presence is a strong one wherever he is placed. Either the leader of the sect, or the core of power. No one can force them.

For Jiang Wang, if he doesn't work hard and is absent-minded, he might as well not come. Simply disband on the spot and let them all go. And sneaked away alone, and rushed to the country of Yue.

The brighter the fireworks in Dan Country, the more certain he felt in his heart, all of this had something to do with Zhang Linchuan.

Although judging from the current situation, Dan Kingdom's dismemberment was already doomed, but it would not have been done in such a disgraceful way. There is no need for Jing Qin Chu and other forces to act so eagerly.

Apart from other things, it was the "Rendan incident" that gave the great powers a high-sounding excuse, which instantly detonated the situation to this point.

As for the matter of human pills, it had been one of Wushengjiao's crimes before.

Although Jiang Wang didn't know how Zhang Linchuan did all of this, but the Dan Kingdom collapsed so violently, he saw Zhang Linchuan's eagerness even more.

He was keenly aware that at this critical time when the world was dividing the tripod and eating meat, and the west foot of Yanyun Mountain was surging, Zhang Linchuan had a bigger move to make!

Looking around Zhang Linchuan's most likely choices, the Yue Kingdom is the farthest from the Dan Kingdom and seems to be the most likely place to implement a dangerous plan.

Jiange is also far away, but the territory is not wide enough and the risk is high.

Dan Kingdom has now gathered a real king and eight real people. What kind of terrifying power is this?

Even if their eyes were temporarily focused on the fat deer in Dan Kingdom, just a little aftermath of straying was enough to crush Zhang Linchuan to death.

Therefore, Zhang Linchuan's next goal is to choose as far away from Dan country as possible. But it won't be so far away from the Southern Region, because he is in a hurry.

He was already very eager to complete his plan, but now he created an excellent opportunity for himself, and he naturally wanted to complete the last step within this excellent opportunity. Before the big powers finish sharing the meal, completely solve the dilemma he encountered.

With the continuous collection of information and the deepening of knowledge, Jiang Wang was sure that his knowledge of Zhang Linchuan was infinitely close to that of the deity.

Substituting that indifferent personality to deduce, I have a strong premonition in my heart, in the country of Yue... Zhang Linchuan will definitely choose the country of Yue.

So he took the wind and frost of chasing thousands of miles... with a sword.


People asked: "Dan lost the fat deer, and the big powers divided it and ate it. Why didn't the Marquis of Wu'an go?"

The answer was: "full of hatred, I have never known hunger for a long time!"

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