Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1729 Life and death together, white jade has time

Just as Jiang Wang guessed.

In fact, Zhang Linchuan had some imagination about the current situation of the Bone God.

He was born in the Way of the Bone, proficient in the Way of the Bone, and later occupied the holy body of the Bone, took off the supernatural powers that penetrate Yin and Yang, compiled the "No Life Sutra", and created his own Wu Sheng Xuanshu...

The broad horizon is not vulgar.

He has always had a general perception of the situation in the Netherworld.

A few years ago, when the eternal catastrophe ended, he also felt a sense of relief, and completely completed the control of the Bone Lord's body. From this, he had some guesses about the current situation of the Bone God...just because of the cause and effect with the Bone God, he dared not Enter the nether world to verify in person.

Over the past few years, as his cultivation has continued to rise and the inanimate world has continued to grow, he has also continued to try to seize the handle of the Bone Venerable God... but he has not received the slightest resistance.

He believes that the Bone God has either died due to some accident, or has eliminated the hidden danger of God's will at all, completed the last step, and successfully reincarnated in this world.

No matter what the possibility is, it will be very difficult for God Bone to affect Nether in a short period of time.

Therefore, it is not dangerous for Lu Yan to go into the nether world to find the soul of his dead wife.

But after the destruction of the Wusheng Cult, he still wanted Lu Yan to explore the Nether World to make sure that the Bone God was indeed no longer in the Nether.

What's more, it is necessary to use the tens of thousands of dead souls in Wansang Town to set up a trap, and ask Wei Guodongfangshi or other Gua Dao Daoist or even Zhenjun to help him find out the bottom of the Bone God.

He dares to seek God, but he will never underestimate the existence above the peak.

He knew that even if he was a god, there was still the possibility of making mistakes. Because the opponents who are above the top are often also above the top, and the Bone God has to play against the will of the world.

This is the premise for him to dare to seek God.

But Bone God has the qualifications to make mistakes, he does not.

Only under the condition of ensuring everything is safe, he will reserve the possibility of entering the nether world.

A monk from the inner palace was killed in the savage forest, which ruined a good situation.

Being an enemy of the world today, as Zhang Xun said, is "destined to die."

On the one hand, he exhausted his talents all his life to open up a life for himself in this desperate situation. On the other hand, he also prepared for himself the last retreat——

If everything fails in this world, he will enter the nether world and follow the path of the nether gods.

In case all the struggles in this world have failed in the end. Then follow the example of the Bone God, fight and fight in the nether world, and then make arrangements to return to the present world and become a god in the present world.

This last retreat requires absolute safety, so he repeatedly tried it.

The design of the game in Wansang Town ended up being nothing. Dongfang Shi, the host of the Dragon and Tiger Altar, made a move in person, and there was not even a splash in the river of fate. Jiang Wang, who was chasing after him, also walked around Wei Guo before leaving.

The dead souls he sent to Nether had no ripples from their source pool.

From this, he once again confirmed that the Bone God has left the nether world, or has been born in this world!

That's why after killing the Wei general, he cleverly used his supernatural powers to search through the nether world, and came to Dan country without anyone noticing.

Due to his natural caution, he still did not formally enter the Netherworld, but took huge risks to walk through the gap between the Netherworld and the present world, avoiding the shadows of the world that would swallow and assimilate people at any time, and successfully reached the "other shore".

Even so, it was the time when his deity was closest to the nether world.

After taking off his supernatural powers for so many years, he has the ability to freely travel to and from the underworld, but he has never touched the underworld, or even approached it. It's all because of the fear of Bone Venerable God.

The reason why after the Wei state, the goal was set as the Dan state, "Dan state is very fanciful on the surface but actually lax inside" is only a rather secondary reason.

No matter how lax it is, a country that is on guard is always relatively more difficult to maneuver.

In terms of the probability of success of the action, he prefers to choose the country of Yue.

However, there is an irreplaceable point in the country of Dan, which has a great attraction for him - the "Rendan Incident" that has been raging before made him realize that the country of Dan is riddled with holes and has very serious problems .

Others naturally think that Wushengjiao does all kinds of evil, and it is not surprising that people can make people into pills. There is a precedent for the previous Bone Road.

But he, the ancestor of Wusheng, knows his own affairs, and the prerequisite for refining human alchemy is that you know how to make alchemy! Wusheng taught everyone up and down, and it was impossible to find a single person who was specialized in this way.

As Zhang Xun personally settled the matter and captured and killed the existence of Wusheng Teaching Dharma King, Zhang Linchuan naturally wanted to find the answer in him, and waited for the opportunity to act.

It's just that Zhang Linchuan himself didn't expect that the problems hidden behind Dan Kingdom had accumulated to the point of terror that they would collapse at any time.

If he had known this earlier, his main energy should have been on Dan Country. This country has both solid background and amazing wealth, and there have been many real monarchs in history. Here he can reform the old way, open up a new world, become the master of ZTE, and turn Dan Kingdom into God Kingdom...

It's a this day, it's a pity.

Of course, Zhang Linchuan didn't give himself too much time to regret, he only considered how to make the most of these secrets.

So decisively detonated this matter, released the deer of Dan country, and led the world to chase it!

He didn't take a bite of this huge piece of fat.

But killing Zhang Xun and Zhang Jing, destroying the number one family of the Dan Kingdom, and detonating the decades-long malignant tumor of the Dan Kingdom... The third catastrophe, which was bound to encounter a life-and-death crisis, was passed quietly because of the sudden collapse of the Dan Kingdom.

The master robber who acts on behalf of God's will cannot protect himself, and the "robbery" will naturally disperse without roots.

This process of attracting robbery and eliminating robbery made Zhang Linchuan have a better understanding of the word "robbery" and the so-called "God's will".

Although the calamity of the Dan Kingdom was due to the right time, place and people, and its long-standing roots, it is difficult to reproduce it, but it may serve as a lesson for the future.

When the surrounding powerhouses swarmed towards the Dan country, Zhang Linchuan quietly left, crossed the river valley plain, walked around the Chu border, and turned...


Yue State is a good place with beautiful mountains and rivers and abundant resources. The government is stable, the government is clear, and with the support of Mugu Academy and Nandou Hall behind it, it is possible to sleep soundly on the side of Qiangchu.

As for its historical cause and effect, it is also inextricably linked with the weird and dangerous Meteor Forest. In other words, in this place, unexpected gains may be obtained.

At the same time, there is no true king and strong man in the Yue Kingdom.

The strongest hidden form in the country, Gao Zheng, is only in the Realm of Hole Reality. Wen Jingxiu, the lord of the Yue Kingdom, is only a real person in the world.

And he, Zhang Linchuan, has quite a lot of experience at the level of real people, and even richer experience of dealing with real people.

In other words, he can be more unscrupulous in stirring up wind and rain in the territory of Yue, as long as he avoids Yinxiang Peak and Yue Palace, he can make a bigger noise.

It is not what he wants to kill, but at this time, it is not impossible to kill hundreds of thousands of people and enrich the inanimate world.

Finally, meet the pursuit of the hidden figure who is known as the most outstanding achievement in the history of the Yue Kingdom, and use this hero to survive his fourth catastrophe, which can also be said to be... the last catastrophe.

Yes, he never thought about going through the Nine Tribulations step by step.

That's too slow, too dangerous.

Time is precious to him!

His body of bones is rejected by the will of the world, and he himself is rejected by the major forces in the world, and time will not be his friend! Not only because his life span was cut off too much by the murderer, but also because his life and death enemy was Jiang Wang, Marquis of Qi Wu'an, who stood in the bright light and single-handedly destroyed the Wusheng Sect!

During this period of being chased and suppressed by the world, he seemed to be at ease, teasing the heroes of the world while talking and laughing. In fact, every step he took was on the tip of a knife, and every moment he touched the edge of life and death.

If the people of Jingguo had sent a real person from the beginning, if Wu Xun or Dongfang Shi in Wansang Town had paid more attention to Qin Wenqi, if there was a real person in Danguo who followed Zhang Xun that night... the result would be completely different.

He kept making noises, kept stirring up bigger vortexes, and kept turning over his hole cards... In the fear of others, he knew very well that he was also walking towards death step by step!

The inanimate patriarch who walks in the dark night will be exposed to the scorching sun and die when he has no more secrets from the world.

This is the so-called "fate" that he can see.

All kinds of "causes" in the past wanted to rob this "fruit".

Of course he won't admit it.

The reason why it is said that the Yue Kingdom is his fourth catastrophe and also his last catastrophe.

That's because, after going through the three calamities, he will use the seven souls to replace the supernatural powers of life, and use six identities to survive the tribulations of life and death at the same time!

The fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth... These six kalpas will happen at the same time.

When the six calamities are passed together and the six bodies are united, the true God personality can be completely restored, and even go one step further, removing the hidden dangers of God's will, opening up the path of the Yang God, and overlooking the stunning scenery!

The huge fireworks of Dan Country will attract the attention of the whole world for him.

And he will face the final choice of life and death alone when the powerhouses of all parties will sit together to share the food and carve up the fat deer of Dan Country.

If you fail, you will completely lose everything in this world, and if you succeed, you will reach the sky in one step!

He himself said in the Sutra of No Life, "The common people pity me, and I pity the common people."

Crossing people and crossing oneself is the journey of the great road.

Therefore, he and the big powers share the convenience of eating the alchemy country, and the world should give him the convenience of crossing the catastrophe. This is the so-called "no life blessing".

Theoretically speaking, the difficulty of crossing the catastrophe in Yue State is less than that in Wei State and Dan State. Another important reason why he made this choice is that the matter of crossing the Six Tribulations together brought him great pressure. So he took the initiative to reduce the difficulty of the challenge of this deity.

Using six identities at the same time to provoke disasters and meet murders in six different places can be regarded as the greatest challenge he has ever faced in his life.

He takes this moment very seriously.



The capital of Yue State is called "Huaiji".

But the most famous city in Yue Kingdom is "Langya".

Lang means "beautiful jade" and Ya means "ivory".

This is the city of jade, which is naturally magnificent, gentle and peaceful. Its wealth is well-known in the entire southern region.

The Langya Bai family is the most famous family in the Yue Kingdom.

Bai Pingfu, the patriarch of the Bai family, known for his tolerance and benevolence, was in a bad mood during this time.

Let those who are used to come here to fight the autumn wind, dare not go to the house and encounter bad luck.

Of course, the insider understands that Bai Yuxia, the eldest son of the Bai family, who was once the proud of the Bai family, once boarded the Guanhetai, and had high hopes from the family, left without saying goodbye after being challenged by a savage who came from nowhere.

Only one letter was left, just a few words, saying that he wanted to swim the sword world.

The Bai family is the most respectful family. Bai Pingfu named his beloved son Bai Yuyouxia, seeking "flawless" from "flawless" and hoping that he would be a perfect person.

Not only cultivation, not only realm, but also piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, character and morality, and how to deal with people... In every aspect, it must be beyond reproach.

And Bai Yuxia left as soon as he said it, clearly abandoning the family's heavy responsibilities, which is an act of no commitment.

Bai Pingfu has publicly yelled and scolded several times, and when Bai Yuxia comes back, he must be taught a lesson so that he can remember it. He even punished this kid to watch the night in the Fallen Immortal Forest.

But Bai Yuxia wandered around without hearing from her for several months, and she seemed to be gone forever...

Bai Pingfu has silently lowered the punishment level several times in his mind, at worst, when the bastard comes back, he will just put on a show. But no matter what his attitude was, he couldn't even wait for a letter from home.

He was already very disappointed with that unfilial son, and he didn't want to pay any more attention to it. But thinking that as the head of the family, he has the responsibility of caring about the heir after all, so he reluctantly sent a few groups of his men to go abroad quietly to find someone...

"Tell him to die outside and don't come back!"

The custom of this day is to have a big fight with the nagging old wife, Bai Pingfu walked into the study angrily, and never came out again...



In the study of Patriarch Bai.

On the good Liuyunfeiquan chair, Bai Pingfu with a refined face sat upright with his eyes closed.

The hair on the temples is meticulous, and the posture is as dignified as usual... just like in life.

Zhang Linchuan washed his hands slowly and dried them with his own handkerchief. Then he walked slowly to the bookshelf and picked out his loot.

It has to be said that a famous Patriarch like Bai Pingfu, a senior god, is still very powerful. In order not to make any big noises, he took a lot of trouble——

If I had known that I would kill Bai Yuxia and come back, it would have been much easier.

However, Bai Pingfu's strength accumulated over time, compared with Zhang Xun's rare talent, there is still a gap in strength.

In the Zhang family's old house in the country of Dan, he first spread out the inanimate world quietly, and then used the supernatural power of "Rebirth" to sow evil seeds, and was beaten through his left palm by Zhang Xun... Finally, he used Zhang's family's elixir restored.

Of course, the prerequisite for him to be injured and feel troublesome is that he must control the battlefield and prevent the news from spreading. Otherwise, even if Zhang Xun and Bai Pingfu were piled together, he would be able to kill them without injury.

Having once stepped into the eyes of a true god, it is not comparable to the level of a false god.

Right now, Bai Pingfu's spirit is being "tried" in the inanimate world, and will be "digested" only after the trial is over.

He wants to sort out everything he has learned from Bai Pingfu, to see how to perfectly unravel the fourth catastrophe, and to see if there is a better opportunity in the Yue Kingdom.

While waiting to digest, he decided to read a book.

As the leader of a sect, the upper limit of oneself determines the upper limit of the sect. Although he compiled the "Wu Sheng Jing" and preached hundreds of thousands of people, he is a master of gods, Taoists, and religious leaders, but he is sober and understands that it is only a temporary way, not an eternal classic. If you can't learn from the strengths of all schools, if you can't maintain progress for a long time, the "No Life Sutra" will have no meaning of preaching.

Although the sect is now extinct, he cannot relax his demands on himself.

The Langya Bai family must have good taste.

He stood upright in front of the bookshelf, quietly flipping through a book called "Journey to the West". This book is a deconstruction of illusory myths, which is quite interesting.

The sunlight falling from the skylight bathes the two people who are standing and sitting at the same time.

One lives and one dies.

But it also belongs to the tranquility in this picture.

But there was a voice that might be called abrupt, which broke the tranquility very blindly——

"I said, you really came here to read the book, don't you plan to do something else? I'm so sleepy waiting!"

Zhang Linchuan raised his eyebrows in surprise, turned his head, and saw a strange-looking young man in Confucian clothing who appeared in the room at some time, and was looking at him curiously.

It's already the 30th, my friends! The monthly pass will expire if you don't vote again!


Everyone is lenient, the author is doing his best to finish the paper, but everyone can see the difficulty of writing.

It was a very bald time.

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