Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1730 Hanging the Red Lantern High (Ask for a monthly pass on the last day of July)

Since Zhang Linchuan chose to come to Yue to spend his last catastrophe, of course he would not be ignorant of Yue. He even said that he had already made full preparations for all his choices during this period.

In order to successfully complete the Nine Tribulations, what Wei Guo, Song Guo, Dan Guo, Chu Guo, Yue Guo... He did not know how many times he had studied and deduced how many possibilities in his mind.

The mental effort expended in the meantime is only self-knowledge.

For example, he certainly knew that the young man in front of him, who was not very optimistic, was probably surnamed Ge Mingfei, and he even knew the origin of the name "Ge Fei".

For example, he also knew that the only true person of the Ge family had died in disasters many years ago in order to find the "Fai Beast".

This time he chose to come to the country to cross the robbery, but he still decided to start with a famous family. Because these famous families are the pillars of the country, once there is a change, it will be easier for him to make waves, and it will be easier for him to fish in troubled waters. And similar to the Zhang family of Dan country, they have more secrets of the country, which may bring him more choices.

Of course, he had made a choice between Ge and Bai.

Finally, considering that he doesn't know much about the technique of controlling insects that Ge Shi is good at, he is afraid that some marks will be left accidentally, which will affect the subsequent escape. That's why I chose to start with Bai's family, trying to control the range of danger within a relatively stable range. Let the whole process of crossing the catastrophe be easier to control.

So he was also very surprised, how dare this Ge Fei appear in front of him like this.

A young man who had just achieved God's Prominence jumped out in such a daze, did he think he was Jiang Wang? How many gods has he killed?

Or is it that God's will now favors such a reckless bastard?

"Huh?" Zhang Linchuan uttered this question through his nasal cavity.

I don't know how this Ge Fei found him, and how he approached here quietly. As a child of a rich family, and inherited the ancient art of controlling insects, it is not surprising that there are some special methods. But at the critical moment of killing Bai Pingfu, he was not disturbed. It shows that this Ge Fei either just arrived, or he has other ideas.

He appreciates people with ideas.

"I wanted to sit back and watch you kill them all..." Ge Fei said with some distress: "But if this happens, I will definitely be taught a lesson."

He shrugged his shoulders: "If you kill such a person, it's almost the same. After all, when people always make mistakes, it's understandable that I couldn't take care of him."

This person has an inexplicable naturalness, which is very different from those high-sounding people. It made Zhang Linchuan feel strange and familiar.

What is strange is that it is so inconsistent with the information at hand, but what is familiar lies in the same, inhuman "coldness".

Eat when you are hungry, kill when you are bored, and sleep when you are tired. Beasts do not have human thinking. Only the most primitive instincts, also follow instincts. The beast in front of him seemed to have just begun to wear human clothes.

However, Zhang Linchuan understood the few messages between words: "You knew I would come?"

"Yes." Ge Fei lowered his voice and said in a strange voice, "Someone reminded me so."

Zhang Linchuan was thoughtful: "Great Chu Huai State Duke's Mansion?"

With his wisdom, he can naturally figure out the cause and effect. At this critical moment of dividing up the fat of the Dan Kingdom, who else, besides Jiang Wang, would do such a thankless thing, study him so seriously, and hate him so much?

And besides the Duke of Huai, who has a close relationship with Jiang Wang, who else can extend such a long hand? Who else would help Jiang Wang spread the news so covertly?

The country of Dan wanted him with great fanfare, and he thought it was a follow-up to the "Ren Dan" incident, but now that he thinks about it, it may not be the case.

At that time, we should focus on checking the memories of Zhang Jing and Zhang Xun...

He thought, perhaps Dan Country, Song Country, Zhuang Country, and even places like Nandou Hall and Jiange should have all received Jiang Wang's reminder. Every target he might choose has a high probability of hiding a trap.

In other words, his purpose has already been guessed. If he still chooses to complete the Nine Tribulations method step by step, he will definitely die in the end.

This Junior Brother Jiang really gave him a lot of surprises...

"It seems so." Regarding Zhang Linchuan's question, Ge Fei just said it indifferently.

Zhang Linchuan smiled calmly: "The one named Zuo Guangshu has grown up, and he should pay the price for his choice."

"That's your business." Ge Fei seemed to be impatient with the conversation, walked out from the corner of the study, and walked straight to Zhang Linchuan: "As for now... it's my business."

His killing intent at this moment is so undisguised.

Zhang Linchuan thought that he would want to talk about something, something to talk about, but now it seems that is not the case at all.

What a very queer man!

Looking at Ge Fei calmly, Zhang Linchuan did not hide his indifference at all. When he made a wrong step, he stepped back. The book in his hand, the bookshelf in front of him, and the surrounding space suddenly seemed to be shining brightly and shimmering in the water. .

He has already stepped out of this world, and penetrated into the gap between this world and the nether world!

Supernatural powers, Qiankun Suo!

This supernatural power is known as "penetrating yin and yang, connecting life and death", and it is just easy to travel through the nether world.

Because of the existence of the Bone God, he dare not go to the nether world, but he skillfully uses it in his own inanimate world, and uses it to penetrate the divine world and the present world, and bestow false supernatural powers on believers.

The so-called supernatural powers of those earth demon messengers are all bestowed by him, the divine master, that is, the external manifestation of the inanimate world. Although it is fake from the root, there is no real supernatural power. However, the simple acquisition method and considerable increase in combat power have also greatly increased the speed of expansion of the sect and expanded the overall strength of the Wusheng Cult.

It can be said that this Qiankun cable has been developed to the limit by him, it is the secret of secrets, and it will not be shown to others easily. That is to say, it was deployed in Wansang Town of Wei State before, and it was reincarnated with Qiankun Suo, and the remnant soul was extradited once.

At this time, seeing that Ge Fei was about to make a move, he immediately ran away with Qian Kun, completely ignoring the exposure of the information about his supernatural powers, like a frightened bird.

Not that he was really afraid of anything, of course.

Although Ge Fei of Yue State was beyond his surprise, it was not enough to frighten him.

He dared to count the God of Bone, so what is a mere cultivator of God?

However, at the crucial moment of crossing life and death, he needs to avoid things like "accidents" as much as possible. After all, this is the country of Yue, and there are still two real people in the country of Yue. The "accident" that happened in this country has the possibility of capsizing him.

So he decided to ignore Ge Fei's recklessness for the time being, and leave here first in the safest way.

If he waited until the Yue Kingdom opened the great formation to protect the country, even if he was carrying the Qiankun Suo, he would not be able to escape by breaking away from the present world. Because at that time, the barrier of the world had been replaced by the cage of the Great Array of Protecting the Nation.

It even goes so far as to say that if he fled into the gap between the worlds, if the Yue Kingdom immediately opened the Great Array to Protect the Country, he would also be pinned within the range close to the Yue Kingdom. Waiting to be discovered and captured. This is also the reason why he only used Qiankun Suo after he escaped from the border of Wei State during the catastrophe of Wei State.

Today is different.

Only one Bai Pingfu was killed, and he was killed under the watchful eye of Ge Fei. He didn't want to make a fuss, and the other party didn't seem to want to either. He had to suspect that this had something to do with the power struggle within Yue.

In order to escape the lock of the invisible figure behind Ge Fei, the gap in the world is a natural barrier, and Qian Kun Suo is the best choice.

If one ignores the influence of those ghost gods, the pure ghost world is actually not dangerous for monks at the level of gods. Those who practice the divine way come here, even more like a fish in water. It is nothing more than that the rules of the world are different, and it takes time to adapt.

Of course, thanks to the efforts of countless sages, the present world is the safest place. Even ordinary people can survive and reproduce for generations.

The world gap between the present world and the nether world is very dangerous. It is difficult for a monk with a golden body and chalcedony to walk in the flesh, and it is difficult to guarantee survival.

It's not just supplies without the vitality of heaven and earth, it's not just the "bone wind" wandering in the gaps in the world, or some weird and unpredictable beasts.

"Chao Cangwu" has a cloud: Dao calls it "quality non", Buddha calls it "resentment", and Dharma calls it "great evil", all of which are dangerous and evil in the gaps of the world.

The "bone blowing wind" that makes bones fall when touched is also a kind of so-called "resentment trap".

Among the many "resentment traps".

The most dangerous thing is the ubiquitous shadow of the world, sometimes it can take away all tangible and intangible matter just by randomly rolling over it, without any waves.

Those that can really exist in the world gap for a long time are some special small worlds that rely on the existence of this world and have independent rules. They themselves have powerful world power, possess unique resources, and can completely resist external invasion... Also known as "Cave Heaven and Paradise".

And some secular lands or ghost lands that have been lost in the gaps of the world will eventually be dispelled in a long period of time. After the world rules they carry collapse, the matter will also disappear into nothingness. Of course, some accidents, such as bone wind, such as the shadow of the world, once accidentally bumped into it, will also speed up the time of dissolution.

Therefore, pulling the land of the present world or the land of the nether world into the gap between the worlds is usually the most vicious method, and it is also a kind of damage to the world or the nether world, which will make the will of the other world hostile. Non-vengeance will not be used.

Zhang Linchuan chose to escape into the gap in the world, naturally in order to get rid of the entanglement most efficiently.

Now that the Yue Kingdom is prepared, he will pay the price of exposing some more information and just stay away. The present world is vast, so there is no need to hang a tree with a crooked neck. He is not a person who will get angry before Da Dao, and emotions will never affect his decision.

But again, to his surprise...

Traveling through the cracks in the world without light or sound, that guy named Ge Fei actually chased him in!

The barrier of the world was quietly penetrated.

Confucian shirts are hunting, and the wind is coming.

In this extremely dangerous world gap, Zhang Linchuan saw Ge Fei approaching at a terrifying speed!

So confident!

Did he get the secret training from Mugu Academy, or did he get the true biography of Gao Zheng? Or did Gao Zheng follow closely behind?

It is not Zhang Linchuan's wish to fight in the cracks of the world, because some weird things might be disturbed. Therefore, he only gave Ge Fei a calm glance, and instantly speeded up, like a flash of lightning, swimming through this empty environment.

There is no need for unnecessary battles, and no unnecessary risks.

But Ge Fei's voice quickly caught up with him——

"You just left, what should I explain to the teacher?"

For this person's strength, Zhang Linchuan re-examined.

He began to turn wildly in the gap between the worlds, accelerating, accelerating, accelerating!

Although he has very little experience of personally penetrating into the gaps in the world, he is extremely free here with his mind full of the universe. The observation of the gaps in the world has never stopped.

This is one of his retreats, and of course he attaches great importance to it.

In the gaps in the world full of "resentment traps", such a terrifying speed is almost courting death. If he hadn't prepared for many years, it would be impossible to take such a risk. But Ge Fei chased after him without showing any sign of weakness, making him unable to get rid of him.

Is the inheritance of the Gero family so strong? Or is it that Gao Zheng is really hiding his secrets, as the rumors say, and he is not waiting for a real person?

For a while, the two of them couldn't see each other clearly, only the two rainbow lines that chased each other.

It's hard to count the time in a trance.

While flying at high speed, a looming shadow suddenly fell in front of him.

Zhang Linchuan pretended not to know, adjusted his position, and naturally blocked Ge Fei's vision. When it was approaching, I seized the opportunity to step up and fold, my body was like a mirror of water, and my supernatural powers were activated, and I was instantly transported back to the present world!

This step was too easy, and the shadow of the world happened to be his trap.

Sometimes well-designed traps may not be as easy as this. When the timing and location are right, it suddenly becomes a lore.

Not to mention Ge Fei, even if Gao Zheng falls into the shadow of this world, he will be digested on the spot.

The place where he appeared again was an unknown valley.

To the east of Yue State, of course, it is far from Liang State.

But it was too late for Zhang Linchuan to inspect his harvest and re-plan the route. The space in front of him was like a door, which was gently pushed open, and Ge Fei, who had a strange face, had already walked out!

Even though he was always as calm as Zhang Linchuan, he couldn't help showing a hint of surprise.

"Surprised? Is the gap in the world some kind of hidden place? You seem to be the only one familiar with it?" Ge Fei had a weird smile on his face: "You don't even know where I came from and how I got out."

"It sounds like I underestimated you." Zhang Linchuan laughed twice, and stood still: "So where did you come from, so confident?"

To put it bluntly, what he was afraid of was the possible high government behind Ge Fei. However, after this chase in the gaps in the world, even the real people who penetrated the real world could not catch the traces, and should have been thrown away long ago.

As for the cave, who is he afraid of?

"Of course I come from the Ge clan, but that's not important." Ge Fei smiled and said, "The important thing offended me! I'm a child of the Ge clan, the pride of the country, how can I allow you, a monster, to do evil? ?”

He still took the initiative to step towards Zhang Linchuan as he did in Bai Pingfu's study before, taking the initiative to break the dangerous distance.

But this time Zhang Linchuan...

The feet are like roots, motionless.

"Ge Fei, is your name Ge Fei, right? Have you ever thought that the reason I left was not because I was afraid of you?"

Zhang Linchuan realized that this Gefei was completely different from what he had known, so it was not easy to find an entry point for the supernatural power of rebirth, and it was difficult to succeed in the safest evil start.

But that's okay too.

At this time, they are already outside the country of Yue, and it is nothing more than a quick battle, and it is nothing more than a frontal kill.

After escaping for too long, the world seems to think that he, the ancestor of lifelessness, can only run away...

With his voice down.


It was originally blue sky and white sun, but suddenly there was lightning and thunder!

On Zhang Linchuan's body, there was a faint gloomy electric light swimming. In contrast, the dazzling white thunder light has divided the sky into countless fragments!

This nameless valley was completely covered by his berserk power. It is impossible for a cultivator of the idle god to have this manifestation.

But in the howling wind, under the electric snake dancing wildly in the sky.

Ge Fei also laughed——

"Zhang Linchuan, let me call you that... Have you ever thought about the reason why I let you leave and escape here. I just don't want people to find out that I was there when you killed Bai Pingfu?"

His eyes immediately turned one black and one white.

All of a sudden, this piece of heaven and earth is like a candle burning in the wind, flickering and extinguishing!



The vast and fertile valleys and plains have long been reduced to wasteland, with no grass growing.

The blood of Tianjiao Zhang Xun spilled here, but it failed to grow a blade of grass.

Such is the cruelty of the world.

In the northern part of the river valley plain, its country name is "Dan", and it was once considered a great country. Now Gongsun Buhai, who is in charge of the Xingren Palace, is conducting a public trial of the country's top officials, and all princes and generals are prisoners. All the princes and great powers also sat down, polite and polite, waiting for the meal.

In the south of the valley plain, its country name is "Joe". It is so close to the Kingdom of Dan and has a very close relationship, the royal families of the two countries often intermarried in history. What kind of glory and glory, watching and helping each other, signing countless covenants... Now I can only quietly watch all this.

Most people know that Dan Guo and Qiao Guo were both bystanders of the Battle of the River Valley.

What people don't know is that Dan Guo and Qiao Guo are both survivors of the Battle of the River Valley.

Or, in other words, the traitor...

At that time, including Dan Country and Qiao Country, the river valley countries had secretly planned for many years, and wanted to form an ally similar to the Northwest Five-Nation Alliance, so that they could gain independence and freedom between the two great powers of Qin and Chu.

The plan has reached the most critical moment. As long as Jing Guo nods his support, they can act like the Five Nations Alliance in the Northwest, as a thorn in Qin Chu's heart...

In time, the river valley plain is so fertile and so blessed, the river valley might become a powerful country!

The Battle of the River Valley, which shook the world, suddenly broke out at a critical moment.

It is said that there was a gap between Qin and Chu, and they wanted a higher ground, but the battlefield was chosen in the river valley.

The Central Empire, which has always been willing to uphold justice in the world, remained silent throughout the process.

Without Jing Guo's support, how could Dan Guo and Qiao Guo dare to say anything in the face of Qin Chu's soldiers?

He directly discarded the covenant signed in secret, and turned a deaf ear to the pleas of many small countries on the valley and plain for help. They even locked the border gates tightly, not daring to let people from the river valley countries enter the country.

This is because the Qin and Chu sides have already completed the division here by diplomatic means before selecting the river valley plain as the battlefield.

The two powers each occupy the west and east of the plain, and Dan and Qiao are in danger of themselves, so how dare they take over Qin Chu's private property?

The final result is recorded in the history books and seen by everyone - a massive national war between Qin and Chu, which directly turned the entire valley plain into white ground. Since then, all the valley countries have perished.

In the later days, Dan Guo and Qiao Guo still kept in touch, and the royal families of the two countries even had a marriage the year before last, which was regarded as a hug between the weak to keep warm.

But now it is no longer a family between Qin and Chu who wants to share the food of the Dan country.

How can Qiao Guo care about his own son-in-law, the blood relatives of the late emperor? You can only repeat the old tricks and pretend to be dead.

Among the countries of the world, there is no sound.

In fact, Qiao Country is not too weak. After all, it used to be a country with real people in the world. Otherwise, it would not have dared to communicate with Dan Country secretly, and ambitiously took the lead in establishing the River Valley Alliance.

Of course, if Qiao Guojun and his ministers had known that the true emperor of the Dan Kingdom known as the "Red Emperor" had died in the sky for many years, they would not dare to agree to any alliance if they were killed.

But before the Battle of the River Valley began, the real person of Qiao State unfortunately fell in Yu Yuan.

Qiao Guo lost his voice.

As Qiao Guo's current strength second only to the lord of the country, Min Youning, known as "Lady of Hundred Flowers", is over two hundred and thirty years old this year. It can be said that she has witnessed too much in her life.

From a fledgling genius girl, she grew up to be a vigorous and strong person, a famous and beautiful girl, and now, her appearance is still the same, but there is a lingering bad breath in her soul.

This bad breath is hidden in the corners of her eyes, stained on her skin and bones, and corrupted in her life!

She has been worrying about state affairs for a long time, and has been struggling with the stagnation of her cultivation, knowing that she is old.

Now she is sitting and watching the kingdom of Dan collapse in the wind and rain, and she is full of melancholy in the Baihualou where she is repairing alone. She can't see the distant scenery at all, and she can't see clearly the future of her family and country.

Qiao Guo's hard support now, Qiao Guo's monarch and ministers' dedicated efforts, so many years of delivery... what's the point?

It is still nothing but a beast's nest of a hegemony, and it is still nothing but a weak person who exploits the people for more than tribute. The country is not enough to be called a country, and the outside world cannot withstand the wind and rain.

Speaking of which, how is Qiao Guo like this better than the Wusheng Cult that was wiped out overnight?

The Son of Heaven is in vain as the father of the monarch, and she is also called "protecting the country" in vain!

After living for so many years, she can clearly see things in the world. It is precisely because of being awake that people suffer.

For example, she understood very well that in the case of the river valley and plain earlier, the river valley countries originally had a need for independence, and the Jing country had a need to be a sword in the southwest of the present world, and the two hit it off.

Of course, it now appears that within the originally planned River Valley Alliance, Dan Kingdom has a plan to use the power of its allies to sprint out a true king of Dao Yan. In order to cover up the death of their true emperor ancestor Yan Renxian, it can be regarded as a move to survive in danger.

Eleven years ago, the Yuan Shi Dan meeting was very lively. In the name of Yan Renxian, Dan Guo played a game of passing on pills from generation to generation, which bluffed many people and completely broke the so-called "rumor" that Yan Renxian was dead.

Now that I think about it, the people of the Dan country simply "cheat" to become enlightened and deceive the people of the world.

Deceived the intentions of the river valley countries, including their Qiao country. He deceived Jing Guo's support, and also deceived Qin Chu's vigilance.

Unfortunately, this vigilance was not overcome.

The so-called Battle of the River Valley was actually at the beginning when Qin Chu noticed the alliance of the countries in the River Valley, so they decided to join forces to cut off Jingguo's minions and hold a feast to carve up the River Valley and the plain.

But Jingguo's response was very decisive, and he immediately withdrew from the Southwest of the World. Expressing their position with actual actions, they will not exert any influence on this place at all. It has to be said that it is a good move to retreat.

As the overlords of the western and southern regions, the Qin and Chu countries have more demands on the present Southwest. After Jingguo fully withdrew, the two great powers were not satisfied with the parts they originally planned to divide, so they used a real battle to determine the situation of both sides and clarify the final harvest. The two sides gradually increased the weight, and finally played extremely tragically.

What is the general trend of the world?

After all, it is a greater division of interests.

What is the difference between the river valley countries of the past and the Dan country of today?

If Yan Ren is envious, for the matter of the "human pill", one real person is enough to die, and if it works properly, a god is enough to take responsibility. With Yan Renxian gone, the entire Dan Country has long since lost its reason for existence. At least there is no reason to hold so many interests.

The cruel thing is... On this huge chessboard in this world, Qiao Guo has only been divided interests from the beginning to the end, and will never be qualified to divide interests with a knife.

Min Youning sighed softly in his heart.

As the years grow, I realize how ridiculous it is to be so ambitious when I was young!

With the growth of the years, I realized how precious it is to be ambitious when I was young...

"Minfu Lord, Minfu Lord! Something is wrong!"

Suddenly there was a shout, followed by hurried footsteps coming upstairs.

Min Youning cut off the worrying gaze from a distance, and turned around: "What big things can happen to Qiao Guo now..."

She didn't finish her sentence, because she had already seen the blood on the guard in the mansion.

"What's wrong?" she asked, standing up.

The guard half-kneeled and collapsed on the ground, enduring the pain by force, and said anxiously: "Yang Chongzu is crazy! Just now he went straight into the mansion, killed anyone he saw, and took the young lady away!"

"What!? Where did it go?"

The guard said: "It is said that it is brought back to the Yang family to marry!"


Min Youning flew out of the window and headed for Yang Mansion.

There is only one young lady in the Min family now. It is her direct granddaughter Min Yan'e.

In her life, she raised four husbands, but she was stingy about having children, and only gave birth to a son when she was over a hundred years old.

The son has only one daughter, who has always been held in the palm of her hand and regarded as a treasure by her.

The Yang Chongzu mentioned by the guards was the son of the deputy prime minister of the middle school, and he and his granddaughter Min Yan'e could be regarded as childhood sweethearts. The two children are very affectionate, and this can be called a good match.

But for some reason, last year, Yan'e suddenly lost her affection for Yang Chongzu and insisted on refusing to marry him, saying that this person had changed and could no longer make her fall in love with him.

Although she couldn't tell that Yang Chongzu had changed, but if her granddaughter said she wouldn't marry, she wouldn't marry. She, Min Youning's granddaughter, naturally has the right to be free. Girls don't need to marry at all, and they have a high sky in their practice.

The future is bright, so there is no need to care about the temporary lingering.

Besides, even if we must talk about marriage, with Yan'e's character, appearance and talent, in this country of Qiao, it is still difficult to find a good husband-in-law?

Yang Chongzu was nothing more than a middle-aged man, so he would be gone when he broke up.

But how could he imagine that this Yang Chongzu dared to plunder by force after eating the heart of a bear?

The husband of the Yang family is actually the son of Hejiao!

Min Youning immediately became vigilant again.

She didn't think that Yang Chongzu himself had such strength that he could force his way into the Min Mansion. I don't even believe that there is no old man Yang's support behind this.

When it comes to the matter of Dan country, she can't help wondering whether there is any conspiracy in it. The coup d'état supported by external forces?

At the same time, she sent a voice transmission to her cronies, asking her to quickly notify the king through a secret channel. Full of anger and suspicion, he flew across the sky, crossed the street and city, and crashed directly outside the door of Yang's house.

Blast open the closed door of the Yang Mansion with one palm: "Young child of the Yang family, come out and die!"

Originally, he came here to inquire about his teacher's crimes, but Min Youning was stunned when he saw the deputy prime minister's mansion with the door wide open and decorated with lights.

The Yang family is so big that it is full of red everywhere.

It's just that some reds are festive and red flowers, and some reds... are red blood!

There are many people in the courtyard at the moment, probably in line with the excitement of a marriage. It's a pity that these people were all lying on the ground, and their blood pooled into a pool of water.

In the center surrounded by countless corpses, Yang Chongzu, the deputy prime minister, was sitting on a big chair, wearing a bright red groom's official uniform, with palace flowers in his hat, and a bright smile.

As if waiting for her.

At this time, his posture is like that of a monarch.

The surrounding corpses vaguely resemble Dan Bi.

"Where's Yan'e?" Min Youning looked at the young man, his voice froze.

Yang Chongzu looked back at her without fear, and suddenly smiled nervously: "I came to the door with three engagements and six gifts, and the etiquette is thoughtful, but you actually sent it back to me."

"Yan'e and I were childhood sweethearts, and we were in love with each other. When it came to an end, she actually changed her heart."

"I'm such a good-looking talent, with a prominent family background. I need to be talented, and I need to have good looks. I really want to marry her, but she insists on refusing."

"It's fine if she doesn't want to, but my father and mother don't even agree. I brought the bride back, and they were all arguing about this and that, asking me to kneel down and send her say What is it called?"

"They are delaying my happiness in life!"

Yang Chongzu said this angrily, and spread his hands helplessly: "I have no choice but to kill them all."

It was only then that Min Youning noticed that the person lying in front of Yang Chongzu's boots was not the current deputy prime minister? But the wife of the deputy prime minister fell not far behind him, lying on the threshold of the main hall.

She suppressed her killing intent and looked at Yang Chongzu.

Yang Chongzu is still the same Yang Chongzu, with the young and correct facial features.

Yang Chongzu is no longer that Yang Chongzu, even if it is her, she still feels too cold!

"I ask you where Yan'e is?" Min Youning gritted his teeth and asked again.

Yang Chongzu looked a little surprised: "Didn't I make it clear just now? I'm dead, I'm dead. Don't worry, I died after getting married. It's my Yang family's ghost... By the way."

He stood up, right in the middle of the pile of corpses, and very politely made a gesture of invitation——

"I'm short of a bride right now, and you still have some pretty looks, can you help her?"

It's the last day of this month, brothers and sisters, the monthly pass will expire if you don't vote!


Today's 8,000 words, two of which are added to the Baiyin League of Qin Shang of the General League. (2/3)

(Repay this guy for two chapters first, so as to save me from nagging the old man)



Thank you Dameng I love Qiqi 888 for the reward of Xinmeng!

Thanks to the book friend "Tianhu" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 363rd alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

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