Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1732 This sword originated from the Savage Forest

The unnamed valley in the east of Yue Kingdom has been completely razed.

The space here is weak, the pit is extremely deep, and the vitality is extremely chaotic.

The tacit understanding of "quiet and quick battle" maintained by the two warring parties was finally broken by forces that could no longer be controlled.

The terrifying celestial phenomena of lightning, thunder, and darkness are no longer exposed in the world. Even hundreds of miles away, it is clearly visible.

After a while, a white rainbow went straight to the east, and a black shadow turned to the west.

From "this guy can be easily destroyed" to "this person is extremely dangerous", the lifeless patriarch who caused disasters to the world and the mountain and sea monster who had just put on human clothes finally reached a consensus again.

So one headed east, one headed west, and each evacuated.


The sky was clear and bright, and a white rainbow passed through the clouds.

The sea of ​​clouds swallowed the rainbow soundlessly, and a white bone seed landed, transforming into the figure of Zhang Linchuan, the Patriarch of the Inanimate Sect.

At this moment, he was in a state of embarrassment, without any composure.

The right ear and the small half of the scalp have been cut off, although the blood has stopped long ago, the blue veins, red blood, white bones, and red flesh are twisted into a neat cut, which looks very terrifying.

Three fingers of his left hand were also severed!

When planning the Yue Kingdom as one of his goals, Wen Jingxiu, the leader of the Yue Kingdom, and Gao Zheng, the hidden minister, were the only dangers he expected, and the most he could do was to add a possible timely intervention by the Mugu Academy. He never imagined that an ordinary cultivator from Yue Kingdom would have such strength.

Although he was a powerful real person who was horrified by the way of Xuan Chuliang, he fell to the realm with deliberate calculations and unintentional calculations. But it shouldn't be a problem to ask yourself to sweep the monks of God's presence.

Facing ordinary monks of God's Landing, not to mention killing chickens, there is no great challenge. Even if Zhang Xun is as strong as God, he can kill him without any damage.

In this fourth kalpa. He was cautious, chose the most appropriate target, and avoided possible dangers in the territory of Yue. Taking advantage of the gap in the present world, he cut off the possibility of being tracked by the hidden minister of Yue State. But in the fight with Ge Fei, he didn't take any advantage...

With the vision of a true god, his almost perfect body of bones, and his unpredictable mystical magic, he failed to easily kill his opponent as expected.

On the contrary, they were frequently injured.

At the cost of three fingers, one ear, and a small half of the scalp, Ge Fei's arm was only torn off.

The two sides fought to the back, unable to control the intensity of the battle at all, and all restrictions were broken.

After all, his identity could not be seen in the light, he could not fight for a long time, and he could not be noticed by any righteous strongman. Seeing that the realm of forbidden sound and shadows had been shattered, he launched the last wave of offensive, and left while watching the opportunity——

It just so happened that Na Gefei also thought about it and designed it like this.

He walked alone all his life and never talked with others, but for the first time in Ge Fei, he smelled the breath of "the same kind".

They are equally ruthless. But his ruthlessness is the extinction of emotion and nature, and the only way in his heart. Ge Fei's ruthlessness is because the animal nature occupies everything, and the Tao is what one desires.

Their journeys are different, but their characterizations are similar and their destinations are similar.

Zhang Linchuan vaguely guessed that this Gefei was not that Gefei, just like he replaced six identities other than his own body with seven souls.

If the former Ge Fei really had such abilities, why did he fail in Guanhetai and return without success in the mountains and seas?

Now this Gefei is much better than Zhang Xunliang!

He guessed that Ge Fei's real identity is also not visible. Otherwise, why did Ge Fei tacitly keep quiet during the fight with him, and why did he choose to leave in a hurry after showing his true strength and breaking the ban?

But now he doesn't have much interest in exploring.

It's not that the feeling of being close to the same kind will make him feel close. If there is a chance, he will definitely crush Gefei and knock out this person's secrets bit by bit, and he also believes that he can do it. But that will take more time to lay out, and not now.

Now that the six calamities are going through together, every identity is facing life and death, he has no extra time to waste.

The present world is vast and full of secrets.

Zhang Linchuan is not unique.

Regarding this trip to Yue, he had nothing to say except that he was unlucky.

He stumbled, he admitted, and moved on.

Just like in Fenglin City, Bone Road's plan failed, and he turned to seek the holy body. In Lushuang County, Lei Zhanqian's identity was wiped out, and he turned to seek evil. The day before yesterday, the Wusheng Cult was destroyed overnight, and he went away for nine calamities instead!

The road is made by people.

There is no limit to this life.

Whatever the will of God!

Leaving the battlefield far away, once again cutting off the hexagrams and hiding his tracks, he also began to plan for his own catastrophe again.

A truly strong person must deal with life and death calmly, but never underestimate life and death.

The six bodies go through the calamity of life and death together, and the calamity designed for each identity is the best choice for that body's situation, and they have been planned for countless times in the past.

Of course not distracted six lives. Each soul inherits the wisdom of the body, fits with the new identity, and has the ability to think independently. It's just that it's all dominated by him.

However, he often descends on the secondary body with his main idea, so as to mobilize more power and help the secondary body develop better.

Each of his identities has been managed with the greatest painstaking efforts. All the possibilities originating from this body are thoroughly familiarized in the heart. For the future evolution, I don't know how many times I have planned. That's why we can quickly formulate and launch plans one by one under such a tight time situation.

Among them, the body is subject to the least restraint and can exert its own strength the most, and thus loses the convenience brought by "identity". After losing the Inanimate Cult, it is especially necessary to use a pair of naked eyes to pry into the fog, to use flesh and blood to detect danger, and at the same time, more adaptability is needed.

Therefore, in the calamity that his own body has overcome, he has actually spent the most hard work.

For the fourth catastrophe that the body is going through, the Yue Kingdom was originally the best choice, but unfortunately, the sky is not fake, and everything can't go smoothly in the end... That is already the territory that another evil beast has circled.

He casually thought that while taking the next step, he might also be able to send an anonymous report letter to Mugu Academy.

Just report that Ge Fei is not a human being! Saying that he is a demon, a demon, forcing this guy to find a way to prove himself.

Of course this doesn't do much.

Judging from Ge Fei's performance, he has obviously won the support of Gao Zheng.

As long as the Yue State doesn't think Ge Fei has a problem, it's meaningless for anyone to find the problem.

But to make Ge Fei disgusting, spoil Ge Fei's mood, slow down Ge Fei's development speed, reveal more information about Ge will also be convenient for the next confrontation.

He didn't have any curiosity, but his intuition told him that the secret behind Ge Fei was very important. There are too many possibilities and opportunities in this world, which are left to be discovered slowly in the future.

The premise is that this time he can successfully complete the Nine Tribulations and reopen the situation. Otherwise, it would be difficult to stay in this world any longer, and any secrets have nothing to do with him.

Where should we go next?

Nan Dou Hall?


The Blood River Sect who just lost Huo Shiji, the True Lord of Blood River?

Or, kill the carbine and kill that Chen Siwu in Song State? With so many strong men gathered in the Dan Kingdom, it would be terribly dangerous to think about it, and it must be a perfect murder.

Can't be eager, can't be eager. We still need to obtain more information before we can make a choice...

But the Wusheng Sect has been destroyed, and now the world is an enemy, and it is difficult to move forward. Where can I find information?

Sanfen Xianglou, headquartered in Chu State?

Zhang Linchuan used a piece of white gauze to slowly bandage his severed finger, and tied a few symmetrical and beautiful flower knots compulsively. While seriously thinking about the next plan...

Suddenly, he felt an extremely powerful spiritual consciousness, roaring like a sea tide, sweeping across this place in an extremely rough manner, and hit him on this rock in an instant!

At the moment when the instinct of spiritual consciousness collided, he knew that he had been discovered.

who is it? at what time? for what?

Countless thoughts turned in my mind.

He looked up suddenly!

Then I saw a familiar person.

Familiar delicate and cold eyebrows, familiar hatred and firm eyes.

So he also saw a familiar sword.

The hilt of the sword is like ink, and the body of the sword is like snow. The whole body does not see the slightest blemish. On the spine of the sword, near the sword grid, there is an inscription with three characters in Qi script. The saying is: the swallow returns to the nest.

The famous sword in the world, Sauvignon Blanc!

From Linzi to Yanyun Mountain, from Wei State to Song State, and from Song State to Yue State...

Marquis Wu'an, the great Qi who has been chasing for thousands of miles, approached with terrifying speed at this moment. Behind him is a round of red sun, his fatigue has been buried by the light, he seems to be dragging the sun to hit him!

Wearing the frosty wind, bathing in the red fire, stepping on the green clouds, shining five lights, the nine-day sword fairy will fall to the world.

At the same time that Zhang Linchuan was locked on by his spiritual consciousness, the sword in his hand had already been released!

No one knew what Jiang Wang was feeling at this moment.

No one can describe Jiang Wang at this moment.

He didn't say a word either.

He has run too far, too far, and has been chasing for too long.

At this moment, he only had Zhang Linchuan in his eyes, and only the sword that was being slashed in his heart.

His hand holding the handle of Sauvignon Blanc was extremely calm and steady at this moment. The bruised veins and bloody fingers that night in the Savage Forest... Now, here, let it go!

At the same time as his eyes were fixed on Zhang Linchuan's body, there was a frost-white supernatural power seed in his five mansions, which swelled to its limit in an instant. Seeing the snow from the shell, it bloomed to the extreme, and a cold white frost flower bloomed!

When the supernatural power seed of Bu Zhou Feng was picked, it was the extreme anger and killing intent at that time, which was affected by the killing nail and finally took shape.

This time, he came with the general trend of the world, traveled thousands of miles, and swept away the enemies. The ultimate killing intent is mixed with the brilliant general trend, and the supernatural power blossoms under the influence, and what blooms is the killing of God's will.

Its momentum and meaning have already been fully brewed, and Zhang Linchuan is just an opportunity for the arrival of frost.

And the frost and wind break all things, not because of love.

This is the purest killing intent.

Desire to kill the enemy may have nothing to do with love or hate, or even with the enemy.

Jiang Wang was twenty-one years old, and had practiced swordsmanship for more than ten years. He had experienced countless lives and deaths. This was his most ruthless sword strike so far.

The sword hit the scabbard but there was no sound, the whistling was silent, even the sound was killed!

Power, intention, strength, and technique are all at their peak.

Beyond the sky, the Big Dipper shakes.

Outside the body, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal.

At this moment, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are falling down, and all the pine and dead trees are blown away!

The trees around Zhang Linchuan were all withered, the weeds were covered with frost, the beasts fell to the ground, and the startled flocks of birds fell like rain.

A terrifying sword shattered the meaning of time and space, and came suddenly.

This sword originated from Lushuang Wilderness Forest in Qi State, and it was ready for tens of thousands of miles. It came out for an old friend, Lin Youxie!

Zhang Linchuan, who can be regarded as a top god, completely felt the danger at this moment. He suddenly realized that this was his fourth catastrophe!

He didn't hesitate at all, and he couldn't keep it any longer.

The whole person suddenly lost all breath, as if he had lost all his flesh and blood, and his divine power was gone, standing here, but not here. The five elements are not surrounded, and yin and yang are not included.

It's for supernatural powers, no roots!

Because it has no roots and no bottom, it has no investigation and no investigation. It can separate cause and effect, cut off breath machine, wipe away traces, and hide the way out. Developed during combat, it can erase the possibility of being hit.

But at the next moment, the majesty of the divine way emanated, the powerful aura of the top god came to the sky, and Zhang Linchuan appeared in the world with flesh and blood again.

Jiang Wang harnessed the already blossomed Bu Zhou Feng magical powers, and with this style of Dao sword driven by the complete sword fairy, he completely cut out the way of frost killing all things.

Reached the ultimate peak of his sword power in this life.

The frosty wind that annihilates everything shatters that "nothingness"!

Cutting Zhang Linchuan out of his rootless state eliminated his possibility of escaping, and forced him to die.

Around Zhang Linchuan's body, the space rippled like water.

He didn't want to bear this sword forcefully. At this moment, he wanted to use the Qiankun Suo and hide in the gap between the worlds.

But that wave was also crushed!

Jiang Wang's sword was too extreme and cruel. There is nothing but murder. Except killing intent, nothing is allowed to exist.

Then kill!

Zhang Linchuan couldn't avoid it, and his eyes were as cold as a knife.

Unable to escape from Wugen and Qiankunsuo, he simply counterattacked Jiang Wang with overwhelming killing intent. With a light flick of his finger, he actually pulled out one of his breastbone, turned it into a bone pen, and pointed directly at Jiang Wang's eyebrows!

Disassemble the bone into a pen!

In Wansang Town, Wei State, in order to make it easier for Ruan Yi to calculate his hexagrams, Qin Wenqi, under the secret instruction of Dongfang Shi, removed the bones of the dereliction of the county guard, wrote a pen for Jiang Wang, and asked him to write letters.

Although this punishes crimes, there are also evil thoughts.

After Zhang Linchuan harvested the evil seeds, he and Jiang Wang saw this scene together.

At this moment, this scene became Zhang Linchuan's weapon and his starting point, enabling him to activate the supernatural power of "Rebirth".

"Chao Cangwu" contains, "Those who pass away, vainly replace the reincarnation, pick up the remnant soul, the living can travel far, the dead cannot be reborn."

In terms of specific supernatural power performance, this supernatural power can affect the opponent's soul, causing three souls to be moved and seven souls to be destroyed. And he also has a higher level of development, which can directly plant evil seeds in the enemy's soul, and when the evil seeds germinate, they can directly harvest them.

It was in the Savage Forest in Lushuang County.

Whether it was a detailed description of Lin Youxie's death, or a deliberate mention of Fenglin City, even in the end, he forced his body and laughed at Jiang Wang's "I can't afford it".

It was all to arouse Jiang Wang's hatred, break down his defenses, and plant an evil seed deep in his soul.

It is convenient for fighting in the future, and can be harvested at any time.

That's right now!

Taking the scene of dismantling the bones as the guide, and using the scenes in the savage forest as the source, evil thoughts and hatred intersect at this moment, and kill each other to declare the end——

This is the judge's pen, break your soul away!

This is definitely a method that is close to the limit of the gods. If Zhang Linchuan hadn't had a vision of the truth, he couldn't do it easily.

At this moment, the sauvignon blanc with the killing of God's will is already on the body, and the frosty wind swirling slightly on the blade has the coldness to kill everything. But Zhang Linchuan faced each other indifferently, and pointed at Jiang Wangzhi's eyebrows.

Life and death are against each other, just fight for the front line!

It has to be said that this is definitely the posture of the strong.

But in Jiang Wang's cold eyes, he only saw the color of immortal red gold.

The evil seed has never been planted, and Jiang Wang's will is unshakable!

The supernatural power of rebirth has been pushed to the limit, but Jiang Wang's soul cannot be pulled out at all.

The Bone Judge's pen touched Jiang Wang's eyebrows, and a blood spot was printed, and then stopped.

Then it turned into bone meal and fell down with a rustle.

Zhang Linchuan's body has retreated fifty feet away.


In the void, a pale and faceless statue of a god split into pieces, fell out of reality, fell to the ground, and completely lost its spirituality.

This is his statue of the inanimate god, which can be said to be the quintessence of his divine way, the most proud achievement.

It's broken here.

It shows that he has indeed encountered life and death just now!

Even Ge Fei, who is the top god, failed to do this.

Jiang Wang's sword, which was ready for thousands of miles, did it.

Zhang Linchuan was silent for a while, this bit of surprise affected his expression, making his face with a small half of his scalp cut off even more ferocious.

"How do you know I'm here?" He asked Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang held the sword in front of him, pointed his right hand together, and gently wiped the edge of the sword, and gently wiped away the few blood beads.

His red-gold eyes are on the edge of the sword, parallel to the edge of the sword, always staring at Zhang Linchuan.

Then he said with such a gesture: "How can a person like you be easily seen through? It's not that I predicted your choice, it's that you have committed too many sins and narrowed your own path.

Presumably you also understand that there are actually not many choices for you today.

After what happened in Dan country, I think you will come to Yue country.

I had someone contact Gao Zhenren, the invisible face of Yue, and his answer was that you will never gain anything in Yue. He is a big shot leading the Fallen Immortal Alliance, I believe in his power.

Then I just need to ask myself - if you were frustrated in Yue and survived, what would you do next?

When encountering accidents or troubles, you will not run to Shushan or Chu State. Because you know, you're a rat in the gutter, you can't see the light. Even if some strong men have no spare time to hunt you down, they will never mind erasing you.

If you cannot go west or south, then you are either going north or east.

I just happened to be on the east side, and I happened to catch the traces of your battle, and then my spiritual consciousness spread on the ground, blocking you... This is not difficult. "

This is indeed not difficult, as long as you are willing to work hard, don't give up, dare to work hard, and have a firm killing intent!

During the time of talking, the few drops of blood belonging to Zhang Linchuan had already been absorbed by a dirty knife coin.

And Jiang Wang just looked at Zhang Linchuan coldly: "It may be like what you said, Senior Brother Zhang, this is the fate between us."

"Okay! What a fate!" Zhang Linchuan smiled. At this moment, after seeing Jiang Wang's magical sword, he still smiled calmly: "So who is blocking the north?"

"If you pass by, you will see it naturally." For this extremely calm and cunning opponent, Jiang Wang refused to disclose any useful information, but said: "Why don't you try and see if you can still escape?"

"I won't run away." Zhang Linchuan shook his head with a smile, and approached Jiang Wang actively: "I used the Nine Tribulations Method to forcefully survive the Tribulation of Life and Death. I must have guessed this matter, Junior Brother, otherwise I wouldn't be chasing and intercepting me like this. But, I was originally I thought I would meet you in the Ninth Tribulation, so that there is a taste of fate, so that I can live up to our brothers."

"But you are too impatient." He said softly, "Why do I only get to the fourth kalpa, and you want to share life and death with me?"

When he spoke softly, there was a ghostly thunderbolt, which suddenly exploded on Jiang Wang's body surface! Like a poisonous leech, it broke through Ruyi's fairy clothes and entangled in Jiang Wang's body.

And at the same time—


A flash of lightning flashed across the sky.

Zhang Linchuan jumped up high, stretched out his hand to hold it, and had already pulled out the electricity as a knife, smashing the huge lightning that split the sky towards Jiang Wang's body!

The gap that used to be in Fenglin City has not shortened. He spent a lot of effort and took a lot of risks to not let this gap be bridged.

If you want to fight, then come to fight.

Since it is destiny to kill and calamity, then you will cross it yourself.

He didn't believe that Jiang Wang's sword, which had been poised for thousands of miles, could be used a second time!

Also at this time.

Between Jiang Wang's chest and abdomen, the five mansions opened up, and the blazing light shone brightly. There is also the clear light of colored glaze, which surrounds the whole body.

The Body of Heaven is on!

The Xuantian Glazed Art is activated!

At the beginning, Tu Hu used "Xuantian Liuli Gong" as a compensation, because he considered the inclusiveness of this body protection skill, and it could complement Jiang Wang's body of heavenly abundance, and they were both external and internal.

At this moment, the two phases work together to easily isolate the dark electric wire on the body surface.

Jiang Wang's light was flowing all over his body, but he was not surprised at all, he just regarded it as a breeze and a drizzle.

After smashing Qingyun's imprint with one foot, he stood up straight away and struck the sky with his sword!

Whoosh whoosh!

Endless frost-white sword threads shot up into the sky.

The sky was first lit up by huge lightning, and then suddenly dimmed after Zhang Linchuan took away the lightning. At this time, thousands of sword threads crossed the sky, like moonlight and snow, illuminating the sky again.

Thousands of sword threads have turned into snow, and the world can see the frost and snow!

The sword of lightning that connected to the sky and the ground collided with the frosty white sword thread that covered the sky.

The frost-white sword thread, which was as vast as the sea, was torn apart like the sky, this situation is unstoppable! The cold knife light approached the front door for an instant.

In Jiang Wang's red eyes, an extremely dazzling golden glow suddenly burst out!

The battle of spirits and souls broke out!

An ancient and noble portal rumbled open in the sky. It has endless majesty, and it seems that all the heroes of the world will kneel here.

The sky is far away, and the world is subject to it.

The most top soul-killing method in the world, its name is [Chao Tian Que]!

Once this door is out, everything will be suppressed.

In the world of the wild and the world, I am the only one!

But this Fangyuan Shenhai was different from the usual ones, different from any soul dwelling that Jiang Wang had invaded.

Above is not the void of the universe, below is the vast sea of ​​tranquility.

You can't see Dao Mai Tenglong, and you can't see Yuanqiong Weixing.

You can't even hear the surge of the four seas, and you can't feel the atmosphere of the five prefectures standing side by side.

Only bones and blood.

Endless bones, and endless blood.

It's a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!

In other words, everything is here, and everything is already "inanimate".

In the center of the sea of ​​blood, there are piles of corpses.

On the top of the corpse mountain is a huge bone throne.

Zhang Linchuan, with indifferent eyes, was sitting on the throne of bones, looking up at the portal opened by the sky, but he was looking down at his claws!

His pale and thin palm suddenly covered the sky and covered the universe, covering the great portal——

"There is no emperor before life and death, die with me!"

Thanks to the leader "Tu Shan Zhuoyan" for the new alliance rewarded! Tu Meng raised the book and did not forget to join the league, moved!

Thanks to the Silver League, I love Qiqi 888 for the new silver rewarded!

The boss is confused!


Today's 6,000 words, one of the chapters, is for the Ashgagen Creditors Committee. (10/10)

Thanks to the readers who joined the Silver League at that time.

Thanks to all the readers who made this world more visible.

thank you.

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