Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1733 Calculating cause and effect, what is lifeless!

Great Qi Southern Border.

Inside Sixuandi Palace.

A monk with an unusually young face suddenly opened his eyes.

In his pair of eyes, the star light is turning and the star map is changing, as if there is a vast galaxy flowing in the universe.

After a while, everything was still and returned to Mo Tong. Infinite mysteries are hidden in it.

In his pupils, the old knife and money placed in the distance quietly split open, losing all spirituality. Everything attached to it also disappeared and could no longer be seen.

In the end he closed his eyes, rolled up his Star Atlas Taoist robe, and sighed: "The future is awesome!"

I don't know whether he is talking about Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi, or the ancestor of Wusheng.


The giant city of Linzi, the tall buildings for stargazing.

As the tallest building in the whole of Linzi, and even in the whole of Qi, this building is straight and towering, soaring into the clouds, standing at the top, as if you can touch the stars with your hands.

And at a certain moment, there was a slim figure falling from the highest place!

Before he could make a whistling sound, he saw a flash of starlight, and his figure disappeared.


In Bowanghou's mansion, Chong Xuansheng was sitting in front of the desk, his fat hands were almost turning out afterimages, his small soybean-like eyes looked left and right, and kept turning.

Spread out on the desk are all kinds of classified information, and almost all the information about Zhang Linchuan can be found here. From time to time, shadow guards come in and out, bringing the latest news from all over the world.

Fourteen stood by silently, only taking away the information that Chong Xuansheng had crossed out from time to time.

At this time, Ruan Zhou landed outside the door: "By my father's order, I have important information, so report it to Marquis Bowang!"

Chong Xuansheng in the room directly pushed away the chair, stood up, and said loudly: "Please come in!"

Ruan Zhou stepped into the study room, moved nimbly among the hills of information, moved to the opposite of Chong Xuansheng, and then stretched out his hand to wipe——

During the flow of stars, an incomparably complicated map of the present world was spread out on top of the desk.

"According to my father's hexagrams, Zhang Linchuan's supernatural power to replace life with the seven souls. The main body involves the evil god of the nether world. It is difficult to predict, but the secondary body can be seen by fate and can be identified. He has five lives, and at the same time He is crossing the catastrophe. If he succeeds in all his efforts and obtains the will of God, the future of this person may be difficult to stop."

Not waiting for Chong Xuansheng to worry, she said directly: "I will point out the five lives to you!"

With her fibrous hand, she circled the starlight and kept clicking on the map. Every time it lands, the details of that part of the map will continue to expand, enlarge, and show details.

Ruan Yu is worthy of being the highest achiever of Qi's astrological astrology. The so-called calculation of cause and effect and never ending the way out is not a lie. The specific city, which identity, surname, name, appearance, strength, and strength are all calculated clearly.

Chong Xuansheng left after writing down everything, and he had already knocked out the door of the mansion, leaving only a voice in the room—"Miss Ruan has worked so hard, and Jiang Qingyang will definitely report back for such a heavy courtesy!"

Ruan Zhou just blinked his eyes, and the mountain of meat in front of him had disappeared.

On the contrary, the Mrs. Hou, who looked a little timid, brought a glass of white water from nowhere, and worked hard to maintain the etiquette of the Hou Mansion: "Well, girl, let's have a cup of tea."


Chong Xuansheng ran out of Bowanghou's Mansion, flew all the way in Linzi city, crashed into the palace city, and went straight to the Zhengshitang!

"Bo Wang Hou An dares to be rude!"

The obese figure was still far away, and the purple-robed general guarding the political affairs hall had already sternly reprimanded him, and even pressed his hand on the handle of the knife, arousing a chilling air.

It was impossible to fly within the palace city, Chong Xuansheng took a long step and ran wildly from a distance, the fat on his body was like rippling water, he raised his two hands high, and the other held a seal of the prince of the kingdom, left Wu'an, right Bowang, loudly shouted—

"Where is the doctor on duty? Can Daqi's national hatred be avenged?!"

As soon as the voice fell, a tall and tall figure stepped out of the door, and waved away the general of the palace guard who was pressing the knife.

The person guarding the political affairs hall today is Yi Xingchen, the court councilor.

Seeing his son-in-law being so Meng Lang, he was about to scold him, but his thoughts changed, and he suddenly asked, "Is it related to Marquis Wu'an?"

Chong Xuansheng nodded quickly: "Yes, father! The deputy body of the Wusheng Patriarch has been calculated by Ruan Jianzheng. I want to use the channel of Zhengshitang to spread it all over the world, so as to suppress it. It must not be too late, Ruan Jian Just say it, and it will change if it is too late!"

This cry was much more affectionate than Yi Huaimin's.

The real person Yi Xingchen felt a little numb in his ears when he yelled, but after all, the following content caught his attention.

Ruan Yu personally made a fortune teller, what was the price?

This was the first question he thought of.

But the first sentence he said was: "Then why are you still standing there? Come in!"



Since he cultivated Chaotianque, Jiang Wang has been almost invincible in the battle of the soul world.

But today he met his match.

Zhang Linchuan was not only not suppressed by Chao Tianque, but also in the sea of ​​corpses and blood, sitting on the throne of bones, brazenly launched a counterattack!

The soul power of the top gods is no small matter, and Zhang Linchuan himself is also a master of soul manipulation, not to mention he has once ascended to the realm of true gods.

The mountain of corpses towers high into the sky, and the boundless sea of ​​blood rises violently.

The big white bone hand reached over and covered the sky, covering the gate of Chaotian.

And in this gate, Jiang Wang turned himself into a bodhisattva of six desires, and stepped out of the gate with Buddha's light all over his body.

As soon as he flipped his palm, the Vatican rose suddenly, with the bliss of six desires, lust and sound, and the resplendent Buddha palm, showing a grotesque appearance, directly propped up the sky, and turned to the big bone hand.


What is colliding at this time is the foundation of spiritual knowledge and the essence of the soul.

At this moment, Jiang Wangzhi's soul was surrounded by a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. The soul of Zhang Linchuan fell into the world of extreme desire.

The Tao is entangled, and the spiritual consciousness fights.

The Bodhisattva of Six Desires stepped out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood with just a swipe of his big hand, regaining his golden splendor and boundless compassion.

However, Zhang Linchuan's eyes didn't fluctuate at all from the beginning to the end. He just stretched out a pair of pale hands, held one hand emptyly, and tore it apart! Flowing light shattered, brilliant bubbles disappeared, and the entire world of extreme desire, together with the Bodhisattva of Six Desires, was torn apart!

The soul-killing method that once comprehended the means of a true god is a powerful soul that is hard to match against a strong god.

The outcome is obvious.


The Chaotian Tower closed abruptly, cutting off Zhang Linchuan's soul pursuit.

Jiang Wang, whose spiritual consciousness was wounded, had already withdrawn from the world of spirit and soul. At this critical moment, he decisively swung his long sword, and his ears immediately turned jade-colored.

Shravaka fairy state, open!

View freely in the ear, open!

Facing Zhang Linchuan directly, looking into his eyes, he only shouted - "Death!"

Send heretic King Kong Lei Yin, open!

What is opened at this time, is it more than these?

With Jiang Wang himself as the center, the majestic spiritual consciousness spread out like a volcanic eruption, sweeping like a tide. An invisible, qualityless, soundless spiritual world has opened at this moment!

Within a thousand feet, all voices will submit to the only monarch.

This is [The Realm of Sound and Hearing]!

It was another spiritual realm developed by Jiang Wang outside the fire realm.

It is also the core of another set of fighting methods he prepared for the challenge of the Paradise of the Illusory Land.

He knew a terrifying opponent like Zhang Linchuan, and definitely studied him very seriously.

Therefore, at the critical moment of successive setbacks, the Fire Realm, which has been shown many times in front of people, must not be relied on. He had to come up with a brand new method in order to win life for himself.

Therefore, the first battle in the realm of sound and hearing is laid out here.

At this time, the lightning saber light that Zhang Linchuan tore off, after splitting the boundless sword thread, still slashed at Jiang Wang rumblingly.

But right now.

The rumbling sound suddenly took on a specific shape, giving birth to spirituality, and it was no longer willing to attach itself, thus generating malice.

This change was too sudden.

The voiceprint was cut like a sharp knife, and the lightning knife light was cut into pieces in an instant.

The sound of thunder smashed the thunder and lightning, and even counterattacked Zhang Linchuan!

Zhang Linchuan remained calm in the face of danger, and with a swipe of his palm, he brought out rootless supernatural powers, which erased all the involvement of voices and people, and then scattered these voiceprints with a sharp knife.

This is a very beautiful response.

But he is very clear that there is a bigger problem, which has been placed in front of him at this moment.

Jiang Wang, this unprecedented spiritual realm of sound and hearing, can be called the kingdom of sound, and can control all sounds within the scope of the spiritual realm.

Even with his cultivation and vision, it is difficult to find a way to compete with him for control of the voice in a short period of time.

Then during the ensuing fight, he could not speak, could not make any noise, every movement must be silent. But Jiang Wang's movements can be noisy as much as he wants. He not only needs to pay attention to Jiang Wang's superb swordsmanship, but also needs to pay attention to the ubiquitous sound offensive...

That's all.

Even in shackles, he might not be able to kill Jiang Wang.

But it is obvious that once the voice is in Jiang Wang's hands, Jiang Wang will definitely make this life-and-death battle extremely impressive.

He can't see the light, but Jiang Wang is a figure standing in the bright light, who can show off under the scorching sun.

Of course, it is quite a distance from Jiange, Mugu Academy and even Yue Kingdom.

But Jiang Wang couldn't help but beating gongs and drums every move, shaking the sky and shaking the earth. After a long time, he would definitely be watched by the strong.

And can he instantly kill Jiang Wang?

This question does not seem to have an answer.

Zhang Linchuan had made up his mind, so he jumped forward without saying a word.

The surrounding space is in a trance, and the sparkling light seems to shine on the water, which has already activated the Qiankun Cable. At this moment when he already had the advantage, he chose to leave and retreat to the gap in the world.

Killing Jiang Wang is a very important matter, anyone who has such a persistent, talented and influential enemy will find it difficult to rest easy.

But compared to one's own safety and the great way one seeks, this is nothing.

After all, he has neither love nor hatred for Jiang Wang, let alone any obsession.

It's just a blocking stone in front of the road, nothing more.

But amidst the sparkling light, a crimson fire suddenly ignited.

The fire light jumped together with the trance-like wave light in space, burning his supernatural power and blocking his way!

People really can't reveal too much of themselves... Zhang Linchuan thought lightly.

After performing Qiankun Suo a few times in front of people, he has already found a way to interfere.

Of course he recognized Jiang Wang's Samadhi True Fire.

The real fire of samadhi will strengthen its power with the deepening of knowledge, which he has already judged.

From the wandering fire that was wandering around and blocking his way, he could fully feel how long Jiang Wang had studied him and how much he knew him!

No wonder he could guess his choice today and block his way.

He stopped Qiankun Suo, stopped the ripples in space, turned around, and looked at Jiang Wang expressionlessly: "It seems that you really hate me."

He spoke so nonchalantly.

Let the voice rise, let the sound be controlled by Jiang Wang's realm of sound and hearing, let the voice pattern become a knife, a sword, a dagger and throw a spear, cutting his bone body extremely sharply.

And then annihilated one after another.

The Wusheng Patriarch at this moment is truly as powerful as the sea, which is frightening.

But facing Zhang Linchuan like this, Jiang Wang just said calmly: "I think, in this world, no one knows you better than me."

He didn't say whether he hated Zhang Linchuan, but his hatred has been described in a very specific way.

In the realm of sound and hearing, all voices come to court, and his own voice is of course a weapon.

Every word, every syllable is attacking Zhang Linchuan.

It is true that the defense of the holy body of bones is amazing, and it is true that in this level of battle, the technique of sound killing is not enough to pose a fatal threat. But dripping water will eventually wear out the stone. Moreover, every attack was to supplement his understanding of Zhang Linchuan.

Use everything you can to the limit.

Everywhere, all the time, there is no fight.

In this way, under the constant attack of the voiceprint, Zhang Linchuan started to walk back expressionlessly: "Junior Brother Jiang, maybe you really want to die?"

Dang bang bang bang bang bang!

What responded to him was his own voice turned into a weapon, hitting him continuously, sending out an incomparably loud roar of gold and iron!

Jiang Wang's life-and-death duel is going to be known to everyone!

"I have already sworn to the sky that under the bright moon and bright sun, you and I cannot coexist. Brother Zhang, what do you think?"

Jiang Wang's voice was so calm, and he held the sword, but he didn't back away.

Even if he has already fallen into an absolute disadvantage in the previous battle, even if the word "death in battle" is not only possible.

He also took the initiative to charge Zhang Linchuan!

He needs to delay, but it is absolutely impossible to retreat. As long as he relaxes in the slightest, he has no doubt that Zhang Linchuan will disappear the next moment.

Today there is no choice but to fight to the death.

The only thing he was sure of was—

He already knows a lot about Zhang Linchuan, and he can learn more about Zhang Linchuan.

If Zhang Linchuan can't kill him quickly now, it will be more and more difficult to kill him quickly!

It is indeed difficult for him to defeat Zhang Linchuan now, and there is little hope between life and death. But time walks with him, the sky is with him, and the general trend is on him.

Just go ahead.

Just trade your injury for your life, just trade your life for an opportunity.

Make every effort to change the possibility of letting Zhang Linchuan sleep forever!

With such awareness, Jiang Wang leaped into the shadows, and lifted up the bright moon with his sword.

The sword energy roared for tens of feet, and the sword sound resounded for hundreds of miles!

At this moment, Zhang Linchuan finally could no longer keep it.

Jiang Wang knew it, and he knew it very well.

If he can't kill Jiang Wang quickly today, this gangrene will entangle him to death!

So at this moment.

The white in his pupils magnified infinitely. This whiteness dyed his eyes, even the bridge of his nose, his face, and his body, and then extended to the surrounding space, and then spread to the entire sky and earth.

Of course, it also housed Jiang Wang's realm of fame and hearing, and Jiang Wang himself!

He has already spread the 【Inanimate World】!

This is the foundation of his path, the strongest means, and the highest achievement.

Take [Rebirth] as the guide, [Qiankun Cable] as the bridge, [No Root] as the wall, the road as the pillar of the sky, the true understanding of the world as the frontier of lifeless, and the majestic and inexhaustible The power of faith is the fertile soil, nourished by the souls of countless powerful men who were beheaded by him...

Tao, God, and man meet here.

Bearing incomparably bright, incomparably brilliant dao fruit.

Such an inanimate world!

Thanks to Dameng I love Qiqi 888 for the five leagues connected, the boss has already accumulated five silvers, it is so terrifying!



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