Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1735 All sentient beings are ill!

It's been a long time.

I don't know how much.

Consciousness is blurred by this world, and spiritual consciousness has been fighting against this world.

Jiang Wang knew that Zhang Linchuan was consuming himself with the power of this world, and at the same time was giving himself time to recover.

But he kept walking forward step by step, as if he was speeding up towards his own death during the long journey of life.

Don't be afraid of anything else, just move forward.

Because while being consumed by this world...he is also consuming this world.

What kind of world is this?

The sky is hazy, the ground is hazy, and the fog is hazy.

It's hard to see your fingers when you stretch out your hand.

But at a certain moment, Jiang Wang clearly saw Zhang Linchuan.

It is in the country of faith that the god of faith can be seen.

When I saw Zhang Linchuan, I saw the mountains and rivers here, and only then did I have this world.

Zhang Linchuan here has completely recovered from his injuries. His eyes were indifferent but compassionate, and his aura soared to the sky, overwhelming everyone.

He just stands there.

His black hair seemed to have reached the sky.

His facial features seem to have interpreted God.

His sleeves fluttered like clouds forming shades. His eyes lighted up, opening the sky with one glance.

Under the green mountains, green waters and clear sky, he is an independent immortal god.

He is the way here, the god here, and the sustenance of all the power of faith here.

Everything exists because of him...

Jiang Wang is in this world, so he can't help but worship this god and seek this Tao!

Chong... your mother!

The brilliant fire field spreads quickly, with the realm of the spiritual realm facing the world of the divine way, and "my world" facing "other worlds".

But only a snap.

The fire domain has been crushed like a bubble.

After all, it is the Shinto world that once achieved the true god, and it is not just a pure Shinto world. Zhang Linchuan has carried out the path of the Shinto with great talent, and almost evolved it into reality, making it infinitely closer to reality.

Jiang Wang's spiritual realm couldn't hold on at all. Even the consumption caused by the fire domain to this side of the world lacks enough experience. In this rootless world, there is no feedback at all and no accurate judgment-this has a huge impact on the battle. If you don't know how heavy a punch is and how sharp a sword is, it will be difficult for you to know how to punch and how to throw a sword!

Under the influence of [Rootless], the only thing Jiang Wang could feel was his own pain and the degree of trauma to his spiritual consciousness.

The pain of damage to spiritual consciousness is even worse than cutting flesh and gouging out bones.

But with the crackling sound of the shattering fire realm, Jiang Wang's Shravaka realm followed up and stood up again, to fight against this world again!

As the only god in this inanimate world, the provider of all "fertilizers". At this time, Zhang Linchuan's gestures were all affected by Weili, so he raised his pale hand and pressed down gently.

The realm of sound and hearing disappeared silently.

Jiang Wang raised his head and spat out a mouthful of blood!

Zhang Linchuan became a true god back then, and his mighty power was all in this inanimate world. If Ji Tu fought against him in this inanimate world, he would not be able to defeat him, but he might not suffer such a big loss.

Chongxuan Chuliang's saber followed the connection of numerology, directly avoided the inanimate world, and fell in a separate world, cutting his own body.

The Inanimate Cult has been destroyed, and the inanimate world has lost its source of enormous power. Just relying on himself is not enough to support the growth of the inanimate world. Every time the power of the inanimate world is used, it is self-consumption, and it is nothing but sitting and eating.

So now he is actually very stingy with the use of the inanimate world.

Of course Jiang Wang deserved it.

Marquis Wu'an of Daqi, who single-handedly led the overthrow of Wushengjiao and pushed him to where he is today, is worthy of such a death!

He strides forward!

He approached Jiang Wang very oppressively.

But the battle wasn't over.

Far from it!

Jiang Wang fell back and vomited blood during the shattering of two consecutive spiritual realms. The blood he spat out turned into a blood arrow, screaming and crashing into the sky.

Afterwards, from the blood color, whiteness appeared.

From the blood was born the wind!

A howling frosty wind rose from the northwest, blowing away the white sky in an instant.

Did the shattering of the two spiritual domains have any effect?

Tian Que is the answer.

There is a lack of sky in the northwest, the white wind sweeps the land, and the frost kills everything!

The Blessed Wind, which has blossomed, has brought disillusionment and end in Zhang Linchuan's inanimate world.

At this time, Zhang Linchuan looked up at the sky.

He fully recognized Jiang Wang's fighting will and fully recognized Jiang Wang's fighting talent.

But this does not affect the outcome of the battle.

The gap has been formed in the past years, and he has never relaxed himself, never giving the weak a chance to chase.

(Everyone is welcome to come to Qidian Chinese website to read the genuine version and exchange plots with genuine book friends.)

At this moment, he jumped up, feeling the power converging towards him from all directions...

He had to admit, he liked the feeling.

This feeling of controlling destiny, grasping life, and breaking through all obstacles.

I don't know why, but at this moment, he suddenly remembered a figure with a long knife in his hand, charging towards him indifferently... But that was a story from a long time ago, although it is not important, but it is time to erase the old marks.

He leaped into the sky, and as the supreme god in this world, he was face to face with the frost wind just before the end of the day.

Hold your hand in front of you, so you can't block the wind!

The majestic power swept all directions.

The entire inanimate world boils over this!

But at this moment, Zhang Linchuan suddenly felt a chill down his spine, and a chill gushed out from the depths of his soul.

His fate was slashed, his strength weakened. The majestic power that surrounds the body is cut layer by layer.

Suddenly he realized—

His secondary body failed to cross the tribulation!

Successive failures!



Luo Huanhuan, who was in a sea of ​​blood, walked alone on the long street.

Walking in the air, the bloody clothes are full of billows.

In this unknown and weak country, she chose a remote town and started killing. Constantly draw strength, and constantly welcome the benevolent and righteous people and heroes from all walks of life who come after hearing the news.

Keep killing, keep killing...

At the beginning, it was also to create an opportunity to enter the upper echelon of the Sanfenxiang Building, and volunteered to come to this remote place to develop, and wanted to build up its own team first... In the end, the sky failed. The danger of overthrow was imminent, and he had to go through nine calamities, trying to open up a new world. The purpose of this body has a complete reversal.

All long-term plans for development must be put on hold, and life and death should become the top priority.

Among the life and death tribulations of all six identities, the one in the Sanfenxiang Building has the slowest development progress, the least congenital, and the least qualified conditions, and there is no reliable plan at all... She can only take risks , is the most difficult path.

She knew that it was a dead end, that the end was the result of inevitable destruction.

Not to mention her identity, even if she came to seek Tao by killing herself, it would be absolutely unreasonable.

But she doesn't need to go to the finish line.

She just needs to go forward like this, go forward, kill enough people, encounter enough dangers... and wait for other identities to respond.

The kalpa of life and death cannot pretend to rely on external forces, but must experience life and death. But the seven souls are in it, but there is room for maneuver.

As early as the creation of the Nine Tribulations, the body had thought about these possibilities.

This is also a no-brainer.

So although she has been killing people, the killing process has always been very measured. Her power is revealed bit by bit, so that it can be delayed for as long as possible.

When she saw a beautiful figure floating in the air coming from the clouds.

There was no surprise in her heart.

At the current stage, the information she let the survivors reveal and the danger she showed were enough to be solved by a monk from the inner palace.

What's more, this woman who came here to act chivalrously has already attained the cultivation level of the Outer Building Realm.

It's just another "righteous man" who doesn't know it.

At most it is...


When this woman's absolutely beautiful face appeared in sight at a glance, Luo Huanhuan suddenly felt disgusted.

This disgust has nothing to do with the distant body, but comes from the own feelings of this body——

This world is turbid, the sea of ​​suffering is turbulent, I am covered in mud, drinking blood and tears... How can you be spotless?

"Who is here?" Luo Huanhuan looked up at the sky.

The disgust in my heart became heavier, and the smile on my face did not change.

This smile is the normal state of the women in the happy place, and it is repeated every day in the past.

The woman in green clothes hanging in the air, her eyebrows and eyes are as delicate as fine brushwork, and she is graceful and graceful like the person in the painting. With a flick of the left hand, three horned puppets flew out, and with a flick of the right hand, three four-winged ink warriors fell down.

After a pause, a luxurious chariot stepped out. Wearing green clothes to avoid Liu Guang, she stood on the chariot and said coldly: "On the cloud, Ye Qingyu."

The difference between the real body and the secondary body is that Zhang Linchuan has never been jealous. He can only fight, only plunder, and only seek.

As for Luo Huanhuan's identity, there are too many innate desires that cannot be obtained, and complaints that are not enough.

She rolled up her blood sleeve, and dense blood mosquitoes flew out of the blood river, buzzing and trembling the space, bringing a vicious feeling.

However, on the gorgeous chariot, Ye Qingyu only protruded a bare hand like Bai Yuning, which changed a hundred kinds of seals in an instant.

A sea of ​​clouds appeared in the sky!

For a time, the two colors coexisted, and the peripheral vision faded.

There is a sea of ​​blood on the ground and a sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

In the sea of ​​clouds, all kinds of Taoism are pouring down like a torrent!

Novelty, classic, complex, stately, unconventional...

Various representative Taoisms of various countries at the level of the outer building are reflected in this torrent.

It is as close as the Yanguangjue of the Beigong family in the Yong State, and as far as the Eight-tone Flame Sparrow of the Marquis Wu'an of the Qi State.

Only unexpected, nothing impossible!

At this moment, Luo Huanhuan felt great vigilance.

What frightened her was not the performance of this top-level supernatural power. And it is the powerful foundation embodied by this sea of ​​clouds surge!

His mind was confused by the long slaughter, and only at this time did he sketch out the bits and pieces of information and connect them into a relatively complete picture, Yunguo... Lingxiao Pavilion... Ye Qingyu...

The strong feeling of disgust in my heart has already broken my heart, making it difficult for Luo Huanhuan to restrain herself.

She can't say a word anymore, she must immediately see this woman's fear, see this woman's pleading, and see this woman's pain!

At this moment, the cultivation level of God's presence is no longer concealed, and the bloody murderous aura is woven into a ghostly shadow.

The huge blood python soared up.

She stood on top of the blood python's head, turned her hand and held out a dagger, and her killing intent rushed straight to Gao Qiong!

The person turned around suddenly and chose to escape.

The body never lets emotions control itself. She can also have a corresponding stoicism and restraint.

But at this moment, a huge warning sign suddenly appeared!

Before he had time to think about where the danger came from, Luo Huanhuan had already jumped backwards, twisting and turning, retreating all the way for a hundred miles. Then I saw a furry giant claw passing across the sky, easily smashing the blood python she summoned into bloody smoke.

The sudden strange beast showed its real body, stomping on the flowing clouds, overwhelming the world.

Cloud stepping beast!

The Holy Beast of the High Heaven Pavilion Protector!

Is it possible to escape?

Luo Huan thought briefly in his heart, then became ruthless, and held the Senhan dagger in his mouth.

Clenching fists with both hands, blood flames ignited all over the body!

Don't retreat but advance!

Let's see how strong she is in seeking Tao through killing. Today she wants to challenge the limit of her body!

But at the next moment, blood waves all over the city were sinking!

No, it's not just blood waves that sink?

Pavilions, pavilions, spaces, and energy.

The whole city is sinking!

Luo Huanhuan felt that she was also falling irretrievably, sinking uncontrollably!

The blood flame on his body was extinguished.

Dao Yuan in the body stagnated.

The bloody murderous aura disintegrated.

This body is like in an abyss, this heart is like in an abyss!

Before the whole world was darkened, she saw a person coming through the air, with no fireworks between his actions, and already occupied all the light of the sky.

It was a handsome man in fluttering white clothes, who appeared lightly, like a banished fairy in a trance!

And he was holding a little girl carved in powder and jade in his hand. Next to the girl's calf, there was a silly gray dog ​​jumping around.

Your mother... Luo Huanhuan finally thought. Is this big family just going out for an outing? The whole family, young and old, even people and dogs came out...

And so the last thought fell silent.



Who is Li Daorong?

He used to be the head of the Whale Gang in Youxia Island, and is currently the deputy head of the Whale Gang.

This person has a brilliant record, once confronted Jiang Wang of the Qi State head-on, and he did not lose the wind! And reprimanded Jiang Wang loudly!

Of course, those rumors did not win him much prestige.

In the eyes of those who really have weight, the wider the spread of these words, the more ridiculous Li Daorong is.

Xiaoyu Xiaoxia said every day that he repelled the whale shark, but any seafarer with some common sense would find it ridiculous.

Until recently……

Li Daorong poisoned the master of the Nine Xuanzong Master Jiuxuan, Shang Ji'an, the great protector of the Nine Xuanzong, and killed all the high-level officials of the Nine Xuanzong, so he moved the islands!

The Angry Whale Gang and Jiuxuanzong are also members of the Zhenhai League, and each has a faction behind it. Such a tragic fight is not allowed.

But I don't know what method Li Daorong used to connect all parties and join forces, so that this matter was finally attributed to the internal competition between the Angry Whale Gang and Jiuxuanmen.

The Angry Whale Gang also swallowed the elephant with a snake, annexing the Jiuxuanmen in one fell swoop.

Seeing the rise of a new generation of strongmen in the offshore islands, the Angry Whale Gang swelled several times overnight...

At this time, Cassia Island urgently called an internal meeting of the Zhenhai League! And it was revealed at the internal meeting that Li Daorong is the false body of the leader of the cult, and his master is Zhang Linchuan, the ancestor of the inanimate religion who is full of evil and is wanted by many countries in the world.

Cassia Island represented the Qi State, and showed a very strong attitude, so that this matter finally passed the resolution of the Zhenhai League, so it decided to summon him and imprison him, and put him on public trial.

And Li Daorong has been working in secret for a long time, and he has his own secret hands. Before the resolution was passed, he had already sensed that something was wrong, abandoned his job and left, hastily hiding.

The owner of Neverwinter Island, Zhong Xuanminghe, personally presided over the pursuit of Li Daorong at this time.

The Zhenhai League is not monolithic, and the Qi State has never been able to prohibit it in the offshore islands.

Li Daorong showed an escape level that can be called an art, and played hide-and-seek with Qi people overseas. Besieged many times, escaped many times. Dazed is the cultivation base of the outer building, suddenly left and right, going to the sky and entering the sea.

Until... Diaohailou also joined the hunt.


"Kill her, and you can leave." A man with black and white hair intertwined looked at Li Daorong expressionlessly, his voice was flat, but there was no possibility of rejection.

And behind this person, stood a delicate-looking woman, her temperament was not strong, like a weak little white flower.

There is no induction between the secondary bodies, and if the main body does not come down on its own initiative, it cannot form a connection. So Li Daorong didn't know what happened to other identities, and he wandered alone in the offshore islands.

It's hard for him to understand why he met Gu Huaixin!

Why did the fourth elder of Diaohai Tower make things difficult for such a small person in the outside world.

The life and death of Li Daorong's identity had been considered by Zhou Xiang. In addition to the difficulty of Wailou cultivating the Nine Profound Sect, the alliance between the various forces was also a test he set for himself.

The Qi people dragged him out unreasonably, and he had nothing to say.

Zhongxuanminghe personally launched the chase, but he accepted it silently.

We only regard this as another change in the tribulation of life and death, starting from the conflict between Diaohailou and Jueming Island, through the hidden seeds buried overseas during this period, wandering in the gaps of various forces in the offshore islands .

So cleverly earned life.

But just when he thought he had passed the calamity of life and death, Gu Huaixin, the real person in the world, appeared in front of him, and raised his hand to calm him down!

Even if he has all kinds of plans and schemes, it is impossible for him to escape from Gu Huaixin's hands with Li Daorong's cultivation.

This calamity ends in death, and there is no way out!

But just when he was ready to face death, Gu Huaixin gave him another chance to propose such a weird rule.

"Kill her?" Li Daorong glanced at the woman behind Gu Huaixin again.

He has developed in the offshore islands for so long, of course he knows Gu Huaixin's personal disciple Zhu Biqiong.

But he really didn't think that Zhu Biqiong could fight him with the same cultivation level as the Outer Building Realm.

Even if he has accumulated a lot of hidden injuries during his escape during this period of time. The understanding of life and death fighting is definitely not comparable to that of a famous disciple who goes out with a real person accompanying him!

"But there is a rule." Gu Huaixin said softly: "This is a fair duel limited to the level of the outer building. Fairness is the prerequisite for you to get a chance. If you use power beyond the understanding of the outer building, you will die."

Li Daorong realized the problem, and kept calm: "Dare to ask Elder Gu, what is the power beyond Wailou's understanding?"

Gu Huai said: "This old man decides on his own."

Li Daorong completely understood.

What kind of bullshit is a fair fight? This Gu Huaixin clearly wants to pave the way for his precious apprentice with the weight of his vice-incarnate ancestor.

These famous elders and high-ranking officials have used all kinds of tricks for many years.

He didn't feel angry, but regretted that he "didn't really have a chance".

"Okay, I agree to this challenge." Li Daorong said calmly, "I just hope that senior can keep his promise."

At this moment, he has fully recognized his ending. From the moment he was caught by Gu Huaixin, he shouldn't have any chance of surviving!

But who is Zhang Linchuan?

Who is he, Li Daorong?

At one time, his cultivation level was not inferior to Gu Huaixin!

How could Gu Huaixin be allowed to tease like this?

Everything has a price.

Gu Huaixin lost his heir at Tianyatai earlier, this matter is well known in the sea.

Since you dare to despise him so much today.

Although he is powerless to resist, it may not be impossible to use this identity to make his final death, making Gu Huaixin chew and regret again.

Gu Huaixin added another point casually, and a stream of light fell into Li Daorong's body: "You can rest assured. For the sake of fairness, I temporarily cut off the possibility of contacting you with this body. Make good use of your current body and look forward to your performance so that Verify... the fineness of my true disciple."

Li Daorong understood that not only did he lose the possibility of being supported by his own body, Gu Huaixin also left a backhand to erase him at any time.

A dignified real person in the world, in order to ensure the safety of his disciples, he really does everything he can.

But he didn't say anything, just pretended not to know.

Just see what flowers can grow in the flowerpot.

Let's see if he can imitate Jiang Wang's story, break through the limit and kill the real person's disciple under the watchful eyes of the real person.

At that time, Jiang Wang relied on the coercion of Qi State to restrain Gu Huaixin and not allow him to make a move.

But he can only rely on himself, waiting for the negligence of the real person who has penetrated the reality of the world.

He suddenly felt that besides life and death, this is also a very meaningful challenge.

Even if he dies in the end, this experience should be able to provide a little help for his body's great improvement... so he can feel more relieved.

The world is like this, so what is unfortunate?

Life is like this, is it boring?

He felt himself on a splendid path, seeing more than ever in his game with Providence! If we can survive this catastrophe, the future will be very different!

A piece of sea circled by real people in the current world has become a place for fighting.

During Gu Huaixin's communication with Li Daorong, Zhu Biqiong remained silent, seeming innocent and clumsy.

Only at this moment, she stood apart from Li Daorong on both sides. After setting up her posture, her temperament became blurred.

Li Daorong feels that this woman's eyes are like a mirror, receiving all emotions and reflecting all emotions, except for himself...

When the sea breeze brought the first ray of spray, the battle where only Gu Huaixin was on the sidelines broke out.

Li Daorong has already brought forth new ones for the secret techniques of the Angry Whale Gang, and he has also extracted the essence of the Jiuxuanzong's skills.

To adapt to the environment of the offshore islands and fit Li Daorong's physical talent, he has already developed a unique combat system. Although it is far inferior to the combat power of the body in the outer building, it is also enough to compete for fame in the ranks of outer monks.

He has already written the script for every link in this battle.

How to launch the first round of offensive, how to defend, how to roam, how to show the enemy's weakness, introduce empty doors, and most to paralyze Gu Huaixin.

In this so-called duel of life and death, Gu Huaixin is his only opponent.

How can he prevent Gu Huaixin from interfering?

How to kill Zhu Biqiong before Gu Huaixin kills him?

Flying high in the air, like a big roc spreading its wings, and the water around him is in a mess, Li Daorong has already figured out seven sets of tactics.

But an ancient stone door suddenly appeared in the sky.

From top to bottom, the door seemed to be pushed open by a hand from the sky.

The world has changed.

Li Daorong suddenly lost the ability to fly and fell involuntarily!

How many tactics have lost the possibility of convergence. No matter what style of attack, all of them fell apart for a while.

"Tianmen!" Li Daorong showed surprise.

He has only heard of the legendary Tianmen supernatural powers, but has never seen them.

Feel it personally at this time, immediately lead the tide to protect yourself, and turn the battle into the sea.

But there was only a flash of light in front of his eyes, and Zhu Biqiong's figure was so fast that he couldn't even react! With a sudden thought, he had already passed by him, and the plain hand wrapped around the frosty wind, piercing his chest!

"This is not Zhou Feng, maybe you recognize it."

With these words, Zhu Biqiong calmly ended the hasty battle.

The beginning of the battle and the end of the battle are scenes that Li Daorong has never imagined.

But he just fell down, leaving a huge hollow between his chest and abdomen.


The surging tide.

This chapter has 6,000 words, one of which is the addition of the Baiyin League of the General League "Empire|Qin Shang". (3/3)

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