Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1736 The common people pity me, I pity the common people!

In the high sky of the inanimate world, the fog has been blown away, and the sky is miserable white.

Hundreds of thousands of people used to believe in "no life, no bliss, no worries forever", but it is actually such an empty and monotonous place.

All the nutrients were devoured by the lifeless God Lord.

Not even a phantom that could comfort the souls of the dead was retained.

And under this empty sky, Zhang Linchuan stood suspended in the air, quietly feeling the feeling of the rapid loss of power-it would not affect his own body power, but it would affect his inanimate world, and even more so. his long-term future.

The struggle for so long has finally come to naught, shattered one by one.

The true god of this world has been reduced to the god of hair.

The Wusheng Cult with hundreds of thousands of believers collapsed overnight.

Seven souls and six lives, the painstakingly planned management is smashed one by one...

Any one of these is a blow that can overturn your life.

And he took it all.

In addition, it is relatively common for people to lose their lives, to be betrayed by relatives, to be criticized by thousands of people, and to be hated by people and ghosts.

What is life all about?

Who do I work hard for all my life?

Holding the frost-white and unwinding him in one hand, he stared into the distance. Even though his mind is as firm as his, he couldn't help sighing: "The present world is so vast, with endless places in the south, east, north, and west, can't there be room for Zhang Linchuan?"

All the high-level members of the church have been separated, hundreds of thousands of believers have dispersed, and all the souls of the dead have been dispelled.

In this vast and inanimate world at this moment, naturally there is only one person who can answer him——

"Heaven can tolerate you, earth can tolerate you, but I can't!"

Jiang Wang stood up and hit Gao Qiong with his sword!

Although he couldn't know exactly what happened, but he wiped the blood on the old knife coin with his own hands. Ruan Jianzheng's blocking of Zhang Linchuan's fate is exactly one of the variables he has been waiting for since he fought so hard.

Zhang Linchuan's slight stagnation is the reason for the victory and defeat he saw, the door of life and death!

The sword fairy integrates himself, and the sword performs all kinds of magic, and every point of strengthening will be reflected in the killing power. The flowering of supernatural powers has pushed him an important step on the road to a stronger one.

This is the first flowering supernatural power integrated by the Sword Immortal!

At this moment, the five palaces are shining together, the sword fairy blooms, his body is bathed in fire, and his sword rises up to support the sky, supporting this inanimate world. At this moment, this is a perfect sword——

This world is in a trance, so it should be divided into two characters, standing upright, and then divided into voicing and turbidity!

Just as human civilization started from fire, the moment of the Herringbone Sword was also lit by the real fire of Samadhi.

With the enrichment of knowledge, the True Fire of Samadhi will only become stronger and stronger, and it will be easier and easier to penetrate Zhang Linchuan's defense. And from Linzi to this point, too much effort is all for this "understanding its samadhi". At this moment, the red flames are blazing, the longing of the sauvignon blanc is held high, and the brilliance is like the first torch lit in the long night, illuminating this miserable world, breaking down the barriers of the lifeless world, and opening the way for the struggle between life and death!

The simple integration in the sword fairy state has opened a new chapter for this world.

But Zhang Linchuan just lowered his head indifferently, looked at the sword that was getting closer and closer, looked at Jiang Wang who was also burning like a flame, and said indifferently: "I will do my own way, and the way is simple. The sky will not allow me to break This day. The earth will not allow me to break this earth. You will not allow me to... kill this person!"

Crush the Frost Wind in his hand!

Black flames ignited outside the whole body. Look closely, is that the light of fire? In every ray of fire, there are countless dark electric lights jumping. They are shadowy, they are evil and noisy, and they are also full of vitality.

Divine Heaven and Thunder Forbidden Law!

It is still the framework of the Youlei Forbidden Law, but it has added the Shinto understanding of the real gods in this world. Strengthen the lethality, enrich the future, and expand the boundaries.

Looking from a distance, under the background of the empty sky, two people wrapped in black flames and red flames collided together.

The half of the high dome is dark, and the thunder and lightning are thousands of miles away.

The half of the ground is brilliant, and the red flames are blooming to burn the chaotic world.

In this vast lifeless world, this is a collision that has never happened before. This bloody fight is a scene that opened up the world.

Black and red can be distinguished at the touch of a button.

The red one is falling, the red sea is ebbing!

The gloomy place just paused for a moment, then fell irretrievably again, pressing down on the flames of civilization.

Even if all five lives are lost and all six replacements are lost, five of the nine kalpas have been lost.

At least in this inanimate world, Zhang Linchuan is still infinitely close to the existence of the real god in this world.

He admitted that Jiang Wang's grasp of the fighter is extremely good, but under the pressure of strength, the more accurate the grasp of the fighter, the faster he will die.

Jiang Wang fell all the way, vomiting blood all the way!

And Zhang Linchuan chased after him all the way.

In the endless thunder and red flames, those red golden eyes always looked at him.

As early as in Fenglin City, there has never been any weakness in these eyes, and they have always been neither humble nor overbearing, and they are firm in themselves. This kind of firmness made Zhang Linchuan feel in a trance that the blood on the corner of his mouth had a kind of immortal persistence.

Zhang Linchuan didn't think it was respectable, and of course he didn't think it was ridiculous.

He was just a little regretful. He thought that every step he took was as perfect as possible along the way. Under limited conditions, he reached the limit of his ability... But it might be a flaw that he couldn't kill Jiang Wang early.

He is not a person who demands perfection, and if he makes mistakes occasionally, he can just make up for them.

Now is the time to make amends.

He clenched his fist, retracted it, You Lei and Dark Mang walked above the peak of his fist. Vaguely caused the world to tremble.

Life and death!

Then he saw that the immortal red gold color in Jiang Wang's eyes shone all over his body at this moment, making him look like a golden Buddha. In the seemingly endless fall, he picked out another sharp sword.

Road sword!

The moment when the world is an enemy is not owned by Zhang Linchuan alone, Jiang Wang has also experienced it.

But even when he was publicly wanted by Jing Shitai and cast aside by the world, there were always people who believed in him, people who always supported him, and people who always stood up for his innocence.

Of course, there were always people running for Zhang Linchuan—or thinking about how to run far away so as not to get hurt by him, or thinking about how to chase him and kill him.

Jiang Wang has had the darkest time and the most glorious time.

When it is dark, everyone in the world thinks it is a demon, and when it is brilliant, everyone in the world knows that it is a peerless genius, who can destroy the teaching of lifelessness with a single word.

In this gloom and glory, between the trough and the peak, what remains the same is the "I".

So there is this style of true self sword——

If it's not me, it's not me!

This is his second True Self Dao Sword since "the handle of the bucket points to the north, and the whole world is winter".

This sword is divided into two styles, the world will slander it when pressed, and the world will praise it when lifted.

In the endless fall, Jiang Wang lifted this sword!

Ruxue's sword edge cut out all kinds of colors.

It was countless praises, endless flattery, and endless extravagance in this world.

It's grotesque and eccentric.

Everything above this sword seems to have lost its quality, lost its "self". Countless gloomy thunder lights turned into illusory bubbles, losing their essential lethality.

Even Zhang Linchuan himself was attacked by this sword intent, and his body flickered, changing from a real and terrifying strong man to an illusory bubble.

This sword is too lethal to Shinto.

Shinto is often the agglomeration of illusions. It is the power of belief that gathers to become a god, and it is a delusion that turns into reality.

And this style of Dao sword is exaggerating and exaggerating falsehoods, and embellishing mirages with dreams.

Because it is too exaggerated and too pretentious, it erases the possibility of Shinto's "truth".

The fall of the red tide has stopped.

The colorful sword edge is raised.

Jiang Wang's dao sword is so powerful.

But in the shattered shadows of Youlei, Zhang Linchuan's indifferent eyes clearly reflected the outline of Sauvignon Blanc.

Strip away the grotesque, and see the true nature of the sword.

Then punch the tip of the sword!

There used to be hundreds of thousands of believers, all of whom regarded me as a god.

So what about the world's reputation, has it ever moved my heart?

You, Jiang Wang, are world-renowned, and I, Zhang Linchuan, have already felt it too!


The fist and sword are like gold and iron.

It sounded like an alarm bell!

Kaka Kaka.

Amid the clear sound of bone cracking, Jiang Wang's right hand holding the sword broke inch by inch and fell down. He reached out with his left hand and grabbed the sword that was out of his hand. The whole person fell down again, blood spilling into the sky.

And Zhang Linchuan stood tall in the sky, glanced at his fist that was cut halfway by the sword, and the blood dripping from the fist, which could not be completely contained - the too sharp sword intent was raging in it, even he needed it. Time to clean up carefully.

He looked at the falling Jiang Wang with some confusion. It was this Dao sword that made him a little emotional, not because of the power of this sword, but the unshakable heart of seeking Tao that it embodied.

In a sense, Jiang Wang is the same person as him. They all came out of a small place, insisted on themselves, never moved, and tried their best every step of the way to do their best.

The only thing is that his choice is always "best for me", and Jiang Wang is working hard for others most of the time. He is ruthless and never trusts anyone. Jiang Wang, who has also stared into the abyss, still retains the courage to trust and the heart of love.

Fate is thus forked.

He has indeed become stronger personally and strengthened his wings in the dark world, but he also really felt the brilliance of the person opposite him.

He will not feel that he has done anything wrong, and at the same time he will not deny Jiang Wang's choice. He has always believed in one thing - no one is right or wrong, the one who died is wrong.

"I met a similar person in Yue country before, which once made me feel nostalgic. But I think, you are my fellow traveler."

Zhang Linchuan said: "I think we are probably the same kind of people. We all work hard, we don't give up, we are very determined, and we can even be called stubborn...Junior Brother Jiang, I admit that if you can survive, you do have Meet me at the peak and compete for the strongest qualification."

Pretending to be "the strongest"!

The present world is so vast, and the strong are immeasurable, even the True Monarch of Yan Dao is not uncommon, and there are even great existences above the peak.

And Mao Shen, a mere true god with the highest achievement, actually said "the strongest" here!

But when this person is Zhang Linchuan, you can hardly feel that he is joking.

You might even might not be possible.


Zhang Linchuan had already started to fall at a very high speed, he charged towards the ground from the high vault, he sprinted towards Jiang Wang, and punched Jiang Wang: "I admit that you have an extraordinary heart and strength, Junior Brother Jiang, so at least in this fourth catastrophe... ...Let me kill you!"

Killing has always been just a matter of convenience, never just a way to achieve a goal. And Zhang Linchuan's way of truly respecting a person is to regard killing this person as the goal itself, without adding any other value.

Endless ripples, with this fist as the core, expand in all directions.

His fist blasted a plane, and blasted down a piece of the sky, as if he smashed down the sky of the entire inanimate world, intending to bring Jiang Wang the destruction that he had nowhere to avoid.

But at this moment, a voice responded to him.

Jiang Wang was still vomiting blood, and Jiang Wang was still holding his sword tightly with his remaining left hand, preparing to fight back, so it couldn't be Jiang Wang.

This voice is so peaceful but detached... Ask lightly.

"What are you... does he need your acknowledgment?"

Zhang Linchuan, who was falling at a high speed, felt his fist was entangled by something. When he looked closely, it looked like... a fishing line?

A fishing line without a hook actually caught him.

Hook him straight to the high vault!

Zhang Linchuan felt a kind of irresistible power, an unchangeable rule, and even a huge absurdity!

In his inanimate world, he encountered an irresistible force? Encountered a rule that implements the will of others?

He re-examined the environment with the utmost calmness, and without resistance, he let the fishing line pull him up——

He was caught on the cloud!

When did the clouds gather?

It seems like thousands of miles away.

Before Zhang Linchuan could find out the answer, he saw a person.

A man he knew all too well.

A face he was all too familiar with.

These are his own eyes, his own nose, his own facial features, his own face... his original body!

Wang Changji!

"It's really an unstoppable fate!" Zhang Linchuan looked at him fixedly, examining this very familiar but strange body: "Are you coming to return my body?"

Compared to Zhang Linchuan's surprise, Wang Changji was calm, and only said: "I found you."

The two were both born in Fenglin City, and both were children of the so-called three major surnames in that small city, but they had never met. The only sentence between the two of them was the one left by Wang Changji when Zhang Linchuan tried to seize the Bone Body—"Wait for me to find you."

And today he said, "Found you."

The hair on the back of Zhang Linchuan's neck exploded!

A fishhook had hooked the back of his head at some point, and then it was lifted up suddenly, the entire skull door seemed to be opened!

Too intense and sudden pain aroused Zhang Linchuan's instinctive reaction. The terrifying light of thunder ignited all over his body, and Huang Huang had the power to destroy the world. But after just a flutter, it suddenly went out!

It was only then that he remembered that Wang Changji had already learned about his method of banning thunder in that cave in Zhuang Kingdom.

He opened his mouth and found that there was also a fishhook in his mouth!

And his nose, his eyes, his ears... the seven orifices and limbs are covered with fishhooks!

The whole person can't help but stand up, and the connection with his inanimate world is being cut off.

Countless fishing lines were intertwined above his head, like a spider spinning a web, it was a mess. He seems to have become a marionette, and under the mysterious manipulation of the creator, he is walking towards an unknown and terrifying ending step by step.

He felt the power of "Tao" from it!

So he closed his eyes fiercely, allowing the eyelids to be broken by the fishhook, showing an ugly gap.

The pale whiteness in the pupils overflowed from the opening. Like fine wine, like jade liquid, like moonlight washing the whole body. He finally escaped from the terror of hooks and lines all over his body...

Returned to the inanimate world.

The sky was still miserable white, the clouds were still gathering at an unknown time under the feet, and Wang Changji was still standing with a fishing rod not far away.

"Very good, it's not in vain for us to walk together." Zhang Linchuan lightly stroked his palms and praised: "Very good strength performance, which has expanded my understanding of the world."

Then I saw Wang Changji gently lift the fishing rod——

Only then did he realize that Wang Changji had more than one fishing rod in front of him.

It was him who caught just now, what about the other one?

He felt that Jiang Wang had appeared behind him.

On the green shirt, there are bloodstains, his right arm hangs weakly by his side, and his left hand holds his saber Sauvignon Blanc.

The aura of the whole person is far less impressive than before, but it is more sharp and dangerous.

Zhang Linchuan turned slightly sideways, and under the influence of rootless supernatural powers, he was between presence and absence... He could neither turn his back on Wang Changji nor dare to turn his back on Jiang Wang.

"When did you come?" Jiang Wang asked Wang Changji across Zhang Linchuan.

"It's been a while." Wang Changji replied through Zhang Linchuan, looking around with a distant gaze: "I've been researching here."

There seems to be an unknown tacit understanding between them, and they don't need other communication with each other.

"Did you find anything?" Zhang Linchuan interjected with a smile.

At this time, he was standing in the middle, Jiang Wang was on his left, and Wang Changji was on his right.

Hearing his question, Wang Changji calmly turned his gaze to him.

Zhang Linchuan found that his eyes had been fixed!

At this moment, he could only see Wang Changji, his very familiar face.

On the left side, a very sharp and pure killing intent erupted.

The white dome of the inanimate world reflects four bright star towers of different shapes, which are the reflections of Jiang Wangzhi's path in this world!

Between the star buildings and the star buildings, the star road turns and connects, forming a road of seven stars. The Big Dipper turns, and the handle points to the north!

After repeated life-and-death fights, and after the samadhi real fire was burned again and again, Jiang Wang's powerful path power began to invade the inanimate world!

At this moment, Zhang Linchuan couldn't look away at all, and couldn't see the Seven Stars Reflecting the World at all. But I can feel the light of the stars, and feel the frost and coldness of the world like winter.

For the first time, I really have a sense of crisis that "death is imminent".

Zizizi, Zizizi.

White gas came out from around him, boiling like steam. But it is not hot, but cold.

This is Wusheng Qi, which is his dissimilated use of the power of Wusheng Cult belief. Touching it kills the soul, believers will have no life, and those who don't believe will have no life and eternal suffering!

Because the means of severing with believers had been reserved long ago, after the collapse of the Wusheng Cult, the power of faith accumulated in the past was not lost much. At this time, he was no longer stingy in wielding it, which was invisible to Wang Changji's eyes and Wang Changji's. Fighting and entanglement with fishing lines!

His right hand drew back his ribs as a knife, his head and neck did not move, but his body turned around.

Meet the sword with the sword.

With the sword of inanimate, welcome the sword of true self!

The long and narrow white bone blade collided with the sharp green sword, and there was a clang that excited the soul.

Saber Qi and Sword Qi collide crazily, Spiritual Mind and Divine Mind compete for life and death.

Their paths also collide at the fundamental level of the inanimate world!


And he heard the sound of entering the flesh, it rang so abruptly in his ears. It's ridiculous, it's incredible. A crazy, brutal, and murderous sword penetrated into his lower back!


At this moment, he groaned in pain.

With lifeless energy surrounding him like a white dragon, he instantly cut Jiang Wang away, escaped Wang Changji's gaze, and found the person behind him——

A young man with bloodshot eyes and an extremely crazy appearance. Because of too much force, his whole body was tense, every muscle was tense, his entire face was twisted into a ball, and his veins were bulging like earthworms. Holding that cruel sword, he was still stabbing forward desperately!

He didn't say a word, because the strength of speaking was also used in this sword. He didn't even blink once, just stared at him.

As if there is only one chance to draw the sword in this lifetime, I can't wait to put everything in my body, mind and soul into this sword.

The one that Wang Changji mentioned earlier was the one who lifted the fishing rod into the inanimate world!

He asked Wang Changji what he had researched before?

This sudden sword that pierced the lower back was the answer!

And Zhang Linchuan would never accept this answer!

In the four corners of the world, strange chanting sounds sounded——

"I came from the sea of ​​suffering, and I floated and sunk in my skin. Anyone who suffered six defeats and seven lives suffered from all living beings. Those who suffered three times and eight sufferings were innocent people in the world. The common people pity me, and I pity the common people..."

One, two, one hundred, one thousand... Hundreds of thousands of recitations, hundreds of thousands of prayers!

On the top of Zhang Linchuan's head, there was a Taoist book with a pale white cover, which was gently opened. It's like a whole new world unfolding to the audience. Every word and every trace on it is his life and his path.

He and the space around him, the sword that crazily destroyed his bodily functions, and the person who sent that sword into his lower back all at the same time became a mixture of reality and illusion.

At this moment, he has fallen into the state of "no life and eternal life, neither thought nor existence".

This is the realm that exists only in imagination for a long time in the Inanimate Dao Sutra, because every moment of maintaining it requires burning a huge amount of faith.

Relying on this situation, he briefly avoided the pursuit of Wang Changji and Jiang Wang, and gave himself a certain amount of time to deal with his injuries, and deal with this blood-red-eyed... death-seeker.


With just a casual flick of the long and narrow white bone knife in his hand, a head flew into the sky!

This person's swordsmanship is a bit good, but his strength is too weak. If Wang Changji and Jiang Wang were not interfering, it would be impossible to stab him. Even a sneak attack is impossible,

He didn't have any thoughts of reminiscing about the old days, just like killing his father with a random stroke of Lei Fa back then, he didn't need to have any thoughts to kill this person who vaguely called Crane.

bang bang!

My heart hurts!


While the long knife fell down.

Zhang Linchuan suddenly became alert——

He shouldn't have been killed!

With a backhand grab, he grabbed the remnant soul and wanted to stuff it back into his body.

But it's too late.

Fang Heling's severed head was laughing wildly. After completing all the "missions", he could finally laugh wildly: "Fenglin's trash is responsible for Zhang Linchuan's death!!!"

The blood in the eyes was still there, but the light was dimmed.

He is dead.

But Zhang Linchuan's pale body of bones began to bleed!

The blood spread all over his limbs, on his face, and even on his inanimate way!

What is Remnant Sword Art?

It is the most vicious and evil sword.

The so-called "the sky is broken and the earth is short of people".

The so-called "separate one part of the soul, two parts of the bone, three parts of the flesh, and four parts of the blood. Use the body as a furnace, and use your life as a fire."

It is known as "born with a hole in the sky, and when you move, you will swim and crack the earth!"

It is a taboo technique in the flying sword era!

Even Yan Chunhui, who stands on the top of the extraordinary, calls this technique a "fierce sword".

With Fang Heling's talent, it was too much force to use this sword.

It can even be said that even if he paid everything, he would not be able to pay the price of the taboo sword.

And with the help of Wang Changji, he used the secret method of "Life and Heart" which originated from the supernatural power of hatred, and linked the broken sword technique with his own life. Killing is like killing a sword.

That is to say——

Zhang Linchuan, who killed him, must bear the price of using the complete broken swordsmanship!

What Zhang Linchuan is suffering now is the backlash from the complete broken swordsmanship!

For the first time, he felt angry in a real sense. He was hurt by Ge Fei and frustrated by Jiang Wang. He could accept all of these. But he was angry that he was hurt by an incompetent person! The right hand was clenched tightly, and the power was blurred out, and Fang Heling's remnant soul had been locked into the lifeless cage, making him suffer forever.

However, even in that transparent cage, Fang Heling's remnant soul was in so much pain that it was on the verge of collapse...but it was still laughing! Laughing maniacally!

Rumble rumble!

The sky is filled with thunder and lightning as vast as a sea.

Is that Lei Chi supernatural power?

How could there be such a vast thunder pond!

It's as if the sea covers the world, and the infinite water drops are electric lights!

Bu Zhoufeng opened up Tianque, Samadhi True Fire burned through the rules, Lei Chi replaced Heaven's punishment... This inanimate world was invaded bit by bit!

Zhang Linchuan's bloody and white body gradually solidified, and the state of "no life and eternal life, neither thought nor existence" has been broken under internal and external difficulties.


The sound of pages turning rapidly was deafening.

There is a beautiful arc between the sky and the earth, and a sharp sword pierces through the sky... The Inanimate Dao Sutra was shattered into white flying debris all over the sky.

His way is cut off!


The frosty and irregular wind killed the ripples in time and space.

So the soul has nowhere to escape.

And his neck was strangled, tightly strangled by Wang Changji.

Death is at hand!

Zhang Linchuan felt this realization again.

Did the fourth catastrophe end in this way?

"Then, the body will be returned to you." Zhang Linchuan still maintained his dignity in the end, and said calmly: "Brother Jiang, Brother Wang, two old friends, we will meet again."

"I will find you." Wang Changji just said so.

With a strong hand, the neck of this holy body of white bones has been pinched.

The body that was coveted by the Bone God, robbed by Zhang Linchuan, and killed by Wang Changxiang himself...Of course he will not want it again.

And Jiang Wang also pressed his palm tacitly, burning this body in red flames, using the real fire of Samadhi to burn this so-called divine body cleanly, and also burned all the shadows left by Zhang Linchuan on this body. hand.

Black snow began to fall from the sky.

The empty, lifeless world began to collapse.

In the end, Jiang Wang and Wang Changji stood facing each other in silence, and between them hung a cage made of pale bone pillars. Fang Heling in the cage twitched in pain, but smiled as he watched Zhang Linchuan disappear.

Although he was killed by Zhang Linchuan first.

The soul enters the prison of lifelessness, suffers forever, and never dies.

"I'll give you a good time." Wang Changji said softly, "Do you have anything to say?"

At this last moment, Fang Heling endured the pain of thousands of ants eating his heart and cutting his flesh, but turned his head to look at Jiang Wang: "I want to ask..."

He twitched and forcibly finished the sentence: "You guys used to...before I became a demon...why did you hate me so much?"

Jiang Wang didn't think that this was the last thing he cared about, and without much hesitation, he said honestly: "Actually, we never seemed to hate you before. At least for me. The only time was when Pengju died. When you are very proud."

Even in the state of a soul, Fang Heling's eyes were blood-colored, and he looked at Jiang Wang so scarlet: "Then why every time I want to follow you, you don't want to take me?"

Jiang Wang thought for a while: "I just think that you are still young, you shouldn't fight with us, and... go to the brothel."

"Do you still remember that once... I was holding a jug of wine and wanted to toast with you, but Fang Pengju threw me out."

Jiang Wang thought about it seriously, but still said: "I have no impression."

Fang Heling was stunned for a moment.

Those imaginations that made him miserable had never become waves for others. Some things don't have deep meaning, but he thinks too much.

At this time, he didn't seem to be able to feel the pain brought to him by the Wusheng Prison.

Feelings become blurred.

But some long and distant conversations sounded clearly in my ears——

"Go, go, what do children drink? Du Er Er, if you dare to drink Heling's wine, I will pull out your beard today!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

"Why are children joining in the fun? Is killing people fun? Go back!"

There are many pictures in my mind.

Some are clear, others are blurry.

Do people really remember their whole life before they die?

Fang Peng lifted the lonely corpse.

Huang A Zhan's severed head.

Uncle Li cursed angrily across the array.

And finally... the father's body scorched black by lightning.

"I really...damn it."

He muttered like this, looking at Wang Changji, his eyes were already waiting for a happy moment.

Wang Changji then raised his hand.

He whispered again, like the little boy hiding behind Fang Pengju back then, timidly and anxiously asked: "When I die, see my father, see Uncle Li, can I say that I am not a waste?" ?”

Wang Changji always tells the truth.

The truth is, you are dead. The present remnant soul immediately disappeared. After you die, you won’t see your father, you won’t see your Uncle Li, you won’t see anything after you die, nothing. The source pool was empty.

But this time, Wang Changji didn't say that.

He just said: "I think it is possible."

Fang Heling closed his eyes, tears streaming down his face: "Brother Wang, take me home."

Then, together with the lifeless cage, it was crushed by Wang Changji.

No wind, no fog, white smoke curling up.

Jiang Wang didn't speak, neither did Wang Changji.

After a period of gestation, this collapsing inanimate world opened a portal where the light flowed, and they walked in side by side.


It's hard to understand what a nether world is if you haven't really been to the nether world.

The so-called "unawareness of feeling, senselessness of the five senses, no tears of sorrow, no heart of hatred, it is called the nether world" (in "Chao Cangwu")

Nether is a world without consciousness, so the first thing to do when entering the Nether world is to adapt to the rules of Nether and re-establish "perception" for yourself.

Of course, for monks who come to God, spiritual knowledge can completely complete this process.

Nether is also the way to the source pool, the largest camp in the dead wilderness. So it is not a pure world of the dead, it still has the fire of life and the light of civilization.

Lu Yan has longed for the nether world for too many years.

But never visited.

At first it was lack of strength, but later it was afraid to approach.

Until this time, Zhang Linchuan passed on his "Paper Clothes Replacement Soul Method".

He has no resentment towards Zhang Linchuan, and of course there is no loyalty. From the beginning to the end, they are just a cooperative relationship that each takes what they need.

Although he has paid a lot, his "needs" have not been obtained until now.

He has carefully inspected it many times and confirmed that there is no problem with this secret method. Only dare to put on "paper clothes" and sneak into the nether world.

Nether is not so easy to enter, he does not have Zhang Linchuan's ease in and out, the entrance he chose is a rare and weak place in this world - he has prepared for this day for too long.

His desire is certainly not worth mentioning, his love is certainly as light as a feather, and his efforts are certainly insignificant. But everything he does has an end...

He still walked step by step to today, and he became a god, and he came to the netherworld.

Where is the soul of his dead wife, he doesn't know.

He is trying one by one of the 371 secret methods he has collected to find his wife.

He had to be careful, because Nether was too dangerous a place. The evil bone god will never let him go, and the ghost god is not the only one. None of them are good stubble.

When he tried the 323rd secret method, his eyeballs suddenly moved, and the secret method had a weak induction!

Lu Yan was ecstatic, but the next moment, the eyeball exploded out of the eye socket!

At this moment, the world is spinning, and the five senses are confused.


he groaned.

At this moment he understood——

There is indeed no problem with the "Paper Clothes Replacement Soul Method", the one who has the problem is himself!

During the long relationship in the past, his body has long been planted by Zhang Linchuan. After enshrining the Wusheng Sutra for a period of time, his soul has long been polluted by the Wusheng God Lord. Zhang Linchuan really left the last escape route for himself, and unfortunately, he is that escape route!

In the violent power fluctuations, under the hiss of pain.

Lu Yan's only remaining eye suddenly turned white. It was because he was using the power of his natural dark eye to resist, but it turned black again the next moment.

"Look...find..." Lu Yan finally struggled and shouted, pointing a direction with trembling index finger.

"Okay, I promise you." He said again.

The next moment, the body had recovered its calm. With a hand, it grabbed the eyeball that exploded out of the eye socket, and slowly pushed it back into the eye socket.

"This body..."

Zhang Linchuan, who had exhausted his last backup, moved his limbs and felt a little uncomfortable. Too stupid body, too rough training, this physical body is too poorly developed.

But today, he has no other choice.

He treasured this last life replacement very much. It was originally intended to be left to a key person who could affect the world, or to find his own body. He naturally prepared other ways to withdraw into the nether world.

But in the previous battle, Wang Changji blocked his non-living world, and Jiang Wang cut off his way and shattered his non-living scripture.

The layers of dark hands he left in the holy body of bones were also burned clean by the real fire of samadhi.

Wang Changji and Jiang Wang didn't even have the slightest covetousness for that holy body created on top of the peak!

No desire is rigid, no omission is feasible.

As a last resort, he can only wrong the Dharma King who has followed him for a long time, and use this body to replace him, and he is in the netherworld. In this way, all causes and effects in this world are cut off, and everything starts all over again.

He will never bow to God's will, never fear failure.

He always has the courage to start over.

Because he has nothing to go to now.

Turning all kinds of information about the Nether world in his mind, Zhang Linchuan roughly judged the position, chose a direction, and turned his eyes to move forward.

This direction is completely opposite to the direction Lu Yan was pointing at before his consciousness disappeared.

Yes, he promised Lu Yan...

Then what?

He also promised hundreds of thousands of believers to create an inanimate world of eternal happiness. As long as it can help to achieve the goal, he can answer anything, and he dares to make any oath.

He never cared about other people's stories. It doesn't matter if that person's name is Yuetu, Jiang Wang, Lu Yan, or something else.

He will not tell his story to others.

It does not need.

The sympathy, approval, worship, or contempt, disgust, and hatred of the weak... are really meaningless things.

Except when absorbing Shinto beliefs, he would never care about these.

His steps are not heavy, and he never lets the past bind him. For the truly strong, no matter how great the failure, the pain should be short-lived, because the continuation of the pain is equivalent to prolonging the failure.

He just looks forward and walks up high.

There are still infinite possibilities in the future. In the nether world, he can also start his new life.

Perhaps it should be based on the authority of bones...

But the footsteps stopped again.

Because in front of him, there happened to be a portal of flowing light.

And two old friends who had just met not long ago walked out of it.

It's really where we don't meet each other in life!

I thought about goodbye, but I didn't expect to come so soon.

At this moment, Zhang Linchuan's mind flashed endlessly, and he instantly opened the blocked scene in Lu Yan's memory——

It was in front of a clear stream.

With a splash, Lu Yan threw a doll into the stream.


Just across the creek, there was a fisherman with a rod, who looked over calmly and detachedly: "I said, you scared my fish away."

The screen shattered as soon as it rolled.

Even Lu Yan himself did not remember this memory. So he was not caught by Zhang Linchuan immediately.

It turned out that at that time, Wang Changji had already caught up with Lu Yan, so he also had tricks on Lu Yan.

That is to say, Wang Changji could actually get rid of Zhang Linchuan earlier, no matter if he borrowed the power of real people from Jing Guo, Wei Guo, or Mount Sumeru, as long as he gave enough information, he would die at that time. But what Wang Changji wanted was for him, Zhang Linchuan, to die completely!

So after he has turned all his cards and made all his efforts, he will come out again!

It turned out that Jiang Wang had been running around behind him all this time, waiting for the intersection of the two lines of light and darkness. The tacit understanding between him and Wang Changji was earlier and deeper than expected!

turn out to be!

This is his first catastrophe, which involves life and death, and it still dates back to Yanyun Mountain at the earliest...

Dao Xin is as firm as Zhang Linchuan, and his eyes are in a trance for a moment.

It turned out that his nine-kalpa method against God's will, in fact, the first kalpa has not been completed yet!

So what is the courage to tease the real people from all directions and challenge the powerful from all over the world?

So what is the means of destroying the country and stirring up the world?

So what is the ambition of going through the six calamities together, daring to be an enemy of the world, and daring to fight for God's will?

Everything is empty!

Good fortune tricks people, good fortune tricks people.

Only today do I know why so many heroes and unrivaled powerhouses can't help but sigh like this idiot!


Zhang Linchuan raised his eyes suddenly.

Even if the heroes of history are turned into ashes, even if the princes and generals die, I will not accept it!

In this life, I only walk the path of being the strongest, and I only seek the name of being the strongest.

Throughout history, no one is like me!

With Lu Yan's body who has not yet adapted, no matter which one of Wang Changji and Jiang Wangzhong he faces, there is no possibility of winning.

Zhang Linchuan has always been a very sober person, so he can see the reality clearly, seeing that there is no way forward or backward.

But he still opened his arms, his long hair fluttered, and his whole body was full of lifeless white energy. He charged at the two people at the same time in a gesture of hugging——

"Now in my world of no birth, I can enjoy the blessing of no birth! The life of no birth! The salary of no birth!"

At this moment, he jumped high and leaped into the sky.

Consciousness transcends the barriers of time and space and leaps into the unknown.

He used the supreme lifeless mysterious method to burn his way, light up his divinity, and cross the river of fate by force, in order to have a glimpse of his possible future!

But all he saw was a complicated and splendid star map that filled his field of vision.

Up, down, left, right, front, back, no matter which direction he looks, what he sees is a complicated star map.

Ruan Yu, the True Monarch of the Gua Dao, has already blocked his future.

He has destroyed the past, lost the present, and truncated the future.

At this moment, his eyes were tearing apart.

Then a pair of dark eyes really split open, exploding out a terrifying paste, covering a hideous old face. There are still thunders jumping in the eye sockets, like two small thunder ponds.

All his ambition and determination are imprisoned in his body at this moment, and his legs cannot be lifted.

"Don't cross the threshold!"

While the frosty wind blew across the nether world, Jiang Wang simply advanced, raised his sword, and wiped across——

The old head is flying high!

Two parts of the corpses were all ignited with red flames, and the real fire of Samadhi was only a smoldering, the place was empty, not even a single ashes remained. Because I know too well, I burn too cleanly!

The netherworld, which should have been ignorant and unconscious, became a little sensual because of the brightly colored Samadhi real fire.

A great will walks through the gloom.

But the place is empty, and the two impolite visitors in this world have disappeared.

Come and go in a hurry, like a big dream.



Autumn is over.

On the window sill facing the lake, the spring scenery is still in full bloom.

In Xiaoxiaoshuang's mind, the bonsai full of flowers and branches seemed a little sparse, as if recalling the irretrievable time.

Shuofang uncle Bao Yi stood in front of the window sill with his hands behind his hands, and sighed: "Feihe Lake, Feihe Lake, I have never seen a crane soaring to the sky."

"It's simple." Bao Zhongqing, who had just walked in, said with a happy face: "Tomorrow, my son will catch a group of cranes for his father, and tell them to show them to his father one by one."

Uncle Shuo, who had a gentle face, didn't say that, but said, "What's the matter with you?"

"Yuzhi has been born!" Bao Zhongqing said joyfully, "Your grandson is extremely healthy! It's cold outside, and he didn't dare to take his son out. Father, why don't you go and have a look?"

Bao Yi still looked at the mist in the distance, and said after a long time: "I'm afraid you're not just talking about this."

Bao Zhongqing scratched his head, looking a little embarrassed, but still smiled brightly: "Father, the son is already a father, and he should have his own career. Look at Yan Leijun..."

"Do you know what a father is?" Bao Yi asked suddenly.

Bao Zhongqing was stunned for a moment, and responded quickly: "Naturally, like you, report to the imperial court, go down to the people, stand upright, this is my father!"

"The word 'father' is described in its shape, teaching by holding a stick, and labor by holding an axe." Bao Yi turned around, his eyebrows raised slightly, and the feeling of wealth and smoothness changed instantly. Cheng Guo resolutely said, "I'm not a good father. I didn't educate you well, and I didn't protect Bozhao well."

Bao Zhongqing's face changed: "Father, what does this mean?"

Bao Yi didn't speak again. He just stretched out his hand, caressed Bao Zhongqing's face, and then just...pressed it down.

The three-day wither on the window sill is still in full bloom.



"Wow wow~"

The baby in the cot, crying loudly,

Miao Yuzhi, the daughter of the sheriff of Cangzhu County, was lying on the big bed with a numb face.

She was not surprised that her husband ran to his father-in-law to demand power the first time he saw his son. Of course it's not sad.

She also knows how to laugh, and she laughs happily.

But there is no one around at the moment, so there is no need to force it.

She lay quietly on the bed, a little dazed.

Sometimes I think of when I was very young, I wore shofar braids and ran on the field where flowers bloomed and butterflies flew.

Sometimes I think back to... the teenage hero who tiptoed through the crowd.

Who stole those carefree times?

In a trance, she seemed to hear a child's voice, and the child was saying——

"Mother, mother, my dear mother."

"Bob Zhao died silently, and Bao Zhongqing married unwillingly."

"No one has ever asked you whether you are willing or not, whether you are happy or not.

"Mother, my dear mother..."

She felt that she must have misheard, and turned her head weakly to look at the baby on the crib, still crying.

She closed her eyes tiredly and held back her tears.

Because of this, she didn't see——

The eyes of the crying baby on the small bed suddenly turned pale!




【End of this volume】

[Thank you for your company, we have completed another journey together. "Life is full of wind and rain, am I walking alone?"

Rest for five days, and we will see you on the next journey. 】

This chapter has 12,000 words, of which 4 chapters are added for "Pure Entertainment Lin" of the Silver League (4/10)!

I probably won't be writing a testimonial tomorrow.

I'll probably lie down for a few days.

I wish you all the best.

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