Red Heart Survey

Volume VIII Summary and Reflections

Today is the first day of rest.

I went to have my teeth cleaned, and like everyone who went to have their teeth cleaned, I had three teeth filled by the way.

I have been reading book reviews yesterday, Zhang said that it broke through a thousand in half an hour, and now it is 3800+.

Rave reviews.


I feel relaxed.

Before opening this volume, I said that I hope the stories in this volume will be liked by everyone. Of course, this is my highest expectation and the direction of my greatest efforts.

But at the same time, I also said that I can write about Buddhism and health preservation——

My original expectation was to change four thousand times a day, change according to the situation, and be a happy waste, a heartless handsome boy, not a fat man with edema and a depressed dead house.

So I tell everyone again and again, let's raise books, let's raise books.

But I didn't expect to be persuaded. The follow-up subscription has been hovering between 18,000 and 20,000, and when the volume was closed, the highest rushed to 24,000.

As soon as I open my eyes every day, there are 20,000 genuine readers waiting for updates.

It was as if twenty thousand pairs of eyes were looking at me from the void, telling me, Ash, you have to hold on.

I can almost feel Wang Changji's feeling... "Since then, he has been watching the gods."

Every time I want to indulge, I turn on the computer with shame.

I failed to make this volume a waste.

But overall... about happy.

I was very nervous to write this volume, because the exhaustion from the previous volume has not dissipated, and my emotions are still at the bottom, but the writing difficulty of this volume is very, very high.

This is a volume that keeps filling holes, basically from the beginning to the end. Compared with the pit filling of the Fuyao volume, this volume is even more insane, pulling out many hidden threads, lighting them up together, and setting them off as fireworks for everyone to see.

Bone God...

Zhang Linchuan...

Completed the details of the Qixia War, further supplemented the world view, and enriched the history...

For example, the background of the battle of Jingmu and the war of Jingguo’s westward expansion, which can only be skipped in the first volume, this volume also needs to explain the key details, so that the high emotions of the previous volume will not be just castles in the air.

If the difficulty of digging a hole is ten, the difficulty of filling it is one hundred.

It is easy to write an eye-catching picture, but how to fill in the details of the picture and how to fill in its cause and effect without damaging its style is very difficult.

For example, you can describe a wise man, saying that this man is very clever, planning the world, how awesome. With a few very stylish scenes, the image can be established.

But when you want to fill this pit. You have to kill a lot of brain cells, use your brain that is absolutely not up to the passing line of a wise man, to laboriously simulate that world, use the conditions in that world, and in a higher dimension, deduce some things that are impossible for you. The way you can think of. Of course, some writing skills are required to get you over intellectual barriers. But it can't be done easily.

Just imagine, when readers look forward to a business giant and how he will maneuver in the business competition, and finally reveal the secret, his method is to grab the official seal...

Another example is the sentence at the end, "The crying baby on the small bed, with a pair of black eyes, suddenly turned pale!"

It can be regarded as an eye-catching picture when it is released alone.

But how long have I been writing to let the reader know who this baby is, "frightened by what I know"?

For another example, in the battle of Qi and Xia in Shenlinjuan, I clearly wrote that there was a traitor in the upper echelons of the Xia Kingdom, which led to the defense system of Jianfeng Mountain in the eyes of Qi people.

How to fill this hole?

It is given in advance that there is Jixia Academy in Qi State, and Erdemi in Mu State, and it is repeatedly emphasized that Xia State has a Tiger Terrace, where two princes of Xia State are fighting for power.

Such a smart reader can easily infer that Xia Guohutai is also an existence equal to Jixia Academy. And the person in charge of Hutai who has never shown up is undoubtedly the high level of Xia Guo.

In this way, the candidate for the traitor can be accepted by readers.

Coupled with the fact that Hutai was outside the city of Guiyi, and the Qi army was approaching the city, it was indeed possible for Jiang Shu to conquer Sixuan's underground palace. It logically makes sense, and the style fits Jiang Shu very well.

In fact, there is no need to fill in this pit at all, because most readers have forgotten...

But this is called the character of the writer.

There are pits that must be filled.

Don't fill, don't dig.


It may be due to the difficulty of writing, or it may be due to bad mood and poor spirit.

The exhaustion in the writing of the first volume continued.

Since the first chapter, I haven't saved any manuscripts, and I have been in the situation of not having any manuscripts for a long time.

This made me feel hugely insecure.

It seems to be walking on the edge of a cliff, and there is a danger of stepping into the air at any time.

Thousands of plots have been woven up to the present... This book is too difficult to write down.

I find it incredible that I still get up at 8:30 every day, write and think, and write until ten o'clock in the evening. There are still only 4,000 words, and there is no way to save the manuscript?

I have tried many ways to regulate myself, but all failed without exception.

The first step to happiness is that you can write 4,000 words quickly and then go out to play.

but i can't...

I am very good at comforting myself.

For example, when I go to bed at night, I make up my mind to write 8,000 words the next day, send 4,000 words, and save 4,000 words.

After finishing the update the next morning, I felt... In fact, 6,000 words is also quite good, and I can save one day after writing for two days!

When writing at night... 4,000 words is good, and you are great if you keep updating it! Go to bed first, and wake up tomorrow!

So again and again, salted fish salted fish.

For another example, when Kiki got the first silver.

I said that the problem is not big, it is nothing more than a debt, and one day when I am in good condition, I can easily tick it off.

When Big Brother Qiqi left a wronged message to remind him to update, I hurriedly explained to him in the book review area that because the author is too fast and has a lot of debts, this debt repayment has to be queued up... already scheduled!

Who knew that Qiqi didn't read the message, and the next day there was another silver, and she left a message asking why there was no update.

I'm in a hurry, listen to my explanation, look at my explanation, why do you pay for silver when you disagree?

Quickly explained to Qiqi in the comment area, and asked the operation to help reply and explain.

Boss Qiqi still didn't see it, and then another silver!

Everyone in the alliance group is condemning me, why is it so arrogant to intercede, and I am so indifferent to the boss.

I was really embarrassed, my head was hanging from the beam, and my ass was pierced, and I hurriedly drove the big guy's Jia Geng out. Fearing that the speed would be slow, Big Boss Qiqi brought some more silver.

I just breathed a sigh of relief after returning the big brother Qiqi's Jiageng.

Our Golden League jumped out and asked me loudly why Qiqi jumped in line? ! And he, Qin, joined the Silver League last year, and Gagen hasn't returned it yet...

So this is what it feels like to be on fire in the harem?

I explained to him that Boss Qiqi doesn't read messages and doesn't join groups. I can't explain it, so I can only reply with Jiageng, so as not to hurt the big brother's heart.

Mr. Qin said - I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen.

God, who can tell me, I am obviously working hard every day, and I feel that I am paying off my debts every day, why my debts have not been paid off? !

There is no other way, I tried my best to pay back Mr. Qin and the Silver Committee...

Obviously decided to lie flat, but finally started sit-ups...

To be honest, the readers' support for this novel cannot be overstated no matter how hard the author works.

A novel with 4,000 words updated every day, during the serialization of this volume, it also made it into the top ten of the overall list twice. They can't make up a monthly ticket by reading Chixin, and they have to read other books to support Chixin. What kind of spirit is this!

Your love is so intuitively expressed here, and my intentions are also in the lines of this novel.

I have always been ashamed to talk about writing skills, just for fear of misleading my children. But today I want to talk to you.

Let’s talk about what I do to make everyone believe in this world and to make it have a "sense of reality".

The first is the sense of existence and weight of history, and the second is the sense of flow and development of the world.

One is forward. One is backward.

History is everywhere. It is what happened in the world in the past, and to a large extent, must also affect the present. It cannot be just a background board, just a thin piece of paper. It should be more three-dimensional than anything, more real than anything.

For this reason, I did a lot of detail filling, in the corners and corners of the story development.

For example, Qiao Yanjun is synonymous with rich women in Qi State, for example, all kinds of delicacies in Chixin World, for example, Er Fengming scolded Jiang Wang, and scolded Lingyang Hou during Emperor Wu of Qi.

Not to mention emperors with a strong sense of existence such as Emperor Qi Wu, emperors like Emperor Xia Xiang who have made great achievements in vain. Readers can also see his influence from many details of Xia Kingdom.

And an Emperor Liang Min who only exists in the history books, an incompetent king, the last emperor, when his sword "Red Talisman" appeared in the hands of Jiange disciples. Do you there really such a person in history?

This is the ubiquity of history and the weight of history.

The reality of the world lies in [flow], that is, a sense of development and participation.

For example, after I wrote the gift of the master, Zhong Xuanzun chatted with his father.

Just to portray the two characters and describe the father-son relationship between Master Mingguang and Brother Zun, my writing requirements for this dialogue are "interesting dialogue" and "distinctive personality".

But in addition to meeting the writing requirements of the story frame and characterization, I have other thoughts on it.

During the conversation, Uncle Mingguang shamelessly asked his son to do things for him, buy the house that the neighbor refused to sell, and let him get through it so that he can enjoy life.

As a portrayal of the father-son relationship, this dialogue is appropriate.

But not long after, the yard was really bought and opened up. In the writing, it is just a passing, less than ten words. Ninety-nine percent of readers will not pay attention to such details. Even now I can't remember exactly where I ticked it off.

But as long as a reader notices these words, the reality of the world will emerge.

Because you will find that the world is really flowing. People in this world are really living their own lives and having their own stories happen.

Same here.

When Jiang Wang was desperate in the maze world.

Yin Guan is also fighting to the death for the inheritance of the fairy palace.

Uriel is also carrying old cases, walking on the verge of life and death.

Our perspective is on Jiang Wang. But the latter two stories are also happening. But they can only be proved by a few words long after the matter is over.

The world is fluid.

Where the author did not write and readers did not see, there are still many stories happening in this world. We can daydream as much as we want.

A vast fairy world, it is only flowing, developing, with history and future, it is not enough, it also needs texture.

Where is the texture? What should be the truest reality of a novel world?

I think it's originality.

As small as poems, songs, Fumen, and Shu Guoshu, as large as a unique practice system, endless paths of practice, figures who continue to promote the world, and a history with sufficient thickness.

I am shallow, and I am arrogant. Everything has to be written and created by oneself.

In order not to let my shallowness affect the world, those original classics in Chixin usually only show half-clawed sentences. But just a few sentences, I have to ponder how long.

I can't tell you it's a classic, but the excerpted sentence is "Look at this bowl, it's big and round."

I can only rack my brains, pondering over and over again, in a daze for a while, waiting for the gift of inspiration.

What are "Great Xia Local Chronicles", "Five Penalties General Theory", "Shimen Binglue", "Strange Beast Chronicles", "Xian Fang Jing".

What about "Chao Cangwu" and "You Sheng Bi Tan".

What are "Jingxu Xianger Ji" and "Mingshan Nine Hexagrams".

What "Bodhisattva Sutra" and "Bodhisattva Notes".

Even the "No Life Sutra", "Three Hearings and Three Buddha Letters", and even a beast mask show on the grassland...

Even "The Sword of History"!

Friends, can you feel the huge amount of work involved?

In the vast and boundless present world, there are countries in the world, each country has different environments, different political ecology, different histories and characters, as well as the "crystallization of wisdom" of the sages scattered in this world, and many classic works.

This is not at all what a novelist should do.

And I want to fill these in addition to the excitement of the story and the portrayal of the characters.

If you read these seriously.

you will find out.

Qing He Zhi Shi is also a very curly writer, but he is not concerned with the number of words.


I always feel that my creative life will not be very long.

Because it consumes too much ego.

If someone observes the state of my writing, they will probably feel that I am a psychopath.

Because I often talk to myself, I often imitate the words and actions of the characters in the novel. When I was writing about the excitement of the plot, I made a crackling sound when I hit the keyboard, as if the keyboard was broken, the characters in the book could also smash the opponent.

I respect every character in the story, and I never hesitate to show the charm of any one person.

I respect their paths, be honest about their choices, and let them collide freely.

The main line of Chixin Sky Survey is definitely not Jiang Wang's personal revenge, or in other words, it is just one of the bright lines. From the beginning to the end, what I want to explain is this complete world of Xianxia. Therefore, I put a lot of effort into approaching every piece of the historical puzzle and clarifying the outline of every part of the world.

If I have to describe it, my writing is "knitting sweaters". A lot of thread ends are entangled together, constantly entangled, and advance separately, and finally form a whole picture.

For example, when Zuo Guangshu and Xiong Jingyu chatted in the garden of Huaiguo Gongfu, my writing request for that scene was to outline a beautiful family through the description of these two people, so as to make their memories deeper and their emotions more vivid. strong. It is about the mother and son, and it is about the family of the Duke of Huaiguo.

And one of them is the Golden Feather Impatiens. By the way, the contradictions of the Bao brothers were mentioned.

I had already thought about the ending of Bao Bozhao and Bao Zhongqing very early on, but it was only at that moment that I began to outline it. In a completely unrelated plot.

Looking back at the entire Chixin Sky Survey, this is true in many places.

I try to juggle everything, wanting every word to have multiple meanings, multiple responsibilities.

Let readers read back from this line to be complete, to read back from that line to be complete, each line is very clear, and they are all intertwined, it is such a serious story.

But the problem that arises from this is-

There are limits to what an author can do.

It is impossible for the author to completely jump out of "knowledge" and the author's cognition to fully understand the reader's perspective.

Although I finish writing each chapter, I have to read it intensively. But I often read things that I would stop and appreciate repeatedly, and I thought they were subtle, but in fact, I couldn't give readers immediate feedback at the time. Its wonderful, much later, in the author's own mind.

Just like that pot of golden feather impatiens.

The pot withered in three days.

Its true beauty can only bloom in front of you after "Cranes Soaring to the Sky" is completed.

It is also impossible for the author to take care of everything and do everything the best.

I have always been annoyed when I was writing Zhengshengdian, when Yue Leng, Li Yougui and Jiang Wang got along, I wanted to take care of too many details, but because of my bad mental state, the writing was vague and boring, and I couldn't stand the part of watching.

I also can't forget some of the plots that I had to cut at the end of God's Promise due to my bad mood and lack of energy. Among them is the line between Chen Zeqing and Wang Yiwu. It was originally intended to pull Wang Yiwu back from the gradually marginalized situation, and also to plump up the character of Chen Zeqing by the way. Thinking that they can still have a role in the future, so I made a choice and allocated the little energy to the Xia people...

There are too many great characters in the novel.

The author is indeed a weak mortal.

But I still have to take care of it, and I still have to try my best to maintain emotional stability, ensure a good body and a good spirit, and push everything in this world forward.

Because any piece is missing, it is not the one I wrote in the introduction, "The World of Xianxia with So Much Love".


I don't regret you leaving either.




By the way, forgot to report to everyone. The current average order of the Chixin Sky Survey is 19,500. I have a bold idea - I don't know if I can reach 20,000 when I accept the leave?


Thank you to all the readers who supported me and gave me strength.

Thanks to all the readers who accompanied Jiang Wang to explore this fairy world.




The name of the next volume is——

"Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in the Water".

I also hope that it can be liked by everyone.

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