Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1737 Evil

The floating clouds are far away in the sky, and they dare not disturb each other.

The mountain road is strict and has its own rules.

Under the unbiased sunlight, there was a majestic figure in a purple marquis suit, with his sword straight on his back, climbing up the steps.

Between heaven and earth, he has a unique style.

The mountain wind blew over the corner of his robe, and it was a little docile, like a ray in the clouds. Rushing away, bumping into the ritual stone standing like a guard beside the mountain road. With a tidy, grave sound—




The prestige stone, which deters lawlessness and maintains the prestige of Tianxingya, does not make this person small. On the contrary, it resounds in the heaven and the earth, and it should be in harmony with its actions, as if it is strong.

Go forward, go high.

There are thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, where can't it work?

Beneath the dharma stele that stretches up to the sky, stands an extraordinary woman.

In terms of facial features alone, her appearance is not outstanding.

But she has an air of distinction.

The crown she wears on her head is no more solemn than her eyes.

The ceremonial clothes on her body will not be more majestic than her own.

She is serious, detached from the colorful, and does not flatter all living beings.

She is unique, examining the world she sees, and pursuing the principles she perceives, like ritual stones, like mountain winds.

It would be too vulgar to describe her with worldly aesthetics.

Her beauty is beyond common perception.

At this moment, she is here to greet those who come here, and to the honored guests who came from afar, with a respectful salute——

"The Marquis of Wu'an traveled far and hard... Zhuo Qingru, Judi Palace, is waiting here."

Jiang Wang, the Marquis of Wu'an in the Great Qi Dynasty, spread out his big sleeves and cupped his hands in return: "It turns out that it is Miss Zhuo. I have seen the words before, and I already have a spiritual understanding. Today, I am lucky to meet my real face, and my demeanor is more than I imagined!"

Today, wearing a sapphire crown with flowing light and clear shadows and a robe of nine pythons with mountains and rivers thousands of miles away, compared to his usual calm and peaceful appearance, he is a bit more prestigious and dignified.

Zhuo Qingru followed the etiquette sternly, and looked at Jiang Wang seriously: "It is probably conceivable that Zhuo is ugly in Marquis Wu'an's imagination."

Under Xiezhi's crown, her black hair is broken and hanging like strings.

The breeze passed by, and there was an embarrassing sound of the piano.

It was rare for Jiang Wang to say a few beautiful words to a strange woman, and his words were carefully considered. But Zhuo Qingru's reaction obviously didn't exist in any of his assumptions - if it was a sword fight, I would definitely count her as extremely dead.

"The scenery of Tianxing Cliff is really nice." Jiang Wang glanced at the sea level in the distance, then turned around and restarted the topic nonchalantly: "Miss Lao Zhuo is waiting for you."

Zhuo Qingru looked at him quietly for a while, and finally overlapped the person in front of him with the rumored Marquis Wu An of Qi State.

He opened his mouth and said, "The Marquis of Wu'an personally went to the danger, chased and killed the ancestor of the Wusheng Sect for thousands of miles, and wiped out a great harm for the world. Demo is great. Qingru just stood here for a while, how can he be called 'labor'?"

"The killing of Zhang Linchuan was not the work of Jiang Wang alone, and he dare not take it all on his own. If the Sanxing Palace hadn't announced the world and made Wu Shengjiao a street rat, how could Zhang Linchuan be driven into desperation?" Jiang Wang said, from the storage box He took out a thin book from the middle, and handed it out with both hands: "A good friend Lin Youxie was killed by Zhang Linchuan, and it became a shocking event in his life. I have thought about it for a long time, and I think that this inheritance should be passed on to those who can use it better. It has a greater effect. She had decided to come to the Sanxing Palace to study before she was alive, but unfortunately she couldn't make it... This matter started with Lin Youxie, and it will end with her."

Zhuo Qingru took the thin book, but saw that there were only two words written on the cover - Youxie.

Opening the cover, there is a line of small characters at the bottom of the title page, which reads: Co-authored by Lin Kuang and Ulie, Biography by Lin Youxie, Recorded by Jiang Wang.

The handwriting of this Marquis Marquis is not very good, but it is very strong, and the writing is sharp and serious.

She could almost feel how this famous young prince sat at the desk and copied the book stroke by stroke.

Zhuo Qingru respected the two names Lin Kuang and Ulie. Their contribution to the art of criminal names has long been recognized in the Three Criminal Palaces.

At this time, I opened the book seriously, and I only intended to glance at it to make a rough judgment on its value, but after looking at it, I was actually immersed in it.

For a long time, I concealed my words and was speechless for a while.

Legalism, as a prominent school in the world, is gaining an increasingly important position with the vigorous development of the state system and the rolling forward of the torrent of humanity.

As an important part of the legalist art, the art of criminal names has already become a very extensive and complicated knowledge until now.

Nine categories and eighteen subjects, from seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling, to hiding, searching, hooking, and revealing, there are five classics and seven classics, and countless kinds of secret techniques. It can be said that the predecessors have almost exhausted the magic of criminal names in every era.

However, with the continuous development of the practice world and the continuous innovation of various Taoism techniques, under the evolution of the times, it will inevitably have more possibilities.

And it's pretty obvious...

This "Evil" has grasped this contemporary possibility!

Born in the Jidi Palace, as a disciple of the great legalist master Wu Bingji, what kind of vision does Zhuo Qingru have?

She could fully see that this secret book handed down by Lin's family was qualified to become another classic of Xing Mingyi!

For ordinary practitioners, it does not provide any combat or practice value.

It can be said to be an invaluable treasure for legal disciples who specialize in the art of criminal names.

And for those victims who left with hatred for a long time and could not get the can it be measured by the word value?

Zhuo Qingru took a step back, and politely said: "On behalf of the Sanxing Palace, I would like to thank Lord Hou for gifting this book. The country will not change, and jade has its own quality. It will definitely become a classic of criminal names."

Jiang Wang turned away, not accepting the gift, and said quite seriously: "Jiang Wang doesn't have a single word of merit, so he dare not accept thanks. If the Three Xinggong wants to thank you, you can thank Master Lin Kuang, who wrote this book, and make up for it." Lord Uriel who finished this book, and Lin Youxie who inherited this book..."

He looked at Zhuo Qingru: "I have copied two copies of this autopsy book verbatim, one is left at the Capital Inspection Office, and the other is in your hands... On behalf of Lin Youxie, Send it to the Sanxing Palace. I hope that all the villains in the world can be bound by heaven and brought to justice."

Zhuo Qingru suddenly understood why Jiang Wang, who was rumored to not care much about pomp, came here in Huafu today.

It is precisely for this moment, for the solemnity of this sentence.

The book is titled "You Xie". It is not only "there is evil in the corpse, so test it", but also... "there is evil in thinking".

In the future, there will be tens of thousands of disciples of the Legalist school. Those who read this classic of criminal names must remember that there was once a policeman named Lin Youxie in this world.

"This book must be handed down to the world, and the name must not be changed." Zhuo Qingru promised earnestly.

Jiang Wang just stretched out his big sleeves: "In this way, I can feel at ease... Then I will leave."

Zhuo Qingru was surprised and said: "This book has a lot to do with it, so Master Hou put it in my hands so reassuringly, why don't you watch over it?"

Jiang Wang said: "In the past, Jiang's innocence was proved by the Sanxing Palace. The evil deeds of Wushengjiao this time are also proved by the Sanxing Palace. Jiang Wang completely believes in the rules of the Sanxing Palace, and also believes in Miss Zhuo's respect for the code of law. .”

Zhuo Qingru held the thin booklet in his hand, and said again: "The scenery on Tianxing Cliff is unique, isn't Marquis Wu'an in the mood to appreciate it?"

No matter what kind of hero you are, there is no one who comes to this Holy Land of the Legalists without being completely curious about it. After all, it has been standing in the wind and rain for many years, and it has always maintained the rules of the world. The so-called rule the sky, rule the earth, and punish people.

Jiang Wang pursed his lips, and said, "I've made my point, so I won't bother you."

After finishing speaking, he cupped his hands, turned around and walked down the steps.

Come here to Tianxing Cliff, dress up in rich clothes, climb up the stairs, and stop at the Fabei. Three palaces, one not seen. A high-ranking disciple of the Legalist school saw that Zhuo Qingru was just one person.

Just to give away a copy of "You Xie".



In the cage made of rune steel pillars, there is an old man wearing a cyclops sitting cross-legged.

Around him, the light and shadow of the lightning chains were entangled. His white hair hovered aimlessly in the air.

Suddenly, he opened his good eye.

There was some inexplicable pride in his eyes.

His voice pierced the cage: "That kid surnamed Jiang, finally remembered to visit me?"

A chiseled voice replied, "Marquis Wu'an of Qi State has indeed come to Tianxingya."

Appearing outside the cage with the voice was a middle-aged man in a robe. The facial features give people a very strong feeling. The most striking thing is his eyebrows. There is a white lightning pattern there, and the divine light is contained inside, which makes him even more majestic.

While he appeared.

The light and shadow of the lightning chains in the cage had disappeared, and the white hair hovering in the air of the one-eyed old man also fell down obediently again.

"Cough." The one-eyed old man brushed back his hair, and said in a very pompous manner, "Let that boy wait two hours, I, Yu Beidou, are not so easy to see."

The present-day live-action TV series who was born in the former Tiangong just glanced at the old guy in the cage and didn't speak.

"It's not just showing off." Yu Beidou explained seriously: "In our line of work, there must be a cadence, a seesaw. Do you understand the seesaw? Sometimes you are too easy to talk, and people don't believe it."

"Don't let us go." Ju Kui said, "I am a disciple of the Legalist family, how can I go with my master?"

"The great way of the world leads to the same goal by different routes. You can't figure it out, the real drama." Yu Beidou sighed inscrutablely, and said again: "You open the iron law cage, and let me tidy up myself, so that my little friend Jiang won't see it. Hurt."

"He left already."

"Yeah, this kid values ​​love and righteousness. Isn't this here... what?"

"I said." Ju Kui repeated: "Jiang Wang, Marquis of Wu'an in Qi State, indeed came to Tian Xing Ya, but he only brought his friend's relics. gone."

"Didn't you ask me? Are they from the underground palace? Didn't you know that I was in the Tiantian palace? It's understandable for you to keep secrets such as the suppression of blood demons, but Jiang Wang is not an outsider. I have the same heart with him, young and old. , fighting side by side, in Duanhun Gorge—”

"I never asked you." Ju Kui cut off on the spot.

Ju Kui is not one to joke.

So Yu Beidou remained silent.

After a long time, he said again: "Come, open the iron law cage."

"Uh, no one came to see you, why open it?" Ju Kui asked.

Yu Beidou got up while rolling up his sleeves, and said expressionlessly, "I'm going to kill that grandson."



On the way back to Qi State, Jiang Wang always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something, but he couldn't remember it.

It wasn't until he saw King Qin Guang of No Door to Hell who suddenly got into the carriage that he suddenly realized——

It turns out that what I forgot was the debt.

In order to kill Zhang Linchuan in the whole world, destroy him completely, he promised a huge reward and used a lot of connections.

Fortunately, Zhang Linchuan's head was beheaded by himself, and Wang Changji, who cooperated with him, did not need to be paid. Unfortunately, Zhang Linchuan has a total of six secondary bodies...

Although it is not enough to kill a side body, it will also cost 20,000 primordial stones. But too little is also useless.

It's okay to clearly mark the price, but the most difficult thing to repay is the debt of favor.

Fortunately, King Qin Guang was very considerate and didn't let Jiang owe favors. This was blocked outside the Tianxing Cliff.

The account book was all poked on Jiang Wang's face: "This is the account of the previous Hell No Door Action, please take a look at it, Grand Duke Marquis."

Jiang Wang tried to ignore it.

But Yin Guan is also very persistent.

After a confrontation like this for a while, Jiang Wang muttered dissatisfiedly, saying something like 'I didn't invite you'.

In Yin Guan's eyes, there was a dangerous green glow, and he said sinisterly: "The Marquis of Daqi means that you don't want to admit your public reward?"

Admit it, you still have to admit it.

After all, the Qingya Academy that Chong Xuansheng contacted did not catch that Yu Liangfu. If it wasn't for Yin Guan's action, Zhang Linchuan's secondary body really escaped.

"How much?" Jiang Wang asked.

Yin Guan raised his chin: "Look for yourself."

"Just tell me the number. I've known you for so many years. How can I not believe you?" Jiang Wang said, picking up the account book and looking at it carefully.

Looking at it, he frowned: "Kill a secondary body in the outer building... why are there so many people's appearance fees? One, two, three... all nine Yan Luos are dispatched?"

Yin Guan said very seriously: "That Yu Liangfu said that he was only in the outer building, but in fact it is very dangerous. You don't know the means of the true god. We chased him for tens of thousands of miles, and finally launched a big battle in Changhe. The sky was dark and the sun was dark. The moon has no light, and the rivers and seas are overwhelmed..."

"Did the Changhe Dragon Palace be alarmed?" Jiang Wang said coldly, "I hit Zhang Linchuan's body, but there was no such a big movement."

"Hey, that's not true. After all, we are still very powerful in Hell Wumen. We surrendered Yu Liangfu in time and didn't let him make more waves."

Jiang Wang's eyes slanted from the ledger: "I see why there is no King Biancheng on it? According to your style, all members should be sent out to earn appearance fees."

"If he is here, he will also appear." Yin Guan said solemnly: "After all, our style of doing things is to go all out and succeed. It is very risky to deal with a real god in the world."

"It has been cut down to the realm. It's just God Mao, and it's just a secondary body of the Outer Building Realm." Jiang Wang emphasized.

Yin Guandao: "But you can't deny it, he is very difficult to deal with. Look at that guy from Qingya Academy who is stupid in studying, he is also very good? Have you caught him?"

Jiang Wang admitted that Yin Guan had some truth in what he said.

So he said directly: "I have no money."

Yin Guan's eyes widened: "You say you have no money when the overlord of the country is a military meritorious prince? Isn't there a lot of salary every year!?"

Reaching out to pick out Jiang Wang's storage box: "Where's your salary?"

Jiang Wang opened his hand with a slap, and said confidently: "The emperor asked me to recite the book before, and if I couldn't recite it, I would be fined. This year's money has been deducted, and there is not much left for next year."

Yin Guan looked suspicious: "You can't even memorize a book?"

"The one that made me memorize is "The Sword of History"."

Yin Guan patted his thigh: "This Jiang Shu is too picky! Isn't this trying to deduct your salary?"

Jiang Wang glanced at him: "Respect our Majesty."

Yin Guan said again: "What about your other industries? Don't try to fool me, the chamber of commerce that you and that fat man co-founded makes a lot of money every year."

"Under the leadership of Chong Xuansheng, the chamber of commerce has been expanding and investing. I don't have much cash to mobilize. The primordial stones that were previously offered as rewards are all patchwork and mortgaged." Jiang Wang raised his right arm: " Paying out the reward for Wushengjiao is a lot of money. In addition to treating this arm... it also cost a lot."

Yin Guan was speechless for a while. "We dispatched nine Yamas!"

"I really don't have any money right now." Jiang Wang had no choice but to say something nice: "Give me some time."

"Give me a little." Yin Guan stared at him: "Who will rely on Yan Luo's account? Is it plausible to spread it?"

Jiang Wang simply took out his storage box and opened it: "Look, it's not that I don't give it to you. There are only a dozen yuan stones in my hand, and they were taken from friends when I went out this time. This point You don’t care about money either.”

Yin Guan stretched out his hand and put away all the thirteen primordial stones.

"It's okay if you don't have money."

He took the opportunity to collect the account book: "I will remember the rest for you, and it will be deducted from your salary next time."

Thank you for being the lord of this book, for the 365th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! Exactly the number of a year.

Thank you Dameng Pure Entertainment Lin for rewarding Xinmeng!

Thank you Dameng I love Qiqi 888 for the reward of Xinmeng!



It was said that it was a five-day vacation, and I wrote a summary on the second day, and I had to think about the outline in the middle, and I had to write a manuscript to prepare for an update on the fifth day...

I finished writing tomorrow's update right now, and suddenly thought, since I've been working all day, why don't I just update it? Those who didn’t know thought I was having fun! I won't say, who knew I worked so hard...

So start updating now!

Tomorrow's update is also at ten o'clock in the evening. Allow me to adjust and then return to the normal update time.

in addition--

My volume is really healthy.

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