Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1738

Jiang Wang took back the storage box helplessly, remembering that the first time he saw King Chu Jiang, he was also bleeding profusely - that time he asked Hell Wumen to help deal with Hai Zongming, but before Hell Wumen could make a move, he advanced Solve Hai Zongming.

The King of Chujiang just took a trip, and he pocketed fifty thousand yuan stones. Although counting it now, it was only a deposit of half a primordial stone, but for Jiang Wang at that time, it was already a waste of money.

Now that the power of Hell Wumen is expanding, the reputation is gradually rising, and the price is rising even faster.

He is already an overlord, but he can still be emptied by hell. Throwing out these thirteen primordial stones was only a fraction of the appearance fee.

"By the way, where is King Chujiang?" Jiang Wang thought of it, so he asked casually.

Of course Yin Guan would not tell him that Chujiang King took Yu Liangfu's head and went to Chu to collect a reward. He just said coldly: "Don't ask about the life of your peers, it's the survival rule of our profession."

"Don't be in our business." Jiang Wang stared at him and said, "I'm a majestic prince of Qi, how could I go with a killer? The mask of King Biancheng is just a mask to me, and I only kill people I want to kill. "

Yin Guan took the money, kept the account, and didn't bother with him, just said: "You say yes... See you later!"

With a body of green light, it has disappeared in the carriage, coming and going very simply.

Jiang Wang sucked his teeth and felt quite uncomfortable.

How come when you meet Yin Guan again and again, your wallet will be damaged?

In the galloping luxury carriage, Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi sighed.

Being in debt doesn't feel good.

Zhang Linchuan's gangster has six avatars in one toss. Besides being difficult to kill, it also makes Jiang's debts more and more headaches.

Sending "You Xie" to the Sanxing Palace can be regarded as the cause and effect of Lin Youxie and the Sanxing Palace.

Yu Liangfu's debt has already been recorded in Yin Guan's account, and he will pay it back slowly in the future.

That's okay to say.

Huang Sheli was the deputy of the patriarch of the evil sect, and directly mobilized troops to kill the prince of a country... This is a huge debt, and Jiang Wang couldn't think of how he could repay it.

You can say how weak the Gao country is, how strong the Jing country is, that killing cults is justified, that everyone is responsible, and so on. There are too many excuses... But you can't turn a blind eye to the friendship that others give.

In addition, Yang Chongzu of Qiao State was killed by whom, and when the Zuo family sent people to go, there was only a corpse left. The heads have all been cut off, and this debt obviously has a place to go, and he can only wait for someone to come to ask for it... I hope it can be settled with money.

Chong Xuansheng mobilized Qi's power overseas to suppress Li Daorong, the Whale Gang. In the end, this person fell into the hands of Diaohailou and was killed by Zhu Biqiong, paving the way for her reputation as a heavenly pride.

Jiang Wang's feelings towards Zhu Biqiong are complicated. Of course he has always regarded Zhu Biqiong as a good friend, and he fully believes in Zhu Biqiong's kindness towards him. However, Zhu Biqiong returned to Diaohai Tower and joined Gu Huaixin's family. With all kinds of grievances and entanglements intertwined, the two sides got along with each other, which was inevitably a little awkward.

Presumably this was also one of the reasons why Zhu Biqiong didn't see him the last time he went to sea.

Although Zhu Biqiong would probably not ask for anything in return for doing something for him, he couldn't rest easy on it, at least he would go to the offshore islands and thank him face to face.

As for that Luo Huanhuan who seeks truth by killing...

Qingyu is much richer than herself, so she doesn't have to give money. Of course gifts can be prepared.

It's just that Ye Zhenren has a bad temper, and he has to think of a way later, and it's almost like a trick. I heard that the holy beast A Chou, the protector of the Lingxiao Pavilion, also appeared on the stage, how will the appearance fee be calculated?

Oh, and Jiang Anan Jiang Xiaoxia.

Thinking of An An's heroic appearance of her first chivalry described in the letter, this appearance fee is even more thoughtful...

There are so many things going on here, even if Jiang Wang is witnessing the presence of God, he still feels quite troubled.

After giving orders from the guards of the Hou Mansion who accompanied him outside, he wanted to calm down and cultivate.

But at the next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes again.

The vigilance in his eyes turned into surprise: "Master Yu!"

Surprised, but also vigilant: "Who are you?"

Yu Beidou suddenly got into the carriage, his nose was not his nose, his eyes were not his eyes, and he said angrily, "Don't worry, I won't ask you to borrow money!"

"You really asked me to borrow it, but I don't have it either." Jiang Wangqian laughed twice and said, "I'm actually asking, what's wrong with your eyes...?"

Yu Beidou said eccentrically, "Your Majesty, is this a concern for the bad old man?"

"Look at what you said." Jiang Wang didn't understand where the old man's resentment came from, and said with a smile: "Aren't we forgetting the year? It's normal for me to care about you."

At this time, Yu Beidou was dressed neatly and well-fittingly, his hair was combed meticulously, and he had a certain immortal demeanor that even one eye could not hide.

But the expression is weird——

"Jiang, ask yourself, after Duan Hun Gorge, have you ever thought of me as a year-end friend?"

He has calculated Yu Beidou's ghosts and ghosts, and he is really wronged in his heart!

He has no relatives or friends in this world. The last nephew was also killed by him. The hexagram masters and fortune tellers who spy on fate in this world are all different from him.

Thinking that he had to bear the price of suppressing the blood demon alone, went to the Sanxing Palace, worked hard to clear Jiang Wang of the suspicion of possessing demons, proved Jiang Wang's innocence, and directly slapped Jing Guojing Shitai in the face... He worked so hard.

Isn't that because of the friendship formed in Duanhun Gorge?

As a result, he sat in the iron law cage of the Tiantian Palace for two years, and Jiang Wang didn't even ask a question!

Even the blood demon, there are always some disciples and messy believers who want to save him.

Yu Beidou is not as good as a blood demon!

Young people put their career first, and young people are busy with cultivation, he understands both.

But your surname Jiang has all gone to the Sanxing Palace, and you haven't heard from me for two years, and you don't even ask, what kind of grandson are you!

Seeing Yu Beidou rolling up his sleeves inexplicably, Jiang Wang rolled up his sleeves for him with discernment, and replied honestly: "I have thought about it, and I have thought of you several times."

For example, when Tu Hu dealt with Huan Mojun, for example, when Ruan Yi sent an old sword coin...

Yu Beidou wasn't sure if Jiang Wang's act of rolling up his cuffs was provocative, or if it meant "Come on, try to beat me up", so he decided to observe again.

Jiang Wang added: "For example, last time, when I chased and killed Zhang Linchuan, I planned to ask you for help in divination."

"Ha!" Yu Beidou sneered: "You are a majestic Marquis of Wu'an of Qi, and you need a fortune-telling. Instead of looking for your Qin Tianjian of Qi, you want to find this old man?"

He lifted his chin, and said with pride: "You have some vision!"

Jiang Wang smiled embarrassingly, and swallowed the phrase 'Jian Ruan didn't reply to my letter at that time': "You are the most powerful real person in the world, and I really can't think of anyone else."

Yu Beidou's beard was raised, but his hands were not polite, and he slapped Jiang Wangyin's hand, which was rolled up in his cuff, and snorted coldly: "There is something for Yu Beidou, nothing is for Zhuo Qingru."

Jiang Wang didn't understand why he suddenly mentioned Zhuo Qingru, and said honestly: "I also have business with Zhuo Qingru."

"I knew it!" Yu Beidou said angrily, "You don't get up early if you don't have any benefits, you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do, you are ruthless and righteous!"

Jiang Wang found that Yu Beidou's current state was very similar to the old dragon in Yuheng Xinglou, and he didn't know where the resentment of being confined for too long came from. Ordinarily, this real Yu spends his days playing games in the world, so shouldn't he be so resentful?

I couldn't help but rolled my eyes: "It's okay to go to the Three Treasures Palace? Is it okay for me to stay at home and practice? I can't practice Taoism or memorize books."

This makes sense, even Yu Beidou didn't know how to refute for a while, so he simply spread his hands with his cuffs rolled up: "Forget it, don't gossip. I haven't seen you for a long time, let the old man Come to test your practice, test you, and see how much you have improved!"

This sparring came so suddenly, Jiang Wang hurriedly said: "Wait—"


The soldiers of the Marquis of Wu'an guarding the carriage were vigilantly observing the environment along the way, when they suddenly saw their luxurious carriage falling apart, with light and shadows spinning and vitality surging!

These family soldiers had also fought with Jiang Wang on the battlefield, and joined the Marquis of Wu'an as personal soldiers after the war. At this time, seeing a shocking change, he immediately put on a fighting posture.

"Protect Lord Hou!" Fang Yuanyou, the leader of the guards, drew his sword and shouted, and was about to lead the team to charge in.

A beam of red light circled the carriage, forming an airtight mask, blocking the inside and outside. Marquis Wu An's muffled snort came from inside: "Don't be alarmed! It's just a discussion!"

The charge of the guards came to an abrupt end, looking at the completely opaque crimson mask, they looked at each other in blank dismay.


On the way back home.

Fang Yuanyou looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, holding the rein without squinting.

The sparring in the mask didn't result in any results. Not only could they not see what was going on inside, they couldn't hear the voices inside.

All I know is that the light and shadow in the mask changed violently for a long time. After the mask dissipated, Master Hou got into the auxiliary car and never came out again.

Who did Hou Ye compete with, he dared not ask.

He couldn't bear to lose the golden rice bowl that was served only after fighting his life in the Qi Xia battlefield.

It is right to be cautious in words and deeds.

But who was the brave, invincible and invincible Lord Hou who was locked up and beaten up... He was really curious!



"I'm really curious!"

Bai Yuxia, whose face is like a crown jade and whose skin is like cold snow, walks in the tall and wide hall.

Wearing filial piety made his temperament colder.

He looked at the ministers in the palace, at many 'uncles' he was familiar with, and even at the king of Yue on the dragon chair.

"Who can tell me why the Marquis Wu'an of the Qi State has already warned in advance, and why the Wusheng Patriarch can come and go freely in our Yue State?"

"Why is the master of the famous family of the Yue Kingdom and a member of the Jiuqing family killed in his own fief, and Zhang Linchuan, who killed someone, can still escape from the border of the Yue Kingdom?"

"Who can tell me who the border defense of my country is for!"

He looked at everyone in the hall with bloodshot eyes: "Who can tell me, where is the superpower in our country?"

"Has the Great Array of Protecting the Nation broken?"

"No more eyes to watch the land?"

"Who can give Langya Bai an explanation?"

He clenched his fists and beat on his heart: "Who can give a son who lost his father... an explanation!?"

There was silence in the hall.

No one could answer Bai Yuxia.

Although he only has the cultivation base of the inner palace, he is a young man who has not yet grown up.

Because putting everything aside, for the Yue Kingdom, which has always regarded itself as a big country, the death of Bai Pingfu is indeed a huge humiliation and a huge mistake!

Besides Wen Jingxiu, the lord of the Yue Kingdom, and Ge Fei, who is fully in charge of dealing with Zhang Linchuan, who is qualified to give an explanation for this matter?

The monarch sits high on the dragon chair, with neither joy nor sorrow on his face.

So the hall became more and more quiet.

It was so quiet that only Bai Yuxia gasped in anger.

"I am responsible for this matter." Ge Fei stood up at this time, looking at Bai Yuxia with a sincere expression: "Brother Yuxia, I am fully responsible for dealing with the danger brought by Zhang Linchuan and all the adverse consequences that arise from it. I should be responsible. But I still have to explain to you, Brother Yuxia... At that time, Zhang Linchuan’s coming to Vietnam was just a possibility provided by the Duke of Chuhuai Kingdom. I can’t directly waste a lot of resources just because of this possibility. Opening the Great Array to Protect the Nation. It can only be done to raise the alert of all parties and organize a quick response force. During that time, I was also personally patrolling the important places in the territory."

"It's just that when I found Zhang Linchuan's trace, Bai Shibo had already..."

His tone was painful: "I chased Zhang Linchuan and chased him all the way out of the country. I wanted to capture and kill the murderer and give the Bai family an explanation. It's a pity that I am not good at learning, and I have more energy than energy. I am not the opponent of Zhang Linchuan... "

"Ge Yushi, how can you be blamed for this incident?" Immediately, a minister stood up and said, "You were almost killed by Zhang Linchuan, who can say that you didn't try your best?!"

Under the arrangement of Hidden Prime Minister Gao Zheng, Ge Fei's current official position is the right capital censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and he has the responsibility of supervision. Therefore, the courtiers called it the censor.

"That's right, Ge Yushi. Everyone knows Zhang Linchuan's ferocity. He harmed Wei, chaotic Dan, and harmed Qiao. He poisoned the whole world. It is impossible for us to deal with it. What kind of hero is Jiang Wang, Marquis of Wu'an? Zhang Linchuan was punished with all his strength. Ge Yushi was able to scare Zhang Linchuan away, which is already a remarkable thing!"

"To be honest, if Ge Yushi hadn't responded in a timely manner, with Wusheng's viciousness, it might not be as simple as killing Bai Pingfu."

The hall, which was silent before, became alive in an instant. Everyone speaks out, and everyone makes a fuss about it.

Although Ge Fei was dissatisfied with people saying that he was not as good as Jiang Wang, he still bowed his hands and saluted all around.

"Everyone! Everyone! Just listen to me!"

He straightened his waist, Qigu's face was majestic and majestic: "Say a thousand, say ten thousand, the imperial court let me take care of Zhang Linchuan, but I still let the country lose its virtuous ministers, and Langya Bai's filial piety, this is dereliction of duty , I am irrefutable!"

He turned to look at Bai Yuxia, and bowed to Bai Yuxia to the end: "I want to express my deepest apologies to Brother Yuxia, and I will beat and scold without complaint!"

Bai Yuxia didn't look at Ge Fei, but looked up at the monarch on the dragon chair, and said in a miserable voice: "The late father fought for the country all his life, taught me to be loyal to the king, love the country, and work hard. He also set an example for me. Now that he died tragically at home, is this the country's explanation for him?"

A bow, an apology?

Gong Zhiliang, the current Prime Minister of the Yue Kingdom, took a step to block Bai Yuxia's sight.

This Bai Yuxia is too ignorant.

As a courtier, he actually poses a problem to the monarch!

Ge Fei is not just Ge Fei, not just the son of Ge, the number one family in Yue.

He is still a powerful cultivator, the absolute high-level combat power of the Yue Kingdom, and a peerless arrogance who has already booked a real person in the world!

And his teacher, Gao Zheng, is the biggest pillar of the Yue Kingdom.

How could he be severely punished for a dead Bai Pingfu and a Bai Yuxia who was only in the Inner Palace?

"Alas." Gong Zhiliang sighed: "Yuxia, I also watched you grow up, but since I'm in the court today, I don't care about closeness, just reason. No one wants to see Brother Pingfu die. , I can understand your feelings. But the dead are dead, and the living still have to live a good life. Today, it is right for you to take care of the funeral, reorganize all things in Langya, and support the Bai family... What do you think?"

Gong Zhiliang's eyes fell, and so did everyone in the hall.

Bai Yuxia was silent.

He could no longer feel his shoulders.

Only a mountain was felt.

Thanks to the book friend "Expired Child" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 366th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!


I haven't been able to adjust my work status yet, so I wrote slowly. 55

It will be updated at ten o'clock tomorrow night.

My primary goal now is to keep updating!

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