Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1739 sing a sentence

Bai Pingfu's funeral was not grand.

Langya city is not covered in white either.

Only plain banners were hung in Bai's old house, no banquets for relatives and friends, no guests, very low-key.

Of course, many people understand the reason for this low-key - the pillars are broken, the situation is irreversible, and the once famous family in Yueguo has to keep a low profile.

Without the power of the moment, how can it match the momentum of the moment?

Wen Juanying, the mistress of the Bai family, was sitting in her husband's study, sitting on the chair where her husband died... She was dressed in linen and her face was sad, but she didn't shed tears.

The tears that should be shed have all been shed in the past days.

After the death of her husband Bai Pingfu and the return of her son Bai Yuxia, she had to support the family. She also did everything really well.

At this moment, there was more worry in her eyes.

The son has changed a lot, and she doesn't know whether it is good or bad.

From childhood to adulthood, Bai Yuxia has always been the kind of 'other people's child', who knows everything about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Swords, guns and sticks are all fine. Moral etiquette, everyone praises. It can be called all-rounder in civil and military affairs, perfect and flawless.

As he himself said in the court, Bai Pingfu asked him to be loyal to the emperor, patriotic, and diligent since he was a child, and he has never slacked off.

At the meeting of the Yellow River, he was defeated by Xiang Bei with his fists, and the gap with Ge Fei became farther and farther after the mountains and seas.

She saw her son's almost masochistic efforts, and her son's restlessness and anxiety, and she was anxious in her heart.

That few travel letter made Pingfu furious, and made many people laugh at her, but she was relieved in her heart.

The son has all kinds of character, appearance, talent and talent. He should be at an age where he should be dressed in fresh clothes and angry horses, but he doesn't have the vigor of many young people. Trapped in the framework of "Bai's Jiaer" all the time, she lived as her husband's sketches. Every day is hard.

Although she loves her husband, she loves her son even more.

In fact, she knew, why doesn't her husband feel sorry for her son, why doesn't she miss her son? I found fault with her and quarreled with her several times, hoping that she would write a letter to persuade her son to come back, but I couldn't bear to say it directly...and she also pretended not to understand.

In the eyes of the husband, what he sees is the long-term future of the Bai family, the millennium of the Yue Kingdom, and the dangers and undercurrents under the peaceful situation. It is the so-called responsibility and the so-called commitment. So he will continue to put pressure on his son, hoping that Yuxia will become a better character.

But she just wants her son to have an easier life. It's not that great, and it doesn't matter.

But the husband is dead, and the son can no longer relax...

The first thing the son does when he returns home is to go to court in filial piety.

The first thing for his son to go to court is to officially start Pingfu's funeral.

Many people in the clan feel that at this moment, the Bai family needs a grand funeral to maintain Bai's dignity.

It was Bai Yuxia who resisted all opinions and demanded that everything be kept simple and low-key.

She doesn't quite understand her son's decision, but she supports it unreservedly. Letting Bai Yuxia take over the family is exactly what Pingfu hoped for during his lifetime. No matter what the result is, she is willing to bear it with her son.

However, at this moment, the son knelt in front of her and slowly said to her: "I want to leave here."

Wen Juanying couldn't understand.

Although her husband Bai Pingfu died, the Bai family was hit hard. But the Langya Bai family would not say that they will never recover from a setback.

As a famous family in Yue country, the Bai family's accumulation over the years will not be erased overnight.

There is still one elder in the family who has a spiritual cultivation base.

The Bai family has acquaintances all over the world, and she, Wen Juanying, also has the blood of the Yue royal family.

It should be said that this family is still able to survive, and has enough background to survive until the next person who supports the family appears. It can support the growth of Bai Yuxia.

But Bai Yuxia wanted to give up all of this.

"Talk to your mother." Wen Juanying said slowly: "Is it because you were wronged in the court? It's a common reason for the world to be cold... Your father lost in the Fallen Immortal Forest back then. How long have you asked about it?"

The accountability of Bai Yuxia's failure to die in the court has already spread among the upper echelons of the Yue Kingdom. Many people regard it as a manifestation of the political naivety of the Bai family's son. Of course she, Wen Juanying, also knows about it, but she thinks that her son is naturally intelligent, and with a little guidance, after he has been in charge of the family for a period of time, he will naturally be able to understand political games.

"The mother still treats her son as a child, but since the father is dead, the son is the father, how can the son be innocent?" Bai Yuxia shook her head: "Who can live without being wronged in this world? On the day of enduring the humiliation behind closed doors, when Marquis Wu'an of Qi is still wanted by the whole world, what kind of person is your son? How can he not bear the slightest grievance?"

"The son's return to China this time is to give his father an explanation and to support the family."

He put his hands on his knees, like a jade statue: "But staying here... there is no hope."

Wen Juanying said sadly: "Although the Bai family is not dead, my son is extremely talented. How can there be no hope here?"

Bai Yuxia said in a deep voice: "From the point of view of the Bai family, of course there is nothing wrong with what mother said. From the point of view of the Bai family... no matter how treacherous and powerful Zhang Linchuan is, there is no reason for his father to die. The state of Yue is not Wei. Country, not Dan country, we made preparations in advance."

"You mean..." Wen Juanying frowned: "Then Gefei deliberately sat and watched your father's danger, and Geshi wanted to swallow my Baishi?"

Bai Yuxia said: "This matter has a lot to do with it. There is no evidence, so you can't talk nonsense. But if you think about it, all the smart people in the world will have some guesses."

Wen Juanying didn't have any surprised expression on her face, obviously she was also one of those 'smart people', but she just lowered her eyes and said: "If this is the case, my son has to be more cautious and forbearable, and I shouldn't startle the snake. yes."

Bai Yuxia shook her head: "No."

Although he was kneeling, he still had a sense of excellence, and said seriously: "Ge Fei's current official position is the censor of Youdu, the second person in the Metropolitan Procuratorate. The censor of Zuodu has always followed the emperor's order." , and will not interfere with his taking power. But my son has been devoting himself to practice and has not formally stepped into the officialdom. This is not as powerful as him."

"Ge Fei takes Yingxiang as his teacher, and I have learned from the Bai family since I was a child. The Ge family is in full swing, and the Bai family is about to storm...the momentum is not as good as it is."

"Since the trip to Shanhaijing, Ge Fei has practiced at a rapid pace, and now he has become a god, and he can even fight Zhang Linchuan without dying... My son is far beyond comparison. The loss is strength, and it is also a foreseeable future."

He said in his mouth that he was inferior in everything, but there was no dejection in his eyes. He just examined the reality objectively and faced the cruelty calmly: "If I want to fight against Ge Fei, I will hit a stone with an egg, and there is no chance of winning. If Ge Fei If you want to swallow my Bai family, only Bai himself has no power to fight back. My mother sees that today's Bai family still has a wealth of wealth, a barn full of grain and grain, and lush leaves and branches... The son sees it as nothing but a faint candle. .”

Wen Juanying originally wanted to say, if there is a day, I can still enter the palace to beg the emperor, and the royal family will not ignore the Bai family. But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them again. Because she suddenly figured out why the first thing Bai Yuxia did when she returned to China was to serve in court, and why she was so ignorant in court.

If there is any value that the Bai family can show today, it is nothing more than a check and balance on the Ge family, and it is the future of Bai Yuxia, who was once known as the double pride with Ge Fei.

And Bai Yuxia has already shown it.

Bai Yuxia has given everything out at the first time, and has already stepped onto the gambling table at the first time, with the image of a fledgling reckless family son, who is so angry and so ignorant in the court of Yue Kingdom—if the emperor is willing to support He checks and balances Ge Fei, and he is willing to be the one standing in front of the stage. He is willing to rush forward and bump forward without thinking.

But the emperor has been silent.

If the blood relationship in her body can affect the emperor, why should she enter the palace?

Now that the emperor already has an attitude, what's the use of her entering the palace?

She had to admit that her son thought farther than her, and his son was more mature than she imagined. But this kind of maturity makes a mother heartache.

Bai Yuxia continued: "Gong Zhiliang said that no matter how close or distant I am, he means that no matter what, he will not stand on our side. Even Gong Zhiliang is like this, and there is nothing to rely on in civil and military affairs. If we continue to fight, we will just get what we want As for Your Majesty...Of course he will give me a little sweetness, coax me, give my father and the Bai family some glory, and let us continue. This is the so-called emperor's art, but to the Bai family, there is no significance.

Without real support, no matter how hard I struggle, it is impossible for me to break out of Ge Fei's oppression. No matter how hard I try, at most it will only delay the time of failure... I can't be Ge Fei's opponent now, it's impossible for the Bai family to compete with Ge's again, I have no choice but to jump out of here. "

At this moment, the entire Bai family's old house is in the atmosphere of a funeral. People are mourning, crying, and coming and going in a hurry. But in the study of the head of the Bai family, the most talented contemporary talent of the Bai family and the next head of the Bai family legally, has already made up his mind to leave.

Facing the Langya Bai clan who once represented endless glory, he just waved his hand.

When there are quite a lot of chips in hand, not everyone can see the result clearly, let alone have the courage to abandon this round.

Wen Juanying looked at her son, but didn't say a lot of things, and finally just said: "How are you going to go?"

Bai Yuxia said: "The friend who accompanied me back to Yue has already left. Marquis Wu An of Qi wrote me a letter, asking me to go to Nanxia to relax and learn Taoism. Ge Fei should have seen it all. I went and will not come back.”

"My son made good friends outside." Wen Juanying said sadly: "It seems that you are right to run away from home."

Bai Yuxia slowly lowered her body and pressed her forehead to the ground: "I can't take my mother away, because Ge Fei might not trust me. I can't leave with you."

"Stupid child." Wen Juanying flicked the account books on the desk, and smiled: "I can't go with you for my mother. This is my country, and this is my home. Mother has to guard it for your father." This family business is waiting for you to come back."

Bai Yuxia raised her head: "After I leave, the Bai family has nowhere to go, and there is no possibility of fighting against the Ge family. On the contrary, the relatives are safe. However, the life will be more tense and the money will be more difficult. This Langya city will not be there anymore. Let the Bai family make the decision... It's hard for my mother."

Wen Juanying looked at Bai Yuxia across the desk, and felt that the child was still very close, but at the same time seemed to be far away.

But when the child grows up, there will always be such a day, won't it?

She said sourly: "No matter how poor the Bai family is, it is still more and more famous. No matter how bad the family business is, the blood of the Wen family is also flowing on my mother. At home, my mother must have fine clothes and fine food. What is it that you suffer? You are the one who suffers outside. Eat and sleep in the open air, and cut through thorns and thorns outside. No matter how good a friend is, the feeling of being under the fence is not good..."

Bai Yuxia didn't talk about these things. Since he rushed back to Yue Kingdom overnight, he has not shed a single tear. He only said slowly: "The Son of Heaven thinks he can control the Ge family and manipulate Ge Fei arbitrarily, so he doesn't care, and even indulges him. Or The old man has more plans and higher-level thinking...but "Fei" is the evil in the world, and it is not easy. Ge Fei is no longer the old Ge Fei, and I am not a white jade who can continue to be naive. Let us wait and see .”

The lament for the soul was still being sung outside.

The song sings—

"Three souls go, seven souls go.

Who in the world has no relatives?

One cry, one bitterness.

Come naked and go naked.

The fate of this life is over, looking forward to the road ahead of Duanshan.

The mountains don't turn, but the water can turn, tears and tears sing for Liren.

Sing that mountain, the mountain is too high. Sing the water, the water is too far away.

Sing a sentence that I will never see you in this life!

The living or the dead, who is more regretful..."

In the elegantly furnished study room, Wen Juanying quietly listened to a Yuedi elegy. The son who had always made her proud and worried about her had disappeared.

Not long after, there were footsteps approaching quickly outside the study, and the butler's voice sounded: "My lord, a funeral ceremony has been sent from the palace, and there is also a posthumous title for the master."

Wen Juanying only said: "Understood."

He didn't mean to greet him in person.

After a while, another servant came to report: "Yin Xiangfeng sent a piece of writing, which was written by Yin Xiang's old man's handwriting, and it said 'The house is safe'..."

Wen Juanying in the study asked, "Is there anything else to say?"

The servant replied, "Nothing was said."

Wen Juanying was silent for a moment, and still only said: "Understood!"



The prosperity and decline of vegetation is the principle of nature.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are common things for people.

There were also people who passed away in Linzi City, who were also from famous families, and the funeral was also low-key... No, the funeral of Bao's family was almost silent, and it can only be described as low-key. It's like wishing everyone didn't know.

Of course, in the opinion of Bao's family, no matter how low-key the death of the son is, those who should know will never ignore it.

Bao Zhongqing, the second son of the Bao family, died in the disaster of Zhang Linchuan.

As for why Lei Zhanqian, who was replaced by Zhang Linchuan, had been dead for a long time before Bao Zhongqing died. That was naturally the treacherous Zhang Linchuan, who poisoned Bao Zhongqing with chronic poison.

The disappearance of Lin Youxie, the chief arrester of Qingpai, was investigated by Jiang Wang, Marquis of Wu'an, which is well known throughout the world. What people don't know is that Bao Zhongqing worked tirelessly to find out the truth because of his comrade-in-arms and classmate friendship with Jiang Wang. I went to Lushuang County in person several times to investigate many doubts. Therefore, Zhang Linchuan saw the opportunity and secretly murdered him.

It's really a pity that heaven is jealous of talents and a famous family.

"That is to say, Bao Zhongqing died because of me, and sacrificed to wipe out the heretic cult's claim to Linchuan?"

In the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion, the Marquis of Wu'an, who had just returned to his mansion, was half leaning on the desk, covering the corner of his eyes with one hand, supporting the face that had already been selected into the list of most beautiful men in Linzi...

How superficial!

He, Jiang Wang, is just younger, stronger in cultivation, higher in title, and more famous.

In terms of appearance alone, how could he be considered a handsome man! ?

It is actually only ranked behind Li Zhengshu, Chong Xuanzun, Jiang Wuxie, and Ji Zhaonan, and has become the top five most beautiful men in Linzi.

The big girls and young wives in Linzi are too superficial!

Jiang Wuxie was on the list relying on his status as the prince, let alone him.

Ji Zhaonan was just putting in bids to sell his head, while Chong Xuanzun was especially flirting with his head. Especially Li Zhengshu, how old is that! Return to the first place? Mr. Yulang is almost becoming Grandpa Yu, so old.

The aesthetics of Qi women is really open to question!

Chong Xuansheng was very displeased with the newly released Raoshizi beauty list, and regretted that the world has not yet appreciated fatness, so it was difficult to get a good tone: "Yes, Bao Zhongqing treats you like this, loves you deeply, even for you You died. If you don't attend his funeral, you, Jiang Qingyang, will definitely gain a reputation for being inhumane!"

Thanks to the book friend "Huainan Youzhi" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 362nd alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Before I wrote the paper, I was so dizzy that I missed thanking Huaimeng, it really shouldn't be.

Come, hug one.



I estimate that the normal update time will be restored the day after tomorrow.

Of course tomorrow is ten o'clock at night~

Good night gentlemen!

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