Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1740 Mysterious mirror alone

"Die for me..."

Jiang Wang sat lazily and twitched the corners of his mouth.

Chong Xuansheng had to admit that looking at it from this angle, Jiang's surname is really not ugly now! Especially this sarcasm and mocking, a little careless smile, which has the meaning of a bit of a princely coquettish.

Of course, he didn't know that Jiang Wang's carelessness at the moment was because more energy was spent on dealing with the bruises at the corners of his eyes. The strength of a real person in this world is not so easy to dispel. Fortunately, someone Jiang already has a lot of experience.

"If I take the initiative to deal with the Bao family in the future, it will be even more inhumane?" In order to divert attention, Jiang Wang said again.

Chong Xuansheng curled his lips: "That's right, we all know how to draw inferences from one instance."

"Aren't they afraid that I will stand up and expose it regardless of Lord Lao Shizi's decency?" Jiang Wang asked.

Chong Xuansheng smiled: "The Bao family has never admitted that Bao Zhongqing died for you. It's all rumors in the market, can you blame the Bao family? The Bao family's caliber is that Bao Zhongqing died to fight against the cult. He went to righteousness and died. Why, the man is already dead, how much hatred do you have between Marquis Wu'an and the Bao family, and you still want to trample on his reputation? Besides, Zhenren Bao died on the battlefield. The second son died in the wave of killing evil, and the old man is heartbroken, so you don't care about the feelings of the commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers?"

Jiang Wang thought for a while, then sighed: "Bao Zhenren's methods are really mellow. They are far from Bao Zhongqing's comparison."

He asked again: "How do you think Bao Zhongqing died?"

Chong Xuansheng shook his head: "I don't want to guess, and I don't need to guess. The eldest son of the Bao family, the family affairs of the Bao family behind closed doors. I will listen to what the Bao family says."

"I'll go to his funeral." Jiang Wang sighed softly: "No matter what happened before, people should go and have a look."

At the beginning of the year, Bao Zhongqing got married, with red make-up and colorful clothes all over the street. How beautiful is it?

Marrying a beautiful wife, becoming a son of the world, entering the Jixia Academy, can be said to be a proud life.

Unexpectedly, before this year was over, he was already dead.

And died so vaguely and silently.

Although Jiang Wang didn't have a good impression of Bao Zhongqing, and he didn't have any nostalgia, but he still couldn't help sighing about the impermanence of the world.

When he met Bao Zhongqing for the first time in Linzi, he was still very vigilant. Like Chong Xuansheng at that time, he regarded him as a dangerous person. Even at that time, he couldn't be said to be Bao Zhongqing's opponent, he could only face Bao Zhongqing's disciples...

Times have changed.

That aristocratic son who pays attention to the door, demon horse-drawn carts, masters open the way, and makes a splendid appearance, has become a dead bone in the tomb.

No one can deny that Bao Zhongqing is indeed a dangerous person. But death is death, and death is nothing.

His city, his talent, and his future all come to an abrupt end——

Just like his elder brother.

"I'll go too." Chong Xuansheng said, "I've known Bao Mazi since I was very young. I can't say that we share the same disease, but to a certain extent, we are very similar... If I wasn't fourteen, I didn't know you. .Maybe I'm like him too."

I don't know why, but this sentence vaguely reminded Jiang Wang of something. But he didn't have time to think about it right now.

I only looked at Xuan Sheng carefully, and said seriously: "You are not like that at all."

"Tell me." Chong Xuansheng leaned back shyly, and smiled: "What's not like it?"

Jiang Wang also smiled: "You look more pleasing to the eye than him."

"Being more pleasing to the eye than Bao Mazi is not something to be happy about."

"Then what is it that makes you happy?"

"Do you know about the Linzi beauty list?"

"I've vaguely heard about it, it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning, you know, I don't care about these false names..."

Chong Xuansheng snorted from his nostrils, and said in a serious tone: "Look into my eyes, and tell me honestly, I am much more handsome than Chong Xuanzun."

Jiang Wangzhen stared into Chongxuansheng's eyes for a while, and after a long time, he said with a broken face: "I really can't say it."

Chong Xuansheng yelled directly: "You deserve it because you have no money to go out, and your pocket is empty! You don't deserve money!"

Jiang Wang laughed, just laughed, waved his hands and said: "Let's go, pick me up on time tomorrow, and we will go to Shuofangbo Mansion together."

Chong Xuansheng's small eyes widened: "You kicked me out?"

"No. But Fourteen is still waiting for you at home?"

"Is there something you are hiding from me?"

"You think too much." Jiang Wang said helplessly, "I'm just ready to practice."

Chong Xuansheng looked at him suspiciously for a while.

Jiang Wang rested his forehead on the desk with his hands, with an innocent face.

"No, why didn't you change your position when I came in?"

"Is there?" Jiang Wang blinked, leaned back, and naturally only gave Chong Xuansheng a side face: "Go back quickly, Shisi should be in a hurry."

Chong Xuansheng said: "Then I will go back."

Stepping up and walking outside, when he reached the door, he suddenly dodged and ran in front of Jiang Wang!

But Marquis Wu'an, whose cultivation has surpassed a whole realm, how could he let him succeed? The man leaned back on the chair, still resting his forehead on his hands, and said very deeply, "I'm thinking about very important Taoism issues, you should go back first, A Sheng."

Chong Xuansheng stretched out his hand and dialed him: "Take your hand away and let me see."

Jiang Wang turned around with the chair and said in a low voice, "Really, go back."

Chongxuansheng didn't talk nonsense anymore, and directly activated Chongxuan supernatural power.


Poor Bowanghou, he was kicked out of the study room before he saw anything.

The door was shut tightly.

Only Jiang's voice came out: "Housekeeper, see off the guests!"



The funeral held in Shuofangbo's Mansion was completely a family ceremony behind closed doors.

No one was invited to participate in the worship, the white flags were not displayed outside, and mourning and music were not outside the courtyard.

Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng came to pay their respects, and of course there was no fanfare.

The two of them plus fourteen, the three of them dressed in casual clothes, took a carriage together, and came to Bao's mansion in a low-key manner.

After Fourteen became Mrs. Bowanghou, her status was extraordinary. Speaking of it, it shouldn't be the same as before, running around with Chong Xuansheng like a personal guard...

But who cares?

How come the young couple are happy.

Fourteen is not happy to be a housewife, and can't take care of those business accounts, so she likes to follow Chong Xuansheng.重玄胜也就爱她在旁边——昨天就那么一会不在,就被某莽夫趁机揍了不是?

If Miss Yi was present, Jiang would have to weigh it up.

Bao Zhongqing's death, to outsiders, at most it is a pity, or sighs that Shuo Fangbo is full of loyalty. The only ones who are really sad and sad are always the family members.

But when he really walked into Bao's mansion, Jiang Wang didn't feel any sad atmosphere, it was more serious, serious like a soldier in formation.

In other people's territory, Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng didn't exchange anything. The silk gold had already been sent by the servants yesterday, they just came here to offer a stick of incense, just a formality.

Under the guidance of the butler of the Bao Mansion, they went straight to the mourning hall.

And the commander of the Yan Lei Army, Shuofang Bo Bao Yi, was already waiting outside the mourning hall.

Today, in terms of status only, Marquis Jiang Wang of Wu'an and Marquis of Bowang Chong Xuansheng are already at the same level as Bao Yi.

In the entire Bao family, except those uncles, no one is qualified to receive him.

Uncle Changhua and Uncle Yingyong of the Bao family did not return to Linzi to attend the funeral of the elder son Bao Zhongqing.

So Bao Yi had to welcome him personally.

And because Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng are juniors after all, he doesn't have to welcome them out of the gate, and just stay here in the mourning hall. This is the most suitable.

"Marquis of Wu'an, Marquis of Bowang." Bao Yi was dressed in black today, with a solemn expression: "It is his good fortune for Zhongqing to have a friend like you, and his journey in the world was not in vain."

From this dress, one may also see his heart.

When Bob Zhao died, Shuo Fangbo personally wore the "Zhan Shuai" uniform. In the family of Dazong, for the death of the eldest son of the heir of the family, mourning is required for etiquette. Because the eldest son has assumed the responsibility of "passing on the weight" of inheriting the ancestral temple and the country, its formality is the greatest, so it is said that "the father is the eldest son".

After Bao Bozhao's death, Bao Zhongqing was the only heir of the Bao family, the legitimate son of Fangbo Shuo. Bao Yi didn't wear hemp for him.

Of course, no one can criticize a father whose eldest son and second son died one after another.

Jiang Wang cupped his hands in salute: "Uncle, my condolences. Although Brother Zhongqing and I did not have a deep friendship, after all, we studied at Jixia Academy in the same period, so we can be regarded as classmates. I offer him a stick of incense today, Hope he doesn't have too many regrets."

Chong Xuansheng is used to long-sleeved and good at dancing, so of course he doesn't mind being friends with Bao Zhongqing, if interests allow, it doesn't matter if he asks Bao Zhongqing for help or makes a promise on the spot.

Jiang Wang is different, even if Bao Zhongqing is dead, he is not willing to go with the flow. Instead, he had to make a clear statement in front of Bao Yi, "We don't know each other well."

He is willing to pay homage to Bao Zhongqing today, and he is willing to offer incense to Bao Zhongqing, but he is also willing to maintain the dignity of both parties. But I hope Shuofangbo's mansion ends here.

The "brotherhood" between him and Bao Zhongqing has been rumored to be outrageous, there is really no need for Marquis Wu'an to "rescue Zhongqing by rushing into the enemy's formation seven times" on the Qixia battlefield.

Bao Yi was not annoyed.

With Chongxuan Yunbo's life energy exhausted and Chongxuansheng standing in front of the stage, the grievances between Bao family and the older generation of Chongxuan family can be said to have passed. On the Bao family side, Bao Bozhao and Bao Zhongqing died one after another, and the struggle with the younger generation of the Chongxuan family was over before it even started.

The two families who have been political enemies for generations, it is hard to say what to fight again.

Chongxuan Chuliang, who is qualified to wrestle with him, has already established his own family.

Can't he, Bao Yi and Chong Xuansheng, come out to fight against each other? Tell it to make people laugh.

Finding a suitable reason for Bao Zhongqing's death is one of them. Through Bao Zhongqing and Jiang Wang's "deep love and righteousness", in this way that neither shows weakness, but is relatively soft, let Bao and Chongxuan temporarily return to peace , is the main consideration. As for the unresolved old grudge, let's wait until the grandson grows up.

It is enough for Chong Xuansheng to pay homage today as Bo Wanghou. It shows that the new Bowanghou understands this matter and is willing to accept it.

Bao Zhongqing knew what he had done to Jiang Wang, or what he had tried to do. Jiang Wang would not be hypocritical with a dead man, and he could understand the young man's temper.

So he just turned sideways and said, "Please come inside. If you can come, I believe that Zhongqing will be very pleased if he has knowledge under the spring."

Never mention any friends again.

The mourning hall is not big.

The layout should be very simple.

What lay in the coffin were only clothes—it is said that the corpse was also poisoned by Zhang Linchuan.

Bao Zhongqing's widow, Miao Yuzhi, knelt beside her with a blank expression, like a clay sculpture. Dressed in rough linen white clothes, there is a bit of snow's coldness.

Jiang Wang and Bao Yi talked outside for a while before she came to her senses, moved her eyes to this side, and finally showed a little bit of spirit.

"Marquis Wu'an, Marquis Bowang, and Mrs. Bowanghou are here to commemorate my deceased husband." She lowered her head deeply, her voice hoarse.

Jiang Wang didn't say anything, just returned a salute, and then went to the spirit to offer incense.

The last time I saw this Mrs. Bao was in front of the mourning hall of Lord Hou. At that time, I never thought that the goodbye would be at the funeral again.

At that time, Miao Yuzhi was carrying the blood of the Bao family's direct line in her belly, and she was accompanied by the son of Uncle Shuofang who treated her very tenderly. She was in a very relaxed state, and she was very comfortable in dealing with people and doing things.

But today, when I see you again, I'm already broken and haggard.

But besides sighing, there was really nothing to say.

Every moment in this world, people are born and people die. If it didn't happen around me, there would be no waves. They hadn't seen each other before, and probably never would again.

Jiang Wang, Chong Xuansheng, and Yi Shishi offered incense one by one, and the sacrifice was considered complete. Just as he was about to say goodbye and leave, there was a sudden cry of a child in the room.

The nurse holding the baby hurried into the mourning hall, and said to Miao Yuzhi, "Ma'am, Ma'am, the young master has been crying for some reason, and he has drunk the milk and brought him the toys. I can't coax you well..."

He hurriedly saluted Bao Yi again.

Bao Yi just waved his hands.

The baby in the nurse's arms was very healthy, and the cry was so loud that it sounded like it was really full, and it filled the entire mourning hall at once.

Jiang Wang and others who came to pay homage were at a loss.

Miao Yuzhi also didn't care about the etiquette, got up and took the child, coaxing softly: "What's the matter, what's the matter, my little baby~~ Be good~ Don't cry, don't cry~"

The extremely hoarse voice is extremely gentle at this moment, and the extremely haggard face is extremely gentle at this moment.

It's just that the little baby obviously couldn't appreciate the hard work of the mother, kicking its calf and wailing endlessly.

Now even Bao Yi was a little anxious, and looked at the nanny sternly: "Apart from spiritual vegetables, did you eat anything else today?"

The nanny knelt down in fright, desperately explaining that she drank every sip of water according to the rules, and she never dared to act recklessly for the sake of the young master's food.

Jiang Wang glanced at the child curiously, and could vaguely see Bao Zhongqing's appearance between his brows and eyes, but there was no pockmark on his face.

Strange to say.

The crying baby suddenly met Jiang Wang's eyes while kicking and struggling.

Then it went quiet.

Looking at Jiang Wang with Wu Liuliu's eyes, he grinned again and smiled softly there.

The chubby little face and the innocent smile are extremely cute.

Chong Xuansheng was extremely surprised, and looked at Jiang Wang's face curiously, and for the first time really doubted his own aesthetics. Is this kid really good-looking? There is nothing shady about entering Linzi's most beautiful men list?

Miao Yuzhi hugged the smiling baby and gave Jiang Wang a grateful look: "Jing'er seems to like Marquis Wu'an very much...Although he is very young, he also knows how to worship heroes."

Of course, Jiang Wang would not have any ill feeling towards a child, but said with some embarrassment: "This child is called Bao Jing?"

Chong Xuansheng rolled his eyes.

"Bao Xuanjing." Miao Yuzhi said softly, "This is the name given to him by his grandfather. I hope he can 'have a clear heart, be close to the virtuous and far away from the sycophant'."

"Oh, Bao Xuanjing." Jiang Wang murmured, only to find that the name is really interesting, and Bao Zhenren is worthy of being Bao Zhenren, and he is also a book lover. With a gentle smile, he waved to the little baby: "Hi, Xiao Xuanjing."

The little baby struggled hard in his mother's arms, and his chubby little hands reached Jiang Wang's face hard. That posture was quite like a lore claw that buckled towards the front door, which made several people present laugh.

Jiang Wang held out his hand friendly and let him grab it.

The fleshy little hand grabbed Jiang Wang's index finger.

Little Bao Xuanjing giggled.

Thanks to the leader "Huainan Youzhi" for rewarding the new alliance!

Damn it, why did you give me another alliance after a hug?

What do others think? I still think why I love people with sex!

Not allowed next time!

Thanks to the book friend "Bag Donut" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 367th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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