Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1741 God is clear

Babies are the happiest in the world because they don't know what pain is.

Babies are the most pitiful in the world, because they don't know what pain is.

It was such a lonely day in Shuofangbo's mansion.

In Bao Zhongqing's mourning hall, his coffin was tightly closed, his spiritual seat was silent, and his son who remained in the world smiled innocently. Spiritual fragrance curls up, and children's voices linger.

The purity and splendor of this newborn dispels all the gloom in the mourning hall.

The mourning hall was empty for a while.

The nurse who has not risen from the ground is only sad for herself.

Chong Xuansheng and Yi Shishi, who were newly married, looked at this simple little man, and they couldn't help thinking about their future life, and they both liked it very much.

It's just that Fourteen doesn't talk much, and his likes are hidden in the corners of his eyes and brows, not too revealing. And Chong Xuansheng showed his favor to Xiao Xuanjing several times, but they were all ignored.

Jiang Wang teased Xiao Xuanjing for a while, making him laugh endlessly.

He is very experienced in taking care of small children.

Because when An An was very young, he had been pushing the cradle all the time.

However, this son of Bao Zhongqing gave him face in particular.

Even if he just got angry and poked his cheeks casually, Xiao Xuanjing was still happy.

Bai Ban was silent, having fun.

Looking at Da Qi Tianjiao and the young prince who were having fun with Xiao Xuanjing, Miao Yuzhi didn't know where the impulse came from, and suddenly said: "Jing'er and Wu Anhou are so speculative, it is really a rare fate... I don't know if Wu Anhou is willing or not. How about accepting a son?"

The scene was silent for a moment.

Only the baby in swaddling clothes was still laughing heartlessly. He slapped Jiang Wang's palm hard, as if he was clapping his hands in agreement...with a naive look.

This proposal was obviously a sudden idea of ​​Miao Yuzhi, and he had not discussed it with anyone beforehand.

Because even Bao Yi was surprised.

But the commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers didn't mean to stop him, he just watched the scene calmly.

Chong Xuansheng laughed, squeezed forward without a trace, and pulled Jiang Wang behind him: "Jiang Wu'an is not married yet, and he doesn't even have an engagement partner. It's not suitable to be a father now... Why don't I come?" ?”

Foster father and son, is not a simple relationship.

Just like Yi Xingchen adopted Fourteen as his adopted daughter, that was officially recorded in the Yi family tree, and he really wanted to take care of Fourteen as a daughter. If one day, Fourteen is wronged in Bowanghou Mansion, the Yi family will be the first to support Fourteen. If something happened to Yi Xingchen unfortunately, Yi Shishi would also have to wear hemp and filial piety for him.

For such a serious matter, Miao Yuzhi's sudden opening in such a hot head was considered rude.

Especially Jiang Wang, who is always easy to be emotional. Suddenly having multiple adoptive sons means one more heavy responsibility. It was impossible for Jiang Wang to agree, and Chong Xuansheng would not allow him to agree.

But although Chong Xuansheng just stopped him casually, he himself didn't mind being the father. Anyway, he thinks he has no sense of responsibility, and he doesn't have any embarrassment towards the Bao family. As long as you give him a cut, the Bao family and the Xuan family will catch him, and there is no chance...

Today he became Bao Xuanjing's father, tomorrow Bao Yi will be his father, rounded up he is the heir of the Bao family.

"Nonsense." Uncle Shuo's reprimand to Miao Yuzhi came belatedly, but it was just right: "The gift of the contract is so solemn, how can it be said so rashly? Why don't you apologize to Marquis Wu'an?"

But he didn't answer Xuan Sheng's words at all.

"Father reprimanded you very well." Miao Yuzhi also knew she had made a slip of the tongue, hugged her son and saluted Jiang Wang again: "Don't blame Wu'an, it's Yuzhi being rude. Seeing that Jing'er likes you so much, I thought it would be out of the way."

Jiang Wangwen smiled and said: "Children's love comes and goes quickly. If you smile at me today, maybe you won't know me tomorrow."

Miao Yuzhi said: "I think... Jing'er likes you so much. Even if you forget about it, you will fall in love again."

These words are really touching.

Children's favorite, innocent and pure.

But Jiang Wang just smiled, poked Xiao Xuanjing's face with his finger, and didn't speak.

The little baby was still at an age where he couldn't understand anything, he just giggled and rubbed his face against Jiang Wang's hand, very intimate.

Miao Yuzhi pursed her lips, and said again: "Of course, Marquis Wu'an is in full bloom and has not yet married. A foster father and adopted son are not suitable... Yuzhi is confused."

"Okay, Jiang Wu'an, Uncle Jiang, it's time to go back." Chongxuansheng said: "Didn't you just receive a letter from Nanjiang, and there are still things waiting for you to deal with?"

"Oh, yes. I have to go back and deal with it." Jiang Wang suddenly remembered, turned his head, and said goodbye to Xiaoxuanjing, Miao Yuzhi, and Bao Yi one by one.

Miao Yuzhi originally thought that Xiao Xuanjing would cry, or she hoped that the child would cry.

But the baby in the swaddle was probably tired from playing. As soon as Jiang Wang walked away, he closed his eyes and fell asleep happily.

After bidding farewell to Jiang Wang and the others, Bao Yi showed no expression on his face, and only said to Miao Yuzhi: "The funeral is over, go back and rest."

"Yes, father." Miao Yuzhi gently shook the swaddle and said softly, "Jing'er..."

Bao Yi said directly: "The child can be raised until he is two years old, and I will take care of him after he is two years old."

The voice is quite gentle, but there is no room for negotiation.

Miao Yuzhi glanced at the nanny who was still kneeling on the ground: "Nurse, she..."

Bao Yi only said: "You just watch and deal with it."

Then he turned around and left.

When Miao Yuzhi was just pregnant with a child, Bao's mansion specially raised five wet nurses. Food, clothing, housing, and transportation are all very particular, and the daily vegetable and food are different, all carefully prepared by senior imperial doctors. After Xiaoxuanjing was born, she drank milk with different flavors and auras every day. It is very difficult for a child raised in this way to fail to open his pulse.

Of course, this is just a way for the famous family to raise the lower limit of their children. Practice is ultimately a process of self-discovery. Like Liu Xuanhu's generation, whether they can't push the gate of heaven and earth, or they can't push the gate of heaven and earth.

In addition to healthy milk, as a person who often accompanies the baby, the nanny must also have sufficient literacy. Be courteous in every word and deed.

Now this nanny hastily carried the child into the mourning hall, it is extremely rude, she can't have any more.

Miao Yuzhi hugged the child and stood in Bao Zhongqing's mourning hall. She didn't speak any more, but put her pale and thin face close to the baby, shaking it gently...



"Bao Xuanjing, Bao Xuanjing."

The carriage drove away from Uncle Shuofang's mansion, Chong Xuansheng piled up by the window, feeling quite emotional: "Who is jealous of princes and generals? It has been a private matter for thousands of years."

"Yes." Sitting opposite Jiang Wang, he also sighed agreeingly: "The two brothers of the Bao family fought back and forth, and in the end the Bao family belonged to neither Bao Bozhao nor Bao Zhongqing. I don't know what will happen to Bao Xuanjing when he grows up. Look at this story."

"What do you think?" Chong Xuansheng smiled: "A heroic uncle, a heroic father, an honorable family... a famous family for generations, a house of loyalty!"

Jiang Wang was thoughtful: "For many people, the significance of compiling history may lie in this. From this, the greatness of Mr. Sima can be seen more and more."

"You know history better and better." Chong Xuansheng laughed and said, "Are you going to enter the palace again in two days to endorse? Which volume did you memorize?"

Jiang Wang didn't bother to care about this, and just said to himself: "Bao Xuanjing's name is quite wonderful, and he is innocent and cute now. I hope he will be more talented than his father in the future, and at the same time, he won't be like his father who has no bottom line."

Chong Xuansheng said: "You haven't really realized the beauty of this name."

"How to say?"

Chong Xuansheng gently picked up the corner of the car window, looked at Shuofangbo's mansion that gradually disappeared into the distance, and sighed: "The so-called 'the only mirror in the mirror, the gods are clear', this is the name for Bao Zhongqing's son. The real person's yearning for the eldest son is beyond words."

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment.

In the stable driving carriage, Chong Xuansheng suddenly said again: "Brother Wang, it's time to get married. This is all rushing to make you a father, aren't you nervous?"

Jiang Wang glanced at him: "I found that those of you who are married, you like to urge others. The same is true for big dogs. After getting engaged to Miss Wen, you often have to build bridges for me. What's the matter, I can no longer visit the four big names If there can’t be snow, moon, wind and flowers anymore, will everyone in the world be dragged into the water?”

Speaking of brother Yan Xian, he is as wealthy as he is, and he used to be the third most handsome man in Linzi. His position has been stable for many years, no matter what kind of handsome man comes and goes, he will not move. But later, she made a marriage contract with Wen Tinglan, and was stigmatized as a heartbreaker, and was chased and beaten by Jiang Wuyouman Linzi, and her ranking plummeted all the way... Now she has fallen out of the list with honor.

It is a pity that he and Chong Xuansheng are also called the last jewel of Linzi's beauty list. (Chongxuansheng claims to be)

Chong Xuansheng sneered at Jiang's sweep: "When you visit the Four Great Halls, don't you just sit there and practice? What's the difference if you can go or not?"

"What do you know!" Jiang Wang said with disdain on his face: "It's time to practice and practice, and it's time to play and play. This Marquis will never lose to others in his life! I was talking and laughing with Yu Wenduo in the Muguo Shen'en Temple! There are also a lot of beauties at home , I'll let them dance when I get back!"

"What you say is what you say!" Chong Xuansheng's eyes lit up, and he slapped his thigh: "Let's go! Let's go now!"

He was very interested in the group of dancing girls in the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion, and had long wanted to admire them. It is said that he traveled from Chu to Muguo, and was sent to Linzi as a gift.

However, the surname Jiang was away from home for three days, and he was always busy with this and that when he returned home, so he didn't find a suitable opportunity.

Yi Shishi, who had been silently listening to the jokes between the two, would still not speak, but the smile on his face disappeared.

"You go!"

Chong Xuansheng raised his leg and kicked Jiang Wang: "You filthy bastard, go now! Enjoy your singing and dancing, and live your luxurious life! Don't stay in my carriage!"

If it weren't for the presence of Shisi, Jiang Wang promised that Chong Xuansheng's kick would be ugly.

It's a pity that Fourteen was present, so he could only get out of the carriage in despair.



"When the autumn wind rises, white clouds fly, and when the grass and trees fall yellow, the geese return to the south.

The orchids are beautiful, the chrysanthemums are fragrant, and the beautiful women are not to be forgotten..."

In Wu'an Hou's mansion, the singing is melodious and the dancing is graceful.

The singing and dancing troupe brought back from the grasslands came in handy today.

If you say listen to Chu Ge, you will listen to Chu Ge.

If you say appreciate Chu Wu, you will appreciate Chu Wu.

Today's Marquis of Wu'an is arrogant and confident. It may be too much to say that he can do whatever he wants in Qi, but there are not many things that can embarrass him.

Just at this moment, after he and Bo Wanghou had ridiculed each other, they would put on colorful lanterns and enjoy singing and dancing when they returned home...

At the same time into the too illusory realm.

It can be said that practice and leisure are both correct, and you are the master of time.

There has been a very important change recently in the Illusory Realm.

The Taixu scroll, which has been brewing for a long time, has passed the resolution of the major supervisory forces and officially completed its creation. This will inevitably usher in brand-new changes for the ever-expanding illusory realm.

The Taixu sect obviously made enough preparations for this, and the trial of the Taixu scroll was quite successful.

There are not many missions in the Taixu Scroll now, and they are basically concentrated in the Jedi of Myriad Monsters, Lost Realm, Endless Desert, Meteor Immortal Forest, and Yu Yuan. Most of them are explorations and strategies for Jedi.

There is also a small part that focuses on the construction of the illusory realm. For example, building a turret, such as collecting related materials needed for the illusory realm, and so on.

It is worth mentioning that Xu Jingxuan, the current suzerain of the Taixu sect, also proposed the idea of ​​creating a currency in the illusion of the Taixu, linking this currency with the primordial stone, and using it to pay for the completion of the mission of the Taixu scroll... It was rejected by the monitoring forces of all parties. Jiang Wang, as a high-ranking official in Qi State, did not express his opinion when he heard about this matter.

Therefore, the current rewards for the various tasks of the Taixu scroll are either Yuanshi, or the "gong" or "dharma" of the Taixu illusory realm, and sometimes it can directly be the secret method of Taoism.

"Gong" and "dharma", as well as Taoist secrets, can be traded directly in the Taixu illusion, and Yuanshi needs to be collected in Taixu turrets scattered around the world.

Jiang Wang, as the emissary of Taixu and the host of the Taixu Corner Tower in Tianfu City, also received a request for cooperation from Taixu Illusion. The Taixu turret on his side will regularly undertake a certain amount of primordial stone withdrawals, and the Taixu faction will settle the accounts once a month, and will give corresponding interest. But it won't make Taixu Messenger suffer.

However, there is currently no one to exchange and withdraw. At this stage, there are still a small number of people who can participate in the Taixu scroll, and basically they will not lack primordial stones.

Among the several major Jedi in the present world, the closest to Qi is the Mystery Realm, and most of the missions in the Taixu Scroll are aimed at the Sea Clan.

Different from the Sea Honor List of the Zhenhai League, honors are counted directly by beheading the sea clan.

The missions of Taixu Scroll for the Sea Clan are mostly exploration, investigation, and plunder, and they don't use materials to reward the lives of the Sea Clan.

It is not the responsibility of the Taixu faction to fight against alien races. The resources in the Illusory Realm are not created out of nothing, and a virtuous circle must be established. Especially now that the scale of the Taixu Illusory Realm is expanding so fast, only the Taixu faction's own resources and the partial support of the major supervisory forces cannot support consumption at all.

Therefore, the Taixu Illusion Realm also needs to obtain definite gains through the Taixu Scroll, and then give corresponding encouragement.

But for Jiang Wang, the Taixu scroll is just a look at it now. There are no corresponding tasks in Qi.

He personally doesn't agree with the creation of the Taixu scroll, but if the major supervisory forces can agree, naturally there are higher-level considerations. He has small arms and legs, just adapting to changes.

At least with the expansion of Taixu Illusion, his Taixu turret business continued to boom. It can be said that he, who is heavily in debt, can breathe a sigh of relief every day.

Entering the illusory realm again, the gate of the blessed land has disappeared. The place connected to the primordial space turned into a rather perfunctory halo.

The void space also seemed very cramped, and even the phantom of the sundial that recorded many honors was extremely dim.

Because of the life-and-death fight with Zhang Linchuan, he directly missed the blessed land challenge on October 15th and completely lost the blessed land.

Jiang Anan's birthday on October 12th...of course I missed it too.

Since leaving Fenglin City, he has missed many such important days.

Sitting silently in the cramped void space for a while, sorting out the new combat system, and then raised his hand to the sundial, facing the clear light——

Today is November 15, 3921, the day when Dugu Wudi challenges the blessed land again.




ps: "The profound mirror alone, the gods are clear", from Cao Zhi's "Ode to the Academy".

"The Autumn Wind Blows..." comes from Liu Che's "Autumn Wind Song", which also belongs to Chu Ge in form.

Thanks to the book friend "Tongyi Disagree" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 368th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!


Start to resume normal time period update today~

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