Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1745 White armor points red snow, sword energy ends comet tail

Just like the Lost Realm, behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters is actually a huge battlefield.

The difference is that the Lost Realm is dominated by the three major forces of Cassia Island, Diaohailou, and Yanggu. Behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, it is suppressed by all powerful forces under the world.

Marquis Wu'an is also a dignified military marquis, and he can't go alone when he officially enters the battlefield. So besides Bai Yuxia, he also brought Fang Yuanyou and a guard of 200 people.

These two hundred people are certainly not as strong as the nine soldiers, but they are all old soldiers who fought with Jiang Wang in the battle against Xia, and they are far more elite than the average county soldiers.

At this moment, everyone is equipped with armor and soldiers, and they all line up behind Jiang Wang.

Two hundred people were silent.

"These secondary gates outside the Central Territory are all likely to be destroyed. As long as they are willing to pay a certain price, they can be cut off. Therefore, if the Yaozu wants to counterattack the present world, they can only use the one left by the Emperor." The Gate of Ten Thousand Demons."

In the Changji Water Village, Song Yao was explaining to Jiang Wang in detail: "Of course, the possibility of the Yaozu's counterattack to the present world basically no longer exists. The so-called 'fighting for the present world' is just the remnants of the Yaozu's old immortals. It's just a delusion..."

As the largest naval camp in the Qi State, the part of the building that spans the Zi River is only the main part of the Changji Water Village. Its main body is extremely majestic and broad, and the buildings on both sides are like two wings.

If you look down from a high altitude, it is the pattern of goshawks hitting the water.

The south bank has to go further south, and the north bank has to go further north, but it is only three to five miles away from the bank, and the buildings on both wings go underground.

After Jiang Wang followed Song Yao into the water village, he went underground and came south. Passed through numerous checkpoints along the way, quite strict.

Most of the buildings on the south wing of Changji Water Village are underground. Jiang Wang feels that they are all underground, spanning half of Jichuan County, and close to the Qiaoshan Corridor.

"Is the north wing of Changji Water Village so long? It feels like a majestic underground city." He asked.

As long as he doesn't talk about the person from Qingshi Palace, Jiang Wang doesn't mind talking to Song Zhenren.

The vision and knowledge of a court official are definitely worth learning with humility.

"Naturally not." The topic about Qingshi Palace seemed to be just casually, Song Yao did not mention it again, but seriously explained the doubts for the young people: "The reason why the underground building on the south wing extends so far is that It is so grand and spacious, mainly for the convenience of the army while taking into account the secrecy. In fact, there is more than one entrance here, and not only the Changji Water Village can lead here. Like Qiaoshan County and Yiyue County, there are also entrances."

He looked around: "Actually, this place should not be called the south wing of Changji Water Village. Many people call it 'Jichuan Underground City'."

The surrounding area is empty and unobstructed, and it can almost accommodate thousands of troops.

Imagining the grand scene of the army marching here, one will naturally have a majestic feeling.

And the external manifestation of the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters is not in the shape of a portal. More figuratively speaking, it should be a light curtain wall. In the very center of this huge square, the extremely noble purple light curtain is isolated there like a load-bearing wall.

Walking in from any side leads to the world where the monster race lives.

That is also the battlefield where the human race fought bravely for a long time.

"I've been thinking about what kind of world will be behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters." Jiang Wang looked at the curtain wall with a rare expectation in his eyes: "I can witness it with my own eyes soon."

How many years have I heard the legend of the human race chasing the monster race? And all the way to practice till now, he finally has a certain strength, can set foot in such a battlefield, trace the trajectory of the predecessors and sages who fought hard.

At this moment, there are only Song Yao and Jiang Wang in front of the deputy gates of Wan Yaomen.

More alerts and inspections have been completed further away.

"The world behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters is extremely vast. From ancient times to today, the boundaries have not yet been explored. Now many of us call it the 'Demon Realm', but it was not the world where the monster race lived at first."

With a faint smile on Song Yao's face, he tapped the ground lightly with his boots: "The earliest residence of the Yaozu is here. The place where we have lived for generations."

The end of the ancient era and the beginning of the ancient era are marked by the human race driving the monster race out of the world. Of course Jiang Wang knew this. More detailed history is buried in the depths of time...

It so happened that in front of him, someone was "truthful".

Song Yao said again: "The so-called 'demon world' is actually not suitable for survival. It was just chaos at first, with no life at all. The ancient sages drove the monster race out of the world, of course not to find a place for them to live, let them live They recuperated and made a comeback...but to break the back of the monster race, crush their spirits, and completely wipe out this race in the heavens and worlds!"

"This is the largest chaotic world next to the present world. In ancient times, it was called [heavenly prison]. The monsters threw the creatures who had committed serious crimes into the heavenly prison to dissolve them in the chaos."

"The creatures of ancient times were frightened when they heard the name of Heavenly Prison."

"During that final battle, the main force of the Yaozu was forcibly driven into this chaotic world. They should have perished in the chaotic world, so as to wash away the sins they committed in ancient times."

"The sages used great power to completely block the heavenly hell. They want to use the power of the years to wipe out those indelible monsters. Chaos will dissolve all existence in a long time."

"But during the time when the heavenly hell was sealed off. The ancient demon emperor sacrificed himself, sacrificed his blood to his relatives, and used supreme supernatural powers to refine his body, soul, mind, and life. One hundred and eight demon life orbs.

These one hundred and eight demon life orbs fixed the earth's feng shui fire, reenacted the world, opened up this chaotic world, gained vitality and vitality, and left the last breathing place for the demon clan.

Later, they created the Heavenly Demon Altars, and used the Heavenly Demon Altars to completely light up the chaotic world, complete the evolution of the world, and continue the survival rules of the demon race. They have indeed created the miracle of life and bred infinite possibilities in the chaos.

When the blockade of Heavenly Hell disappeared, it was still in the early days of ancient times, and the demon clan launched an extremely fierce counterattack, and also invaded the present world several times...

But in the end they were all beaten back.

The human race fills the territory with flesh and blood, and never wants to lose everything that their ancestors won.

Since then, the Yaozu have used this new world as the basis to counterattack the present world time and time again. Countless powerhouses fell, and some of them had glorious names through the ages, and flesh and blood covered the gap between the two worlds. The flames of war that had been burning for hundreds of thousands of years continued until the middle of the ancient times... until the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters was built. "

"The story of the sages is magnificent and majestic. The memory of the younger generations is very admirable." Jiang Wang was quite emotional: "Although that period of history is far away, it is still exciting to hear it now. What can we monks do today?"

"Nine words." Song Yao said: "Look for the altar of the law, spread the bones of the demon, and build a big city!"

"To put it simply, it is to find the Heavenly Demon Altar of the Demon Race, break it, extinguish it, and then lay as many bones of the Demon Race as possible. On this basis, build a big city belonging to our human race!"

"You have been to the Maze Realm to fight, where you destroyed sea nests, built floating islands, and so on."

"One day the flags of the human race are planted in the demon world, and the demon race can officially declare its demise. That day is still far away, but it is worth looking forward to."

Song Yao looked at the light curtain in front of him with his hands behind his back, and the purple shimmering light on it had begun to flow, which indicated that the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters had been opened.

He continued: "Of course, it is specific to each country. What we have to do is to guard our own territory, capture more monster races, create more opening pills, and win more resources for the country."

"It's about you personally, Marquis Wu'an..." He looked over and said seriously, "Please take care of the country!"

No amount of resources can exchange for a peerless arrogance.

Because the real strong cannot be piled up with resources.

But the world behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons is a place where no one can guarantee safety.

Jiang Wang bowed his hands to the court official, and said solemnly: "Jiang Wang is taught."

Then he folded his body with his sword and walked towards the opened Ten Thousand Monster Gate.

Bai Yuxia followed closely behind, and after that came a guard of two hundred people.

There are just over two hundred people, and it seems like a thousand troops.

Life and death are at stake ahead.

The strong man didn't look back.

The curtain wall of purple light covered everything in the other world. In the Jecheon Dungeon, nothing can be seen. But when the boots step through the light curtain, and this body passes through the gate of the world, what you see before your eyes is completely different!

This is a ferocious world, and Yuan Li is extremely violent.

The cultivator's own body instinctively absorbs the vitality of the heavens and the earth, this natural process of nurturing Daoyuan, in this world, there is a painful feeling of drinking iron sand into the throat.

Everything here is untamed.

Rugged rocks, filled with black and gray.

There is a burning smell in the air...

It's best not to breathe.

It doesn't matter if you say it's devastated or it's full of scars.

In that unsettling world, in that bumpy sense, the first-time visitor looks ahead—a great city stands ahead.

A large city occupied by humans.

Of course it is not as majestic as Linzi, but it is the size of an ordinary border town. It is very rough, as if it is simply made of huge stones. But there is a kind of hardness that does not grind, the kind of hardness that the flesh and blood have been smashed to pieces, revealing the bones of fists.

It can be recognized from the chiseled characters on the gate plaque.

This is one of the big cities controlled by Qi State in the demon world, named "Yanlao".

The city gate was locked with a lock, and it was slowly lowered down amidst the rumbling sound. Yan, who had received the news in advance, tapped the arm armor with the back of his knife to welcome the arrival of Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi with the sound of gold and iron.

Of course he has enough martial arts, but he still needs to prove himself in this cruel battlefield. The honor given to him by the country, the boast given to him by the human race, the real strong, always proved time and time again.

And on top of the high city wall, stood a white armored and snow-robed figure with an incomparable charm.

His long hair fluttered in the air, burning like black flames.

"I heard you're coming, so I came here to pick you up!"

His voice collided between the heaven and the earth. Behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons, he became more wild and ferocious, and he said: "Welcome to Heaven Hell, you can also call it the Demon Realm, of course We are more used to calling it... the hunting ground of ten thousand monsters. This is the hunting ground of the strong and the grave of the weak."

"Jiang Wu'an!"

Holding a silver gun, this person flew straight up, piercing through thousands of miles of smoke and dust: "Follow me!"

The body is like silver lightning across the sky, rumbling and flashing, it has gone away.

Ji Zhaonan's way of welcoming him was really unexpected, but Jiang Wang didn't hesitate, and only made a gesture to Bai Yuxia, and then he straightened up and crossed the sky.

He, Jiang, is not completely unfamiliar with the place behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters.

General Xiu Yuanxiu, the commander of the nine soldiers, has moved behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters with the Prisoner Army. Shi Mingzheng and his Winter Mute Army were replaced.

Ji Zhaonan, who is unparalleled in human armor, has been fighting behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters all year round.

These are very familiar.

It is true that Ji Zhaonan and Ji Zhaonan are not close friends, but at any rate, they have a little comradeship in Guanhetai when they go to war in the same session.

He wanted to show himself the scenery of the demon world, so he went to see it.

Today is the same as God's presence, no matter what kind of swords and fires, fierce and dangerous places, Ji Zhaonan can go, and Jiang Wang can go too!

The sky above the demon world is gray.

In the far-reaching and hard-to-see extreme, there is a faint black edge. But neither can be specific.

Fly high in the sky and collide with the rules of this world. The faster the speed, the more intense it is. There is a very weak line of fire around him, which is constantly extinguished and rekindled, and his understanding of this world is rapidly deepening.

This body shattered the smoke and dust, and the strong wind was like a knife.

The corners of the clothes fluttered, the sound was strangely dry, and the Ruyi Immortal Clothes were in good condition, as if they were about to spontaneously ignite in the next moment.

The environment of this demon world can be called harsh, but compared to the frontier and lost world that Jiang Wang has been to, it is actually not that difficult to adapt to here. At least there is no need for a soul stone or a maze.

Ji Zhaonan flew straight all the way without stopping at all. It was impossible for Bai Yuxia and the others to keep up with this unreservedly terrifying speed.

So Jiang Wang only asked Bai Yuxia to lead the team into the city to rest from the beginning, and he chased him out by himself.

Fang Yuanyou's talent is not outstanding, but he is just average. His two hundred personal soldiers are not considered a powerful force in the world. But with Bai Yuxia around, it is definitely not a problem to quickly adapt to the environment of the demon world.

"Where is Brother Ji taking me?" Jiang Wang finally got closer and asked loudly.

Ji Zhaonan didn't look back, but only left his voice in Tianfeng: "It's a coincidence that you came, Dongyue is about to pass...but it hasn't passed yet!"

"We have three days... to play a game of game hunting!"

three days?

A game of match hunting?

Jiang Wang didn't understand what Ji Zhaonan wanted to do at all, and at the next moment, he felt the drastic changes in the world!

It's like breaking into a cold glacier from a furnace filled with soot!

The scorching feeling was completely frozen, and there seemed to be a never-ending heavy snow between the sky and the earth.

Looking down from a high altitude, it is a vast expanse of white.

Going up to the sky and down to the permafrost, how can anyone come?

There is a real sense of barrier, reflected in the front. Those who call here know that they can't go there again. At least you can't fly directly at high altitude.

This is a rule that directly links the essence of the world, and it cannot be crossed at all.

The only way... is down there.

look down.

In the lifeless whiteness, there is a unique scenery.

call! call! call!

The fierce wind roared through the huge valley.

And Ji Zhaonan had already stretched out his snow drape, held his spear upside down, and fell straight into the valley——

"Da Qi Ji Zhaonan, come here!"

Jiang Wang's dry and red pupils could already clearly see that in the narrow and long valley road, there were already stumps and blood flowing everywhere.

He saw the monster clan—not the old and weak one-horned monster clan he saw in the pine forest outside Songtao City of Xu Country. It's a strong and powerful monster warrior who is also strong and stubborn!

Each of these monster warriors looks very similar to the human race, only the forehead horns or wings or long tails, these unique places must be reflected, showing their specialness.

The weakest of them are at least equivalent to the monks in the inner court of the human race. And every monster warrior has supernatural powers!

A steady stream of monster warriors came from the other side of the long and narrow valley road like a tide.

The main body of the entire huge valley cannot be seen from a high altitude. The valley roads that can be seen belong to the side of the human race now——

In other words, the front of the Yaozu is being pushed over.

Jiang Wang already understood why Ji Zhaonan was in such a hurry, without stopping at all.

At this moment, Ji Zhaonan descended from the sky, stirring up snowflakes in the sky, like a snow-white dragon, suddenly piercing into the valley! Immediately devoured countless flesh and blood of the monster clan... the white armor on his body was dotted with red snow.

What a killer gun!

Jiang Wang didn't have time to make more observations, and the information he got was only a few glimpses during the speedy approach.

His excellent hearing allowed him to catch a curse in the valley: "Ji Zhaonan, the dog day, you said you should run faster, give you some time to find reinforcements... Where are the reinforcements you are looking for?!"

"Hahahaha." Ji Zhaonan laughed wildly, "It's already here!"

Sure enough, he didn't make a special trip to welcome me.

There are no good people under the army god!

Such a thought flashed through Jiang Wang's mind, but the long sword in his hand was out of the sheath, and his body was like a comet falling into a long valley. The boundless sword energy formed a comet tail, whizzing through the snowy sky——

"Marquis Wu'an of Great Qi is here!"

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