Red Heart Survey

Fanwai-Who's Pegasus Lane, at that time it was only common

"Little girl, go to school today."

The morning light pierced through a corner of the clouds and landed on a bouncing little figure.

She combed two very irregular braids, one big and one small, which was much better than a few days ago when none of the braids were braided and fell apart halfway.

Thanks to the little girl's handsome looks, such an ugly braid did not affect her cuteness.

She held a small fried dough stick in her left hand and a small meat bun in her right. She took a bite with the left and a bite with the right, jumping around while eating, singing a few words from time to time.

A boy with a serious expression followed behind him. A sword is hung around his waist, a bulging book bag is hung on his chest, a bowl of mutton soup is held in his left hand, and a clean oil paper bag is held in his right hand. Meat buns, pancakes on the right. The variety is very rich, but the portion is not too much.

He looks very handsome and gentle, but his expression looks fierce, saying from time to time, eat fast, he's going to be late.

The little girl ate baji baji with great enjoyment, she just nodded vigorously to show that she understood and that she was not impatient.

The uncles and aunts who set up breakfast stalls along the way all smiled at her.

"An'an, are you in school?"

"Come here, An'an, I've just made fried dumplings, and I'll give you two to eat."

"Xiao An'an, don't you want a bowl of chicken noodle soup?"

Jiang An'an was very determined, shaking her braids and refusing, while walking hard... But the chicken noodle soup was so delicious!

The oily simmered pork topping is poured on the emerald-like green vegetables, and the snow-white thin noodles are bathed in the yellow chicken soup.

The scent tangled up her little boots!

The fried sticks in his hand seemed weirdly wilted, and the meat buns in his hand didn't seem that fragrant either.

Jiang An'an had to stop, turned around, and looked at his brother pitifully - I didn't want to, and there was nothing I could do. Her big black eyes said so.

It's a pity that Jiang Wangdao, an inner disciple of Fenglin City Daoist Academy, has a firm heart and a firm heart, and said with a straight face: "You are the one who wants to eat meat buns and fried dough sticks when you go out. I also made you mutton soup and pancakes!"

Jiang An'an blinked and blinked: "Brother, you eat too."

"I'm not hungry!"

"elder brother……"

"Okay, okay, you go first." The hard-hearted Jiang, after surrendering, still tried his best to maintain his image of 'Brother Yan': "I chased after me after I brought chicken noodle soup, you have to be quick, don't let me go!" late!"

Jiang Anan cheered: "Oh, my brother is all in Fenglin City, oh no, the best in the world!"

He happily took two steps forward.

Jiang Wang stopped in front of the wooden cart of the street vendor in the morning, looked at the smiling uncle through the curling heat, and said helplessly, "Uncle Chen, you can't always tempt An An with food."

Uncle Chen, who sells noodles, smiles so hard that his face is full of wrinkles, and the hard work and happiness of the time are overflowing.

"Hey, Jiang Daxia, don't tell me, your sister is well-raised and can eat! My chicken soup is made from old hens raised at home. It has been boiled overnight in a clay pot. It is called Yixiang."

A bowl of his white noodles in pork chicken soup costs 20 knives! It hasn't been possible to sell a bowl for a few days. Usually the neighbors come to eat breakfast, and they buy and sell plain noodles. That is to say, Jiang An'an came to school nearby, and his high-end pasta became a market. Naturally, I can try my best to hook the little girl's greedy worms.

Of course, he was also a little embarrassed to always catch a family picking up wool. So cruelly, he added another spoonful of saozi meat, which buried the green vegetables and white noodles.

I couldn't help but take two breaths of the aroma.

Only then handed out the bowl of noodles with rough hands, and said with a smile: "Just bring the empty bowl over tomorrow."

Jiang Wang complained and complained, the twenty knives were still neatly placed on the table, so he took the bowl of chicken noodle soup and rushed forward.

Soon, he caught up with Jiang An'an who didn't move a few steps.

"Come on, I'll serve it for you. You hold the chopsticks."

"This noodle is hot, eat it slowly!"

"Why is it inconvenient for you to eat like this? If you are willing to get up early, why are we in such a hurry?"

"You still want to sit down and eat?! Are you afraid that Mr. will hit your palm?"

"I won't eat! Don't come here!"

"Go, go, eat your own."

"Hurry up, Jiang An'an! I'm going to be late for Taoism class soon, Xiao Tiemian got angry, will you copy the Taoism scriptures for me?"


Two figures, one tall and one short, just like this, I'll take a bite if you say something fierce, and I'll take another bite if you say something fierce, rushing to the school in a hurry.

And the morning light is clear and everything is fine.


After all, the hot noodle soup can't be eaten too fast, and there is too much meat in the soup.

After Jiang An'an finished his last bite, the brother and sister arrived at Mingde Hall with great difficulty, but the old gentleman with a pointer was already blocking the door.

Frowning, his expression was serious: "Jiang An'an, are you late again?"

Jiang An'an, whose face was red and happy just now, now has drooping eyebrows and drooping head in silence.

"It's my fault, my fault." Jiang Wang hurriedly took a step forward, apologizing: "I did morning class this morning, received Zi Qi, and raised Dao Yuan. My mistake, please forgive me once more."

After all, he is an outstanding disciple of the City Dao Academy.

The old gentleman still has a good impression of this outstanding young man, and he still has a straight face, but his tone has relaxed a lot: "You can't patronize your own cultivation, sister should pay close attention to her studies."

"Yes, yes, sir is right." Jiang Wang accompanied her with good words: "Why would I send her to Mingde Hall? Isn't it because old sir, your knowledge is second to none in Fenglin City? Let me tell you , when it comes to teaching and educating people, the entire Qinghe County can't match you!"

"Don't flatter the old man!" This flattery was so flattering, the old gentleman suddenly became strict again: "Jiang Anan dozed off in class yesterday, did she tell you when she went back?"

Jiang Wang immediately raised his hand and promised: "I will teach her a lesson when I go back, and she will not dare tomorrow."

Jiang An'an stayed there obediently, waiting to be dealt with.

The old man still wanted to teach a few words, but there was a burst of crying from the school behind him.

"It's not good, it's not good, Qing Zhi beat Chen Xiaopang again!" A child shouted.

"This Song Qingzhi is lawless!" The old gentleman didn't care to teach the brother and sister in front of the door, and walked in with the corner of his shirt.

Jiang Wang went to look at Jiang Anan, just as Jiang Anan sneaked a glance at him.

The siblings looked at each other and smiled.

One took back the book bag, and walked into Mingde Hall with arrogance.

One took the fritters, meat buns, pancakes, and mutton soup that were eliminated by his sister, and went straight to the city road courtyard.

Walking through the streets and alleys is like flying.

Turning into the castle gate, kicking open the door of the dormitory——


Ling He, who was meditating, smiled helplessly.

The hangover Du Huhu jumped up, ready to fight.

"Boss and second!"

Jiang Wang smiled brightly, holding the food in both hands and holding it high: "I bought breakfast specially for you!"

Du Yehu snipped off the oil paper bag, dismissed the fried dough sticks, picked up the meat bun and stuffed it into his mouth, he said dissatisfiedly: "Since you want to bring food, why don't you bring some wine? It's all gone !"

Jiang Wang ignored him, and just brought out the mutton soup with a smile: "Boss, come down and drink, the mutton soup from Caiji Mutton Shop. It's still hot!"






The extra content of this episode is free, and it is the benefit that the Golden Alliance Empire|Qin Shang strives for for everyone.

Thank you Qinmeng!

There are two more to follow.

About the episode.

So far, I have written a total of...

Complete book of two episodes of "Chi Ying", divided into "Don't Be Like Me" and "Fengyang Guming" (the story of Zuo Guanglie)

Book a full episode of "No Blame" (the story of Emperor Wu of Qi).

As well as the current free episode "Whose Pegasus Lane, At that Time Only Dao Is Ordinary".

Then... 20,000 subscriptions for Chixin Sky Survey! Sprinkle flowers!

(When I was editing the article at noon, I was going to say in the writer’s talk that I ordered 20,000 today, and then it’s blah blah. Later, I thought it’s okay, and I’ll post a special episode tonight as a surprise, so I deleted it, and I was in a hurry to cook. I didn’t expect Didn’t delete it cleanly, leaving a ‘today two’...)

Thanks to everyone's love, let's continue our journey in this world.

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