Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1748 Six Desires Bodhisattva Sitting on the Gate of Heaven

Under the never-ending snowstorm.

Shi Shanwen, as brilliant as a god of heaven, flashed a brilliant golden glow in the air.

Looking at it from a distance, Jiang Wang with fluttering hair seemed to be walking fast on golden silk. And the soles of the boots were like blades, splitting the golden silk and shredding it into flowing shadows.

It is advisable to chase after the poor. In race wars, no one will have compassion.

Jiang Wang kept advancing with his sword and cutting forward, ignoring the vast number of monster warriors, and only staring at Shi Shanwen. If King Tianhai dies, the battle of Frostwind Valley will be over!

Amidst the sword qi, the wind and snow all withered.

Shi Shanwen raised a pair of brilliant iron fists, blocking left and right, and kept retreating. He only needs a gap to regain his breath, even if it is only a 1% breath, so that he can stand back to his "root", and he can launch a counterattack.

But Jiang Wang didn't give it to him.

Taikoo Wangdaoquan has the potential to collapse, and its brilliance is boundless. But at this moment, the pinnacle of the fist was cut off and the two fingers were broken, which is already a lack of kingship.

Where the momentum is beyond reach, you can always see the sword's edge like frozen snow.

Every step back, there are dozens or even hundreds of confrontations. His brilliant boxing skills, like a golden crow patrolling the sky, seem to be locked in a sword cage, like a bird in a cage, unable to spread its wings. Every time it was about to erupt, it was cut open by searching for a gap.

The most popular genius of the human race in recent years is well-deserved of his reputation, and his swordsmanship is already at the pinnacle of God's presence. Even in his peak state, he may not be able to overwhelm him.

He kept retreating, just by lengthening the front line, magnifying the possibility of the opponent making mistakes, and waiting for an opportunity.

But he didn't wait.

The total length of Frostwind Valley is less than three hundred miles. They fought from one end of Frostwind Valley to this end, and lost countless soldiers. Where is he going now? Could it be that he has been retreating back to the Yaozu territory?

Shi Shanwen stomped on his back foot, and there was a loud noise, his muscles rose like a mountain, and his battle armor shone like a golden light. Fist against the edge of the sword!

At this moment, a smear of purple flowed through his eyes, and a little gold was embedded in the depth of the purple aura, and the little gold rippled, and his pupils instantly turned golden.

At this moment, the terrifying coercion came to Frostwind Valley, bringing fear rooted in the depths of the soul.

He is the supreme king, as if born so!

Xiaoao proud of the sky and the sea, all living beings worship.

Just the majestic aura that overflowed made many people frightened. Several human warriors were fighting to a critical juncture, and one lost his mind and was already beheaded by the monster clan.

Jiang Wang, who was the first to bear the brunt, finally froze. The offensive stalled.

Supernatural powers, Zifu's golden eyes!

This is another natural supernatural power of Tianhai Wangshi Shanwen, awakened in the wild and dead sea.

He opened his divine eyes and looked at Jiang Wang. At the same time, a giant lion with purple hair and golden eyes killed Jiang Wang's soul world.

Zifu's golden eyes have blossomed, and she has always been invincible.

It is because of this pair of eyes that he is ranked the most important "New King of the Heavenly Ranking", ranking ninth, and even Xi Yanbing wants to avoid him by three points.

Even if he knew that Lu Qiyi, the king of the mountain, died in the soul-soul struggle with Jiang Wang, he still had absolute confidence in himself. Because Lu Qiyi's soul power is not worth mentioning in front of him.

But with his Zifu golden eyes, he only saw a pair of red golden eyes.

His powerful spirit manifested, but only bumped into a towering stone gate!

In the world of spirits and souls, this giant lion with purple hair and golden eyes straddles the sky and the earth.

Usually when fighting the enemy. As long as Zifu's golden eyes are opened, the Zihao golden-eyed giant lion that manifests its soul can easily enter the enemy's soul world, invincible. As soon as Zihao shakes, the foundation of the existence of the enemy's spirit world will be shaken. As soon as the golden eyes shine, the enemy's soul will be overwhelmed. Swallow it in one big mouthful, raw food source!

But today, this ancient Shimen is so noble. With an order, no entry is allowed.

There is also a huge Buddha body, vaguely Jiang Wang's face, sitting in the stone gate to ward off foreign thieves.

The so-called Chaotian Que.

The so-called Bodhisattva of Six Desires sits at the gate of heaven!

From time to time, streaks of red gold beams shot out, forcing him to withdraw and return to defense.

Even though Shi Shanwen has all kinds of spiritual abilities, Jiang Wang's spiritual world cannot be attacked by him!

This battle was too frustrating!

Regardless of the way of sound and hearing, or the killing of souls, he is obviously stronger than his opponent, but in the actual battle, he can't show his advantages.

With all his courage, his fist landed on the cotton!

The purple-haired golden-eyed giant lion at the level of the soul roared angrily, and the Bodhisattva of Six Desires sitting on the gate of heaven remained motionless.

As for Jiang Wang in Frostwind Valley, while the battle between spirit and soul continued, he was still advancing and pressing his sword, killing every step of the way.

In a place that is not as good as the lion's, he sticks to self-protection, uses the spiritual domain to imprison the voice, and closes the door with the sky gate, not seeking meritorious deeds, but seeking no faults. But where he has already grasped the opportunity, he forges ahead with determination and kills ruthlessly!

Horizontal picking and vertical wiping are all in the humane sword style. Chopping, slashing, stabbing, all murderous intentions.

The direct kill made Shi Shanwen back again and again.

Shi Shanwen's Zifu golden eyes are unparalleled in tyranny, which makes him almost always grasp the advantage in the battle of the gods and souls in the battle at the level of the gods. But not being able to break into the opponent's soul world is just vain.

It was like two ordinary people fighting, and the thin one locked the door. The strong one couldn't get in the door, he could only scold each other across the door, and his muscles were useless.

But he can't get into the soul world, and Jiang Wang is pressing hard in the real world!

A sword is faster than a sword, and a sword is harder than a sword.

"Ant, you are really courting death!"

The haughty King of the Sky Sea couldn't bear it any longer. During the wild dance with blonde hair, he finally put on a stance and let out a roar——

"Help me kill the thief!"

This lion's roar still failed to break through Jiang Wang's sound defense. But once again covering the Frostwind Valley, while helping to suppress the human warriors, it also awakened the demon warriors who had the absolute upper hand.

As a result, monster warriors continued to lift up the sky and kill Jiang Wang!

In fact, the stone rhinoceros demon king Xiyanbing and the sky king Yingkexun had already started the siege. On the battlefield, who still pays attention to the spirit of duel? The Yaozu has an advantage, so it is natural to take advantage of it.

They didn't dare to intervene in the battle here before, but they knew that King Tianhai had a high opinion of himself, and they were afraid that King Tianhai would get angry. Now that the king of Tianhai has taken the initiative to speak, why would they hesitate?

Dozens of weapons were aimed at Jiang Wang's vitals almost at the same time.

Two fists are no match for four hands, not to mention so many monster races and so many "hands".

No matter how brave Jiang Wang was, the series of offensives against Shi Shanwen were cut off.

Jiang Wang's ears can't hear any sound at all now, and he has entered a silent world. However, relying on the capture of sound, analysis and reconstruction, he can still perceive relevant information.

He made a decisive decision and swung his sword horizontally, sweeping across the surrounding monster warriors with thousands of snow-like sword threads.

At the same time, the halberd pointed at Shi Shanwen, and he roared out Lei Yin: "Cowardly little monster, you have no guts, don't you dare to face me alone!?"

His body was in flames, and he roared out with a murderous aura. That imposing manner is so impressive, it seems that he is a lone hero who wants to enter the ten thousand army formation to capture and kill the bandits!

Shanwen, the king of Tianhai, strode forward, not losing the slightest bit in his mouth: "Okay! Let us separate life and death!"

On the hand, he made a gesture of the whole army charging.

But over there, after Jiang Wang shouted, his body was already floating like catkins, twisting and turning in the air several times, and he had already escaped from the encirclement of monster warriors.

Fleeing all the way, fighting all the way, chopping down the demon corpse like rain falling.

King Tianhai of the Lion Clan and Marquis Wu'an of the State of Qi, one shouted "Don't run away!" and the other shouted "Come and die!"

It was you who chased me and fled, from the other end of Frostwind Valley to this end in a short while.

Both sides realize that the opponent is not a fledgling young man, and both know that life and death on the battlefield are the only purpose. They will never be easily provoked by the opponent, but calmly use their own advantages.

Jiang Wang, the former fan, seized the opportunity and forced Shi Shanwen to his death.

This time, Shi Shanwen chased and fought fiercely, constantly commanding the monster warriors to attack and surround him. But Jiang Wang fled from left to right in Frostwind Valley, moving up and down, but refused to fight head-on. Only using the monster warriors as the shield wall, they started a guerrilla attack with Shi Shanwen.

But he was absolutely unwilling to make Shi Shanwen give up the help of his subordinates. Not to mention that his right hand couldn't recover so quickly, even if he recovered, he had already realized that Jiang Wang was difficult to deal with, and it was difficult to fight him by himself.

Right now, the Yaozu side has the absolute upper hand, and most of the Yaozu fighters can join the siege. Even if this strong human race is killing pigs, he will be too tired to kill pigs! Even if it only slows down his speed by a bit and weakens his killing power by a bit, it can create a good opportunity for him to decide the world in one fell swoop.

There were several times when Jiang Wang showed his weakness to the enemy, but Shi Shanwen ignored him and fought steadily.

After adding a lot of consumption for no reason, Jiang Wang had no choice but to calm down and concentrate on guerrilla warfare.

The imprint of Qingyun that keeps appearing and disappearing, and the red flowing fire scattered wherever it hits, have become a different kind of scenery in Frostwind Valley.

Snow in the sky, blood in the valley.

The sound of fighting, the sound of wind and snow.

Everything has long been used to.

This fight lasted for two full hours.

During this period, reinforcements from the human race continued to arrive, but they did not tilt the balance of victory.

Neither the human race nor the monster race has any new god-level combat power appearing-in fact, this is a normal phenomenon.

Since ancient times, the flames of war between the human race and the monster race have never been extinguished for a day. The demon world is fighting every day, and every battlefield requires vitality. The previous balanced situation was a tacit understanding formed in countless fights.

Like Shi Shanwen and Jiang Wang, they were all accidents.

With Xiyan soldiers in charge, Eagle Kexun participating in the battle, and the King of the Mountain, Lu Qiyi, Shi Shanwen shouldn't have come to Frostwind Valley.

As an arrogance from the Royal Academy, he has a lot of autonomy, but he just chose this place to prove himself.

And if it weren't for Shi Shanwen's participation in the war that made the situation in Frostwind Valley critical, Ji Zhaonan would not have gone to Yanlao City to ask for help and abducted Jiang Wang, who had just arrived in the Demon Realm.

Originally, according to the normal process, Jiang Wang needed to supplement his understanding of the demon world in Yanlao City first, and then according to the battlefield situation, he accepted the order of the Daqi Military Mansion to go to a place where he could play a more effective role.

As a famous military hero on the Qixia battlefield, his most likely destination is of course on the front lines of the two clans, commanding thousands of troops and participating in large army-level battles. The reason why he brought two hundred personal guards was precisely because of this. There is no personal order on the battlefield, so it is difficult to command the army.

It is true that his military strategy is very watery, but he does not need to make any strategic layout. Being transferred by Xiuyuan's side to listen to him, he is definitely a mighty fighter, and he can take the opportunity to learn some art of war...

After honing in this way for a month, I recorded a lot of strokes on my resume. If I can make any military exploits, it will be a ladder to a higher place.

The sharpening and training of talents is nothing more than this.

Of course Qi Guo spared no effort in cultivating Jiang Wang. Even letting Xiuyuan, who has a certain friendship with Jiang Wang, come to the demon world to sit in the demon world, it might not be because of Marquis Wu'an's trip to the demon world.

There is a faint voice between the government and the opposition—the next Great Qi Army God!

As Jiang Mengxiong's genuine disciple. Chen Zeqing's soldiers were slightly crowned with nine soldiers, but they failed to get this reputation. Ji Zhaonan is unparalleled in style, and there is no such voice. The closed disciple Wang Yiwu is even worse.

Jiang Wang, a person who can't compete with Jiang Mengxiong, can get such broad expectations.

Today, his weight in Qi country can be seen from this.

The two largest human cities closest to Frostwind Valley are "Yanlao" of Qi State and "Iron Rock" of Jing State. There are elite troops garrisoned and a large amount of war supplies are stored, which is the reliance of the human race in the Frostwind Valley. Of course, the big cities of these two countries will not refuse other human monks to rest.

The Frostwind Valley battlefield is naturally dominated by Qi Jing, but there are all kinds of monks who come to aid. Those forces that do not have a dedicated resident in the demon world can also participate in the battle of the demon world, but they must be affiliated with the nearest big city and obey the unified deployment. There is also a certain amount of tax to be paid on the harvested income. The nature is similar to those reward tasks.

And what the nations of the world won at the meeting of the Yellow River was the right to be solely responsible for a certain battlefield. Profit and loss are self-responsible, as much as you can earn.

The birth of the ferocious beast greatly expanded the resources of Kaimai Pill. Even if it is just the corpse of the monster clan, it can feed many monsters. Capturing a monster can be used repeatedly to obtain a large number of opening pills.

The benefits of today's battlefield in the demon world are very obvious.

A country with a certain strength can completely expand its power rapidly with the help of its own battlefield.

Of course, there are also tragic examples of winning the exclusive battlefield, wanting to kill a big one, but being wiped out by the monster clan... Therefore, those who destroy the country are often seen in history books.

Among these monks who came to aid Frostwind Valley.

The strongest among them is Jing Guo Tianjiao Wang Kun, who is at the peak of Wailou. At the beginning, the Tianjiao Battlefield of Xingyueyuan, which was participated in by the cultivation base of the inner palace, has now grasped the way and is marching towards the gods.

At that time, all Jingguo Tianjiao on Xingyueyuan were overshadowed by Jiang Wang. The gap between Wang Kun and Jiang Wang today is even greater.

As soon as he came to Frostwind Valley, he showed his impressive strength, facing the five demon commanders alone, and relieved Chunyugui's pressure.

But Chunyu Guishen Zhou was still surrounded.

Xi Yanbing and Ji Zhaonan, Ying Kexun and Chun Yugui were all old rivals, they were very wary of each other and played very cautiously. Except for the constant consumption of dao yuan and physical strength, there is hardly much progress.

Shi Shanwen and Jiang Wang even traveled all over the Frostwind Valley, and each of them made several joint attacks in the middle, trying to cooperate with their own strong man and instantly kill the opponent's strong man... but they failed.

The well-known strong men who can survive in the flesh and blood mill of Frostwind Valley all know how to save their lives.

Conspiring with each other, plotting each other's life and death, if one misstep, one may be doomed, who would be better off walking on thin ice?

However, with the powerhouses of both sides being held back, the Yaozu side, which is superior in strength, is naturally approaching victory step by step.

Most of the newly joined human monks have also become nutrients on the battlefield.

After two hours of fierce fighting, there were less than a hundred human warriors in Frostwind Valley.

And under the circumstances of being constantly restrained, disturbed, and consumed, those as strong as Jiang Wang, Ji Zhaonan, and Chun Yugui all inevitably fell into a disadvantage.

The human race is completely suppressed, and Frostwind Valley is about to fall!

When there is an obvious gap in strength, waiting for the idlers to join the battle will only be used by them in turn, and it can interfere with the opponent. But in the case of equal strength, every increase in strength is a weight on the balance of victory.

Among other things, Jiang Wang is absolutely confident that he will kill Shi Shanwen for two hundred days.

But the current situation is that Shi Shanwen is constantly compressing the space for his activities and exacerbating his consumption.

time to go!

The fighting has continued until now, and it is meaningless to struggle any longer.

Shi Shanwen, Xi Yanbing, Ying Kexun, the three demon kings are weak and foolish. The monster warriors fighting in this Frostwind Valley are also extremely well-equipped for war. In the case of an absolute advantage, the race was not given another chance.

Quickly shifting his body, turning his sword, and severing his opponent's throat, Jiang Wang swooped and rolled behind another monster. In the eye exchange with Ji Zhaonan, they reached a consensus.

Although the fall of Frostwind Valley is a huge failure, it means that the sacrifices in the past are in vain, and it means that the power to clean up the battlefield is handed over... There is no loss in this battle, no gain, no loss.

Ji Zhaonan and Chunyu Gui, who had been fighting here for a long time, could hardly accept it, but they could only face the situation. Preserve the vitality, there is still a day to come back.

Including Chunyu Gui, the three of them grasped the rhythm of the battle and began to retreat consciously.

"They want to run! Press me!" Shi Shanwen keenly noticed the clue, and roared again.

Being able to free up his hands to interfere on the battlefield at any time is also a manifestation of his current upper hand over Jiang Wang.

In the process of fleeing, Jiang Wang continued to kill and wound Yaozu warriors, but how could it compare to the effect of the lion's roar?

The roar of the lion fell, and the front of the human race stopped immediately.

The fighting continued until now, and the human race was already exhausted. With this roar, more than half of the human team with less than a hundred people fell down again.

Even a proud man like Wang Kun was almost decapitated!

He was still in shock, and his Taoism was weak for a while.

"Ji Zhaonan, Chunyugui, Jiang Wang! Keep these three people, don't let one of them run away! If you pick off one head, you will be promoted to the third rank below the king!" Shi Shanwen was angry again and again, while commanding, he suppressed Jiang even harder Hope, to completely lock the victory.

But at this moment...

There was a ray of coolness.

huh huh~

The wind and snow that had been floating above Frostwind Valley was frozen at this moment! Pieces of ice fell down, like a knife!

After that, came the sound of bitter wind.

The wind, which is so white that nothing can be seen clearly, is falling from the high sky. Like a waterfall, like a torrent, it is the announcement of the extinction of everything.

The Frost Wind Returns!

I never expected that the frosty wind backflow, which had only appeared a few hours ago, appeared again now, and it turned out to be so frequent today!

Seeing that the Tianjiao of the human race could only be let go, Shi Shanwen felt unwilling, but he had no choice but to shout: "Withdraw!"

No matter how you say it, Tianwei is irresistible.

Including Ji Zhaonan and Xi Yanbing, the human and monster races in the battle all retreated in a very tacit understanding. Before the extreme cold wind fell, they each retreated to a safe place—just like every battle in the past.

When the frost and wind rise, the fighting stops.

When the frost wind stops, the horn will sound, and the fighting will continue.

But today is different!

At the dangerous moment when the human race and the monster race were all retreating, Chunyugui, who had been silent for a long time during the fight, suddenly opened his eyes wide and angry: "Where do you want to retreat after you have surrounded Daoist for so long!?"

He pulled back a Yaozu warrior and smashed him to death on the spot.

The sword in his hand circled arrogantly, trapping Ying Kexun in place!

This Jingguo Tianjiao, who has never been so vicious, now has an extremely ferocious expression and an indescribable killing intent burning on his body. He launched a frenzied offensive against Ying Kexun, intending to fight Ying Kexun in front of the extremely cold wind. Divide life and death!

Such courage!

Both Shi Shanwen and Xi Yanbing were taken aback.

Ying Kexun himself was even more shocked: "Are you crazy?!"

He definitely didn't have the ability to kill Chunyugui before the extremely cold wind fell. That is to say, if you can't get out at this time, at most it will be dragged down until the extremely cold wind falls, and the two sides will fight to the death in the extremely cold wind, and finally die together.

Why is he willing?

When the extremely cold wind dissipates, the monster race still has the upper hand!

In desperation, he tore off the neck rope, and a black shadow of a giant eagle wrapped in bone-white chains jumped out of his body, resisting Chun Yugui's attack firmly.

The shadow of the soul replaces itself, and the shackles are suddenly released!

But he flapped his wings and turned into a cloud of shadows soaring away.


Suddenly, King Tianhai's blond hair fluttered and he roared like a lion. Under the impetus of supernatural powers, the voiceprint has evolved into thousands of troops without reservation.

But the black Taoist robe on Chunyugui's body suddenly bulged, and he swung around with his sword and slashed away: "Shut up for the Taoist!"

This is a huge translucent sword body that spans the sky and the earth. It is between existence and non-existence, but it carries out a power that cannot be more real. Buckler, together isolated on the other side.

Supernatural powers, another life!

"Chao Cangwu" said: "To me now, it seems like a lifetime away!"

At the same time, a little cold star suddenly lit up, shining in the flying shadow!

But it was Ji Zhaonan!

I don't know when it has arrived, and I don't know when the gun has been fired.

Chasing the stars and chasing the moon, white robes fly, Shaohua shoots up to the sky!

This shot just hit the shadow of Ying Ke Xun, knocking out Ying Ke Xun's real body, and lifted him into the sky!

Supernatural powers, break the formation!

Breaking the armor and cracking the soldiers will surely break the enemy's formation!

This gun is unprecedented!

Perfect fit!

Ying Kexun, whose aura was rapidly fading, held a bloody hook and sickle gun, with wings hanging down, looking down at Ji Zhaonan who was facing him, with an expression of disbelief.

too suddenly!

Isn't the human race afraid of death? Just now, he only needs to entangle for a while, and when the extremely cold wind falls, no one will be able to please anyone.

What the hell are these people thinking?

On the racial battlefield, no one dares to fight.

But do you have to take such a risk, do you have to fight together on the verge of life and death?

Everyone is a proud race and has a bright future.

Do we have to turn the life-and-death fight into a gamble of narrow escapes?

He especially knows some things about the present world. He knows that Qi Jing almost broke out in a national war not long ago, and he knows that before Qi Jing, there was a proxy war that killed a lot of people.

A person from Qi State and a person from Jing State have such a tacit understanding, entrusting life and death like this?

Staring at his puzzled, painful, and unwilling eyes, Ji Zhaonan just said sternly: "A gun is the courage of a hundred soldiers, but you don't have the courage to confront me again! If you don't die, who will die!?"

With a flick of the Shaohua spear, Ying Kexun's body was sent high into the sky and into the extremely cold wind.

A demon king who can compete head-on with Chunyugui turns into an ice sculpture in an instant!

Thanks to the book friend "Mu Yi" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 371st League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

This chapter has 6,000 words, of which 2,000 words were added by Dameng "soaked into a fat sea"! (1/4).

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