Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1749 Raise my purple flag! ! !

The chilling cold wind is just the background, and the corpse of the demon king is just a foreshadowing.

Ji Zhaonan dragged his gun and walked away.

White robe and silver armor, he turns back in heavy wind and snow!

All this happened so suddenly, life and death are really just a moment, just a thought.

Shi Shanwen roared with all his strength, the rhinoceros soldiers threw round shields, and all their magical powers were in vain.

Chunyu Gui passed away with a sword, and Ji Zhaonan shot through his heart.

Stronger than Changkong Wang Yingkexun, he simply died on the spot.

The lifelike ice sculpture shattered into ice powder in the next moment. The bloody hook and sickle gun was also covered with frost, and the blood color gradually disappeared.

After dispelling the corpse of a demon king, the extremely cold wind seemed to be even harsher.

The frost and wind cover the top, and the pressure is hundreds of thousands of feet.


In Frostwind Valley, where so many lives have withered, the tide of victory and defeat has been reversed!

Shi Shanwen's golden curly hair was burning like flames, and his eyes instantly became fierce, extremely dangerous.

He opened his golden eyes again, Zifu's golden eyes, and glared at Jiang Wang!

It is true that Chunyu Gui and Ji Zhaonan had an extraordinary tacit understanding that was obtained from fighting in Frostwind Valley for a long time, and it is true that their cooperation in killing Ying Kexun was almost perfect. But at the same time that this kind of tacit understanding appeared, it also meant that the newcomer Jiang Wang was temporarily pushed aside among the three, and he was alone at the moment!

The extremely cold wind was getting closer, but Shi Shanwen didn't move away anymore.

He simply ignored Chunyugui's sword strike and Ji Zhaonan's unrestrained turning around.

The giant lion with purple hair and golden eyes at the level of the soul, without hesitation, slammed into the Chaotian Tower, and slammed into the Tianmen where the Six Desires Bodhisattva was seated.

Fighting to hurt both sides, but also to rush to the world of spirits and souls!

Even if the Zihao Golden Eyed Lion enters the Soul World with only a remnant body, he still has the confidence to win the final victory. I didn't want to hurt myself before, now I have no regrets!

The Yaozu died of a sky king, Ying Kexun. If the human race did not pay the corresponding price, when the extremely cold wind dissipated, Frostwind Valley would inevitably change.

How can he allow it?

How could he lose the first battle in Frostwind Valley when he first came to Frostwind Valley? !

If you can't save Ying Kexun, then kill Jiang Wu'an.

He doesn't need to prove it to anyone.

But the human race has the courage to fight for victory, and so does the monster race!

"Stay!" Shi Shanwen roared angrily.

The Lion Roar supernatural power collided with the Geshi supernatural power, collided with Jiang Wang's sword energy, and collided with the extremely cold wind.

He angrily defies all.




For a time, the entire Frostwind Valley was echoed by him.

The howling wind is his weapon, and the angry howl is his army. At this moment, the sound has become the most powerful weapon, cutting through Jiang Wang's ear prison, and cutting into the realm of sound and hearing.

Behind Jiang Wang, there were clearly a dozen human warriors, and Chunyugui and Ji Zhaonan were still showing off their talents.

But at this moment, he seems to be alone, he seems to be the enemy of the whole world!

No, there is Ji Zhaonan!

Ji Zhaonan was about to evacuate, but he flipped his snow robe and turned around with a single shot.

On the racial battlefield, it is impossible for Jiang Wang to face the enemy alone.

Chunyugui also lifted the long sword upside down, rolled Liu Guang in the air, and kicked back at King Tianhai.


Suddenly there was a loud noise.

The round shield thrown out by Xi Yanbing, which was almost ignored by people, suddenly inflated, magnified hundreds of times, protruding edges and corners, and turned into a stone wall reaching the sky!

Supernatural powers, Stoneskin!

It can be said to be one of the most common innate magical powers of the Yaozu, but under the development of Xi Yanbing, it has reached its peak.

With the shield as a wall, it is indestructible.

Its upper half crashed into the extremely cold wind and extended to a higher place. The lower half of it crushed to death a human warrior who couldn't dodge it, and smashed into the depths of the ground.

It seems that it has taken root, connecting the sky and the earth, dividing the spring and autumn, and completely separating Jiang Wang from Ji Zhaonan and Chunyugui.

It's almost a re-engraving of Chunyu Gui's previous sword, returning it as it is!

Even more so!

At this moment, the extremely cold wind had fallen above Frostwind Valley, and all the high-flying figures had to be lowered.

And the stone wall formed by Xi Yanbing's shield completely separated Jiang Wang from the monster race, and completely separated from the human race.

That is to say, unless the stone wall is broken immediately, Jiang Wang can only flee in the direction of the Yaozu territory if he wants to escape.

But this wall is not created by simple magic, nor is it just the manifestation of supernatural light. It even connected to Xi Yanbing's original life, and Xi Yanbing planned to use it to save the life of King Changkong at first!

If it wasn't for failing to catch up in time, Ying Kexun would not have died at all.

Its defensive ability can be imagined.

Ji Zhaonan's spear and Chunyugui's sword came to support at the first moment, but the fierce attack hit this stone wall, but they failed to shake it a bit!

No one expected in advance that the situation on the battlefield would change so quickly.

It was just an accidental return of frost and wind, but it completely rewrote the situation of the battle.

Ying Kexun died in an instant, and Jiang Wang was in danger in an instant!

Marquis Wu'an of Great Qi came to the demon world for the first time today, what would happen if he died here?

Ji Zhaonan didn't think about this question, because he wouldn't let it happen.

At this moment, his sword eyebrows were raised, his bundle of hair was flying, and his whole body was emitting an indescribable blazing light. He is like a person woven purely of light beams, so he has unparalleled strength.

Supernatural powers, unparalleled!

For this supernatural power, the peak is unparalleled!

At this moment, he plundered all sights, and the surging power almost distorted the environment.

Peerless Armor, Shaohua Spear, Peerless Peerless, Ji Zhaonan!

At this moment, he just shook the body of the gun, and thousands of gun shadows appeared, sharper than the sound of the wind. But as soon as he stepped forward, thousands of gun shadows merged into one, and a little bit of cold light broke through the formation!


The Shaohua Spear forcibly pierced through the absolute defense of the Stone Rhinoceros Demon King, piercing through this stone wall!

Behind the stone wall, Xi Yanbing let out a muffled grunt, already injured.

But he just raised his hand to wipe the knife, and the stone color spread quickly on his body. In the blink of an eye, his majestic body was carved out of a huge stone, with almost no flesh and blood visible.

The seemingly endless light of supernatural power fell on the stone wall separating the north and south.

He also risked his life, and must keep Jiang Wang here today.

The stone wall pierced by Ji Zhaonan did not immediately collapse as expected. Instead, with the support of Xi Yanbing regardless of the cost, the stone quality was rapidly increased to make up for the gap, and to solidify the time-limiting spear.

Ji Zhaonan suddenly pulled out his spear.

Chun Yugui, who changed his hands to hold the sword in both hands, slashed at the gap again——


The sword energy shattered into endless broken shadows.

The blade rebounded and returned again.

The black Taoist robe fluttered in response!

After nine consecutive slashes like this, Chunyu Gui just used it in one breath, and gave way sideways.

At this moment, Ji Zhaonan's gauntlet was torn apart, bleeding from his tiger's mouth. But the blazing light gathered in both hands again, and the Shaohua Spear broke through the formation and hit the wall again!

Ji Zhaonan and Chunyugui had a tacit understanding and quick response.

But how could Jiang Wang ever be a person who would stand still?

At the same time that Shi Shanwen launched an all-out attack on him from his voice and spirit, and at the same time that Xi Yanbing blocked his way with his natal supernatural powers.

Between his chest and abdomen, five rounds of blazing lights lit up.

Flowing fire surrounds the body, and the frost coat spreads out.

Yaoyao raised his sword and lifted the body of Lu Qiyi, the king who hit the mountain, into the sky with sword energy.

And this body moves forward, forward, forward.

Breaking through the turbulent sound attack, the sword qi has already slashed the king of the sky and the sea!

Because the rush was too fast, many wounds were inevitably left on his body.

But he has already withstood the pressure of the soul battlefield, and the attack of the lion's roar, and forced Shi Shanwen into a close combat situation!

From the beginning to the end, he didn't even look at the stone wall behind him.

He didn't intend to break through, and he didn't intend to escape.

It seems that I have never given myself a second choice.

Shi Shanwen played well, and indeed showed extraordinary courage, but he chose the wrong opponent!

It wasn't until the moment when Jiang Wang and Shi Shanwen were killed together that the body of Lu Qiyi, who was picked up into the sky by his sword, showed its effect.

The body of the demon king quickly dissipated in the frost wind, and the powerful physical energy was mixed with the frost. After devouring Lu Qiyi's body, the extremely cold wind accelerated again and poured directly into Frostwind Valley!

Before Ying Kexun's body was dispelled by the extreme cold wind, which in turn strengthened the extreme cold wind, this scene was seen by Jiang Wang and remembered in his heart. And use it at this critical moment.

Since Shi Shanwen wanted to take advantage of the lion's roar and Zifu's golden eyes to come up and kill, since he wanted to fight fiercely in front of the extremely cold wind.

Then let the frost wind return!

Then simply fight in the extremely cold wind!

How absurd it is for a new king of the monster clan who was born in the royal family to fight bravely with Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi who was killed in a sea of ​​blood and corpses!

This is the person who really came out from the bottom, with the blood of the jungle on his body.

From Jiang Wang's red eyes emitting immortal light, Tian Hai Wang Shi Shan Wen did not see any other emotions.

He saw only his own reflection, his golden hair and golden armor.

I don't know whether to say it's a blessing or a misfortune, but he is really regarded by these eyes as the only opponent at this moment, as the goal of life and death.

He only saw one problem in these eyes, and he never said it, but it was reflected in every sword with murderous intent——

"As long as I kill you slower, I have to die. I admit it! Do you recognize it?!"

Shi Shanwen felt his heart tighten!


After countless times of alternate attacks, Ji Zhaonan and Chunyu Gui finally broke down the stone wall together. Xi Yanbing could hardly stand up, spurting blood wildly.

But also at this time.


The terrifying extremely cold wind filled Frostwind Valley in an instant.

"Jiang Wang, withdraw first!" Ji Zhaonan shouted.

Chunyugui was also holding the long sword in his hand to gain momentum, while retreating quickly, he said: "Don't worry, I'll break it!"

A bright light flashed in Shi Shanwen's eyes, he didn't dare to be slow in his punches, he was still facing life and death, but he took the initiative to slow down the offensive at the level of spirit and soul.

run away!

Jiang Wang runs away! Then he can escape too!

Compared with keeping Jiang Wang and saving his own life, he has infinitely preferred the latter at this moment. Because I have really felt death, not just imagining it. Before that he had a haughty contempt for death, until today he really touched it.

At this moment, the two sides who are fighting together and fighting with all their strength have no time to fight against the extremely cold wind. Therefore, in just a few breaths, the frost on his body has already congealed and melted, melted and congealed again!

Shi Shanwen's fist became heavier, and Jiang Wang's sword was not as fast as before.

The chill was piercing to the bones, and even began to seep into the soul.

The Bodhisattva of Six Desires is obviously not so solemn. The giant lion with purple hair and golden eyes is no longer so majestic.

Shi Shanwen clearly saw the approach of death, and he believed that Jiang Wang must be equally nervous.

But Jiang Wang didn't mean to back down at all, and he still used one sword more heavily than the other, and the shadow of the sword was almost mixed with the shadow of the fist. He even pressed Shi Shanwen and pushed forward. After pushing dozens of steps, he raised his sword and drew the Xiyan soldiers who had just been severely injured into the battle circle!

What was he thinking about? !

"You retreat first!"

In the strong wind, Jiang Wang's voice was as clear as a sword, and it was so resolute and hard!

"Chunyugui! Aren't you going to raise the flag for me?"

He roared: "Raise my purple flag!!!"

At this moment, everyone felt Jiang Wang's determination. Today he will kill Shi Shanwen, even the injured Xi Yanbing will not let go!

Where does he come from confidence and courage?

Ji Zhaonan raised his gun and wanted to move forward, but at this moment a meteorite fell from the sky, and a huge stone ball rolled down in the frosty wind!

Although Xi Yanbing was seriously injured, he cleverly used the extremely cold wind to double the power of this sorcery. Once again, it prevented the strong human race from helping Jiang Wang.

There were many explosions.

The Shaohua spear darted eastward and westward, smashing stone balls one after another.

But Ji Zhaonan himself retreated step by step.

After forcibly breaking Xi Yanbing's natal supernatural power, his strength has already weakened. While fighting against the meteorite rain, they couldn't withstand the attack of the extremely cold wind at all, so they could only withdraw again and again, and retreated out of Frostwind Valley first.

Chunyugui was dumbfounded at this moment, what he said earlier about raising the flag for the Marquis of Wu'an was just a joke, he wanted to coax this dazed young man, trick him into working harder and taking more risks.

No matter how arrogant and peerless Jiang Wu'an is, he must be several years younger than him, behind them. Young people, still need to practice!

But at the moment when Jiang Wang yelled out so earnestly, he was unconsciously encouraged. He felt an excitement he hadn't felt in a long time.

So he cut the meteorite with his right hand, and made a volley with his left hand. In the process of retreating, he attracted a Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang flag that fell on the ground...raise it!

"Chunyugui is the mighty Marquis of Wu'an today!"

This flag was previously in the hands of a Qi warrior, but now it is broken, and it is still hunting in the wind.

The dozen or so human warriors who were still alive all withdrew from Frostwind Valley. They came from different forces, watched nervously and silently, and witnessed this scene together.

Wang Kun was also outside the valley, and shouted loudly at this time: "General Chunyu! We are from Jingguo! How can we hold up the Qi people's banner?"

"There is a country inside, but there is a difference outside?! This flag of the human race!" Chunyu Gui did not let go, and only held up the purple broken flag: "Marquis Wu'an, kill them!"

In the bitter cold wind.

Now only Shi Shanwen, Xi Yanbing, and Jiang Wang are left.

The rest of the fighters of the two clans all withdrew.

This is a cage fight of desperadoes.

This is a game for the brave!

Xi Yanbing's mouth was covered with blood, and his natal supernatural power was broken, making him look horrible.

But he still grasped the state of a strong man, and swung his knife at Jiang Wang: "Then see who dies first!"


Jiang Wang was fighting the two demon kings alone, and a long sword had been used to its limit. His eyebrows were already frost-colored, and the wounds on his body were frozen, but he just shouted: "Take two lives with me!"

Marquis Wu'an of Qi State is of course a well-known human arrogance. But Tianhai King and Stone Rhinoceros Demon King are not unknown people in the Yaozu.

Is it worth it to trade your life for your life?

Is it worth it to exchange the life of two demon kings for the life of a human genius?

No matter how brave you are, you still have to settle accounts!

"Jade articles should not touch earthen jars, Stone Rhinoceros Demon King, let's go!"

at this moment.

Shi Shanwen finally collapsed.

He didn't see any wavering in those red golden eyes.

That kind of firmness is terrible.

It is impossible to experience that kind of fear without actually looking into these eyes!

He turned and flew!

He said that he would go with Xi Yanbing, but in fact he did not cover for Xi Yanbing at all, and directly gave up the Shenhun offensive and Shengwen offensive, and fled desperately. He even flew close to the ground, completely disregarding the majesty of the king, just because the extremely cold wind hadn't completely touched the ground at the moment, so he could minimize his contact with the extremely cold wind.

At this moment, Xi Yanbing was shocked and angry, hated and desperate. Shi Shanwen doesn't leave, there is still a glimmer of life, they have a chance to join forces to kill Jiang Wang before leaving. Shi Shanwen left, his best outcome was to die with Jiang Wang.

How could he not be angry?

Holding the long knife tightly in his hand, he could only fight in despair.

But the sword energy that had been entangled with him all this time suddenly disintegrated.

The sharp sword edge of Sauvignon Blanc came towards him, and he subconsciously blocked——

Jiang Wang turned around and left!

But seeing the figure of the young prince rushing through the air, the imprint of Qingyun appearing and disappearing, he is already catching up with Shi Shanwen!

Jiang Wang's goal is still Tianhaiwang, not him Shixi Demon King.

At this moment, Xi Yanbing couldn't describe his mood, he couldn't tell whether it was joy or sadness.

But he could understand Jiang Wang's sword——

I could only see light shining through above the biting cold wind. The Big Dipper moves above the sky, and the infinite starlight is like a torrent. The sharpness of this sword was not concealed by the frost and wind. So this sword, the world is winter!

The Bu Zhou Feng, which has already blossomed, spins on the edge of the sword.

Glimpse in the frigid wind, colder than the frost wind!


Shi Shanwen's eyes were almost bleeding with hatred, he couldn't understand Jiang Wang's obsession with him at all.

He didn't expect this sword at all!

Isn't it good to be alive? Isn't killing a rhinoceros soldier enough meritorious service?

At this moment, his whole body exploded with brilliant golden color, and the Taikoo Wang Daoquan exploded to the limit——

But it was too late.

All glory has been shattered. Those great moments can only be recalled.

How can there be a golden crow chariot that patrols close to the ground?

He simply turned his back on his fist and gave up his way before the great horror of life and death.

And some people go straight!

The brilliant blond hair seemed to be extinguished, and the blood-stained gold armor was torn.

The frosty wind destroys everything.

Jiang Wang's Dao Dao sword penetrated directly into his back and nailed him to the ground!

Shi Shanwen's boxing is a reminiscence of the glorious era of the Yaozu.

But the glorious era of the monster race is the dark age of the human race.

The era of the decline of the monster race is the era when the human race is the ruler of the world!

There is no other position between each other.

nothing more than——

You die! I live!

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