Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1750

The frosty wind gets colder.

This extremely cold wind seems to freeze into people's hearts.

But the blood of the human warriors who stood outside Frostwind Valley and watched this scene became hot.

Some people have already held the Jingwei flag of the Qi State and flew to Yanlao City to announce the good news.

Slaying the two demon kings in a formation is a great achievement no matter where you put it. In particular, Shi Shanwen's status is extraordinary, his talent is powerful, and his value is beyond comparison with ordinary demon kings. Not to mention directly changing the battlefield situation in Frostwind Valley, turning defeat into victory!

The rest stood outside the valley and cheered.

Although exhausted, although the wounds on his body hurt unbearably, although the battle suffered heavy casualties, he won!

It doesn't matter whether it belongs to Qi State, Jing State, or any other force. At this moment, they are cheering for the heroes of the human race, cheering for the victory of the human race, and cheering for themselves...

Of course, through the frost and wind, everything seemed far away.

Jiang Wang silently operated the Xuantian Liuli Kung Fu, accurately distributing power to fight against the extremely cold wind. Turn out Bi Fangyin with his left hand, and open a fire area outside his body.

The fire domain is compressed so thin that it almost clings to the body. This can slightly block the coldness that permeates the bones and blood.

Looking at it from a distance, it seems to be wearing a red coat.

He is not slow, nor is time slow. Holding the sword in one hand and the corpse of the demon king Tianhai in the other, he turned around and flew back.

This corpse is a battle achievement and a trophy, and it cannot be easily ruined by the extremely cold wind.

When the frost wind blows back, everything left in the valley will be confiscated by the human race—this is the most intuitive meaning of this victory.

In the cold wind, he passed by the tall and majestic Stone Rhinoceros Demon King.

Eye to eye.

Xi Yanbing got out of the way far away, almost walking close to the side of the mountain wall.

Jiang Wang also did not pursue.

The life-and-death struggle with Shi Shanwen sounds complicated, but it was actually completed in a very short period of time.

It was just this little time, and even Dao Yuan's movement began to stagnate. The soul was faintly rigid, and he had to continue to defend himself with the Chaotian Tower.

If you continue to fight, you are really begging for death.

The extremely cold wind hit the coat of the fire domain, making a crackling sound.

Jiang Wang vaguely knew what the people outside the valley were shouting, but he couldn't hear anything.

His ears were bleeding now, his hearing had been lost—

As long as Fan Shishanwen persisted for a while longer, this was one of the breakthroughs that the King of Tianhai could take advantage of.

But there are no ifs in the world, involving life and death, and there is no turning back.

Ji Zhaonan, who had already recovered, lifted the Shaohua Spear again and flew into Frostwind Valley: "Jiang Wu'an, I'll pick you up!"

Because a small amount of power was fighting against the extremely cold wind, Jiang Wang couldn't catch the sound and couldn't understand what Ji Zhaonan was saying.

But he understood that Ji Zhaonan was here to pick him up.

The choice this time sounds too impulsive, but in fact it is impossible to be impulsive.

What Shi Shanwen and Xi Yanbing built in a very short period of time was a decisive situation. If he dare not risk his life, there is absolutely no reason for him.

When the strong compete, sometimes what they compete for is momentum.

The difference of one thought, the difference between life and death.

The death of Ying Kexun was a lesson for others. The demise of Shi Shanwen can also be used as evidence.

Jiang Wang's cloak was bathed in fire, and in the extremely cold wind, he carried the Tianhai King forward, feeling very calm.

Before coming to the demon world, I already knew how dangerous this place is. The Battle of Frostwind Valley came very suddenly, very thrilling, but it was nothing more than a face-to-face.

The strong ones who can really go to the top always prove themselves time and time again before the line of life and death.

He's just on the road.

Just go ahead.

"Jiang Wu'an...Jiang Wu'an!" There was a young monk wearing broken armor, his body was full of scars, and his voice was panting, but he stood not far from the extremely cold wind, facing Jiang Wang who was slowly flying towards him, Shout hard.

His young face was full of emotion.

He shouted Jiang Wang's name, which also led others to shout together.

After a great battle, there were no more than a dozen human warriors left, and all of them shouted hoarsely.

Survive the dead and seek victory in defeat. Undoubtedly burned their emotions.

Ji Zhaonan leaped up and hit the extremely cold wind above Jiang Wang continuously with the strength of his spear from afar, relieving him of the pressure.

Looking at Jiang Wang's frost-covered face and his steady hand holding the sword, Chunyugui shook his head, placed the purple flag of latitude and longitude in his hand obliquely on the mountain wall, and said to Wang Kun, "It's very difficult for you to catch up with me." him."

Wang Kun deliberately asked, how long can you maintain the lead?

But when I think about it at this time, there is no "we" anymore.

Zhao Xuanyang was no longer there, and the gods of Jingguo said that Chunyugui was the only one who could be one step ahead of Jiang Wang.

Chen Suan, who has become a new god, has already lost once in Xingyueyuan, and avoided Jiang Wang's edge in the grassland, so he will no longer be used to compete with Jiang Wang.

Not to mention Lou Junlan, who was even worse than Chen Suan.

As for young monks like him and Wu Jiangchen who are still polishing the outer buildings... they are said to be the pride of the country, but they can only fall into the general "guys" in Chunyu Gui's mouth. There is probably only one Pei Hongjiu, who still has some spirit to catch up with Jiang Wang.

"General Chunyu, you said we are now..."

Wang Kun originally wanted to say, when we look at Jiang Wang now, is it like you looked at the real Taiyu back then?

Although he didn't think Jiang Wang could compare with Li Yi, he was still going to ask this question.

But the words were not finished after all.

because he saw—

The young man with torn armor standing outside Frostwind Valley and shouting Jiang Wang's name suddenly shut up. With this closing, it seemed as if all the voices were withdrawn instantly. A circle of silence appeared around his body, and this silence was still spreading rapidly.

In this eerie silence, the man took a step forward.

A very common step.

But one step into the Frostwind Valley, and also into the extremely cold wind!

Only one person's back was left... a back that was normal, but now it suddenly became eerie.

The back view made Wang Kun feel frightened!

There is something wrong with this person! Big problem!

Wang Kun almost cried out.

But how could the sound match the speed of this man? Before he even had time to open his mouth, the person in his line of sight had already passed Ji Zhaonan, faced Jiang Wang, and punched him out!

It's not just him, Wang Kun, who didn't react?

Ji Zhaonan couldn't even keep up!

In an instant, he turned his gun and vibrated his armor, dancing with blazing lights, and forced Wushuang again, but it was more than one point slower!

The mysterious man's steps and punches are very simple, implementing the cognition of the essence of things, the so-called simple way.

This punch swept through the terrifying power, and briefly pushed away the extremely cold wind! In the most direct and crisp way, it hit the target straight!

Wang Kun was amazed to see that in this fleeting moment, Jiang Wang, who had already been exhausted, showed a superb ability to respond. The horizontal sword withdraws the body, releases the supernatural powers, and releases the Taoism to flow almost in one go. The soul killing method, the seal method and the sword method are very skillfully connected, but everything is useless!

This mysterious man's sudden head-on punch directly blasted the majestic Marquis Wu'an of Daqi into the depths of Frostwind Valley.

There is no resistance!

The frosty wind and red fire were extinguished in an instant.

In the vast expanse of white and extremely cold wind, there was no more brilliance to be seen, nor was the figure of that young prince!

Only the howling and swirling wind.

Only the corpse of Tian Hai Wang Shi Shan Wen, who fell not far away, may still prove Jiang Wang's martial arts!

Recently, Jiang Wang was only a few dozen steps away from Frostwind Valley.

Usually it's just a foot away.

But it was such a small distance that he couldn't get out again.

who is it? Whose game is it, whose punch is it?

Ji Zhaonan looked crazy at this moment, the blazing light around him almost drove away the extremely cold wind several feet away. But he held the Shaohua Spear in his hand and roared murderously, but only saw a peaceful face.

That faction that no one has identified for the time being is one of the people who joined the Frostwind Valley battlefield as a supporter. The performance in the battle is quite satisfactory, and he has survived until now.

But in this punch, it showed the power to infinitely approach the realm of Dongzhen!

At this moment, he glanced at the direction where Jiang Wang disappeared, turned around, looked at Ji Zhaonan calmly, and said with some regret: "I don't have enough time."

While speaking, his body began to disintegrate, disintegrating at an alarming rate. This disintegration has nothing to do with the extremely cold wind, but only comes from himself. This disintegration seemed to give him even more power.

The technique of annihilation?

equal country?

Such a question arose in Chunyu Gui's heart.

Chunyu Gui was not the only one who had such doubts.

But this person just raised his right hand, simply clenched his fist, and simply punched out. Confronted Ji Zhaonan, who suddenly exploded and wanted to go deep into Frostwind Valley. The powerful fist opened the world, wiped out the gun light, and blasted it all the way out of Frostwind Valley!

The left hand is raised high, looking towards the sky of Frostwind Valley, as if grabbing something, and slamming it down!

"The wind of extreme cold is approaching." He said thus: "Here, be silent!"

What you say is what you say.

He held the extremely cold wind in front of him into a flowing barrier, and sealed the valley entrance here, forming a prison gate.

When the last power was exhausted, his body disintegrated, swept by the extreme cold wind, nothing existed anymore.

But Ji Zhaonan had no choice but to retreat under the increasingly cold frosty wind!

At this moment, the extremely cold wind completely filled the Frostwind Valley, roaring crazily in the valley like a beast raging. The chill deepened rapidly, and icicles began to form on the mountain walls.

Frostwind Valley still has a few days to usher in the real silent period, but this mysterious person, with his last strength, made the extremely cold wind stop and never disperse, so that the silent period was brought forward!

In other words, not only did he completely block Ji Zhaonan's possibility of going deep into Frostwind Valley for rescue, but also cut off Jiang Wang's way back, and even... told Ji Zhaonan not to even snatch Jiang Wang's body back!

In that state, Jiang Wang received such a powerful punch. It's almost a mortal situation.

Even if he was lucky enough to be alive, he would definitely not be able to escape the present Frostwind Valley.

Even if they miraculously escaped from Frostwind Valley and withstood the extremely cold wind, how could they survive the eleven-month silent period in the monster clan territory on the other side of Frostwind Valley?

Although I haven't seen the corpse yet, I can almost declare it like this——

Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi, in the Frost Wind Valley! ! !

Things are getting bigger...

Looking at this scene, Chunyu Gui thought in his heart.

If this matter is not handled properly, what kind of consequences will erupt is simply unimaginable.

That invisible cloud is even lower than the extremely cold wind in front of you!

He put his sword back into its sheath, strode forward, and walked to Ji Zhaonan's side.

And Ji Zhaonan just pointed his gun at the frost and wind barrier, without saying a word. The gauntlet was already shattered, and the hand holding the gun was dyed red, still trembling slightly.

This person has really reached his limit. During the month when Frostwind Valley was opened, he fought almost every day, taking the lead in every battle, and countless dead souls fell under the gun. I have been fighting until now, until the shot in the fist fight just now, until I really can't make any more progress.

"Brother Ji..."

As soon as Chunyugui spoke, Ji Zhaonan suddenly turned his head and looked at him extremely fiercely!

There was absolutely no room for jokes at this time.

Chunyugui immediately raised his finger to the sky, and said solemnly: "Heavenly hell is the place where countless sages of the human race are buried. In the past, the emperor of the ancient times presided over the construction of the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, so he made a pact with the three Taoist priests here, 'The mortal race is here. , we must abandon tribal thoughts, work together, and fight against the demon clan'. My Dajing is an orthodox Taoist, guarding the gate of ten thousand demons for generations, and never dare to forget this oath. I swear on my reputation of Chun Yugui, Wu Anhou this matter , I have no knowledge of it! There is absolutely no way that this matter has anything to do with Jingguo!"

With cold eyes, Ji Zhaonan glanced over the other people standing outside the valley one by one.

As if in this way, the remnants that may exist can be found out.

Wang Kun was a little annoyed at this spy-like scrutiny, and pursed his lips, about to say something, but he couldn't open his mouth in the end. The people of Qi are about to go crazy, so there is no need for him to confront the madman head-on.

Chunyugui said again: "The Marquis of Wu An fought for the human race. His heroic figure is widely seen, but he was killed by traitors. I also hate him deeply! Jing Guo will also make efforts to thoroughly investigate this matter, and must give Marquis Wu An an explanation. !"

"No need!"

Blood dripped from his fingers, and Ji Zhaonan raised his gun and walked away: "If something happens to the people of Qi, Qi will investigate it himself!"

His body flitted across the sky, like a flash of shock.

Remember that question?

Marquis Wu'an of Great Qi came to the demon world for the first time today, what would happen if he died here?

Ji Zhaonan didn't think about it at the time.

Need to think now!

A lot of people need to think!


For the defenders in Yanlao City, the mood of this day was simply ups and downs, with great twists and turns.

First, General Ji Zhaonan hurried back to the city to ask for help. The situation in Frostwind Valley was not good, which made people worry.

In addition to ensuring the defense of Yanlao City, the city lord, Dou Yiheng, assembled two centurions urgently.

It was just at this time that Marquis Wu'an chose to come to the demon world to perform his duties as a god when he was notified at this time, and the defenders of Yanlao City were excited for a while.

However, the defenders on the top of the city were fortunate enough to see Wu Anhou Zhenrong. Because Marquis Wu'an didn't even enter the city gate, he was abducted by General Ji Zhaonan to the Frostwind Valley battlefield, and even the two centurions that had just been assembled were abandoned.

With the famous Marquis of Wu'an participating in the battle, the battlefield of Frostwind Valley can already be stabilized.

Sure enough, when it was getting dark, someone hurried back to announce the good news, holding up the battle flag and flying all the way along the main road of the city, loudly announcing—Ji Zhaonan shot and killed a demon king, Marquis Wu'an killed two demon kings, Shuangfeng The overall situation in the valley is set!

The whole city is boiling.

People scrambled to talk about the legendary experience of Marquis Wu'an, and why he was able to establish martial arts as soon as he came to the demon world. By the way, he also talked about Ji Zhaonan's bravery in fighting for so many years.

But before the excitement of Yanlao City passed, Ji Zhaonan, covered in blood, hurried past the city without even saying hello, and directly returned to the present world.

However, the Marquis of Wu'an did not return for a long time.

This undoubtedly cast a shadow over people's hearts.

People were discussing anxiously, and the city specially sent people to Frostwind Valley to investigate.

Dou Yiheng, who is on the scene, even stood on the tower in person to wait for the news!

after that...

The only four remaining monks came back from Frostwind Valley, two of them were monks from a small country in the Eastern Region, and two regular soldiers from the Qi State—they together announced the unfortunate news of Marquis Jiang Wang of Wu'an with tears in his eyes!

The news was like a thunderbolt.

How many people were speechless.

No one can believe it.

No one would believe it.

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