Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1751 The sound of the drum, the humanity is bright

The news of Jiang Wang's death in Frostwind Valley was too sudden. It seems that just a moment ago, the youngest military meritorious prince in the Qi Kingdom was still continuing his legend, fighting bravely and angrily beheading the two demon kings. The next moment he had an accident.

At that time, Bai Yuxia was still studying the detailed information of the demon world, thinking about how to plan a perfect route for Jiang Wang's trip to heaven.

As a doorman, of course he followed Wu Anhou's decision. But reasonable advice is also what he should do.

Listening to all directions like him, he did not miss the people's cheers for Jiang Wang's deeds. I didn't miss people's regret, puzzlement, and shock.

Yanlao City is a large city built by the human race in the demon world, and its specifications are much higher than ordinary cities in the world. One must have a godly cultivation base to qualify as the threshold for serving as a city lord.

This is even more of this military city, and everyone staying here is a warrior who wants to fight against the monster clan.

It's not easy for them to convince anyone, and they rarely have the boredom of chasing rumors.

Bai Yuxia rushed out from the courtyard specially set aside for the Marquis of Wu'an in Yanlao City, and saw Fang Yuanyou grabbing a man by the neck, and shouted angrily, "What did you say? What did you say!?"

The other personal guards belonging to the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion even hula-la surrounded a large group, all of them vicious.

The person caught by Fang Yuanyou told Rao, "I didn't say this, it was said by someone who came back from Frostwind Valley. Maybe I made a mistake? You might as well ask yourself."

Bai Yuxia comforted the guards, and went to visit Dou Yiheng, the lord of Yanlao City, alone.

In the end, Marquis Wu An personally brought the person from the demon world, but he was not turned away.

So he got more detailed news that made him unable to deceive himself - Frostwind Valley has fallen into a period of silence, and Jiang Wang has not come out.

What this means, anyone who has a little understanding of Frostwind Valley can understand.

The entire city of Yanlao was under martial law, and no one was allowed to enter or leave. It is said that the same is true of Jingguo Tieyan City, which is also in this area.

Both Qi Jing and Qi Jing wanted to thoroughly investigate this matter and find out who was behind the murder of Marquis Wu An.

In the middle of the night, Xiu Yuan, commander of the Prisoner Army of the Demon Realm Army of the Governor General Qi, even came to Yanlao City in person. I went to Frostwind Valley to see it myself, and broke the Frostwind barrier with my own hands, but failed to find Jiang Wang's body...

And all of this has nothing to do with Bai Yuxia for a while.

He feels lost.

The first rebellion in life was to let go of everything and move forward to swim the sword world. But when he turned around, his father was gone, and Langya Bai's mansion was about to collapse.

Realizing that there is no hope in Yue State, he resolutely gave up everything, left the country alone and came to Qi State, and paid homage to Jiang Wang's mansion, which he was sure would dominate in the future.

But the bowls and chopsticks from the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion have just been served here, and before two mouthfuls of rice have been picked up, the Marquis of Wu'an is gone.

Could it be that I, Bai Yuxia, am actually the legendary lone star of the evil spirit?

Arrest who harm whom?

Even a person like Jiang Wang, who is famous and powerful, can be killed by me?

He remembered again, before he met him, he went forward to try the sword in the world, and everything went smoothly. It was only after meeting him that he was hanged on Tianmu Peak, half to death...

"Master Bai, what should we do now?" Fang Yuanyou asked with red eyes.

To be honest, even with Bai Yuxia's heart, it is difficult to accept this result at this time.

It was all too abrupt.

Although behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, anyone can die. But Jiang Wang is such a well-known strong man after all, and his reputation has not been limited to the younger generation. In terms of achievements and prestige, he has long been the well-deserved No. 1 pride of Daqi.

But such a character, such a military master who created extraordinary history and established brilliant martial arts, died in battle on the first day he came to the demon world... This is really ridiculous.

Fate seemed to be playing a bad joke with him.

"What do you think?" Bai Yuxia asked as calmly as possible.

"I want to stay in Yanlao City, find out who is behind the scenes, and avenge Lord Hou." Fang Yuanyou gritted his teeth and said, "Brothers think so too!"

He was born as a commoner, and his talents and abilities are not outstanding. Thanks to his bravery and loyalty, he was pulled out of the army by Jiang Wangjian, and was able to become the commander of the guards of the Hou Mansion. Since then, he has soared into the sky, talking and laughing happily with many people he could only look up to before.

It can be said that everything he has today is attached to Jiang Wang. But today, he was uprooted. How can he not feel uncomfortable, how can he not hate?

"Of course we can participate in finding out who is behind the scenes, and we must do our part. But you and I must understand that this is ultimately a matter of the above."

Bai Yuxia said while thinking: "But you said that it is right to stay in Yanlao City, and I also support it. If you are alive, you must see people, and if you die, you must see the corpse. Before seeing Lord Hou, there is still an emergency. We should stay here and wait for him. Even if everything is really irreversible in the end, Master Hou still has a personal disciple... We must help him well."

He didn't know that Jiang Wang had a younger sister. But the most urgent task right now is how to stabilize everything that Jiang Wang manages. If Jiang Wang can come back, his foundation is still there. If he can never come back again, the career he has worked hard for all his life can still continue...

The premise of stabilizing everything is the need for a backbone, a legitimate banner.

And Chu Yao, as Jiang Wang's direct disciple, is qualified to inherit the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion.

Seeing that Fang Yuanyou understood his meaning completely, Bai Yuxia patted him on the shoulder: "Let's tell the brothers to prepare for the battle. In addition, immediately send someone back to Linzi to report to Bowanghou. Don't add fuel to the picture, just say what you know. Then Let some smart ones go out to inquire about the news. Master Hou was obviously tricked into this matter, we can't just listen to what others say."

Fang Yuanyou endured his grief and hurried away.

Bai Yuxia stood alone in the courtyard, staring at the sky for a moment without saying a word.

Brother Jiang, if it were you, what would you do?



A stone stirs up a thousand waves.

The news of Marquis Wu'an's fall into Frostwind Valley is more than just a stone falling into the water?

It's like pouring mountains and filling the sea!

In a very short period of time, it spread throughout the human city of the demon world. And spread to the present world at a terrifying speed.

On Jingguo's side, in order to prove his innocence, Chunyugui also went all out to investigate in Tieyan City. Before the night passed, he brought the information obtained from the investigation and personally came to Yanlao City to report to Xiuyuan——

It is really necessary to avoid Qi's strategic misjudgment.

If Qi Guo really thinks that Jing Guo needs to be responsible for Jiang Wang's fall into Frostwind Valley, it means that the pattern of great powers jointly suppressing the demon world will be completely broken. No one will abide by the Human Race Covenant that has lasted for several great eras. From then on, even in the battlefield of the demon world, everyone will be in danger.

So why outside the Frostwind Valley, Chunyu Gui would swear to the sky without knowing anything, and he would not hesitate to use his own reputation as a guarantee, and he must temporarily suppress Ji Zhaonan's suspicion, so as to prevent the Qi State from going too far reaction?

This fact is dangerous.

In a place like the demon world, which has been soaked in the blood of countless human races, it is the most indiscriminate behavior to secretly attack the geniuses of other countries.

Those who set this precedent will be put on the pillar of shame and bear the eternal infamy!

Frankly speaking, before getting the final investigation results, Chunyugui himself was very disturbed.

Jing Kingdom is too ancient, too large, and its internal factions are too complicated. There are people who support any political concept. How radical ideas have existed before.

Chunyugui was really afraid that someone from some mountain in the interior would have to have a whim and use this stupid way to suppress Qi.

Another example is that Zhao Xuanyang is still missing, and all follow-ups about him are gone.

Can those six people in Jingtian Mansion have no objection to Jiang Wang? Can Qiguo have no hatred? Will they do something about it?

Even Chunyugui himself is not sure...

Fortunately, the final investigation results did not step his reputation into the mud. At least not with the evidence at hand, not yet.

The young man who suddenly attacked Jiang Wang in the Frostwind Valley was a defender of the Central Region, named Mei Xuelin.

He is a descendant of Mei Xingju, a hero who once served in the demon world.

But when he was born, the Mei family had already fallen, and Mei Xingju's shadow could not last till today.

He is the only son in his family.

The cultivation base of the inner palace has no supernatural powers. At present, the three government offices have been knocked open.

What he learned was the art of Confucianism, and what he worshiped was the holy land of Shushan.

His father, Mei Wensi, has not yet opened the gate of heaven and earth. His mother, Han Yunmei, is just an ordinary person.

Mei Xuelin worked hard since he was a child, and cultivated into the inner palace at a young age, which is already a rare talent. But the Mei family didn't have enough resources to support him moving forward, and what Weiguo could give was also very limited. He came to fight in the demon world just to earn a fortune to advance.

In Iron Rock City, Mei Xuelin made many friends. He has a gentle temperament, is very reliable in his behavior and work, and has a good reputation. In this Frostwind Valley incident, he volunteered and took the initiative to participate in the rescue battle in Frostwind Valley as a supporter. It was in the team led by Wang Kun, who followed Wang Kun to Frostwind Valley.

However, Wang Kun was only temporarily leading the team and did not know this person.

Mei Xuelin once had someone he liked, and it is said that he almost became a Taoist couple, but that woman died on the battlefield...

The life of Mei Xuelin was laid out in detail before the Xiuyuan case.

But the commander-in-chief of the Great Qi Empire didn't take a look, he just stared at Chunyugui: "So you can already be sure that he is indeed a member of Pingguo?"

"He should have joined the Equal Kingdom between 3914 and 3915. Because his character changed a lot at that time."

Chunyugui sat on the guest chair, and seriously stated: "His three best friends in Iron Rock City, and more than ten people who are close to him in the current Shiwei Kingdom, including his parents, teachers and teachers... have already They are all under control. They can be handed over to your country for investigation at any time."

Xiu Yuan was noncommittal.

Chunyugui said again: "The strength that Mei Xuelin displayed is absolutely abnormal, it should be borrowed by a strong person at least at the level of Dongzhen, most likely one of Zhao Zi, Qian Chou, Sun Yin, and Li Mao.

We tend to be Zhao Zi, because she had a head-on collision with Marquis Wu'an in Xiadi.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the leader of the equal country will take action himself, but deliberately suppressing the power, so that we misjudged... The way he finally disintegrated his body should be the destruction technique of the equal country. "

Jingguo's intelligence capabilities are extraordinary, and he can even grasp the details of the collision between Pingguo and Qiguo in Xiadi.

But Xiuyuan just asked: "Since Mei Xuelin was borrowed by a certain Dongzhen powerhouse, he was able to exert that level of power. Since he already possessed that level of power, why did he use Miehua?" technique?"

Chunyugui was stunned for a moment, and said uncertainly: "Maybe Mei Xuelin's body is not strong enough to support that level of power call. Maybe it's for... to hide his identity?"

"He is a man from the Central Territory defending the country, and his ancestors have been at your Jingshitai for eighteen generations. Now that he has shown his face, why hide his identity?" Xiu Yuan looked at him: "You don't have to be here. Play innocent in front of the seat."

Chunyu Guihao said without embarrassment: "I mean, the traces of destruction. The existence that borrowed Mei Xuelin's body did not want people to see the traces of his use of this body. So destroying the body makes it impossible for people to track it."

Xiuyuan asked again: "Have you experienced the art of destruction?"

Chunyugui shook his head and said, "No, I just heard about it."

Xiu Yuan said: "Then you are not sure, what you see is the technique of annihilation."

Chunyugui was silent for a while, and then said: "But I can be sure that Mei Xuelin is indeed from Pingguo."

"I don't ask you how you are sure." Xiu Yuan said lightly: "Go back. Tell Pei Xinghe the original words. First, this Mei Xuelin is from Zhongyu, and second, this Mei Xuelin has been out for a long time In your Iron Rock City of Jingguo. If you want to get rid of yourself, what you have done so far is far from enough."

Pei Xinghe is the Disaster Rescue Commander, and is also the military presence of the current Governor Jingguo's demon world.

After the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, the human race maintains at least three real monarchs and strong men all year round to ensure the safety of the most core human city "Suiming City" behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters. These three true monarchs have always come from the six overlords, and they take turns guarding here.

Yan Dao powerhouses only serve as top-level combat forces. The real masters behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters are the commanders like Xiu Yuan and Pei Xinghe who hold the military power.

Chunyugui just listened, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "I will definitely bring the words of Marshal Xiu. The misfortune of Marquis Wu'an in the demon world, we Jingguo will also fully cooperate with the investigation. The one who took advantage of Mei Xuelin's body in Frostwind Valley People must still be in the demon world. We, Jing Qi, will cooperate and dig three feet to find him.

But Chunyu Gui wanted to say something to Xiu Shuai - 'Jing Guo must do well in Jing Guo's affairs. Jing Guo is also willing to cooperate with things that are not for Jing Guo. But Jingguo is not the enemy of Qiguo, at least not in the demon world. ’ Marshal, please treat it with prudence. "

He stood up and bowed to Xiu Yuan: "That's all I said, Chunyu Gui will leave."

It was already daylight.

The long night is finally over.

Seeing the young Tianjiao's black Taoist robe rolled into the morning light, Xiu Yuan sat in the military case without saying a word.

Jing Guochun returned home, so he naturally lived up to the name of Tianjiao.

But Qi State has Jiang Wu'an who is worth looking forward to in the future... The hateful thing is that he has fallen by accident.

As for whether the mastermind behind the scenes could be found soon, Xiu Yuan actually didn't have much hope.

Pingguo is indeed the biggest suspect at the moment, but Jingguo is not necessarily innocent. Even other countries, are they all credible? Thinking about it in a darker way, the possibility of the disaster originating within the Qi State is not necessarily non-existent.

Jiang Wang was enshrined as a Marquis when he was young, and he became famous all over the world, which was too enviable. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at him secretly. He originally wanted to transfer the young military meritorious marquis to his tent and take care of him personally, but before he had time, the disaster happened.

The black hand behind the scenes could have thought of taking advantage of Mei Xuelin, or could have thought of sneaking around in Frostwind Valley to make a move. How could you not be ready to evacuate?

It took him most of the night to arrange his defenses and rush to Yanlao City as quickly as possible - such a long time is enough for a real person to escape far away.

And they haven't been able to pinpoint the true identity of the target person yet.

Mei Xuelin is just a small character, insignificant.

He studied Confucianism, was born in the Wei Kingdom of the Central Region, wandered around Iron Rock City, and secretly joined the Pingguo Kingdom... It can be said that he is covered with labels, which makes people dazzled, and he doesn't know who to suspect. But none of that really matters. Because he is just a small character, in front of an existence with the power of insight, he has no possibility of autonomy at all.

"Who is the one?"

Xiu Yuan thought quietly.

But at the next moment, he stood up abruptly.

Because he felt an extremely powerful and unparalleled aura descending suddenly!

Qi State's sub-gate of the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters has a fixed location in this world, and it was established in the Jichuan underground city. However, the exits on the demon world are not fixed, they will randomly appear in the area near Yanlao City - this is to increase the difficulty of being locked, so that it will not become the entrance for the demon clan to counterattack the world.

At this time, the descending aura completely covered the entire area of ​​Yanlao City, soaring to the sky and hitting the ground, making the round of golden sun hanging in the high vault of the demon world dimmed a bit!

So the sky turned thunder, and the sky drum rang. In the distant Suiming City, which is located in the core area of ​​the human race, three majestic auras echoed immediately, shocking all directions.

All of this is announcing a message——

Jiang Mengxiong, the military god of the Great Qi, came to the demon world in person!

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