Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1752 sincere regret for the world

In the demon world, the human race and the demon race are not divided into territories, and there is no two divisions of the world.

All the territories of the human race in this world revolve around the "Suiming City".

At the beginning, the ancient human emperor You Xiong successfully built the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, which cut off the hope of the monster race to counterattack the world. From then on, only a small amount of troops are needed to guard the gate, and you can free up your hands to sweep all directions in the world.

But in the Middle Ages, the Human Emperor Lieshan clan broke into the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, killed the monster, and established the first human city in the heavenly prison. In order to commemorate the ancient Huang Suiren family, it was engraved with the word "Sui Ming". At the same time, it also means that this is the first fire of civilization lit by the human race in the demon world.

Since then, all the big cities of the human race have been built with Suiming City as the center. Like a torch, it spreads its light in all directions.

Every existence that can be called a "big sect" in this world has its own big city in the demon world.

In the long time, countless great cities of the human race have risen and fallen, built and destroyed, but Suiming City has never fallen.

Therefore, it is also known as "the city that does not sink".

Every brick of it is soaked in the blood of human warriors. On its bronze gate, there are still bloody palm prints left by the sages.

For so many years, the settlements of the human race in the demon world have always been expanding and shrinking, expanding and shrinking. In this see-saw process, every inch is filled with the flesh and blood of countless warriors.

However, the overall trend is still expanding.

Especially after the prosperity of the current national system, the human race has ushered in the "Great Expansion Era" in the demon world. In all directions, almost all of them have touched the so-called "innate barrier".

To put it more vividly, the current territory of the human race is more like a huge basin.

Surrounded by the so-called "Hundred Thousand Mountains".

Of course, there are many "gaps" in this "basin", and some "gaps" are so huge that they can completely accommodate large armies to fight. The human race and the monster race built big cities in those places, facing each other head-on.

Those places are also the main battlefields of the demon world.

As for dangerous places like Frostwind Valley, it is actually one of the exits. However, it is more "narrow" and the opening period is extremely short

Although in the long years, the human race has always maintained an offensive posture, but in the demon world, the demon race must have a huge strength advantage.

Beyond the 100,000 mountains, it is all the territory of the monster clan. The army of the monster race surrounded the mountains, tightly locking the human race.

But the war of the human race is a rotation war. If the Prisoner Army replaces the Wintermute Army, it is a round of training.

Behind the Yaozu, there is no other world to support.

Human beings call the area within the 100,000 mountains a "civilized basin" and the area beyond the 100,000 mountains a "wild land". The process of breaking through the blockade of the 100,000 mountains is a process of continuously bleeding the Yaozu. The purpose of the war is of course to spread the fire of civilization in the barren land.

According to the common agreement of the human race recognized and continued by the six great powers, once the monster race mobilizes superior forces, they want to completely destroy the civilization basin. The human race in the present world will gather together and fight a war of genocide with the monster race.

As the torrent of humanity rolls forward and the basin of civilization becomes more and more stable, this possibility is getting smaller and smaller.

The intensity of the Heavenly Hell War was actually controlled by the higher-ups of the human race for a long time after the opening of the new calendar.

On the enlarged map of the demon world, Yanlao City is in the northern part of the Civilization Basin, and Frostwind Valley is a narrow path.

As for the intelligence of the wild land, what humans know is still very fragmented. After all, it has only been in the past few thousand years that the human race has completely occupied this civilization basin.

Let's talk about Xiu Yuan startled up in Yanlao City, flew out of the city, and indeed saw the figure of the leader of the Military Hall in the distance. But just one step, and it has disappeared. There is only a majestic and domineering atmosphere, which lingers for a long time.

Speaking of which, Xiuyuan also knew that with Jiang Wang's current status, if something happened, it would definitely shock the world. He also predicted that the imperial court would send a Yan Dao Zhenjun over to further confirm Jiang Wang's current situation—whether he is alive or dead, it must be certain.

The person who came is likely to be Ruan Yu and Ruan Jianzheng. Although the demon world is a completely different world, the True Monarch of the Gua Dao will definitely be disturbed by the powerful monsters, and the technique of astrology may not work here... But Ruan Yu At any rate, he has more ways to find people than other Yan Dao powerhouses, and he has cooperated with Jiang Wang several times, so he is relatively familiar.

If it wasn't Ruan Yi, it would be Jiang Mengxiong. Because this matter involves Ji Zhaonan, and Jiang Wang is undoubtedly the emperor's favorite now, and the honor he has received is unmatched! Jiang Wang had an accident because he was abducted by Ji Zhaonan to Frostwind Valley, and it was necessary for the God of War to do something.

The only thing he didn't expect was that Jiang Mengxiong would come so fast.

The day had just dawned in the demon world, and even he, who was sitting in the demon world, had only arrived in Yanlao City late last night.

And Marshal Zhen Guo is almost on the same foot as him.

It means that Ji Zhaonan rushed back to the present world last night to report the news to Qi Ting. After a brief communication with Qi Ting, the God of War immediately stopped the affairs at hand and descended in person.

It should be known that although there are many strong people in Qi State, they also have a great family and a great cause, and everything is crucial. The mobilization of every Yan Dao powerhouse does not mean that they can do whatever they want.

And Xiuyuan noticed even more keenly that Ji Zhaonan did not return to the demon world with the army god.

The demon world is where Ji Zhaonan has developed for a long time. He has experienced all the seven great cities of the Qi State. He has also been to dangerous places such as Frostwind Valley. His growth trajectory is clearly depicted here. Qi Ting trained him as the future military governor of the demon world. But today Jiang Mengxiong came to the demon world in person, and he did not return with him. What lies behind this is intriguing.

Xiu Yuan was quiet for a while, then wrote a military order to the guards, and then walked away, also going to Frostwind Valley.

Jiang Wang had an accident so easily in the demon world, and as the commander of the governor Qi's demon world military, he could not escape his responsibility.

But the god of war came so fast, maybe Jiang Wang still has hope?

Let's see what the military god who has not set foot in the demon world for a long time is going to do today!

The speed of real people in this world is extremely fast.

From Yanlao City to Frostwind Valley, it took only a short while.

When Xiuyuan rushed to the place, he saw Jiang Mengxiong standing quietly in front of the valley at first sight. For so many years, it has always stood there majestically.

"Coming?" Jiang Mengxiong looked into the valley without looking back.

Xiu Yuan bowed his head in salute: "Generalissimo."

"Jiang Wang is not in Frostwind Valley." Jiang Mengxiong said, "I didn't find his body here."

Xiu Yuan didn't speak, because he had come to look for it himself last night, and even broke through the frost and wind barrier and entered the valley, but he did not see the body.

However, as an important military presence in the governor Qi's demon world, he must be responsible for the hundreds of thousands of troops stationed in the demon world. It is impossible to cross Frostwind Valley in person to find people in the Yaozu territory.

It is indeed hard to say that it is necessary... In such a situation, with Jiang Wang's cultivation base, no matter how you look at it, it is a desperate situation. The body is missing, it may have been destroyed and devoured by the extremely cold wind, or it may have been swallowed by some monster clan. And even after passing through Frostwind Valley, even he is not sure to come back alive, let alone Jiang Wang who is only at the level of God's presence?

Jiang Mengxiong didn't wait for Xiuyuan's response either, he just made a simple statement, and informed the nine-pawn commander of the governor's demon world military.

Then he raised his fist.

This is such an ordinary fist, there is no dazzling light and shadow, and there is no golden brilliance and jade color. It has yellow skin, blue veins, well-proportioned flesh and bones, and even the peak of the fist is gentle.

But as Jiang Mengxiong's fist, it is so extraordinary!

Jiang Mengxiong simply threw a punch, which was as crisp as horizontal and vertical. That kind of vigor doesn't seem to be much heavier than the green skin of a street fight.

But this punch fell.

The extremely cold wind that had been roaring in Frostwind Valley for tens of thousands of years suddenly stopped! Empty in a flash!

In the last moment, there was a whistling sound, as if it would never end, and the extreme chill seeped out of the valley, making people daunting. The next moment, the wind and snow cleared.

One moment it was white and the next moment it was empty.


This punch killed not only the extremely cold wind in Frostwind Valley?

That selfless and invincible domineering fist, like an invisible giant beast, ran over on a rampage. Run over the extremely cold wind, run over the frozen snow in the sky, run over the rocks, and run over the so-called irreversible things.

There is nothing there, only "emptiness", the "emptiness" without everything!

The entire Frostwind Dale was shattered.

The wind and snow that once thought it would never stop also disappeared completely.

This side of the world is rooted here, and the natural barriers are broken together!

There is a huge gap in this section of the 100,000 mountains in the demon world.

Once every winter moon, the small group of elite fighters of the two races fought here to fight for the narrow road, and the battle has become history from now on.

It is conceivable that in the near future, all the human race and monster race will need to deploy troops here, build a big city, and use this place as one of the new front lines.

Jiang Mengxiong punched him, opening up a brand new battlefield!

An eleven-month silent period?

This has been the case since ancient times, the rules of heaven and earth?

Jiang Mengxiong disagreed!

He wants to walk through here, the sky is unstoppable.

He wants to break into the demon clan's territory to find someone, who can stop him?

But at this time, standing on the side of the Civilization Basin, looking through what should be the Frostwind Valley, you can already see the opposite side at a glance - on the vast wasteland, the frozen snow has not yet melted, and an elite group of demon clan The team, including many demon kings, was scattered in haste. In the slowly falling snowflakes, there are dozens of scattered black spots.

Xiuyuan exhausted his eyesight, and with the vision of a real person, he could even see the outline of a big monster city far away. It is not far from the distance from Yanlao City to Frostwind Valley.

"In this extremely cold wind, there is no vitality of Jiang Wang. It means that he was not digested and swallowed by the extremely cold wind. He may have fled to the territory of the monster clan."

Jiang Mengxiong said again lightly.

Then move forward.

He didn't have any earth-shaking momentum, he just simply raised his steps and moved forward.

But unstoppable!

It was just one step, and it had already crossed a long distance, landing above the ancient city at the end of the field of vision.

Xiuyuan knew that he was the witness. To witness Jiang Mengxiong's fairness, to witness that Marshal Zhen Guo didn't pretend to be anything for his disciple Ji Zhaonan-the dignified military god didn't have to be like this. The information that Xiuyuan captured on this matter... is that the emperor was really angry.

Jiang Wang fell into Frostwind Valley, and the consequences may be more serious than anyone imagined!

As a witness for his immediate superior and the leader of the military hall, Xiu Yuan has nothing to dissatisfaction with.

Because of Cui Zhu, he lived in a seclusion, and because of Yan Tu, he was left out in the cold. He finally stayed on the bench until the end of Xia Xia, and entered the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters in turn. Just when he was about to flex his muscles...he met Jiang Wang again. This thing.

It can be said that the good things did not catch up with one, and the bad things were all over the place, and it was all unwarranted disasters.

After jumping up to follow, you can see above the gate of this ancient city, the word "Nan Tian" is written in Dao script - the script of the monster race is Dao text, unlike the human race, which has many ordinary characters .

Therefore, all the Yaozu are "literate", because Daowen is "knowing what you see".

But only the demon king and the strong can write, because the journey of telling the Tao cannot be done by the strong.

Jiang Mengxiong shattered Frostwind Valley with one punch, and came to Nantian City in one step.

With just a glance, he can tell that there are no living human races in this city, let alone the breath of Jiang Wang.

There is still no expression on his face, but his voice is like a drum in the sky, and thunder is moving thousands of miles: "Marquis Wu An of the Great Qi did not die in the frontal battlefield, he did not die in the siege of thousands of troops and trampled on by thousands of horses, but he died in the collusion of monsters. The pity of the world!"

When the sound fell, the monster clan died instantly!

The demon clan on the city wall fell one by one!

Xiuyuan understood very well why Jiang Mengxiong didn't find Jiang Wang, but directly announced Jiang Wang's death.

Because this is already the best response under the current circumstances.

If Jiang Wang was eaten by a monster clan, or if all traces were wiped out directly, then there is nothing to say. There is nothing anyone can do.

But if Jiang Wang is still alive, Yaozu cannot let Yaozu know that he is still alive.

And Jiang Mengxiong's voice continued: "No matter in this world, in hell, or wherever the latitude and longitude flags are flying, I will tell you to see the anger of the Great Qi Empire, so I will first use this city to bury Jiang Wu'an!"

His voice has directly shocked a large number of monsters to death.

While speaking, he even dropped a punch!

It was still the ordinary fist, but this time it was no longer so calm. Tens of thousands of dark cracks were dragged on the face of the fist, and the end of each dark crack was connected to Yuanqiong. This punch seemed to forcibly pull down the sky of the entire demon world.

Such a punch seemed to penetrate the earth!

The city is full of monsters, their hearts are torn!

But at this moment, another voice sounded, this voice was brilliant, powerful, and mighty——

"Who am I?"

Under Jiang Mengxiong's fist and above Nantian City, a golden mask appeared in response.

Jiang Mengxiong's fist fell and hit the mask.

There was a distant crisp sound, like an old monk striking a bell from a deep mountain. The voiceprint is like a sea tide, rolling up dust and mist for thousands of miles.

The mask does not move, the fist does not move.

But the wilderness split open, and the entire Nantian City suddenly fell several inches!

And then, the flowing gold mask was quickly gathered, turning into a brilliant golden point, and then stretched out, condensing into a golden halberd with an exaggeratedly huge blade.

A powerful monster with a golden hair circle on his face walked out of the meaning of time and space, and reached out to hold the halberd.

So he exists.

He wears a red gold crown with three-pronged hair on his head, and his two feathers are like blood-stained.

Wearing a chain armor with animal face and swallowing head, swallowing shoulders on shoulders and swallowing sea on knees, it is powerful and bullying.

A lejia exquisite lion belt, majestic and magnificent, like winding around a mountain.

Wearing a battle robe of red blood, and stepping on cloud iron boots.

The end is majestic.

His equipment is all made by the corpse of the sky demon. It is also a proof of his past martial arts. Extremely bloody, but also extremely powerful and majestic.

It was Jiang Mengxiong's old opponent.

Sky demon! Ape Immortal Court!

The rank ranking of the demon clan is little demon, demon soldier, demon general, demon commander, demon king, true demon, and sky demon.

Compared with human monks, before Tenglong, they were all little monsters. After Tenglong, they can be called demon soldiers. The inner palace can be a demon general, the outer building and ordinary gods can be demon commanders, and the strong gods are qualified to be kings.

True demons are stronger than ordinary real people, and sky demons are on the same level as real monarchs.

When Jiang Mengxiong's second disciple died in battle in the demon world, Jiang Mengxiong also came to find him himself, and started killing in the heavenly prison, crushing the demon clan to death, and even killed a sky demon! In the end, it was stopped by Yuan Xianting.

The two sides fought for three days and nights, and the outcome was undecided.

In the end, Jiang Mengxiong returned to the world alone with only a blood-stained Shaohua gun.

See you again today!

Friends, have you noticed.

This is the sixteenth chapter of the new volume, which is the beginning...

I haven't gotten into work yet.

I also really want to keep healthy.

I really don’t have a single word in the manuscript =, =,,

Otherwise, keep raising books, my friends.

I keep in good health, you keep books.

We all have a bright future.

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