Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1753 Overthrowing the Army and Killing the General

Jiang Mengxiong came suddenly, but Yuan Xianting came in time.

The entire Frostwind Valley was shattered, and the innate barriers were broken. This is an essential change involving the rules of the demon world, and it will naturally attract the attention of the powerful demon clan. During the time when the monster clan suffered alone and endured the pain alone, trying to survive in the sea of ​​chaos, these so-called "innate barriers" were all razed by the strong monster clan themselves at a huge price.

Roads were opened up, patches of darkness were lit up, and only then did this place that can be called the "demon world" come into being today.

There is a cloud in the demon song "Heaven Weeping"——

More than a hundred life pearls opened the world, and the boundless chaos was divided into clear and turbid. Building a dharma altar in the eternal night, leaving the wilderness in the end... Then the thorns, frost and snow will all open, and the wilderness will become fertile soil.

The struggle history of the Yaozu after they were defeated and left the world is condensed in these few lines of libretto.

That is to say, it was the era when the human race aggressively invaded the demon world, and places like Frostwind Valley were called "Innate Realm Pass". In the past, it was just a stubborn disease of this world, a cancer between heaven and earth, but now it has become a barrier.

Of course, it is a barrier for the monster race, and it is also for the human race.

In the context of the bloody battle that has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, both sides need some place that can serve as a buffer.

The main reason why Jiang Mengxiong chose to penetrate Frostwind Valley was, of course, to find Jiang Wang. It was too slow and inefficient to detour from other battlefields. In addition to this, it is to vent Qi Tianzi's anger, show the majesty of the Great Qi Empire, and let both the human race and the monster race see the seriousness of this matter.

The opening of a brand new battlefield means more military input and more sacrifices.

Since Frostwind Valley is the "Innate Boundary Gate", if the Boundary Gate is broken, the powerful monster clan will definitely come here as soon as possible.

at this point.

Yuan Xianting stepped out of the meaning of time and space, and appeared in the sky above Nantian City, facing Jiang Mengxiong head-on. The halberd in his hand was resplendent and resplendent, and he said presumptuously: "What are you going to bring back today?"

The sky in the demon world is mostly gray.

The smog floating in the air can't even be illuminated by the eternal golden sun.

In some places billowing with smoke and dust, in others it has been snowing for thousands of years, but there is no clear place.

At least after fighting in the demon world for so many years, no one has seen a clear sky.

But at this moment, in this gray and gloom, two pitch-black things suddenly appeared.

Stand out in the gloom.

That kind of "darkness" seems to be a different kind of light source, which obviously swallows all the light, but unconsciously squeezes into the vision of all audiences.

Jin Yang is behind, and cannot hide its darkness.

They appear very abruptly, and they are not in harmony with this world and those rules at all.

But nothing can stop them.

Just like their masters, domineering and tough.

The boundless murderous and evil spirits are deeply contained in it.

It is the history of the past, but also the reality that is about to be realized.

Famous generals since ancient times have all died under this fist. From then on, the powerful army of tens of thousands of years will be overwhelmed by this fist!

It's the name, destroying the army and killing the general!

They stand at the top of the list of famous instruments in Qi State, and they will not fall out of the top 20 in any country that has no credibility in the list of famous instruments.

Now they appear.

It was slowly put on the fist by Jiang Mengxiong.

Facing the legendary powerhouse of the ape clan and the top demon of the monster clan, Jiang Mengxiong just said softly: "I want to take your head away, I wonder if you want to part with it?"

"Hahahahaha!" Yuan Xianting looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, waving his war halberd and said: "The children are as crazy as they were back then! If you can kill me, I will not wish for it. I am naturally aggressive, so why should I regret this? Ape has fought for a lifetime, but only wants to kill me!" die!"

With a single stroke of his halberd, he went up to the sky and down to the barren land, with omnipotent power. The Tao between the heaven and the earth has changed accordingly.

The space around Jiang Mengxiong's body, with a radius of ten feet, is like a round-bellied porcelain that was suddenly shattered. It was first full of cracks, and then shattered into countless pieces!

The ugly, black cracks are densely covered in the air, like a huge spider web.

And Jiang Mengxiong and his pair of knuckles are right in the center of the "spider web".

Every crack is a wound in space. Every fragment is a broken rule.

Time waits for no one, and the sky fails to fulfill its wishes.

The root is dead, its quality is unclean!

Who can not be buried in it?

As one of the few big worlds second only to the present world, the origin of the heavenly hell world is very solid.

In the next moment, these space gaps were quickly closed by the powerful original rules of the hell world.

But between the broken and the healed, Jiang Mengxiong always stood there, steadfast. Like an eternal mountain.

That broken one seemed to have nothing to do with him.

That bridging did not affect him.

Perhaps at that moment, he didn't exist—except for the strong men who were equal to him, it was impossible to judge his state.

But his fist is real!

His fist wearing a black knuckle shattered the meaning of the so-called distance, and smashed directly at Yuan Xianting's skull: "Since you sincerely want to die, if I don't fulfill you, it's not the way to be a guest!"

Yuan Xianting laughed wildly, and just shook the red golden crown with his hair, and he took the entire space where he and Jiang Mengxiong were, leaping above the high sky, passing through the haze, and bathing in the golden sun of the demon world——

"What a fist! Twelve years have passed, let Lord Ape see your progress!"

At that moment, his huge golden halberd seemed to have penetrated into the golden sun, swirling with brilliant light.

And his red cloak floated in the high sky, like a surging blood-colored Milky Way!



"Did you do what happened to Jiang Wang in the Qi Kingdom?" A voice asked in the darkness where he couldn't see his fingers.

This is the voice of an old man, but it is not old, but the wisdom of the years.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man's voice sounded, with a little impatience: "I'm not that free."

The old man's voice asked again: "Is that made by the hero?"

A young man's voice sounded: "Why does the Holy Father ask this question? We are thirsty to drink the water of the sewer, aiming to cleanse the world's filth. Fighting in the demon world and stabbing the human race in the back, how can I do it for such a great injustice? ?”

The old man's voice was silent for a while, and he said again: "Then, could Zhao Zi make up his own mind? She has always been very thoughtful and has few scruples."

The young voice representing the gods replied again: "It's just a god, if Zhao Zi really wants to kill him, does he need to spend so much time and go to the demon world to do it?"

The old voice is Shenggong, the young voice is Shenxia, ​​and the middle-aged voice is naturally King Zhao.

Of course, these voices are all unrecognizable, unfathomable, unfathomable, distorted and ethereal.

It's just a state when the three supreme leaders of the equal country get along with each other.

"I already understand what happened." King Zhao said with some sleepiness: "Killing a person like this is time-consuming, labor-intensive and thankless. No Taoist protector needs to do this. Because we kill Jiang Wang, there is no need to cover it up. He is not afraid of spreading the word. As for the young man named Mei Xuelin, he should have been discovered early in the morning, and then he took advantage of it during this period... The minions of the great powers are all over the world, everywhere, and it is difficult for us to hide all our fellow travelers. "

The old voice said: "If you say so, it's really a big black pot. Someone wants to use our hands to make things happen."

"Who could it be?" King Zhao asked curiously, "Jingguo? Muguo? Chuguo? Qinguo? Jingguo? Even their own people in Qiguo? These so-called empires have dirty things behind their backs. did."

Sheng Gong's voice is always deep and unwavering. King Zhao's voice is always full of emotions, all kinds of emotions. Shenxia's voice is full of passion most of the time.

These are also the three attitudes towards entering the WTO.

They walk in the same direction and have their own aspirations.

An old voice said: "It's not just one family that doesn't want to see Qi State too strong. Those who want to see a good show are even more outside of these six families."

"I think it's Jingguo." King Zhao's voice suddenly said.

"How do you see that?" Shenxia asked.

King Zhao smiled lazily, and then said: "I don't care, but it's better that Qi also thinks so. If the old rules are not broken, new rules cannot be born. Their wars have been very restrained these years. Either fight in Hegu Plain, or fight in Xingyueyuan, either Shengguo or Xiaguo... how can we continue to be so restrained? Jingguo should be the one who breaks the rules."

Shenggong said: "It's not beautiful to do it on purpose, it's hard to cover up the traces. It's better to let them be suspicious. Let's just fan the flames, not the stones that ignite the fire... Show that this matter has nothing to do with the equal country. Can."

"That's reasonable." Shenxia said: "The fire of starting a prairie fire should be received by the sky, but people should feel guilty."

"Hehehe... Then I agree." King Zhao said, his voice gradually faded away.

And so darkness returned to darkness.



"Jiang Wang, a righteous man.

His words and deeds deserve the word "person".

Although limited by the environment, I don't understand the greatness of equality. But he is also chivalrous on his own, punishing evil and promoting good. Walking in danger, slaying demons and demons. Be righteous to others and have faith in yourself.

Not gay, or late pedestrians.

In the future, the world will be equal, and it might not be impossible to see him go astray and return.

Nowadays, people are jealous of their talents and hook up with the monster clan, resulting in the hero's early death and unfinished achievements.

Those who have heard of this can't help but hate the traitor and lament the hero.

The equal country also mourns! I am very mournful!

I wait for the ideal to be far away, and the reality is difficult. Suffering from suffering, very embarrassing.

A bag of polished rice is presented with the article as silk gold.

Hard work and sincerity. "

I don't know when it was quietly pasted on a notice outside Laoshan Beppu, and it was roughly torn down.

The glow flowing on it quietly shattered.

At the end of the list, there is also a special imprint of the Equal Kingdom--few people in this world would dare to imitate it.

"What the **** article!"

"It's hard work to fuck your mother, every word is sincere!"

He crumpled the list two or three times forward and threw it on the ground: "No matter how bad Jiang Wang is, he is also a glorious figure destined to be recorded in the annals of history. Do you need this group of rats in the gutter to mourn?"

He seldom swears, and he is even too lazy to speak, which is very gaffe.

He had already left Qi State, and was about to swim the sword world. The next stop was to see the scenery of the grassland.

But still on the way, he heard the news of Jiang Wang's accident - the news spread surprisingly fast. In less than three days, what happened behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters spread throughout the major countries of the present world. Of course, there are reasons why Jiang Wang's reputation reached its peak after killing Zhang Linchuan thousands of miles away, and some unknown forces are helping to spread the word.

Turn forward immediately and rush to Nanxia at top speed.

If you don't count Bai Yuxia, among all Jiang Wang's subordinates, he and Dugu Xiao are the most familiar, after all, they once fought together in Qingyang Town. I also know that Jiang Wang trusts Dugu Xiao very much, and has established a special communication channel with Dugu Xiao.

He came to Nanxia to provide military support to Dugu Xiao, so that Jiang Wang's fief would not have any troubles. The second is to make the final confirmation through Dugu Xiao.

He had been to Ling Xiao's secret place, met Xiao An'an, and knew that Jiang Wang had such a sister.

If something really happened to Jiang Wang, Jiang An'an should naturally inherit everything he worked so hard for.

As Jiang Wang's friend, he has the responsibility to guard all this for Jiang Wang after Jiang Wang's accident.

This announcement from the Equal Kingdom came suddenly.

The guards of Beppu didn't dare to expose it, after all, the word "Pingguo" is really well-known.

That is to say, he who is usually muddle-headed and regarded by many people in the Hou Mansion as a "poor relative who eats for nothing", shows his sharpness at this time, not only exposing him, but also swearing at him.

At this time, Dugu Xiao also came out of the mansion, walked to his side, bent down, and picked up the ball of paper on the ground.

"What are you doing picking it up?" Xiang Qiang asked with a frown.

Young General Dugu unfolded the paper carefully, stroked the creases, and saw that the imprint of Pingguo was not damaged, so he folded it and put it away.

He picked up the small bag of polished rice on the ground and walked back.

"Always give Master Chongxuan a look. Besides..."

"In any case, if something really happens to the master, at least we can be sure that it has nothing to do with the equal country. I heard that there is nothing that the equal country has done. Then I have one less enemy."

Her voice is so soft, her back is still so slender, and her cultivation level is even mediocre.

But Xiangqian inexplicably heard some chills.

Some people do good and evil, but it has nothing to do with this world. It's only about Jiang Wang.

Is this kind of person limited to Dugu Xiao?

Once upon a time, when he moved forward, he looked at the light of this person from a distance, and then he had the courage to continue to move forward.

He followed up and asked, "Are you still unable to contact your master?"

Dugu Xiao shook his head, a momentary confusion finally appeared on his thin face: "Since Lord Hou went to the Demon Realm, none of the statues in Tongtian Palace have received feedback. From the time I got the news until now, I have I will communicate with the gods once in half an hour, and there is no change."

If you are well-informed and forward, you will naturally understand why.

The power of Jiang Wang, who is the deity worshiped by Dugu Xiao, is not enough to penetrate the barrier between the two worlds. No matter how many times Dugu Xiao communicated, it would still be the same. Impossible to get feedback. It doesn't even have anything to do with Jiang Wang's life or death.

But he didn't persuade Dugu Xiao not to do this.

Because people always need something to support themselves.

So he just said: "Maybe he is very lonely now and needs your calling."

Dugu Xiao didn't speak, but just tightly covered the bag of polished rice in his hand.

She needs to be needed by the master.

Thanks to Dameng "Pure Entertainment Lin" for rewarding Xinmeng!

Thank you book friend for being the leader of this book for being the leader of this book, for the 372nd alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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