Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1754 There is no wind and rain today


No wind or rain today.

After a day of interrogation, Ji Zhaonan in silver armor and snow robe walked down the long street expressionlessly.

He is the direct disciple of Jiang Mengxiong, the god of the Great Qi Army, and a meritorious general who has been fighting all the year round behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters. Therefore, if you get preferential treatment, you will not wear shackles or locks, and you will not have to sit in a prison.

All you need is to come to the inspection office in the capital city and accept the interrogation of several senior Qingpai, including the captain of the Beiya, Yang Weitong.

Of course, no one dared to torture him, not even insulting him.

But everyone in the Metropolitan Inspection Mansion was extremely indifferent. The hostility...he felt it clearly.

Just like walking on the streets of Linzi at this moment, with his unparalleled charm, he will inevitably attract countless cheers. Anywhere in the Qi Kingdom can welcome the courtesy of a hero. Even if she hides herself in a carriage, there are always women who throw fruit from cart to cart.

But today...

Today, he is still a suspect. He cannot ride in a carriage to show his status, and cannot have a guard of honor.

Everyone I met on the long street today looked at him with indifference.

he understands.

He killed the city's young hero.

He put an end to a legend of being promoted to a prince as a commoner.

Representatives of the Xinqi people fell.

Many people's flags fell.

He didn't kill Jiang Wang, but Jiang Wang died because of him!

"Ji Zhaonan, Ji Zhaonan!!"

He raised his eyes following the sound, and saw a heroic young general with a jade belt wrapped around his forehead. He was hugged desperately by a group of people. , you took him to such a dangerous place. What are your intentions?!"

How proud is Ji Zhaonan?

He wanted to teach Chong Xuanzun a lesson at every turn, and even Chong Xuan and Chu Liang wanted to try his hand.

In the past, no matter how much background Li Longchuan's family had, how powerful they were, how powerful they were, if they were not strong enough, they would not have the qualifications to speak loudly with him.

But today, without saying a word, he walked forward in silence.

An extremely luxurious carriage passed by, and when passing by, the curtains on the windows were lowered, blocking the view from inside.

Of course Ji Zhaonan knew that Yan Fu and Wen Tinglan were sitting inside.

Today, I don't know how many people are waiting for the results of the interrogation by the Beiya.

I don't know how many people have hatred in their teeth and have nowhere to vent it.

After all, heaven is too far away, and the so-called mastermind behind the scenes has never been found.


In the carriage that rattled along.

Wen Tinglan said softly: "I remember that your relationship with Ji Zhaonan was not bad."

His father was a court official, and his background was considered noble. Of course Wen Tinglan is aware of Ji Zhaonan's potential and the importance of the Zhen Guo Grand Marshal's Mansion.

At the same time, she thinks that this incident cannot be blamed on Ji Zhaonan, life and death in the heavenly hell world are common occurrences. The person who waited for an opportunity to assassinate Jiang Wang was a monk who went to Frostwind Valley for reinforcements in the later period. Obviously, he rushed there after learning that Jiang Wang was in Frostwind Valley.

Ji Zhaonan also can't have eyes in the back of his head to see through the hands of real people in advance.

"Yeah, it's just not bad." Yan Fu held her hand and said so.

Wen Tinglan thought for a while, and then said: "Ji Zhaonan has no reason to harm Jiang Wang. He himself has been working hard behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters all year round. In his cognition, fighting the Monster Race is a matter of course, so he will Take Jiang Wang directly to Frostwind Valley. The person who went to the demon world was replaced by Chongxuan Zun, and he was the same. The investigations by the Ministry of War and the Beiya are all right. We should not blame him until there is definite evidence. .”

Because of Yan Fu's relationship, she and Jiang Wang can be considered acquainted. Jiang Wang had an accident, and of course she couldn't help but feel regretful, even a little sad. But as Yan Fu's fiancée, she needs to think more about Yan Fu, and about her and Yan Fu's future family.

What Yan Fu thought of, she wanted to help. What Yan Fu didn't expect, she needs to remind more.

Showing hostility towards Ji Zhaonan is really not rational or "wisdom".

Yan Fu sighed, and said: "Perhaps in terms of reason, I shouldn't blame him. But in terms of emotion, how can I not complain?"

He is famous for his wide circle of friends, and he has friends from all walks of life. After all, who doesn't like a noble son who never cares about and spends a lot of money?

Gao Zhe used to hang around him, and brothers Bao Bozhao and Bao Zhongqing also had his banquets during their lifetimes.

Looking at Linzi, he is the only one who can make good friends with the Bao family and the Chongxuan family at the same time.

But back then, Jiang Wuyou chased him all over Linzi and beat him up, even saying whoever stopped him and beat him up. Only Jiang Wang, who had no foundation in Qi at that time, stepped forward to help him ease the matter and give both parties a step.

Back then when he went to Fufeng County, he only took Jiang Wang as his companion...

The carriage continued on.

Wen Tinglan didn't speak any more.



Ji Zhaonan walked alone on the long street, enduring all kinds of gazes, and walked for a long time.

The Shaohua gun was not taken out.

Peerless Armor doesn't seem to be able to block all damage.

After staying away from the Beiya and hearing no more reprimands from Li Longchuan, he thought about it, turned around, and walked towards the Marquis of Wu'an.

The road is not too far, but he walked for a long time.

The Marquis of Wu'an Mansion supervised by the master craftsman of the Ministry of Industry is very grand and worthy of Jiang Wang's status.

If he came here in the past, he should have opened the middle door wide, and Jiang Wang should have greeted him personally.

Standing outside the gate of the Marquis Mansion today, facing the tense door, Ji Zhaonan pursed his lips, and said softly: "Who is in charge of the mansion now? Please pass it on, I am Ji Zhaonan."

The door slammed shut with a bang.

Ji Zhaonan didn't say anything, just waited quietly outside the door for a while.

Seeing that there was no movement, he just sighed and turned around to leave.

But at this time, the door was opened.

Chong Xuansheng, who was dressed in the royal costume, was standing behind the gate in a posture of a tiger dominating a dragon.

Ji Zhaonan hasn't figured out how to speak yet.

Chong Xuansheng had already said, "General Ji, is this?"

"Oh." Ji Zhaonan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I heard that Jiang Wu'an has a direct disciple, I haven't seen it yet, I want to come and have a look... By the way, see if there is anything I can help you with."

Chongxuansheng seemed to think for a while, and then said: "You mean Chu Yao? He is tired from crying, and he is still sleeping. As for helping... Thank you for your kindness, but it is really unnecessary. The Jiang is still in Linzi Back then, I was in charge of everything in his house, and now it's no different. Besides, I can still afford to raise a child."

Ji Zhaonan was silent for a moment, and said with some difficulty: "I'm sorry about Jiang Wang's matter."

"What did General Ji say?" Chong Xuansheng said with a gentle expression, "No one wants such a thing to happen."

"Yes. No one wants to." Ji Zhaonan sighed, and finally said: "Then I won't bother you for now."

Chong Xuansheng also said goodbye very politely: "Okay, General Ji, go slowly, there are indeed some things in the mansion, I will not send them away."

Ji Zhaonan left Wu'anhou's mansion slowly.

The footsteps sank a little more.

From the beginning to the end, Chong Xuansheng did not show any dissatisfaction.

This is precisely the case, which shows that he has hated it to the extreme, and he will never accept an apology.

This enemy is forged.

Ji Zhaonan was not afraid.

It doesn't matter who will treat him as an enemy.

It's just that at a certain moment, I feel lonely.

He was also working hard in Frostwind Valley, and he also put in his best efforts. He should have a clear conscience.

But who would really believe him, Ji Zhaonan?

Yes, what a coincidence, as soon as Jiang Wang entered the demon world, you were waiting there. Why is it such a coincidence that you abducted Jiang Wang on the front foot, and something happened to him on the back foot?

That's Jiang Wu'an!

It's not the so-called arrogance raised in a greenhouse.

It is the military merits of fighting out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, step by step from the bottom to the top, and fighting with a knife and a gun on the battlefield.

He survived such a dangerous battlefield as Faxia.

Fighting with Wusheng Patriarch Wanli, he became the final winner.

I've been to the Lost Realm, I've been to the Frontier Desolation, and I've been to the Water of Disaster.

He walked out of so many dead Jedi.

Now he is stronger than ever.

How could there be an accident on the first day of going to the demon world?

How come once I met you, Ji Zhaonan, I never came back?

If the demon world is such a dangerous place, and Frostwind Valley is such a dangerous place... Then why is Jiang Wang dead and you alive?

You said that you, Ji Zhaonan, were innocent.

How can others believe it?


Ji Zhaonan chuckled lightly for no reason.

If he wasn't Ji Zhaonan himself, it would be hard for him to believe in Ji Zhaonan's innocence.

If someone took a picture of his smile.

I can write another article in a few days——

"The first thing Ji Zhaonan did after he finished his interrogation and left Beiya was to go to the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion to demonstrate. After being stopped by Marquis Bowang, he showed a smug smile..."

These ridiculous and boring things flashed through my mind.

Ji Zhaonan finally sighed again.

The age is deep and cold, and the frost and wind are blowing. There are fewer pedestrians on the street, and it will inevitably appear deserted.

He walks alone.

He wasn't afraid of anything, and he didn't feel wronged.

He bears everything.

just a few...


In my hometown, it is actually colder than in other places.

He took a few steps forward, then stopped again.

At the other end of the long street, there were two people waiting for him.

A young man in a military uniform with a tall stature, a slightly elongated face, a high nose and deep eyes was pushing a wooden wheelchair, on which sat a man with meticulous hairpin and a gentle and friendly expression.

"What is this for?" Ji Zhaonan's expression became very serious, and he raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Walking around, I just happened to be here." The man with an old blanket on his knees said: "This kid was lifted because he said he missed Linzi so much, so he insisted on pulling me and pushing him in the streets and alleys every day." I go shopping..."

His voice was calm, and there was a reassuring force in it.

He said like this: "Let's go, we're almost done shopping. Let's go home together on the way."

Ji Zhaonan looked at Wang Yiwu again.

The once mighty Wang Yiwu.

After losing to Jiang Wang and being kicked out of Linzi, after three years of hard work, his sharpness is not what it used to be, and his whole person is much calmer. However, his straight spine and measured footsteps can still explain his arrogance and ego.

At this time, meeting the eyes of my senior brother, I just turned the wheelchair in the direction silently, shook my head, and signaled "follow me".

It's really not big or small.

Ji Zhaonan felt his fist itching.

So unhurriedly, he stepped up and followed behind them.

They are not related by blood, but they are so close.

They have different personalities, but they have always been... family.



"Do you want to disband this song and dance class?"

In the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion, Chong Xuansheng held a thick ledger, sketched on it, and said to himself: "Forget it, let's set up a spirit seat tomorrow, let them sing and dance every day, anyway, I hope my brother will like to watch it. "

Yi Shishi, who had been silent all this time, only said at this moment: "He doesn't like to watch."

Chong Xuansheng asked back: "How do you know that he doesn't like to watch it? Why does he not like to watch it, why did he bring it back from the grassland all the way?"

"Brother Wang only likes to practice." Fourteen said.

"Never mind him." Chong Xuansheng said: "That's the arrangement, anyway, he can't be stubborn with me now."

Fourteen then did not speak.

"Hello." Chong Xuansheng said again: "Do you think this place arranged a funeral for him and spent a lot of money, and he came back suddenly? That's pretty scary, right?"

"Will he come back? You can't really say he's dead, right? He didn't look at the corpse. Bob Zhao didn't look at the corpse either... Bah!"

"Ji Zhaonan...maybe intentionally, maybe not. I won't think of his good. Why should I think of him? Wang Yiwu harmed you, and Ji Zhaonan harmed Jiang Wang. I won't settle this account, Just wait and see! Just wait and see..."

He was talking to himself, pacing back and forth.

Take a brush and swipe left and right. The accounts, which are usually clear, become more and more chaotic for some reason.

"How did the Marquis of Wu'an do it? What kind of broken account is there!"

He slammed the ledger and dropped it on the desk.

Walking out a few steps, he said to the little monkey outside the study: "Let you practice calligraphy, practice calligraphy, your master told me, why are you hanging around my place all the time!?"

Chu Yao looked at Chong Xuansheng nervously, but still mustered up his courage and asked, "Master... when will he come back?"

"Dead, I was beaten to death, and I won't come back." Chong Xuansheng waved his hand impatiently: "Get lost—hey! Why are you still sticking around?"

Chu Yao stood there stubbornly, but shook his head stubbornly: "I don't believe it! My master is invincible in the world, only he kills others, no one else kills him!"

"You can only see how far, and you just say that the world is invincible? Who can you beat to death all day long?" Chong Xuansheng raised his foot as if to kick, seeing Chu Yaochu standing there, He put his feet down again.

Stretching out his hand and pointing at Chu Yao, he said, "Now that we've come to this point, I'm going to tell you something seriously today, little brat. You are Brother Wang's direct disciple, so what should be given to you, I won't do anything. Miss you. How your master treated you before, I treat you the same way. But don’t have any thoughts that you shouldn’t have. Brother Wang still has family members, brother Wang’s family business, and I will share a lot of it in the future Leave it to her. Do you understand?"

As he spoke, he became angry again: "No, what are you doing with your mouth shut? Are you still very wronged? Do you think it's not enough for you?"

"I do not want anything!"

Right in front of him, this stubborn and strong thin-skinned monkey suddenly couldn't stop crying, and cried loudly: "I want Master! I want Master! I want Master!!"

Crying and shouting, he kicked Chong Xuansheng, then turned and ran away.

"What kind of apprentice does Jiang Wang teach?" Chong Xuansheng pointed to the boy's back, and said to the silent fourteen next to him: "I don't have any manners at all, just like him! Heirs of bravery!"

Fourteen did not speak.

Chong Xuansheng sat down slowly. His overweight figure made this movement look difficult for him.

Dressed in fine clothes, he sat on the threshold of the study.

His voice lowered, and he said aggrievedly, "How can I say this to a child?"

Fourteen silently sat down next to him, leaning gently on his shoulder.

The contemporary Bowanghou looked up at the sky: "Those who look close are bald, and those who look close are stupid."

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