Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1755 Don't come to the cold

Things go back to three days ago.

When Jiang Wang carried the corpse of the King of the Sea and slowly flew out of the Frostwind Valley, when he flew close to Ji Zhaonan who was helping him fight against the extreme cold wind, he really never thought that he would encounter an accident on the side of the human race .

Because this is a racial battlefield, regardless of grievances, factions, or nationalities, the human race here should be consistent with the outside world.

Ding Jingshan, the owner of Ding Weifu Island who belonged to Yanggu's forces, told him the only thing in the Lost World back then——in the racial battlefield, all human races belonged to Zeye.

Chu Mi's leap was a scene he would never forget.

So on the Xingyueyuan battlefield, he could fight to the death with Jing Guo Tianjiao. Zhao Xuanyang was ordered to kill him in the ancient devil's lair in the capital of Wuyan, and he did not hesitate to summon the blood puppet to fight back.

And in Frostwind Valley, he could also fight side by side with Chunyugui.

At this moment, he was still holding the sword in his hand, and his sword was still held so firmly... It had nothing to do with anything else, it was just an instinct that had been battled for a long time.

The fighting posture maintained at all times is the greatest awe of life and death.

Those cheers didn't make him too excited, because he couldn't hear anything at all.

He just saw a fanatical and adoring face among those tired and excited faces.

young face.

The next moment, this face came closer!

So abrupt, so horrifyingly close.

With the strength that this body could never possess, he penetrated into Frostwind Valley in an instant, passed Ji Zhaonan, and punched him!

In life and death comes great fear.

Jiang Wang has already heard the alarm bell of death!

He reacted purely on instinct. With the horizontal sword in front, retreat and retreat. The five mansions resonate to protect the body, the light of the heavenly mansion gathers in front of the body, and the clear light of the Xuantian Liuli Gong shines outward.

He also immediately let go of the corpse he was holding in his hand, turned his palms and pressed the seal of disaster, and swallowed the strength of the fist with the dim light.

He even summoned Chaotian Que in the Soul World for the first time to counterattack the opponent!

All these reactions were because he sensed the danger posed by this strange opponent.

Who dares to take it lightly when death is imminent?

But his retreating movements failed to get rid of the lock, his horizontal sword style was directly broken, his calamity seal was exploded, his Xuantian Liuli Kung Fu was shattered, and his celestial light was wiped out. ! Even the flowing fire around the body and the frosty wind on the back collapsed without any accident.

And his Chaotian Tower failed to shake the opponent's soul at all.

This is not a level of power at all.

He is a strong man in God's Realm, and the punch that attacked him was infinitely close to Dongzhen!

The fist bent the blade of the sword, and forced the sword to hit his abdomen.

All the viscera and six internal organs are displaced, and the whole world of the person is in turmoil!

The connection of the five prefectures has been blasted away, Dao Yuan has become chaotic, and qi and blood are in conflict.

At this moment, he bowed like a shrimp as much as possible, keeping himself farther away from that fist.

But the whole body has lost control, like a crossbow arrow being shot, it shoots towards the end of Frostwind Valley at a very high speed.

Back so recklessly against the extremely cold wind.

Cut out dense wounds that were instantly frozen!

However, this severe pain still failed to save his gradually trance-like mind.

His eyes were closed uncontrollably.

My mind was bewildered. Even those distracting thoughts that were born and extinguished in an instant, all fell silent.

His spirit will be frozen almost immediately!

Before the crushing fist, under the extremely cold frost, only a little red golden light is still shining in the four seas.

Like a candle, like a firefly.

In the Yuanshen Sea, the Temple of Yun was closed tightly, and the manifested body of the soul, whose brows and eyes were already frosted, silently froze on the throne. Only the heart is still beating weakly.

Beating lonely.

I can't die.

i can't die...

I can't die!

The voice in my heart, from low to high, gradually turned into a roar.

All kinds of experiences, all kinds of phantoms, like a lantern on a revolving horse.

Now there are many people who care about me, I still owe a lot of favors, and I still have a lot of things to do.

I want to take revenge, An still young.

He suddenly opened his red golden eyes! As if piercing through the vast and extremely cold wind, he saw the person who punched him here, and also saw the blazing light of Ji Zhaonan being blown away.

He felt the colder frost wind, and felt that the return flow of the frost wind had stagnated and probably would not dissipate again.

The long-planned hostility, the power of the Dongzhen level, the Frostwind Valley with a silent period of eleven months, the perilous monster territory, Ji Zhaonan and the others who were easily driven back, the powerful Qi Kingdom far away...

Complete dead end!

Before following Ji Zhaonan to Frostwind Valley, he never thought of this moment.

If you don't notice a single thought, you will be at a loss for life and death.

But even though he was at a loss for life and death, he still had to struggle as much as he could!

At this moment, he struggled with a little wit, and in the extremely fast backward flight, the frost wind rose around him!

The so-called killing of the law of heaven does not mean that the wind destroys all things.

But the wind is not blowing forward, but backward.

A wisp of irregular wind blows into the extremely cold wind. There was a crackling sound like firecrackers, the extreme chill and the extreme killing intent were confronting each other!

The territory of the human race can no longer be returned...

Then don't go back!

At this moment, he fully unleashes the power of flowering and not being in the wind.

Breaking through the extremely cold wind of Frostwind Valley with the uncircumferential wind is not only to reduce the damage he suffers, but also to break through the obstacles and speed up the speed of flying backwards - his current physical condition is no longer able to resist the extremely cold wind too much. Long.

So be quick!

Be faster!

He has always maintained a bowed posture, and he has accumulated residual strength when he is retracted. The light of supernatural power born from the five mansions barely protected the vital parts, despite the force of the fist sending him back. Let that fist force tear his muscles, destroy his meridians, and destroy his blood.

The whole person is like an old bow that has been poised for a long time.

It seems to have been pulled full, as if it will be broken in the next moment.

He was indeed covered in wounds, blood was bleeding from the corners of his ears and mouth.

But at this moment, his eyes had completely lost their calmness, and there was an indescribable ferocity——

Now I have to be the fiercest survive!

His upside-down figure instantly passed the burly Stone Rhinoceros Demon King, leaving a short passage from the other side of the canyon to this side in the white and extremely cold wind. It looks like it was forcibly opened by him!

As soon as the news came, Xi Yanbing immediately erupted with demonic aura, leaning directly against the mountain wall, with his elbows in front of him, in a posture of full combat readiness. But watched Jiang Wang in amazement as he flew past him and flew towards the Yaozu's territory at high speed!

What kind of play is this?

Just block my way?

Before he, who was still in doubt, could see Jiang Wang's appearance clearly, Jiang Wang's figure had already whizzed past and disappeared.

And at this time.

Jiang Wang, who was punched by the infinitely close hole, was punched from the south of Frostwind Valley to the north in an instant, and has already passed through Frostwind Valley. Under the eyes of more than 400 monster warriors who doubted the monster, he fell into the wilderness superior.

These monster warriors are all brave men who fought in the Frostwind Valley before, and they all withdrew first when the Frostwind returned. Of course, there is no demon king.

They have never experienced that during the period of Frostwind Valley, there were people who came through Frostwind Valley.

And only one person.

And it's not a true king, not even a real person!

Moreover, this person described it as so miserable, with injuries all over his body, as if he had been picked out of blood.

But they can fully recognize that this person is the strong human race who killed several demon kings in a row.

They were even more able to discover—in this person's muscles, in this person's blood, strands of jumping red flames were actually burning. Like a natural god!

Could it be that several demon kings have already died in battle, and this strong human race wants to kill them all?

A monster clan was frightened on the spot, and shouted to go back to rescue the soldiers, but they didn't even know the direction of Nantian City, so they fled in a panic.

In an instant, more than a dozen monster warriors fled in all directions.

But among the remaining monster warriors, there were still a few monster commanders who stood up and yelled for a group of warriors to get closer and form a formation, fighting for life and death with the strong human race.

The military law of the Yaozu is strict, and the warriors of the Yaozu are not lacking in blood and bravery.

Therefore, the formation was stable for a while, and it was not collapsed by those fleeing monster clans.

But their reactions were quick, and Jiang Wang's was even faster!

The process of extremely fast inverted flight is also a process of unloading force.

He flew upside down all the way out of Frostwind Valley, and fought with that punch all the way.

But that terrifying fist force still broke his defense, smashed his body, and made him no longer have a intact muscle all over his body.

Under the extremely cold wind, he should have died completely—if he hadn't taken advantage of the situation to escape from Frostwind Valley.

Of course, it is not possible to live now.

The bean-like flames ignited bit by bit on his body are the true fire of Samadhi trying to incinerate the chill and the strength of the fist.

The phalanges can already be seen in the hands, and the sauvignon blanc can still be held, mainly because the bones are fixed there.

So it's now.

Jiang Wang suddenly discovered that his body, inside and out, the soul that had been injured in the confrontation with Shi Shanwen before, was actually in the best condition.

The moment he walked out of Frostwind Valley, there was a bang of bones colliding, and his body straightened instantly.

The patience that has been suppressed for a long time, and the strength that has been accumulated for a long time, explode like mountains and seas.

those forces...

It is the real fire of samadhi that ignites the strength of fists one by one, and the majestic Daoyuan that rushes like a river bursting its embankment.

It's his eyes turning at this moment!

The substantial weight of his gaze fell directly on a demon commander who was shouting orders. The powerful power of the soul poured down and suppressed him to death on the spot!

He looked and turned, and no monster race could take a look wherever his eyes passed! All die!

The most brutal war ever. What he has seen on the battlefield are all military geniuses like Li Longchuan and Zhongxuan Sheng, and they are all masters of military art like Chongxuan Chuliang. It is really not easy to find the core of the battlefield among the four hundred or so monster warriors. A difficult thing.

His left hand pointed to the sky, and the majestic Dao Yuan in Tongtian Palace rushed out, passing through the destroyed meridian, causing great pain. But it didn't affect his control over Dao Yuan at all, and successfully completed the Dao technique.

The dazzling golden dragon, the powerful wooden dragon, the leopard that controls water, the tiger that drives fire, the raccoon dog that shakes the ground, the rabbit that hangs high above the sun, the moon fox that shines on your heart... from the most cutting-edge research of Qi Guoshu Academy , the spirit of the seven constellations prepared by Taoism appeared in heaven for the first time.

It expanded in an instant, covering the entire battlefield, and directly circled a semicircle on this side of Frostwind Valley.

All the Yaozu fighters, including those dozen deserters, were all enclosed in it.

Then at the next moment, the fire field spread out!

Flame meteors pierced the sky, flame sparrows flew all over the sky, and flame flowers bloomed like spring.

He couldn't let any of the Yaozu fighters run away - when he chose to speed up and flee to the Yaozu's territory, Jiang Wang had already thought clearly about what would happen next.

Those who are farther can only take a step to see, but at present, if the Yaozu know that he broke into the Yaozu territory alive, then he will be unlucky.

No matter how strong he is, it is useless.

Therefore, it is necessary to kill all these monster races participating in the battle in Frostwind Valley....

At this time, he didn't have a good muscle in his whole body, and it was difficult to wave Sauvignon Blanc in a short time. But he still has Taoism, spiritual domain, and soul.

He is not a killing weapon, he is born with warmth. But struggling all the way through the mud in this world, he has already mastered the means of killing.

Under the presence of God, life and death can be seized. Under the demon king, who is lucky?

In the blazing fire field, the monster warriors fell one by one.

The spirits of the seven constellations produced by Canglong's seven transformations, like the guardian gods, fly around the periphery of the fire domain, killing those monster warriors who have worked so hard to get out of the fire domain, one by one.

Wherever the red-golden eyes came, they were specifically targeting and killing those monster races who tried to organize resistance. Without counting the loss of spirit and soul, one glance will kill a demon.

This is a one-to-many, one-sided massacre.

In a state of extreme weakness, Jiang Wang showed extreme ruthlessness and completed the killing in the most efficient way.

Everything happened so fast!

When the Stone Rhinoceros Demon King fought against the extremely cold wind, he cautiously escaped from Frostwind Valley. What he saw in his eyes was only the spirit of the seven constellations hanging around the sea of ​​flames, and Jiang Wang, who was bathing in blood and carrying his sword in the sea of ​​flames.

This scene is like a bloody mural carved on a rock wall.

Jiang Wangcha gripped five fingers together!

Kang Jinlong, Jiaomu Jiao, Jishui Leopard, Tail Fire Tiger, Ditu Raccoon, Fang Ri Rabbit, Xinyue Fox, and the spirits of Qisu set off a turbulent flow of vitality and killed the rhinoceros in an instant.

Even Jiang Wang himself came here with his sword in hand. His last sword swing strength was originally reserved for Xi Yanbing.

At such a critical moment, Xi Yanbing gritted his teeth, took a step back, and returned to Frostwind Valley!

The extremely cold wind covering the valley completely separated the two of them, and they couldn't see each other clearly in the vast expanse of whiteness. At this moment, he threw the problem to Jiang Wang.

Because at the moment he left the valley, he had already seen Jiang Wang's appearance clearly and saw Jiang Wang's injury. I understand that Jiang Wang didn't kill him on purpose, but encountered some kind of danger and couldn't help himself. Of course, he also saw Jiang Wang's determination to kill the monster warriors outside the valley, and he wanted to share life and death with him.

But where is it?

It is the wilderness north of Frostwind Valley, and it is the territory of the monster clan. It is also a forbidden place for the human race!

He didn't need to fight Jiang Wang for life or death at all, because as long as the monsters from Nantian City came over, Jiang Wang would die, but he would definitely live.

Although his natal supernatural power has also been broken, he believes that if he is also in Frostwind Valley, he can last longer than Jiang Wang who is so injured.

So Frostwind Valley, which originally represented danger, became his fortress at this time. The extremely cold wind became a shield wall, protecting himself before the choice between life and death.

Instead of fighting for life and death with Jiang Wang with his wounded body, he wanted to confront Jiang Wang with the Frostwind Valley as the boundary, waiting for Jiang Wang's choice.

If Jiang Wang rushes in, let's see who can survive under the cover of the extremely cold wind. See if it is possible for Jiang Wang to cross the Frostwind Valley at this time and escape back to the territory of the human race.

If Jiang Wang didn't dare to rush in, then wait and see when the monster warriors will arrive. That's all for him and Ying Kexun. Shi Shanwen has a noble status, and Nantian City will definitely be very concerned about it. Maybe the soldiers who came to support him are already on their way.

He believes that he can endure and afford to wait!

And if Jiang Wang chooses to escape on the spot, as long as he passes the news back to Nantian City, I believe there are many strong people who are willing to search and kill him. How valuable is a living human race's pride?

There must be many secrets of the human race hidden in him, which can help the monster race understand the most powerful opponent today.

Even if everything else is put aside, a skull wine bottle engraved with the name of the Tianjiao of the human race is still a rare luxury in today's demon world!

How difficult can it be to hunt down and kill a human race in the Yaozu territory?

Therefore, his step back has nothing to do with courage, but a steady and steady victory.

He resolutely retreated into Frostwind Valley, his majestic body shrunk into a ball, minimizing the confrontation with the extremely cold wind, but he could attack violently at any time.

All the flames on his body were extinguished, making it impossible for Jiang Wang outside the valley to observe him.

With a mysterious trajectory, he arranged the Dao Yuan on the body surface, so as to consume the ubiquitous chill, so that he could support himself for a longer time and have more choices.

And Jiang Wang did not chase into Frostwind Valley... His body couldn't bear it anymore.

But he just held the sword calmly and stood at the mouth of the valley without saying a word.

Let the cold wind in Frostwind Valley blow, and let the red flames dance around his body.

In just a few steps, it became a natural moat.

The extremely cold wind is white.

Jiang Wang and Xi Yanbing are at one end.

Neither of them could see the other's face clearly, but they both knew that the other was looking at them.

Death treats them very equally.

Don't care about their identity, race, strength. Death is to take everything away, death is nothingness.

This is a contest of patience and courage, or luck.

Was it the monster warriors from Nantian City who came first, or the Xiyan soldiers who couldn't bear the extreme cold wind first?

They all need to torture themselves.

Xi Yanbing curled up silently in the valley, mobilizing all his strength, and fought against the extremely cold wind without saying a word. Under the frosted eyebrows, there is a kind of perseverance related to survival. He never made any movement, never gave Jiang Wang any feedback.

If Jiang Wang wanted to know what happened inside, he had to walk into the valley by himself.

Outside the valley, Jiang Wang was doing his own thing in an orderly manner——

Take your time to deal with your injury. Of course, the technique is rough, just roughly move back the internal organs, roughly connect the bones, roughly stop the bleeding...

At the same time, all the traces of the battle on the scene were carefully burned with the real fire of samadhi. Once he got his samadhi, he was burned invisible.

Although it is also a kind of trace to have no trace at all, there are many possibilities for no trace. For example, all the monster warriors died in Frostwind Valley.

At least he can't let the Yaozu side confirm that some monks rushed out of Frostwind Valley and once fought with Yaozu warriors here.

He wasn't sure about forging traces that wouldn't let the Yaozu know the truth, so he could only use this stupid method. Let the real fire of Samadhi burn every inch of land.

This wasteland is extremely cold.

Of course, it is far from being able to compare with Frostwind Valley.

The two life-and-death enemies facing each other across the frosty wind, Xi Yanbing didn't even move his eyebrows, but Jiang Wang didn't stop his movements.

After burning all the traces of the battle, he rolled up the corpses of those monster warriors in the quietly burning fire area with a simple wind-type Taoism, and rolled them up one by one at a constant speed of three breaths. into Frostwind Dale.

The primary purpose is to destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces. It is less labor-intensive to make rational use of the extremely cold wind than to burn them one by one with the real fire of Samadhi.

The second is to put pressure on Xi Yanbing and test Xi Yanbing's reaction.

It is also possible to increase the power of the extremely cold wind through the digestion of these demon corpses, making it even more difficult for Xi Yanbing to support.

This is a good way to kill three birds with one stone.

It can be said that under the pressure of monster warriors coming at any time, Jiang Wang still made the most of the existing conditions in the territory of the monster clan. In the confrontation with Xi Yanbing, add weight to yourself.

But even so, even if the corpses of fighters of the same clan fell beside them, they instantly turned into ice sculptures, and then shattered into ice chips the next moment...

Xi Yanbing's will still remained unshakable.

He never stepped out of Frostwind Valley, which made Jiang Wang's long-prepared sword unable to stab out. There was still no movement, and Jiang Wang had to bear the anxiety of life and death.

After a quarter of an hour of silence, a quarter of an hour, or even a quarter of an hour, Jiang Wang needed to consider one more question——

Does Xiyan Bing still have strength?

Is Xi Yanbing still alive?

But he just waited in silence.

The night gradually fell, the golden sun of the demon world disappeared, and the blood moon rose into the sky.

The Nantian City of the Monster Race is still waiting for the good news, and the Yanlao City and Iron Rock City of the Human Race are still in shock and suspicion.

Who would have known that there was such a "waiting" in this Frostwind Valley?

Jiang Wang has a clear timeline in his heart, seven quarters of an hour.

An hour is eight quarters of an hour, and he only waits until the seventh quarter before leaving without hesitation.

Because between the six quarters and the nine quarters, he calculated based on the speed of reinforcements from the Human Race Great City, and the relatively average time it took for the soldiers from the Monster Race Great City to arrive under normal conditions.

At the same time, the time Xi Yanbing can support in Frostwind Valley should not exceed four quarters of an hour.

The three extra moments of waiting, the three extra moments of risk he took was the respect he gave Xi Yanbing.

it's too cold.

The chill of Frostwind Valley spread out bit by bit, as if it was about to seep into the bone marrow.

But Jiang Wang just kept waiting with his sword in hand, motionless.

His sword intent is colder than frost and wind.

In order not to cause too obvious changes at night, most of the flames have already been extinguished. Only in the flesh and blood on his body, there are still some residual flames burning. To heal oneself with the real fire of samadhi is to deal with destruction with destruction. But this kind of pain has been used by this body.

This is a physical body that is almost exhausted, but you can feel the strength in this body.

It was an unquenchable candle in the vast wasteland, in the snowstorm.

It is the afterglow of "people".

At about the sixth quarter, there was a crackling sound in Frostwind Valley. The rhinoceros soldier, whose body was covered with frost, finally rushed out—with an unusually stiff posture.

The eyes are dull, and in the dullness, there is a touch of the deepest longing.

He stretched out his big hand and reached out to Jiang Wang.

I don't know if I want to kill the enemy, or I want to get close to the flame in the ferocious flesh and blood to absorb a little warmth.

But no one will ever know.

His body was already stiff there.

The extreme cold froze everything about him.

This silent confrontation finally had its final result.

Jiang Wang remained silent, but gently pushed the corpse forward, back to Frostwind Valley, and let it be destroyed by the extremely cold wind.

Then he burned all his hair, clothes, and blood on his body.

Just swallow a small storage box into the mouth and put it under the tongue. The sauvignon blanc that was always with her, the wishful fairy clothes with only a piece of rag left, and the jade pendant that An An gave were also placed in it.

Extinguish the residual flame in the flesh and blood.

No Dao Yuan, no magic arts, no supernatural powers.

Avoiding the direction of the big city of the monster clan, walking naked into the depths of the wasteland.

He knew that nothing would be reliable from now on, and he would struggle alone in this wild world.

He wasn't ready.

But he can only go forward.

Looking forward, there is no end in sight to the vast snowstorm under the blood moon.

This chapter is six thousand words.

Among them, 2,000 words were added for the "Purely Entertainment Lin" of the Silver League! (5/10)

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