Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1756 Sky Breath Wasteland

The Tianxi Wasteland in winter is not a good place to go.

The closer it is to the Shiwan Dashan and the Wuxi Basin, the more so it is.

Shiwan Dashan itself is already a bad place, filled with miasma, poisonous beasts roaming around, and the climate is either frosty or hot. Even with the powerful physique of the monster race, it is not easy to survive here.

The Five Evils Basin is especially bad.

What the five viscera hate, the heart hates heat, the lungs hate cold, the liver hates wind, the spleen hates dampness, and the kidneys hate dryness, these are called the five evils.

What is evil in this world is the word "human".

Humans also have five evils, which are killing, stealing, adultery, lying, and foolishness.

The human race is born unclean and born with original sin. It was their appearance that polluted the present world and led to the occurrence of the ancient catastrophe. Afterwards, they used despicable means to link up with various clans, joined forces to end the glorious era of the demon clan in the heavenly court, and drove the real master of this world to the heavenly hell.

The blockade of Heavenly Hell, which lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, is exactly the evil deeds of the human race. They attempted to use this method to exterminate the monster race that was truly loved by the world.

The ancient demon emperor sacrificed himself to create chaos. Countless sages of the monster clan created vitality in the midst of extinction. Distinguish between good and evil, clear and turbid, fix the earth's wind, water and fire, hang the golden sun and the red moon, and burn the sky demon altar...

Finally, the impossible was broken, a great cause was accomplished, and the chaotic world was opened up into the demon world.

Only with this fertile soil of hundreds of millions of miles, there is the possibility of the reproduction and revival of the monster race.

But despicable human beings have once again invaded this world, like locusts crossing the border, no grass will grow wherever they go, destroying the altars of heaven and demons, changing the rules of the world... polluting this world.

The warriors of the monster clan went forward and sacrificed countless sacrifices, but they were only trapped in the basin surrounded by the 100,000 mountains, and they could not be completely expelled.

The huge basin occupied by the human race is called the "Five Evil Basin", which means a place polluted by the human race.

After so many years, everything in the "Basin of Five Evils" seems to have become an inherent thing.

A few days ago, Yakan heard a fellow clan say that both the human race and the demon race were born together in the demon world, so why can't they coexist peacefully?

There are too many ignorant guys!

That guy actually thought that the human race was also the aborigines of this world, that the world should be so beautiful and rich in resources by nature, he erased the bloody and tearful sacrifices of the ancestors of the Yaozu, and forgot the hatred that was shattered in the glorious era of the Yaozu!

Jilei City is only more than a thousand miles away from Nantian City, and the Frostwind Valley in the Nantian City area is even more famous as a narrow path battlefield and a place where warriors are tested. There, monster warriors and human warriors fought year after year.

But there are many little monsters in Jilei City who don't know the history. I only know that the human race is the enemy of life and death, but I don't know why the human race is the enemy of life and death!

Every month in Jilei City, there will be a big demon at the level of a demon king giving lectures, and Shu Gan will go to listen every time, and learn a lot of knowledge from it. But more little demons just rely on their natural abilities to live, and don't bother to listen to lectures at all.

This made Yakang very dissatisfied. If one day he can become the demon king, he must issue a decree to force those lazy guys to listen. Not to mention how hard they have to practice and how strong they become, at least they should learn about the history of the ethnic group.

Of course, that's a long way off...

In the southern part of the Tianxi Wasteland today, the wind, the sword, the frost, and the sword are heart-wrenching.

The Yaozu are born with self-connected channels, all of them are extraordinary, but they don't care much about these. As long as the climate is not as bad as Frostwind Dale, it can bear it.

Two Yaozu warriors, one tall and one short, talked and laughed, and walked in the front.

Yak Gan, the captain, was the tall one.

The other three monster warriors lined up and followed slowly.

Their team doesn't have any war missions - they haven't reached the level of monster generals, so they are not qualified to participate in dangerous places like Frostwind Valley, and there are no frontal battlefields suitable for them to participate in nearby.

If you want to fight with the human race, you have to go to a farther city.

The reason why they appeared in Tianxi Wasteland in this ghostly weather was because they, as a bounty hunter team, accepted the bounty mission from Fengshentai to go into the mountain to hunt a rare poisonous insect.

In the glorious era, the demon clan of the Heavenly Court, as the masters of the world, ruled the heavens and sealed the ten thousand worlds.

Fengshentai is a product of that era.

If you order to the mountain, you will be the god of the mountain, if you order to the river, you will be the god of the river, and if you order to the river, you will rule the land.

The human race also had a time when the divine way was prosperous, but when it comes to the divine way, the monster race is the ancestor who pioneered this way.

Of course, the Conferred God Stage of the glorious era has long been shattered, and only legends remain of the demon clan in the Heavenly Court. Today's Conferred God Platform in the demon world is just a creation of the contemporary demon clan imitating the predecessors.

Even so, it still has irreplaceable value.

Its main body is in the ancient imperial city, and its branches are all over the demon world. It can even be said that it is an important link connecting the various tribes of the Yaozu besides the ancient covenant.

The top powerhouses of the monster clan rule the monster clan in the world through the sanctity of the ancient covenant. The Conferred God Terrace allows all monster races, regardless of their affiliation, to have positive contact and have the possibility to fight side by side.

There are various tasks on the Conferred God Stage, ranging from wars to delivering letters. There are also various mission rewards, such as bounties, bounty tools, and reward methods, which can meet the needs of most monster races. There are even those who directly calculate meritorious deeds, such as Jiang Mengxiong, a human monk who is beheading the task...

In addition to the corresponding task rewards, completing any task will have the accumulation of "divine achievements". When the divine achievements reach a certain level, they can also be directly exchanged for god positions.

Yak Gan formed a mission team by himself, with everything needed for attack, defense and investigation. Although his strength is not outstanding, he is also well-known among the little demons in Jilei City who specialize in missions on the Conferred God Platform.

Or, "Little Drilling Wind in Jilei City".

This time, it was the little princess of the Heavenly Spider Lady's natal family, who wanted to practice a superb poisonous art, and offered a high price, and urgently needed all kinds of rare poisonous insects as ingredients. The remuneration is really generous, and there are more than one or two teams who come to "catch work" like them.

The task was released yesterday, and the reason why they came at dawn today was because they had done their homework in advance.

Yak Gan is a bull demon who loves to read, so he is different from those reckless bastards. He concentrated on researching the task, and finally locked his target on a poisonous insect called "Human Face Scoop".

Human Mianlao is too active at night, and their team is not sure of winning. This is not the case during the day, as long as one finds the cave of the human face ladle and falls into a sleeping human face ladle, there is no ability to resist at all.

This kind of poisonous insect is rare, fierce, and has obvious weaknesses. It is an ideal mission target. He also spent a few cents in wine to hear it from an old demon who had lost all his teeth.

The monster race generally doesn't respect the elderly very much, especially the old monsters who are getting old and weak. Many tribes still retain the tradition of expelling the weakened old demons.

Yak Gan is different, Yak Gan loves to communicate with those old demons and listen to their wisdom. For this reason, he is often cheated of a triangle wine and two gold grains, and he is not annoyed.

He is still young and strong, and he believes that he has unlimited possibilities.

Although his bloodline is not noble, Yao Zheng is very common. But who said that ordinary monsters can't climb the peak? There is a stone rhinoceros demon king over there in Nantian City, who is of an extremely ordinary bloodline, isn't he also a majestic demon king?

Along the way, he suffered many setbacks. For example, one of his horns was broken by the enemy in the early years, and it hasn't grown well until now.

But the only one left was also made very strong by him.

What he is most proud of now is his pair of bull's eyes.

As big as a copper bell, with a good pupil technique, he can see extremely far away.

In this team, he is also responsible for commanding, investigating, and attacking. He is a well-deserved core monster clan.

While chatting and laughing with the brother next to him, a naked... person was reflected in the eyes of the cow?

The reason why there are still doubts is that there is no difference in appearance between the monster race and the human race except for the monster sign. Those ordinary people who are not extraordinary can see weakness at a glance, while the human monks who are already extraordinary are on par with the monster race in all aspects.

Only the "Demon Sign" is the most noble symbol bestowed by God on the Yaozu, and it is also a sacred badge representing the Lord of the world.

It is inherent, cannot be changed, and cannot be disguised.

The step of Yaozu becoming a demon general needs to rely on the innate magical powers elucidated by "Yao Zheng". So whether it is a monster race, in addition to capturing the corresponding racial aura, you only need to see if there are any monster signs.

Yak Gan seriously looked at the visitor who met unexpectedly on the Tianxi Wasteland.

Seeing that this guy has a shiny bald head and delicate facial features, his face is very angular.

Let's call it his mother, it seems a bit fierce. Let's say he is majestic, and his facial features are so clean and gentle.

This is really a strange fellow, naked, not even eyebrows.

It's very similar to the one in the west... what tribe is it from?

The mandible is very curved, which brings a little sharp feeling.

The shoulder socket is deep, as if it can hold some frost and snow.

The muscle lines are as clear as if they were carved with a knife, and it has the beauty of a glacier carved by wind and frost.

But what made Yak dare to be more vigilant was the horrible scars all over the guy's chest and abdominal muscles... so ferocious, it seemed like a series of deep canyons on the rolling hills.

This weird guy who doesn't like to wear clothes is definitely a dangerous person.

It seems that there is no demon sign?

Following the contours of the abdominal muscles, Yak's vigilant eyes looked down...



The huge head rolled a few times on the ground, the intact horn touched the ground, and the pair of big copper bell eyes, which had lost their spirit, stared straight at the sky in a daze.

This life ended so abruptly.

After trekking in hiding all night, Jiang Wang, who still didn't know where he was, strode forward directly, and pointed out that he killed three monster warriors in a row before he received his sword energy.

The only two remaining monsters trembled.

Jiang Wang squatted down unhurriedly, and peeled off the armor of one of the demon clansmen of similar stature—this was the reason why he was killed first.

While dressing slowly, he said to the remaining two monster races: "I ask, you answer, understand?"

At this moment, he was speaking in Daoist language, and he knew what he meant by listening to the sound, so he was not afraid that he would not be able to communicate.

Mastering the Dao and achieving the God of No Regrets, No Omissions, and No Deficiencies, he has already possessed the ability to narrate the Dao. Writing and writing, speaking and speaking, are all easy.

Of course, compared to ordinary human languages, speaking and writing are also a kind of consumption in themselves. Not very friendly to his current physical state, but he behaved calmly, ruthlessly, and extremely oppressive.

I don't know what happened, but while walking on the road, my teammates died one by one. Of the remaining two monster clans, one is a monkey monster and the other is a horse monster. They were all frightened, their legs were shaking non-stop, and there was no reaction other than nodding for a while.

"Very good." Jiang Wang put on his clothes, regardless of whether it was dirty or smelly, and ordered in a cold voice: "Turn around, turn your backs to each other, and each draw a map on the ground. Draw me a clear orientation here, if there is one difference..."

He didn't say any threats directly, he just flicked his fingers lightly, and burned the corpses of the three monster warriors with three strands of flame.

The monkey demon and the horse demon didn't dare to talk too much, so they squatted on the ground and started drawing on the spot.

Although Jiang Wang has never studied divination, he has had contact with both Yu Beidou and Ruan Yu. The former is the highest achiever in fortune-telling, and the latter is the master of astrology and the true king of divination. He also knew a thing or two about how to avoid divination as much as possible—and that's why he only put on his clothes now.

Wearing the clothes of Yaozu warriors is not just for shame. When life and death are involved, what shame can there be?

The main purpose is to use the items that carry the aura of the monster clan to minimize the "obtrusiveness" of oneself in this world. So as not to be easily "rejected" by the powerful priests of the Yaozu.

The injuries on his body are still considered serious, but it still doesn't take much effort to deal with a few little monsters. Jiang Wang looked at the "paintings" of the two demons seriously, and asked aloud from time to time—"Frostwind Valley, show me where is Frostwind Valley?"

He had no idea that Xiuyuan went to Frostwind Valley to look for him last night, and of course he also managed to avoid a large group of monster warriors rushing to Frostwind Valley, including many powerful demon kings.

He didn't even know that at this time today, Jiang Mengxiong had already penetrated Frostwind Valley and visited Nantian City in person.

He didn't even know the name "Nantian City", and of course he didn't know where Nantian City was.

He didn't know anything about the Yaozu's territory, and he followed Ji Zhaonan to Frostwind Valley before he even had time to supplement the basic information in Yanlao City.

Escaping is a technical job, and you must think about it. Keep bumping around without thinking, and sooner or later you will die miserably.

So take every opportunity to increase your knowledge.

The map is the top priority. Where to go, where not to go, always have a general understanding.

If you accidentally break into some sky demon's territory, no matter how cautious you are, it won't help.

The demon world is ten miles away, and the sky is different for a hundred miles. The golden sun here is shining, and the rainstorm and thunder over there are common occurrences. In the early morning, he also saw the rainbow light through the wind and snow.

The Nantian City was shaken, and the golden sun was uncertain. Where he is, there is still wind and snow, and the world is still cold.

Jiang Mengxiong has Jiang Mengxiong's fight.

He has his battles.

He doesn't rely on others, and always faces desperation by himself.

Of course, he once had fantasies, but Dong A taught him a profound lesson. The youth's unrealistic fantasies were shattered along with Fenglin City.

Since then, he has been on his own.

During the snowstorm last night, he once felt that he was the only one in the world on the border line between the wilderness and the mountains, and it was so cold and lonely.

But he knew very well that as long as he made a little movement belonging to the human race, this place would immediately become very "lively".

The wounds inside and outside the body kept sending out painful feelings, and this pain made him more awake.

He needs rest very much now, but where to rest is a problem.

Although the demon world is large, it does not exist for the human race.

Last night, he was sticking to the periphery of Shiwan Dashan, walking all the way east, without stopping all night.

I haven't calculated how far I've traveled, but I didn't dare to leave traces of the extraordinary monks of the human race, nor did I dare to stop to rest. I don't know how the monster clan is arranged in Shiwan Dashan, so I dare not go deep into the mountain, and I dare not approach the big city of the monster clan... I walked carefully all the way.

He had discovered this team of lone monsters a long time ago, and after secretly following and observing them for a long time, after confirming that they had no ability to resist, that they could not escape, and that they could not quickly contact other monsters, he stepped out of the snowstorm and made a bold move .

And in the face of such a few weak little monsters, he also killed the core first, which can be said to be extremely cautious.

People in the demon world are enemies of the whole world. One wrong step, and it will be lost forever.

Then he should not take a wrong step.

Thanks to the book friend "Bai Shiqing" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 373rd alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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