Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1760 I'm Afraid of Being Misunderstood by Yuan Xianting

It was frosty and cold, and the wind and snow did not stop.

A furtive figure in rags, with messy hair, finally emerged from the deep forest.

His shabby clothes and straw hats were covered with snow, making him inconspicuous in this wasteland.

Not to mention how many Yaozu warriors he carefully avoided the sight of along the way, needless to say how dexterous his positioning was, and how amazing his grasp of the environment was...

In short, he worked hard, and finally walked out of the Hundred Thousand Mountains without a sound, returned to the wasteland, approached Frostwind Valley... and walked towards the direction of escape!

He, Jiang, is not a person who is greedy for enjoyment, he has suffered all kinds of hardships, and he can eat them all.

But only if one really walks in this monster clan's realm, can one deeply appreciate the goodness of this world! Although there are enemies in this world, although life and death crises are often encountered, there are also many friends. No matter who you offend or make enemies, there is always a place to stay. No matter how many injuries you have suffered, where can you find no one to heal?

Not to mention that he has struggled all the way and has become the overlord prince. How majestic and majestic he is to destroy Wushengjiao with a single word. As long as you don't do things that challenge the bottom line of the hegemony, there is no problem in walking sideways in this world.

But here in the demon world, he is walking on thin ice, and he is worried every day. Seeing a few little demons that can be destroyed with a snap of a finger, they have to hide secretly... There is no time to recover their bodies, and it is no time to escape from birth. This hard life is too hard, whoever loved it and let him go!

Judging from the war preparations of these monster clans, in this area, a large-scale war between the two clans is imminent. If he can't grasp this opportunity and sneak back to the Civilization Basin, how can he live up to his reputation of military exploits?

Although he is not very good at arranging troops, but his ability to seize the opportunity to charge into the formation is full of praise from the heavy black fat.

Exactly—the good wind sent me to Qingyun by virtue of its strength.

Another way is - if you can't take it from God, you will be blamed instead.

He certainly refused to miss this rare opportunity, keen and decisive.

He did not hesitate to take the risk to walk side by side with the monster warriors of the brigade, relying on the insight of the strong to avoid the dense sight of the monster tribe, and blazed a lonely road in the old forest that had become noisy and noisy.

At the most dangerous time, a monster warrior had already walked to the thorn bush where he was hiding, and he would be found one step further. At that time, he would have to kill and miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity... Fortunately, that guy was killed in the end. The other Yaozu warriors called away. They had luck at the same time.

He is active in the same forest as these monster warriors, but with his control of space and vision, Jiang Wang seems to be in another time and space in parallel. This experience of running away sharpened his body skills, but Jiang Wang only hoped that there would be no more.

No matter how difficult the process is, the most difficult time has passed.

Now we have come to the wasteland.

If the monster race and the human race are preparing for a war, there must be a huge battlefield depth before the war starts, and there are opportunities everywhere.

He believed that as long as he was given an opening, he would be able to seize the opportunity and escape successfully. At this moment, although his body was still unhealed, it was no problem at all to escape the pursuit of several demon kings. Even if there is a real monster nearby, once he makes a noise, the strong people from the human race will definitely come to respond immediately.

The hope of escaping back is great!

He held his breath, and as soon as he came out of the deep mountain, he crawled in the knee-high snow. While melting the snow in front, while condensing the snow behind, let yourself always move forward with the most cautious attitude in a small snow pit.

Ninety-ninety people travel hundreds of miles, Jiang Wang told himself that he must remain vigilant.

Until a certain moment, he carefully poked out the red makeup mirror, and with the help of the reflection of the red makeup mirror, he raised his eyes and looked into the distance. He didn't even dare to use the extraordinary power of the red makeup mirror to gain insight into the wilderness, because he was worried that he might interfere with some powerful monster clan. It is simply using the function of the red makeup mirror as a mirror.

Then suddenly saw——

In the vast wilderness, the end of sight.

A majestic monster city stands tall!

Although only a silhouette can be seen, although what is seen is the reflection of the red makeup mirror, but that powerful, brutal, and heavy feeling rushes towards his face, almost filling his heart!

Jiang Wang suddenly retracted the red makeup mirror, completely buried himself in the snow, and took a deep breath, as if he had sucked the wind and snow into his lungs. While feeling cold all over his body, his breathing stopped, and he was so stiff that he didn't move.

What's happening here?

Such a big Frostwind Dale!

Where did you go?

I still remember the night when I left Frostwind Valley, the injuries were serious, the wind and snow were heavy, the surroundings were cold, the place was empty, and the surroundings were vast... Looking back, everything is still vivid in my mind.

Why now when I look back and open my eyes, there is such a big monster city?

Jiang Wang couldn't help but wonder if he had gone in the wrong direction or the wrong way.

But I buried myself in the snow, thought carefully for a long time, checked and compared the map repeatedly, and made sure that I was not wrong.

He, Jiang, was not Yi Shishi. He had only followed Chong Xuansheng since he was a child, and he had no life experience. He left Zhuang country at the age of seventeen to travel the world alone. Over the years, he traveled all over the world, conquering east and west. How can I get lost?

What's more, after so many days, wandering around this area like a lonely ghost for so long, although he didn't learn the language of the monster race, at least he has explored the map environment around here. You can't go wrong with your eyes closed!

The map is correct, the direction is correct, the location is correct, and the eyes are not blind.

So what exactly went wrong?

A congenital gate that shouldn't disappear, a monster city that shouldn't appear.

The world is just ridiculous!


But at this moment, Jiang Wang obviously couldn't grab someone to ask an answer.

He didn't even dare to take another look at the big city, even if he used the mirror's reflection.

He doesn't know enough about the power of real monsters and sky monsters, and he doesn't know how to speculate with his shallow knowledge. He knew that staying away was the only correct choice.

The moment I saw the monster city, my mind went blank. Then a thousand threads exploded, but they were all pressed down soon.

Jiang Wang didn't leave himself too much time to be stunned and frustrated, and only thought about how to face it.

In any case, there is a monster city blocked here, and it is absolutely impossible for him to return to the civilization basin from this direction.

No matter how good he is, how experienced he is in escaping, and how powerful he is in combat, it is absolutely impossible for him to pass through the vicinity of a big monster city. To be able to dominate a race war of this level, at least there is a true demon sitting in Xiongcheng.

In his heyday, he would seek death if he got close, not to mention that now he can't use 30% of his combat power.

It's not hopeless, although there seems to be no way ahead.

Not to mention complaining. Although he had great hopes and took great risks before coming here. But this is the way things are in the world. It doesn’t mean that if you have hope, if you work hard and put in a lot, you will definitely succeed.

There is no such reason.

He was just here to look for opportunities...

There is just no chance now.

Thinking about the good, at least I got a piece of useful news now - the way back to Frostwind Valley is dead, and there is no need to wait for eleven months to come back, and then fail.

Don't wait for eleven months, even if you wait for eleven years, there is no chance...

Unless the human army came over, razed this monster city, and planted flags all over this wasteland-but how easy is it? In the current demon world, the balance of battle between the human race and the demon race has been maintained for hundreds of years.

If the Civilization Basin could be rushed out so easily, he wouldn't wait until Jiang Wang came over to start.

Jiang Wang didn't say anything, didn't do anything, silently put the red makeup mirror into the storage box, and put the storage box under his tongue. There is still nothing on his body except the clothes of the Yaozu—even if a keen Yaozu strong notices this place, he will only catch the breath of the Yaozu.

Then he started backing away.

Silently erased all the tiny traces, and slowly backed away.

Although I don't know what to do in the future, and there is still a way to go back to the civilization basin, but at least the goal now is very clear-he wants to return to the deep mountains again, and once again stagger with those monster warriors who entered the mountains, and look for him again place of residence.

This time, it is probably necessary to explore farther afield.

Then go further.

No one will see this scene, but it is worth remembering——

The sky is full of wind and snow, at the junction of Tianxi Wasteland and Shiwanda Mountain. A figure crawling, covered in snow, coming and going...

It's funny, but not ridiculous.



The golden sun in the demon world in winter does not bring warmth.

The stronger the person standing at the top, the more he can feel the "coldness".

The heavenly demon spider Yi with a dignified and dignified face withdrew his gaze from a distance. In the picturesque beautiful eyes, there is a hint of worry: "The situation is not right, that Wu'an City has gathered more and more powerful human races, far exceeding the scale of an ordinary war."

Not far in front of her, Yuanxianting sat alone on a high battlement with his back facing the entire city, his flamboyant red cloak drooping quietly.

The golden eyes looked into the distance, as if they were staring at some existence, and said indifferently: "Besides the real king, how many people come here is just a matter of a halberd."

Zhu Yi said: "Jiang Mengxiong doesn't plan to leave yet?"

Yuan Xianting still didn't look back: "It's a pity that he was allowed to run away last time... When he comes here again, he will definitely not be alone."

Zhu Yi frowned slightly: "I'm afraid the matter is not simple. I have sent a message to the Heavenly Court, asking them to urgently send a few true monsters here, as well as the army."

Although the Heavenly Court Monster Clan has become history, the current Monster Clan still calls themselves this way. Of course, the human race will only call it the Demon Court.

"Speaking of which, this Jiang Mengxiong, what is going on this time?"

Ape Immortal Court is a little hard to understand: "It's just a rare thing to die... so big a scene? The Frostwind Valley has also been penetrated, the battlefield has been opened up, and the fight has been fought. If it's over, don't leave, why don't you leave?" Are you constantly calling people?

We don't seem to have taken advantage of it? Shi Shanwen, Ying Kexun, Xi Yanbing, Lu Qiyi, these demon kings are all dead too. Especially Shi Shanwen, that's the old lion's sweetheart, and the old lion didn't say he was going to swallow Yanlao City in one bite! "

"You never read information." Zhu Yi sighed: "The dead human genius was named Jiang Wang. He helped Qi take the leader of the Yellow River, and he was still on the battlefield. The young Marquis of Overlord. He is very influential in Qi."

"Then it's not like one real person and one real person..." Yuan Xianting raised his eyebrows: "They are all surnamed Jiang, are they the illegitimate son of Jiang Mengxiong?"

"Why does Jiang Mengxiong need to give birth illegitimately? To hide it from you? Is it afraid that you will misunderstand?" Zhu Yi said helplessly: "The reason why they are so excited this time is that it is said that Jiang Wang did not die at the hands of our soldiers, but After the battle in Frostwind Valley, being attacked from behind by their human race...should be involved in some kind of internal struggle."

"Ha!" Yuan Xianting laughed angrily: "If he gets stabbed in the back, he will go to whoever, what's the matter with us to die or live?"

Zhu Yi said: "Now their unified statement is that someone colluded with us and was instructed by us."

"It's fine if you really do it, and you will continue to fight no matter what. You didn't have time to do anything, and you were beaten at the door, tsk tsk..." Ape Xianting turned his head, and at this moment, his fangs bared out, showing his fierce look and killing intent Almost turned into substance, the red cape on the shoulders seemed to be floating into a river of blood at this moment!

And his voice was extremely soft: "I can hardly suppress the fire."

Spider Yi ignored his temper, and only thought about it: "Is it possible that revenge for that Marquis of Wu'an is just a cover. In fact, they want to take this opportunity to kill the Five Evil Basin? If we ignore it, we will just treat it as an ordinary Retaliatory action, maybe you will suffer a big loss."

"The human race is cunning, so we have to guard against it." Ape Xianting didn't know what to think, he restrained everything for a moment, and slowly looked back to the distance: "But since I'm here, they don't have to think about it again."



Jiang Mengxiong is also a little baffled!

He came to the demon world this time, of course, to stand up for the prince of Daqi and avenge Daqi Tianjiao, but at the root, it was more to clean up the mess caused by his apprentice.

With Jiang Wang's current prestige in Qi State, if something happened in the demon world, it's appropriate for a real king to come and see the situation, but it doesn't have to be him, Jiang Mengxiong.

In fact, Ji Zhaonan left the demon world and returned to the present world, and went directly to the Zhengshitang to report the whole incident, without telling him at all.

It was the eldest disciple Chen Zeqing who sent the letter through a special channel, so he could know it immediately.

And he knew too well how much the emperor valued Jiang Wang.

That was to cultivate Jiang Wang as the future Optimus Jade Pillar.

How many people can be supervised by the emperor to study? How many people dare to talk back to the emperor at every turn, and still get promoted step by step?

In the past years, there have been many so-called straight ministers and admonishing ministers, but the emperor really doesn't like that.

Back then when the deposed prince was imprisoned in the Qingshi Palace, there was a so-called admonishment by admonishing ministers, saying that they should use deadly remonstrance to make the emperor know his virtue...

The emperor only said one sentence, the word "death" is too heavy to be done in words. Do you want to follow the example of a single eagle touching a pillar?

"The lone wolf died on hunger strike, and the lone eagle fell to the pillar and died" are two short stories recorded in "Four Seas Strange Records".

In the end, the so-called admonishing minister had no choice but to bump into the pillar under the watchful eyes of the court full of civil and military officials, and he bumped into it three times before he was killed.

Has there ever been a shortage of people who sell their reputations?

Like Er Fengming, he is very good at playing this trick, but when will he dare to confront the emperor?

In today's world, the Sacred Heart is held alone, and Weifu is unpredictable.

Jiang Wang is not loved by the emperor because he dares to talk back to the emperor, but because he is Jiang Wang. He has won trust with his past experience, so he can be himself in a limited way, and even sometimes talk back to the emperor.

It is precisely because he knows how much the emperor attaches importance to Jiang Wang.

So Chen Zeqing realized the seriousness of the problem and told him about it immediately. So he will come to Linzi urgently to seek the face saint.

He was afraid that if he was a step too late, something would happen to Ji Zhaonan!

But the emperor did not see him.

Only the internal official Han Ling came out and passed a word, saying that the emperor is tired and he is unwilling to discuss matters tonight.

If the emperor's wrath was expected by him, then the word "tired" made him feel the emotion of the emperor.

The relationship between Wu Anhou and the emperor before the emperor was deeper than he imagined. It can be said that in addition to the emperor and the minister, he is also a teacher and a friend, more like a father and a son.

Think about it too.

Up and down the court, the two young men who are most valued by the emperor and indeed the most promising, besides Wu Anhou, are the champions.

At the beginning, the champion marquis violated the emperor's will, glorified the five mansions together, and went out of the gate by himself, the emperor didn't think it was disobedient at all, and kept rewarding him constantly.

But Championhou's personality is more self-centered, his background is more complicated, and he has the old story of Xuan Mingtu. No matter what, the emperor can't treat him as close as he treats Jiang Wang.

The son of heaven said that he was lonely and widowed, and he couldn't fully communicate with his children and the people next to him. Aristocratic families, nobles, civil servants, military generals, new and old Qi people, all parties and factions, the balance of all parties needs to be mastered in one hand.

To adjust the dragon and tiger inside, to see the world outside. It depends not only on the structure of the present world, the gains and losses of an inch of land, but also on the long-term merits and demerits, and the rise and fall of a century.

Everything you say and do needs to be thought through.

The heart of heaven is unpredictable, because the heart of the emperor cannot be grasped by others.

Today, the emperor of Qi has a vast world and hegemony in his hands, how can he smile naturally and be angry in front of several people?

Han Ling counts as one, Li Zhengshu counts as half, Cao Jie counts as half, and Jiang Mengxiong is too powerful now, so he can only count as half.

Among the younger generation, there is only one Jiang Wang.

One day, when Jiang Wang reaches his current position, he will probably only be half of him, but at least now, he can still show his heart and show his sincerity to the emperor...

It is precisely because I feel the mood of the emperor.

That's why Jiang Mengxiong came to the world of heaven in person, and asked Xiuyuan to be a witness to prove Ji Zhaonan's innocence. It even directly pierced through Frostwind Valley, opened up a new battlefield, and tried to save this great Qi Tianjiao as much as possible.

After doing everything that can be done, it is time to open up a big city and seek long-term interests in the heavenly prison for Qi.

But to be honest, he supervised the construction of Wu'an City in order to maximize the use of the fall of Marquis Wu'an to gain benefits for Qi. It was also to cover Jiang Wang's possible survival.

In the short term, there is only confrontation and deterrence, and there is no plan to break out of the civilization basin and kill the monster city. There was no such plan, nor did we prepare so many people.

As a result, you Xiyue Temple, Yun Country, Mu Country, Chu Country... all of you are so hungry that you send experts to Wu'an City one after another, what do you want?

I'm afraid that Yuan Xianting will misunderstand!

Seeing the number of words, I fell into contemplation.


Brothers and sisters, can my extra thousand words be counted as tomorrow?

I paid half of the change today?

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