Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1761 There are no famous Wu'an people in Wu'an city

There are voices between the government and the opposition that Jiang Wang is the next generation of military gods. Jiang Mengxiong himself is noncommittal, but he knows that the emperor may have this intention. He has accepted five personal heirs, all of whom have been cultivated with heart, and they are all regarded as dragons and phoenixes among the people, but none of them can get this kind of recognition.

Jiang Wang, as a banner of the Xinqi people, was able to gain the recognition, support, and even admiration of so many people in just a few years. It has to be said that he has his unique personality charm.

Even Jiang Mengxiong himself recognized this Marquis of Wu'an. Although most of the time, his personality is a little old-fashioned, not lively enough, and he doesn't look like a young man. But diligence, hard work, and sincerity, apart from poor military strategy and limited knowledge, have no major shortcomings.

It is impossible to become the next generation of military gods, but it is not impossible to compare with the current him in terms of force-speaking of it, this is the path that the closed disciple Wang Yiwu has set for himself.

The kid said, "You don't have to learn how to be the enemy of thousands of people, I am invincible among thousands of people." Now Jiang Wang has distanced him... He believes in Wang Yiwu's self-confidence and courage, but if Jiang Wang can't come back this time, how can he defeat a person who can no longer be defeated?

What makes Jiang Mengxiong more and more incomprehensible, even somewhat inexplicable, is the current situation in Wu'an City.

At the beginning, two gods came to Xiyue Temple, one of them was close to Dongzhen, and it was a puppet body reconstruction, which was considered ingenious, but it was not important. Zongmen monks have experience, where is it not experience? As a newly opened racial battlefield, Wu'an City is also very reasonable to attract some monks who have just entered the demon world. He, Jiang Mengxiong, wouldn't even care about this.

But the "person in the painting" from Xiyue Nunnery, who has not been in the world for a long time, unexpectedly sent a rare letter, hoping that he will take care of the two disciples of Xiyue Nunnery on the battlefield!

This face is for sale...

Later, Ye Lingxiao, who was rich and able to play in Yunguo, brought his daughter to practice... This is very important.

Although Yun Kingdom is not a big country, it upholds neutrality and is well-connected in business. It has astonishing influence in many small countries. And Ye Lingxiao is not an idle real person, there are almost no limits in the future.

I heard that Shen Changshou is good at dancing, and his status is enough, let him go to greet him.

Later, Muguo Helian Yuhu brought the Muguo princess Helian Yunyun and that Zhao Rucheng to come.

The problem is a bit bigger.

Although anyone can die in the Heavenly Prison Battlefield, but Helian Yunyun has a noble status, so what really happened in Wu'an City. It is bound to affect the diplomatic relationship between Qi Mu!

And that Zhao Rucheng is also a sensitive person, he is a descendant of Emperor Huai of Qin. It's hard to say that the people of Qin would have no idea when he came to the Heavenly Prison Battlefield.

According to the intelligence, this kid is also highly regarded by the Empress in Mu Country. Both Wentao and Wulu have excellent talents in practice. Erdemi stayed for eight months and was also being trained as a future marshal. Of course, his complex identity is probably also what the Empress values, and it is uncertain what role it will play in the future. Anyway very important.

What would happen if this kid was quietly captured by the Qin people?

Needless to say, it will also affect the diplomatic relationship between Qi Mu...

Even though he is here in person, Gan Xie would not dare to act rashly, but it just so happens that among the three real monarchs who took turns in Suiming City recently, one is from Qin. Its name is Qin Changsheng, but it is an existence called "Sword Crazy".

If this true king is a real person, if he is determined to do some small tricks, it will be difficult for him to guard against it.

As Jiang Mengxiong himself, he is so proud of himself that no one cares about the world. But as the Grand Marshal of the Great Qi Empire, he must take care of these people within the scope of the big city of the Qi Kingdom...

Thinking about how majestic and barbaric Jiang Meng was when he smashed the Frost Wind Valley with his fist and smashed the Yuan Xianting angrily? Why did it only stop for a few days, and it seems that the person who asked the contact to become a guard? This child wants to watch, that child wants to watch, it's not a problem to be majestic, self-destructive, and destroy the world, but he just watches the child all day long!

Defend the child punch?

But compared to these people who come to Wu'an City with their families in a mess and don't know what to do.

The most important thing is a person who came here alone.

This person flew across the Civilization Basin, with a blaze of thousands of miles, flying directly from the big city of the Chu Kingdom——

Zuo Xiao, Duke of Huai State of Great Chu, actually went to the world of heaven and hell, even to Wu'an City!

This is the senior among the seniors, the veteran among the veterans, even if no one is as arrogant as Jiang Mengxiong, he has no choice but to welcome him personally!

"Grandpa Zuo!" At the same time that he sensed the old Duke, Jiang Mengxiong had already ended his confrontation with Yuan Xianting, descended to the outside of Wu'an City in person, and greeted him with courtesy: "Why are you here? Jiang I lost my way!"


Tianxi Wasteland, Nantian City Tower.

Yuan Xianting frowned: "It seems that there is another true emperor on the opposite side, who is plotting with Jiang is Zuo Xiao!"

"Chu Kingdom Zuo Xiao?!" Zhu Yi was startled, and immediately turned her eyes to look.

"One old man, what is there to be afraid of?" Yuan Xianting held the huge halberd in his palm with five fingers, and said coldly: "It's nothing more than one to kill one! Two to kill one pair—"

Zhu Yi already said: "I will immediately send a message to Qi Guanying to come here."



With Jiang Mengxiong's temper, he would certainly respect Zuo Xiao's status, Zuo Xiao's reputation, and Zuo Xiao's cultivation, but he would never treat him with such courtesy just because of these.

What he respected was the countless legends that Zuo Xiao had created in his lifetime of conquests.

The world's great masters of military art, no matter how they are arranged, the word Zuo Xiao is indispensable.

He is a famous general in the world, his son is also a famous general, and his grandson is also a famous general. He is a family of three thousand years in the Great Chu, and his family is full of loyalty.

Although he fell down when he hit the top of the peak, his momentum was greatly damaged, and then his son died in battle, and his grandson died in battle...but after he put on armor again, he can still remind people of his former glory. can still earn his Jiang Mengxiong's respect

Today's Zuo Xiao, dressed in the extremely luxurious official uniform of the Great Chu State, sweeping thousands of miles of red clouds, came from the sky, with a calm face and infinite majesty.

The complicated and complicated costumes in the typical Chu style can only be seen on such characters as no extravagance, but nobility.

He is not like Ye Lingxiao, who can say that he wants to see the stunning scenery, and he is not like Helian Hu, who talks about nursing experience.

He broke into the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters directly, came directly to Wu'an City, looked at Jiang Mengxiong directly, and said directly, "I'm here for Jiang Wang!"

Jiang Mengxiong was stunned for a moment, this was too straightforward. You are the Duke of Great Chu, and he is the Marquis of Great Qi. You came here for him? May I ask what is your relationship? How could I not know that his surname is actually Zuo? Isn't your hometown in Zhuangguo?

But Zuo Xiao's next sentence was more direct: "Is Jiang Wang really dead?"

The world was silent for a while.

The entire outside of Wu'an City fell into an absolute silence.

All voices cannot communicate, all eyes cannot penetrate, and all thoughts cannot be conveyed.

Today's Wu'an City has visitors from all walks of life, soldiers from various armies, and tens of thousands of people.

But there are only Zuo Xiao and Jiang Mengxiong here!

Only their dialogue can exist, only their communication can continue.

Zuo Xiao's will and determination are as firm as a mountain!

This attitude leaves no room for excuses.

Jiang Mengxiong said directly: "If someone else asks, I won't have any other answer. Since Grandpa Zuo asked, what I want to say is...not sure."

"I searched Frostwind Valley myself, but I didn't find Jiang Wang's breath of life. His body was not decomposed by the extreme cold wind, but those monster warriors were all dead...

But I went through Frostwind Valley and set foot in Nantian City, but I didn't find his breath of life in the city. I guess if he is still alive, he should have fled to another place after fighting the Yaozu warrior.

In order to provide him with a possible cover, I erased all traces in Frostwind Valley, and even directly publicized the news of his death, expressing that I would use Nantian City to be buried with him.

I would also like to search more places if possible. But you also know the situation of Yaozu, Yuan Xianting arrived in time, and we killed one.

Later, Zhuyi also joined the battle, so I chose to withdraw from the Tianxi Wasteland, build a big city on the side of the Civilization Basin, and start a long-term war. "

Once the new race battlefield is opened, the power of the monster races on the Tianxi Wasteland will inevitably gather in Nantian City in large numbers. In this way, the power in other areas will be weaker. If Jiang Wang is still alive, he will live relatively easily if he escapes there.

Regarding the speculation about Jiang Wang's life and death, only the emperor and Xiu Yuan knew about Jiang Wang's life and death in the whole country of Qi except him.

Jiang Mengxiong's ability to tell Zuo Xiao these things is indeed sincere. It is also the belief in Zuo Xiao.

But Zuo Xiao's complexion did not become a little better because of this trust.

"When Jiang Wang's cultivation base was still very low, the old man said that he should stay in Chu State. The Duke of Huai State will always have a room for him. But he refused. He has feelings for Qi State, and he wants to fight on his own. Willingness to take advantage of others—that's one of the things I value about him."

Zuo Xiao looked at Jiang Mengxiong and said: "He is famous, noble and fief in Qi State, and Qi State treats him well. You, Jiang Mengxiong, can come to the Demon Realm to find him in person, and Jiang Shu is not treating a meritorious person lightly. But the old man wants to follow What you are saying is that with Jiang Wang's talents and merits, his character and character will be reused in any country. At the same time, no country will allow such a peerless genius to enter the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters for the first time. Go on an adventure without any preparation!"

Jiang Mengxiong's complexion is not good.

But what Zuo Xiao said, he really couldn't refute.

Qi Ting originally arranged for Xiu Yuan, the commander of the nine soldiers, to personally take care of Jiang Wang and give instructions on the art of war, but from the beginning to the end, Xiu Yuan didn't even meet Jiang Wang.

In this matter, Ji Zhaonan cannot absolve himself of the blame. He ignored the danger of Frostwind Valley, and also ignored the value of Jiang Wang!

It is true that it is common to fight to the death with monsters, and it is true that human monks have the responsibility of God, and everyone should fight behind the gate of ten thousand monsters. But can Jiang Wang, a peerless arrogance who can be expected to be a real person and a real king, be able to get on the battlefield so easily and take on a dangerous place?

Insufficient information before the event and insufficient rescue afterwards allowed those with a heart to take advantage of the loopholes, leading to the death of the peerless can't be justified anywhere.

"I am indeed responsible for this matter." Jiang Mengxiong finally said.

Ji Zhaonan couldn't bear this responsibility, and letting Xiu Yuan carry it would be a real wrong to him, so he could only take the responsibility himself.

Zuo Xiao looked at him quietly for a while, and said: "How to divide the responsibilities is an internal matter of your Qi country, so I won't talk too much. As for now..."

Before he stepped into Wu'an City, he turned around directly outside the city gate.

There are no famous Wu'an people in Wu'an City, why bother to walk?

The long hair was tightly tied under the white jade crown, the gorgeous robes were billowing in the wind, and the slender figure... headed for the so-called Nantian Gate of the Yaozu in the wasteland of that day's breath!

"Since Jiang Wang may still be alive, what are you waiting for?!"

The silence outside the locked city was broken.

Zuo Xiao returns to heaven and earth, and walks in the wilderness.

Jiang Mengxiong was stunned for a moment, then without hesitation, he pulled up to follow.

Not to mention the other things, who would Jiang Mengxiong be afraid of when fighting on the battlefield!


However, Wenren Shen, as the nominal leader of the Wunan battlefield, is the core figure in charge of handling the affairs of Wu'an City... His name is the chief executive of the human race in the Wunan battlefield, but he is actually a miscellaneous officer under the command of the Grand Marshal of Zhenguo.

These days my head is really big.

Ye Lingxiao has too many things going on, the princess of Muguo is delicate, the descendants of Emperor Qin Huai are troublesome, and Xiyue Temple has unpredictable thoughts... There is a person in Xuankong Temple called Kujue, who has been pestering to come to Wu'an City for the past few days. It was said that he was not allowed to come to the Demon Realm inside the Xuankong Temple, so he ran to the border of Qi State and asked Song Yao to open the door for him! Song Yao was so entangled that he had no choice but to send a letter to ask.

Especially today, Zuo Xiao, the Duke of Huai, came!

It's like arguing with the military god...

If you wait any longer, you really don't know what will happen.

How could an ordinary newly built city suddenly become so intricate and turbulent?

The situation in Wu'an City is very complicated!

A great test of his political wisdom!

It can be said that the government affairs of the cities of Qi State in the entire civilization basin are not as good as Wu'an City, which has caused him a lot of trouble these days.

From as small as where who lives and how to behave properly, to as large as the situation of the entire battlefield, the planning of the entire Wu'an City... all these things are in one place, even real people in this world have a headache.

But these things are trouble. Wenren looked back coldly, and suddenly found that the current Wu'an City, including him, has gathered two true kings, three real people... Counting the bitterness of being on the road, there must be four real people . It is absolutely possible to fight a large-scale war!

Why is Wu'an City suddenly so strong?

God is sorry, the task I heard Shen received was to manage this battlefield well and lay the foundation for a small-scale long-term war. What they are looking for is a long-flowing resource land.

Now that there are so many strong people coming all of a sudden, what do they all want? If the Yaozu knew about this, they would think that our Daqi Empire had some schemes with these forces!

Oh no.

Wen Ren Shen suddenly realized that with the current lineup in Wu'an City, there was really some kind of conspiracy... Isn't it too much? !

But the figures of the two True Monarchs were faster than his thoughts.

A thought flashed across his side, and the two Yan Dao True Monarchs over there had already lifted off, crossed a hundred miles in an instant, crossed the flattened Frostwind Valley, and headed straight for Nantian City!

Shouldn't it be tested on a small scale for a few rounds first?

If you really want to do something big, shouldn't you call in some troops?

Where are you going to call? Shouldn't the strategic goal be discussed with me, the highest officer of the Wunan battlefield!

Do you want to rush out of the civilization basin and build a city in the Tianxi Wasteland?

According to the book of war, shouldn't it be...

Thousands of thoughts arise and disappear in the mind in an instant, and it is too late in reality.

The two Zhenjun adults rushed too recklessly, Wen Ren didn't have time to ponder, and they had already leaped to the high sky, and the voice resounded throughout the city: "The shock of the frost and wind will not be worn down in this world. The revenge of Wu'an will be avenged today!" !The whole army is assembled, charge with the Great Qi Army God! Charge with the Duke of Chuhuai! Charge with me, Shen Shen! Before the golden sun falls today, Nantian City will be destroyed!"

A large group of leaders gathered yesterday.

They eat, drink and play, and do all kinds of evil.

call me.

I refused.

Those are all my patrons.

I won't go even if I shout for more money!


Because I didn't save the manuscript.

Because I'm writing an update.

Because there are 24,000 genuine readers waiting for me!

Not to mention anything else, the monthly pass is up to everyone.

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