Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1762 You owe me memories and you must pay me back

"Haven't you sensed it yet?" Yue Tiannu asked aloud on the city wall that was wide enough to run a horse.

The two nuns from Xiyue Nunnery chatted as they walked, and the ordinary soldiers patrolling the city wall naturally couldn't hear their words.

The nun named Yuzhen just shook her head. The wide gray monk's robe covered Miaoman's body, and the charming look was also submerged in the water-like pupils.

In order to successfully change their bodies, the two of them spent a long time together, deliberately cultivating their relationship. Later, Yue Tiannu decided to use his puppet body to seek the Tao and not change his body anymore, but the friendship between them continued.

If there is anyone in Xiyue Nunnery who has a certain degree of true understanding of Yuzhen, except for the Patriarch in the painting, she is Yuetian Slave. After all, she not only has good friends with Yuzhen, but also has some friendship with Jiang Wang who fought side by side.

As the head seat of the former Miaoyou Zhaitang, although his body was destroyed and his soul disappeared once, he no longer remembers many things. But there is still a part of the vision that used to be real, and he can see many things thoroughly.

With the growth of cultivation base, the past cognition also began to return in some fragments.

What she is walking now is a road that has never been taken.

While cultivating puppet, while seeking the way. While exploring the way, she adjusted the parts of her body... until one day, she realized the reality of the world again, and this puppet body was infinitely close to the ideal Tao body. She was out of the way.

The human body is a wonder of creation. For normal practitioners, when they reach a certain level of practice, the Taoist body will naturally achieve it. But she wants to explore the perfection of each part and each knife.

To know what it is, but also to know why it is.

Compared with normal practitioners, it is much more difficult.

But the road of practice is so dangerous, and it is a rare opportunity to turn back after making a mistake.

She has nothing to dissatisfy.

After deciding to bid farewell to the past, using the puppet body as the body, and the self as the spirit boat, "Crossing the sea of ​​suffering by oneself, such as I am a Buddha\

,"Only then did she truly see herself, and every step since then has been very solid.

This most difficult path is the one that is truly invincible.

"Do you think he's still alive?" Yue Tiannu asked softly.

Yuzhen just walked forward: "I will look for him even if I am alive, and I will look for him even when I am dead."

At this time, the blockade outside the city was suddenly opened, and the Duke Huai of Chu State and the Army God of Qi were already far away... and the heavy war cry resounded throughout the city.

The whole Wu'an city became excited in an instant, soldiers quickly lined up, and countless monks rushed out with swords raised. The chariots galloped on the ground, the flying boats flew wildly in the sky, and a heavy crossbow was pushed to the wilderness...

A grand race war started suddenly.

And Yuzhen has turned around.

Sensing her determination, Yue Tiannu still walked slowly and even hesitated: "I have never liked anyone, or I have liked but forgotten. So I don't understand."

She was a little confused and said: "Why are people so attached to another person?"

"I don't know." At this moment Gujing Qingbo was shattered, and a lonely and sad mood flowed in Yuzhen's beautiful eyes. Her voice is softer than the wind: "I only have my own mood, I am not someone else's answer."

Yue Tiannu asked: "So what's your mood?"

"I have to pay him back what I owe him, and I have to pay back what he owes me." Yu Zhenfei fell down the tower, and the monk's clothes blew in the wind: "Why don't you forget it like this."



Bai Yuxia led the Marquis of Wu'an's guards and moved here from Yanlao City on the first day Wu'an City was completed.

As the direct subordinate of Marquis Wu'an, there is always a special sense of responsibility in the city commemorating Marquis Wu'an. But under the current situation, with their strength, they can't do anything other than practice harder.

The strategy of the top leaders of the Qi State is not something they can influence. They didn't have the strength to get close to Yaozu, so they said they were looking for the mastermind behind the scenes. The joint investigation of Qi Guo and Jing Guo didn't find any tricks, so how could they help?

The world of heaven is a place that is too cruel to the weak.

But under the leadership of Bai Yuxia, the 200-strong guard practiced continuously every day. Their independent investigations into the fall of Marquis Wu'an never ended.

As Bai Yuxia said, it is to have a part and do one's part. Being in this city, one cannot lose the prestige of the word "Wu'an".

Without any warning, Wenren Shen suddenly ordered all the soldiers in the city to go to the Tianxi Wasteland to crusade against the monster clan Nantian City.

This is undoubtedly a taboo for military strategists.

Even if they had been rehearsing and preparing for war every day before, such a large-scale war decision would be too reckless.

But if it is related to the sudden arrival of Grand Chuhuai Duke Zuo Xiao, and considering that Zuo Xiao and Jiang Mengxiong are personally charging at the front, then all questions about military affairs should not be questions.

The Duke of Huai has his own strategy, and the God of War has his own considerations.

This is not blind faith, but the continuation of countless past glory.

Those who can write military books, their actions are themselves the teaching examples in the military books!

From Bai Yuxia down, the entire Marquis of Wu'an's personal guard team, naturally, no one was timid to fight. It is the first to respond to the expedition order in the entire Wu'an City.

Gathered immediately, and led by Bai Yuxia, they rushed to the gate of the city. But there was a mighty wolf cavalry piercing through the slanting stab, and they rushed out of the city first.

The giant wolf, which is more than ten feet long, is majestic. The knights on the back of the wolf are all armored, and each holds a large solid iron spear. This kind of murder weapon does not require complicated skills at all. When confronting an enemy on the battlefield, you will die if you touch it, and you will be injured if you touch it.

In the extremely fast gallop, there was not a single noise, not a single member was in disorder, hundreds of riders looked like one, and the momentum was like a tornado.

The famous Cangtu Divine Cavalry, the number one cavalry army in the world, naturally has the qualification to charge at the forefront.

But after rushing out of the city gate, the leading cavalry suddenly stopped the wolf, looked back, looked at the flag planted on Fang Yuanyou's back, thoughtfully: "Are you from my third brother?"

Fang Yuanyou looked at this indescribably handsome man, not knowing why.

However, Bai Yuxia had been to Guanhe Terrace, had seen this man recognize Jiang Wang, and knew that this man named Zhao Rucheng was like a brother to Jiang Wang.

So he said: "I am Bai Yuxia, the chief retainer of Marquis Wu'an's mansion. This team is Marquis Wu'an's personal guard. After we came to the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, we were going to go to the battlefield with Marquis Wu'an to fight. Because Marquis had an accident, so Stop here and wait."

Zhao Rucheng didn't have much impression of Bai Yuxia, but he nodded respectfully and turned the wolf around: "When you go to the battlefield, follow me."

At this moment when they are about to fight for life and death, these words are undoubtedly more important than any other words.

Bai Yuxia cupped her hands and said: "Only what the general's sword points at, we will not back down!"

The huge wolf leaped, and Zhao Rucheng was already riding alongside Helian Yunyun and Helian Huhu, who were at the forefront of the wolf riders.

"How is it? It's your first time fighting the Yaozu. Are you nervous?" Helian Huohu's tone was not calm. Although he cared for the two juniors, there was an indelible excitement.

This kind of excitement has not been seen in a long time for him.

The Damu royal family, real people in the world, and one of the commanders of the king's tent cavalry, how many things in this world can move him?

His mission in coming to the demon world this time is only to ensure the safety of Helian Yunyun and Zhao Rucheng, and he doesn't care about the battle situation in the demon world or the newly opened race battlefield.

But let's be honest. The current sudden racial war was triggered by the joint efforts of Duke Huai of Chu and the God of Army of Qi. It is hard for him not to be excited to be able to participate in such a war.

Two great masters of the military strategist join hands to defeat demons!

What better way to feel the charm of military strategists than participating in such a war?

Helian Yunyun is the daughter of Helian Shanhai, with green blood flowing in her body, so naturally she won't be nervous in such a scene. But she turned to ask: "Ru Cheng, are you nervous?"

"Nervous." The titan who killed countless people on the Jingmu battlefield and became famous as the green ghost murmured at this moment: "I'm so nervous."

"Jiang Wang is a man who fights against the sky, so you don't have to worry too much." At this time, there were so many people, it was inconvenient for Helian Yunyun to move his hands and feet, so he just brushed Zhao Rucheng's wolf with a whip: "When the time is right, I will Just open the eyes of the sky and help you find someone."

"Don't open the eyes of the sky, it's too conspicuous." Zhao Rucheng immediately refused: "If my third brother is still alive, if the Yaozu realize that we are looking for someone, then he will be very dangerous."

"You're right." Helian Yunyun said: "If I care about you, it will cause chaos."

Zhao Rucheng said: "Your Highness, don't miss out on important matters. When you come to the demon world this time, your experience and safety are the most important. Finding someone is my business."

"I can't be wrong!" Helian Yunyun said loudly and seriously: "You are my big deal!"

The entire team of wolf riders was silent, with their iron spears lowered, and the wolf god rushed forward with its head buried.

Helian Guhu pretended not to hear it, and looked at Yuanqiong with a serious face——

There, the fist and halberd strength of the red shadow and the green shadow seemed to have been mixed together, constantly rolling, rendering a colorful picture in Gao Qiong.

Zuo Xiao and Jiang Mengxiong's attack this time is completely with the momentum to kill the other side's sky demon!

In such a short period of time, that piece of sky has been broken back and forth several times!

Tian Yao Yuan Xian Ting can still hold on, but Zhu Yi is already weak as far as the naked eye can see.

Will the sky demon fall today?


Behind the wolf cavalry team, among the galloping horse team.

Fang Yuanyou clenched his teeth and gripped his long sword tightly.

Zhao Rucheng, who rides with Princess Damu and Immortal Damu, has the most outstanding appearance he has ever seen in his life. And such a posture of sweeping hundreds of horses and calmly giving orders also shows their status.

Absolutely big shot!

But Marquis Wu An is actually the third elder brother of a big man like Mu Guo!

He had never heard of such a younger brother in his Lord Marquis before, and when he thought about what he had seen these days, he felt a sense of pride... Is there anyone in the world who doesn't know the king? !

But he was also a little distressed, and couldn't help asking Bai Yuxia: "My lord, Ye Zhenren also said earlier that once the war starts, we can follow him, the old man. Now Muguo Cangtu Shenqi also asks us to follow, who are we following? "

Bai Yuxia had thought about it a long time ago: "We can't reject others' love for Lord Hou. I will lead a team to follow General Zhao Rucheng, and you will bring a team to follow Ye Zhenren."

Fang Yuanyou said in shock: "There are too many backers. Fortunately, we also have many people, otherwise it would not be enough."

Bai Yuxia ignored his emotion, and only ordered: "Remember, no matter what Ye Zhenren orders, you must complete it without compromise. Then, protect Miss Ye Qingyu just like you protect Lord Hou."

"Take orders!" Fang Yuanyou lightly tugged on the reins and led the hundred men away, splitting the two teams.

Bai Yuxia led the team to follow Cangtu Divine Cavalry.

Fang Yuanyou's direction——

A whole group of four-winged ink warriors flew across the air, opening the way ahead. Four puppets with ox horns and horizontal swords, four puppets with eagle eyes and heavy arrows, and four puppets with thin armor and double swords, like stars supporting the moon, guarding a colorful cloud car with brilliant lights and flowing shadows.

The young master of Lingxiao Pavilion is standing in the cloud car. The light gauze covers the face, and the fairy looks like flying.

But Ye Lingxiao, the real person in the world, jumped in the high sky, wrapped in a roaring energy, and slammed straight into the Tianxi Wasteland, and slammed into the word "Southern Heaven".

The shouts of Uncle Yingying can already be heard in the distance, and the Yanlei army, one of Qi's nine soldiers, is surging like a torrent.

And the entire Wu'an city was still continuously rushing out troops.

A racial war that no one expected beforehand broke out suddenly on the Wunan battlefield.

In this battle, the human race counted 10,000 main forces of the Thunder Army, 300 Cangtu Godriders, 200 Marquis Wu'an Guards... 40,000 soldiers from Qi State.

Real people, Ye Lingxiao, Helian Hu, and Wenren Shen.

Zhenjun, Zuo Xiao! Jiang Mengxiong!

The bloody battle is not cold!



At this time, Jiang Wang had no idea what kind of war was going on in this hell world because of him.

He climbed alone through the snowy deserted wasteland, and climbed back to the Hundred Thousand Mountains. At this moment, he was carefully walking through the mountains and forests, jumping silently in the gaps of the monster clan's sight, avoiding the monster clan warriors that he could completely sweep away.

The monster city standing outside Frostwind Valley cut off his way back. But the demon world is so big, the civilization basin is so vast, the boundary between the two clans is so long, and there are so many battlefields between the two clans, he doesn't believe that there is no life for him.

Life is nothing more than going forward all the way, from yesterday to today, today to tomorrow.

If this way doesn't work, go that way.

In his experience, he did not give up.

Of course, the current situation is really bad.

The first is that the injury is difficult to heal, the second is the language barrier, the third is that the return journey is dead, and the last is the lack of information.

Except for the simple map drawn by the two little demons earlier, except for this small area on the map, he knew nothing about the rest of the demon tribe's territory.

And exploring the map in a hostile area with the flesh is itself the most dangerous choice.

He has fought in wars, and he knows that to explore the fog in the war environment, it is often at the cost of the spies' lives.

Many teams of little demons were driven deeper into the mountains.

Jiang Wang calmly watched the war preparations of those monster warriors, watching them cut wood to make cars, make vines into nets, cut bamboo to make arrows... watch them collect various poisons, make poison barrels, and quench the bundles of arrows on the spot poison. I also watched them set up a large formation on the mountain.

In addition to having a certain understanding of the demon army, the biggest gain is that the pronunciation of various military passwords of these demon soldiers is quite consistent, which is relatively easy to understand, thus greatly enriching his demon language vocabulary.

Compared with the formation of the human race, the Yaozu's formation seems to be simpler, more according to the terrain, and there is a sense of directing the truth. Of course, with Jiang Wang's knowledge of formations, he can't see too many tricks.

Before the formation of the monster clan formed, he had already withdrawn far away from the coverage of the formation.

At a certain moment, these monster warriors who entered the mountain seemed to have received some orders, hurriedly ended the arrangement of the formation, and began to retreat in an organized manner-he did not dare to follow up to observe, but walked in the opposite direction to the depths of the mountains .

He can't take risks on a battlefield with real monsters in command.

His physical and mental state did not allow him to venture into the Tianxi Wasteland again.

Jiang Wang paid 12 points of attention, and secretly hung behind a group of small monsters who were carrying out their mission.

Passing by a big tree that was engraved with the imprint of thorn flowers, Jiang Wang wiped it off casually, leaving a rough animal paw print on the tree, disguised as the destruction of an evil beast.

While letting these little monsters help open the way, observe their living habits, learn their language, and think about ways to break the situation.

Wandering in the mountains and forests like a lonely ghost is not a long-term solution. Wandering in the gap between the monster clan's sight all the time is tantamount to dancing on the tip of a knife... There are always times when people are in a daze, and there are always times when they make mistakes. But precisely in the realm of the Yaozu, there is no room for mistakes.

Intelligence issues and injury issues need to be resolved urgently.

Where is the way out?

what to do?


While he was thinking, a loud roar suddenly resounded through the forest.

A giant black bear rushed out from the front, breaking countless big trees, causing the monster bounty team in front of them to flee in all directions. Sweeping the wind, what a coincidence, it ran in front of Jiang Wang!

This bear is three feet high and two feet wide, rolling across like a wall, there is no room to dodge.

Jiang Wang raised his eyes and stared.

In an instant, the fierce wind dissipated, and the giant black bear immediately retracted its fangs, sat down on its buttocks, and stirred up countless dust leaves. The bear's eyes are wide open, and the bear's paw is honestly resting on the belly, looking cute and naive.

But Jiang Wang's mood sank...

was found!

Thanks to the book friend "The title of knife idiot is too rustic" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 374th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to Dameng "I love Qiqi 888" for rewarding Xinmeng!

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