Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1763 Heaven has a unique way

For a long time, many people think that monsters and beasts are of the same kind, and that the so-called "monster clan" is the cultivation of beasts.

What kind of vixen for thousands of years, old pagoda tree for thousands of years... In the stories of the storyteller, as well as in the scattered legends and myths, they shoulder an evil mission, and of course they must be defeated by the warriors of the human race in the end.

It is also said that demons and beasts have the same origin, that demons are inherently obscene, and that demons and beasts are hybrids of demons and beasts. The nine sons of Longsheng are different, which can be regarded as a kind of strong evidence.

These statements are of course a contemptuous imagination, and it is also a cognition deliberately guided by the sages of the human race in history.

In order to liberate the human race from the fear of the monster race, it first went to another extreme of contempt.

In fact, a demon is a demon, and a beast is a beast.

The Yaozu is the true bell of heaven and earth. They are born high and high, with a well-connected path and an infinite future.

Hundreds of ethnic groups live under it and are ruled by it.

Before the dragon clan retreats into the sea, it does not manifest itself as a dragon body, but walks in the world with a dao body, with only a few demon signs. It is after retreating into the sea, in order to resist the harsh environment of the sea, that there are all kinds of alienation.

The so-called nine sons of the Dragon Emperor were originally born by concubines of different demon races and have different demon signs, which is perfectly normal.

As for the Human Sovereign killing the Dragon Sovereign's nine sons to refine the Nine Bridges and deliberately passing them down in animal form, it was out of political considerations. It's not that the nine powerful heirs of the Dragon Emperor are really in the form of beasts.

Those strange beasts and desolate beasts in ancient times were also born and bred, and they were born with infinite power. The former is strong in innate strange methods, while the latter is strong in innate physique.

In the long history, some of them have died out, some have degenerated, some have been domesticated, some have strengthened their ability to reproduce but limited their extraordinary abilities, and some have been wiped out of wisdom and cut off the possibility of being strong...

This is all kinds of beasts and poultry now.

In today's world, wild beasts and poultry are multiplying everywhere, and strange beasts are occasionally seen, but wild beasts almost don't exist anymore.

These contents are recorded in "Jingxu Xianger Collection", and there are also relevant descriptions in some Confucian and Legalist classics. Jiang Wang also studied in Jixia Academy.

The students who can study in Jixia Academy are all excellent cultivation seeds, so naturally they must have a correct understanding of the Yaozu.

Respect your opponent, understand your opponent, and then you can truly defeat your opponent.

The monster race has never been a fierce creature with empty force, let alone a so-called inferior species with birth defects... They are a truly intelligent race, truly born powerful, and possessing talents that cannot be matched by hundreds of races.

It can even be said that they are divinely appointed nobles!

Of course, the human race only described four words based on the long history from ancient times to the present world——

Man will conquer nature.

Beasts are the degeneration of wild beasts, ferocious beasts are the birth of human race to strengthen the ferocity of wild beasts and weaken their spirituality, and monster beasts are completely created by human race from scratch...

The appearance of monsters has greatly increased the output of Kaimai Pill and improved the overall strength of the human race. It is also the most profound description of the situation of the Yaozu.

And these evil beasts in the hell world are different from Jiang Wang's cognition, but they are species that do not know how to form.

In Jiang Wang's feelings, this giant black bear has the habits and intelligence of a beast, and is close to the power of a monster. Too huge in size, and close to the legendary desolate beast.

Of course, wandering in the deep mountains and old forests these days, he has already seen many evil beasts, so he will not make a fuss. Including the term "evil beast", he also learned it from the mouths of those little demons, and he already had a certain degree of understanding.

What surprised him was that when he held back the giant black bear, he noticed another ray of will in it. Although he was quickly defeated.

In other words, the "unexpected visit" of this giant black bear was simply a targeted action.

It can even be said directly, just to force him out!

And he reacted instinctively before thinking about it, revealing his whereabouts-the giant bear was crushed like a landslide, and he couldn't continue to hide.

Until now, he hadn't figured out how he was discovered. He just noticed that those monster races who fled in panic slowly gathered back again.

Farther away, there were also movements of several other groups of monster clans... They were approaching extremely quickly with undisguised killing intent!

How did the strongest monster team with only the strength of the outer building discover him, and how could they complete the connection without his knowledge?

At this moment, all the details along the way are rolling in my heart.

He thought of the complex imprint shaped like a thorn flower—

In the process of tailing this way, he noticed that a few monster races left some hidden marks in inconspicuous places such as tree roots or rock bottoms. But he didn't figure out the meaning of those marks, and guessed that it might be a record of the route.

It now appears that that is the way they communicate... a secret script that does not involve the flow of power.

The monster race has its own long-standing wisdom and brilliant civilization, which is absolutely unique among all the enemies of the human race.

Of course, Jiang Wang didn't understand the meaning of those marks in the process of following them all the way, but out of prudence, he consciously imitated the marks of evil beasts and destroyed some of them.

Otherwise, these monster races might not be the only ones gathering now.

One, two, five, ten...

A huge black bear sat there like a wall.

Jiang Wang has quietly moved his position and hid in a natural decaying tree hole on the left oblique side of the black bear. He used a red makeup mirror to observe the environment in a radius of fifty miles to determine who had discovered him and what methods the other party had prepared.

And a very handsome young monster, after the giant bear was overwhelmed, walked lightly and skillfully from a distance. His demon sign is a long tail, hanging behind his hips, as nimble as a snake.

The center of his brow twisted and cracked, revealing a faintly red vertical pupil, with a circle of strange lines around the edge of the pupil.

Judging from the current foreign affairs, he has at least two natural supernatural powers, and he is a well-deserved monster genius. If Jiang Wang had known that he still had such an eye, he would never have chosen the bounty team that had him at the end.

It's not that he can't deal with it, but that a monster genius of this level must have richer means and be more difficult to be deceived. It is also more weighty, and it is more concerned by the powerful monster clan.

An ordinary little monster disappears, maybe some monster clan will come to ask, maybe there won't be. A genius from the monster tribe disappeared unexpectedly, so it must be investigated to find out!

"You finally showed up."

At this moment, the handsome Yaozu said with a relaxed voice, in the language of the Yaozu: "I have always suspected that someone is following me and spying on me, but I can't find it anyway."

"It's just a simple task to please the little princess of Moyun City. Is it so necessary? And call the assassin out?"

His vertical pupils were tightly closed, but his eyes looked towards Jiang Wang's hiding place: "Tell me, who sent you? Yu Xin? Yuan Mengji?"

Jiang Wang didn't say anything.

There are two reasons for not saying anything. One is that he is locking the positions of all the monster warriors who are close to this area, and calculating the time he can use; the other is...he doesn't quite understand this monster language.

I only understand simple words like "you", "task", "who". At the same time, I probably felt that there seemed to be some kind of misunderstanding. The other party obviously didn't know that a human race who had killed several demon kings was hiding here. Otherwise, they shouldn't just send out this kind of battle.

If it was purely an accident, this luck is really bad...

Compared with Jiang Wang's silence, this handsome monster was very excited. He was obviously caught in his own imaginary judgment and was very satisfied with his sensitivity.

In his view, the other party's silence is a kind of acquiescence and guilt.

"Indeed." He smiled in the assassin's direction, showing his composure: "You are very skillful and know how to hide. But you overlooked one important thing... Before you came to me, Don't do your homework?"

Across the black bear, thorns and tree holes, although he has not yet seen the appearance of the assassin, but the monster warriors who have gathered one after another through the special mark have surrounded this area.

Who would have thought that when Quan Xizai came out to do a bounty mission, he also arranged twenty teams to do the same mission, scattered in this deep mountain and old forest? Assemble is an army!

Completing the summoning and contacting through dense patterns, locking the approximate location of the assassin through various movements, driving the evil beast to force the assassin out of the way...these are nothing to boast about.

He, Quan Xizai, was originally one of the most talented characters in Moyun City. Of course there is also the ability to match reputation.

Seeing that his subordinates gathered more and more, Quan Xizai gently stroked the vertical pupil between his eyebrows with his slender index finger, and declared the winner: "When I was very young, it has been warning me. Including today , it is also the one that tells me that there is danger approaching nearby. In front of this eye, no one can think of—uh!"

too fast!

It was as if a ray of lightning pierced Lao Lin.

There is an instant light in the dark forest.

Quan Xizai threw his head up and fell down.

An ordinary tree branch with a vertical and horizontal sword aura pierced through his abdomen and firmly nailed him to the ground.

His long tail had just been erected before it was already drooping.

And his vertical pupils between the eyebrows have been directly gouged out, presenting a crimson, diamond-shaped, spar-like appearance, lying quietly in Jiang Wang's palm.

"I will keep this eye in my collection."

Jiang Wang, who was wearing a straw hat and wrapped in ragged clothes, turned his palms to put away the vertical pupil, saying so in Taoist language.

He couldn't fully understand the language of this demon clan, but he understood some words including "eyes" and had a rough semantic judgment. So he responded like this.

Life is like that sometimes.

No matter how cautious you are, it cannot be said that you will be able to survive all kinds of natural disasters and man-made disasters.

Who can predict everything in advance?

Who would have known that there was such a demon clan with such innate supernatural powers that could make him, whose cultivation level was only equal to that of a human cultivator outside the building, aware of the threat of Jiang Wang, who was on the scene! ?

Jiang Wang was already very cautious, even when facing these monster clans whose strength was far inferior to his, he did not ignore them for a moment.

But still lacked a little luck.

But for him, although he fell into an extremely bad situation because of being discovered by this dog monster, the current situation is actually very simple——

Now that he has been discovered, the monster clan who saw him, and the monster clan who were about to surround him... all had to die.

The whole forest is silent, because the sound has been controlled by him.

Whether it's struggling, running away, shouting but can't make a sound, or trying to make noise...

All useless.

Before doing it, Jiang Wang had already rehearsed every step, and even calculated the time it took to kill each monster. And with two fingers circling the sword energy, the afterimage of the body is stacked, turning around like the wind in the forest...

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, and the corpses of demons are piled up all over the place.

Dealing with monsters of this level of strength, there is no surprise at all, even if it drags the wounded body.

There were a total of forty monsters, except for the dog monster who was nailed to the ground, only two of the weakest and least capable little monsters were left as targets for torture, and the rest died.

The giant black bear still sat there obediently, motionless, and even closed its eyes tightly.

"Right now, I just have one very simple request."

Jiang Wang looked at the two trembling little demons, and did not hide his exhaustion, and said in a somewhat hoarse Taoist language: "Squat down slowly, and draw a map for me."

behind him.

Almost at the same time, red flames were ignited on the bodies of all the dead monster races, and they were silently burned into nothingness.

The remains of the red flames in the secluded forest really frightened the demon.

Two weak little demons took up their weapons and drew on the ground tremblingly.

And Jiang Wang just walked past them.

Forty monsters and eight bounty squads were all lost in the mountains and forests, which would definitely lead to investigation by the monsters. Especially since this dog demon is so talented and has so many subordinates accompanying him for a bounty mission, he must have a good background. The news of his fall was sure to provoke a violent reaction.

In other words, there is no way to hide in this old forest. Going deeper and further away, it is almost certain that you will bump into an unknown battlefield. And with this injury, how far can you run? And going to the wasteland when the racial war broke out is tantamount to courting death.

Therefore, after such an accident, re-examining the whole situation, there is no room for struggle for a while!

A pair of forty, even if it wins, it loses. What kills is the possibility of continuing to wander.

But Jiang Wang remained calm.

He slowly walked back to the dog demon who was nailed to the ground, and said softly, "Shall we chat?"

There was an ugly wound between Quan Xizai's eyebrows.

Blood smeared his handsome face.

Although the thing that penetrated his abdomen was just an ordinary branch, the roaring sword intent on it had already defeated all the resistance in his body.

He stared at Jiang Wang with wide eyes, gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "Slaves!"

Jiang Wang didn't understand the word, but he also guessed that it was not a good word.

He just said in a very serious way: "If you can cooperate with me well, I can make your death less painful."

"Damn you vile beast!" Quan Xizai scolded again and again: "You can't run away even if I die! I am Quan Xizai of Moyun City, and my grandfather is—uh! Uh!"

He was so painful that the veins in his neck were protruding, and he struggled but couldn't make a full sound.

Jiang Wang understood the cursing part, so he directly cut the dog monster's tongue: "I don't understand what you are talking about, so why don't you say it now."

He recalled Qing Pai's torture technique, slowly creating pressure and tearing through the target's defenses: "I ask you to answer, okay? If you agree, blink once, if you disagree, blink twice."

Quan Xizai kept his eyes open and remained motionless. Even the blood from between his brows flowed into his eyes, and he still resisted without blinking!

His backbone and bravery are undoubtedly a spear against the enemy.

Jiang Wang reached out and closed his eyes, erasing his last vitality.

Then set the corpse on fire with Samadhi real fire.

But at this moment, a brand new knife coin suddenly jumped out of the storage box and landed on top of his head.

A long time ago, the knife coin presented by Yu Beidou!

Jiang Wang's heart moved. He had tried many times before, trying to contact Yu Beidou through this knife coin, but he failed to respond. I thought it was the cause of the barrier between the two realms.

At this moment, the knife and money are leaping, maybe Yu Beidou is here.

There is hope!

As the highest achiever of the ancient destiny, the powerful hexagram master who once led him to jump out of the river of fate for a short time. If Yu Beidou knew about his situation, and if he wanted to help, he would definitely be able to help him.

We have fought the blood demon side by side at any rate, and we are close comrades-in-arms!

The worst thing is to send a message to Qi Ting, and he can be saved.

At this moment, Jiang Wang's mind was filled with pleasant words, he opened his mouth, and was about to speak——

The knife coin hanging above him was already full of cracks, shattered silently, turned into a ball of metal powder whose color could not be seen clearly, and fell down in a rustle!

In this secluded forest and quiet mountain, Jiang Wang was silent for a moment in front of the silently burning corpse of the dog demon.

This moment.

He felt a great malice!

But not from any specific enemy.

Thanks to the book friend "I Love Miao Miao 888" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 375th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

This looks like Kiki's trumpet...

Thanks to the Golden Alliance Empire|Qin Shang for rewarding Ye Qingyu for the Silver Alliance!

Mr. Qin's courageous spirit was recognized by Qingyu on the Cloud.

Thanks to the book friend "Whispering the Sleeves and Dying the Red Yanshang" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 376th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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