Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1764 Do you know

The Qi Dao coin presented by Yu Beidou, if it is broken here, will it send any news to Yu Beidou?

Jiang Wang didn't know!

Judging from the situation just now, it seems that this knife coin is fighting against something. Its shattering is more like smashing another possibility of escape, cutting off another escape route.

The leak in the house happens to rain overnight, the boat is late and the wind hits the head!

But Jiang Wang remained calm.

He just quietly thought about all the possibilities on this matter, then turned around and walked towards the two little demons to confirm the map they had drawn.

All these years of hardship have only taught him one thing—

Seize the moment and do your best.

In the map drawn by one of the little demons, there are three big cities, which are exactly the same as his known information. Another "illiterate demon" who lived half his life in the old city.

In another little demon's map, there are four big cities, which can barely be regarded as supplementary information.

But just such a little crude information is not helpful to the current situation.

Jiang Wang still wrote it down carefully.

Now he stood between the two little demons with their backs facing each other, picked up a branch, and clicked on a city on the rough map: "Are you from this big city? If yes, nod, if no, shake your head. "

Jiang Wang pointed to another map, clicked on the same location, asked the same question, and got the same answer.

Then he turned his head to look at the dog demon, and said in a low voice, "The one on the ground that hasn't been burned yet, is it a big noble in your city?"

The two demons nodded at the same time.

After the probing questions were over, Jiang Wangcai asked: "How many teams did he bring out? One finger on the left hand represents ten teams, and one finger on the right hand represents one team. Tell me with gestures."

The two demons made the same gesture to show that they were not lying.

Twenty bounty teams, a total of one hundred monster clans!

The pomp of this dog monster is really not small.

In fact, if you look at other bounty teams, you can probably know that the bounty tasks these little monsters accept are not of high standard.

Since the discovery of the first monster bounty team, more and more bounty teams have entered the mountain.

In the vast and deep mountains, they spread out like hunting dogs.

Among so many little monsters with varying strengths who can generally be called useless, it was really luck that he happened to meet this dog monster with both talent and background——

He originally wanted to follow this slightly stronger guy so that he could obtain information more easily. Unexpectedly, the other party still has supernatural powers, and can detect his tailing...

Of course, the problem now is that there are at least 60 other monster races who will come to look for this dead dog monster immediately.

Of course, their own combat strength is not worth mentioning. What Jiang Wang really cares about is how much time he has to torture the information-the next step will inevitably be a difficult escape, and it is not useful to run fast. You can't do without preparation.

"Before you came, did you know that I was a human race?" Jiang Wang asked.

The two demons shook their heads together.

This is good news that has been confirmed. It means that he has a little more time in a bad situation.

No matter what the background of the dog monster is, how much the monster clan attaches importance to it, or how much attention will be paid to the death of dozens of little monsters doing tasks in the deep mountains and old forests.

The enemy against the dog monster must be completely different from the enemy against the monster clan.

The other twelve bounty teams that followed the dog demon into the mountain failed to catch up with the encirclement immediately, probably because they didn't know what happened. It takes time to find something wrong, and it takes time to find it.

These days, he was very cautious, wanting information but not daring to interrogate him, for fear of leaving any traces. Seeing any little monsters, they would back away, hide their eyes, hide their voices, hide their breath... Until this moment, they couldn't hide anymore, so they started killing.

Now that the torture has begun, it is natural to get the most value.

Jiang Wangdao: "I'm in a hurry, now I want to use a little time to learn the language of the Yaozu with you, do you agree? Nod if you agree, shake your head if you disagree."

The little demon on the right nodded immediately.

The little demon on the left obviously hesitated.

A yin and yang fish swam past in Jiang Wang's eyes.

He nodded immediately!

To deal with these weak-minded little monsters, there is absolutely no possibility of failure in going astray.

Like that dog demon with a good background, he has a strong will, there is no weak choice at all, and there is no way to go astray.

Jiang Wang said again: "Very well, now I will separate the voices of the two of you so that neither of you can hear each other. Then I say a sentence in Dao language, and you repeat it in demon language. You can speak well Different, but whoever is wrong will die a painful death, understand?"

The two demons nodded vigorously.

So a unique teaching began.

Any language has its cultural origins, and the language of Yaoyu, which is common to all Yaozu, can be called broad and profound. It is not an easy task to become proficient in a short period of time.

But there are not many common words, and simple daily conversations do not require too many words.

Jiang Wang spoke so fast that the two little demons didn't have time to think, so they repeated very fast. The voices of the three are as straight as a string of beads, one after another in this secluded forest.

He wanted to have as much mastery of the language of the Yaozu as possible before more bounty teams approached and before the powerful Yaozu entered the mountain to investigate. Only by quickly mastering the language of the Yaozu can it be easier to obtain information during the escape.

With enough information, it is possible to find a way out when there is no way.



The battle in the deep mountains and old forests is silent and gloomy.

The flames of war in Nantian City are burning fiercely.

No matter in the sky, underground, in the city, outside the city, or on the city tower, the fighting is in full swing.

Life is withering in the most direct way, and the blood is bright.

The most critical battlefield, of course, is the chaotic mass in the far sky.

The fighting of several extraordinary and supreme peaks has turned the sky into a dark night, and the light of the golden sun in the demon world cannot fall.

Such a new world created from chaos, with such a violent battlefield, returned to chaos for a short time.

The breaths of the four top powerhouses mixed together and collided with each other.

No, they are already five top powerhouses.

The new ones joining the battlefield are the sky demon Qi Guanying and Zhu Yi who urgently asked for help.

He looks like an extraordinary martial artist, with a black battle armor gathered like mountains, and a long and narrow bone knife that seems to have been obtained by splitting the sky. The battle armor is directly subjected to ten thousand junctures without grinding its brilliance, where the blade passes, the world is shattered, and all things return to silence.

On the scene, there is even an ape fairy court fighting against the sky and the earth, and the dazzling light sways thousands of miles. Zhu Yi played thousands of puppet corpses, forming an army with one hand.

But Jiang Mengxiong crushed all directions with his fists, and Zuo Xiao's palm covered the ages, but he still suppressed the three sky demons and continued to attack!

Zhuyi's puppet corpses fell down in large pieces, and the huge momentum was like a wheat field during the autumn harvest.

Stronger real people can naturally sense that Yao Zhuyi's aura is already precarious that day. She was seriously injured before Qi Guanying came to join the battle.

At this time, he wanted to leave, but he couldn't.

Zuo Xiao and Jiang Mengxiong had a tacit understanding to suppress her in place, constantly destroying her precious puppet corpses and consuming her thousands of years of accumulation.

As strong as Qi Guanying and Yuan Xianting, one of the important reasons why they were suppressed and beaten was that when they were fighting, they had to spare their hands to protect Spider Yi's life and prevent her from being beaten to death immediately.

What level of fighting is this?

A sky demon standing at the peak of the strong has become a loophole in the defense and a wound that must be saved!

And the perspective of the battlefield is further down.

The shattered boat of spines and the giant eagle with broken wings are the background of the sky. The sound of fierce fighting is mixed in the strong wind, and the flames and thunder are entangled into a totem. The light and shadow in this world are uncertain!

The well-known true monster Mengchen, wearing a feather coat, wearing a pair of rattan boots, and holding a pair of short-winged knives, left behind hundreds of afterimages of the battlefield. The battlefield on the left is indistinguishable.

The three demon kings under him, with seven thousand elite iron cage troops, also entangled with the ten thousand thunder army led by Da Qi Ying Yongbo.

The Iron Cage Army is a well-known strong army of the Sparrow clan. All of them wear iron cage-shaped helmets to show that they will not forget the humiliation in the cage. Wearing light armor, with two swords, one long and one short, one narrow and one wide. The attack is extremely fierce, and there are not many troops inside the Yaozu who dare to provoke them.

And Yan Lei was listed as one of the nine soldiers of Daqi, and he is a powerful army in the world and a powerful force of the human race.

When the two armies collided in one place, it was precisely when they met their opponents that they would meet good talents and kill them happily.

The commotion of this battle was so loud, and of course there was more than one true demon from the demon clan supporting Nantian City.

But Master Ye Dazhen, the master of Lingxiao Pavilion, still entered Nantian City.

The plaque of Nantian City had already been pierced by him, and the fragments of the huge city gate were scattered under his feet, trampled by him. And his big sleeves fluttered like flying, and he was fighting fiercely with a real spider monster.

Mingming's immortal appearance is Lang Yi, and he doesn't look like someone who is willing to see blood, but he is as imposing as a rainbow, making the opponent retreat step by step. Wherever it passed, it was like a hurricane passing through the country, but it sounded like thunder. The entire long street collapsed step by step as they advanced and retreated, and the Yaozu houses on both sides of the long street also collapsed one after another.

The wind of sword, shadow and fist almost enveloped half of the city, and there were countless monster masters, so no one could get close.

In such a fierce fight, Ye Lingxiao also said that he would withdraw as soon as he said, and retreated with a sudden step, using his palms as knives, turning around and slashing far away! After that, he didn't even look at him any more, turned his palm back into a fist, and punched forward again. Become a dragon and a tiger, stir up the wind and clouds!

"Who let you get so close? Huh?"

With this punch, the real demon spider who just hit the front and wielded a pair of rapier swords, directly knocked back several tens of feet.

Spider Xian was so angry that his eyes turned bloodshot, but he could only grit his teeth and build up his sword defense. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop this real human being. You can only fight and retreat, retreat again and again!

And the direction Ye Lingxiao pulled out his hand to slash away during the fight was in the eastern area of ​​the entire Nantian City battlefield.

There were many flags and chaotic fronts, and armies of various banners fought together.

There was a ferocious tiger monster king who just jumped out from the monster army formation, holding a ghost knife with blood on it. The void behind him was stained with blood, like a flag planted behind him.

With such a ferocious posture, he unstoppably charged towards a colorful cloud chariot.

The art of military formation is a pioneering work of the human race. It was created by the sages of the human race in ancient times in order to unify the power of ordinary people. It is an amazing pioneering work to reform the weak name of the human race, and it is also an important reliance for the human race to defeat the monster race and become the master of the world.

Because of this, Bingwu also gained a virtuous name, and he was listed as one of the Eight Worthy Officials of the Human Emperor, along with Bu Lian and Cangjie.

But in the long bloody race, the Yaozu also learned and developed their own method of military formation.

It's just that this monster king of the tiger tribe is obviously impatient to fight for a long time, and he is proud of his bravery. The army formation under him was unable to break through the puppet army composed of four-winged ink warriors, so he simply divided his troops into two groups, allowing the army formation to fight freely, while he jumped out of the fence and single-handedly captured the enemy.

His bravery is indeed commendable!

After all, even Ye Lingxiao's attention was attracted by him...

So at this moment, the wind and cloud surged, and the air burst into thunder.

Around the tiger monster king, the ubiquitous but invisible and colorless aura instantly rioted.

Ye Lingxiao slashed with a knife in the distant city, and a semi-transparent sword-wielding general jumped out of the air immediately! Just facing this monster king of the tiger tribe head-on, and facing each other head-on, the secret in the palm of the hand is instantly revealed, and the horizontal knife is just a slash!

The blood shadow scattered, the head flew, and the flag fell!

There was no room for resistance at all, and the tiger demon king had already died on the spot.

This is a supernatural ability to control qi. There is a proud man named Naliang in Muguo, and he used it to show off his charm on the river viewing platform, and he is very powerful.

But in Ye Lingxiao's hands, it is truly invincible.

There is the prestige of the so-called "Qi is for my own use, and all methods return together".

The moment before the monster king of the tiger clan rushed out, Fang Yuanyou was still clenching his teeth, and the leader was ready to fight for his life.

But the next moment, he almost bit off his tongue.

What did Bai Yuxia say?

Where does Miss Ye Qingyu need protection?

The group of four-winged ink warriors is already a powerful army that can run rampant on this battlefield. Wherever it went, no monster army could stop it at all.

There are also four puppets with horns and horizontal swords, four puppets with eagle eyes and heavy arrows, and four puppets with thin armor and two swords, walking around the chariot. The defensive net built by these twelve powerful puppet soldiers is simply impenetrable and impenetrable, and few monster races can approach it at all.

This colorful cloud chariot itself also has amazing lethality and even more amazing defensive capabilities. It is itself a great weapon and can interfere in the battlefield at any time.

But even if the protection has been done like this, that Ye Zhenren still pays attention to this place at all times.

This tiger king will lose his head when he jumps, who would dare to approach him?

Since joining the war, the only thing Fang Yuanyou has done is to lead people to gallop around behind the colorful cloud chariot. A lot of arrows have been shot, and the knife has not been drawn out of its sheath.

Killed a lot of monster clans, and there was no blood on their bodies.

Back then when I followed Master Hou to the battlefield, it was also in the wind and rain, licking blood on the knife edge, and circling before the gate of hell was closed. Never has the battle been fought so easily and so richly!

It made him doubt the cruelty of war for a while.

Of course Ye Qingyu didn't know what Jiang Wang's guard commander was thinking, and she didn't even look at the Tiger King who died in battle.

She just pursed her thin lips slightly, busy with her own affairs on the colorful colorful cloud chariot, in the light and shadow that cut off the outside view.

While giving orders to the puppet soldiers, commanding operations. One hand kept writing a letter on a piece of paper.

Tap paper is short and long-lasting, and it's hard to express what it means.

But what can we do if we can meet each other indefinitely?

A delicate cloud pattern divides the thin paper into upper and lower halves.

It was a piece of light blue paper, the lower half was blank, and the upper half appeared and disappeared as she wrote.

Green rain on the cloud, little ginger under the maple...

Green rain on the cloud, little ginger under the maple...

Green rain on the cloud, ginger under the maple.

Once on the viewing platform of the river, I gave you a letter with the same characters as a gift, and there was no fluctuation in Dao Yuan, so I didn't worry that it would be observed by others. Within a hundred miles, the words are reflected on the paper... Do you remember?

Do you know if you write a letter today?

During the meeting of the Yellow River, people come and go on Guanhetai, which is the most noisy place in the world.

The brightest and most gorgeous stories are staged there, and the most powerful and potential people communicate there.

The general trend of the world, the glorious history, the rolling river, the shining stars...

But at that time, she quietly wrote a note with the same character and waited for the reply from there, she was the most peaceful in the world.

The world is far away today.

Thousands of miles away, or far away from the demon world.

Ye Qingyu has learned fighting, but he is not good at fighting. I have learned the art of war, but I am not used to the battlefield.

She looked in all directions over and over again, and looked back over and over again.

Even so, she did her best to drive the colorful cloud chariot to patrol the battlefield. In commanding the puppet soldiers to participate in the battle, in the fight to avoid attracting the attention of the monster race...

The same word was written over and over again.

If love is a poem.

There is no response to the upper column.

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