Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1766 You have to refund thirty-one!

When the catastrophe of extinction fell, one of the true kings who took turns in Suiming City, Qin Changsheng from the Qin Kingdom, suddenly descended!

He grabbed his saber with his backhand and placed it in front of Anxuan, the demon lion. The ordinary eyes under the bamboo hat were on his saber, parallel to the saber.

His eyes were parallel to the evil beast trapped in the chain, and he looked at Shi Anxuan like this.

His eyes are like a pond, with ordinary size and ordinary water quality...but it has its own vitality and ecology, and it is not ordinary.

Seeing such calm eyes, Shi Anxuan felt a little chill in his heart.

Of course, it's not about being afraid. What kind of scenes have you never seen a sky demon with his qualifications? There is no lack of courage to divide life and death at the extreme.

It's just that I still feel a little emotional about the speed at which Qin Changsheng came over...

For so many years, no matter on the side of the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, how the nations of the human race have beaten people to death. In this hell world, these human races have always been consistent. Not long after the Battle of the River Valley in the present world ended, he knew how fiercely the fight between Qin and Chu was fought in the demon world. But today Zuo Xiao, the True Lord of Chu, is fighting bloody battle here, and Qin Changsheng, the True Lord of Qin, came to help him without delay.

Today is like yesterday, and like every time in the past.

He originally thought that if he lowered his face to bully the small, he would more or less get a cheap one.

It doesn't really matter if you don't get a cheap one.

But the biggest problem now is that with the participation of Shi Anxuan and Qin Changsheng, four Heavenly Demons and three True Monarchs have gathered in this battlefield!

What is this concept?

This is already a large-scale war!

Originally, it was just a small group of elites to fight against each other, but after it was cleared, it was just an ordinary battle to build a city. But now the intensity of the war seems to be rising irreparably.

Is this the wish of his lion Anxuan, or the wish of the Yaozu?

Letting the situation develop like this, is the final result acceptable to the Yaozu?

Even... is it really the right time to expand the scale of the war infinitely and start a bloody battle between the two worlds now?

The answer is obviously no!

These thoughts forced Shi Anxuan to exercise restraint, but he must not show weakness. In such a racial confrontation, showing weakness will cost more than one city.

He stared at Qin Changsheng majestically, his purple eyes full of vigilance.

But before he had time to speak, Qin Changsheng had already opened his mouth.

It's just that the first sentence was not addressed to him, Shi Anxuan.

At this moment that everyone was looking at, Qin Changsheng confronted Shi Anxuan with a slash, and only said: "Ziyu, will you return to Qin?"

Those who watched the Yellow River Meeting in 3919 of the Daoist calendar, or those who paid attention to that grand meeting, of course should know. The top four contestants in the Neifu field that time, Mu Guo Tianjiao Zhao Rucheng, whose real name is Ying Ziyu, is the descendant of Qin Huaidi, the former king of the Great Qin Empire who lost his throne.

Now Emperor Qin is on Guanhe Terrace, in front of several hegemonic emperors and Changhe Longjun, he also allows him to return to Qin to become the prince, and also offers him a chance to fight for the throne...but Zhao Rucheng refused.

And today.

Qin Changsheng's attack this time can be said to have saved Zhao Rucheng's life.

Of course, as the True Monarch on duty in Suiming City, it is also a duty for him to catch the Heavenly Demon Lion Anxuan at this time. If he doesn't come, other true kings will come.

It's just that when he came to the battlefield, no matter how slow or fast he came, no one could say that he did it on purpose, and no one could blame him.

For example, he sat and watched Helian Gahu being slapped away by Shi Anxuan, and only pointed at him with the strength of a saber, forcing Shi Anxuan to not do anything with all his strength, and gave Helian Gahu a chance to save his life.

This is also within a reasonable range.

I just want to tell Zhao Rucheng one thing——

Mu Guo can't keep you Ying Ziyu.

Qin can!

I will personally save you today, okay?

The life and death covering the entire battlefield come and go. At this moment, many soldiers have not yet recovered from the sudden ups and downs of fear. Therefore, the fighting of ordinary soldiers was static for a while.

Bai Yuxia was naturally one of those ten thousand people who could control himself. After Shi Anxuan's magic power of devouring the world was over, he ordered his subordinates in time to complete the army.

He first took a look in the direction of the colorful cloud car, and found that Ye Zhenren had already appeared around the colorful cloud car.

Being able to travel through the darkness and tranquility of the doomsday, and return to his daughter's side in the first time, Ye Zhenren is really extraordinary. It's no wonder that when I was in Wu'an City, Wenren doctor was very enthusiastic and flattering...

Near the Caiyun chariot, although Fang Yuanyou and the hundred Wu'an guards under his command were tottering here and there, they were not seriously injured.

Only then did Bai Yuxia heave a sigh of relief, and looked back at Lord Hou's siblings. I don't know how this person will respond to Qin Zhenjun's question.

As a single-handedly saved existence on the battlefield, Qin Changsheng's every move is naturally the focus of the crowd. At this moment, everyone is also focusing on Zhao Rucheng who is wearing the bronze ghost mask.

The weight of gaze may be extremely heavy.

Having just experienced life and death, it is inevitable that people will be shaken.

Zhao Rucheng's voice was not weak: "The country of Qin has great mountains and rivers, but it's not my home, and there's no word for 'return'! If you have a chance, you can go and see it."

He actually wanted to say, if you can help me find my third brother, it doesn't matter if I return to Qin with you. But firstly, the third brother may not be still alive, and secondly, once this statement comes out, it is even more impossible for the third brother to be found.

Even Qin Changsheng doesn't have the ability to cross the demon world. Without the power of the human race, this trip cannot be made. If he dared to say that he wanted to find the third brother, the Yaozu would dig three feet in the ground immediately.

Like the young master of the Lingxiao Pavilion, like the Zen master Xiyuean, like himself, they all wandered around the battlefield, not daring to show signs of looking for people... It was out of the same consideration.

Therefore, at this moment, he could only return to himself and answer Qin Changsheng's question seriously.

Qin Changsheng was probably not surprised by Zhao Rucheng's answer. He still didn't look back, and his voice was not serious, he just said lightly: "Then where is your home?"

Zhao Ruben wanted to say 'the world is for itself'.

But Helian Yunyun who was next to him had already spoken: "Ru Cheng's home is of course next to the Mirror of Heaven, in the court of the Supreme King, the main house of the East Mansion, and the Xueqiong Palace! If Qin Zhenjun is free, you can come and sit. You serve tea!"

In the Wunan battlefield in this hell world.

Qin Changsheng, as the true king of Suiming City in rotation, has the responsibility to rescue the human race and the bloody battle against the monster race. If he could save her but not save her, it would be a great enmity with Mu Guo.

So although Qin Changsheng can be regarded as saving her life and earning her gratitude, he doesn't have such a strong friendship, so he doesn't have to think about taking her lover away.

In addition, Helian Guhu's current situation is unknown, maybe it's because of Qin Changsheng's delay. If Helian Lihu died, then not only would there be no kindness between them, but there would be resentment between them.

Although Qin Changsheng has the personality of a true monarch, he stands at the top of the human race. She, Helian Yunyun, as the daughter of Helian Shanhai, is also extremely honorable, and she is fully qualified to talk.

Xueqionggong is home and supports Zhao Rucheng. A good man can make his home everywhere, but with me, Helian Yunyun, why do you have to end the world?

Serving tea is the attitude of her, the empress shepherd, towards Qin.

It can be a reception or a visit. It all depends on how you choose Qin.

"I'll be sure when I'm free." Qin Changsheng didn't seem too keen on bringing Zhao Rucheng back to Qin, and he didn't care about anything with He Lianyun.

Still entangled with Shi Anxuan's aura, he raised his eyes to look at Gao Qiong again, and said loudly: "Grandpa Zuo! Marshal Jiang! This battle was so sudden that a certain family couldn't figure it out. The other two guys asked me to ask, what do you two have in mind?"

The battle that took place in Nantian City, from the beginning to the climax, was almost a thought.

Zuo Xiao came, Zuo Xiao rushed, and the war began.

With the continuous investment of war resources, both sides of the human race and the monster race are already in dire straits. Zuo Xiao, Jiang Mengxiong, Yuan Xianting, Qi Guanying, Zhu Yi, could any of these powerhouses who stood at the top of the extraordinary die here so easily?

Everyone is the pillar force of the entire ethnic group. They can die, but they can't die so worthless and unprepared.

In order to avoid huge losses, the two sides can only continue to increase the size, increase troops, and send strong reinforcements... If the fight continues like this, it is hard to say what will happen in the end.

Perhaps a real war between the two worlds may break out here.

And this is by no means what the current Suiming City would like to see.

The entire high-level of the human race has not reached a consensus on this. How can the intensity of the war be infinitely high? Without thousands of years of war preparations, how could a clan war with the Yaozu rashly break out?

The monster race is the biggest enemy of the human race, but it is not the only enemy of the human race. Even the Yaozu are not just enemies now, but they are also enemies of each other, and they are also a steady stream of extraordinary resources.

The strategy against the monster race must be a grand strategy involving the entire human race, how can it be hasty?

Qin Changsheng's public question at this time is also to express his attitude to the Yaozu, which shows that the human race has no plan for an all-out war. This sudden outbreak of high-intensity war was entirely a unilateral act by Zuo Xiao and Jiang Mengxiong.

He used this attitude to avoid misjudgment by the Yaozu, and hoped that the Yaozu could also maintain a certain amount of restraint.

"Looking forward?" Jiang Mengxiong obviously didn't think about this question, but quickly said: "Naturally, Nantian City is to be buried with the Marquis of our country!"

Of course, according to his original intention, the goal of this demon hunt is to find Jiang Wang alive and kill Zhu Yi by the way.

But of course you can't say that. The Yaozu is just weak now, not without bones.

It's just that while he was talking, his fists were still pounding loudly, holding Zhu Yi tightly, forcing Yuan Xianting to keep returning to defense, and the monkey barked wildly in anger.

On the other side, Zuo Xiao also specialized in beating the bad leg of the cripple, holding down the badly injured Spider Yi so hard that Qi Guanying couldn't escape at all. Regarding Qin Changsheng's question, he just shouted in a cold voice: "If you ask the old man Zhan Wang, it will be nothing more than destroying the demon clan!"

The overall strength of the human race is already higher than that of the monster race. This has been proved by countless bloody battles in the past years.

Even in the world developed by the monster race, the human race has already established a firm foothold in the Wuxi Basin. This is the general situation of the two races.

So even a violent sky demon like Yuan Xianting would agree to the negotiation.

He's just bad-tempered, not stupid.

But when he heard Zuo Xiao's tone, he immediately blew up: "Old man! If you want to let go of Spider Yi, let's do it alone! I will see how you can destroy the demon!"

Zuo Xiao's gorgeous clothes fluttered, his palm divided the world, and he didn't flinch in the slightest, he just said: "Okay, after I kill this female spider, I'll come and drink your monkey brain!"

Bai Yuxia shrank her neck when she heard that. He was born in Yue country, and he was the one who was most impressed by the majesty of the Duke of Huai State in Chu State. Look at what Grandpa Zuo said, how scary?

Seeing that Yuan Xianting and Zuo Xiao didn't agree on a word, the battle immediately became fierce again.

Shi Anxuan cursed secretly in his heart, but only sneered twice on his face: "If the human race has this attitude, then there is no need to talk about it. It is nothing more than a bloody battle between the two worlds! You look through the history, how many corpses are there! My monster Has the family ever been timid?"

"Old lion, you don't have to speak so loudly!" Qin Changsheng said angrily, "You use the power of the sky demon to bully the small and invade the battlefield. I haven't started to settle the account with you yet. Could it be that from now on neither of us will have to deal with it?" Send troops, and they only use the most powerful ones to kill each other? The Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters has been established there for several great ages, can you kill them!?"

Yuan Xianting yelled over there: "His mother, you human races are so shameless! The kid surnamed Jiang smashed Nantian City a few days ago, why didn't you say that you bullied the small with the big? Twelve years ago, he also slaughtered across the border. You Why don't you say that the big bully the small?"

Jiang Mengxiong was also angry: "Dead monkey, please tell me clearly, how did my apprentice Rao Bingzhang disappear! Could it be that you monster clan don't want to be shameless and bully the small with the big?"

"Stay here! Stay here, two! There is no need to mention the old things, and the old grudges will be repaid!"

Qin Changsheng saw that the quarrel was endless, so he had no choice but to act as a peacemaker. If these two guys continue to swear, they can definitely go from ancient times to ancient times. So many years of accounts, how can they be cleared up?

Shi Anxuan also said: "I went to the battlefield today, and Jiang Mengxiong smashed Nantian City a few days ago, so it's even!"

Yuan Xianting and Jiang Mengxiong also shut up, but their subordinates were even more ruthless, hitting sparks like a sea, and chaos surged.

The entire battlefield, just look at Yuanqiong's battlefield flickering. The aftermath of the battle was rolling in the sky, with constant thunder and cracks, and there was a dangerous illusion that the sky was about to collapse at any time.

Qin Changsheng looked at Zuo Xiao, and respectfully said, "Grandpa Zuo, calm down. I know that Jiang Wu'an has a good relationship with you. When he was in Chu State, he ate and lived in Zuofu. It is inevitable that the general will die on the battlefield! This is the case throughout the ages. There is no reason for peace between the two races of humans and monsters. There is no end to bloody battles in this world. But how can the war of the whole family be provoked by anger? Think twice, my lord! "

Zuo Xiao was silent for a while, then made several fierce attacks, but still failed to kill Spider Yi, so he sighed and withdrew from the battle group.

How could it be so at the peak?

Jiang Wang is a good boy.

But what Qin Changsheng said was right, the earthen jar would inevitably be broken by the side of the well, and the general would inevitably die in battle!

His son, his eldest grandson, all the same.

Can he still not understand this truth?

He is used to wind and rain!

This old heart has nothing to hurt.

It's just pitiful that Guangshu finally became happy for a few days, and then he became cold and withdrawn after having a caring brother.

It's a pity that the city is burned with can we see each other again?

He glanced at the big city under his feet, and said angrily: "This city is placed here, the old man finds it an eyesore!"

"But it's simple!" Yuan Xianting was not dissatisfied with the aggressive attitude of these humans, especially Zuo Xiao's two quick attacks before he gave up, jumped up and cursed: "You don't have to be an eyesore if you blind you old man!"

Qi Guanying quickly reached out to stop him.

You Yuan Xian Ting is a lonely family, it doesn't matter whether there is a bloody battle or not, anyway, there is no ape son or grandson.

I, Qi Guanying, have a family, a room and subordinates. Too many deaths on the battlefield, it's hard not to feel sad...

Immediately, he raised his armor: "This is a trivial matter. Although Jiang Mengxiong pierced Frostwind Valley, it was not our monster clan who opened up this battlefield rashly... But it is not the intention of our two clans that things are getting worse."

Qi Guanying pondered for a while, and said: "How about retreating thirty miles from the city each?"

Zuo Xiao's eyes, which had already faded from the fierceness, suddenly lit up again, and said word by word: "I regard Jiang Wang as a grandson, and my grandson regards him as a brother! He fell here because of the reason of the race." , There are also reasons for your monster race! We can refund thirty, and you have to refund thirty-one!"

Qi Guanying took a deep look at the old man, felt the determination, and finally said: "Yes."

The "one" that Zuo Xiao wants is in the name of commemorating Jiang Wang.

And the "one" that the Yaozu really retreated was the Heavenly Demon Spider Yi!

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