Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1767 Hold this mirror and accept my order

The concept of the city in the hell world is not the same as the city in this world.

The big city of the Yaozu is extraordinarily high, wide and thick, and a city is close to a country.

If the entire monster clan is regarded as a whole, it is more like a huge empire with a city-state system. The ancient imperial city sits in the center, and all city-states in the world are subject to it.

The transformation from "tribe" to "city-state" is also a fundamental change for the monster clan with hundreds of genus and thousands of categories.

Although the human race says "different sounds for ten miles, different customs for hundreds of miles", each has its own language and customs, and uses different countries, sects, and various organizations to classify each person's affiliation. But in terms of the identity of the human race, everyone has an overall identity.

There are thousands of types of monsters, but that's not the case.

Even in the glorious era when the Heavenly Court of the Monster Clan ruled all worlds, life and death attacks between various clans were just commonplace. The war of extermination of the clan is frequent, and the blood flows into rivers at every turn.

Yaozu is an overall concept, and it is a general term for the natural spirit clan.

At the beginning of things, the elders were humbled but did not apply, which is the paradigm of Yao, and "Yao Yao" refers to the appearance of being young and prosperous. The extended meaning of Yaozu is a young girl born from heaven. Favored by heaven and earth, loved only in this world, so he is the lord of all worlds.

But this lofty and dominant race of the myriad worlds has tens of thousands of species within it, and there is also a distinction between superior and inferior.

There are cat tribes who wantonly slaughtered rat tribes, and there is also a peerless rat demon "Zhantian Dazu" who almost wiped out cat tribes.

Such as "Dragon and Han Tribulation" and "Fengyun Great Tribulation", such battles that almost broke the world are countless. The Heavenly Court of the Yaozu has been broken several times in the wars of various tribes.

That is to say, the entire Heavenly Court of the Yaozu was overthrown, and all the Yaozu were driven out of the world. The word "monster race" has more meaning than "human race".

To put it simply, the Yaozu began to unite and began to have more integration.

This is especially evident in the world of Heavenly Prison, because the demon race that grew up in this world has long been accustomed to the strength of the human race. Knowing that there is such a terrifying opponent behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters.

The so-called "Nantian Gate of the Monster Race" stands majestically on the Tianxi Wasteland, locks the natural world off the Shuangfeng Valley, and overlooks the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Of course, the Frostwind Valley is gone now, only the "Frostwind Battlefield", also known as the "Southern Heaven Battlefield", remains.

To the northeast of Nantian City, more than a thousand miles away, there is a big city that echoes it in the distance, and its name is "Ji Lei". The people of this city are fierce and fierce, and there have been famous strongmen in history. Of course, the situation is declining now, but there is also a very strong demon king sitting in charge.

Thirteen hundred miles to the north of Jilei City, there is a big city called "Moyun", which is towned by the real demon Spider String.

However, the big demons and the little demons are more accustomed to seeing it as the territory of the Sky Spider Empress. After all, the real demon Spider String is also the descendant of the Heavenly Spider Empress, and she does everything under the banner of the Heavenly Spider Empress.

Chai Asi is an ordinary herb-gathering demon in Moyun City.

Relying on her natural sense of smell, she often haunts places where there are few monsters, looking for mountain materials and collecting elixir, in order to exchange for Dao Yuan stones and exercises for cultivation... especially the latter.

Without dao yuan stones, you can also save dao yuan by breathing in and out, but it's just slower and harder. The golden sun and blood moon hanging in the sky will provide eternal energy.

But kung fu determines the efficiency of breathing, determines the strength of Dao Yuan, and also profoundly affects the level of combat power.

The monster race is born with self-connected channels, and everyone is extraordinary. Although it is God's love, but the road to the top is not so easy.

Speaking of which, the monster race is one, but there are more than a hundred types?

Each monster has its own cultivation method that is most suitable for its true form.

No matter what kind it belongs to, the earliest practice method is just the instinct of life breathing.

As the natural masters of the present world, the core tribes of the myriad worlds, the monster clan and the like are able to cultivate from birth.

But that kind of instinctive breathing method is not the best practice method.

That's just the simplest breathing trajectory that the extraordinary life instinct follows, and hardly takes advantage of the extraordinary monster body.

In the history of Yaozu, there have been many geniuses, and there has never been a shortage of terrifying and powerful men with amazing talents. Such as the ancient demon emperor who established the heavenly court of the demon clan and ruled the heavens and worlds, such as those powerful figures shining in the sky in the glorious era...

Generations of sages in history have created a brilliant monster civilization, and left behind countless powerful monster skills.

Although there was a huge gap because of the battle that ended the ancient times and defeated Heavenly Hell.

But there are still many strong monsters who have retreated to heaven. A strong man is a rich heritage in itself.

After opening up this chaotic world, after several great eras of continuous development, generation after generation of strong people actively explored, and the cultivation resources of the vast monster race became abundant again.

Even though the Dog Clan is weak now, and its size is far smaller than other strong clans, there have been strong people like the Great Ancestor Chai Yin in history-the appearance of a strong person of that level, who once used the skills of the Dog Clan, pushed to a whole new level. Even today, the "Tiangou Swallowing the Sun Jue" left by the Great Patriarch Chai Yin is the supreme mysterious art that is most suitable for dog clans to practice.

Of course, those powerful exercises that pull mountains and fill seas have nothing to do with him, Chai Asi...

His talent is too ordinary, too mediocre.

Not to mention being recruited into the army to be promoted to a demon soldier, or joining a powerful tribe, and becoming a demon above all demons.

Even in the Conferred God Stage where he faced all the monster races, he could only take on the simplest and most basic tasks.

Fengshentai treats everyone equally, but the same is not true for fellow clansmen.

A while ago, the little princess of Tianzhu Niang's natal family issued a mission to catch poisonous insects in order to practice her peerless poisonous skills. He also quietly took it, and he also fantasized about being lucky, picking up a very weak and very poisonous poisonous insect, monopolizing its prestige among ten thousand monsters, and gaining the favor of the little princess... It's really impossible, it can be picked up by the queen of the sky spider. Favors are okay too.

Age is not a problem, love can transcend the world.

In short, I don’t want to work hard, but I can soar into the sky!

But the reality is that he didn't dare to try it after accepting the task, and he didn't dare to let other little monsters know that he had also accepted such a task. Those teasing, mocking and contempt were sometimes bloody... His medicine basket was back to the On the body, all the belongings are in the pockets, and they are still only rushing to the herbal medicine after entering the mountains.

It is impossible for poisonous insects to catch poisonous insects. A slightly more powerful poisonous insect, he would die if he encountered it, he still had this self-knowledge.

Although he occasionally has unrealistic fantasies, in the specific and small life, he still works hard and lives every day steadfastly.

The task of collecting poisonous insects that he took was just a whim of his imagination.

He carries it with him, but doesn't really count on it to materialize.

He believes that if he works hard to collect herbs, accumulate hard, and move forward step by step, one day he will be able to reach a very good level—enlist in the army to become a glorious demon soldier, earn a solid job, and get paid on time every month. It's not just a luxury!

Needless to say, the attractiveness of the little princess of Moyun City, there is an endless stream of bounty teams entering the mountain. Going to the market is not so lively.

Chai Asi is alone, but he doesn't feel lonely.

There are more monsters entering the mountains, and the dangers in those deep mountains and old forests are less. This is naturally a good thing for him who is not strong enough.

The other monsters all went for the rare poisonous insects, and no one snatched some worthless herbs from him.

After those monsters passed through the border, he only needed to pick up the medicine in a leisurely manner, without worrying about any evil beasts.

In his medicine basket, more than half of the basket of herbs has been piled up, and the harvest is quite fruitful.

It was getting dark, and after searching for a while, he was about to leave. After all, he didn't have the courage to spend the night alone in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and at the foot of the mountain was a camp where bounty hunters gathered.

Although he was not recognized as a herb-gathering demon, and he would inevitably be ridiculed if he approached him, but a few curses were a lot of meat, even if he was pushed a few times, it wouldn't hurt. He'd just find a place to sleep in the camp, and no one would chase him away.

"Thick skin is very important! In those cold winters of death, the Yaozu rely on thick skin to keep warm!"

This is what grandpa taught him repeatedly when he was still alive.

Grandpa died later, because the dog had a bad temper and refused to give way to a carriage, and was hit and killed on the street on the spot.

I don't know how old I was.


There was only a roll of straw mats, and a hole was dug at random in the mountain, and it was buried in it.

He, Chai Ah Si, has also read books.

The so-called lesson from the past is the teacher of the past.

It means that if the monster in front is hit by a car, the monster behind should remember to stay away.

He has a good memory and a thick skin, and he will always remember what life taught him.

But something is wrong today.

There are many bounty teams in this area. He especially remembers that the well-known wealthy young man in Moyun City and the genius of cultivation, Quan Xizai, led a team to search for poisonous insects in this area to win the favor of the little princess.

Why is it so impressive? Because as an "idle miscellaneous demon and others", he was driven away impatiently.

But it's too quiet here now. Even the wind is silent and does not respond to the yellow leaves.

Where have all the demons gone?


A dead branch was accidentally stepped on and Chai Asi was startled.

He looked left and right nervously, and after repeatedly confirming that there was no danger, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The old forests in the deep mountains are very dangerous, especially in the 100,000 mountains.

Every time he went into the mountains to collect herbs, he was very cautious, for fear of making any noise, and he always picked up some corners around the periphery. This time, he dared to go deeper because there were many teams entering the mountain.

Now that this place is so quiet, it really makes him a little frightened.

I can't wait until it's dark, and go back in half an hour...

With such a decision in his heart, he looked around vigilantly before continuing to move forward.

But he stamped his feet again!

Because he suddenly saw the corpses of two monster clans lying not far in front.

Look at the clothes are really extraordinary, it can be seen that they are from a big family.

Chai Ahsi raised his foot and wanted to turn around and run away, but suddenly a thought popped up in his mind, and he stayed there again.

As the old saying goes, kill demons and set fire to the golden belt, why?

Because after killing the demon, it is a bargain!

These two dead monster races had at least the level of monster soldiers. Not to mention why they died, there are many dangers in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and it is possible to die anyway... But their corpses are so intact, could there be something good on them?

Lao Lin became quieter, so quiet that he could hear his own heartbeat.

Stretch the bold to death, starve the timid to death!

Chai Asi swallowed, looked back and forth, left and right again, and then cautiously approached the two corpses.

I sniffed it carefully, but I didn't smell any poisonous smell. According to preliminary observations, the wounds of the two corpses were between the eyebrows, and the deaths were sudden and straightforward without any pain. I poked it with a branch, and judging from the special marks on the clothes, it was indeed the subordinate that Quan Xizai brought into the mountain.

Where is Dog Hee Jae?

That young master must have left long ago. What the hell is a guard?

Chai Ahsi didn't think much about it, and he couldn't even talk about attacking this world. Putting on a pair of leather gloves for picking herbs, he carefully rummaged through the corpse without destroying the traces of the corpse.

Neither of the deceased had any storage equipment, so they didn't bring much.

Weapons and clothing with unique imprints are naturally unacceptable.

Not to mention worthless sundries.

There are still gains.

There are two and a half Daoyuan stones and twenty-four five baht imperial coins.

One packet of Zhixue Powder and two packets of Jiedu Powder.

as well as……

A small bronze mirror?

Chai Ahsi carefully looked at the ordinary-looking vanity mirror in his hand, and couldn't figure out why the guards of the big family brought it when they went out.

Which little lady is this gift for?

Is it too embarrassing to send this?

He met the banshee he liked a few years ago, and he knew how to save money to give away a gouache, although he only got a thank you...

This guy is a demon soldier, so picky!

Looking at his mediocre appearance in the mirror, Chai Ah Si was about to put the mirror back. But with a thought, he tentatively sent a little Dao Yuan in.

"Young demon clan!"

There is a voice ringing in my heart like this.

Chai Asa paled in shock, subconsciously let go of his hand, and the mirror fell straight to the ground.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and picked it up again.

so close!

He wiped his sweat.

Almost dropped a baby.

He just realized that this voice is a Taoist language, and he knows it when he hears it.

And this mirror can actually react to Dao Yuan, which is a proper magic weapon.

Isn't this a stroke of luck?

Is the voice in the mirror a magic weapon? Or some ancient god?

At this moment, all kinds of myths and legends flashed in my mind, and countless adventures in the storybook came to my mind.

Chai Ah Si glanced above his head, the sparse skylight fell from the gaps in the leaves, sprinkled on his face, like the glow of fate!

I was born poor, with no background, I practiced hard, both my parents died, my grandfather died miserably, I was looked down upon by other monsters, I picked up a mysterious mirror, and there was a mysterious voice in the mirror...

I am not the protagonist, who is? !

Chai Ah Si let himself calm down, and tentatively sent in a little Dao Yuan again, only to feel that Dao Yuan was like a bull in mud, and it did not bring him any feedback. good baby!

Although he has never owned a magic weapon, he has heard of it anyway. In terms of the demand for Dao Yuan, is it possible for ordinary magic weapons to do it?

He entered a little Daoyuan again, planning to go home if there was no response.

But the voice in the mirror sounded again——

"Young Yaozu, meeting is fate."

This voice is vicissitudes, gentleness and kindness, and has a power to make the listener feel at ease. It made Chai Asi feel as if he had returned to his own home, lying on his broken bed, very comfortable and safe.

"Have you lost something?" the voice asked.

Only then did Chai Ah Si come back to his senses, felt his body carefully, and then probed in the basket again, surprised: "My medicine hoe is gone!"

The vicissitudes of life in the mirror said: "Here are three small medicine hoes."

"A piece of heavy wood is the handle, and jasper is the front."

"A piece of green wood is used as the handle, and black steel is used as the front."

"A piece of ordinary fir is the handle, and ordinary cast iron is the blade."

As the sound fell, three small medicine hoes of different shapes appeared in the air. Between the virtual and the real, it seems like a dream or an illusion.

The voice in the mirror asked, "Which one did you drop?"

Chai Ahsi thought for a while, and said seriously: "It's all mine."

Whether it was an illusion or not, he felt that the voice in the mirror seemed to be choking. After a moment of silence, it rang out again: "If you are ambitious, you can see a long way. Your ambition is commendable!"

Chai Ahsi grinned happily.

The voice in the mirror became mysterious and distant again, and continued: "The jasper hoe of the sunken wood represents your path, the black steel hoe of the dark wood represents your divine path, and the cast iron hoe of fir wood represents your original path. Your heart It is the highest grade, there is no need to doubt, you are the demon chosen by heaven. Now I have decided to give you all the gifts of this path, divine path, and original path."

Chai Ahsi was both surprised and delighted.

Although he didn't quite understand what is the way of the Tao, the way of the gods, and the way of the original way, he still knows how to laugh at the benefits of collecting things.

But the voice in the mirror said again: "But now my divine body is gone, and my holy soul is missing, so I can only return your original path first."

The Shenmu Jasper Hoe and Cangmu Xuansteel Hoe that transformed into the air all disappeared, only the fir cast iron hoe fell down, and fell into the hands of the stunned Chai Asi.

He looked in the mirror, only seeing himself reflected in the mirror, holding the broken medicine hoe, and said in a daze, "Why do I feel that you are lying to me?"

"Bold!" The voice in the mirror suddenly sank.

The terrifying coercion suddenly descended on the deep mountain.

Chai Ahsi only felt an instinctive fear originating from the depths of his soul, which made him unable to speak, unable to move, and stiffened to death! At this moment, he almost knelt down, wept bitterly, and repented deeply.

Fortunately, that coercion suddenly disappeared again.

The voice in the mirror was even more vicissitudes, and sighed: "I was originally the ancient Chiyun Mountain God. Because I was harmed by evil spirits, my demon body disintegrated, and I was saved only by my soul. In the remnant mirror."

"You meet me here today, it's just a thread of heaven's secret, you and I are destined to be here."

"Hold this mirror and accept my order. Get my way and enjoy the supreme."

"One day when I regain my great body and return to the Supreme God's Throne, I will definitely order you to be a god, and allow you to be the demon above all demons, the lord of all lords!"

What kind of path is this? The divine body and the holy soul cross the long river of fate... Hearing that Chai Ahsi was dizzy, he felt extremely powerful.

What is the rank of the ancient Chiyun Mountain God? To say the least, you have to be at the level of the Yang God to cross the river of fate, right? No, if he can really live from ancient times to the present, he should already be a god...

But he still hesitated.

This coercion is there, the momentum is there, but the benefits are all in the cake. I have never heard of the fact that painting cakes can fill the stomach.

Holding this mirror, is it a blessing or a calamity?

The god in the mirror seemed to have glimpsed his thoughts, and a voice came out: "We are destined to meet each other, and I never lose money to demons. I see that you have a good foundation and a free spirit. First, I will pass on your secret swordsmanship. Let me get you started! I want to teach the little demon my supernatural powers!"

At this moment, the complicated information poured into my mind like a torrent. It's like Tianhong opening the gate, there is no time to stop it, let alone resist it.

In just a blink of an eye, he already remembered a set of miraculous sword skills!

With a thought, every detail of the sword technique emerged clearly.

Chai Ahsi stayed where he was, not speaking for a while.

The voice in the mirror said: "You don't have to be surprised, little demon, the mountain peak rises from the ground, and it will rise to the sky in the future! Since you are under the seat of this deity, this is just the beginning. Your good days are yet to come!"

Chai Ah Si came back to his senses and said, "I practice swords."

He must not know what kind of willpower the existence in the mirror used to resist the urge to jump out and chop him.

He could only hear the kind and gentle voice in the mirror——

"The sword is the weapon of a gentleman, and I will practice the sword in the future."

"Okay!" Chai Ahsi agreed very simply.

Anyway, when he practiced the sword, he just chopped firewood to earn some miscellaneous money, and he only knew two tricks of hacking and chopping.

What is this "Heavenly Judgment Trapped Secret Swordsmanship", once you hear it, you will be invincible!

At this time, the voice in the mirror emphasized again: "Being under my seat, demon life will be different from now on. But my enemy is a very terrifying existence, far beyond your ability to deal with. In my current state, I have to stay away. So after I recover Before you gain supernatural power, you have to keep a low profile and avoid disasters."

Chai Ahsi was full of confidence: "Don't worry about this, then I'm too low-key. Few monsters will look at me!"

"...very good. Remember, 'The wind and rain do not change, but the precious nature is self-satisfied'. You are what you were before, and you are still what you are now. Do your own things and live your own life. When the time is right, you will naturally get what you deserve.

I need to rely on deep sleep to recover my divine power, hide this mirror, and let me know when I wake up next time. "

The voice in the mirror was so ethereal that it disappeared.

But in Chai Ahsi's heart, there was a lingering sound, and there was a violent wind!

Although he practiced swords, although he had no knowledge, this set of swordsmanship is really exquisite! In his whole life, how could he have the opportunity to experience this kind of swordsmanship?

The most powerful people in ancient times must have extraordinary fortunes.

There is no doubt that his opportunity has come today!

Touching dead bodies in deep mountains and old forests, a precious mirror illuminates the world!

Hiding the ancient magic mirror in his bosom, Chai Asi looked left and right for a long time, carefully dealt with the traces, then slowly exited the area and walked down the mountain alone.

Although the medicine basket behind him is not full yet, his footsteps are much firmer, and he has already seen a solid future!

He doesn't have eyes behind him, so naturally he can't find it. After he left, a streak of red flames sprang up and rolled quietly through the forest, instantly burning the two demon corpses, and also burning away all the traces that he could not clean up.

Everything is done in its samadhi, and it can be solved as much as possible.

The mountains and forests here are quieter, and there are no demons.


Following the old road, Chai Asi walked down the mountain slowly. Along the way, he also met a few little herb collectors he knew, chatted with each other, cared about the harvest, and then turned away.

Walking out of the mountains, Jinyang still has the last afterglow.

He walked towards the camp formed spontaneously at the foot of the mountain, but at a certain moment, he stopped suddenly!

Not only him, many little monsters at the foot of the mountain all looked up in horror and looked at Gao Qiong——

There was a powerful figure with a terrifying aura, as if sweeping through a huge night, smashing through the vast snowstorm, rushing from the depths of the Tianxi Wasteland, rushing straight here, heading towards the Hundred Thousand Mountains!

It just so happened that a dark cloud entered the mountains!

Inexplicably, Chai Ahsi lowered his head nervously and walked into the camp.

Among the scattered figures of the little demons descending the mountain, his figure was not conspicuous.

Behind him, the brilliant afterglow gradually disappeared.

This day's golden sun in the demon world has come to an end.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!

This chapter has 6,000 words, and one of the chapters is added to the Dameng "You Xianyi Dreams to Luofu"! (1/3)

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