Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1768 Come back!

The crimson moon turned across the sky, peacefully illuminating the Tianxi Wasteland.

The children of the wasteland have been sleeping forever.

A powerful bounty hunter doesn't care about day or night, and only takes dangerous places as smooth roads. Going into Shiwan Dashan to do bounty tasks, whether it's hunting or treasure hunting, you have to finish it before you come out.

Bounty teams at this level can come and go freely, and usually return to the city directly after completing the task. They don't need to group together.

Only the bounty team that urgently needs to rest and those little monsters who are weak will come to the camp at the foot of the mountain to spend the night.

There are three such camps in the nearby area, most of which are built according to the terrain and have simple fortifications.

After all, Tianxi Wasteland is not a safe place, especially at night. Evil beasts such as Steppenwolf are also notorious.

But the Yaozu is the most outstanding group in the world, as long as they gather together, they don't need to be afraid of anything.

The camp that Chai Asi came to was the nearest mountain camp, and when the morning dawned, he happened to return to Moyun City with a medicine basket on his back.

The so-called bounty camp is not a formal building.

It's just that the bounty hunters who live in the Shiwanda Mountain spontaneously formed a gathering point in a safe place at the foot of the mountain.

The environment is quite simple.

Large and small fire pits have been dug, and there are also several earthen walls, several fences, and some pits.

But the protection ability is negligible.

The reason why it is safe here is because there are a large number of bounty hunters gathering here. No matter how evil the beast is, it must know who is the master of this world.

As usual, Chai Ahsi walked in with a smiling face. Without saying hello to anyone, I found a fire pit on the edge, scraped away the cold ashes, piled up firewood, lit the fire, covered the medicine basket tightly, hugged it in my arms, and began to sleep deeply.

Of course he couldn't sleep, he was full of hope for a future worth looking forward to.

But sleeping can avoid communication with other demons.

Although few monsters are fond of him, there are quite a few who like to talk nonsense and like to brag. He is usually willing to flatter a few words, but now he has just found the ancient magic mirror from the body of Quan Xizai's entourage, how can he be willing to have too much contact with other monsters?

Covering himself with a ragged robe, he just curled up by the firepit motionless, with only a pair of ears pricked up, listening to the gossip of the goblins in the bounty camp.

The Shiwanda Mountain was not peaceful that night.

First, a large number of troops entered the mountain from the direction of Moyun City, all of whom came from the private soldiers of the Moyun City Dog Clan.

I heard that the battle between the human and demon clans in Nantian City is now in full swing, and several sky demons have participated in the battle, and the troops in the surrounding big cities are very tense. Under such circumstances, so many troops can still enter the mountain, something must have happened.

Chai Ah Si couldn't help but wonder if something happened to Quan Xizai, one of the three talented people in Moyun City?

When he saw the two corpses in the forest, he had a similar guess. But no other corpses were seen nearby, and Quan Xizai was extremely powerful, possessing two natural supernatural powers, and had a very strong reputation. He thought that Quan Xizai might have escaped, but now it seems that there is something ominous?

In the middle of the night, there were more monster clans scattered down the mountain, and a large part of them were directly driven down by the monster soldiers, so there were more and more detailed news.

Something happened to Quan Xizai!

Not only did he have an accident, it is said that out of the hundreds of soldiers he brought into the Hundred Thousand Mountains, only ten survived. They all failed to receive Quan Xizai's gathering information in time, and failed to get close to him in time.

Difficult to Quan Xizai as a vortex, dispersed a large area.

Chai Asi even learned from the chats of the bounty hunters the identity of the strong man who crossed the Tianxi Wasteland and entered the Shiwan Mountain before nightfall.

That lord... is not even the patriarch of the dog clan in Moyun City as he guessed, but the ancestor of Quan Xizai's lineage, the true demon dog Yingyang who cultivated in Zhaoyun Peak tens of thousands of miles away!

Even a strong person at Quan Yingyang's level has come, and so many troops have been dispatched to search the mountain, but the cause of Quan Xizai's accident has not yet been found out. Not even a body was found!

The bounty hunters were nervously or nervously discussing various possibilities.

Chai Ahsi, who was curled up by the firepit, felt colder and colder in his heart.

Could it be... related to that ancient god?

But he clearly saw the two corpses with his own eyes, why did they say that the corpses were not found? What happened after he left?

Chai Ahsi realized that he might be involved in a big trouble.

Very big.

He also thought impulsively whether he should hand over the ancient magic mirror and completely disregard his relationship.

But at this time, he would think again... thinking of the corpse of his grandfather being run over by a carriage, thinking of his half-life of mediocrity, thinking of the brilliant future promised by the ancient Chiyun Mountain God, thinking of the secret swordsmanship of "Trapping Heaven and Earth".

In the end it was just silence.

In particular, he is very aware of the virtues of those nobles, even if he really has nothing to do with Quan Xizai's life and death, those masters will kill him casually, even without depending on their mood.

It shouldn't matter, right? The one living in the mirror is, after all, an ancient god who can cross the river of fate. His opponent is at least at the level of Empress Tianzhu... Why did he attack a dog Xizai?

Of course Chai Ahsi didn't know that the existence in the mirror who claimed to be asleep was also waiting for his reaction.

But he just closed his eyes and stayed up all night.

It's fine when it's dawn, and you go home when it's dawn. What happens in the 100,000 mountains has nothing to do with you. Chai Ah Si thought so...

At dawn, a large group of soldiers from the main clan of the dog clan in Moyun City surrounded the bounty camp.

Hearing the neat sound of the long knife being unsheathed, Chai Ahsi's hairs stood on end!

"All monster races, line up for inspection! Those who violate the order will be killed without mercy!" The soldiers galloping on horses outside the bounty camp roared.

The cold eyes and the gesture of drawing the knife in hand showed that they were absolutely inflexible at the moment.

Leading the team was a female demon general with an excellent figure, with a long sword hanging from her waist, and she was extremely murderous. The eyes are very bright, as if you can see into the target's heart, it probably has magical powers in this regard.

She personally sat outside the entrance of the camp, watching every monster race that passed in front of her - the way of inspection is so simple.

"come here!"

Chai Ahsi wanted to pretend to be asleep, but was picked up by soldiers in full armor.

Sleeping on the outskirts of the camp, he was honored to be the first group of monsters to be inspected.

The armor hand holding the neck felt extremely cold to the touch, as if it had been frosted!

At this moment, Chai Asi regretted it very much, regretting why he took those few Dao Yuan stones, those dozens of five baht imperial coins, and what nonsense hemostatic powder! Detox powder!

I can't even tell now!


Not to mention whether it is possible to escape from so many soldiers.

where to escape?

A wanted warrant from Master Zhen Yao, there is no room for him anywhere in the sky and on the earth. Even if you want to escape to the human race, you have to have that value, I'm afraid you won't be locked up as a pill to open the pulse as soon as you pass.

Chai Asi hugged his medicine basket and tattered robe, and walked out slowly, saying in his heart, Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Your Excellency the Ancient God? Grandpa Ancient God!

Hope that the mysterious ancient god can help him solve the problems in front of him.

But the ancient magic mirror in his arms did not respond at all.

He even suspected that yesterday's experience...could it be a dream?

"Hurry up! What are you dawdling about!" The impatient soldier kicked him, then turned to urge the other little monsters.

Chai Asi staggered and threw himself out of the camp in despair, but only saw the charming side face of the female demon general—the demon general strode past him, drew his sword and pointed at an angry man in the camp. The strong monster who resisted shouted loudly: "Kneel down!"

Chai Ahsi trembled, his knees went limp at that moment, at least he looked back and found that the sword was pointing at another demon.


He looked around anxiously, but was pushed impatiently by the soldier next to him: "After checking, get out!"

This is... the end of the investigation?

Chai Ahsi didn't dare to say much, tightened his medicine basket, and hurried out.

He kept walking with his head buried, and subconsciously quickened his pace after getting out of the sight of those demon soldiers. Walking faster and faster, walking faster and faster, until after walking into the Tianxi Wasteland for a long time, when I was shocked by the wind and snow, I realized that my back was soaked in cold sweat.

From yesterday to now, the ancient magic mirror hidden in his arms has never reacted.

The ancient god has fallen into a deep sleep.

Does that mean it's okay to lose the mirror?

Is it possible to just put down this mirror and return to the city with the secret sword technique of the Heavenly Jedi Trapping, and then practice hard to become a powerful demon soldier?

Dao way, divine way, long river of fate... these words walked in my mind.

A mere demon soldier... Since he was dreaming, he shouldn't be so timid. No matter what, you have to be a demon general, shining on the lintel!

Chai Ahsi didn't know why there were monsters who resisted inspection in places like the bounty camp where the weak gathered. He didn't know why he hadn't been found hiding what he had touched from the corpse.

He just felt that everything was going well with him.

There is a saying...the world and the earth work together, but heroes are not free when they are transported!

Isn't this a great luck? !

Chai Ahsi tightened his collar, hid the ancient magic mirror a little deeper, and continued to walk forward in the wind and snow.

This time his back was straighter, his spine straighter.

At a certain moment, he looked up into the distance. On the vast wasteland, there is nothing in the distance... just like his original future.



The weather in Tianxi Wasteland is harsh and changeable, hot in the morning and snow in the evening, hail in the east and rain in the west. There are also evil beasts running rampant, it is really not a livable place.

The Yaozu deliberately built a city here, named it "Tianxi", and it was the only city for a long time.

That is to say, after the human race broke into the heavenly prison world and gained a firm foothold, the Tianxi wasteland was deeply developed. Things like Nantian, Jilei, Moyun, Bibo, Lion Camel... were built slowly.

The flames of the war that took place at the so-called "Monster Clan's Nantian Gate" have been slowly extinguished.

A large number of human warriors slowly retreated to the Five Evil Basin.

The monster warriors also retreated deeper into the Tianxi Wasteland under the leadership of several real monsters.

Yuan Xianting naturally refused to move to another city, he couldn't afford to lose that face.

It was Qi Guanying himself who moved the Nantian City, which was blocked at the exit of Frostwind Valley, back thirty-one miles.

For the vast number of soldiers and civilians of the Yaozu, this war is of course a big victory for the Yaozu.

It's ridiculous that Jiang Mengxiong has no plan, Zuo Xiao has little wisdom, and Qin Changsheng is stubborn. Rush to start a big war, recklessly drive away the unrighteous forces, and say that they want to flatten Nantian City before sunset.

There are millions of human troops, tens of thousands of flying boats, dozens of real people, and countless chariots... rushing forward.

what's the result?

Wasn't he beaten back head-on, and retreated in despair?

If they hadn't run fast with oil on their feet, Grandpa Ape would have entered the Five Evil Basin with his halberd in hand!

What's more good news is that Jiang Wang, the No. 1 Arrogant of the Human Race and the youngest Marquis of Qi, died in Frostwind Valley.

Yaozu won the present, and won the future!

Of course, sacrifices are unavoidable in wars, and Nantian City was also somewhat damaged.

But the sacrificed soldiers are all compensated, and the damaged city walls can be repaired soon.

Nantian City retreated thirty-one miles, compared to the one mile retreat of the human race, it was a gift from the monster race, and it was a dignified heaven, where guests were treated with courtesy.

Since then, the "Nantian-Wu'an" battlefield has been designated as a medium-scale ethnic battlefield.

The extraordinary powerhouses on both sides acquiesced not to come here again.

A storm disappeared without a trace.

Sky Demon Ape Xianting, Qi Guanying, Spider Yi, Shi Anxuan all made great contributions to the Yaozu!



Standing on the high dome, Zuo Xiao stared at Nantian City, which had retreated thirty-one miles, with slightly melancholy eyes.

Not long after, Jiang Mengxiong, who moved Wu'an City back thirty miles with his own hands, stepped in front of him.

Qin Changsheng has already returned to Zhen Suiming, and there are only these two true monarchs here.

Zuo Xiao said lightly: "Jiang Wang's accident this time has something to do with the monster race, but the most important thing is the backstab of the human race. He violated the common agreement of the human race, violated the laws of Qi, and ignored people. Let them bear it, should this so-called black hand behind the scenes be held responsible?"

Jiang Mengxiong said seriously: "No matter who or what force behind the scenes is manipulating this matter, they will have to pay the price in blood!"

"Then I'll wait and see." Zuo Xiao only said this, then turned and left.

A vigorous battle was set off and the Nantian City was forced to retreat for thirty-one miles. Of course, Zuo Xiao wanted to leave room for Jiang Wang to escape—if Jiang Wang was still alive, if Jiang Wang only remembered to return the same way.

He left here a glimmer of hope, a hope, and a thought.

Even knowing it's not realistic.

But that was all he could do.

He originally wanted to kill a spider, he wanted to dye the Tianxi Wasteland red with demon blood, and wanted to search for everything.

But no longer.

Even if you are the Duke of Chu, even if you stand on the top of the extraordinary, there are too many regrets and too many times when you can't do anything.

When Chu State was defeated in the Battle of River Valley four years ago, he was guarding in Tianwai.

Even if you want to be impulsive once, it's too late.

When he returns to the present world, as the Duke of the state, he must focus on resolving the turmoil in the country after the defeat and stabilizing the Great Chu Qianqiu Society.

Life and death on the battlefield should not be based on personal enmity.

But he still disregarded the criticism, and personally searched for that Li Yi several times afterwards, but there was no news of him... When he learned about him again, it was already at the meeting of the Yellow River. identity of.

Everyone knows what being the youngest real person in history means to Jing Guo.

The hatred for the death of the eldest grandson is the hatred for Qin? Still hate the scene?

Even if he is Zuo Xiao, he can't get rid of this hatred.

Even with all the power of the Chu State, it cannot be done.

What's more, Da Chu is not Zuo Xiao's Da Chu alone.

Even his Zuo Xiao is not the Zuo Xiao of the past, and the Zuo family is not the peak Zuo family...

The helplessness of life doesn't stop at these?

In the end, there is only a red cloud across the blue sky.

Come back!

Thanks to Dameng "I love Qiqi 888" for another silver reward!

Thanks to Dameng "I love Qiqi 888" for rewarding Miaoyu with a character league!

On the fifteenth day, the moon is sixteenth round, everyone should spend more time with their families.

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