Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1769 Uehara Pearl

"Ru Cheng, we should go back."

In Wumeng City, a big city that belongs to Muguo, Helian Yunyun said seriously: "General Helian has been found, and his injuries cannot be delayed for a moment, so he must be sent back immediately. I have to send him personally."

Helian Hu's trip was to escort Helian Yunyun to the demon world for trials, and before the slap of the sky demon lion Anxuan, he also fought bravely and fought to the death.

Due to emotion and reason, Helian Yunyun should personally send him back.

Zhao Rucheng said: "I can fully understand, you send General Helian back first. I want to find here..."

"No, you have to go back with me." He Lianyun said: "Your identity is sensitive, and Qin will not give up easily. If I am not by your side, they can eat you up at any time. And here in the demon world, you It's no use staying. You're a very wise man, and you should know I'm telling the truth."

"If you are extraordinary today, I am Emperor Damu, and I can accompany you to start another war between the two clans, level the Tianxi Wasteland, and find all traces of the third brother. But I am just the emperor of Damu, you We are still doing the final polishing before the gods face no regrets...we are far from qualified."

Looking into those sky blue eyes, Zhao Rucheng was silent.

Just because he is smart enough, he cannot deceive himself.

When the demon lion Anxuan suddenly appeared that day and wanted to swallow the entire battlefield in one gulp, what could he do? It's useless to do anything. A whole body of art is not as good as dust.

And this sense of powerlessness...

He has felt it many times.

When he knew his identity, when he was outside Fenglin City, when he heard the news of Uncle Deng's death, today, at this very moment.

God knows what it was for when he cut off his long hair, fought desperately in the desert, and practiced so hard.

Is it not to never experience this feeling of powerlessness again?

He has obviously become stronger, much stronger.

But life is like an ugly cycle.

He lives forever in this useless story as the powerless character.

Whether he is conceited genius, or willing to fall.

Whether he is Zhao Rucheng, Deng Qi, or Ying Ziyu!

After the meeting of the Yellow River that year, he drank with his third brother. When the third brother left, he said to the third brother: "Third brother, you go faster!"

The third brother did walk very fast.

He may never catch up again...

Of course, Helian Yunyun could see the sadness in those peach blossom eyes, and looked back gently: "I will tell Aunt Yuyi to let her pay attention to Tianxi Wasteland. If one day she can get news of Third Brother, she will be the first Come here for a while to support. This is better than you staying here to attract attention. What do you think?"

Although Helian Lihu is also a clan, but the blood is farther away. Not as close as Helian Yuyi. One or two can also be seen from Helian Yunyun's title.

As for Helian's so serious request, Helian Yuyi will definitely pay attention to it.

This is indeed the best choice.

Zhao Rucheng didn't stay silent for too long, because Helian Yuhu couldn't wait.

"Yunyun." He said.

"I am. I have always been."

"Three months." Zhao Rucheng said, "Let me stay in Wumeng City by myself for three months...just treat it as my practice."

Reason told me there was nothing I could do.

Emotion tells me I want to watch here.



"Naughty animal! If you dare to kill the dog, I will cut you into pieces!"

"Kill him!", "Burn him!"

"No, no! Help, help!!"

Both the sharp blade and the shouting have dissipated.

Chai Asi opened his eyes profusely with sweat, waking up from the nightmare.

What you can see is the transparent roof. I was still lying on the familiar wooden bed. I don't know how to be dishonest in my sleep, the blanket is wrapped around my body, and it's wrapped a few times—the feeling of being bound in the dream comes from here.

Subconsciously touched his bosom, the tentacles were extremely cold and hard, and the ancient magic mirror was still there.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

The tensed muscles relax again.

It has been three days since I returned to Moyun City.

For three days he lived in seclusion. Except for regularly going to the Old Ape Winery on Front Street to drink a glass of the cheapest wine before nightfall, and inquiring about various news intentionally or unintentionally, the rest of the time is spent in this old house.

Oh yes, I also took some time to sell medicinal materials. The Venerable Ancient God said that he wanted everything to remain the same. So he not only sold the medicinal materials, but also stalked and asked for an extra fortune from the medicine shop.

Then hide in the house and don't go out.

This is his life.

This old small courtyard is the only property left to him by his grandfather.

The house is empty, and the door lock only serves as a psychological comfort.

During the few days I stayed in the house, of course I didn't sleep a lot every day. The most he does is to practice. He used to breathe and practice swords, but now he breathes and practice swords, practicing the secret swordsmanship of heaven and earth.

In addition, every day, I have to stick to the wall suspiciously to listen to outside voices, to see if anyone is watching him, and if anyone will arrest him...

Fortunately, after three days back, no one knocked on the door.

He has no friends in this city, and no one who cares about him, whether in the name of love or hate.

He doesn't deserve it.

This is good.

The real demon dog Ying Yang made a vigorous investigation in the deep mountains and old forests, but found nothing.

That adult later went to Moyun City in person to find people from Yu's family and Yuan's family, and the incident caused a lot of trouble, and everyone in the city knew about it. He also heard a lot in the Old Ape Winery.

Yu Xin, Yuan Mengji, and Quan Xizai are the so-called "Three Talents of Moyun".

All of them are talented and come from extraordinary families.

Among them, the family that Quan Xizai came from was the main family of the dog clan in Moyun City, and also the blood descendant of the bloodline of the real demon dog Yingyang.

The so-called clan and branch are the relationship between master and slave. A long time ago, the clan was the royal family. Later, it was not allowed to assume the name of the royal family, and then the tribe was transformed into a city-state... The dog clan in the world is not a family, and each city has its own origin.

In short, Quan Xizai's family is the leader of the dog clan in Moyun City, and they have their own private soldiers, which are very powerful.

Yu Xin was born in the clan of the Yu Clan in Moyun City, no matter his talent or status, he was no less than Quan Xizai. There is also a true demon ancestor in this vein, but it is far away in the ancient imperial city.

As for Yuan Mengji, the clan that this talented person came from is not very powerful. In the entire Moyun City, the number of apes is very small. But there is one thing, the old patriarch of the ape clan in Moyun City, it is said that when he was young, he had some relationship with the famous sky demon of the ape clan. One said it was the old department, and the other said it was a cousin.

It is this inexplicable and intangible relationship that gives the ape family a detached position in Moyun City.

Of course, Yuanmeng is extremely capable of juxtaposing the other two, and he is not a vulgar person. Only in terms of individual strength, even above those two.

The origin of these three talents, apart from the parallel fame, is that they are competing for the heart of the same banshee—the little princess of Tianzhu Niang’s natal family, the only daughter of Lord Zhuxian, and the spider known as the "Pearl of Uehara". Lan Ruo.

The place where Moyun City is located is one of the places with the best location, the most abundant resources, and the most normal climate in the Tianxi Wasteland. Similar to it, there is also Tianxi City... These places are also called "" Uehara".

If Spider Orchid can win the title of "Pearl of Uehara", it will be called beautiful, famous all over the place, and absolutely gorgeous in Uehara.

Straight to make Uehara hero bow down.

The so-called three talented people in Moyun City are also jealous of their rivalry, fighting openly and secretly.

Before that, there had been many fights, and there was even one time when Yu Xin was furious and clamored for a fight to the death. Of course, he was whipped by the patriarch of the Yu clan afterwards.

But this incident at least shows that there was real anger and murder among the three Moyun talents.

It's no wonder that the real demon dog Ying Yang will return to Moyun City to investigate after a thorough investigation in the 100,000 mountains to no avail.

The investigation process was naturally full of sparks and excitement. In the end, Lord Zhuxian came forward with the token of Empress Tianzhu to calm the matter down, but no results were reported.

The disappearance of Quan Xizai became one of the unexplainable shocking stories in the mountains.

The big demons and the little demons have different opinions.

It is said that it is some kind of ancient evil beast in the 100,000 mountains.

It is said that it was a curse from a certain Jedi, which was accidentally triggered by Quan Xizai.

What's even more ridiculous is that it was touched by the human race.

Even Chai Asi, who was highly nervous, thought those guys were really ridiculous.

If the human race really worked hard to get here, they wouldn't just kill a dog Xizai.

Why not make it even more outrageous, and simply say that Jiang Mengxiong launched that war just to target Quan Xizai?

What a face Quan Xizai has!


Chai Ah Si habitually input a little dao yuan, called out habitually, and habitually did not wait for a response.

Then he twisted and stretched his muscles and bones on the bed, turned over and got up, preparing for today's practice. The rice in the bowl of the poor is expensive, and it is not easy to obtain such a peerless sword art. He has been practicing hard.

But just as he got up and took two steps, a voice sounded in his mind.

"Ten years of sharpening a sword in a box should make the world know Shuanghua!"

A very cultured opening sentence announced the awakening of the ancient Chiyun Mountain God.

Chai Asi was both surprised and delighted: "My lord! Have you recovered!? I think it's too early for me to be the Lord of Moyun now, I should practice more, or I will start as a son-in-law first..."

The voice in the mirror said: "So that the little demon knows that the stronger the practice, the harder it is to recover once injured. My Tao body has been destroyed, how can it be so easy to recover? I have been sleeping for a few days and recuperated with the supreme secret method. It’s only one ten-thousandth of its strength restored.”

Chai Ah Si thought for a while, and asked with some expectation: "Little demon is dull, I don't know what level is the power of one ten thousandth of the ancient god venerable?"

The voice in the mirror had the self-confidence of a strong man, and asked calmly: "Who is the strongest monster in this city where you are?"

Chai Ah said four times: "Naturally, it's Mr. Zhu Xian, the real demon!"

"...What about the second strongest?"

Chai Ah Si thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's the demon king Quan Juzeng! He is the head of the dog family in Moyun City and the father of Quan Xizai."

The voice in the mirror said, "It's not hard to kill him!"

Chai Ah Si was very excited, Quan Shou Zena was a monster king level existence, he had been on the Nantian battlefield a while ago, had a head-to-head fight with the human race, and beat the human race back to the Five Evil Basin!

A strong man of this level, the Ancient God Venerable can easily kill with one ten thousandth of the strength?

It is simply unimaginable what level the ancient god venerable is at at its peak!

And I have established a relationship with such an adult, and I can even share the same bed, and I can take him with me... How bright is the future?

What demon soldiers?

Demon General now he doesn't even want to!

He has a small goal -

Compete with Na Yuxin and Yuan Mengji to see who is the number one genius in Moyun City and who is worthy of Zhu Lanruo!

Chai Asi, who was immersed in fantasy, laughed so hard that his mouth parted.

A certain ancient god in the mirror quietly dissipated the slight influence of the Bodhisattva of Six Desires...

Chai Ah Si suddenly returned to reality.

He woke up and blinked his eyes: "By the way, how does your current strength compare with Master True Demon Spider String?"

This little demon has a really good memory and a lot of curiosity!

But the ancient god lord has his peak demeanor, and the voice in the mirror is unpredictable: "I am invincible under the real monster, don't contact me above the real monster."

This is simple and easy to understand.

Chai Asi nodded: "Understood!"

Of course he wasn't disappointed, after all, this was only one ten-thousandth of the power of the Venerable Ancient God. After all, his goal not long ago, Chai Ah Si, was to join the regular army and become a demon soldier.

The voice in the mirror said again: "But don't rely on me to cause trouble. Every power I have now is precious, and it is for returning to the peak in the near future and leading the Yaozu to greatness again.

Every power should not be wasted worthlessly.

A few days ago, it was precisely because of the arrogance and ignorance of that dog Xizai that touched the evil spirit of Laoshan, which led to the great destruction. I shot it myself, expending a lot of strength, and failed to save the life of the mirror holder, so it's your turn to catch the leak.

Also because of the sealing of the old mountain evil spirit, I only need to sleep for a few days, and the road to return to the peak has been postponed for a long time for no reason...

You better remember the past and don't let me down by repeating the same mistakes. "

A certain ancient god in the mirror was "sleeping" for three full days before opening his mouth. One is that you are really exhausted physically and mentally and need to rest. The second is to master Yaoyu more proficiently, and to study it repeatedly in the mirror. The third is to observe this Chai Ah Si, gain insight into his character, and supplement his knowledge.

Zhuang Chengqian deceives gods and ghosts, he is the best at deceiving people. Zhang Linchuan preaches the world and is also very good at deceiving people. The Senhai old dragon has been in the Senhaiyuan world for many years, and was locked into the Yuheng star building, and every time he got in touch, he began to coax him to untie...

The ancient god Jiang didn't need to bother too much, just pick a sentence or two from these "life mentors" words, and he can coax this little dog demon into a circle. Then cooperate with the wrong way, it is really easy to handle.

But at this point, the alarm bells are still ringing.

After all, my family knows my own affairs. In his current physical condition, in fact, he might not be able to win against the demon king Quanju once. After all, the opponent is a genuine demon king, and he is far from the peak.

If this Chai Asi really listened to the power of the ancient god venerable, swelled up, and made troubles, then the fun would be great.

While ringing the alarm, he also solved Chai Asi's guess about Quan Xizai by the way.

After these few days of observation, he still has a little understanding of Chai Ahsi, knowing that this little demon is actually quite clever and has his own philosophy of survival.

This little demon mentioned that the demon king Quan Shou had come, and deliberately mentioned Quan Xizai, which was actually a cautious way of probing. Don't dare to ask directly, only dare to insinuate.

As the ancient god in the mirror, of course he wanted to help the little demon to calm down his doubts, telling him not to think too much, and keep his head down and forge ahead.

After all, if the helpers don't work hard, how can the landlord build a new house?

If the little demon doesn't fight hard, master, how can I return to the peak as soon as possible?

"Don't worry!" Chai Asi patted his chest and assured: "The little demon has no other advantages, that is, he never causes trouble, he can bear no matter how wronged he is, and he can endure no matter how much hatred he has suffered!"

The venerable ancient god in the mirror is good at dispelling evil intentions: "When I return to the peak, you can avenge any revenge, so you don't have to bear it anymore. But right now, we all need to go into hibernation. As the saying goes, 'a hundred kalpas of life and death have not turned back, and the world has never returned. Extraordinary has the ultimate peak'!"

Chai Ahsi was in awe.

Listen to this casual sentence, what a great philosophical thought!

He, Chai Ah Si, has also read books, and the aftertaste is endless, the aftertaste is endless!

"I wonder what little demon can do for your return to the top?" He asked sincerely.

The great voice in the mirror replied: "Practice the sword well. After practicing, I will have my own orders. Everything you do will be recorded on the way back to the peak. My glory, with you shared!"

What a great ancient god!

Just give, don't ask. Let me practice first!

Chai Ahsi felt more and more that he had made the most correct decision in his life, took a broken iron bar, and went to the courtyard to practice swords vigorously.

"By the way." The voice in the mirror said casually again: "It seems that I heard that there is a war in Nantian City before. When you go to the winery these days, please ask about the details of Nantian Battlefield. This seat needs to pass Various details of the battlefield are used to judge the current overall strength of the human race. By the way, observe and observe, I haven’t seen it for so many years, and the little spider has not changed. Whether it is a friend or an enemy.”

Little spider!

He even called Empress Sky Spider a little spider!

A cavity of hot blood rushed straight to the forehead. Chai Ahsi only felt that his feet were a little light, and his body was about to be lifted by the wind.

That terrifying existence like the sun and the sky is just like a little demon to the ancient gods...

Why does Chai Ah Si not have big dreams?

His small goal, it is very necessary to raise it to a higher level...

Mo Yun Sanjun, that's all. All the kings, dead bones in the tomb!

If the spider orchid is a flower in the palm, it is as big as Uehara, but it is only my bathtub.

Chai Asi was holding the broken iron bar, and in the dazzling sword style, he had already seen this brilliant monster——

Someday. I also want to be on the high dome, overlooking the majestic and peerless powerhouse who sweeps all directions, and call out affectionately... little monkey.

Thanks to the book friend "Tong Feng Feng Feng" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 377th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Chasing Dreams Under the Moon" to become the leader of this book! It's for the 378th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Taneca Coffee Selling Lunch Boxes" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 379th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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