Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1770 The world is an illusion, but eternal life is true

"You mean..."

In an airtight room that is completely impenetrable to light and sound, and can be isolated from all prying eyes, there is a Taoist sitting facing a wall.

This is a white wall, empty and clean, except for a round mirror hanging in the middle.

This environment has no frame, the whole body is round, colorless and translucent.

It exudes a peaceful light, which is not dazzling in itself, and makes the quiet room not dark.

The Taoist sat cross-legged on the futon, clearly within sight, but only a silhouette of light and shadow appeared.

His voice seemed far away, and he said: "Zhuang Gaoxian did what Marquis Wu'an of Qi State did in Frostwind Valley?"

The person kneeling on one knee behind him was Chu Zicheng, who was drinking at the wine shop in Gaoling City a few days ago.

As for Marquis Wu'an of the State of Qi's fall into the Frostwind Valley, because of the region where Mei Xuelin was born and the city where he stayed for a long time after entering the demon world, Jing Guo had doubts that could not be cleared away.

For this reason, he had to make many concessions when facing Qi Guo.

Chunyugui's overnight investigation in Iron Rock City was naturally sincere, even angry.

But the investigation only stopped at the step that Mei Xuelin was a member of the Equal Kingdom.

The arrest of Mei Xuelin's friends in the heavenly prison world, as well as his relatives in this world, has not made any further progress.

The Equality Nation quickly declared publicly that the matter of Marquis Wu'an of the Qi State had nothing to do with them. Ironically, compared with the statements of those hegemonic and powerful countries, the Equality Nation's statement was more credible.

At least from the beginning of its founding until now, every public statement made by Equality Country has a specific purpose. They've always acknowledged what they've done. Unlike the bureaucratic articles of various countries, they are often disguised.

Back to the matter of Mei Xuelin. Although Mei Xuelin is a member of the Equal Kingdom, his identity is actually meaningless in front of a real man behind the scenes.

Even if Mei Xuelin is actually Jiang Wang's long-lost brother, the mastermind behind the scenes can borrow whatever he wants, and he can only deal with Jiang Wang as he wants him to deal with Jiang Wang.

The weak have no ego. Mei Xuelin's identity as an equal country is more like an eye-catching cover. The black hands behind the scenes use this to buy time and space for themselves.

Chunyugui took this investigation result to negotiate with Qi Guo, but not surprisingly, he was not recognized.

Only then was the newly built Wu'an City and the newly opened "Wu'an-Nantian" battlefield.

For Jing Guo, Qi Guo lost a peerless genius like Jiang Wang, and the loss was not insignificant. They can understand Qi's anger. For the order of the civilization basin, they need to maintain. Therefore, they can also make a slight concession to Qi's attitude-this is the tolerance of those who are watching the fire from the other side and the unfortunate.

But as the most powerful and oldest central empire, they will never allow themselves to be easily used by anyone who is deaf, blind and foolish.

Find a person from Central Territory who has the status of an equal nation, and stay in the city that Jingguo is in charge of. Finally, in the presence of Jingguo Tianjiao, attack Qiguo Tianjiao. How presumptuous is this?

Pingguo is the pawn to confuse the public, so why not Jingguo?

But looking at the world, who has the qualifications to make Jing Guo pretend to be blind?

Such a person or force does not exist!

So even though a tacit agreement had been reached with the Qi State, the Jing State's investigation into Qi State's Marquis Wu'an's fall into the Frostwind Valley did not stop.

Even after the comprehensive investigation in Iron Rock City, Jing Shitai, the highest intelligence agency in Jingguo and responsible for monitoring the world, officially took over the case and opened a broader and deeper investigation!

There are many lines laid out throughout Jingshitai, tracing various directions, and pursuing all possibilities.

But now, Chu Zicheng, the "man in the mirror" who was born in Ji Guo, seemed to be the first to make a breakthrough.

The members of Jingshitai are roughly divided into two categories, namely "Mirror Envoys" and "Mirror People". One is in the light and the other is in the dark.

A bright man hangs a mirror to look into lawlessness. The dark one hides the mirror and acts secretly.

Chu Zicheng, who has been active in the heavenly prison world for many years, is undoubtedly an excellent man in the mirror.

Hearing the question from the Taoist in front of him, he put his hands on his knees and replied seriously: "Because Jiang Wang's article on the crusade against Wushengjiao, and Zhuang Gaoxian's inscription on living beings, which are also widely circulated, are the most popular in the world." Many people think that Zhuang Gaoxian and Jiang Wang share the same disease and sympathy, and share the same hatred. They think that they have the same root and origin, but they are revenge in different ways.

But we at Jingshitai are clear-there is a life-and-death hatred between them.

The previous demonic experience was enough to prove Zhuang Gaoxian's murderous intentions towards Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang is not a good man and a faithful woman, and he is definitely not a person who repays hatred with virtue. The more he doesn't reveal anything to Zhuang Gaoxian, the more he shows his determination to kill Zhuang Gaoxian. "

"Two people like this are mortal enemies to each other, and no one will let the other go lightly. But anyone with a discerning eye can see that time is on Jiang Wang's side."

"There is no doubt that Jiang Wang is the number one arrogance in the world today, and in just a few years after the Yellow River Meeting, he has already achieved no regrets, and his combat power is extraordinary.

However, Zhuang Gaoxian has not been able to achieve the truth for a long time. Looking at the domestic and foreign environment of Zhuang, it seems that there are many flowers, but in fact the space is limited. There is no opportunity for a hero to expand thousands of miles outside, and there is no wise and mighty crown prince inside. It is impossible for Zhuang Gaoxian to rely on the power of the country to become a true king in a short period of time, nor is he able to abdicate and detach himself from the throne to sprint to Yandao.

He can only wait for Jiang Wang to slowly catch up to his cultivation...

If the subordinate is Zhuang Gaoxian, he will have trouble sleeping and eating! "

Chu Zicheng had obviously been sorting it out in his heart for a long time, and now he talked eloquently and methodically: "Wanli chased and killed Zhang Linchuan and wiped out the Wushengjiao. It also shows that Jiang Wang's influence has grown to a terrifying level. He sent out a letter , The whole world responded! The Wusheng Cult has spread all over the world, buried thousands of miles, but it was destroyed overnight!

Compared with his cultivation base, such influence is a more terrifying thing.

Can Zhuang Gaoxian wait?

Please look at today's heaven, how many forces, how many real people, how many real kings have come because of Jiang Wang's death? Jiang Wang is not dead today, but in the future, these people may stand in the ruins of the Zhuang Kingdom! "

"According to what you said, Zhuang Gaoxian did have a motive to make a move." The Taoist sitting facing the wall sighed: "But behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, murdering the Tianjiao of the human race is undoubtedly a blasphemy against the ancient covenant of the human race. ...he really dares to do that?"

Chu Zicheng said softly: "The ancient covenant of killing demons is also sacred and inviolable."

The Taoist with only one light and shadow silhouette was speechless for a while.

Although Du Ruhui was the one who was flogged naked on Shangyu Jingshan after the failure of the previous trial, but anyone with a discerning eye knows where Zhuang Gaoxian's responsibility lies. This pair of Mingjun and virtuous ministers has always been of one mind, how could Du Ruhui do such a big thing behind Zhuang Gaoxian's back?

It's just that Zhuang Gaoxian is the king of a country, and the Dao belongs to the head of the country. Jing Guo can't see him being disgraced and losing prestige, so he cooperates and blurs the past.

Comparing the ancient demon-slaying covenant with the human race covenant behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, it's really hard to tell which is more important.

Zhuang Gaoxian was able to use the ancient demon-killing covenant as a weapon to slander Jiang Wangtongmo... How strange is it to take the risk of violating the covenant of the human race behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters?

Chu Zicheng added: "So in addition to motivation, I also have courage."

There was a trace of imperceptible excitement in his voice.

Because he was pursuing such a big case——

It involves Zhuang Gaoxian, the leader of the Dongzhen Kingdom of Zhongxing Zhuang Kingdom, the youngest military hero of the overlord Dongqi, and the common morality of the world and the covenant of all races! Once this case is revealed, it is bound to attract worldwide attention.

And he, Chu Zicheng, has already found the truth by peeling back the cocoon, and it is easy to become famous in one fell swoop!

To solve such a major case, shouldn't there be all kinds of exercises, primordial stones, and positions?

Who can believe that he was born in a small country like Ji Guo, and without any background along the way, he can weave such a brilliant future by himself?

Only the voice of a Taoist with a light and shadow silhouette interrupted Chu Zicheng's reverie: "But how to do it? The motivation and courage you said are very reasonable, but Zhuang Gaoxian is the king of a country after all, and he should not move lightly, let alone Speaking of taking risks after the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters. More importantly...Jiang Wang is already the Marquis of Wu'an in the Qi State. How to target? This is unreasonable, neither Xiuyuan nor Ji Zhaonan can be controlled by Zhuang Gaoxian."

Chu Zicheng said humbly: "Of course you will not fail to think of the answer, but you have entered into a misunderstanding of thinking. Why does Zhuang Gaoxian need to grasp Jiang Wang's whereabouts? With the responsibility of God's presence recognized by all countries, Jiang Wang will definitely enter the land of ten thousand monsters." The duty behind the door, and this day will not be too long. After all, he is a young prince who is attracting the attention of the world. If the performance of the duty is delayed for a long time, it will definitely cause gossip. Not a risk-taker...

Therefore, if Zhuang Gaoxian wants to target Jiang Wang, he only needs to enter the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters in advance and wait. "

The Taoist sitting facing the wall sighed again.

Chu Zicheng continued: "Coincidentally, there is a man named Qiao Jingzong in Zhuangguo, one of the so-called Xin'an Eight Talents. He came to the Heavenly Prison World at the beginning of the year, and has been staying in Gaoling City to develop... You should I also noticed that the time when he entered the heavenly prison world happened to be the time when Jiang Wang made great achievements on the Qixia battlefield and won the title of prince with his military achievements!"

"Qiao Jingzong?" the Taoist asked.

Chu Zicheng said: "Gaoling City is not far from Tieyan City. For a real person in this world, this distance can be completely ignored. Although I don't know how he found such an excellent borrowing target as Mei Xuelin, but For Zhuangguo's Zhongxing Lord, this must not be difficult.

If he had been paying attention to the cities of the Qi State in the Civilization Basin, it would not be difficult to get the news of Jiang Wang's coming to heaven in the first place.

There are too many opportunities in the world of heaven and hell to calculate with the heart and not to use the truth to seek the gods.

He didn't necessarily want to make a move in Frostwind Valley, but there just happened to be a wonderful opportunity in Frostwind Valley...Ji Zhaonan brought Jiang Wang to the bloody battle in Frostwind Valley.

So he made a decisive decision, tried a way to cover himself, left Gaoling City without a sound, and then commanded Mei Xuelin, who had long been under control, to let Mei Xuelin mix with General Wang Kun's team, and went to Frostwind Valley in the name of support . At the most critical moment, he buried Marquis Wu'an of Qi State in one fell swoop. "

"If this is the truth of the incident, indeed all the details are correct..." The Taoist asked again: "Do you think Qiao Jingzong is Zhuang Gaoxian?"

Chu Zicheng said confidently: "Although I don't know how he did it. But there is no second person in the entire Zhuang Kingdom who can reach the combat power of a real person."

"I've also checked the information in this world. From the beginning of the year to the present, Mr. Zhuang has indeed looked at the court five times, but these five times, he just sat there and said a few words, and did not make a move. That is to say... it may not be true. .”

Speaking of this, he felt a little uncontrollable: "Zhuang Gaoxian's wisdom, means, and determination are all first-class existences. No wonder he can lead Zhuangguo Zhongxing and set off such a big momentum today.

After Jiang Wang became a Marquis, he went on an envoy to Muguo and inspected the Southern Xia. The responsibility of God's presence was extended again and again.

Zhuang Gaoxian entered the demon world and could only wait.

From the beginning of the year to the present, as the king of a country, he even ventured behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, waiting for a chance to kill Jiang Wang, and waited almost eleven months!

You must know that every day he stays in Gaoling City, he will be exposed to the risk of one more day. And his adventure is to hang the entire Zhuang Kingdom's hundreds of years of management, and everything he has as a real person in the world, all on the tip of the knife.

If you were an ordinary person, you wouldn't be able to wait any longer. If I were him, I wouldn't know how many times I collapsed.

But he was able to take it easy and live completely as Qiao Jingzong, without revealing any flaws! "

Sitting cross-legged, the Taoist sighed again: "Zicheng, you have analyzed very well. But these analyzes so far are just your speculations."

Chu Zicheng was excited. Although he always claimed that he was not a person in the pool, he had already had contact with this big man. But as of today, this is the first time this big man has called him by a close name like 'Zicheng'.

What this means is almost self-evident.

"It's so easy to verify this!"

He immediately came up with a solution that had been carefully considered: "First, in the name of the Gaoling City military, urgently launch a small-scale war, enlist Qiao Jingzong to go out, and let his plan to return to the present world be shelved.

Don't relax the inspection of the entrance and exit of the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters.

Then let Yujingshan send a real person to Xin'an City at will, saying that he is going to inspect the Taoism of Zhuangguo National Taoist Academy.

If Zhuang Gaoxian is in the country, he must come out to greet him. On the other hand, if Zhuang Gaoxian hadn't personally greeted him, he would still be in heaven, and it was Qiao Jingzong! "

In the face of such a big case that no one has any clue, he can peel off the cocoon and get closer to the truth step by step. Chu Zicheng relies on his superhuman sensitivity and care, and relies on his diligence in reading a large amount of information inside and out, conducting massive investigations, and almost interpreting Jiang Wang's life-long grievances.

Guessing that Qiao Jingzong is Zhuang Gaoxian, he also took the initiative to invite him to drink and test a real person while drinking.

What courage he has!

He is diligent, calm and decisive, wise and courageous, why not go to the final success?

The Jiang Wu'an of yesterday might as well be the Chu Zicheng of tomorrow!

The Taoist said leisurely: "This is indeed a good way to identify the truth. Even if it is not Zhuang Gaoxian in the end, we have no loss. You are very thoughtful. But Zicheng, have you ever thought... If Qiao Jingzong is true? The only one is Zhuang Gaoxian, if Zhuang Gaoxian is such a terrible person, how could he not find you if you investigate him like this?"

Chu Zicheng was a little stunned: "I... my subordinate, my subordinate is very careful. I cover it up very well."

The Taoist heaved a long sigh: "Zicheng, you are indeed a rare talent. After so many years, it's a pity for you..."

Chu Zicheng suppressed the joy in his heart, and said humbly: "For Jingshitai, for the great scene, Zicheng is willing to—"

His words stopped abruptly.

Feeling the rapidly dissipating vitality in his body, he looked at the person in front of him in disbelief.

Until from this mouth, I heard the word "willing" added by him.

"I gave you a chance... But if you want to welcome Yong Ye like this, you are willing to come, right?" Taoist asked.

Only then did he realize that the Taoist in front of him sighed for him many times before.


"Why...why?" Chu Zicheng struggled and asked with the last of his will.

A hand covered his eyes.

He smoothed his unwillingness, and he also smoothed everything about him.

At the end of his life, he heard a voice that seemed to be absent saying this——

"The world is an illusion, and eternal life is true."

His soul seemed to explode, and before entering the eternal darkness, there was a shocking fear in his body and mind——

"Dao... Dao thief!"






(Chixin Xuntian has entered the British Library, which means that the fairy world that everyone participated in... is not bad.

This joy, share with you. )

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