Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1771

The far sky is consistent, and the Changhong is straight down.

Thousands of miles but a moment.

The Great Array of Protecting the Nation, which is still under construction, can't stop this rainbow light at all.

Before the line of sight could catch up with the tail rainbow, a majestic figure landed directly on the sky above the Zhuang Palace, stagnating in front of the suddenly rising palace formation.

With the posture of overwhelming a country, the man who came here with such a force is a man with a high crown and a serious face.

clang clang clang!

The guards guarding the palace all drew their swords to face each other.

But this person just flicked his sleeves: "I am Wu of the underground palace who is already sick, make way for the law!"

He didn't use any supernatural powers, but the word Wu Bingji was originally a rule of power and responsibility.

The great master of Legalism, a great existence standing at the pinnacle of the present world. If he wanted to force his way in, it would be impossible for the grand formation of the palace to stop him. But this trip is for investigation, not direct questioning, so he will not use force in the first place. The Sanxinggong acts according to the law, and he will not act recklessly.

The guards outside Zhuang Wang's palace looked at each other and subconsciously stepped aside. To a large extent, the Sanxinggong is synonymous with law. A great master like Wu Bingji is equivalent to the incarnation of laws.

These mediocre guards didn't have the courage to resist at all. Don't talk about them, even if the king and the country come on a blind date, how can they resist it?

However, amidst the hesitant and receding armor tide, there was a man in full armor with a beard, walking against the tide.

He strode forward, holding a single mace, standing there like a stone wall.

He even...raised his mace and angrily pointed out that Wu was sick.

His eyes were angry like copper bells, and his voice was angry like a loud bell: "I am Du Yehu, Xuanjia of Jiujiang, Zhuangguo, and I am ordered to guard the court. Anyone must be ordered by the king not to enter!"

But seeing the tiger roaring on the mountain, one knows that the mountain cannot be moved.

As we all know, the Son of Heaven often said, "Suxin Tiger General", expressing his love for Du Yehu.

Since last year, Du Yehu, the chief general of Jiujiang Xuanjia, has often been summoned to guard the court under various names.

The government and the opposition have different opinions on this. Some say it is simple in the emperor's heart, and some say it is a matter of light and darkness, taking the opportunity to seize his military power.

But Du Yehu's own attitude was very clear - he yelled at him many times, thinking that the reason why he would be suspected was that Lin Zhengren's thief must be soliciting right and wrong.

They had a joint secret operation before, the process is unknown, but the result is very clear. Du Yehu almost died in the field, but it was the Prime Minister who arrived in time and was rescued from the brink of death. Lin Zhengren, who was traveling with him, was wise and safe, intact. Since then, the two have been at odds.

Du Yehu not only scolded Lin Zhengren every time he was summoned to the palace to be on duty, but even took action. Several times, they directly hit the door of Lin Zhengren's house. Although the beating was not successful, the door was kicked several times.

Lin Zhengren is recognized by everyone as a gentleman, but he doesn't care about this violent general. He often tells people that misunderstandings can always be resolved after a long time.

However, apart from scolding Lin Zhengren to vent his emotions, every time Du Yehu came to the palace, he was supposed to be on patrol, to stand guard, to do things according to his duty, and to have no friends or friends.

Has a temper, but never delays his work.

At this moment, he is the only one who strides forward amidst the timid retreating tide, daring to raise his weapon against Wu Bing!

Wu Bing only glanced over indifferently.

Du Yehu suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard, his whole body was completely destroyed, he flew upside down, and hit the palace gate all of a sudden!

The guards on duty on the palace wall were about to open the palace gate when they saw this, and the surrounding palace guards hurried over to help them.

But Du Yehu just roared: "You are not allowed to open the door until you get the king's order!"

Then he struggled to get up, still raised his mace, still faced Wu Bingji directly, and stared fiercely at him.

"I came here for the assassination case of Tianjiao of the human race behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, and I asked Mr. Zhuang!" Wu Bing already looked at him: "The human race has a common agreement, and the ancient and modern have witnessed it! The Sanxing Palace maintains this agreement, regardless of the country or sect. , anyone who rebels will be punished! I will come here in person today, do you know that the law cannot be violated?"

Du Yehu gritted his teeth, and said with blood foaming from his mouth: "I only know the rewards of eating the emperor, and the things of being loyal to the emperor. The emperor entrusted me with the responsibility of being a gatekeeper. If I am not dead, I can't make the palace gate open once!"

Wu Bing already frowned: "Who would allow your courage, the law of Zhuang Guogong is actually above the common agreement of the human race?"

A suffocating terrifying pressure enveloped the entire Zhuang Palace!

The energy and blood in Du Yehu's body roared, and the magic power of drinking blood was activated. In this weak struggle, he constantly fed back his strength. But no matter how much power the blood-drinking supernatural power feeds back, he is like a boat in a raging sea, helpless and precarious, and will capsize at any time.

But he stood unsteadily like this, and said: "I have never seen a common agreement between human races. The law of Zhuangguo is my family rule!"

These words moved many palace guards, they unconsciously tightened their weapons, and approached him with tears in their eyes.

"How long have you been guarding this place? Is Mr. Zhuang not in the palace?" Wu Bing asked suddenly.

The surrounding palace guards all showed surprise.

How could the emperor not be in the palace?

Why would the ruler of Jidi Palace ask such a question?

It was still Du Yehu who replied: "Your Majesty's whereabouts, how can I talk lightly? If Wu Zhenjun really wants to know, I will ask for instructions..."

He hadn't finished speaking.

Wu Bing already waved his big sleeve, and Du Yehu was thrown away without any suspense, and he was thrown out of the palace for an unknown number of miles without a trace. The palace gate in front suddenly opened!

Behind the opened palace gate stood an old man with black hair and shoulders——

Du Ruhui, Prime Minister of the Dazhuang Kingdom!

The virtuous prime minister who reconciled the thousands of miles of Zhuangguo had already bowed slightly to Wu Bing: "Du Ruhui, Minister of Zhuangguo, has met Wu Zhenjun. I don't know what happened, but you came from afar, but you don't regard our Zhuangguo as your country, and you don't take it as your country." Zhuangfa is the law?"

Behind him, the palace circle is still running silently, covering up all the information in the deep palace.

If it's a real monarch, just call in directly. But the masters of the Legalists had to teach the law, and the San Xing Gong especially had to be punished without teaching.

What's more, if it's a real monarch, it may not be necessary to pay attention to this matter. Even if you ignore it, you may not be able to bypass Yujing Mountain.

Wu Bing had already looked at Du Ruhui expressionlessly: "If I didn't regard Zhuangguo as my country and Zhuangfa as my law, I wouldn't have waited here for so long. Now that Du Ruhui has come out, I will send a message to Emperor Zhuang. Please He came here face to face and accepted the interrogation of Judi Palace."

Du Ruhui was shocked and angry: "Grandmaster Wu came so suddenly, dare to ask if Zongguo knows, does Yujingshan know?"

Wu Bing said in a low voice: "Since I can come here to find your lord, Yujing Mountain has acquiesced, and Jingguo will not talk nonsense. I have always heard that you, Du Ruhui, are a smart person. It's best not to mention irrelevant people and irrelevant things to me, and consume my patience."

The seriousness of this matter lies in the fact that San Xinggong had already communicated with Yujingshan in advance, but Yujingshan did not send a message at all!

That is to say, if the assassination case of Tianjiao of the human race behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters that Wu Bing said was really related to Zhuang Gaoxian, Yujingshan would have given him up directly!

This attitude may be more serious than the incident itself.

"The great master just asked if the emperor of our country is in the palace. The lord of the country must not be moved lightly, and my Dazhuang emperor is naturally in the palace!" Du Ruhui said, took out a scroll of yellow scroll from his bosom, cupped his hands and said: "The emperor just sent an order to I, let me surrender to the True Monarch. Please take the time to take a look."

Wu Bingji didn't answer at all, he just said: "I'll only give you thirty breaths, if Mr. Zhuang doesn't come, San Xinggong will treat him as evasive responsibility. What will I do at that time, don't say it's unpredictable! "

"Please allow me to proclaim it on behalf of the Son of Heaven." Du Ruhui simply unfolded the imperial decree by himself, and recited: "The book is for the true king of the underground palace to know - although you are the great master of the world and the master of the Holy Land of the Legalists. But I am the son of Zhuang Kingdom , is ordered by the sky, and governs the people. How can you let you come if you recruit, and leave if you wave? I have nothing to do with morality, merit, responsibility, and punishment, but please hand over the official letter first, hand it over to Yousi, and then discuss the good Time. Is it not against the spirit of the family if it does not violate the etiquette and system?"

This passage is soft and firm, and it can be called etiquette.

And Du Ruhui looked respectful, but he didn't flinch in the slightest.

From top to bottom, from Zhuangjun to Zhuangxiang to a general guarding the gate of the Zhuang Kingdom, they are all tough!

But Wu Bingji still had no expression on his face, he followed the law, never cared about other people's opinions, didn't care about those superficial skills, and only said: "Ten, nine..."

"Grand Master." Du Ruhui couldn't calm down any longer, and said anxiously: "My Zhuang Kingdom has always respected the Sanxing Palace and upheld the righteousness of the human race. Slaying demons and demons, resisting foreign races, and always doing my best. I don't know where you got what? News, so that we have such a big misunderstanding, stepping into the door of our country? Can you allow me, a veteran of the Zhuang Kingdom, to explain a thing or two?"

His words are both emotional and reasonable, both on the moral high ground and the weak lowland. It's hard to ignore his plea.

But Wu Bing didn't seem to hear anything. The voice of this great legalist master was constant and indifferent, with a suffocating pressure: "Five, four, three..."

Everyone knows that his conditions will not change.

Is Emperor Zhuangguo in Zhuangwang Palace?

Time is counting one by one, leaving mercilessly.

The meaning of the law is implemented into time, as if it has become the coldest torture tool of the trial.

At this time, the magic circle covering the entire Zhuang Palace suddenly disappeared. The voice of the Emperor Zhuang who is very familiar to all the palace guards resounded in the air, with his majesty like the sky——

"Since Grandmaster insists on seeing me...Du Xiang, let Grandmaster come in!"

The palace guards present all breathed a sigh of relief.

Emperor Zhuangguo is in the palace at this moment, and he dares to meet the great master of Legalism, without fear of inspection!

Du Ruhui turned sideways, stretched out his hand and said politely to Wu Bingji, "Please."

Wu Bing had nothing to fear, he flicked his sleeves and stepped into the palace gate.

He entered the door one step at a time, and then stepped into the dormitory where Zhuang Gaoxian was, facing the Emperor Zhuang Guo in a tuanlong nightgown.

Even though he is in the western region, in the Zhuang Kingdom, and in the Zhuang Palace, Wu Bingji is more like the owner of the place, looking at the emperor of a country opposite him with scrutiny and indifference.

Zhuang Gaoxian only has the appearance of an ordinary wealthy middle-aged man. Of course, he is much superior in appearance compared to Zhuang Taizu who is famous for his ugly appearance. The whole person did not have a strong aura, and looked quite harmless.

At the moment they are in the same hall.

Any secular authority, army, fame, background, are all useless at this time.

Yan Dao's cultivation base is enough to crush Dongzhen.

In other words, at this moment, Wu Bing is the absolute master, and life and death are all at the moment of thought.

But Zhuang Gaoxian just sat quietly on the dragon bed, maintaining a posture of just putting on his boots, and his tone was easy-going: "I'm a little tired from winter, so I lay down for a while."

His ordinary eyes raised up, with doubts and unrestrained anger: "Why is Master Wu so eager for something that he can't even wait for me to change clothes?"

Wu Bing didn't speak anymore, he only looked at Zhuang Gaoxian seriously and carefully to confirm whether he was himself.

At this time, Du Ruhui had already retreated to the left and right, and walked into the bedroom alone. But he just stood on one side and didn't speak.

"Grand Master!" Under Wu Bing's emotionless gaze, Zhuang Gaoxian emphasized his tone.

Wu Bing had already received highly accurate news, so he urgently communicated with Yujing Mountain and stepped down to the Zhuang Palace in person.

But since Zhuang Gaoxian is staying in his dormitory now, the suspicion that he is involved in the assassination case of Tianjiao of the human race behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters is naturally self-defeating.

The Grand Master of Legalism who is in charge of Jidi Palace still has a deadpan face, but it is inevitable that there is a bit of routine: "Dongyue 28th, where are you?"

Zhuang Gaoxian suppressed his anger, and said in a calm voice: "In the palace."

"Where were you on October 16?" Wu Bingji asked again.

Zhuang Gao envied: "In the palace!"

Wu Bingji asked again, "Where were you on May 16?"

Zhuang Gaoxian simply waved his hand: "Go pass on the history of the daily life order, and bring over my daily life note to see what Grandmaster Wu wants to ask, and check it carefully with him!"

"Grandmaster Wu!" He just sat on the dragon bed like that, with the bearing and majesty of the Lord of Zhongxing, looking directly at Wu Bingji: "I respect the Sanxing Palace, and even more respect the contribution of the Sanxing Palace to the human race, so we can I don’t care about the honor of the king, and I meet you with such humiliation! But if you are always asking these boring questions, after all, you are responsible for the livelihood of all people, please forgive me for not being with you any longer!”

Wu Bing already said: "In today's world, dragons and snakes rise together, and rivers and seas are difficult to clear. Flies camp dogs, and vicious birds are noisy. Except Sima Heng, who can be worthy of history?"

"If you don't believe my Zhuangguo's official history, if you don't believe me in daily life, I'm sitting in front of you, you can always believe it?" Zhuang Gaoxian didn't show anger on his face, but his anger was buried between the lines: "How can I be so silent?" To go back and forth to the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons, to hide from the eyes of the people of the world, to get involved in the big case you mentioned?"

"If you say——" he stood up, and even approached Wu Bingji: "You must find a reason to take me to the Sanxing Palace and let me be neighbors with Lord Dan, then you might as well find someone more reasonable !"

"Mr. Zhuang, don't get excited. I'm just conducting a routine investigation." Wu Bing said calmly, "After all, the person who was assassinated in the demon world this time was Jiang Wang, Marquis of Wu'an in the Great Qi. He was originally from your Zhuang country. I have some unexplainable grievances and grievances with you."

"The fall of Fenglin City is the humiliation of my life. Whether Jiang Wang complains or hates, it should be done, and I can understand it. I am also mourning his sudden misfortune! I will not, will not bear, and will not It's time to assassinate him!" Zhuang Gaoxian said: "I wonder if Grandmaster Wu is satisfied with this answer?"

Du Ruhui also said at this time: "The Son of Heaven belongs to the country, how could he take risks lightly, let alone go to the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters! Grandmaster Wu will not understand this truth, I hope you will not listen to slander and treat it fairly Zhuangguo. This is a heroic country, and it has been fighting against the Bone Road since its establishment, and now it has finally ushered in the peace of the rivers and mountains."

Wu Bing had already glanced at Du Ruhui, and said in a flat tone, "You monarchs and ministers are really good friends, no wonder they can make the Zhuang Kingdom rejuvenate."

"If Grandmaster Wu has nothing else to say, let's leave it at that today!" Zhuang Gaoxian said with a suppressed voice, "I still have something important to say, so I won't send it off."

"I don't know what important business Zhuang Tianzi has?" Wu Bing asked.

Zhuang Gaoxian laughed back angrily, and said in a hateful voice: "I just received the letter, my talented treasure horse died in battle behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters! I don't know if this matter is important to San Xing Gong?"

Wu Bing completely ignored his sarcasm, and only said: "Which talented treasure is it?"

Zhuang Gaoxian was finally angry, and raised his voice: "My surname is Qiao, and my name is Jingzong! He died in the battle against monsters in Gaoling City! Master Wu, please go and investigate thoroughly! I read the military newspaper, and Jing Guomu was among the talents who died together. Feiping, Chu Zicheng of Ji State, Yu Yue of Zhongshan State... You must investigate together, maybe you can fake death for me!"

Wu Bing already looked at him calmly, and said: "I will."

"do not bother."

The great legalist master turned around and stepped out of the bedroom and out of Zhuang abroad.

The danger of death and the country's destruction has now dissipated.

In the bedroom, the monarch and his subjects were silent for a long time.

Du Ruhui said: "Jiang Wang is dead, but General Du is still loyal. Numerous temptations in the past few years have proved his character. The veteran thought that the guard against him can be relaxed...don't let him guard the gate again. There is too much shortage of good talents in the army, and his position in Jiujiang Xuanjia is irreplaceable."

Zhuang Gaoxian did not speak.

Take several deep breaths.

Then he slammed his palm on the dragon bed: "We must build the national defense formation as soon as possible at any cost!"

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