Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1772 God's will has never been difficult to ask


"Jiang Mengxiong's strength is not bad."

"Qin Changsheng is also okay."

"Jiang Mengxiong's No-Self Killing Fist of Qi State is about being invincible, self-less, and overbearing. It reminds me of the No-Self Kendo, one of the top three flying swords in the flying sword era of the human race..."

"The state of Qin is located in the western region of the present world. It has suppressed Yu Yuan all the year round. The martial arts are very prosperous. The soldiers are strong and the talents are emerging in endlessly. It is really not to be underestimated. Qin Changsheng is extremely passionate about swords. He loves swords and becomes crazy. If he uses his sword with all his strength, even this seat You also have to play three-pointers."

In an old dilapidated courtyard located in the northern part of Moyun City, Chai Asi knelt respectfully and sat on the futon. On the wall in front of him hung a shrine made by himself.

In the wooden shrine, a ball of clean soft cloth was used as the base to support the ancient mirror.

Chai Asi used this method to express his respect for the great ancient god. Every time we communicate, we must worship.

Of course, when you go out or sleep, you still have to take the ancient magic mirror with you. This is the hope of the monster, and it cannot be lost.

At this moment, the great ancient god is commenting on the battle of Nantian City.

Talk unrestrainedly, farsighted and knowledgeable.

That's called a visionary, high-spirited, high-spirited!

He, Chai Ah Si, had no connections, and what he went to Old Ape Winery to inquire about was only bits and pieces of information. Even a lot of news is rumored, completely illogical, and even he can't stand it.

But the great ancient god venerable was able to grab useful information from it and truly capture the truth of the battlefield.

And demonstrated familiarity with the top combat power of the human race. From Jiang Mengxiong of Qi State to Qin Changsheng of Qin State, it was easy. He even knows the peak swordsmanship of the flying sword era of the human race!

God is sorry, he, Chai Asi, never knew what kind of flying sword era existed in the human race.

If it weren't for the existence of the real peak of the monster race, how could he know the situation of the human race well? If you are not really worried about the world and the future of the monster race, why bother to study the history of the human race?

The more you get in touch, the more you can feel the profoundness and greatness of this ancient god venerable.

He also had some small guesses in his heart, could the real body of this ancient god venerable be a great existence that once dominated the ancient imperial city?

Zen Master Xiong who once preached in the ancient Nanshan Mountain, had ten Dharma kings under his seat, and more than one million believers, and then disappeared out of space?

Or was it Yu Zhen, the legendary Yu clan who once fought against the Demon Emperor and finally left the Chaos Sea?

He, Chai Asi, is a smart monster, if the Venerable Master didn't directly say it, of course he wouldn't ask, and he only speculated about it in his heart.

There are some things that you can think about in your heart, but if you say them, you will cause trouble. This is what his grandfather taught him.

It's just that the image of the Supreme Being is getting taller and taller, and with his poor historical knowledge, it is already difficult to find a great existence that can correspond to the Supreme Being.

It is of course a great opportunity to listen to the Supreme Master's guidance on cultivation, but the secrets about the high-level powerhouses of the two races at this moment sound really interesting and can greatly broaden one's horizons.

The world is so big, the history is so long, and there are so many heroes. Thinking about the past, you can only look up to Quan Xizai, Yuan Mengji and others, how ridiculous, how short-sighted?

Chai Asi was just about to hear Shang Zun continue to comment on Zuo Xiao, the great Chuhuai Duke of the human race, when he heard the voice in the mirror change the subject: "The little lion is going back as he lives, and he can attack the battlefield with the status of a demon. He failed to win any battle results, but he can still brag about turning the tide. Tsk tsk... the sky demon turned the tide of the demon soldiers?"

Chai Ah Si didn't dare to follow the beak to Lord Tian Yao, and just listened obediently.

Then I heard the ancient god ask again: "Does this Shi Anxuan have any more outstanding descendants?"

For some reason, Chai Asi faintly felt that this sentence was full of murderous intentions, but he didn't feel emotional when he listened carefully. He replied honestly: "It seems that there is only one titled 'Sky Sea King', named Shi Shanwen, who is the ninth new king in the Tianbang list!"

In recent years, Yaozu has been very keen on ranking some strong players, and various rankings have appeared. Among them, the Tianbang is considered the most credible list, which is arranged by Tianyao Zhiben. Take the record as the biggest reason for ranking, and only calculate the combat power of the list.

In order to avoid trouble, this list is only ranked up to the level of true monsters, and only a hundred strong people are recorded.

Like the real demon spider string, the lord of Moyun City, but he couldn't squeeze into the Tianbang at all.

The "Tianbang New King" is a list for young demon kings, and those over one hundred and twenty-nine years old are not selected.

The lifespan of the monster race generally exceeds that of the human race, which is also a proof that the monster race has superior aptitude. But after the arrival of the gods, there is no advantage in lifespan.

Because the realm of God's presence has already broken the limit of life and crossed the gap between heaven and man.

The 518-year-old lifespan of a cultivator of the gods of the human race is quite long for the monster race.

The lifespan of ordinary humans is one hundred and twenty-nine years and six months, so the "New King of the Heavenly List" will never include anyone over the age of one hundred and twenty-nine. Because relying on surpassing the lifespan of ordinary humans to achieve the king's combat power is not something worth boasting about, nor is it considered a genius.

Tian Hai Wang Shi Shanwen, who was ranked ninth among the new kings, was so much better than the three talented people in Moyun City.

Even if he is not the pride of Moyun City, he, Chai Asi, has heard about it. Speaking of the blood descendant of Anxuan, the sky demon lion, this is the first person that comes to mind.

The voice of the ancient god in the mirror paused, and then said: "This name is not good, it is not in line with fortune, and it looks like an early death."

Chai Ahsi couldn't figure out how the name Shi Shanwen was unacceptable.

But it does not affect his sincere admiration, because it is really accurate!

"My lord's opinion!" Chai Asi said earnestly, "A while ago, King Tianhai was indeed lost in Frostwind Valley. It seems that he died with a bastard named Jiang Wang from the human race!"

"...Let's go to practice first. You are already good at swordsmanship, but your body is very weak. Wait for me to share a ray of divine sense, and tailor a set of body training exercises for you!"

"Your Majesty is so kind and virtuous, Chai really doesn't know how to repay it!" Chai Asi rushed into the courtyard full of joy and high morale.

Shaking off the iron bar, he played it well.

Jiang Wang is now an existence qualified to tell the story, and it is not difficult to develop some exercises for a little demon with a cultivation level equivalent to Zhou Tianjing. For example, the set of Heaven's Judgment and Earth Trapping Secret Swordsmanship that was passed down before was just created casually, it's not perfect, but if Chai Ahsi has practiced it proficiently, Waiting for Xiaoyao really won't be able to stand firm in front of him.

Now that I have a better understanding of Chai Ah Si, it is absolutely suitable and useful to develop body training exercises. Of course, for things like body training, suffering is inevitable. Why don't you roll the knife mountain oil pan a few times?

Don't let this little demon shed a few layers of skin, he doesn't know what oral karma is, and it's hard for him to comprehend the truth of demon life.

After practicing swords alone for a while, Chai Asi suddenly remembered something, and ran back to the shrine excitedly—to be honest, a certain ancient god felt that it was unlucky to be enshrined like this, with incense sticks in front of him. But there is no good reason to refuse, so I can only hold my nose and acquiesce.

"My lord!" Chai Asi said earnestly: "I just remembered something. The Golden Balcony Unrestricted Martial Arts Competition will soon open for registration. You said that I have practiced this set of heavenly trapping secret swordsmanship, and I will practice again. Can the body training exercises you teach sweep away all directions in this martial arts meeting and win a leader?"

Jiang Wang had no idea what it was, but he could guess a thing or two from the name.

So I just replied: "Don't be too ambitious, don't do irrelevant things."

He just wanted this little demon to develop a little appearance so that he could earn some dao yuan stones and buy some elixir from the demon world to help him recover from his injuries as soon as possible.

Or help this little demon join the army as soon as possible, and find a way to be transferred to Nantian City. The old man looked for another opportunity and slipped away. Otherwise, if you still live in the demon world, how can you really find a way to cultivate a peerless monster?

This little demon is really floating, what kind of martial arts meeting, there is no limit... What if I go up and get beaten to death?

With only a bare mirror left, it is difficult to move an inch in the demon world, and it is difficult to return to the Five Evil Basin!

A pot of cold water poured down on his head, and Chai Asi let out an 'oh', and muttered: "I heard that the top ten players in this Golden Balcony Unlimited Martial Arts Competition will be rewarded with a plant of Yuangucao, which is said to be able to reshape the Taoist body. Xiao The demon is still thinking, can it be helpful to the Supreme Master..."

"...Then what, did you just say that the martial arts will be held?" The voice in the mirror replied: "I think about it, and you really need a trial now. Sign up, and report right away."

Chai Asi immediately became excited: "You may not know that the Golden Balcony Unrestricted Martial Arts Club is the most famous and oldest martial arts conference here. Only monsters under the age of 30 can participate. It is mainly for The Tianxi wasteland, the purple hills, and the sea of ​​fragrant flowers have always been a grand event... I heard that Miss Lan Ruo will choose a son-in-law in this martial arts meeting!"

The ancient god surnamed Jiang previously thought that this little demon was "respectable for filial piety", but now he only feels that "his heart is worthy of punishment".

The dog's tail can't hide at all!

He keeps saying that he is the lord, and he misses the son-in-law in his heart.

That spider orchid, is it really so beautiful?

Of course, the voice of the ancient god is always amiable, full of encouragement and warmth: "Since you have decided to participate in this meeting, you must practice hard and don't lose face when the time comes. , Once the gods are granted, the world will know!' Work hard and work hard, and you will see your own future."

Chai Ahsi drank the bowl of chicken blood, and went to practice sword again with tears in his eyes.

Only the mirror of the ancient gods and the shrine of silence remain.

The Jiang in the mirror world is actually not as relaxed as his voice suggests.

These days, hiding in the red makeup mirror, under the cover of Chai Ah Si, wandering around Moyun City. While familiarizing themselves with the customs of the Yaozu, they also had a general understanding of the Nantian War that took place a few days ago.

Listen to the sound in a subtle way, and thousands of voices come to court. He heard and collected more relevant information than Chai Ah Si who honestly chatted with those little demons.

Although the details of the war spread to the streets and alleys of Moyun City, it has already changed.

But for Jiang Wang, who is familiar with Qi's military system and the battlefield, especially Jiang Mengxiong and Zuo Xiao, the general rhythm of the entire war is not difficult to restore.

He thanked Jiang Mengxiong and Qi Guo for fighting for him. He was even more moved by Mr. Zuo who came from Chu State in a hurry, and was moved by the sincere love for him as a relative.

But these are things for the future. He kept all the kindness and hatred in his heart.

And the most important thing right now is how to return to the civilization basin and the territory controlled by the human race.

But is it a simple matter to return to the basin of civilization?

Speaking of which, he already has a relatively clear plan - that is to improve the strength of Chai Asi, so that this little demon who loves unrealistic fantasies and forges ahead under the pressure of life, first passes the army assessment and becomes a demon soldier Even the demon general, and then find a way to transfer to Nantian City, and then in any military conflict, he jumped out of the red makeup mirror and fled back to the Civilization Basin with the mirror.

It's not that easy, it's not that easy...

Even if the plan seems so feasible.

Jiang Wang is now fully aware of the problem.

Although in the territory of the monster clan, the monster clan is not the biggest problem. Although it was a surprise attack by an enemy of the human race to fall to this point, that enemy was not the biggest problem.

Now both human and monster races feel that he is dead, he has turned from light to dark, and no matter how great the hostility against him is, there is nowhere to go.

What is the real problem?

At that time, he was in Shiwan Dashan, facing the shock of the broken knife coin, he had already found the reason - at that time, he was not at all because of the gaze of the real demon dog Yingyang.

After sorting out all the news circulating on the Yaozu side, comparing his own experience, and retracing the entire escape process, he discovered the problem.

Throughout the whole process, until he killed Xi Yanbing, he had grasped his fate to a certain extent - the sneak attack of the mysterious man was another cause and effect.

When they fought each other in Frostwind Valley for the first time, Xi Yan's soldiers were brave and brave, daring to fight to the death.

When he killed Shi Shanwen and turned back calmly, Xi Yanbing, who was abandoned by Shi Shanwen, was already timid.

When they confronted each other for the third time, in front of a sea of ​​flames and monster corpses all over the place, Xi Yanbing completely lost his courage. Under his oppression, he made a wrong choice, and finally survived until he was killed by the extremely cold wind .

Jiang Wang asked himself that he had reached his limit in controlling the fighting process and the fighting will of both sides.

But the problem started to appear from this point.

After he killed the rhinoceros soldiers and destroyed all traces, he escaped from Frostwind Valley in the middle of the night.

When the long night passed and the sky brightened, Jiang Mengxiong personally descended on the demon world and leveled the entire Frostwind Valley.

This is the first to miss.

When he hid in Shiwan Dashan, hiding in hiding and not daring to show his face, Jiang Mengxiong was fighting with Yuan Xianting. And he was walking on thin ice, completely unable to maintain observation of the environment outside the mountain.

This is the second miss.

Waiting for him to notice the changes in Frostwind Valley amidst the many movements of the little demon entering the mountain, and realize that the war is imminent, so he took the risk and came to the Tianxi Wasteland... But Yuan Xianting happened to move to Nantian City, blocking his way ! He could only take the same risk and choose to return the same way.

This is the third miss.

But when he fled back to Shiwan Mountain cautiously, Zuo Xiao and Jiang Mengxiong just happened to kill and rush to Nantian City, setting off a huge Nantian battle!

This is the fourth miss.

He hid in Shiwan Dashan, he didn't know how the battle in Nantian City was going, and he didn't dare to find out.

He tried his best to escape the sight of those monster warriors, and followed a bounty team casually in the Hundred Thousand Mountains... But in such a team, there was a monster genius among them, who possessed a non-obtrusive, perceptual ability. Dangerous natural powers!

This encounter once again pushed him into a corner.

That dog demon brought hundreds of men into the mountain, and he was already guarding against the plots of other monster races, and there was a grandfather at the level of a real demon, who left behind some means, and would come here as soon as possible...

If he hadn't still had a saber coin from Yu Beidou on his body at that time, by this point, he should have been gone.

The reason why Jiang Wang was terrified at that time was because he felt "God's will"!

The great hostility he felt was the rejection of him, an outsider, by this demon world!

From the beginning to the end, what did Jiang Wang do wrong? Which step is he not careful enough, which step is not serious enough? He has gone through all the adventures he should have and should not have. He is catching every opportunity he can, and he is doing all the hard work he can do. Why are there so many and such fatal misses?

Everything is too coincidental!

And this kind of "coincidence" is familiar to him...

How is it like the God of Bone Bone's repeated failures on Daozi, and how is it like Zhang Linchuan's struggle to no avail?

Thanks to the book friends "Jiu and Mi and Donkey and Dian and Tian" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 380th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!


Friends, it is better to keep a book.

This plot is so difficult to write.

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