Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1773 Little Demon

God's will has always been high and difficult to ask, but the human condition is old and easy to be sad and difficult to complain!

It is easy to say that it is an enemy of God's will, but it is extremely difficult to stand on the opposite side of God's will.

Regardless of the fact that there are many lunatics in ancient times, one by one scolded Fang Qiu, that one would turn the world upside down, and this one would patrol the sky. It seems that if you don't have great ambitions in your life, and you can't destroy any "heaven", you can't be regarded as a hero.

But throughout the ages, how many people can truly overcome the so-called will of heaven?

A Gua Dao Daoist like Yu Beidou, the so-called Fate Occupy the highest achiever, the number one real person in the world, who can lead people to jump out of the river of fate for a short time, is just saying——

"Time is also luck, fate is irreversible."

But I can only say - "This is not my time."

How many heroes have fought against the sky and people all their lives, trekking thousands of miles, until they are very old and look back on their lives, only to find that they have not escaped their fate in this life.

Only then did he sigh and say, "Manpower is sometimes poor, but God's will is unpredictable!"

They all say God's will, what is God's will?

Even though the practice world has been developed for so many years, it can never be described concretely.

There have been too many great beings throughout the ages trying to interpret the will of God, and this is just one of them.

How about fate? How about blood? How about astrology?

The long river of fate flows through the ages!

Part of the manifestation of "God's will" can be understood as "the will of the world".

The will of the world can be interpreted as the aggregation of the rules of a world, and it is the instinctive protection of one world for itself.

It has no emotion, let alone love or hate.

Rather than saying that it is hostile to a specific existence, it is better to say that this existence has touched the rules of the world, thus triggering the spontaneous rejection of the rules.

This natural rule is like a pool of still water, and those who enter the water will naturally stir up the ripples. The bigger the body, the bigger the waves.

Those who can swim can swim back and forth a few times, but those who can't swim will drown on the spot.

The will of the world is repairing the world all the time, and it is also fighting against all attempts to harm the world. But it will obey the rules of the world itself and mobilize everything in this world to achieve the result of expelling or eliminating "heretics".

Jiang Wang knows God's will!

He even witnessed with his own eyes how the Bone God from the nether world, through a long-term layout, slightly won the "God's will of the present world" and won the possibility of being born into the world.

But after a closer look, that may be called the victory of the Bone God, but the Bone God may not have surpassed the will of the world.

The Bone Dao fetus finally succeeded in coming into the world, but it also truly became a part of this world. How can that harm the present world?

He has also seen how Zhang Linchuan, who is astonishingly talented and surrogate for his life, challenged God's will with the Nine Tribulations, and ended up in a dead end.

So when he realized that he had been "targeted" by the will of the demon world, he was also confused——

I, Jiang Wang, am only 21 years old, and my cultivation level is no higher than that of the gods. I have never destroyed any plans of the demon clan, and I have not caused any fundamental damage to the demon world... How can I be so evil by the will of heaven in this world?

But it is absolutely impossible to let him sit and wait for death.

At that time, Bu Lian took fate and asserted that the human race would be defeated, it was God's will that could not be violated.

How did the emperor do it?

Kill Bu Lian and change the prophecy.

Fight against the demon clan, change your fate against the sky!

Jiang Wang dare not compare himself to the emperor, but he will never give up on himself.

At least now, after summarizing the information and sorting out himself, he can realize who his opponent is, instead of dying in an accident someday in the future.

It is not necessary to sigh "God's will is hard to break" before dying.

Just like all the experiences along the way,

After discovering the opponent, it is natural to defeat the opponent.

No matter who this opponent is.

Thanks to the Evil God of Bone, to Zhuang Chengqian, to Zhang Linchuan, to the will of the world that he felt in Senhaiyuan Realm... Everything he had experienced made Jiang Wang understand "God's will".

Speaking of it, "God's will" is unpredictable and omnipotent, but it does not have the ability itself. It will lead to countless coincidences, and the targeted person will fall irretrievably into the abyss.

But these coincidences are traceable and cannot happen without a reason...

For example, he chased and killed Zhang Linchuan for thousands of miles, which can be regarded as the target of God's will against the bone body. But if he didn't have a deep hatred with Zhang Linchuan, he wouldn't be so persistent with Zhang Linchuan. Without his own continuous efforts, mobilizing his power and reputation, and exhausting his connections, it would have been impossible to complete the killing of Zhang Linchuan.

God's will is mysterious and mysterious, unfathomable, but there must be a reason.

Jiang Wang chose to hide in the mirror, and entrusted all actions in the demon clan's territory to Chai Asi. This was his first step in fighting against the will of the demon world.

To erase that "cause".

His idea is based on this idea - he jumps into the belly of the fish without splashing himself. Then all the waves in this pool of still water are probably only related to the swimming fish that already exist in the water.

Chai Asi is a little demon born and raised in the demon world. Chai Asi's birth, growth, and experience are all recognized and even encouraged by the will of the demon world.

Why did Jiang Wang finally agree to allow Chai Asi to participate in the Golden Balcony Unlimited Martial Arts Meeting?

Because it was a decision based on Chai Ah Si's original heart.

At that time, he suddenly realized that he should not interfere too much with Chai Ahsi's decision.

Is Chai Asi who fully implements Jiang Wang's will still Chai Asi? Can you still help to avoid the target of God's will in the demon world?

Cut off cause and effect, let nature go, try not to touch this world, the "God's will" based on the rules of the world, it is impossible to react.

Furthermore, according to Chai Asi's original wish, letting him participate in the Golden Balcony Unlimited Martial Arts Meeting is also a move that can quickly open up the situation.

If Chai Asi can get a good ranking in the martial arts meeting, he will also be able to reach the sky in one step and gain status in Moyun City.

A mere little herb-gathering demon can only do so much.

But for the leader of the Golden Balcony Unrestricted Martial Arts Association, obtaining more wound medicine resources, entering the army, and deploying defenses to the front line...all of these should not be a problem.


bang bang bang!

"Four children!"

The sudden knock on the door interrupted the thinking of the ancient god in the mirror, and stopped Chai Asi's sword practice.

Both the god in the mirror and the demon outside the mirror were shocked.

The former is shocked by God's will, while the latter is shocked by ghosts and monsters.

But he didn't wait until Chai Ah Si went to open the door.

Because in this dilapidated courtyard, this door really has no meaning as a door.

The uninvited guest only knocked twice, kicked his foot, and the courtyard door burst open.

"Master Scar!"

Chai Asi immediately lowered the iron bar in his hand, and with a smile on his face, he went forward: "Which gust of wind brought you here?"

Kicking at the door is, of course, rude.

But Chai Ahsi has long been used to it.

No money in your pocket, no ghost behind you, who will give you a "gift"?

Standing at the gate of the courtyard at this time was a burly man of the ape family, middle-aged, wearing a leather armor, with a slanted scar on his face, he looked very fierce.

He was born in the famous Huaguohui, and his position is an incense master of the Huaguohui Water Curtain Hall.

This kind of hooligan gang is naturally not on the stage, but the Moyun Yuanjia is behind the Huaguohui, so it cannot be taken lightly.

The Water Curtain Hall represents the Huaguohui and manages the underground order in the three blocks on the north side of the city.

There are five incense masters in this hall, all of them can fight, and they are all double-flowered red sticks that can kill several streets. In particular, this scarred ape clan is most famous for its fierceness. With one hand and ten step punches, it hit the entire Huajie.

Among the little demons in this area, they are generally called "Master Scar".

He was a head taller than Chai Asi, standing outside the door like a wall of flesh. Seeing Chai Asi come forward, he raised his hand and slapped——


Chai Ah Si staggered backwards from being slapped, barely stood still, covered his face and still smiled apologetically: "Master Scar! Lord Scar! Is there some misunderstanding?"

Being slapped in the face is of course humiliating and painful.

But he already knew what the end of the resistance would be.

There were two attendants who came with this "Master Scar", but they just stood outside, watching all this jokingly.

Yuan Yong, known as "Master Scar", rolled up his sleeves slowly, without looking at Chai Asi, and said: "I thought you went into the mountain and lost your mind, and you have forgotten it." Our Huaguohui."

"How can it be?" Chai Asi intentionally or unintentionally stood in front of Yuan Yong to prevent him from noticing the inside, flatteringly said: "I have forgotten my own father and I can't forget you, our side is full of I rely on you to eat and drink!"

The entire Moyun City is naturally headed by the Spider Family, followed by the Dog Family, the Yu Family, and the Yuan Family.

Anyone who lives in this city will look up to these four families.

As for why Chai Asi is obviously a member of the dog family, but lives under the ape family, naturally there is his story-the carriage that killed his grandfather belonged to the dog family.

Of course, this is not something worth talking about. Of the little monsters spinning around at the bottom, who has an easy life?

Yuan Yong looked at him casually: "What is in your hand?"

Chai Ah Si put it away in embarrassment: "My sword."

"This is a sword? Haha, let me see!" Yuan Yong took it with his hand, and looked it over carefully. It was indeed just a broken iron bar. The whole body was full of rust, and only a little bit of sharpness was sharpened at the very tip.

Throwing it on the ground casually made a clanging sound.

His eyes were still on Chai Ah Si.

Chai Ah Si didn't dare to pick it up, so he said reluctantly: "I made you laugh."

Yuan Yong clicked twice: "It seems quite sensible now, how can you forget to pay the regular money?"

Chai Asi was very puzzled, and felt aggrieved: "I have already paid this month's regular money. I handed it to the Old Ape Tavern, or the previous ones. Is there any misunderstanding?"

The Old Ape Tavern, where he often goes for a drink, is also considered the property of the Huaguohui. Every time he pays the regular money, he always goes there to pay.

After returning to the city to sell the herbal medicine this time, he went to pay the money early. With the ancient magic mirror in his body, he wished he could be isolated from the world, and then go out after his magical skills are complete. Then he would sweep all directions, marry Zhu Lanruo, and reach the peak of the demon life... How could he cause trouble for himself?

Yuan Yong said with a cold face: "We are no longer cooperating with the Old Ape Tavern. Do you really know or not? You will have to pay in my casino in the future!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Lord Scar, I really don't know!" Chai Ah Si bowed and apologized: "I don't know when it started?"

Yuan Yong looked around the broken yard, but he really couldn't see anything else, so he said casually: "The day before yesterday."

"Okay, little one remember it!" Chai Asi said respectfully, "I will know where to pay the regular money next month."

"What about this month?" Yuan Yong asked.

"Before the rules were changed, I had already paid the regular fee at the Old Ape Tavern... Take a look, can you ask over there..."

"Huh?" Yuan Yong frowned: "I want to wipe your ass for your mistakes?"

Chai Ah Si already understood.

This Mr. Scar made it clear that he wanted to take advantage of the change of the place of payment to make extra money for himself. Whether it's the Old Ape Tavern or the casino, it's all from the Huaguo Club.

Only what the old man came to ask for in person was in his own pocket.

But if you understand it, you understand it, and Chai Ah Si can only recognize it.

Like the slang song: crawling and rolling in the mud with a smiling face, a worldly little monster. Laughing helplessly, innocent wretch...

He fumbled from his pocket for a long time, counted out eight five baht king coins, and held them respectfully in his palm: "This is the regular money for this month, you can accept it with a smile."

The most valuable currency circulated by Yaozu in the market is five baht coins. The second is the five baht emperor coin, and the last is the five baht king coin.

One five baht sky coin is equivalent to one hundred five baht imperial coins.

One five baht king coin is equivalent to one hundred five baht king coins.

There are also "copper shell coins" under the five baht king coins, which are usually called "big sons". Between one hundred and twenty to one hundred and fifty, it can be exchanged for a five baht king coin.

Strictly speaking, the fee charged by Huaguo Club is not too high. They are more lenient than the gangs supported by the Yu family and the Quan family.

But living in Moyun City, all kinds of taxes are not low, and you have to be exploited by gangs, and you have to be extorted by guys like Yuan Yong... For a little monster like Chai Asi, life is really not easy.

Seeing the cash, Yuan Yong had a two-point smile on his face, and he took it into his hand: "I just hit you with my hand, don't be offended, you know me, I'm a monster, and I don't have any evil intentions." , just a bad temper."

"I understand, I understand." Chai Asi nodded repeatedly: "Your monster is well-known. And I have rough skin and thick flesh, so it doesn't hurt at all!"

Yuan Yong laughed twice, patted him on the shoulder, looked around the yard again, and said casually, "No monsters have come to bully you recently, have they?"

After so many years, Chai Ah Si has long been used to it, and there is nothing wrong with humiliation, so he laughed and said: "Of course not, who is so short-sighted? I am covered by Mr. Scar!"

"Okay." Yuan Yong smiled and looked in again, and suddenly said: "Why do you keep blocking me? Can't see the light at home?"

"No, no." Chai Asi knew something was wrong, and tried his best to say: "It's not like you don't know that when a thief enters my house, you have to cry..."

But Yuan Yong has already pushed him away: "Could it be some hidden treasure? Haha."

With a big stride, he walked in: "I heard that you have been staying at home recently, and you have started practicing swords again... What's the matter, there are adventures in the mountains?"

Chai Asi followed closely behind, unable to hide his panic: "I just practiced blindly..."

Yuan Yong suddenly stopped, and shouted to the outside: "Outside! Close the door!"

The two subordinates he brought with him pulled the courtyard door shut with cruel smiles.

On the other hand, he looked down at Chai Asi, admiring Chai Asi's nervousness: "Si Er, Mr. Scar has always admired you very much, but if something good happens to you, Mr. Scar will never be able to think of Mr. Scar. It will be difficult for Mr. Scar to be happy for you." ah."

In front of him who is old in the world, this little herb-gathering demon is still a little too tender, and he can't hide some thoughts at all.

Usually a five baht king's coin is picked and searched, crying for father and mother, but today he pays eight more, but he is so straightforward? It is obvious that I have gained weight recently!

Especially the flustered look now said everything.

If he didn't slash down with this knife, he would call him "Master Scar" in vain.

Chai Ahsi was fearful and chaotic, and the living environment he had been in since he was a child only taught him to be patient. He knew how to curl himself up and protect his vitals when he was beaten. He knows how to live alone and move forward bit by bit. But don't know how to resist.

The grandfather who had endured it all his life and refused to bear it, had been hit by a car and died.

His heart kept falling, and there was sorrow in his eyes: "Master Scar, you know that I have always been honest..."

The ancient magic mirror is the key to changing his destiny, he must never lose it, and must never be looted. But what to do?

Yuan Yong just pushed him away.

"Master Scar, Lord Scar!" Chai Asi went to stop him again.

Yuan Yong kicked him directly in the chest and kicked him back to the center of the courtyard, his eyes were fierce: "If you dare to stop me, I will kill you!"

Chai Asi sat on the ground slumped, looking at that figure in fear——

Since grandpa's death, this dilapidated house has been looted countless times by monsters. Now there is only a bare bed board left, and other things he used to be familiar with have been removed...

He should have gotten used to looking at this kind of back with such a posture.

But... I am so unwilling.

From childhood to adulthood, I have been mediocre and incompetent for so many years, and I finally encountered the opportunity to change my destiny. Do I want to give it away like this?

At this time, his hand touched a hard object, and the familiar touch told him——

It was his sword that Yuan Yong threw on the ground casually.

He subconsciously grasped the broken iron bar tightly.

The little demon Chai Asi grabbed his sword.




ps: "God's will is always high and difficult to ask, but the situation is old and sad and difficult to complain!" - Southern Song Dynasty Zhang Yuanqian "Congratulations to the Bridegroom Sending Hu Bangheng to Waiting System"

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