Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1774

The structure of this old house is very simple, a small courtyard and a main room. Outside the room is the yard, away from the yard is the room.

The room is even more simple, with only four walls. With a glance, you can see everything at a glance.

So Yuanyong certainly saw the shrine on the wall and also saw the mirror. Although he couldn't see any tricks, but he walked forward very naturally, reached out and took...

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Wang, who was hiding in the mirror world, kept quiet.

This gave him a strange feeling to re-understand the world—even though he was in this mountain, he was beyond it. Trance has cut off the causal line and jumped out of the five elements.

Of course, he can easily get rid of the ape demon who broke into the door, and he can burn the ape demon and the ape demon's subordinates with the real fire of samadhi.

But after that?

According to his preliminary understanding of God's will, he guessed that if he made such a proactive move, it would probably cause a violent reaction from God's will in the demon world.

Yuanyong, Shuiliantang, Huaguohui, Moyun Yuanjia... the whole line will be thrown like a whip.

Small ripples may continue to expand and eventually cause turbulent waves.

Looking back on Zhang Linchuan's demise, wasn't it just an idea in Savage Forest?

A lesson from the past is a guide for the future.

In fact, to be honest, there is not much difference whether the red makeup mirror is in the hands of Chai Ahsi or Yuan Yong.

If Chai Ah Si doesn't live up to his expectations, then he has nothing to do. The knife of heavenly craftsmanship cannot carve rotten wood. How far can he push Chai Ahsi while trying his best not to interfere in the demon world?

It's nothing more than another monster to coax.

This ape demon called "Master Scar" is probably not easy to deceive. But when he already had preconceived ideas and believed that Chai Ah Si had an adventure, Jiang Wang thought to himself that he could still exert influence.

Yuan Yong, who already has a certain status, will definitely be able to get ahead faster than Chai Asi.

Looking outside the mirror in the mirror, the world is separated from the world. At this moment, Jiang Wang gave birth to the feeling of "God is natural", as if he was at an absolute height, overlooking the struggle of all beings.

Suddenly, I understood the attitude of Lu Shuanghe, the Seven Killers, in front of the small river in Fengxi Town——

At that time, Lu Shuanghe watched Yi Shengfeng fight with him calmly.

It was a kind of indifference close to the way of heaven.

That is Lu Shuanghe's "killing", which is the path with the most killing power among real people in the world.

Just like this moment, he silently waited for everything to happen.

He was even preparing the words to deceive Yuan Yong. Yuan Yong has been wandering around the world all year round, has a lot of experience, and is extremely wary. He must have a more appropriate routine, supplemented by the help of the Six Desires Bodhisattva, and even wrong paths...

But at this time.

Chai Asi in the courtyard grabbed his sword sharply and stood up.

"Ape dung! Stop for me!"

He stared at Chai Asi, who blushed, roared to cheer himself up, and charged at Yuan Yong without thinking.

The ancient god venerable in the mirror world could hardly bear to cover his face.

How can there be such a fight?

How can there be a sneak attack and shout out?

What about the rack? What about sword moves?

Dreaming of being a son-in-law, being the lord of the city, and taking the leader, is quite capable. You don't remember any of your sword skills!

Chai Asi, who is used to being submissive, grasped his iron sword like this for the first time, and charged at a vicious existence that he could only kneel and lick his boots.

His eyes were bloodshot red and he couldn't remember anything else.

He had been bullied, had been bullied for too many years.

At this moment of roaring and charging, he suddenly understood the grandfather who died in front of the carriage that year - he didn't want to bear it anymore!

Since it is said that we are the monster race, the destiny is noble.

Why am I born to be able to endure, willing to be an ant and let him whip me?

Holding his iron bar sword in his hand, his eyes were fixed on Yuanyong's throat.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in my mind——

"Sword One, Sword Four, Sword Three!"

The voice from the Supreme!

Jiang Wu'an is not Lu Shuanghe after all.

As early as in Fengxi Town, they had already gone different ways.

Chongxuanzun, who was born with Dao veins, was sure at a very young age that he was not on the same path as the founder of the Taixu School.

As for Jiang Wang when he was a child, although he didn't know the way, and even didn't know how to practice at all, he also made his own choice.

When the little demon who is used to submissiveness holds his iron bar sword for the first time, as the great ancient god venerable, naturally he should be given the courage he deserves.


Hearing such scolding in his ears, Yuan Yong almost thought he had heard it wrong, did Si'er want to call 'Master' but lost his mouth?

But Chai Asi's charge was true.

There was indeed a cold glow on that broken iron bar.

Ape Yong turned back and grinned.

Of course he wasn't afraid of going all out in such a disorderly way, Chai Ah Si's reaction just showed the importance of this mirror.

God gave this treasure, if you don't take it, you will be blamed!

Compared to risking his life, this dog demon is still very young.

He even moved his fists a bit before he easily jumped out, his muscles tensed instantly.

The whole burly body, like the noose of a trebuchet, turned to the limit... Hum!

Explosive force smashes the air.

Ten steps punch!

But just when Yuan Yong broke out his fist, Chai Ah Si in front of him was suddenly different!

On the way of charging, the whole body instantly adjusted its posture - it was a certain kind of sword move that he had already mastered very well.

Looking at its sword frame, there are endless changes. Observe his sword intent, it is unstoppable.

And in those blood-stained eyes, besides the anger, all those timidity and timidity disappeared, replaced by a strong self-confidence. It seems that he will be able to cut him under the sword.

Where did this little demon get his confidence?

Yuan Yong's fist stagnated, and before the sudden burst of murderous aura, he suddenly folded his body.

Choose to avoid its edge first.

He was old in fighting, of course he didn't want to capsize in the gutter, but decided to take another look at Chai Asi's sword.

But almost at the same time as he folded his body, Chai Asi had also stepped forward, just with a sword across his neck!

It's as if he himself hit the sword with his neck!

Years of fighting experience played a role. At this critical moment, Yuanyong Daoyuan surged, and he was able to turn around, even counterattack, jump up and down, and punch forward!

But Chai Ah Si jumped up before him, just in time to strike with his sword!


The rusty iron bar sword penetrated Yuan Yong's jaw and penetrated deep into the skull.

this moment--

Chai Asi was no more than three feet off the ground, and his whole body maintained a posture of lunging and holding a sword, while the burly Yuan Yong, with his arms outstretched in the air, looked like a giant eagle with wings...but he was already hanging on the iron bar sword , powerless to fall.

It wasn't until the scalding blood sprayed on his face that Chai Ah Si woke up like a dream, and let go of his hands in a panic.

Yuan Yong's body fell to the ground with the iron sword hanging on it, and finally knelt down on the ground, hitting the ground like a hammer, and the tip of the sword pierced through the top of his head. Between blood and white, there is a stubborn edge.

"Hoo hoo!"

Chai Ah was gasping for breath, and felt a strange feeling that he had never felt before.

Killing turned out to be such a simple matter!

The well-known Fragrance Master of the Water Curtain Hall on the road, the vicious existence who has beaten all over Huajie, has not passed the Three Swords in front of him!

The voice of the ancient god sounded in his mind again, interrupting his thoughts——

"To learn my swordsmanship, the first thing to remember is never let go of your sword. Si Chai, are you qualified?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my lord, I won't do it next time!" Chai Ahsi woke up from the lingering thought of killing, his first reaction was still to apologize, and he hurried forward, grabbed Yuan Yong's head, and threw the A rusty iron sword was drawn out.

Blood was still dripping from the sword, and he seemed to have gained some kind of power from it, and said seriously: "My lord, I will never let go of my sword again. You choose me, and I will not let you choose wrongly!"

"Don't be so busy flattering, express your determination... solve your immediate problem first." The voice in the mirror said.

Only then did Chai Ah Si remember that Yuan Yong did not come alone, nor did Yuan Yong have no relatives, no reason, and no one cared about him like him.

Thinking of this, he almost felt weak again.

"What... what should I do?" He asked the god in the mirror pitifully.

The voice in the mirror only said: "This seat has given you the answer, but you'd better ask yourself."

Answer? What?

Chai Asi was confused for a while, and then suddenly remembered that sentence - "solve your immediate problem".

The problem at hand...

Yuan Yong guarded the two followers outside!

Just now in the courtyard, I shouted again and swung my sword to fight each other. There shouldn't be no response from the outside.

Unless...the movement was wiped out by the Venerable Ancient God.

The power of the ancient gods is unfathomable. The greatness of the ancient gods is endless!

This is the test of the ancient gods, I need to prove my ability...

Chai Ah Si took a deep breath, hung the iron bar sword on his trouser belt, dragged Yuan Yong's body to the inner room, and temporarily blocked it with a bed board.

Clean up the blood on the ground.

Finally, water and cloth were brought, and I washed my face seriously. He took off his blood-stained clothes and changed into a new one.

After confirming that there is no problem at a glance, he turned and walked towards the door, and opened the courtyard door: "Brothers, Mr. Scar calls you to come in."

The two little demons who were talking loudly at the door stopped talking somewhat disappointedly.

He didn't doubt it, he just waved Chai Ah Si and walked into the courtyard.

Standing in the courtyard, you can almost see the room in all directions, but the two little demons have never seen Yuan Yong's figure, and they can't help but walk into the room: "Master Scar! You call us? Master Scar?"

The little demon who was more anxious stepped forward, lifted the bed board, and saw Yuan Yong's body in awe. I was in a daze——


The outer courtyard door was slammed shut.

The two little demons suddenly turned around, and saw that cowardly and useless Chai Asi, bolting the gate of the courtyard with one hand, drew out the iron sword from his waist, and walked towards them...



The scenery of Snow Country is thousands of miles white.

Ascend to see the clouds meet the sky.

The coldness of Tianbei Snow Ridge is immersed in the soul.

But Zhao Wuyan is already used to it.

She needs this kind of coldness, this kind of coldness, while suppressing the extraordinary power and blocking the known "obstacles", she can maintain a high degree of mental sensitivity, think about the truth of the world, explore the true meaning of Tao, and truly understand what she has learned.

As one of the four major academies in the world, Longmen Academy puts the most emphasis on spiritual talents, and it has always been a place where geniuses gather.

She Zhao Wuyan, as a senior sister of Longmen Academy, has learned hundreds of schools since elementary school, is proficient in classics, and is a genius among geniuses, a peerless figure.

Others are trapped in the gap between heaven and man, and they don't even know where they are going, even if they have poor scriptures and burned ointments to inherit the sundial.

However, she was troubled by the fact that there were too many roads, and she couldn't find what to choose.

I also asked the Buddha in Chanyin, I also sat in meditation to study the Tao, I also asked the way in the book of war, and I also asked the heart in the law. The institutions of Mohism, the various schools of Confucianism... learning is like a deep sea, and you don't know how to drain it.

Unexpectedly, I have been stuck for several years because of the obstacles I know.

She goes from south to north, and from east to west. Reading thousands of books, traveling thousands of miles, seeing scenery and experiencing human feelings, there is always something lacking and not perfect. The end of the journey is the Northwest of the present world, and she also chooses here to choose her life path.

But an accident happened in Tianbei Snow Ridge. In the ashram of the Frost Immortal Lord Xu Qiuci, he witnessed a shocking accident and saw the scene of the birth of the Winter Emperor.

By coincidence, the Emperor Dong, who was said to have reincarnated Su Hui and proved the Dao again, gave the advice of "opening the source of oneself".

Since then, Maosai suddenly opened up and saw the long journey again.

The so-called "mixing a hundred schools of thought and creating a long history" is a long-term vision, and it cannot be achieved overnight.

She has also already realized that she is willing to put aside the divine presence that is at her fingertips, and here is the old Qingsi, pursuing the road that she does not know whether she can get.

Let the world be turbulent, watch the big waves wash away, and Tianjiao becomes famous.

Marquis of Wu'an, Marquis of Champion, Invincible Fighter, Li Yi who is the best in the world...

Ten years, twenty years, thirty years.

Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't.

She sat here with such an awareness.

The way to seek the Tao is like the words of Fusi.

After all, practice is a long journey of loneliness, such as this Tianbei Xueling, is an eternal coldness.

She originally wanted to sit here alone and participate in life and death.

But Zishu, who had been close to her since she was a child, insisted on staying with her for a year, so she just let it go. It happened to teach his practice personally, and he realized half his life. If he couldn't find the way, he would let someone come from the academy.

As for Xu Xianggan...

I chased him away several times, but I couldn't drive him away.

Every time she was about to drive someone away, that servant would look over pitifully and say something like, "As my senior sister promised to give me a chance, a gentleman honors her promise, how can I..."

She can't finish listening every time.

It's useless to hit it lightly, and it's impossible to explain it if it's heavy, and it's not necessary, so just forget it.

But today is very strange, Xu Xianggan, who walked over in the heavy wind and heavy snow with one foot deep and one foot shallow, with a live fish in his hand, has red eyes.

As if he had been wronged, he secretly wiped away his tears.

The high amount is exposed to the wind and snow, and the situation is very pitiful.

God is sorry, she hates others to cry. There is nothing in life that cannot be faced. Birth, old age, sickness and death are just natural principles, how weak it is to cry and cry!

Besides, isn't this guy going to rub Fu Zhenjun's lecture again today? What could happen?

"Zi Shu." Zhao Wuyan, who was sitting cross-legged in the Xueyan Cave, finally called out: "Go and see your Senior Brother Xu, what's wrong with him."

Zishu said "Oh", put down the snow fox that was having fun in her hand, and bounced down the mountain - she used the snow to build many small animals, snow fox, snow rabbit, snow tiger... one by one. It was so vivid that there was a long queue in Xueyan Grotto.

Zhao Wuyan continued to practice, and silently recited "Theory of Power" by the great legalist master Han Shentu in his heart, ruminated on the classic debates during it, and felt the great master's cognition of the laws of the world and his understanding of "law".

But after a while, he heard the sound of "woo woo woo", and Zishu shed big tears, crying and followed Xu Xianggan up the mountain one after the other.

Xu Xianggan persuaded as he walked: "Junior Sister, don't cry, don't cry, you cry so much that I can't help"

Under the wind and snow, two climbers went up sadly. The cries come and go, complementing each other.

Sitting cross-legged in Xueyan Grotto, Zhao Wuyan had a dull expression on his face.

No, I'll let you ask about the situation.

Why are you still crying together?

What exactly did Fu Zhenjun say?

What is it, so sad?

Have I gone astray and gone mad?

Could it be that I have an incurable disease?

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