Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1775 Flower Street Storm

Sitting in the cave watching the flying snow, it's like hanging a thin curtain.

Xu Xianggan, who carried the fish on a straw rope, came with snow.

"Senior sister Zhao..." He said in a low voice, very sad, "I want... to leave for a while."

Zhao Wuyan glanced at him calmly, and said: "Okay."

On this day, Bei Xueling suppressed all divine channeling techniques, and was lonely and desolate, with frost knives cutting souls, it was indeed a bitter place.

Xu Xianggan couldn't take it anymore and wanted to leave, which was also a reasonable thing.

Just don't do this childish gesture.

Is this worth shedding too?

Xu Xianggan wanted to throw himself into Senior Sister Zhao's arms to earn some warmth back, but when he saw Zhao Wuyan's eyes, he didn't dare to do anything wrong.

Walking in with his head down: "I'll cook this fish for my senior sister first."

Zhao Wuyan originally wanted to say "no need", but felt that there was no need to say this.

The road is long, and some entanglements are unnecessary.

Just looking at the tearful Zishu, she couldn't help but sigh: "I thought it was such a big deal, he left him, why are you crying?"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Zishu's crying sound, which had already stopped, suddenly amplified again, and he plunged into Zhao Wuyan's arms, sobbing, "Jiang Qingyang had an accident in the demon world!"

Zhao Wuyan was stunned for a moment, and only then did he know why Xu Xiangqian and Zishu were sad.

She knew that Zishu's affection for Jiang Wang was not a relationship between a man and a woman, but more of an admiration. Whether Tianya Terrace killed Ji Shaoqing or Guanhe Terrace won the championship, she and Zishu were both present. That kind of Jiang Wang is indeed dazzling. Even she has some respect, not to mention Zishu who is pure in heart?

The shooting stars across the sky when they were young will always attract boys and girls to stop and look up for a long time.

Knowing that the idol has fallen, it's no wonder that the girl was crying so much.

On the contrary, Xu Xiangqian and Jiang Wang have always had a deep friendship. His sadness should not be described in just one sentence of vulnerability.

Sighing softly in his heart, Zhao Wuyan stroked Fu Zishu's long hair, and said softly: "Zilaiying has been envied by heaven, Jiang Wang is not alone in ancient and modern times. At least he has been brilliant, and he has not wasted his life, what do you think?"

Zishu whimpered and cried: "I'd rather he spend his life in vain, and follow me to Longmen to spend his life in vain..."

Zhao Wuyan hesitated to speak.

At this time Xu Xianggan had already come out from the room, lowering his eyes: "Sister Zhao, the fish is in the pot, you will remember to drink the soup later."

"Where are you going?" Zhao Wuyan thought for a while and finally asked.

Xu Xianggan was a little surprised, and a little bit of joy jumped out of his sadness.

It should be noted that Senior Sister Zhao has not cared about him for a long time.

His pursuit has never stopped. At the beginning, from Crescent Island, I wandered all the way to Guanhetai, and then went west all the way, asking about the cold and warm all the way. According to senior sister's attitude, she was already relaxed, she smiled at him several times, and gave him several glances.

But since Naluoshizi Donghuang said "self-opening the abyss", Senior Sister Zhao seemed to have fallen into a demon again, and she only devoted herself to practice. Completely leave him in the cold.

He hates Xie Mo!

It looks good and hates it!

"Something happened to Jiang Wang. I'll go to the Demon Realm to see him and pay my respects." Xu Xiangqian said softly, and immediately promised, "I will come back to accompany Senior Sister!"

Zhao Wuyan said: "It's good to go to the demon world to have a look... The world is so vast, don't stick to the corner of the snowy ridge."

Xu Xianggan didn't seem to understand the deep meaning of these words, he just said: "I know that senior sister cares about me, and I also know that going to the demon world is very dangerous. It's hard not to be jealous of a talent like me, and I will definitely be targeted by the demon clan. That’s what happened to Jiang Wang... But as a member of the Mashan Shuangjiao, I can’t help but take a look, senior sister, don’t worry, I will take care of myself and come back alive to see you!”

Zhao Wuyan was speechless for a moment.

Xu Xiangqian took out another rather thick book from his arms, and handed it to Zhao Wuyan without any explanation: "This is going to the demon world, the mountains are long and the rivers are far away, and I don't know when we will see you again. If you miss me, senior sister, please read me." Poetry!"

There are four large characters on the book - "Shenxiu Poetry Collection".

Zhao Wuyan was shocked and almost slapped him back on the spot. But thinking that the demon world is indeed a very dangerous place... I just endured it.

It's a sin, I usually read poems, but I read the works of Mr. Shanzhu, or Mr. Chen Pu...

Holding a collection of poems of Xu Gao'e's level in her hand, even if she is ashamed and pure, she still has a lingering sense of shame.

Seeing that Senior Sister Zhao accepted it shyly, Xu Xianggan nodded in satisfaction and waved his hand: "Wait for me to come back!"

He turned around resolutely, and went down the mountain arrogantly.

Long Chuan, Jiang Wang, Yan Fu, and Zi Shu all bought this painstaking work. Senior sister Zhao wanted to buy it but was too embarrassed to buy it. If she was as considerate as herself, of course she would give a copy without any trace.

And it is the newest, most complete, most thoughtful edition, and it also has annotations and appreciation!

Zishu curled up in Zhao Wuyan's arms, turned his head to look at Xu Xiangqian's back, and said with tears in his eyes, "Senior sister, I..."

Zhao Wuyan gently pressed her down: "You are not allowed to go."

Zishu didn't say a word, but turned his head and buried himself back.

It's too shallow to say take care, and it's too deep to say goodbye. It's not very appropriate to say anything.

Zhao Wuyan weighed the heavy poetry collection in his hand, and was about to throw it into the storage box, but he was curious about "how bad poetry can be written", so he turned a page from the back.

This page contains a new poem written by Xu Xiangqian just today——

"Tianbei Xueling Thinking of Qingyang"

It's cold, it's cold, it's cold, it's cold.

I want to write a poem to mourn my dear friend, but I can't say it because of my sadness.



In the small courtyard in the north of Moyun City.

A bloody fight came to an end.

Chai Asi was leaning on the iron bar sword, leaning against the wall exhaustedly, only panting for a while.

It's also the same set of heavenly trapping secret swordsmanship, he is very familiar with the moves.

Under the guidance of the Venerable Ancient God, he easily killed Yuan Yong, who was at the double-flower red stick level of the Huaguohui, with only three moves.

And in the case of the ancient god venerable watching the whole process.

He and Yuan Yong's two subordinates were inseparable after killing each other, and they almost survived...

"Good performance."

The praise of the ancient god venerable sounded in his mind.

Chai Ah Si regained his spirits all of a sudden.

He knew that he didn't perform very well in the fight just now, but when he asked himself, he did try his best.

He grinned and said, "It's all taught by the Master well."

"Have you thought about what to do next?" the voice in the mirror asked.

Chai Ah Si was stunned for a moment, and said, "Dispose of the corpse first."

"Then what?"

"Pack up and run away." After killing Yuan Yong, Chai Ahsi obviously thought about this problem seriously. At this moment, looking at the house that I have lived in for many years, I am quite reluctant to part with it.

But a man is at home all over the world, and with the ancient magic mirror in hand, what can't be done in the world, and where can't he go?

It is difficult to deal with the aftermath of Yuan Yong's incident, so let's not do it, Lao Tzu slips away.

"Can you run away?" A certain ancient god surnamed Jiang asked.

It has to be said that things like killing do have a huge impact on Yaosheng.

Before the bloody fight, Chai Asi was still submissive, unable to fart a single fart. After slashing three monsters with his hands, he already had a bit of arrogance.

He seriously replied: "My lord, the little demon has considered it. This Yuanyong came out to extort money, so he must not make a big splash. He only brought two subordinates, which also shows this. In addition, the place where I live is very remote. Maybe they didn't even know Yuanyong had come to my house, and no one expected that I could kill him. As long as the body was cleaned up, there would still be plenty of time to escape. I am not an important role, and no one would care about me if I left the city empty-handed. "

Observing words and demeanor is his life experience, and it is also the necessary survival ability for a little monster like him. In fact, he has a considerable understanding of the minds and brains around here.

This guy Yuan Yong is very fierce and lonely, and he has always denied his relatives in Shuiliantang, and he only cares about money. Suddenly disappeared for a few days, probably no one cares.

When Water Curtain Hall's investigation came here, he, Chai Ah Si, was gone.

What about flowers and fruits? What about Moyun Yuanjia?

The demon world is so big, how can we plow it all?

The voice in the mirror asked, "Then where are you going to flee?"

"Shenxiang Huahai!" Chai Asi said confidently: "The shop where I often go to sell medicine is a branch of Shenxiang Huahai. The business is kind. I have already inquired about the situation there. , I know it very well. I ran over there to hide my name, and it was supposed to be calm! In ten or eight years, I might be able to come back.”

The ancient god in the mirror was silent for a while...

The little dog demon is quite thoughtful, and wants to run to the sea of ​​fragrant flowers.

Isn't that getting farther and farther away from the civilization basin?

Furthermore, if you regard "God's Will" as a pool of water, if the surroundings of your Chai Ahsi are too calm, wouldn't the tiny ripples brought about by me, an outsider, be too conspicuous?

"What about the leader of the Golden Balcony Martial Arts Association?" the voice in the mirror asked.

"Where's Zhu Lanruo?" the voice in the mirror asked again.

"Where's your home?" the voice in the mirror continued.

The three questions of the soul came down, and the excitement that had arisen from killing the demon just now disappeared in an instant.

Chai Ahsi's expression became depressed, and the light in his eyes dimmed. He lowered his head slowly, and beat his forehead slowly and vigorously: "But...but what should I do?"

"Don't be sad, don't be nervous. Think about it, is the matter irreversible?" The voice in the mirror was very patient: "Since ancient times, any monster has been inseparable from the word fame and fortune. We will do anything These two aspects need to be considered. Specifically in the matter of Yuan Yong, it is a reason and a value."

Attack first, then encourage. First make it confused, and then point out its way out.

This is the magic of preaching.

Why can Wu Sheng teach develop so fast? Naturally, he has grasped people's hearts.

"Fame and fortune?" Chai Ah Si's eyes were confused: "Reason? Value?"

This dog demon is too stupid and naive, the great ancient god can only follow the temptation: "You might as well ask yourself a few questions... Do you have any reason to kill Yuanyong? Is there any reason for Huaguo to forgive you? Secondly, What does Huaguohui need? Is it a monster called Yuanyong, or an obedient and capable incense master? Can you replace the value of Yuanyong?"

The great ancestor Qi Wudi once publicly described the word "fame and fortune", and frankly used the word "fame and fortune" as an important weapon for imperial power. There is a famous saying: "Why is it difficult to drive life and death? It is nothing more than chasing fame and profit. I don't ask the heroes of the world to be loyal to me, but I hope that when the heroes of the world come to court, they can fulfill their fame and fortune!"

Regarding this point, there is also a more specific description in "Biography of Thousands of Jiaos from All Nations".

Hou Min of Wu'an in the Great Qi Dynasty was eager to learn, so of course he had read it in detail. At this time, after a little extension, he called the little dog demon to enlighten him.

Chai Asi raised his head abruptly, obviously realizing something: "I killed Yuan Yong, which means that I am better at fighting than him. As long as I sincerely take refuge in him, I can replace Yuan Yong's value. This is 'profit', and it is Great profit. I can also use some money to get through the relevant links, as a supplement to the profit, it is for small profits."

"As for the name the Master said..."

He frowned: "Yuanyong also blackmailed me in private besides the regular money, which ruined the reputation of Huaguohui, and should be punished. This is the reason of Huaguohui, and this is a big name. Yuanyong came to blackmail me , I was not angry for a while and killed him impulsively. This is my reason, that is, my nickname. However, my reason is not justified? Extorting a few five baht king's money is not a crime of death .The Huaguohui over there..."

The great ancient god said: "If it's not enough for him to blackmail, he also insulted you, beat you, and smashed your grandfather's spiritual seat?"

Insulting and beating can indeed be counted, but...

Chai A four said: "My grandfather doesn't have a spiritual seat."

"Think again." The voice in the mirror said.

"Indeed there is." Chai Ahsi finally remembered: "It's in the shrine!"

The voice in the mirror only said: "Remember to be old."


Walking out of his small courtyard, Chai Ah Si is already different.

There were broken iron bars hanging from his waist, his face was bruised and swollen, and there were several cuts on his body, and the blood was fresh.

The way to the Old Ape Tavern has been walked too many times.

He has never walked so confidently and naturally.

Even though there were grief, cowardice, and fear on his face—this was the expression he adjusted for a long time in front of the ancient mirror under the guidance of the ancient god venerable.

But in his heart, there is actually nothing to fear.

With the backing of a great ancient god, even if the demon king Quan Shou once faced him, why would he be afraid of a fight?

With a sharp blade in his body, he wanted to kill himself.

A three-foot sword hangs from the waist, let you go north and south or east and west, and everyone will stop when they get angry!

The ancient god caresses my head, and the three swords kill the ape bravely. In the future, it would not be a problem for the five swords to kill the demon king.

Of course, the teachings from the ancient gods are still ringing in my heart——

"Although no one can escape fame and fortune, there is one more thing to consider besides fame and fortune, and that is emotion. Is there anyone who will never forgive you for Yuan Yong's death?"

"If so?" Chai Asi asked in his heart.

"What is your sword for?" The ancient god asked back.

Chai Ahsi thought about it seriously: "Probably not."

"That means you have less trouble, and I look forward to your next performance." The great ancient god cut off his voice.

Chai Ah Si dragged his blood-stained body, but walked faster and faster.

The monsters passing by looked at him in surprise, but no one came up to him and asked what was wrong. In this city, no one regards him as an important person, and of course no one wants to cause trouble because of him.

Chai Asi broke into the Old Ape Tavern covered in blood like this, and said eagerly before the monster rolled up his sleeves: "I want to see Master Wu! About the money!"

The ghost pig watching the scene laughed vigorously.

Yuan Yong, known as "Master Scar", and Yuan Laoxi, known as "Fifth Master", are both the incense masters of the Water Curtain Hall of the Huaguohui.

It's just that the former is in the prime of life, but the latter has entered a period of decline, so the influence is incomparable, and even the fat difference of the regular money was snatched by Yuan Yong.

Yuan Yong had to earn another fortune after he got the fat job. He couldn't hide this matter from too many monsters, and he also heard the wind.

What made him laugh was that Chai Asi, a cowardly and cowardly dog ​​monster who could be bullied by anyone, did not dare to resist Yuan Yong, so he dared to come to the Old Ape Tavern to ask for the money that had already been delivered?


The big and round pig Dali couldn't laugh anymore.

Before he could clearly see what happened, the rusty iron sword stuck into his mouth.

The taste of rust, astringent on the tongue. That bit of coldness could penetrate his throat at any time and shatter his neck!

The drinkers in the tavern were also quiet for a while.

Many little demons here know Chai Ah Si, and they all know that this is a waste snack. Why did he suddenly become a ruthless monster now? !

"I want to see Fifth Master." Chai Ahsi ignored any monsters, only looked at Zhu Dali with suddenly fierce eyes, and repeated again.

Zhu vigorously raised his hands high, not daring to move, and only responded with his nasal cavity: "Yeah!"

Chai Asi slowly retracted the iron sword, and signaled the pig to turn around vigorously with his eyes, then put the iron sword against his back, and followed him into the tavern.

When passing the counter, he said coldly: "Warm me a pot of wine."

The banshee standing gracefully behind the counter with jade arms and neck covered with snow is Yuan Laoxi's daughter Yuan Xiaoqing who occasionally comes to the tavern to help.

She put her hand under the counter, and had just picked up a boning knife, when Chai Asi said something like this, and gave her a cold glance.

It's so reborn!

Yuan Xiaoqing didn't react for a while, and nodded in a daze.

I asked our leader Wegener to help sort out some fan creations in the circle of book friends, and in the future, I will update them in the official account of the same name [Why Love Is So Much] at a weekly rate.

Thank you for your long-term support. Your fan creations have expanded the possibilities of this fairy world.

So I want to use this method as a little commemoration...and treasure it for a long time.

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