Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1777 Lord of Hell, King of Yama, God of Assassins!

Chai Ah Si has been gone for a long time.

In the quiet room, Yuan Laoxi sat alone for a long time again. He was also young once, and he has many plans for the future, but after all, the plans cannot keep up with the changes.

He has also aged step by step to this point, and has retreated step by step, hasn't he?



The voice of her daughter Yuan Xiaoqing resounded from outside.

Yuan Xi's bewildered and painful old eyes suddenly lit up, and with an agility that did not match his physical state, he rushed out of the room, and rushed out of the paper door in one fell swoop, blocking the ghost pattern behind him, his face was almost furious. Nearly twisted: "Who sent you here? How many times have I told you! Get off!"

Yuan Xiaoqing was stunned.

After being stunned for a moment, he ran up the steps crying.

Of course she knew that this place was forbidden by her old father's repeated orders, but just now she saw that Chai Ahsi had been away for so long, and her father didn't say anything, so she was very worried and went down to take a look.

She never thought that her old father, who was never willing to speak harshly to her, would be so angry.

After his daughter left, Yuan Laoxi suddenly turned around, knelt down in front of the paper door, touched his forehead to the ground, and said humbly: "Great Night God, please forgive the sin slave... The daughter of the sin slave did not mean to offend here. , please forgive me! The young dog demon just now is very powerful, and the sin slave has already thought of a way to help you develop him into a servant of God."

In the cramped Shinto space, there was a statue of Liuyu Bodhisattva sitting here, Jiang Wang, who said it was unexpected.

He watched the conversation in the quiet room just now in the red makeup mirror, and felt that Chai Ahsi was making rapid progress, and his acting skills were already remarkable. Unexpectedly, this Yuanxi is even more proficient.

Knowing the existence of demons and ghosts, of course he would not believe in Yuan Laoxi like Chai Asi. But he didn't expect that Yuan Xi, who vowed to talk about cooperation and said "you are not a thing in the pool", just wanted to develop a servant for the ghosts he served from the beginning to the end.

This incident made him more vigilant and reflect on himself.

Every living being in the world has its own independent thoughts and should never be underestimated. At the beginning, Zhuang Chengqian deceived gods and ghosts, and the evil bone god gave birth to a son in a hundred years. These two fought with each other, and they never regarded Jiang Wang as an opponent. What happened?

Today, Jiang Wang hides in the red makeup mirror and pretends to be an ancient demon god. Can he really think that he knows everything and is in control of everything?

If you deceive the little demon, you must not deceive yourself too!

Seeing that the ghosts did not speak for a long time, Yuan Laoxi was obviously a little panicked: "Are you hungry, Mr. ghosts? I'll let them prepare blood food right now. I'll go now!"

In the strange painting of the paper door, a voice suddenly sounded: "No need."

The timbre of this voice is exactly the same as before, but the feeling given to Yuan Laoxi is not at all like the violence, blood, and madness of the past, but deep, lofty, and mysterious.

Yuan Xi became even more nervous, and began to kowtow: "If you don't want to wait, you can eat the blood of the sin slave. The sin slave has been prepared for a long time and will dedicate to you at any time. Please forgive my daughter, she Lazy and gluttonous, you can't do it. Eat me, eat me, great night god!"

"You misunderstood, Old Xi."

Jiang Wang swallowed the ghost's supernatural power, and also obtained some of the ghost's fragmentary memories. He also had some understanding of the relationship between the ghost and Yuan Laoxi.

At this moment, he sighed and started to make up a story: "Actually, I am not a night god."

Of course Yuanxi knew that ghosts were not night gods, and that they could truly be called night gods. How could the methods of preaching be so rough and cruel? But he didn't even dare to face the situation where the ghost revealed his true body—it was already so cruel now. If you don't even pretend to be pretending, what's the deal?

"You are the night god, you will always be the night god in the hearts of the sin slaves. Sleep forever in the night, the sin lies with all living beings. I will always worship you and be pious forever!" He almost cried bitterly, seeing the truth.

Fortunately, Jiang Wang was in the dark, and he was able to handle the scene with his heart and mind: "I have indeed passed through a period of cruelty and lack of wisdom. The origin, the long-term slumber of knowledge. The instinct to restore the divine body, mixed with the urge to forage, gave birth to the ferocious ghost spirit, so there are all kinds of things you have experienced... Those are not the real seat.

Just now, your sincere love for your daughter echoed the kind thoughts scattered in the long river of time, penetrated time and space, awakened this seat, and this seat returned from here.

Lao Xi, you are the biggest contributor to this seat's return to the demon world and King's Landing Nine Heavens! "

Yuan Laoxi was certainly not as easy to fool as Chai Ahsi, he hesitated and said: "You just said so much, are you tired? Do you want to drink some blood?"

"You must remember!" God's voice was full of majesty: "I have recovered my wisdom, exterminated the nightmare, and will never eat blood again."

Yuan Laoxi fell to the ground again: "Sin slaves are terrified!"

"There is no need to call yourself a slave to sin in the future." God's voice turned into mercy again: "Believe in the god and spread the righteous way, what is the crime?"

While speaking, a faceless wooden statue of a god jumped out of the Shinto space and hung in the air.

The whole body of this god statue was pale, fixed in space, and there was a strange power dissipating along with it, which made Yuan Xi feel a chill unconsciously.

And the voice of the god said: "This is the sculpture of the original god, acting on behalf of the world, and you are not guilty of kowtowing!"

Jiang Wang had already thought about the idea of ​​preaching in the Yaozu territory. After encountering this ghost by accident, he seized the opportunity and immediately made up his mind.

Now he can be said to have penetrated into the enemy's territory, and looking around, there are strong monsters who can destroy him with a single hand. He couldn't make a single step wrong, the situation was too dangerous.

It is really unreliable to bet everything on Chai Ah Si. Greedy, gluttonous, ignorant, slippery, lustful, cowardly, this kid has everything, and training him is not a one-day effort.

It is undoubtedly a feasible way to establish a religion independently and spread it in the Yaozu territory.

The demon clan is already prevalent in Shinto, and there are many miscellaneous gods. He preached secretly and didn't attract much attention. If the preaching is successful, he can completely use Shinto as a possibility of fault tolerance and increase the chance of surviving in the Yaozu territory.

His plan is to use objects to create gods and pretend to be in harmony with the Tao, that is, to use god sculptures that do not connect with his own destiny as the existence of receiving beliefs. In the era of the great prosperity of the divine way, many monks who did not practice the divine way themselves, but fought with magical soldiers and generals, did just that.

Of course, this is not as fast as absorbing incense by oneself, and there is a lot of waste of belief.

But the advantage of doing this is that once this divine religion is targeted and traced by someone, it will not be able to find his head. The ultimate source is just a lifeless and unsigned divine sculpture. And if the divine religion is successful, if something happens to him, he can immediately switch to the divine way by relying on the power of his accumulated faith.

Of course, he is not proficient in Shinto.

But fortunately, he has Dugu Xiao's devout experience, and he has made many preparations for dealing with Zhang Linchuan. While trying and pondering, it is still possible to find a feasible solution.

He really didn't have any divine things around him, and it was too late to do it now, so he had to use Zhang Linchuan's divine sculpture to make do with it.

When the Wusheng Sect was wiped out, there was nothing else, and quite a few of these things were seized. He also kept one, which is often used to figure out Zhang Linchuan's path and choices.

Although it is a life-and-death enmity, now that people are dead, he must admit Zhang Linchuan's strength, and he will also learn from Zhang Linchuan what he can learn from. All the opponents he has defeated will become the stone steps for him to go higher.

Upon hearing the sound, Yuan Laoxi kowtowed and kowtowed.

No matter what kind of crazy this evil god suddenly went mad, it was better not to eat blood than to eat blood, and it was better not to do evil than to do evil.

During this period of time, he was looking for blood food everywhere, and was almost targeted by the sheriff several times.

He's getting sucked dry himself!

Besides... this divine sculpture that suddenly appeared does have an extraordinary sense of power. Let this god's words have a little more credibility.

The gods have also become unfathomable, obviously much stronger than before!

Maybe it's really awakened?

Relying on the power of fatherly love?

Yuan Laoxi doesn't have to believe much else, but he knows how much he cherishes his daughter. If this love can move the gods, it would not be surprising to think about it.

He yelled: "Kowtow to God!"

At this time, the voice of God said: "Yuan Laoxi, as the first believer after my recovery, are you willing to be the pope of my way, to promote my way, and to expand the territory of my divine kingdom?"

Yuan Xi didn't hesitate: "Sin slave... your god servant is willing to sacrifice everything for you!"

There is indeed nothing to hesitate, isn't it courting death to hesitate now?

Besides, the Pope always sounds better than a sinful slave...

He fell on the ground and said again: "Great God, you have abandoned the title of Night God, how should I call your god name now?"

The great god froze for a moment and was silent for a moment.

The Shinto plan was launched in a hurry, and I really didn't have time to think about it.

Of course, in Yuan Xi's feelings, it is unfathomable. The ancient stories are buried in time, and some dust will inevitably fly up when they are checked. This is called "vicissitudes".

The vicissitudes of God's voice said: "Do you know... the myths and legends of Yama in the Ten Palaces?"

Yuan Xi hesitated again and again: "This seems to be a legend of the human race?"

He may not have heard of other human legends, but the myth of the Ten Temples of Yama is really spread too widely. Now they sometimes cut fights on the road, and they will say, "The king of hell ordered you to die at the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch".

The voice of God said: "The monster race is the bell of the world, the master of the world. The human race is just the learners and imitators of our monster race."

After shouting a slogan, he started to get down to the topic: "Old Xi, this is an ancient secret, it comes from my mouth and enters your heart, and it cannot be spread outside.

Yama of the Ten Palaces is actually a myth of our demon clan. No, it's history.

You know my demon clan heaven, but you know my demon clan hell?

In the glorious era, the heavens ruled the sky, the hells ruled the earth, and together controlled the heavens and the myriad worlds. It's just that the former needs to be prominent, while the latter needs to be hidden. Reincarnation hides quietly, turning around the world, so it is not known to the world. "

"Samsara Jingzang" is a word in "Chao Cangwu", which describes a weapon. "Turning to Heaven and Earth" comes from the Taoist classic "Jingxu Xianger Ji", which actually describes the diagram of Yin and Yang.

But the ancient god surnamed Jiang blended them together, which is very natural, and it can be regarded as a mixture of hundreds of schools to a certain extent. There must be some common topics with Zhao Wuyan.

"During that painful period... the glorious era was shattered, the demon clan's heaven collapsed, and the demon clan's hell also collapsed in the unyielding struggle.

The bull's head and the horse's face, those are the top powerhouses of the bull and horse tribes, and they all fought to the death. The judge, Po Meng, also failed to survive. The bloody battle in hell for thousands of years, swearing to the death to resist, in the end there is not an inch of the underworld left... Because of the "reincarnation and hiding", this epic story can only be buried in history! "

Jiang Wang said more and more slippery, and he believed what he said: "Now all the ten temples of Yama have fallen, and each of them died more miserable than the other. Only I still have a little true spirit left. Wake up! And it is destined to lead the Yaozu to rise again, to be great again!"

Yuan Laoxi was in awe, regardless of whether it was true or not, this Yan Luo God at least told the story well, and the cake was painted big, which was much higher than the previous ferocious state of arguing to eat blood every day. It seems that he is really awakened!

Even if he wasn't King Yama, he was at least a bull and a horse, right?

Bull head or horse face.

"So you are...Which one of the Gods of Yama?" Yuan Xi asked in awe.

It's a good thing he didn't ask how the true spirit could rebuild, otherwise the great god would have to tell him the story of Senior Guan Yan who had changed his appearance.

Faced with this question, the voice of the great god became more lofty and vicissitudes, leading Yuan Laoxi through the long years, recalling the glorious era in the deep time: "When I was in my prime, I was in charge of the bottom of the sea, The [Screaming] Great Hell under the Wojiao Stone in the north, and the 16 smaller hells in the surrounding area, such as kneeling on iron sand, grinding and bleeding, holding fire and closing throat... peeling and pulling grass!"

"I control fire, I control wind, I control life and death!"

God's voice suddenly became louder, with a power that shocked the heart.

Yuan Xi had to admit that at this moment he was really touched. He felt a deep awe and was in a frenzy, wanting nothing more than to worship.

God's voice was like a thundering drum: "I am the king of Biancheng! Lord of hell, king of hell, god of assassins!"

Yuan Laoxi threw himself to the ground and cried bitterly: "Great God! Today I know your greatness, and the demon world thank you for your return! Your servant of God will never spare himself, and will never slack off for a single day. He will use the rest of his life to do everything he can. Yes, spread your glory, spread your greatness, let you return to the Kingdom of God as soon as possible, and come to the peak again, save my monster race!"

Satisfied, the God of Assassins faded away the influence on his emotions, and said majesticly: "Return to my seat, as my pope, how can I regret to be disabled? When I recover my divine power, I will order you to obey the gods Whole tail, enjoy longevity!"

Yuan Laoxi has been alive for so many years, and he has long been used to listening to Huabing, so although he is still in the aftermath of excitement, he is not very moved.

But at the next moment, a spark imprint suddenly appeared, imprinted on his forehead, and also imprinted into the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness!

This is……

"This is my divine seal! It is part of my power to hold the power of fire, and it is bestowed on you now. When you encounter a critical moment of danger, chant my name and pray to me, you can mobilize my divine power and burn the enemy !"

Feeling the real power in the fire imprint, Yuan Xi really believed it at this moment!

The divine seal of King Biancheng can achieve the effect similar to that of Yaozheng's supernatural powers after he grows up!

What kind of magical method is this? How powerful is this?

He knelt down piously and asked the last question: "What name should our sect use to walk the world and spread your great glory?"

The pale faceless statue floated quietly in the air.

The voice of the great god said: "Let's call it the Faceless Sect."

"You and I have no face, so they are painted by all living beings!"

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