Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1778 I don't worship God in my life, and I don't need to worship God!

"I'm not in a good mood recently."

The leader of No Gate to Hell is sitting on a rock, and the mountain wind blows his long hair and the corners of his clothes. On Qingjun's face, the expression was very calm.

The mountains are high and there are no roads, which cannot stop practitioners.

There is a tall and thin figure, walking on the wind, just reached the top of the mountain. He wore a Yan Luo mask on his face, and in the white gate on his forehead, the word "Song Emperor" was printed in blood.

"Why?" He stopped at a suitable distance and asked. There is a sense of power in the voice.

King Qin Guang, the only one in Yama who showed his true face, leisurely looked at the mountains and mountains in the distance, and said casually, "Because someone owed me a huge debt, but he didn't plan to pay it back."

"You can catch him back and torture him mercilessly." Emperor Song said, "Or you can entrust this matter to me, and I will only charge 10% of the handling fee."

Yin Guan turned his head and glanced at him: "Such a discount?"

"You are the boss!" Emperor Song said.

Yin Guan sighed softly: "I can't catch it, that guy ran too far."

"How far can it go?" Emperor Song said in a relaxed tone, "Isn't that what we do?"

"Probably in Yuanhai." Yin Guan said.

Emperor Song couldn't relax anymore, and laughed dryly: "That's quite far."

"It seems that you are serious." Yin Guan said.

Emperor Song was inexplicable: "What are you serious about?"

"Go to Yuanhai and help me collect my debts."

These words really seemed to be a joke, but Yin Guan said it very seriously.

Song Diwang didn't say a word, a hurricane surrounded him in an instant, pushed away the lock imposed on him, and took him into a hurricane, straight into the sky!

But failed.

The hurricane had just taken off, and it was already dyed with a touch of blue. Then it just stagnated in mid-air, like a huge, withered flower, with petals falling down one by one.

His strength dies.

Then he also fell to the ground without making a sound.

Yan Luo, who ranked third in Hell Without Door, was killed so easily!

Usually like a dead leaf.

A cold female voice sounded at this moment: "Don't you ask him why he betrayed the organization?"

Looking at King Chujiang who appeared on the top of the mountain, Yin Guan said calmly, "I don't expect anyone's loyalty, and he only needs to bear the price he has to pay. As for the doesn't matter."

King Chu Jiang said: "At least ask him how much Jing Guo paid him, so that I can make a choice."

Yin Guandao: "Next time."

King Chujiang may not have any extra emotions, but her voice is always like a frozen gorge, bitingly cold. "Your cousin's whereabouts have been leaked by him, how about it, do you want me to accompany you to save people?"

A piece of paper flew to her hand smoothly.

Yin Guan said indifferently: "The address leaked by Emperor Song is fake, Su Muqing is here. Please help me send her far away, it is best to send her to a place that no one knows, let her live her own life .”

Under the mask, King Chu Jiang's mouth slightly raised: "Are you not going to meet her?"

Yin Guan stood up, just casually said in a chatty tone, "I don't know why, I feel like someone is cursing me today."

King Chu Jiang was surprised and said: "You are the ancestor of the curse, who can curse you?"

Yin Guan shrugged his shoulders: "I do a lot of evil and kill people like hemp, and some people scold me in their hearts, hoping that I will die early, and die a miserable death... It is not unusual."

King Chu Jiang held the address-recorded paper with his index finger and middle finger, shook it lightly, and said, "You haven't answered my question yet."

Yin Guan didn't speak, just stepped on the void and walked away.



Yuan Laoxi's influence in the Huaguohui is stronger than Chai Asi imagined.

Just took him to the headquarters of Huaguohui for a tour, and met with the president, Yuan Yong's death was easily overwhelmed, calmer than his grandfather being run over by a carriage back then.

He also successfully filled Yuan Yong's vacancy and became one of the five incense masters of Water Curtain Hall.

Of course, the great ancient god knew that the treacherous and cunning ape Laoxi was the most hidden fragrance master in the Huaguohui, and his power was deeply intertwined. It was only because a ghost was enshrined by his side, forcing him to donate blood and food. In order not to attract the attention of the magistrate, Yuan Laoxi deliberately downplayed his influence and let a rising star like Yuan Yong take the top position.

Now that the ghosts are awakened, Yan Luo comes to the world, the newly promoted Pope of the Faceless Sect, Yuan Laoxi with lofty ideals, in order to expand the religious power as soon as possible, he will help Chai Asi, who is strong in swordsmanship, wholeheartedly.

While attracting allies and subduing capable generals, he also really holds Huajie in his hands, so that he can preach secretly.

Compared with Yuan Laoxi, who has experienced many storms and sophisticated methods, Chai Asi is indeed too immature.

But as the chosen demon with the ancient mirror in his body, the great ancient god will never leave him.

Chai Asi, who became the incense master, did not move, but still lived in the old house left by his grandfather. Following the guidance of the ancient gods and venerables, grasping the two words of fame and fortune, and giving all the newly acquired money from the position of incense master to the brothers under his hands, it is very tempting.

Compared with Yuan Yong, who is greedy and monopolistic, and has a violent temperament, he, the new incense master, can be called righteous and invincible.

When Chai Asi practiced a set of swordsmanship over and over again two hundred times, and returned to the room exhausted, the great voice of the ancient god sounded at the right time——

"You have become the Fragrance Master of the Water Curtain Hall of the Huaguohui, and you have gained a good reputation after a few shots. Now it's time to go to the leader of the Golden Balcony Martial Arts Association!"

"Ah?" Chai Asi was stunned: "I'm already the incense master of the Huaguohui, do I still want to fight for the leader of the Lao Shizi?"

The ancient god in the mirror was also unexpected.

What does it mean that a little demon succeeds, and a little rich is safe!

Before, I wanted to be the lord of the city and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sky demon, but now I am the incense lord of the Little Flower and Fruit Club, I am not satisfied, I have no fighting spirit...

"If you don't want the spider orchid?" the ancient god in the mirror asked.

Chai Ah Si wiped off his stinky sweat, and said with some embarrassment: "I think Yuan Xiaoqing is fine..."

Good dog!

The voice in the mirror was a little cold: "Yu Laoxi will not agree."

Chai Asi, who was immersed in fantasy, didn't notice it at all, grinning, protruding two canine teeth: "Your Majesty doesn't know something, Yuan Laoxi is very important to me, admires my monster, respects my strength , Giving money to the site and giving money to the subordinates is completely treating me like a aunt. As a rising star of the Huaguohui, a fragrance master who is on the same level as him, I am with Yuan Xiaoqing, why does he not agree?"

Back then, he also had a pure banshee he liked. After chasing for a long time, I didn't even get a hand. I saved a lot of money for a long time and bought a box of expensive gouache. In the end, I just looked at her pretty face with gouache, rubbing hands with other monsters...

He can only comfort himself, the focus is on participating...

What about now? He can already flirt with a beautiful banshee like Yuan Xiaoqing, dreaming about his old age, what is he dissatisfied with?

The great ancient god is not satisfied!

In the past, the grandfather of the ancient god was one mouthful, but now he dares to say that "the lord does not know something".

He also valued each mouthful of Yuan Xi, who had no idea who the Faceless Sect was worshiping. Believe it or not, with an oracle, he will kill you with a knife immediately! ?

But as a great ancient god, his emotions and anger are naturally not easy to show. The voice from the mirror is very kind: "Since you are so good, why can't you have Zhu Lanruo and Yuan Xiaoqing at the same time?"

One word awakens the demon in the dream.

Chai Ahsi slapped his thigh suddenly: "Yes!"

"Isn't it a good feeling to be a rising star of the Huaguohui and the leader of the Golden Balcony Martial Arts Association?"


"However, with your current strength, participating in the Golden Balcony Martial Arts Meeting is still not enough. I will pass on a set of "Invincible Golden Body" to help you win the martial arts leader and win the heart of the beautiful monster! "

Yes, the great ancient god still needs Chai Asi to participate in the Golden Balcony Martial Arts Meeting, to join the army, and to take an official career. The identity of the Huaguohui will not be a hindrance, but it can help him get on the line of Moyun Yuanjia, so that this kid can quickly rise to the position.

When the time comes, black and white will take both, and this Moyun City is still uncertain...

If the will of the demon world refuses to let people go for a long time, and wait three years and three years, the Tianxi Wasteland will change!

Chai Asi was already exhausted from practicing swords, but when he heard this and the name of this domineering technique, his whole body was filled with strength.

Turned over and bowed: "Please give me merit!"

The name of the "Invincible Golden Body" set of exercises is very domineering.

The training method... is also quite scary.

At its root, it was developed by Jiang Wang for Chai Asi's physical state. Focusing on the Four Spirits Body Refining Art, it combines part of the cognition of Qin Zhizhen's iron wall supernatural power and Shang Yanhu's steel robbery supernatural power.

With Jiang's current strength and vision, he is not qualified to create a divine presence body training technique for himself, and even if he creates it, it is far from being able to compare with Xuantian Liuligong. But for the creation of the mere little demon Chai Asi, it is definitely a masterpiece of this realm.

The first sentence of the opening chapter of the exercise: "The so-called body forging is like forging iron, and you can see real steel after thousands of tempers."

It can be said to be the beginning of justice.

Simply put, get beat up more.

Jiang has always kept his promises and kept his promises. He said that if he wanted the dog monster to feel the sufferings of the world, it would be impossible for him to easily complete his body training.

"Go get the hammer."

Chai Asi smiled happily: "Is the lord going to teach the little demon the hammer method? The little demon feels that he has not practiced swordsmanship yet!"

The voice in the mirror said: "Do you know what tempering is?"

Chai Ah Si's face turned pale.

On this day when the golden sun was shining, in the yard of his house, the reborn little demon Chai Asi learned a new word to explain, the meaning of tempering, it turned out to be tempered with a hammer...

Although he screamed and cried when he practiced...

"The so-called invincibility is cultivated inside, and a refined steel skin is cultivated outside."

"To practice this skill, first hit the whole body with a sledgehammer to make the skin wrinkled and refine the vajra bones."

"Wait until Dao Yuanyou's whole body becomes an indestructible body."

"Smash it with an iron hammer, hit it in a thousand ways, hit it in a thousand ways. Break through the obstinate self-seeking, and refine impurities from muscles, bones, and blood."

"Hammer the limbs first, and then the torso. The whole body is like iron, and it can be tempered into steel.

"Hammer all over the acupuncture points of the body, every one hundred and eight times is one round, and nine times is one round. It is like an iron wall, nothing can be broken, and everything is invincible!"



Relying on his secret swordsmanship and his invincible golden body, Huaguo Hui Chai Ah Si quickly gained fame.

Not only swept a large area in Huajie, but also fought out two streets, defeating the gang forces supported by Moyun Dog's family and Moyun Yu's family.

On the road, it is called "Gast Wind Kills Sword Chai Ah Si".

Refers to the fact that his sword is fast and fierce.

Of course, those who have really fought against him, had a life-and-death confrontation, need to know that he has a body of copper and iron.

What is the most important thing in the underground world? One is powerful, and the other is able to fight.

Now that he has both, those senior Daoist elder brothers have to respect him as "Master Chai" when they see him.

And he also formally signed up to participate in the Golden Balcony Unlimited Martial Arts Competition in the name of Chai Asi from the Flower and Fruit Club.

Speaking of this matter, many little demons laughed secretly, thinking that he was overreaching.

After all, gaining fame in Huajie is a completely different concept from gaining fame in the Golden Balcony Martial Arts Club.

Flower Street is just a street in Moyun City, but the Golden Balcony Martial Arts Club has gathered young masters from the three major areas of Tianxi Wasteland, Ziwu Hills, and Shenxiang Flower Sea! How many big cities and streets are there in just one Tianxi Wasteland? Looking at the other from this point, I simply don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

But of course Chai Ah Si didn't care.

To put it modestly, with the guidance of the ancient gods, what Yu Xin, what Yuan Mengji is, they are nothing more than mud and paper, how can he pay attention to Bleeding Wind and Killing Sword?

On this day, he returned to his yard with large and small bags of medicinal materials.

With the improvement of his status and wealth, the medicinal materials he can collect are getting better and better.

The so-called "body training without medicine is equivalent to no body training."

The rapid progress of the invincible golden body, in addition to his ruthless beatings on himself, and the careful guidance of the ancient gods, daily continuous medicinal baths are also indispensable.

Of course, he didn't know who these medicinal materials were used for.

That is to say, Lord Ancient God has a conscience, and instead of purely putting hot water for him, he added some medicinal residues into it.

According to the old rules, all the medicinal materials are piled up together, and when the flame rolls around, the piled up medicinal materials will disappear.

In the bathtub that had been prepared long ago, the water has heated up, the water is light golden, and exudes a pleasant fragrance!

Chai Ahsi didn't know that what he saw and heard were all illusory feelings, so he took off naked and soaked in the bathtub happily.

After soaking in enjoyment for a while, I suddenly remembered something, and said seriously: "My lord, should I break up with Yuan Laoxi?"

"Why?" asked the voice in the mirror.

Chai Asi looked serious: "I don't know if you have noticed today that Yuan Laoxi seems to have secretly created an unscrupulous sect. He doesn't know what bastard he believes in, and he wants to recruit me into it. What I believe in is the great God Chi Yunshan! How can you worship his religion and believe in his god?"

Great Ancient God: ...

Speaking of which, for the sake of testing and better control of the dog monster, the great ancient god would always "sleep" for a while from time to time, and would not always respond to the mirror holder.

If Chai Ahsi tried to find out the law of deep sleep and took the opportunity to do something, he would then find that his every move was under the watchful eyes of the great ancient god.

That's why Chai Asi said that he didn't know if the ancient god had noticed, because he wasn't sure if the ancient god was sleeping at that time.

Regarding Chai Ah Si's question, the voice of the great ancient god was also a little serious: "Shut up! You are walking on the road of a strong man with great power and self-control, so don't talk about faith anymore! I didn't worship God in my life, and I don't need to respect God. You should trust your sword, trust your fighting instinct, trust your heart and your path!"

What kind of lofty thought and deep philosophical thinking is this?

Chai Ahsi bowed his head respectfully: "Little demon is taught!"

He can always feel the greatness of the ancient gods again and again!

The ancient god surnamed Jiang in the mirror world, while applying ointment to his scarred self, came out of the mirror with a loud voice: "You don't have to worry about this matter. Huaguo will be your springboard now, and Yuanxi is yours too. Help, don't take it lightly."

Chai Asi said cautiously: "But Yuan Laoxi seems to want to pull me into the religion, the little demon is afraid that the god he believes in will find something..."

The great ancient god's response was magnificent and powerful, loud and clear: "What kind of hairy god dares to call himself a god in front of this deity? You should just say that, just join the religion, just worship, and everything will be covered by the deity!"

"With the words of the Master, the little demon can rest assured!"

Chai Asi let out a long sigh of relief, thinking that his fate with Yuan Xiaoqing had not yet broken, he couldn't help but smile even brighter.

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