Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1779

While helping Yuan Laoxi use Chai Asi, and at the same time helping Chai Asi to guard against Yuan Laoxi, this great god surnamed Jiang is really busy.

After all, starting from a relatively low level in Moyun City, no matter how you manage it, it seems too slow.

Even if the old ape, Xi Chai, and Ah Si had both ends, the treatment of the injury was still a drop in the bucket.

After all, even with the power of Qinghuaguohui, it is quite difficult to collect medicines that have an effect on the demon king's injuries.

Not to mention the two incense masters below.

Jiang Wang now mainly uses these expensive medicinal materials to promote the self-healing ability of the golden body chalcedony.

Of course, the shining of the light of heaven is also indispensable every day.

But this recovery speed is still too slow for a person who is struggling to survive alone in the Yaozu territory...

No matter what kind of predicament you are in, your own strength is always the basis for dealing with everything.

If the injury hasn't recovered for a day, he won't be able to rest assured for a day.

Chai Ah Si is now a rookie on the road who has made a name for himself in Huajie, and he is a young handsome man who has signed up for the Golden Balcony Martial Arts Competition. Yuan Laoxi is the master behind the scenes of Huajie, and the Pope of the Faceless Sect, which is rapidly developing in the dark world.

But the strength and influence of these two are far from enough to touch the level of the demon king.

So at night, on the streets of Moyun City, a fat figure appeared——

This demon is wearing black night clothes, covered with a black face scarf, and has two long and narrow swords in his back.

Speeding across the rooftops with a lightness that never fits her body shape.

The blood moon is in the sky, it is a good time to kill.


When the black boots stepped off the blue tiles, there was such a low shout in a certain room.

Dozens of dense streams of blood energy ignited almost at the same time.

The masked fat demon stomped slightly, and the rubble shattered. The huge body fell directly into the room!

Sandalwood is faintly in the room, it looks like a hidden Buddhist hall, but the candles are dim and light, it is quite gloomy.

All the "good believers" who gathered here showed their fierce looks, and their faces were covered with evil.

The masked fat demon had already drawn out his sabers at the same time as he fell, and his two sabers stretched away from his back like geese, amidst the fallen tiles and beams of wood... the sabers sang non-stop.

Swipe, swipe, swipe, the light of the knife is like shocking electricity, sweeping the dark room bright.

There were no more screams, because there was no time to hear them.

After the Yudian fell silent, there was only the sound of bang bang bang, the body falling to the ground. The believers in this hidden Buddhist hall have been killed.

At this moment, the broken tiles on the roof have not yet fallen.

Amidst the dust, the masked fat demon knelt on one knee, with his arms crossed in front of him, and a pair of blades raised behind his spine, like cast iron wings.

His icy eyes looked ruthlessly forward in the space where his arms were crossed——

There is a statue of Buddha sitting on a lotus platform.

This statue is radiant with divine light, and it is quite precious. Obviously, there is a lot of incense on weekdays.

He also has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, with compassionate eyes, and wears cassocks, as if he is a good and faithful Buddha.

The earlobes on both sides are as big as falling beads, which is the sign of a demon glowing with golden light.

Only the lotus platform on which he sits is black.

The kind of black that absorbs all light.

In front of this black lotus Buddha statue, there stands a banshee with a holy face, her body is lightly covered with tulle, and the subtle spring is faint.

She was the only one who didn't make a move just now, and the only one who survived, her voice was extremely enchanting: "Sir! Why did you come here uninvited?"

But it hasn't waited for anyone to digest her coquettishness.

At the next moment, the statue of the black lotus Buddha behind her suddenly sprouted fangs and changed into a terrifying appearance. The black lotus under the seat turned slightly, and the Buddha's light behind the statue's head swelled up in an instant, turning into a huge shadow with a hideous shape, weaving the entire Buddhist hall!

that shadow—

The evil eyes are dense, the bone spurs are like a forest, and black blood is dripping.

The extremely evil announcement resounded here, shocking the body and soul: "Since I have seen the World Honored One, how can I not submit?!"

The statue sees the spirit, and the evil god comes to the world!

It was indeed a rather terrifying scene. But the masked fat demon holding two knives only had a flash of light, and a divine seal with a frosty wind appeared in his pupils.

As soon as this seal appeared, the cold and cruel voice stopped abruptly, as if it was strangled by some great existence.

"I am... uh!"

In less than a breath, the light and shadow have changed drastically.

But I saw flowers falling from the sky and golden lotuses gushing from the ground, but I heard the sound of bells and chimes, and the Gita was everywhere.

The brilliant light swept past like a torrent, vaguely as if a huge Buddha's palm covered it, grabbing something.

Therefore, the shadow Buddha's light, the bone spur of the evil eye, the precious light of the Buddha's light, the statue of the black lotus... all disappeared.

There is only one broken altar.

Only the banshee in front of the altar had been robbed of all her vitality.

The beautiful banshee with a holy face was already deeply wrinkled and extremely old at this time. She was paralyzed among the fragments of the altar, her body was emitting a stench, and said dying: " are..."

The huge masked monster just sheathed his sword, got up and walked out.

His back with criss-crossed knives didn't stop for a moment.

And the blood of the dead in the room meanders like a river, and finally gathers in the middle of the house, leaving four calm words, bloody——

"Taiping ghosts."

Slay gods and ghosts, and the world is peaceful.

Taiping Guicha, who specializes in destroying evil cults and gods!

This title is the most notorious god-slayer in the underground world of Moyun City in the recent period.

Shinto prevails in the demon world, and various evil gods and evil gods emerge in endlessly.

There are not no strong men who have always supported justice and took killing evil gods as their mission. But in the history of Moyun City, there has never been a name as famous as today's "Taiping ghost messenger".

As soon as he debuted, he killed the most vicious evil god under the Fushougou, and uprooted the evil sect hidden in the gutter.

Fushougou is the most complicated section in the sewer system of Moyun City. Cockroaches will get lost if they walk in it, and it is difficult for mice to survive in it, and countless crimes have been born because of this. One can imagine the viciousness of the evil god who can become famous in this place. But it was also wiped out by the Taiping Guicha in one battle, which became a stepping stone to its reputation.

According to legend, Taiping Guicha is three feet tall and two feet in circumference.

Of course, not many have actually seen him.

None of the evil gods he targeted had survived so far. Apart from the corpses of the cultists at the scene, there were only the words "Taiping ghost messenger".

The monsters must admit that since the appearance of Taiping Guicha, the dark world of Moyun City has become much more peaceful.

And Taipingdao, the mysterious organization behind the Taiping ghosts, has officially entered the sight of some monsters...

Walking out of the destroyed cult main altar, the masked fat monster jumped up and left the block after a few vertical leaps. The crimson moon above his head was hanging on his huge figure, and he was sprinting in the ink-like night, fulfilling his duties tonight, and disappeared in a dark corner with a sudden turn.

Three quarters of an hour later, the fat figure emerged from a residential building two blocks away. Wrapped in a hooded overcoat, he turned around and got into an all-night casino. He disappeared in the noisy crowd of gamblers.

When he came out of the back door full of all kinds of garbage, he had already changed into another outfit.

As a god-slayer who has gained fame, he must be cautious and cautious.

Why are evil gods and evil gods so hard to eradicate?

Not because of how powerful they are.

It's because many so-called evil gods and evil gods are just "blood gloves" of some powerful characters. It's all about helping those who are really in power and plundering bloody benefits.

On the bright side, the city of course welcomes the Taiping ghost who helps justice, but it is not certain how many pairs of eyes are waiting for him to die in the dark.

Walking out of a dark alley and appearing in another block, the famous Taiping ghost messenger has already returned to his original appearance with a fat head and big ears.

The double knives on the back were gone, and in this frosty weather, he was only wearing a short jacket, revealing his fat belly.

With a big shoulder and a round waist, he casually pushed open the door of the Old Ape Tavern, and the spectators and wine waiters he met along the way all greeted: "Brother Dali!"

He is obviously the right hand of Yuan Xi, Zhu Dali of Lao Yuan Tavern!

After waving his hands casually, Zhu Dali sat down in front of the wine cabinet and said in a casual tone, "Are you okay tonight?"

"Ape Scar is dead, so what else can we do in this area?" the enchanting Yuan Xiaoqing said casually, "And Brother A Chai also takes good care of us."

Zhu Dali frowned when he heard the words, he saw Yuan Xiaoqing as his younger sister, and seeing this girl getting closer to Chai Asi, he had the feeling that he was not a demon: "That Chai Asi is not a good thing, Get away from him."

If it was in the past, even if he really felt that Chai Ahsi was not a good match, he would not dare to say so.

But it's different now.

Saru Laoxi has found a way to curb the decline of strength, and his sword skills have improved to a higher level. Now the power has expanded rapidly, and he is now the strongest incense master of the Water Curtain Hall, ready to take over at any time and become one of the three hall masters of the Huaguohui.

He Dali, as Yuan Laoxi's right-hand man, is not just an ordinary incense master.

This is the confidence with which he can speak on the bright side. In a sense, the change in his attitude is also a cover-up to better fit his identity.

Of course, his deeper reliance comes from his secret identity - by chance, he has been valued by the Lord of Taiping, and he has joined the mysterious organization "Taipingdao" headquartered in [Mingkong Hanshan]. To pass on the record of the Taiping Baodao and to confer the seal of the Taiping God is already the ghost messenger of Taiping who has made all the evil gods in Moyun City frightened.

He didn't know what kind of mountain Mingkong Hanshan was or where it was. He didn't know what kind of organization Taipingdao was. In short, it is mysterious, mysterious enough.

"Okay, okay, I got it." Yuan Xiaoqing answered the sentence indifferently, obviously not listening.

Zhu Dali knew that persuasion was useless, and there was nothing to say about love between men and women, so he took a jar of wine, sat down in another corner, and started watching the show tonight.

In the past, he always liked to be the focus of the group of monsters, enjoying the feeling of being stared at and complimented by other monsters.

Now I just feel that everything is too flashy, rough and shallow. He just wanted to drink in a low-key manner, and calmly watch the commotion of those ordinary monsters.

After all, I... am no longer a monster in the same world as them.

Sitting here so normally at this moment, who knows how handsome I am Tushen tonight?

He drank the slightly bitter wine slowly, enjoying the slight melancholy, feeling that the ordinary time is gone forever...

In this ordinary and extraordinary night, Yuan Laoxi was painstakingly preaching, Chai Asi was practicing the defensive golden body, and Zhu Dali was lamenting the demon life.

At the same time, Jiang Wang, who is also the ancient mountain god of Chiyun Mountain, the god of hell Yama of the ancient demon race, and the master of Taiping Taoism, is also stuck in his own thinking.

Zhu Dali learned the Taiping Baodaolu, of course, benefited from Brother Douxian's precepts and deeds. Although it is not as easy as teaching Chai Ah Si swordsmanship, after serious thinking, it is not difficult to develop a set of targeted high-quality sword moves.

The Frost Wind God Seal that appeared in Zhu Dali's pupils was the God Seal that Jiang Wang had imprinted with Bu Zhou Feng Divine Ability.

As for the name Taipingdao, it really existed in history. It is one of the branches of Taoism, and later disappeared in the long river of time. There are still some fragments of this Taoist classics.

Jiang, who has read the classics a lot, adjusted it a little and changed it to the Yaozu version. He also made a "Taiping Dao Zang" that fits the Yaozu worldview. He is going to give him some philosophical thinking after his cultivation has improved. , so as not to be fooled...

Of course, this is already a long time ago.

Yuan Laoxi, the Pope of Shinto, Chai Asi, the proud son of heaven, and Dali, the ghost of Taiping, are the troika of the ancient god surnamed Jiang who ran wildly in the territory of the monster clan.

And for every horse-drawn carriage that ran wildly, he reserved the possibility for himself to abandon the carriage and escape.

What are the three caves of the cunning rabbit!

He, Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi, had also read military books and attended classes at Jixia Academy, so it is impossible to say that he really doesn't understand strategy, he is just too lazy to use his brain on weekdays and is willing to give Chong Xuanpang a little more chance.

What really got Marquis Wu An into thinking at this moment was actually the evil god just now... or the evil Buddha?

The Shi family is one of the prominent schools in the present world, but he never thought about it before, and it also has such influence in the demon world.

In fact, during this experience of struggling to survive in the Yaozu territory, he has already noticed that many cultures of the human race are reflected in the Yaozu's side. There are even many common living habits that make him unable to tell whether the human race has influenced the demon race, or the demon race has influenced the human race.

Just like the human race in ancient times, many Taoism skills imitate the natural magic skills of the monster race. The bloody battle that has lasted for several great ages has already given the two races a deep understanding of each other, and they have also left deep marks on each other.

There are hundreds of species and thousands of genera of the monster clan, and the monster signs are different. But in essence, they still belong to the same powerful ethnic group, named after the "demon".

The differences between different ethnic groups are actually not that great. For Jiang Wang to describe it, it is more like the differences between the major tribes on the grassland. It is also similar to the "barbaric" that Jing people call Chu people, and the "wild" that Mu people call people.

Just like the ancient god Jiang with the surname Chai Asi, Yuan Laoxi, and Zhu Dali who has been in contact with the most now, he is a god, a Taoist, and a grandfather, and he has a considerable degree of understanding of the body structure and even the soul power of these three monster races. understanding.

They are all of the same family, and the difference between them, that is, the difference in demon signs, only affects the different magical powers they will develop in the future. It's not the kind of racial gap between pigs, dogs and monkeys at all.

Monsters are not beasts.

This concept has been said thousands of times, but it is not as good as observing it once by yourself and understanding it deeply.

Jiang Wang couldn't help thinking——

Even in the human race, different extraordinary monks often mastered different gods. How is this similar to a demon clan with different demon signs?

So speaking of it, besides the demon sign, what is the difference between human and demon clan?

Is it just because all the monster races are born with Dao veins?

Of course, the problem may be too large. At this moment, he is digesting the new divine power and repairing the injury of his soul, but he is more concerned about another issue——

According to some ancient historical records, the founder of Buddhism, the great existence named "World Honored One", was born at the end of ancient times. He has experienced the destruction of the world by the demon tide, achieved greatness in the middle ages, and participated in the battle of the third generation of emperor Lie Shan clan to chase the dragon emperor in the sea.

And in the middle of the ancient times, the second generation of human emperors, the Xiong family, had teamed up with three Taoist priests to build the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, completely cutting off the monster race's hope of returning to the present world.

It is also said in the "Bodhisattva Sutra" taught by Gong Yan Zenyi of Jixia School, "When the World Honored One sees the lion king, he can understand the lion's roar."

What a majestic torrent of history follows this simple sentence!

It shows that the World Honored One has come to the world of heaven and hell...

That great existence even met the Lion King in the heavenly hell world, and realized the true Buddhist teachings such as the lion's roar. It even passed down the orthodoxy, and the orthodoxy has been passed down quite widely, causing fallen evil Buddhas to appear here in Moyun City.

So... how did he do it?

How did the World Honored One travel back and forth between the two worlds safely when the human race had not built the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons and had yet to gain a firm foothold in the heavenly hell world?

Although the World Honored One is powerful, the Yaozu will definitely not lack strong men to match him. How could He be allowed to come and go freely?

If we can capture the World Honored One's experience in the Yaozu and understand the inevitable and magnificent history, maybe we will be able to go against the will of the Yaozu, and really find the way home that has been successful!

Friendship recommends a book "Wu Yao Ling Xian", which was written by one of our leaders. It was just put on the shelves yesterday. You can read it when you have time. Contribute a first order or something (although she was stupid and didn't tell me in advance yesterday, so she was late and couldn't keep up with the first order)

She said that the day she subscribed ten thousand times was the day she tipped me Yimeng.

I will give her a way up and down, and wish her an early order!

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